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>have found a ton of shinies already this gen >Friend is totally jelly >Decide to jokingly tell him I found a shiny Abra while looking for a magic guard female he asked me to breed for him then be like lol not really >A few minutes later actually find a shiny abra He was so mad.
>also got a shiny druddigon from leveling up Pokemon in Victory Road
chase 5300-9059-3279 (Growlithe, Pyroar and Ninetales)
chase 5300-9059-3279 (Growlithe, Pyroar and Ninetales) Fri 15 Nov 2013 03:23:35 No. 15940287 Report Quoted By:
>>15940273 I only had my level 12ish Pawniard and my Level 100 Azumarill, didn't want to risk anything.
My first shiny in X/Y was an Adamant Growlithe with perfect HP and Attack IVs. You jelly, OP?
chase 5300-9059-3279 (Growlithe, Pyroar and Ninetales)
chase 5300-9059-3279 (Growlithe, Pyroar and Ninetales) Fri 15 Nov 2013 03:25:22 No. 15940334 Report Quoted By:
dude ive been playing since crystal (missed black and white 2) and have NEVER encountered a shiny. except for that gyarados. ive been trying all sorts of things since freaking emerald
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I caught my first shiny this week too. The only one I've ever seen was some NPC's shiny espeon in some battle tower in a previous game. It was a Shiny Mightyena (f) with perfect ivs in spattack and defense with neutral nature.
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>Ruby Version >Decide to train some pokemon at the ghost island for shits and giggles postgame >Shinny Meditite out of nowhere >Haven't seen a shiny since Red Gyrados in Gold >Think something is wrong with the game, decide to catch it >The pokemon I had almost kills it in one hit >It uses high jump kick >FUCKFUCKFUCKNONONONO >Lands it's hit >Catch it before it does anything stupid First shiny I actually owned since my sister convinced me that you couldn't catch the Gyrados, and it actually has a Hasty nature with health IVs which works out great in my opinion since it also has pure power. Can't wait to transfer it to my copy of X and Megaevolve the shit out of it.
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>>15940303 No. I'm not jelly at all.
>10/19/2013 >going to the battle chateau from cyllage >SLOWLY advancing through the game, didn't even had fly.. >...I guess I'll go through the cave >wild axew appears >haven't even catched an axew yet by that time >it's on! >fucker JUST STAY IN A BALL FOR FUCK'S SAKE! >nothing in team that couldn't kill it, not even false swipe >NOTHING >except... >HAIL >many turns of hail later, yellow hp >it's time for a timer ball... >NO! I'LL CATCH THIS FUCKER WITH A LUXURY BALL! >some more turns of hail until red hp, throws ball >YES! CATCHED! >put its stats in IV calculator >hp 16-23, SpAtk FUCKING 0! & SpDef 1, everything else under 15 >AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDINGME.jpg >this shit is off for Wonder Trade >"No.. not yet, I won't bother catching another, he'll have a last chance" >bred him with ditto (from gts), named it SO LONG and off to wonder trade, while saying to myself "yeah, it beaks the mold... AT SUCKING HARD!" >10/26/2013 >I remembered I had that egg, put it in team with slugma and off to walk >it hatches >...sweet Masuda... >SHINY AT FIRST AND ONLY EGG and to this day she has False Swipe, just in case... and for the father.. I hope you went out of the Wonder Trade cycle and found a trainer, bro ;_; Ditto still remembers you
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>>15942886 I have one from the nature preserve in White 2.
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>>15940199 My first shiny was a ditto from friend safari
Its fucking useless because it had limber
However my second shiny was Chansey with perfect HP and Sp. Def
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>>15942886 >catched Stop it anon.
H1Z1 3711 8239 0898 !KzC4W6owgw
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>>15940199 First XY shiny was Drifloon. Was looking for suction cup inkay. Never did use that inkay for fishing...
That floon tried to take me away so I had to stuff her in a Luxury Ball
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I spent an hour or so unsuccessfully fishing for a Staryu or Clauncher last night, gave up and did some Wonder Trading and put up a Cleffa on the GTS asking for a Seedot since I haven't seen what Shiftry looks like yet. I bred a handful of Seedots so I could nickname a decent one and give the rest away, and the 5th one that I hatched is a shiny. The nature's not bad, either. Thanks, Japanese Ditto!
(X) Ex 0619-4261-4388
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Long but its my story ...>Decided I wanted a Shiny Female Pyrour. >Try to chain it but shit's hard as fuck in it's route. >Decide I wanna MM it so I go to the Daycare center, take my last Pumpkaboo egg and swap the parents. >Decided to try chaining Pandas but as I start I remember you can't have a egg when chaining cause the hatching will break it. >Say "Fuck, well I guess I should just run around the Fire FS til it hatches ..." >40mins of FS and SHINY PYROAR! (egg still hasn't hatched by then) >...But it's male? >Snatched it up and took it to /vp/ to trade for a female. >After trading I think about it and really want the full pride! >But fuck! Males are way rare in this breed! And people with males act like they're Tyrunts or some shit with trades ... >Say "Fuck it, going to take my chances and MM". >2-3 boxes of BARE BONES (no items) MMing gets me a Shiny Litleo! ....But it's female of course. Better IVs than the Pyroar I traded and got though! >Serebii fags still prancing around with their Jap males as if they're worth a ton. I really think the Japanese don't carry about them too much ... lots of people seem to get them from Japan. >Try to hunt one down ... get a shiny Ponyta! >Try one last time annnnnd BAM, a 2nd Male Pyroar after 1 1/2 hours of mindlessly running from fights! >Has better IVs and Nature than the first one to! And that's my Pyroar story. Queen, King and Baby! Did all of that so that I could take pics like this and shit!
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>>15940295 >not switching in Azumarill and tanking hits all day long while you pelt it with any other ball Anonymous
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>Been playing sense Blue. >Currently masudaing Mawiles. >Never got a shiny other than that fucking gyarados. On the plus side im fucking swamped with perfect mawiles and can just trade them for any pokemon on want on the gts.
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>Buddy wants me to EV train his Larvesta >Keep running into Nosepass hoards looking for Yanmas >Find shiny >Slowly let the faint Larvesta to not fuck up EVs. >KO non shiny shit >Premier ball go >Shiny Get Did I mention I hate Nosepass
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 15 Nov 2013 11:51:47 No. 15949574 Report At the begining this week the following happened: I decided to take a little break from IV breeding Deinos so I went to a water type friend safari to try my luck for a shiny Frogadier (because shiny Greninja is smexy). I keep trying, nothing. Then BAM, shiny female Panpour. Not the shiny I was looking for but ok, still a shiny. I keep looking, hours later BAM another shiny Panpour, male this time. FML. Oh well, just a little more before I go to sleep (it was late at night)... only to bump into yet another male shiny Panpour. FFFUUU-- I save and close the game, go to sleep. I wake up, start working (I work from home) and while I wait for some e-mails, I open up the game to try my luck a bit again. 3 encounters later shiny Frogadier AWW YESSS!! I pick a high lvl poke from my box and rush it and the Frogadier to the Victory road to get him the 6 lvls it needs to evolve... BAM shiny Conkeldurr... :T Oookay... a few encounters later BAM shiny Druddigon. That's right, 6 shinies within half a day. And I thought that getting a shiny Growlithe and Ninetales on the same day was lucky.
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>>15940199 I remember when I was playing Heart Gold and was training in Victory road cause I was pretty under leveled and after a shit load of onix, golbats and Donphans I ran into a shiny Donphan. I caught that mother fucker right away and went to see had a fucking modest nature. Who cares it's shiny :)
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>play pokemon for years >finished every gen multiple times >no shinies as of yet except red gyarados >constantly hear people whine about how their fifth shiny has shitty IVs fuck yall niggas
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The only shiny I ever encountered was a Trapinch. Eventually, a level 100 Flygon ("Lucky") destroyed the entire elite four by himself, and got passed forwards in time, to live in the computer. Until I went to university. And my little sister reset my game, because she wanted to play it.
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 15 Nov 2013 12:11:18 No. 15949768 Report Quoted By:
First shiny in xy - Horde of nosepass. Wow! I love Nosepass! Go to Pokemon center: Fucking modest nature... on a Nosepass... Likes to run... Fuck You atletic nosepass. Second shiny in XY: Searching abras in a psychic Safari. A shiny Duosion appears! I almost killed it becouse it look almost the same colour like the regular one becouse the grass of the safari. Calm Nature. 31 IV in sp. Atk and sp. def. Shitty hp and 238 atk, but not bad. She is a Reuniclus now.
>>15949574 >FUUU >:T Go back to reddit
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>>15949786 The nosepass is jolly, not modest
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 15 Nov 2013 12:14:04 No. 15949801 Report >>15949792 I don't reddit, what now, Anon?
>>15949801 Mine if u add me bro?
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 15 Nov 2013 12:32:28 No. 15949969 Report >>15949954 Sis* and sure, want to see them in a battle/trade or something?
Lizerd 3DS: Dallan 5343-8030-3718
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>Training Wartortle in Reflecting Cave >Suddenly see a green Mime Jr. >Simply knock out the other 4 and catch it >Named it Ms. Mint
>>15949969 No thanks I just wanted that sweet dusclops it's one of my favorite ghost types but if your looking for something I may have it. :)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 15 Nov 2013 12:41:23 No. 15950064 Report Quoted By:
>>15950033 Haha okay, enjoy hunting for them!
Back to the shinies; Conkeldurr, the female Panpour and the docile male Panpour are for trade.
xerath 5472-7497-5669 (poison i think)
>>15949969 added for dusclops!
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>checking out my friend's grass friend safari because he has a quilladin in it and i was hoping for one with Bulletproof >look away from the screen to watch some TV as i receive a random encounter >hear the shiny jingle >nearly shit self >look at screen >sunkern
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 15 Nov 2013 15:52:46 No. 15952368 Report Quoted By:
>>15952197 Ok adding you back!