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Breeding Leftovers Thread

No.15937641 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am specifically look for a perfect 5 Beldum with adamant/jolly natures (HP, Atk, DEF, SDEF, SPD)

I am also looking for any perfect 5s, 5s or 4s.

I have:
4 Perfect Adamant Larvitars (Females)
2 Perfect Jolly Marvel Scale Dratinis (Females)
4 Perfect Adamant Technician Scythers (Females)

5 IV, Beldum, Scyther, Dratini, Larvestra, Ralts, Eevee, Shellder, Khangiskhan, Larvitar
4 IV, as above

Also a Shiny Buziel for a 4 good IV ditto (not atk/satk mix)
Also a Shiny Gardevoir for.. i dunno, if someone offers something nice.