Shiny general has seemingly died, and it's Friday! Let's get the shiny hunt weekend thread up and running! Discuss what you're hunting, discuss what you've recently obtained, how far in you are, small chat because no one likes hatching thousands of eggs with no one to talk to. But, anyways. let's get the ball rolling. Only recent shinies are timid swablu and naughty shinx.
only here has a non US fletchling for trade? 5 IVs please?
>>15952840 I do not friend, but I imagine many people do. try one of the trading threads, fletchling is a common pokemon so it shouldn't be hard to find.
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After my last successful stint MM'ing a Scyther to turn into my Mega Scizor Dio Brando, I now plan to MM a Gardevoir. Also, I need a Shiny Adamant Haxorus for a Choice Band set, but that'll be a little into the future when I finally get around making an Adamant Synchro Pokemon to use for hunting in the Friend Safari. In other news, my Shiny Clawitzer is AWESOME online, and I haven't even tacked on Assault Vest yet!
Got my shiny Froakie today. Female and protean.
might as well kick it off with a question: I recently got a shiny Stableye from the GTS, Calm nature and perfect IV's in Sp.Atk and Def, so basically its a shitty physical attacker. what would be a good set for a Sp.Atk Stable eye? for now i've given it: -Will-o-wisp -Shadow Ball -Calm Mind -either Torment or Substitute c-can i make this work? ;_;
>>15952869 Nevemind.
Got a 4 IVs jap fletchling off GTS right this moment lol
Yosuke YFC: 4914 3485 7607 [Skarmory Mawile Excadrill]
Yosuke YFC: 4914 3485 7607 [Skarmory Mawile Excadrill] Fri 15 Nov 2013 16:28:11 No. 15952962 Report been mming a slowpoke and up to 11 boxes with no results. How many boxes do you bros go through mming before getting a shiny?
>>15952962 It's really odd, probability is all sorts of gayness. I see most people get theirs within like 30boxes, and if it's not within 30 boxes it's at like the 400th box.
Later today I will start MMing for the first time.. I hope I dont regret this
Yosuke YFC: 4914 3485 7607 [Skarmory Mawile Excadrill]
Yosuke YFC: 4914 3485 7607 [Skarmory Mawile Excadrill] Fri 15 Nov 2013 16:30:56 No. 15953024 Report >>15952991 yeah I heard between 16 and 30 so I suppose I'm not even close.. my friend bred his shiny charmander on the third box lucky trainer
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>>15952962 Its just by chance. So whenever the game mechanics feel like giving you a break
Yosuke YFC: 4914 3485 7607 [Skarmory Mawile Excadrill]
Yosuke YFC: 4914 3485 7607 [Skarmory Mawile Excadrill] Fri 15 Nov 2013 16:32:17 No. 15953062 Report >>15953014 what poke are you starting with?
>>15953014 Sweet, what poke? And during your first MM you'll lose hope and want to quit, but when you get that first shiny it becomes addicting. After I got shinx I said i would never go through that hellhole, and here i am a few days later, deeper in the hellhole than i have ever been ;.;
How many steps for your species to hatch? Im over here at like 10,240 thinking what the actual fuck Beldum why are you so hard to hatch.
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>>15953106 Not counting flamebirdbro of course. I really need that oval charm too..
>>15952881 How many eggs? Doing that too right now
Catching Dittos via safari. Got 2 4IVs Dittos so far, no shiny though. I've been doing safari all day long now and haven't seen a single shiny. Fuck my luck. ;_;
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>>15953309 So, so many eggs.
Hey y'all, looking for good iv shiny charizard, but mostly looking for shiny tyrunt, if anyone has ill trade the metagross for it. Can add items if the tyrunt is good iv and nature
>>15953493 nature of the metagross?
>>15953586 Do you have either of the above?
Bonnie 1821 - 9855 - 9062
Up to 6 boxes of Ralts, still no blue one. Masuda, what have I done to you to deserve this ?
>>15953722 6boxes? You'd be quite the lucky person to get one on box 6 though.
rykker 0533 5347 8144
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>>15953722 6 isn't shit.
i bred 2k honedges and got no shiny.
>>15953709 Shitty nature is shitty.
Joe 2251 5107 1061
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>>15952904 I just hatched two shiny flecthlings !!!
Bonnie 1821 - 9855 - 9062
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>>15953741 Not counting on the ones I already WT'd. Total I'm up to 10. That, and the fact I got a shiny Pumpkaboo literally before one box.
Joe 2251 5107 1061
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>>15953756 Wow you're so cool trying to say its shit. Ur retarded go home kid and try to farm more boxes and cry some more that u can't get one. Let the man fuckingg offer a rare shiny for a rare shiny. Kids these days
Joe 2251 5107 1061
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Let the stupid arguments begin.
>>15953800 One with gale wings and one with big pecks.
Big pecks one got 2 max IVs and The Gale Wings got four
Joe 2251 5107 1061
So what do you guys typically use to rack up those steps needed for eggs? I just started MM-ing now and am curious.
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>>15954125 I fill up a few boxes of eggs and then bike around the Effie tower
>friday >weekend >not saturday and/or sunday >shitty op >no title 0/10 OP. I'm calling the cops because of this shitty thread, enjoy your cell, faggot.PS you don't have to make a thread just because you want attention
>>15952810 >not shiny hunt weekend in subject line >not linking to shiny trade thread >not shiny mareep 1/10
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>>15954471 Shiny Hunt Weekends start late Fridays actually.
I do however agree that the OP is lazy as shit, with that wall of text, and no link to a Trade Thread, ect.
Here's a guide on breeding that someone will inevitably ask for.
Brian 2234-7308-0055 Y [Ghost] Shuppet / Pumpaboo / Golurk
Brian 2234-7308-0055 Y [Ghost] Shuppet / Pumpaboo / Golurk Fri 15 Nov 2013 17:58:42 No. 15954695 Report After catching a shiny Inkay in Friend Safari before, I caught a shiny Vivillon in Friend Safari now! Kinda bummed that the wing design is not that good...
>>15954695 I suppose the Inkay is not up for trade?
Brian 2234-7308-0055 Y [Ghost] Shuppet / Pumpaboo / Golurk
Brian 2234-7308-0055 Y [Ghost] Shuppet / Pumpaboo / Golurk Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:01:23 No. 15954746 Report >>15954713 Nope! My first shiny haha
Kinda precious for me
Brian 2234-7308-0055 Y [Ghost] Shuppet / Pumpaboo / Golurk
Brian 2234-7308-0055 Y [Ghost] Shuppet / Pumpaboo / Golurk Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:02:30 No. 15954761 Report >>15954713 My shiny Inkay :)
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>>15954746 It's no problem. Inkay is really cute.
Don't like Malamar nearly as much, but it's a good get regardless.
Hatched a shiny charmander with dragon pulse which is now a charizard. 5 perfect IV's except for spdef which is a straight 0. Shiny charizard Y looks so fucking awesome. Just wish I had a X stone to see what that would look like.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:13:35 No. 15954961 Report Quoted By:
>>15954761 Congratulations man, that's adorable!
>>15954867 Holy shit congrats, that's a top tier shiny!
>driving down the highway >4 hour drive seemingly taking forever >could use this time more productively >fuck the police >bust out the ds >MMing while doing 80 >picked up 2 boxes of eggs time well spent, hopefully my shiny is in one of these eggs.i think i may have a problem
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom]
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom] Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:20:08 No. 15955075 Report Quoted By:
I took a break from MM'ing (was trying to get a stark white Icy Snow Vivillon) and decided to chain a bit. Got a shiny Adamant Skiddo and a white flower Modest Flabebe which I've wanted for a long time now ;u; It's a gorgeous purple-white Florges now. I gave up on the white Vivillon and I'm back to Goomies now, again. I got a 5V Japanese Goomy from the GTS today, replacing my old 3V Japanese one. He'll make perfect babies with my 6V Goomess~ 10 boxes and counting... I hope the ride ends soon
Taz 1435 - 3851 - 9938 Grass - Sunkern, Ivysaur, Quilladin
Taz 1435 - 3851 - 9938 Grass - Sunkern, Ivysaur, Quilladin Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:20:27 No. 15955087 Report For the last 3 days I have been trying to RE a Shiny Espurr in the FS, I can encounter Grumpig, Espurr, and Duosion! Out of the three I didn't want Grumpig shiny because i dont like Grumpig and shiny is even worse, Duosion is ok but i really want espurr! I have found 2 shinys so far and they are both grumpig's -_-
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today is the day my electrike will be blue... I can feel it
Is this a shiny trading tread too? I don't see any...
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>>15955012 >MMing while doing 80 Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom]
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom] Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:23:13 No. 15955140 Report >>15955087 Awh, I know how that feels, I was trying to get a shiny Sliggoo and ended up with three Gabites. Are you using a Modest/Timid synchronizer?
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>>15955118 It's not. Feel free to set up your own one if you feel it's time to get one started.
Taz 1435 - 3851 - 9938 Grass - Sunkern, Ivysaur, Quilladin
Taz 1435 - 3851 - 9938 Grass - Sunkern, Ivysaur, Quilladin Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:24:44 No. 15955168 Report >>15955140 Sorry me dumb but whats a Modest/Timid synchronizer?
Verm 5129-1418-9836 (Fairy Type FS jiggs/clefairy/togepi)
Verm 5129-1418-9836 (Fairy Type FS jiggs/clefairy/togepi) Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:27:22 No. 15955214 Report >>15955168 >>15955168 the ability sychronize gives a 50% chance to have a wild pokemon have the same nature as your lead poke with synchronize
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom]
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom] Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:29:39 No. 15955245 Report Quoted By:
>>15955168 If a pokemon that has the ability Synchronize is in the front of your team, the wild pokemon you encounter will have a 50% chance of having the same nature as the pokemon with Synchronize. Abra and Ralts have this ability, for example
Taz 1435 - 3851 - 9938 Grass - Sunkern, Ivysaur, Quilladin
Taz 1435 - 3851 - 9938 Grass - Sunkern, Ivysaur, Quilladin Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:30:01 No. 15955255 Report >>15955214 oh... no! I didn't know about that o.O
~*The More You Know*~
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>>15952810 Timid swablu and naughty shinx sounds like a weird erotica
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>>15955255 I hate this board
5429-7285-0667 [Teddiursa-Kecleon-???] Felix
5429-7285-0667 [Teddiursa-Kecleon-???] Felix Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:46:03 No. 15955501 Report going for this little guy right now, even though I already raised a regular yanmega with good stats. Still haven't MM'd my eevee, after 33 boxes. Got a clauncher (with a good nickname! and inb4 fish shiny, clauncher is one of my favorite gen6 pokes and I have Y) as well as a dunsparce off the GTS. Not sure if I'll be using the dunsparce because it's not nicknamed and it's pink... oh and I encountered my first wild gen6 shiny a few days ago. Nosepass. I gave it to my brother because for some reason he likes that pokemon.
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>>15955255 What the fuck.
>>15955501 Good luck!
Trading shiny crawdunt and trampich
Is it possible to soft reset if you didn't get a shiny instead of having to refill the box doing MM?
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>>15955848 No it's determined once your given the egg.
maybe with a diffrent game cart.
Ashley: 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley: 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 15 Nov 2013 19:10:44 No. 15955935 Report Last nights shiny thread I was at 100 boxes without a shiny shroomish. Another 10 boxes so far today and still nothing. Fuck my luck! This is the worst first attempt at Masuda ever.
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Found this around midnight today. Perfect Attack and Speed. Serious and Limber. Great trophy though.
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain Fri 15 Nov 2013 19:15:56 No. 15956032 Report >>15953062 >>15953071 Nincada, starting with a pokemon that will get me two shinys for the price of one. I just know this will bury me deep, once I get a shiny I will need to do it all over again for a Accelgor and Greninja to complete team ninja.
Okay, got my 5IV destiny knot parent, everstoned ditto with the right ability, some shows lined up to watch, flame body and a full stock of o-power. h-here I go
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Found a shiny togepi today. why are its colors so bad?
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>>15955935 I feel you dawg, same thing happening with my electrikes... JUST GIVE US THE DAMN SHINY.
Been playing since 1st gen and never got one
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follow your dreams
>>15955814 what do you want for tranich?
i have a zapdos? how's that?
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I am continuing my Helioptile breeding, I wish everyone here the best of luck!
>>15956114 Sorry, I am only looking for shinies
>>15956136 Shiny female/Guts/Luxury ball Conkeldurr?
>>15956136 anyone in paticular?
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>>15956193 Budew Evolutive line
I am also open for shiny offers
>>15956185 no, thanks
>>15955814 sigilyph for trapinch?
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After taking a break for a day or two once I got my hoppip through sweet scent, I think I'm going to mm venipedes. Gotta breed for egg moved and shit first.
I have a shiny corsola. Anyone want to trade a shiny psyduck for it?
Darwin 0189-8693-2549 (mienfoo, riolu, and throh)
Darwin 0189-8693-2549 (mienfoo, riolu, and throh) Fri 15 Nov 2013 19:34:08 No. 15956385 Report Quoted By:
I have a shiny EV trained Trevenant. I'm looking for a shiny Inkay line Ghastly line or Charmander line I'll trade for any regardless of natures and IVs
>>15956344 Trade thread. This is where we share our hunting woes.
>>15956395 thar is no shiny trade thread and /vp/ is slow right now. Merging them for now is best course of action.
>>15956395 Oh. :/ As for my hunting woes. I can't get a shiny psyduck. It's like shinies don't exist any more in my game.
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>>15956444 if you wait for pokebank, I have a shiny psyduck in Pearl you can have
>>15956432 >>15956395 When this thread reaches bump limit (which won be for a little while) we'll split it, and it'll be business as usual.
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Swadloon | Oddish | Gogoat]
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Swadloon | Oddish | Gogoat] Fri 15 Nov 2013 19:46:34 No. 15956615 Report Caught this bad boy in friend safari the other morning. Brave nature, Frisk ability, and 31 IVs in Attack, Sp. Def, and Speed. Already evolved him to Gourgeist and gonna go wreck shit with him.
>>15956499 >no shiny trading thread Did you try looking?
>>15955327 Just hatched the sucker, let the weekend hunts begin!
Darwin 0189-8693-2549 (mienfoo, riolu, and throh)
Darwin 0189-8693-2549 (mienfoo, riolu, and throh) Fri 15 Nov 2013 19:48:23 No. 15956654 Report Quoted By:
>>15956615 I love my shiny gourgeist as well!
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>>15956615 what size?
Atk and Speed stats vary with size Anonymous
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>>15956647 Congrats!
And that thread wasn't up when I checked earlier, sorry.
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>>15955848 the soft reset method is:
1. save in front of the guy who gives the egg when he's has one for you
2. Accept 5
3. Hatch eggs if there's no shiny, continue
4. Soft Reset
5. Reject the egg
6. Return to step 2
>1126 hatches >jolly with perfect IVs and egg moves >female what are the odds
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>>15957201 easily calculable given the conditions
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>>15957201 Thats fucking fantastic. Especially since
"All the creatures born and raised in Jurassic Park are female" Anonymous
>>15957201 Mine missed speed IV sadly. Why thunder fang over poison?
>>15957201 >In a normal pokeball Still really awesome
>>15957346 You can't get it in anything else sadly
>>15957305 Dunno, didn't wanna go through the trouble and it's kinda weak
>>15957368 Yeah, looking back I'm kind of regretting it. The only hard counter it provides is sylveon. Ah well I went adamant over jolly anyway. Down the road project I suppose
>>15957381 Poison Jab Haxorus is a much better Fairy counter I think
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>>15957402 For shinies I'm more interested in a team of pokemon I actually like. There's just not enough reason to use poison against the faires that are out there over thunder or fire. Ah well, I'll still love the little guy.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Just got a Shiny Swinub after a few eggs (1 and a half boxes.) Was breeding with a jap Piloswine so that's why. Honestly looking to trade it away if anyone is interested.
>>15956856 Anonymous
>>15953024 iv only hatched 3 shinies but they were all between 7-12 boxes.
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>>15957574 That is some crazy luck.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387
>>15957486 How about 2IV Japan Ditto, Many Breeding Pokemon, or any legendaries except birds
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>>15958258 >atleast not giving away an bird for it. Absolutely Disgusting.
swinub is an pretty shiny, deserves to be traded away for an equal fair trade.
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Been trying to work out how to do this Poke Radar stuff. Never really tried it before so I'm just trying to get a chain going for now. Got a shiny Skrelp a couple of days ago through chain fishing, on a chain of only 3 which is crazy lucky. The only downside is that I already have a shiny Dragalge from a previous fishing session. Put the Skrelp on GTS and someone gave me a Xerneas for it, so it all worked out.
Well after finally hatching my Shiny Tyrunt (after 679 hatches) last night, I decided to go through and see what every one of my friend safaris had in them to get all those unlocked. I'm about halfway through, and this guy shows up.
>>15958482 Sweet. What's his IVs?
His colors look like it would go neat with a shiny Seviper ... may have to work on them
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15958258 What Pokemon have you bred?
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>>15958570 Hasty Nature, Perfect HP/Attack. I cannot complain one bit about that.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 [Mawile - Klefki - Klang]
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 [Mawile - Klefki - Klang] Fri 15 Nov 2013 21:35:03 No. 15958953 Report Quoted By:
Took a break from trying to hatch shiny tyrunt, went back into friend safari to try for shiny riolu. Boom! Shiny Mankey. The quest continues...
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hunting noibat in fs.. yesterday encountered 2 shiny gabites.. lets see what i find today
Gurtyel 3625-8906-8687 (minccino, lillipup, smeargle)
Gurtyel 3625-8906-8687 (minccino, lillipup, smeargle) Fri 15 Nov 2013 21:42:31 No. 15959119 Report Quoted By:
my first MM shiny hunt was a shiny protean frokie with perfect ivs in spA, Def, and speed, Naive nature. I got it after 3 boxes. One week later i MMed a shiny modest squirtle with perfect spA, SpD and speed. 30 in hp and twenty something in Def. After 2 boxes. I should quit while im winning. I fear Masuda's retribution.
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 13)
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 13) Fri 15 Nov 2013 21:43:47 No. 15959154 Report Quoted By:
Back on the ride I go...
I will commence now to shiny hunt. Target in question: Shiny Gallade
El Mexican 1719-3177-4584 (Ferroseed, Metang, Bronzong)
El Mexican 1719-3177-4584 (Ferroseed, Metang, Bronzong) Fri 15 Nov 2013 21:47:38 No. 15959242 Report >>15959172 Also, here is my Friend Code. Looking for a Ditto, Chansey, and Duosion Safaris
Rico (Hoot-hoot Rufflet Farfetch'd) 3153-4266-6854
Rico (Hoot-hoot Rufflet Farfetch'd) 3153-4266-6854 Fri 15 Nov 2013 21:49:32 No. 15959284 Report Quoted By:
>>15952898 May I suggest replacing shadow ball with hex?
since you got will-o-wisp anyway
Snrubber 5171-9817-7578
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>>15959242 Completely unrelated to shiny hunting, but can you add me for Safari ? I need that Metang, I've been too long with out my Metabro.
Rico (Hoot-hoot Rufflet Farfetch'd) 3153-4266-6854
Rico (Hoot-hoot Rufflet Farfetch'd) 3153-4266-6854 Fri 15 Nov 2013 21:57:09 No. 15959472 Report >>15955814 Wanna trade your shiny trapinch for a shiny Liepard or Dedenne?
I sorta promised a friend I'd get her one
>>15955814 I've got a durant and octillery for your trapinch? I understand the lackluster of both of these pokemon, but why not try.
>>15959472 Do you have other shinies to offer?I am not interested on those, sorry
>>15959593 No thanks
>>15959645 was the trapinch caught or bred? If it's got a decent nature id offer my naughty luxray.
King Kong 1590-5508-8480 (electrode, electabuzz Galvantula)
King Kong 1590-5508-8480 (electrode, electabuzz Galvantula) Fri 15 Nov 2013 22:05:50 No. 15959667 Report Quoted By:
got a second shiny pansear last night, offers?
El Mexican 1719-3177-4584 (Ferroseed, Metang, Bronzong)
El Mexican 1719-3177-4584 (Ferroseed, Metang, Bronzong) Fri 15 Nov 2013 22:06:54 No. 15959695 Report >>15959645 I have a male Abra and a Female Oddish.
Abra was breed and it has Magic guard + modest nature
>>15959666 It was caught, and I am not interested for the luxray.
>>15959695 Lo siento pero declinare la oferta
Rico (Hoot-hoot Rufflet Farfetch'd) 3153-4266-6854
Rico (Hoot-hoot Rufflet Farfetch'd) 3153-4266-6854 Fri 15 Nov 2013 22:08:03 No. 15959724 Report Quoted By:
>>15959645 I also have shiny Ledian, Clefable and Gengar
>>15959715 Both abra and luxray were more than a fair trade. You should probably check out a thread for shiny trading if you treasure trapinch so much
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 13)
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 13) Fri 15 Nov 2013 22:09:29 No. 15959764 Report Quoted By:
Discuss your shiny trading in here you fucking faggots
>>15955327 Anonymous
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>>15959744 I want to trade the trampich for furfour,palpitoad or budew's evolutive line.But I was looking for interesting offers
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387
>>15958629 Marvel Scale Dratini, Mawile, Tech Scyther, Protean Froakie, Larvitar, Marill Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15959848 I have all of those, sorry.
Been playing pokemon since I was 5 and yesterday I caught my first shiny, Geodude. Today I caught my second, Excadrill. Wasn't hunting for either.
>>15959788 Tell me about it, It's such hell this time around... In BW2, I got my shiny beldum on the 8th egg
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>>15960073 on my 11th box, not that bad but the steps for these god damn eggs.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387
>>15959978 5IV Bold Squirtle w Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse?
5IV Charmander?
5IV Gible w Outrage?
4IV Rotom?
Destiny Bond Shuppet?
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15960153 Have all of those too, sorry man.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387
5IV Timid Ghastly
5IV Timid Joltik
5IV Gale Wing Fletchling
>>15960235 Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15960282 >>15960282 Have all those, too. We should really be doing this in the trade thread, also.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0397
>>15960400 This is a shiny thread for your shiny
Any particular wants?
>>15960482 This is a shiny thread for hatching/finding/chaining not trading. There is always a thread specifically for that, stop flooding this one
This probably isn't the right thread, but I'm interested in trying the Mesuda method. My main question is, is Canada considered part of the US in this? Most of the trades I run into are from the states, so I figured I'd make sure before I tried this.
>>15960690 You know the JAP, ITA, SPA, ENG tags you get from foreign Pokemon? You need that to be different from the other mate for the eggs to hatch under the Masuda Method.
And dont worry, this is the right thread for those kind of questions. FAQ is here for more info:
>>15954479 >>15960513 Is correct.
>>15960482 Trade Thread Here:
>>15955327 Anonymous
is there an average amount of eggs until shiny?
>>15960773 at 30 boxes, statistically speaking, you have roughly a 50% chance of getting at least one.
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>>15960754 Ah, ok. That makes sense.
Finally hatched my shiny torchic earlier today after 1000+ eggs , I'm so glad to be done !
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
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>>15960866 Looks great man.
Lilly 0146-9940-6203 (Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk)
Lilly 0146-9940-6203 (Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk) Fri 15 Nov 2013 23:02:40 No. 15960968 Report 22 boxes. It happened.
>>15960803 By boxes, do you mean PC storage boxes or?
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>>15961027 30 eggs, the size of one pc box
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain Fri 15 Nov 2013 23:45:12 No. 15962026 Report >>15956032 Don't know if you can tell but that ninja is gold! I'll name him Chipp Zanuff. I was 7 deep into box 3 when I got him, not bad at all, think I will MM some more. Now to use some of the high IV left overs to work on an Accelgor
>>15962026 Nice, congrats! Make sure you have a Pokeball, and a spare slot in your party when you evolve him!
>>15962026 Damn son, that shit happened quick for you.
>>15962026 You better have a spare slot when you evolve
Korozo~1864-9073-9210 [Steel: Ferroseed,Klank,???]
Korozo~1864-9073-9210 [Steel: Ferroseed,Klank,???] Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:07:28 No. 15962551 Report Quoted By:
I just hatched out a random fucking shiny Druddigon. A friend passed me a spare Druddigon with a shit nature, so I figured, "hey, I'll just breed for a less shit one" and so I toss it in with my jap ditto and first egg hatches green and orange for me. But it's still a shit nature, Jolly. And rough skin My third shiny so far, though.
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:09:00 No. 15962583 Report >>15962302 No kidding, like 4 hours counting an hour and half long break to do stuff, so 3ish really.
Turned out Adament, 31/x/x/x/31/31, female. Was hoping for male and more then 3 IVs but I'm happy. These same stats carry over to Shedinja? Not like he needs the max HP.
>>15962410 >>15962108 No kidding, I'll make sure I do. There a way to choose what ball the Shedinja goes in?
>>15962583 Nope. Just a pokeball unfortunately.
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier)
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:11:12 No. 15962635 Report I'm currently bumming around a fire safari in hopes of a shiny Larvesta, but either of the other two pokemon (Growlithe and Braixen) here would be sweet
>>15962635 I'm running around in a rock safari hoping for a Pupitar for about two hours.
Times may vary huh.
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier)
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:13:53 No. 15962705 Report >>15962684 I've been in this Safari since yesterday, so it's probably been a good 12 hours so far. It'll happen eventually...
>>15962583 As far as I know, it's just Pokeball. I wouldnt risk it, trying for another one.
Noah 2664-2215-1965 Psychic (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Noah 2664-2215-1965 Psychic (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:15:46 No. 15962754 Report I've been hunting in a Water Type Friend Safari for a Shiny Forgadier and so far today I have found 3 shiny Krabby... Really, game?
Hex 4398-9011-4632 (flying safari, Tranquill, Farfetch, rufflet)
Hex 4398-9011-4632 (flying safari, Tranquill, Farfetch, rufflet) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:17:28 No. 15962800 Report Hatched this noibat yesterday Im still looking for a name so any help with it?
>got like 6 shines through MMing >going for roselia >getting absolutely nothing I- I'm sorry lord Masuda, my greed has overcame me...
>>15962754 I spent 7 days, and 4 wrong shinies before I found mine Anonymous
>>15962800 Bruce, Jason, Tim, Dick, Grayson, Wayne, Drake, Barbara, Alfred, Todd Noah 2664-2215-1965 Psychic (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Noah 2664-2215-1965 Psychic (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:21:48 No. 15962899 Report Quoted By:
>>15962866 You have my sympathy.
Hex 4398-9011-4632 (flying safari, Tranquill, Farfetch, rufflet)
Hex 4398-9011-4632 (flying safari, Tranquill, Farfetch, rufflet) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:21:48 No. 15962900 Report Quoted By:
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier)
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:23:36 No. 15962932 Report >>15962846 >been catching 1 shiny a day for eight days >going on ninth day now WILL THE CYCLE BE BROKEN??
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:24:15 No. 15962943 Report >>15962728 >>15962634 That sucks. I'm using Luxury balls for everyone else. Oh well, glad I don't got some OCD that would have one different ball stop me from using him. Just a shame he can't wear the team uniform.
For the heck of it I'ma sell all my pokeballs but 1 Lux ball and try it with one of the breeding left overs.
Another blurry pic just because she shows better on a blue background.
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier)
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:24:46 No. 15962957 Report Quoted By:
>>15962932 the RNG has provided us with great wealth to test our character, and i have failed this
do not grow greedy as i have anon, for the RNG may remove its divine grace from ye
>>15962943 Make sure to have a luxury ball in your bag when it evolves--It will be in a Luxury ball if you do since you Nincada is in one.
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier)
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:32:25 No. 15963139 Report Quoted By:
>>15963053 I shall do my best to avoid the temptation of greed, and continue to gift my shinies to those less fortunate than I as appeasement to our wrathful gods
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>>15962754 I found four Bibarel before finding a
torrent shiny Frogadier.
Hasty nature with 31 iv's in speed and sp defense.
Just accidentally ran from a shiny Braixen because I was too engrossed in watching NCIS. Fuck.
Quoted By:
>>15962705 FUCK. A shiny Boldore instead of Pupitar.
Back to hunting I suppose.
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>>15963247 that a shame op
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So is there a good way to breed a shiny mon with good IVs if your masuda mon isnt exactly the best in the IV department? I have perfect dittos to breed any mon with, but they aren't foreign.
Kristal 0791 1212 4166 (Bibarel/Quagsire/Azumarill)
Kristal 0791 1212 4166 (Bibarel/Quagsire/Azumarill) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:44:40 No. 15963403 Report Quoted By:
>>15953341 Dammit I wish I saw this earlier. I had a shiny ditto UFT and I traded it for a shiny 2 maxed out (hp,sp.att) IV bergmite. Feels bad man
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier)
Lauren 3308-5038-1806 (Floatzel, Krabby, Frogadier) Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:46:35 No. 15963446 Report Quoted By:
>>15963247 Keep trying friend, we believe in you
Anonkun: FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Anonkun: FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:47:37 No. 15963472 Report >>15962583 NO, THERE'S NO WAY.
I lost a shiny shedinja to that.
Quoted By:
Just posting in hopes of better dreams about catching a Shiny Female Timid/Modest Ninetales in the Safari Zone so I can move onto fishing for shiny magikarps! I'm taking a break from breeding for now, I've had lots of luck recently in the safari with a Shiny Female Onix with a Neutral Nature and a Neutral Female Larvesta which I WT'd away for fun. Never have bred a shiny in all my years of breeding, even with matsuda, so i went to take a break from breeding for a shiny Khangaskhan.
I just hatched a shiny litwick 31/x/31/31/x/31 with flame body . Anyone want to trade?
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain Sat 16 Nov 2013 00:57:10 No. 15963718 Report >>15963060 Nope. Pokeball only.
Good thing I tested it with a not shiny first. Sold all but my Lux and Master ball, it evolved and did not make a Shedija
>>15963472 I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way, I can't imagine the pain.
Too Many Mareeps
Hey everyone, about to start MM'ing for Mareep soon, on the 29th box.
Jokke - 2492 5265 1177 - Pikachu, Dedenne, Manetric
Jokke - 2492 5265 1177 - Pikachu, Dedenne, Manetric Sat 16 Nov 2013 01:15:56 No. 15964213 Report Quoted By:
>>15964164 Hey Mareeps.
You'll get it before 35, i guarantee it!
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>>15964164 Hey Mareeps! Good luck, as usual!
>Surely this batch! Anonkun: FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue]
Anonkun: FC 0963 - 0235 - 8333 [ Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue] Sat 16 Nov 2013 01:18:34 No. 15964273 Report Quoted By:
>>15963718 Not really, It had a shit nature and I caught a another shiny nincada one day later.
Why do we have two threads? One barely gets bumped as is, and I love these threads
>>15960407 Anonymous
>>15964309 The fuck? Why did they start a second one?
I blame the OP of this one for the retarded as fuck OP post Anonymous
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>>15964357 I second that opinion.
>>15964357 I have no idea, I was in this thread and jumped ship because it looked like this one was dead. Just noticed people started posting in this one again so I hopped back.
Quoted By:
>>15964387 we clusterfuck now!
Too Many Mareeps
It's not even 8 pm and I'm tired as hell and dont feel like MM'ing. What do?
Quoted By:
>>15964940 MM anyways. Doesn't matter if you feel like it because the shiny is in the next batch of eggs.