Rules are simple:
1: Have your FC in the name field
2: Wait for 3 more people
3: Register their friend codes
4: Create a Multi Battle or wait for someone to invite you
-Pokemon below and above Level 50 both scale to 50 using the current EV spread of said pokemon
-Nobody cares for tiers here, because we like fun (expect sand stream+sand veil as well, some people also use minimize)
steamcommunity.com/groups/vpmultibattles Chat:
tinychat com tom37809478590 (no dot and slash since system thinks its spam)
Previous thread:
Otakumar - 4699 6295 6399/ Daz 2036-7027-2621 !1wkJWPwDwM
Otakumar - 4699 6295 6399/ Daz 2036-7027-2621 !1wkJWPwDwM Fri 15 Nov 2013 16:44:40 No. 15953299 Report >>15953266 We've added you, readying up.
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
>>15953299 ok, let me send invites. Im still looking for erik though I wish he posted his FC for us
Quad 0318 7325 9053
>>15953299 okatumar is Musica right?
Otakumar - 4699 6295 6399/ Daz 2036-7027-2621 !1wkJWPwDwM
Otakumar - 4699 6295 6399/ Daz 2036-7027-2621 !1wkJWPwDwM Fri 15 Nov 2013 16:48:32 No. 15953395 Report Quad 0318 7325 9053
>>15953395 alright, how about one of you send the invites? Its clear that no one wants to battle with me
>>15953432 send me an invite
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
>>15953457 your not online dude
Otakumar - 4699 6295 6399/ Daz 2036-7027-2621 !1wkJWPwDwM
Otakumar - 4699 6295 6399/ Daz 2036-7027-2621 !1wkJWPwDwM Fri 15 Nov 2013 16:52:57 No. 15953492 Report Quoted By:
>>15953432 >>15953457 Erik, gib me ur FC. I'll invite.
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
Quoted By:
>>15953299 >>15953366 Added you guys I took long because I had to delete people
Quad 0318 7325 9053
ITS TIME Me and erik vs you guys right?
>>15953524 no one is in that tinychat room...
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
>>15953546 I didnt post the link, do you mind posting it?
Oh, and I have some major problems trying to connect to that. What happened to that other chat we were using?
Quoted By:
I used Poison Jab because I thought it was a fairy... damnit
Otakumar - 4699 6295 6399/ Daz 2036-7027-2621 !1wkJWPwDwM
Otakumar - 4699 6295 6399/ Daz 2036-7027-2621 !1wkJWPwDwM Fri 15 Nov 2013 16:58:27 No. 15953607 Report Quoted By:
>>15953457 I messed up, only brought 2 mons
;_; Quad 0318 7325 9053
here is the link to chatzy, if you have problems connecting to tinychat
http://us10.chatzy.com/14496974962413 Quad 0318 7325 9053
Wes 1821-9295-7107 Bug- Ariados, Silcoon, Whirlipede
Wes 1821-9295-7107 Bug- Ariados, Silcoon, Whirlipede Fri 15 Nov 2013 17:16:45 No. 15953876 Report I need to get a few battles in before work. Somebody just add me!
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
Sinon 4399-0049-5349
Add me for multi battlez.
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
>>15953969 join the chat please
>>15953616 Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Fri 15 Nov 2013 17:27:32 No. 15954096 Report Hey guys, anyone wanna battle?
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
For guys that are here waiting watch this video 7GLW-WWWW-WWW2-UXNS
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:22:37 No. 15955132 Report >>15955086 Man that was intense
Wes 1821-9295-7107 Bug- Ariados, Silcoon, Whirlipede
Wes 1821-9295-7107 Bug- Ariados, Silcoon, Whirlipede Fri 15 Nov 2013 18:24:04 No. 15955154 Report Quoted By:
>>15955086 Fuckin the G-est of Gs
Dennis 3179-6075-1502
Quoted By:
>>15955132 It sure was as he'll man it could gotten either way