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Pokemon Beyblade toy thing

No.15928581 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So /vp/, when I was a kid I got a pokemon top arena thing that would spin these pokemon beyblade mix things and then they would launch into the arena. (It came out around 1999-2002)

When in the arena you could twist these pokeball shaped handles. They acted like bumpers to knock the tops into each other.

I was initially very disappointed because it seemed boring. I then realized I could take my small PVC pokemon figures and launch them at each other using the bumpers and sometimes they'd fall off or sometimes they wouldn't. This became a whole game in itself in which I could have pokemon battles with my figures.

I have been looking for another one of these for about 3 years now and I never thought to ask anyone if they knew what it was before. I can't seem to find a picture or a name for it anywhere. Does anyone know what it is called? I know I won't be able to find one again but at least knowing what it was could help me look.

Pic kind of related.