[12 / 2 / ?]
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>The literal definition of this pentagon, given by the Pokémon Company, is that the Pokémon is ok to use. This came from the rules of the upcoming Dragon tournament in Japan where, on looking deeper into the fine print, it is stated that Pokémon that were transferred from Black, White, Black 2 & White 2 cannot be used. There is a possibility that the mark could be for Pokémon obtained natively in the Kalos region, with other marks for Pokémon transferred, but this will not be made clear until December 25th when Pokémon Bank is released So does this mean that you can't use hackmons as well as move tutored 'mons online in X&Y?
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It means it's a possibility and we won't know until December 25th. My bet's on the tournie being limited to Kalos-native pokes, but online in general allowing transfered ones as well.
I'm pretty sure you can use tutored mons in online matches, this is just for tournaments. And regarding hackmons, you can just hack it to have the pentagon
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>There is a possibility that the mark could be for Pokémon obtained natively in the Kalos region, with other marks for Pokémon transferred, but this will not be made clear until December 25th when Pokémon Bank is released I feel as if this is the most likely possibility, to make it easier to distinguish between them in tournaments that want to limit them. Of course we know nothing until the time comes unfortunately.
>>16007324 What if the pentagon is just a check the game does by itself and isn't saved the same way shininess is.
>>16007347 That would be wonderful.
Fuck hackers.
>>16007347 I highly doubt that, I believe it is related to location data. It most likely represents kalos, seeing as kalos is represented by a pentagon everywhere else in the game
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>>16007393 It can be both.
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>>16007380 That would be wonderful, for hackers.
It would be the quickest legal check so you don't have to send your hacked mons everytime online to see if they're legit or not.
>implying they'll let you use kalos mons only, when there's 200 pokemon you can't even catch there
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>>16007536 you can always use the parents to make some kalos bred mons.
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>GameFreak implements hacked Pokemon detector into Pokemon Bank to stem hacked mons in competitive >realizing how easy it is to make an undetectable hacked pokemon, they flat-out ban any pokemon transferred from previous gens So what are they going to do when Gen VI Pokegen releases? Stop holding tournaments?