Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Sun 17 Nov 2013 06:58:14 No. 16003728 Report Quoted By:
I still have plenty of 31/x/31/31/31/x Quiet Solosis /w Imprison - 5 male w/Magic Guard - 11 female w/Magic Guard - 5 male w/Overcoat - 2 female w/Overcoat
Reminder, breeding is super fucking easy this gen, so stop complaining that you aren't any good at it and how long it's taking you.>but muh 2 days of breeding come back when you breed some 4-5 perfect pokemon in gen 3-5.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Brady 0619-4272-7431 (Combee, Vivillion, Illumise)
Brady 0619-4272-7431 (Combee, Vivillion, Illumise) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:02:53 No. 16003822 Report LF a female gale wings adamant fletchinder with some good IVs. I have: 5iv imperfect adamant teddiursas with either pickup or quick feet 5iv imperfect timid ralts with either synchronise or trace 4iv jolly thick fat swinubs with the egg move icicle crash
What's better for a Pyroar? Unnerve or Rivalry?
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:03:31 No. 16003838 Report Quoted By:
>>16003828 They're both shit but Unnerve is less shit.
>>16003762 >being this insensitive Anonymous
>>16003858 >insensitive Let me guess, you bred 2 boxes and didn't get your 6 perfect.
I'm so sorry for hurting your feelings anon, I truly am.
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170 Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:06:21 No. 16003910 Report >>16003822 I can give you my female jap fletch, its adamant with perfect hp, def and atk? For a swinub
Quoted By:
>>16003891 >moxie >for a Pokémon with shit attack and that only learns shit physical moves >>16003851 Thanks m8
Brady 0619-4272-7431 (Combee, Vivillion, Illumise)
Brady 0619-4272-7431 (Combee, Vivillion, Illumise) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:07:28 No. 16003939 Report >>16003910 does it have gale wings?
>>16003887 No, but I feel bad for those that do. I'm sorry that the only way you can feel good about yourself is being a cunt over the internet.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
RNG gods are fucking weird. Thanks for the 6IV. I think.
Jolly Zigarde>Relatively superior Potential >Perfect HP, Attack and Sp. Attack Good enough or capture again?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:09:40 No. 16004002 Report >>16003944 Congratulations~
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170 Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:10:09 No. 16004015 Report Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
Nappa pls respond.
>>16003997 >no Speed Cumon step it up.
>>16003944 Grats bruv.
>>16003941 >No, but I feel bad for those that do. Why feel bad for those that can't help themselves?
>the only way you can feel good about yourself is being a cunt over the internet ha, I feel no remorse or joy over it, and cunt is a very harsh word for me over my post saying how easy something is.
perhaps you should learn to care a little less over something so trivial.
I'm just tired of seeing people complaining about how hard of a time they're having when I see others giving away their perfect pokemon that would make other's projects take at most a couple of hours.
Brady 0619-4272-7431 (Combee, Vivillion, Illumise)
Brady 0619-4272-7431 (Combee, Vivillion, Illumise) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:13:01 No. 16004084 Report >>16004015 Alright ill add you. Both swinubs are female, do you want:
31/31/31/xx/xx/31 or
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:13:02 No. 16004085 Report Looking for 4+ IV Togepi and Smeargle Offering: Fennekin 31/x/31/31/31/31 - timid - magician or blaze Larvitar 31/31/31/x/31/31 - adamant - guts, DD, Pursuit, SR 4+iv mons: Marill, Ferroseed, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Tentacool, Phanpy, Dratini, Vulpix, Noibat
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170 Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:14:10 No. 16004106 Report Quoted By:
>>16004084 I'll take the one with perfect speed that's more suitable for me right now, added looking.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:14:31 No. 16004113 Report >>16004085 Could I get a Magician Fennekin or a Ferroseed for one of my Solosis (first post in the thread).
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Quoted By:
>>16004002 >>16004034 Thanks. It's not a female Riolu, which is the goal, but at least it means I can allow myself to stop if I get too frustrated trying for the female. But I'm going to keep going for it for now. Maybe I'll find one missing SpA now.
>>16004041 >bothering to reply to my post >telling me I should care less Nah, I think that cunt is a rather accurate description for you.
CR404 (Combee, Masquerain, Vivillon) 3179 - 6119 - 7207
CR404 (Combee, Masquerain, Vivillon) 3179 - 6119 - 7207 Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:16:37 No. 16004154 Report Quoted By:
OK, this is what I have Japanese male Honedge, 3 IVs, Brave Brave Honedge, 3 IVs 5x Careful Furfrous, 4 IVs 3x Adamant Panchams, with Storm Throw, 4 IVs 1x Modest Litleo, 5 IVs 2x Modest Litleos, 4 IVs
>>16004126 >>bothering to reply to my post You replied to me, it's common courtesy to reply to others.
It's also obvious that I can't change your mind about this, so I'll leave you with this: breeding is easy, people should stop complaining, you should stop whiteknighting them... cunt.
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:18:13 No. 16004185 Report Does anyone have a Ditto with perfect IVs in Def, Sp. Defense, and Speed I could borrow? I'm trying to breed a Rotom with that RNG method where you reject an egg and replace the parents. Please, please, please, if you've got on I'll trade you anything as collateral or for keeps. I've got a shiny Adamant Minccino with perfect ATK and SPE, as well as a bunch of 3-5IV leftovers from completed breeding projects. Anyone, please?
>>16004159 Duckie pls
Stop replying to each other
Lilly 0146-9940-6203 (Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk)
Lilly 0146-9940-6203 (Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:19:18 No. 16004212 Report Quoted By:
I wish my Gastrodon had hidden power electric. Lanturn @ Damp Rock Gastrodon @ Mystic Water Wrecking shit in double battles. Just no effective way to heal my Lanturn other than Aqua Ring.
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:20:08 No. 16004237 Report Quoted By:
>>16004113 not really after a solosis sorry.
Quoted By:
>>16004201 >Duckie Duckie would have branched off onto how you should give him some free pokemon, and something about how not giving away pokemon is like working for walmart or something.
Justin 4613-7093-4650 (Pansage, Petilil, Quilladin)
Justin 4613-7093-4650 (Pansage, Petilil, Quilladin) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:21:50 No. 16004272 Report >>16004085 I have 4 IV Serene Grace Togepis and 5 IV ones with Hustle. All of them are Timid with Nasty Plot. None with the hidden ability, if you happen to be looking for that.
I'd take a Tentacool if you're interested.
have: Timid froakies with 4 IV's Adamant mawiles with 4 IV's and fire fang Careful phantumps with 4 IV's Timid noibats with switcheroo. want solar power helioptiles, female gible with nice IV's
kk 4682-8552-6455 (flying: doduo,swanna,hawlucha)
kk 4682-8552-6455 (flying: doduo,swanna,hawlucha) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:23:31 No. 16004310 Report Quoted By:
want a nuzleaf or seedot i've got charmanders and bulbasaurs i'm willing to trade along with dragonair and maybe some others. any takers?
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:23:34 No. 16004312 Report >>16004272 Dude, aren't you the one who tells everyone "breed me a Tentacool 'cause I'm too lazy"? You realize you could have caught one yourself by now?
Justin 4613-7093-4650 (Pansage, Petilil, Quilladin)
Justin 4613-7093-4650 (Pansage, Petilil, Quilladin) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:24:21 No. 16004325 Report >>16004312 I've never even said that, dude. You're confused.
Hex 4398-9011-4632
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:25:15 No. 16004346 Report Quoted By:
>>16004325 Oh, sorry. Truly sorry.
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:26:06 No. 16004363 Report Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170 Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:27:27 No. 16004398 Report >>16004363 Sorry bud best I have is HP, def, speed.
Thinking about making the rain team I've always wanted to make, but is this too predictable? Klefki, Politoed, Goodra, Heliolisk, Ludicolo, Scizor (because I have no idea what other Mega to do). Is it fine if the opponent can figure out my strategy just from the team preview?
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:29:53 No. 16004461 Report >>16004398 Thanks for replying at least. I've spent days trying to breed a Rotom but the best I've got is a 3IV ditto as well. I found out about the time machine method and spent hours today just trying to get it to give me a desirable spread. I finally got just ONE where it doesn't pass down ATK, but it's a spread I don't have the right Ditto to cover. The RNG is a bitch sometimes.
>>16004460 Add a Calm Vaporeon
>Leftovers >Aqua Ring >Acid Armor Maximum wall
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:32:44 No. 16004520 Report Quoted By:
>>16004461 If its that hard for you to find one, I'll spare with 4 IV rotom~
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
Quoted By:
Either I forgot the surprise mulch, or it doesn't work all the time. It used to give a mutation on anything I used it on.
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:34:54 No. 16004557 Report >>16004460 Megas are always just an option~
I'd use something more offensive to be honest, klefki lead w/ hazards is pretty decent, politoed is must if you dont want manual rain
which is incredibly hard but possible with practice and knowledge, but I don't recommend it unless you have decent zapdos/jirachi to set and abuse it , rest+hydration goodra and vaporeon work well together, ludicolo is fun but I'd not rely on it, instead, try mixed sweeping kingdra. Scizor or ferror make awesome walls in rain.
BasedGod 4871-3995-0901 !IEND2ot5d2
Quoted By:
>>16004085 I have a 5 IV calm serene grace togepi
can I have a magician fennekin?
>>16004460 Wouldn't Clawitzer benefit from that and be a total dick with Water Pulse?
Also add something that can abuse Rain, like something with Thunder, Jolteon maybe
>>16004502 >>16004557 Oh shit yeah, I don't know why I didn't think of Vaporeon. I'll kick off Ludicolo for Kingdra, which is better for me because
I'm trying to use Pokemon I actually like . What else do you mean by more offensive, Sasch? Thanks a lot for the help so far.
>>16004659 >Also add something that can abuse Rain, like something with Thunder, Jolteon maybe Probably why he's using a Heliolisk, Goodra gets it as well.
Quoted By:
>>16004034 >Outstanding Potential >Attack >Defense >Sp. Defense >Jolly Good enough, finally I can move to complete the Pokedex, only 3 left (seen)
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170 Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:42:35 No. 16004699 Report Oh yeah looking really hard for a decent horsea, would love it to be modest. Don't have a lot but I do have some 3 iv ditto's 4 iv adamant DD outrage larvitars 4 iv modest riolu 4 iv timid compound eye's joltik
two weather leads how do i make sure my weather activates after my opponents? do i need to be slower?
Quoted By:
>>16004460 Quick second thought.
Modest Choice Scarf Blastoise with Raindish with
Water Spout
Aura Sphere
Dark Pulse
Rapid Spin.
You can also Mega him.
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:45:01 No. 16004743 Report >>16004673 Rain boosts water attacks and weakens fire attacks by 50% - respectively
Rain also raises thunder's accuracy to 100. Use thunder.
Quoted By:
>>16004659 Yeah,
>>16004689 is exactly right. He looks like he does really well in rain and looks really cool to boot.
>>16004707 I love Blastoise. Thanks for the idea! So hard to pick just six...
Quoted By:
>>16004699 >4 iv modest riolu >not even timid fucking wow
If I live in the US and I buy a US copy of Pokemon XY and change the game's language to Japanese, will it work for Masuda Method or do I actually have to order a copy from Japan?
>>16004725 >Heliolisk Though Jolteon would probably be the better choice, depends on moveset entirely though.
>>16004743 did you know that rain in thunder no longer hits through protect?
Quoted By:
>>16004673 I run a doubles rain team, pic related. Don't have XY yet but it's served me well on showdown.
HA Vaporeon with leftovers, rest/toxic/scald/something else, I don't remember is absolutely hilarious.
I run a bulky physical Kingdra which weird apparently, probably gets walled pretty good by fairies nowadays but DD Waterfall hits hard.
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:47:46 No. 16004794 Report >>16004762 I didn't know it did before~
not that i cared because nothing ever uses protect anyways really. Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16004762 Did you know that it was only like that in two games and was fixed in Platinum?
Quoted By:
>>16004754 Welp, sorry I have yet to get some of the new mons names memorized
>>16004707 i want to politoed for rain but i know my opponent will be leading with tyranitar and mega-garchomp
>>16004794 >he hasnt cafe le wow with lucario, floatzel, and togekiss protect spam Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:49:33 No. 16004831 Report Quoted By:
>>16004804 Lead with something capable of ice and fighting moves then~
Or brick break on scizor. Anonymous
>Rotation Match >Send Blaziken, Yanmega and Scolipede >Protect, speed boost, rotate, speed boost. rotate protect, speed boost, protect >Opponent disconnects Am I an asshole for this?
Quoted By:
>>16004825 finally got past that the other day, now just need to beat rotations.
holding my breath on that last turn until >floatzel used aqua jet
Quoted By:
>>16004844 That's fucking hilarious.
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:52:43 No. 16004893 Report Quoted By:
>Mr. Mime doesn't get draining kiss there is no god
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:52:59 No. 16004899 Report >>16004825 >he hasnt english wat
also i dont use rain teams in restaurants, i use yveltal/talonflame if at all. because they wouldn't find use anywhere else. Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16004899 I've probably spent more hours with Talonflame in my party than anyone else, personally.
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:56:04 No. 16004952 Report >>16004272 Sure. That sounds awesome. Did you have a male one? I'd be keen on the male with hustle.
Preference to a male or female tentacool
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:56:24 No. 16004958 Report >>16004899 I use talon flame and sylveon with dazzling gleam, the third guy gets protect
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:58:01 No. 16004987 Report >>16004943 I got mine since the first two routes, but i dont actually use it in battle. >>16004958 I only do rotation anyways
because training level 1's in triples and aiming for turns is not as enjoyable as using hyper beam. Anonymous
Speaking of weather I have>Drought Timid Ninetails >Jolly Rapidash >DW Jolly Leafeon >Timid Lilligant >Coverage spot :Rotom W / Mega Gardevoir / Mega Scizor And I'll be breeding a Timid Solar Power Charizad Am I doing it right?
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
>>16004958 Can offensive sylveon be a thing?
Justin 4613-7093-4650 (Pansage, Petilil, Quilladin)
Justin 4613-7093-4650 (Pansage, Petilil, Quilladin) Sun 17 Nov 2013 07:59:59 No. 16005033 Report >>16004952 I have male ones coming out of my goddamned ears. No preference on the gender for me, thanks.
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:00:21 No. 16005039 Report Quoted By:
>>16005001 No.
IMO: Solar power is shit, rapidash is shit, leafeon should be adamant if its HA is chloro, lilligant is decent but doesnt rely on sun and is actually more fragile in it because of that fire boost. I hate sun teams. Sorry. Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170 Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:00:38 No. 16005043 Report >>16005020 Sword dance , leafe blade.
Does it learn sleep powder?
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:01:55 No. 16005074 Report Quoted By:
>>16005033 Thank youu. Enjoy the Tentacool
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:02:00 No. 16005077 Report >>16005020 in a playthrough? anything is viable when you're level 100
>>16004987 I don't try for levels, I just blow everything up
Quoted By:
>>16005020 Of course it can, hell you have no idea how many Mega Tyranitars and other stuff have been kissed to death on by my Silveon
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:02:48 No. 16005093 Report >>16005020 >>16005043 Sylveon, not leafeon.
Yes, it can with bulk. AFAIK it gets calm mind, paird with wish that's decent.
>>16005077 turns you mean?~
I go there for cash and only level them lowlevel ones by accident. Anonymous
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
>>16005202 I doubt either works. I don't think you can play a japanese game on a U.S. system. I could be wrong.
Hex 4398-9011-4632
>>16005261 could someone help me evolve a phantump?
Edgyworth !69IPhNTpi.
Quoted By:
Have : Spare 5V impish ferroseeds Spare 5V brave honedges. Want: Things. Anyone interested ?
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:14:11 No. 16005326 Report >>16005292 I can, If you help me evolve a Rhyperior
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
So once again I have an excess of Pokemon I could ever hope to trade for anything useful. Up for grabs are 24 5IVs: 6 Eevees, 17 Riolus, and a Shinx. Eevees are perfect spreads; the others aren't, because the RNG gods still haven't given me a female Riolu missing SpA. They're 100% free. All I ask is that you trade me derps in return so I won't feel guilty about releasing them. Also, please take at least three. I want all 24 gone tonight. Who wants what?
Hex 4398-9011-4632
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16005093 No karp yet. I've got:
, which are all useful but not a perfect 6
>>16004800 You gave me cursed magikarp
>>16005339 Got any calm eevees?
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:18:35 No. 16005417 Report Quoted By:
>Simultaneous trade request welp
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16005063 Yes.
>>16005398 I'm sorry ;_;
I'm about to check a box of males myself.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16005401 Yes, but none that are in the giveaway.
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:21:18 No. 16005465 Report >>16005398 I've gotten a hexa
fe male
Hex 4398-9011-4632
>>16005326 ahora me encuentro sumamente agradecido con usted
muchas gracias
>>16005446 That's fine. Can I have one male and one female/whatever gender?
>>16005229 Is there proof of this?
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:23:32 No. 16005504 Report Quoted By:
Alright so I have a fratini with decent IVs now. how should I EV train it... max out sp atk and then what?
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:24:33 No. 16005531 Report Quoted By:
Do I need Yvetal to complete the Dex for the Oval Charm?
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16005465 Yeah, I have a couple. And female versions of the ones I just mentioned. You can have the 0 attack one for special attackers, but I'll keep going.
>>16005438 It's ok, but I'm not having any more luck than you so far
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16005499 Pokemon from a US cart set to japanese, when sent to another cart set to a different language, gain the boosted exp not only from being a different OT, but from being a foriegn language. iirc its 1.7x for foreign language mons, while it's only 1.5x for different OT mons.
>>16005534 I don't know how many boxes I've hatched. And every box I check is two boxes I've hatched because of the female ratio. ;_;
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
>>16005543 >>16005499 I meant to say, that that's enough proof for me that they really do work as completely foreign mons, and so would work for Masuda.
>>16005552 fuck... dratini...
Quoted By:
>>16005563 Dragonite is Attack and Speed bro
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:28:58 No. 16005588 Report Quoted By:
>>16005534 im using two hexa shellos atm, trying to get you yours~
actually i have that weird hybrid egg a friend traded me from an english version that hatched on my german one... idk how the fuck that's treat.
But i wont give up until you have your male hexa shellos. Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:29:14 No. 16005594 Report Quoted By:
>wonder trading >everything today is crap Dangit. Yesterday was a fine day too. Oh well. I've got a few seismic toss, aromatherapy chanseys to spare. Most are in the 3-4 IV range, though I could breed up 5IV ones if anyone's interested in these little ladies. Glad to have a little time to breed again, been so busy lately!
Quoted By:
i have 1 female and 1 male 4IV adamant croagunk anticipation with drain punch
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16005487 Sorry, no. Females are a full 8x harder to get. I'm not giving those away. Also, I really don't appreciate you making requests in response to a giveaway. I'm trying to get rid of these as quickly as possible - not give every individual person exactly what they want. Sorry.
Anyone else? Might have to postpone till tomorrow because it's so slow.
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170 Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:37:01 No. 16005716 Report >>16005692 i'd love one please.
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
>>16005438 Would you feel like chatting via e-mail?
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus)
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:38:44 No. 16005741 Report Quoted By:
Lookin for anything with Synchronize and an adamant nature. I got a 4IV Trace-modest ralts for it.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16005716 One what? Can you take three? Or more?
>>16005339 Anonymous
I'm 2 Pokemon away from getting my Oval CharmAssuming I don't need the other 2 Kanto birds Can someone trade me a Yvetal? I will trade it back I got 4IV Rotom in exhange,or 4 IV Yanma, or 4 IV Jolly Charmander with DD and Dragon Rush
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170 Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:39:34 No. 16005756 Report Quoted By:
>>16005745 how about two eevee and a shinx?
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:40:36 No. 16005770 Report >>16005692 If you really want to give them away I'll take an eevee and a riolu. Are you sure you'd just want derps? My chanseys are looking for a good home too!
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus)
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:40:41 No. 16005772 Report >>16005339 I'll take some eevees off your hands
how do i make a competitive ditto? obviously i go for imposter but are there any specific ivs i should go for? is ev training taken into account? do i need a specific nature? looking to transform into other megas
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle)
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:41:51 No. 16005786 Report Quoted By:
Could I quickly trade someone my Haunter so it becomes a Gengar and trade back?
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:42:19 No. 16005790 Report Quoted By:
>>16005780 Imposter and max HP iv
rest doesn't matter is it is copied 1:1 by ditto.
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170
Metariel Maractus, Ivysaur, Oddish 4012-4603-4170 Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:44:19 No. 16005815 Report >>16005745 Thanks a bunch.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16005724 Not really, no, sorry.
TheBro [Dunsparce,Teddiursa,Eevee] 2191-7733-9582
TheBro [Dunsparce,Teddiursa,Eevee] 2191-7733-9582 Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:45:44 No. 16005841 Report Quoted By:
Any Jolly Moxie Pinsir?
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16005770 Quite sure. I'll take one for living dex purposes if you want to give me your lowest IV, but otherwise, just give me derps.
>>16005772 K
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus)
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:46:15 No. 16005854 Report >>16005772 >>16005772 And a shinx if thats cool
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Puchu 0705-3410-9473 [Jigglypuff, Dedenne, and Cle(fairy)]
Puchu 0705-3410-9473 [Jigglypuff, Dedenne, and Cle(fairy)] Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:47:51 No. 16005884 Report Quoted By:
>>16005339 I'll take an Eevee with a good spread, don't really care for the nature
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16005854 Sorry, Shinx is gone. Only had one up for grabs.
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:49:06 No. 16005896 Report Quoted By:
>>16005828 A-At 140 replies?
I-I don't think t-thats right m-man
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:49:59 No. 16005910 Report Quoted By:
>>16005846 Well all right. I never did get used to trading derps for decent stuff back in the day around here. ;_;
>>16005692 I didn't know that I was offending you. I don't expect anything now, but sorry?
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265 Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:53:43 No. 16005973 Report I need an adamant pokemon, doesnt matter what it is as long as it fits into the following egg groups: ditto, dragon, field or monster I dont care wether it has good iVs I dont have much to offer, I got friend safaris for dragons, ditto , chameleon and larvesta and pupitar so I could try to catch one of them.
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus)
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus) Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:54:32 No. 16005988 Report Quoted By:
>>16005890 That's cool, just though i'd ask.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16005925 No harm. I just don't see it as good etiquette to ask for specifics in a giveaway.
Quoted By:
>random wifi >double battle with someone >he's actually competent >down to last pokemon >sweating bullets but manage to win Would battle again. Not that often you get a good random battle online.
Puchu 0705-3410-9473 [Jigglypuff, Dedenne, and Cle(fairy)]
Puchu 0705-3410-9473 [Jigglypuff, Dedenne, and Cle(fairy)] Sun 17 Nov 2013 08:56:41 No. 16006021 Report Anonymous
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:00:15 No. 16006069 Report Quoted By:
>>16006039 S-Stop t-this I-I'm s-shy 4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus)
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:01:06 No. 16006078 Report Thanks for the Eevees Kirzi!
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:01:53 No. 16006086 Report Quoted By:
>>16005973 I also got pokerus
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
Quoted By:
>>16005836 Did I offend you?
dawny 0146 9834 4218
Quoted By:
>shiny Stunfisk That had to happen. The guy's only lacking defense
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:02:51 No. 16006098 Report Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:04:03 No. 16006112 Report sasch, pls add and trade me
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
>>16006098 Do you want to respond if I can't help you?
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:04:36 No. 16006120 Report >fishing for female speed boost torchic on gts to complement my male torchic without speed boost >receive one named アナル Well, I laughed.
>>16005994 Thank you much! Not my worst chansey, she's usable for breeding if nothing else.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006021 >>16006078 No problem.
I've still got 16 Riolus who need homes. They're free, 5IV, with egg moves. Get them before they're gone.
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:05:35 No. 16006133 Report >>16006098 >I'm 2 Pokemon away from getting my Oval Charm >Assuming I don't need the other 2 Kanto birds >Can someone trade me a Yvetal? I will trade it back >I got 4IV Rotom in exhange,or 4 IV Yanma, or 4 IV Jolly Charmander with DD and Dragon Rus Yeah buddy I can doo you a yvetal for dex entry, I would love a Charmander.
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:06:01 No. 16006141 Report >>16006112 b-but w-why
and what i-i'm scared Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:06:47 No. 16006151 Report >>16006114 At least I don't feel ignored
>>16006133 Adding
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:07:35 No. 16006161 Report >>16006141 I need erased def and a qualot, I'll gib something in return
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006120 If I ever decide to breed Chansey, I've got a starting point. But I won't. Instead she'll be immortalized in my living dex. How's that for a good home?
Quoted By:
>>16006151 What nature is your Rotom?
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:08:12 No. 16006172 Report Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:09:07 No. 16006177 Report >>16006172 Oh man female would be fantastic
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:09:11 No. 16006180 Report >>16006161 Orait, forgot that~
How many can I give you?~
Have: 4IV Rotoms 4IV Gligars 4IV Gastlys Some Ferroseeds with egg moves Wants: Gibles Larvitars with pursuit Bulbasaurs Any other offers..
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:10:32 No. 16006199 Report >>16006180 what ever my
Diva bedeeva needs to have 0 def, and let her hold one
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:11:11 No. 16006208 Report >>16006167 Sounds fantastic. Better fate than any I'd send over wonder trade I'm sure. ;_;
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:11:36 No. 16006214 Report >>16006198 I have Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 SR Pursuit DD Larvitars. Do the gligars have Immunity?
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk)
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:11:37 No. 16006215 Report >>16006132 If you're still offering, I'd like one,
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:12:17 No. 16006223 Report >>16006199 how many did you feed her?
100+ ev get to 100 the first berry, after that it's just removed by 10 each time~ Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:12:24 No. 16006225 Report >>16006177 Rge femake is level 26 sicne I used it for breeding
Dragon Dance and Dragon Rush should be Heart Scaled, is that good?
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16006198 What kind of bulbasaur do you want?
how to transform rotom to wash machine
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:14:04 No. 16006250 Report Quoted By:
>>16006214 you got any adamant pokemon that you could spare? I dont need good IVs I just need an adamant pokemon so I can start breeding
can give you pokerus in return
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:14:09 No. 16006252 Report Quoted By:
>>16006243 Second Floor in the lab
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:14:21 No. 16006254 Report Quoted By:
>>16006243 Sycamores Lab, 2nd floor, click on boxes
Quoted By:
Will trade legendary for shiny miltank or other shiny.
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent]
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:14:47 No. 16006261 Report >>16006214 Yes they have Immunity, do we have a deal. They're 4IV.
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:15:10 No. 16006264 Report Quoted By:
>>16006223 fed her a bunch already, should only be a few more
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:15:37 No. 16006266 Report >>16006261 Deal, I'll add you and get online.
>>16006225 danke mate!
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006208 I got bored of trading mine on Wondertrade. Mostly because it takes so long. I'd rather do bulk giveaways.
>>16006215 Definitely still offering. How many do you want? I've got 16 to give away and no other offers at the moment.
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:16:57 No. 16006285 Report Quoted By:
>>16006266 Thanks a lot bro
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent]
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:18:22 No. 16006300 Report >>16006242 One that supports MVenasaur, I don't know i'm new to competitive battling. ;_;
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:18:41 No. 16006305 Report >>16006281 I'd like one too! With either Steadfast or Justified, and male?
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk)
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:18:56 No. 16006310 Report >>16006281 I'll take 2 if that's alright.
Alebon 1864-8942-2029
Quoted By:
Please for the love of based God, somebody tell me they have Staryus on deck. I cannot find any well bred Staryu leftovers. I have 4IV Impish Immunity Gligars and 4IV Adamant Technician Scythers. Trade me.
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16006300 Ok. I'll send you something.
I wouldn't mind a rotom
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:20:16 No. 16006327 Report Quoted By:
>>16006281 Wonder trade is nice sometimes. I got ~5 5IV Japanese 'mons yesterday. Didn't get crap today and reached my chansey box... decided to come here instead.
Seems it's a bit dead right now though. (wru lima)
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent]
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:20:20 No. 16006328 Report >>16006281 Can I get a Rioulu?
Alebon 1864-8942-2029
>>16006132 Uhhhhhhh I'll take one
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Quoted By:
>>16006305 Sure. Added.
All are male, none have HA. You can have a steadfast.
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent]
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:21:46 No. 16006345 Report >>16006325 Whats the nature and IV spread on the Bulbasaurs?
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Johan 1907-9290-5839
I have:
4-5IV Murkrows, Prankster, Adamant & Bold, Brave Bird & Perish Song
4-5IV Poliwags, Swift Swim, Modest
>>16006132 Can I get one of those Riolus for one of my pokemon?
>>16006198 Can I get a Rotom for any of my pokemon?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:23:38 No. 16006372 Report >>16006132 I wouldn't mind one, adding
>>16006223 thanks a bunch
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:23:49 No. 16006373 Report >>16006198 You feel like trading a Rotom for a Maison Item?
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:24:04 No. 16006383 Report >>16006372 That took 8 berries~
Where's the reward? :^) Welcome~
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:24:33 No. 16006389 Report Quoted By:
>Pentaperfect Klefki Sunday, you are awesome
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16006345 I've got a HA female missing speed. Or one missing SpAtk. Or various spreads on a male.
Mani 3411-1237-0272 [Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Clefairy]
Mani 3411-1237-0272 [Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Clefairy] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:24:56 No. 16006397 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a decent IV'd Larvesta? I've been trying to MM a shiny for the last few hours, but my foreign stock has some average IVs.
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:24:57 No. 16006399 Report Quoted By:
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent]
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:25:41 No. 16006408 Report >>16006373 Yes, what do you have? I only have Choice Band and Toxic Orb.
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:26:42 No. 16006419 Report Trying this again want a pokemon with adamant nature, that can breed with one of those egg groups: Ditto, Dragon, Field, Monster. idgaf about IVs have: pokerus can catch dragonairs, ivysaurs, chameleons, gabites, larvestas, pupitars, wartortles, dittos, eeves, sliggoos, fraxures, frogadiers
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:26:45 No. 16006422 Report >>16006408 What nature are the Rotoms? And I got BP, so you can have whatever you want!
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
So this is everyone I'm about to trade: Mike 1220-6452-5757 2 Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 1 mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 1 Alebon 1864-8942-2029 1 Johan 1907-9290-5839 1 Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 1 Did I miss anyone? And are you all sure you don't want more than one?
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent]
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:27:46 No. 16006444 Report Quoted By:
>>16006412 I'll take the female HA Bulbasaur with HA if you dont mind.
Quoted By:
hey. add my friend cod for friend safari and ill ad your code i am looking for sableye with trickster. game name is luke
Alebon 1864-8942-2029
>>16006419 Do you have a Timid Ditto? One from Friend Safari would be nice. 2IVs are always great.
I have some Adamant Gibles and shit. That can breed with Dragon.
Mani 3411-1237-0272 [Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Clefairy]
Mani 3411-1237-0272 [Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Clefairy] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:28:29 No. 16006454 Report >>16006419 I can give you an Adamant ditto - I'd be interested in a Larvesta. IVs?
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:28:54 No. 16006461 Report >>16006433 Yes I only need one. IGN is Tom, just TR me when you're ready!
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent]
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:29:08 No. 16006463 Report >>16006422 Modest, is that okay?
Johan 1907-9290-5839
>>16006433 Could you trade me a male one? Everything else is great.
>>16006198 >4 IV why even bother
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Quoted By:
>>16006433 Also, in case anyone missed me saying it earlier, please just trade me derps. They're being released after I trade you. Or going in the dex.
Alebon 1864-8942-2029
>>16006433 I'll take 2, sure. I just didn't want to be greedy right off the bat with multiple people asking.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006464 They're all male.
Quoted By:
>>16006466 So people can spend less time maybe?
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:31:22 No. 16006487 Report Quoted By:
>>16006451 I only have hardy and carefull dittos
>>16006454 they are from friend safari, got one with perfect attack and defense
Johan 1907-9290-5839
>>16006479 Okay. I'll trade you a 1iv Poliwag then, unless you want a 5iv one.
Mani 3411-1237-0272 [Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Clefairy]
Mani 3411-1237-0272 [Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Clefairy] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:32:04 No. 16006502 Report Ah, was sorta hoping for some breeding leftovers.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006461 Where in Sweden are you? (if you don't mind my asking) >>16006476 Thanks for the consideration, but I'm trying to get rid of all of them tonight so it's fine.
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:32:25 No. 16006507 Report >>16006463 That is very okay. What Maison Item do you want?
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:32:28 No. 16006508 Report >>16006364 Hey mate, I'm after a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Swift Swim Poliwag
I have a modest rotom 31/x/31/x/31/31, or:
Gible - Jolly - Rough Skin / Sand Veil
Outrage / Iron Head / Iron Tail
Larvitar - Adamant
Stealth Rocks / Pursuit / Dragon Dance
Honedge - Brave
31/31/31/31/31/x - M/F
Goomy - Calm - Sap Sipper
31/31/31/31/31/31 - M
Klefki - Bold
31/x/31/31/31/31 - M/F
Alebon 1864-8942-2029
Quoted By:
>>16006505 IGN is Calem btw
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:33:28 No. 16006526 Report Quoted By:
>>16006502 nope sorry, everything would be catched from friend safari and then infected with pokerus, I cant start breeding without an adamant pokemon
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:34:16 No. 16006537 Report >>16006505 Småland, and you? Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs on please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:35:17 No. 16006549 Report Quoted By:
andrew where are you pls, there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who are thinking of not going fast pls send help
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:35:45 No. 16006556 Report All right. Done with breakfast. I'm looking for a speed boost torchic, preferably female in the 3-4 IV range (wouldn't mind 5 either!). I've got 4 IV bold aromatherapy/seismic toss chanseys on hand or I could breed up a 5 IV one and I could breed up 5 IV adamant mawailes, bellyjet marills, and fletchlings.
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent]
mark 0602 - 6307 - 2283 [Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:36:25 No. 16006562 Report >>16006507 Um would a Life Orb be to much?
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006537 GA in the US. I ask because I've been to Göteborg. Sweden's nice. Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:37:22 No. 16006578 Report Quoted By:
>>16006556 Oh to add to that I can get a maison item of your choice in addition to those, besides ability capsule.
Alebon 1864-8942-2029
>>16006566 Thanks again. Have to friendship evolve them, but definitely useful for breeding.
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:38:05 No. 16006588 Report >>16006556 >>16006556 I can do you a 31/31/31/x/x/31 one for a 4IV Chansey
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:39:09 No. 16006610 Report >>16006556 >>16006588 It's male though, forgot to mention.
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:39:21 No. 16006616 Report >>16006566 Ah, yes, Göteborg is really nice! And thank you so much for the tiny Riolu~
>>16006582 Just slap a Soothe Bell on him and breed some mons.
>>16006562 Not at all. I'm adding you, just send me TR when you're ready!
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006582 Imagine how much fun they were for me to breed? It's too bad though, just give it the soothe bell and circle the tower for awhile.
Johan 1907-9290-5839
>>16006508 Can I get that Goomy? I know how it feels getting the wrong ability on a 6iv.
Ginger (Honky_dory) [2337-3597-0993]
Does anybody have any leftover Rotom? Something that's not adamant would be nice
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16006412 I finally got my first hex male karp. I have broken through to the other side.
>>16006495 Whangas? Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:40:44 No. 16006643 Report Quoted By:
>>16006629 Sure thing, adding you now.
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:40:54 No. 16006648 Report >>16006610 That sounds ok. I can breed out a female on my own. Let me find you a nice one.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Quoted By:
>>16006616 It was still light out fairly late. That threw me off. And no problem.
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16006641 Congrats. I'm still going.
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>16006641 Step it up, I have 4 male Stunfisks and a shiny one
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006582 >>16006627 Meant to say it's not too bad.
StevieLov3 0705-2733-0066 !Iy/0VayIKk
Quoted By:
Got a Shiny Clauncher off of Wonder Trade today!
Jord 2509-2146-9874 [Swadloon, Pansage and Quilladin]
Jord 2509-2146-9874 [Swadloon, Pansage and Quilladin] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:43:01 No. 16006674 Report I have some 4IV Pokemon I really need to get rid of. 7 Adamant Poison Heal Shroomish W/ Focus Punch (Pokeball) 1 Cleffa and Clefairy, both with Magic Guard, the Cleffa has Wish. (Pokeball) Two Bold Natural Cure Chanseys, no egg moves. (Dusk Ball) 17 Adamant Huge Power Marill W/ Superpower, Belly Drum, Aqua Jet. (Pokeball) I'd normally trade them off in Wondertrade, but I'd like to collect some friend codes and maybe get some decent Pokemon in return for once.
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk)
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:43:36 No. 16006680 Report >>16006631 I've got a Modest one missing Att/Speed if you'd like it.
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:44:05 No. 16006686 Report >>16006674 one of those adamant marrils would be awesome
pokerus ok?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:44:17 No. 16006688 Report I've got a Shiny yellow flower Flabebe I would like to trade. If there is a shiny trade thread, please direct me to it. I checked the catalog and didn't see one. I'm looking for other shinies, preferably gen 6, or cute/cool in general
Ginger (Honky_dory) [2337-3597-0993]
Quoted By:
>>16006680 sure thing! adding you now.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16006660 Subject change, sorry: do you want french pickup Aipoms? I can catch you some if you like, for pickup shenanigans.
>>16006664 I saw that! I'm waiting for my shiny karp to come through.
Are you accidentally MMing, or was that just straight random hatched shiny?
I'm jealous of your hexas. I've been breeding these karp like mad, and I've had at least 3 female 6s but only one male so far.
Well done on your shone, by the way!
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16006688 What level? What ball? Can you nickname her (are you the OT)?
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:45:56 No. 16006709 Report >>16006610 Would a 5 IV chansey without HP be ok? I can keep looking if not.
Jord 2509-2146-9874 [Swadloon, Pansage and Quilladin]
Jord 2509-2146-9874 [Swadloon, Pansage and Quilladin] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:46:42 No. 16006721 Report >>16006686 I already have a few Pokemon in my PC with Pokerus, but I'll give you one anyway.
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:47:13 No. 16006730 Report >>16006648 >>16006709 If you can't find anything else than that'll be fine. I've got you added and ready to go.
>>16006629 Cheers for the trade
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>16006690 I am not MM'ing. The spread is 31/31/1/31/31/31, which is humorous
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16006690 Yeah, I guess so. They'll level up quick. I'll trade you something really cool for them.
magikarp mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265
mandatory steel klefki magneton klang 3540 0275 5265 Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:47:27 No. 16006734 Report Quoted By:
>>16006721 alright thank you so much!
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:47:48 No. 16006739 Report >>16006702 Bad news, it's in a repeat ball and has a nickname, "FIFI". Level 7, Quiet nature.
Johan 1907-9290-5839
>>16006641 I'm sorry I don't know what that means.
>>16006671 Thank you!
>>16006730 Thank you very much!
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16006732 Ouch, that 1 defense...
Pretty neat still. Are you planning on using him/her?
>>16006733 How many do you want, in what balls, and would you like them nicknamed?
>>16006739 Sigh. I really want a low-levelled one, able to be nicknamed, and in a quick ball. I've had no luck chaining them either - the chain ends up mostly white flabebe.
I wish you luck trading her!
>>16006764 Thought you were someone else then, sorry~
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16006775 Uh... 4, nicknamed whatever you like, luxury ball but I don't mind.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
I think I got everyone. I still have 8 Riolus left, though. Who wants them? They're still free. Two 4IVs and a 5IV... I said I wanted derps. Come on people. Nigh, I'm conflicted. He's too good to just be locked in a living dex forever. What do?
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil)
Ted (IGN: Scotty) 2664 - 3151 - 4720 (Maractus, Oddish, Petilil) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:54:04 No. 16006806 Report Quoted By:
>>16006730 All right. I can't find anything better than this one that has both egg moves. Hope she's nice to you at least!
Thanks for the trade!
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>16006775 Yes, I'm breeding Sassy here so I've got my max Special Defense with Discharge/Earthquake/Sludge Wave/Muddy Water for doubles with the Assault Vest for extra classiness sounds like more fun than what I can handle
0087 2492 4861 (klefki skarmory magneton)
0087 2492 4861 (klefki skarmory magneton) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:55:24 No. 16006819 Report Quoted By:
I'm looking for a very, very slow ferroseed in gen6. I don't care about other IVs, I can get those myself eventually but I've been breeding for a slow ferroseed with no luck. Can anyone help me?
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
>>16006792 I'll take one. Can never have too many male Riolu kicking around I guess.
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk)
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:55:36 No. 16006823 Report >>16006674 I'm interested in the Marril and Shroomish.
I have:
4 IV Bold/Jolly Eevee with Wish. The Jolly ones also have Yawn.
4 IV Timid Joltik
4 IV Modest Rotom
4 IV Adamant Phanpy with Ice Shard
4 IV Jolly Sneasal with Icicle Crash/Ice Shard/Ice Punch
I also think I have some 4 IV Axews, Growlithes with CC, and Pinsir's with CC/Quick Attack, but I'd have to check those.
Lupro 5370-0978-1328 (illumise paras pinsir)
Lupro 5370-0978-1328 (illumise paras pinsir) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:56:06 No. 16006827 Report 0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:56:12 No. 16006830 Report Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16006789 Alrighty~
I'll do that now, give me a little break from drowning in fish.
I want to find a shone Aipom for me. That would be very cool indeed. And a shone Tropius, oh I want one of them. I want all my utility pokemon to be shiny. >>16006807 Sounds like he'd be nigh unbreakable, specially anyway.
I hope the 3d thing didn't mess up his colours; a lot of the non-gen 6 pokemon seem to have really dull colours this gen. Ditto was such a vibrant purple before, for example.
Jord 2509-2146-9874 [Swadloon, Pansage and Quilladin]
Jord 2509-2146-9874 [Swadloon, Pansage and Quilladin] Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:59:15 No. 16006864 Report >>16006823 Sure, I'll take the Bold Eevee and the Timid Joltik.
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Sun 17 Nov 2013 09:59:24 No. 16006867 Report >>16006792 Hey man I'll take one
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006821 >>16006827 >>16006830 Adding.
Anyone else? Last call for tonight, as I just realized it's 5am and I should probably not be awake right now.
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>16006842 Stunfisk's just too 2D for 3D, it's paper fin and laying flat on the ground so you can't see much
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
>>16006878 Anything you're looking for in terms of filling the dex?
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Sun 17 Nov 2013 10:02:52 No. 16006907 Report Quoted By:
>>16006878 >>16006867 If it isnt too much of a bother
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006867 Added.
>>16006905 If it can't be caught but has to be levelled (or whatever) and evolved, I probably don't have it. But don't worry about it, I'll take whatever.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16006887 Good point. Its pretty cool that you got something you'll use out of this though!
How many were you planning to breed?
I haven't even thought of that for myself, actually. How many hexa males of each species should I breed?
In other news, Aipom have a capture rate of 3.
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
Quoted By:
>>16006915 Thanks for that.
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>16006918 I went with 7 for the Bulbasaur because the image said 7 sets, also deep symbolism, so I still intend on breeding 7 of them. I am not scared of getting another shiny Stunfisk, I want a Curse one at least.
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon Sun 17 Nov 2013 10:08:12 No. 16006969 Report >>16006915 Waiting on my add
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk)
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk) Sun 17 Nov 2013 10:09:22 No. 16006979 Report Quoted By:
>>16006864 Awesome, thanks for the trade.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16006969 Oops, missed you. What's your IGN?
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
>>16006952 It was sets of 7, rather than 7 sets. Seven's a good number though, I'll probably aim for that.
I need to make sure I round up one of each for myself. It'd be too easy to forget with all this busyness. 0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon Sun 17 Nov 2013 10:14:52 No. 16007029 Report 0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon Sun 17 Nov 2013 10:17:33 No. 16007046 Report Quoted By:
>>16006995 Thanks dude, that should have not-shit- ivs
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Sun 17 Nov 2013 10:18:13 No. 16007057 Report Quoted By:
trent (4768 8528 9750) Snover, Beartic & Piloswine
trent (4768 8528 9750) Snover, Beartic & Piloswine Sun 17 Nov 2013 10:21:06 No. 16007079 Report Quoted By:
looking for a 5iv timid zubat, willing to trade for my 5iv adamant marill.pls dont hate me, crobat is my pokebro
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Three Riolus left. Anyone I've already added want them before I head off?
trent (4768 8528 9750) Snover, Beartic & Piloswine
trent (4768 8528 9750) Snover, Beartic & Piloswine Sun 17 Nov 2013 10:22:54 No. 16007127 Report >>16007090 >Kirzi if you arent doing anything with them, then i suppose i could take one off of you
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16007090 Sure, I'll take one pls
dawny 0146 9834 4218
If anyone wants to have a little not so serious 6vs6 match, hit me
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16007147 I don't have enough stuff trained yet, but I've got a male karp for mm breeding special attackers for you
dawny 0146 9834 4218
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16007127 Alright, adding.
>>16007137 Will you take two?
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Quoted By:
>>16003944 that picture is a fucking masterpiece
Alex !tDFrTopkek
trent (4768 8528 9750) Snover, Beartic & Piloswine
trent (4768 8528 9750) Snover, Beartic & Piloswine Sun 17 Nov 2013 10:35:53 No. 16007301 Report Quoted By:
>>16007205 thanks! great nickname too :)
Renegard !mFennEkIN6
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>16007283 That trade window with both pokémons flapping hopelessly on their side was ridiculous
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16007283 No problem. I didn't look at the IVs, but weren't you breeding Magikarp? If they're valuable, you can take them back. I was only looking for derps for the Riolu.
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16007304 Yeah, they're both so pathetic
>>16007307 They probably have a lot of 31s but they're derps to me
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Quoted By:
>>16007322 Fair enough. My Riolus unfortunately suck. I got a 6IV before I got even one missing SpA. It's odd.
Vonlocke 4253-3621-9551 (Onix,Nosepass,Barbaricle)
Vonlocke 4253-3621-9551 (Onix,Nosepass,Barbaricle) Sun 17 Nov 2013 12:22:47 No. 16008564 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got Kee and maranga berries they could throw on some junkmon and give to me?