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Team Halp

No.15966630 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright, so this is the current team. However I feel like I could mix it up a bit better. I know I want dragonite in there, but Charizard x kinda covers dragon territory, however I'm thinking of getting a Y stone for him.

Though the Y stone is pointless if Dragonite ends up replacing him, which I'm not sure of.

I want to keep Vena, and Aegislash because they're shiny, but I dunno if it will end up being worth keeping them.

Arcanine, Gengar, Tyranitar, Gyarados, and Hitmonlee have all run across my mind as well. However I'm not sure if I can replace anything and still keep them team "balanced". I put that in quotes because I typically don't play for competitive aspects, so I honestly don't even know if it's balanced.

Any help would be appreciated.