Lola: 3024-5384-5877 [Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Quilladin]
Lola: 3024-5384-5877 [Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Quilladin] Sun 17 Nov 2013 03:40:18 No. 15998527 Report i'll trade you a 4 IV mawile adamant w/ 4 IVs and fire fang for a 4 IV contrary inkay
elmer 5000-2674-3492
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>>15998527 i already have mawile. sorry
hi op, i was wondering if you mind sharing a female goey goomy please? really love goomy and want to use it at elite four.
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>>15999110 what do you have to offer?
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Sun 17 Nov 2013 04:07:12 No. 15999194 Report >>15998410 wanna trade a 5IV noibat for my 5IV modest magnemite?
elmer 5000-2674-3492
>>15999110 what do you have to offer?
>>15999194 does it have magnet pull as its ability?
Kyle 0903-2765-1374
>>15998410 For a 4iv inky and a gooey goomy i can offer you
4iv charmander with dd and outrage
4-5iv ha zubat with bb and defog
4iv ha dratini
4iv ha fletchling
4iv ha gligar
4iv ghastly
5iv shelder skill link and rock blast
2320 6251 8016 Julian
I can trade you one of my rotoms, however does your larvesta have Swarm?
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Sun 17 Nov 2013 04:08:33 No. 15999232 Report elmer 5000-2674-3492
>>15999222 ill take the shellder and ill give you a 4iv gooey goomy, and ill take a 5 IV zubat for the inkay too
>>15999229 no, all have flame body
>>15999232 deal, ill add you
Kyle 0903-2765-1374
>>15999318 Sorry I lied shelder has 4ivs, preference on gender and iv spreads? I need a female gooey plz
2320 6251 8016 Julian
>>15999318 Okie, Ill give you my 4Iv rotom W for a 4 IV larvesta.
elmer 5000-2674-3492
>>15999376 does it a at least have ivs in atk,def,sp.def,speed?
>>15999397 ok. ill add you
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Sun 17 Nov 2013 04:16:06 No. 15999440 Report Quoted By:
>>15999318 wats ur trainer name? not seeing any new friends showing up
Kyle 0903-2765-1374
>>15999439 zubat is female with 31s except for spdef and shelder is female with everything but hp and def
elmer 5000-2674-3492
>>15999517 ill still take them. adding you
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>>15999216 sorry i don't have something rare to offer, maybe a brave honedge, white flabebe? I don't care about the goomy's IV's.
Kyle 0903-2765-1374
>>15999623 did you have a female?
elmer 5000-2674-3492
>>15999757 ohhh you wanted female? srry my bad.
Kyle 0903-2765-1374
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Sun 17 Nov 2013 04:31:29 No. 15999906 Report >>15998410 How about a 4IV Bold Eevee with Wish or a 4IV Ferroseed with SR and Leech seed for a 4IV larvesta with speed IV?
elmer 5000-2674-3492
>>15999906 hmmm...ferroseed sounds good. adding you
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Sun 17 Nov 2013 04:38:24 No. 16000102 Report >>15999948 word just hop online dude
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>>16000102 hi you mind if i add you for safari zone please?
>>15998410 op, can i get a goomy then? :D
elmer 5000-2674-3492
>>16000383 Got any offers?
I already got a rotom so you gotta come up with a different offer
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>>16000461 recently got a 4 IV hasty riolu
Ber 0345 0668 5068 Trapinch Marowak Diggersby
Ber 0345 0668 5068 Trapinch Marowak Diggersby Sun 17 Nov 2013 05:55:36 No. 16002264 Report Quoted By:
>>15998410 I have the 4 IV Rotom you're looking for, a 4 IV Noibat would be great but I'd accept a Larvesta too if you're out of Noibats
Also have the following pokemon with 4 IVs for anyone interested: Inkay, Frakie, Pancham, Beldum, Cinccino and Mawile