>>15977072 No.
Buy the game cunt
Google ''3DS emulator'' and click the first result Enjoy ;)
>>15977072 >I played all previous generations on emulators. You sound a gigantic asshole.
I've been searching all over, but the rom cannot be found
>>15977287 There you go anon, all it took was a quick search.
ThousandEyes 4527-8453-2940
>>15977072 There isn't a way. You should just stop being a poor lazy asshole and buy the game.
What are you retarded?
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>>15977380 >>15977132 >>15977102 You know what I'll do? Wait few months and try again.
>buying things >2013 Anonymous
>>15977132 >>15977380 Not everyone has enough disposable income, or parents to buy the game for them, welcome to the real world kids.
ThousandEyes 4527-8453-2940
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>>15977104 >>15977303 Oh damn fellas, you really found one that works. Confirmed the emulator works with Luigi's Mansion. now to find X.... Does anyone have the ROM?
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 13:36:04 No. 15977427 Report Quoted By:
>>15977072 Oh Larry, you're just a-
You're a fucking asshole.
>>15977405 >People telling you to buy the game >They bought the game themselves >So they must be the kids Fuck off with your /v/ logic
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 13:37:05 No. 15977443 Report Quoted By:
>>15977405 >welcome to the real world, kids Where people have jobs and work so that they can pay for the game, you massive fuckhole.
ThousandEyes 4527-8453-2940
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>>15977405 Well if you dont have your own money by now then you're doing it wrong and will therefore always wrongly do it.
>>15977435 How the fuck could you possibly know if they bought the game themselves you fucking retard?
ThousandEyes 4527-8453-2940
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>>15977405 So yeah.. you know gtfo faggot and take your tears with you.
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 13:39:39 No. 15977475 Report >>15977456 Because a good majority of people that browse /vp/ aren't the underlings that browse /v/, where you belong.
>>15977303 It is protected by password that needs you to pay for it to work.
>>15977475 Keep thinking that neckbeard
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>>15977484 >he actually thinks that he can emulate Pokemon X Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 13:43:00 No. 15977513 Report >>15977490 >neckbeard Hoooly shit. You couldn't be in more of a wrong place to fling insults.
You're literally too fucking lazy to purchase a $40 game and so you go on a board and create a thread asking about an illegal way to download it.
I work my ass out to pay my rent and buy my food. Any more money and I'll pay for stuff I need at my house. I just want to play Pokemon for free. Why is that such a crime to you? What does that change the way you play it? I'm not going to mock you for buying it or saying "hah, I'm playing it for free, you suckers!", afterall it is much better to have the original console and the original game. It is just not worth the money in my case.
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 13:45:26 No. 15977554 Report >>15977525 >Why is that such a crime to you? Because it /is a crime./
It's not even possible to emulate. We're not hiding anything from you, you fucking mongoloid.
>>15977525 >Why is that such a crime to you? Because it is a crime. Literally.
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>>15977490 Keep trowing shit at the wall /v/irgin, surely that'll work here too
>>15977554 >>15977564 >Because it is a crime Irrelevant. It is a crime because this huge ass corporation wants all of them dollars. And it's not like I'm going to buy it if I can't emulate it.
So are you defending this corporation, or is it something else that is getting you mad?
Repeating the question: why is that such a crime TO YOU?
I'm not a cunt for not buying it.
>>15977513 I've bought both, I'm saying some people can't afford to
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 13:49:49 No. 15977628 Report >>15977609 Ohhhhh you're such a martyr.
Let me shit my pants and roll down a hill because of how hard you win.
>>15977628 You really don't know what martyr means do you...
>>15977609 >that aspy handwriting I've got some news for you, Anon...
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 13:51:30 No. 15977653 Report >>15977637 You can't even legibly write, so I wouldn't be questioning my intelligence.
>>15977609 > that autist handwriting Anonymous
>>15977609 Why would you buy the same game twice? I bet you cut your fingernails before taking this picture you fucking faggot.
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>>15977609 Fuck man, maybe you should have put that money towards fixing those disgusting fingers.
>>15977653 If you can't read that then it's pretty clear you're retarded anyway. Handwriting doesn't have to be immaculate to be legible.
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 13:53:51 No. 15977701 Report >>15977684 I can tell that you meant to write "8:47", but it clearly looks like 8:57 or 8:17 which is just proof as to how bad your handwriting is.
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>>15977606 Because it's a crime.
I dont give a fuck what you do. I just dont know why you thought you could emulate a 3ds game.pic related.
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this thread sucks and you are suck
>>15977606 More like, why is it not a crime to you? Because it clashes with what you want
Youre not a cunt for not buying it but you're a cunt for putting yourself in a higher place because you're "better than the shills and mad people that buy the game"
It can't be emulated yet, buy or don't play, period
>>15977609 >Losing arguement on /vp/ >I'll take the time to get my games, write something down and take a picture Seriously autistic
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 14:01:49 No. 15977883 Report Quoted By:
>>15977838 Auteesma
Quirky nature
EVs: 252 Sp. Def 252 Speed 4 HP
IVs: 0 All
Moves: Fake tears
Foul Play
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>>15977606 considering that it's not just you that would be pirating it if it was possible, all of the people who pirate it, when they could have bought it lowers the funding and possibility for the next games.
>>15977606 You are correct in saying you're not a cunt for not buying it. But if you want it, pay for it.
Just because you cannot afford it, it does NOT entitle you to a luxary. If you CAN afford it, then you buy it. This is how an economy works, and I would go as far as to argue that piracy, alongside other factors, is causing a generation of self-intitled little shits who believe they deserve things without working hard for it.
It is illegal because someone out there has put work into creating something they expect money in return for, and you're getting it for free. It IS exactly the same as theft, by definition.
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 14:06:47 No. 15978010 Report >>15978000 Yeah, act like you were baiting now.
Gr8 job, m8.
>>15977955 >b-but it's digital, I'm not physically stealing Anonymous
>>15978010 I'm not OP, I'm just saying this is clearly bait
>>15978046 I'm not OP. I just type exactly like OP.
I might known OP, and we're pretty close, but I'm not OP.
I may dress like OP, but I'm not OP.
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are we being trolled
No, though you should known better to ask here, OP. All these kids with mommy's credit card don't understand what when you have to work to earn money it becomes valuable.
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 14:13:53 No. 15978182 Report >>15978149 Holy shit, please.
We just stopped curb stomping him, don't make us have to turn around.
>>15978182 Turn around how? It's a simple fact that if you actually worked to earn your own money instead of getting it for free from another source that you would think twice about buying $40 games for a $200 console.
>>15978149 >bought my 3DS at 16 with money from a summer job two years ago >bought all 12+ games I have for it with my own money >implying I needed mommy's credit card >implying my mom isn't poor as fuck >implying I am unable to continue my random game buying pattern even though I'm on my own know >implying I'm not getting LoZ:Link between worlds on the 22nd >implying implications Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 14:18:18 No. 15978273 Report >>15978238 I worked to buy my system and games, jerkoff.
>>15978149 > I bought my 3DS when I was 13 > My parents didn't pay for it at all > 15 with X, OoT, 3D Land Fuck off I just mowed a bunch of lawns, and waited for sales. Yeah I can't afford a ton of games, but whatever, I have what I want. Stop being a lazy asshole and do some real work.
>>15978240 >I bought an expensive thing when I was a child and didn't have to pay for anything else except *maybe* gasoline for my car You know you're just defending my point, right?
>>15978273 Come back when you have to work to pay for things like bills, food and random problems like your car breaking down.
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>>15978315 I stated that when I moved out I continued to buy games haphazardly. I could buy, and plan to buy a second 3DS soon.
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>>15978036 >This is what people actually believe Its kinda sad in a way.
>>15978238 That's not a fact you piece of shit, that's an opinion. There's people that save money for the things they want, and work harder for them too. That there are things one should buy before a game is a fact, that you think everybody who spends part of their income willingly is a kid who doesn't value money and thus mature people should get the game for free is an opinion, a stupid biased opinion of someone whose argument is based in degrading the oposite side
>>15978338 who gives a shit, I've been posting on here for a year and a half and nobody has known better.
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>>15978371 Have you openly stated that you were a little faggot before?
Because you gone get banned m80.
>>15978149 You should read
>>15977955 If you don't have enough money to pay for extra things you need to get a better job.
>>15978348 >that you think everybody who spends part of their income willingly is a kid who doesn't value money and thus mature people should get the game for free You're completely misunderstanding me because you're an idiot and a Nintendo fanboy to boot. My point is that OP is an idiot himself for asking his question on this board, because it's filled to the brim with people like you who scream at him that he should buy the game even though he could easily have more important things to spend his money on.
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>>15978309 underage pls go
>>15978415 >You're completely misunderstanding me because you're an idiot and a Nintendo fanboy to boot The rest of your point doesn't matter anymore
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>>15978398 I guess I'll have to report you for being underage too, considering you've obviously never tried to get a full time job before.
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I bought both games with the stack of cash I get paid every week for sitting on my ass all day. I'm also getting the special edition LoZ 3ds XL when it's out. I can still afford to pay bills, rent, and pay for my cars tailpipe to be fixed yesterday. You're all poor faggots who can't manage money. I blame american education.
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>>15978415 but if he wants the game, he should buy it. If the game is on the list of extravagances that he wishes to have, then he needs to put out the effort and buy it.
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Ross: 2964 - 8714 - 2734 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 16 Nov 2013 14:27:47 No. 15978464 Report Quoted By:
I have lived alone for a good six years. Had a shit job where I would wake up at 4 am and work till 2:30 pm. I'd work overtime to make ends meet. If you can't pay a car note, an apartment, and food. Then why the Fuck should you enjoy games? I managed to put 12$ between paychecks to the side so I could save up. Why is this concept so foreign to these retards. We knew for a long time pokemon would be on the 3ds. It's your own fault for not saving up for two years
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>>15978470 seriously, this. Money management isn't fucking hard.
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>>15977880 That has been said before about other consoles. Why would that be the case for 3DS
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>>15977812 I understand that very well, but
>putting yourself in a higher place because you're "better than the shills and mad people that buy the game" I'm not that guy at all.
>>15977955 I don't feel entitled to anything other than a straight answer on a simple thread. I was simply asking if it was possible. If you guys are saying it is not (yet, at least), then fine. I don't care that much.
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It's going to be a while before the 3DS can be emulated.
>>15977628 >>15977639 >>15977667 >>15977674 >>15977838 Ad hominem everywhere! You're so mad about nothing it's hilarious.
You shouldn't give two shits about people who use emulators but you do because "muh ileegals".
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>>15977701 >flawsless logic Anonymous
>>15979589 but it affects
slightly the company that produces the things that entertain us. Is it really that hard to understand that the prosperity of the company that produces things for us, that we enjoy, is important?
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>>15979627 >Prosperity Except they're filthy rich and don't even need my money. And they're not losing any money from me because I already bought it.
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>>15977609 Why emulate then?
>My face when I stole my 3DS from a 10 year old kid Real life pirating
>Have massive big-city rent. >Have insane student loans, that I pay each month. >Pay for my own food, transportation, electricity, internet, health care. >Spend money on bars, restaurants, movies, travel, etc. >Still somehow come up with the disposable income to buy video games. What am I doing wrong? OP says that this isn't how it works. Was I NOT supposed to get a decently paying full time job? Is that where I went wrong?
>>15978000 >Not using the Pokémon versions Anonymous
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>>15980015 God damn it I love fish pokemon
>>15979818 Why a kid pussy? Next time walk in to Gamestop grab and walk out while looking the clerk in the eyes.
>>15980497 >Why a kid pussy? Because it's tighter.
>>15979945 >having a student loan HAHAHA Amerifags/Britfags, you'll never have free public higher education
>>15980774 >not knowing that scottish and irish people go to university in scotland/ireland for free STAY
>>15980800 >Scotland/Ireland >Good unis Besides Edinburgh, that is
>>15980828 >coming up with a different argument >being this desperate to be right delicioustears.jpg
>>15980858 >coming from the guy who uses memes in every reply Anonymous
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>>15980924 >still not accepting defeat "lel"
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>>15977405 >welcome to the real world kids >kids >can't afford a pokemon game If you're old enough to have a job but can't drop enough for that, you have bigger problems in your life to deal with than not being able to play this for free.
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Op I'm not going to tell you the same as the rest, but the 3ds cannot be emulated yet. Whatever you find in the internet is a scam and a virus. If you really want to play xy, your only option is to buy a 3ds and one of the games.