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Dear /vp/oreons, have you truly realized how shitty Aurorus is? I mean, there's so much more to it than what you see by just quickly looking at it. Ok, here are the obvious ones:>Six weaknesses, including double weaknesses to Steel and Fighting Not only is this guy weak to both sides of EdgeQuake and Pebbles, it also has a double weakness to two most common priority moves (Bullet Punch and Mach Punch) and a normal weakness to Aqua Jet, another common priority move. This horrible typing and an awful 58 Speed means that Aurorus isn't viable even in NU.>The abilities This was one big fuck you to everyone out there. Refrigerate is an EXCELLENT ability but just to fuck with Aurorus even more, Game Freak made it a special attacker without any special moves. This guy would've loved Hyper Voice but now it's just a fucking joke. Not only that, but it was also given an awesome, previously exclusive, ability Snow Warning in the generation where weather was nerfed hard. It's not like the nerf matters though, you're not going to win weather wars with someone who's weak to Sneaky Stones.>Jokes on you! It's great in inverted battles! No it isn't. Inverted battles are "Normal: The Metagame" and Aurorus is weak to Normal under those conditions. What I find even funnier is that thanks to Refrigerate, Aurorus can't use Normal type moves itself!>Bu-but it's good in Doubles, r-right? Weak to Earthquake and Rock Slide AND Surf while taking neutral damage from Heat Wave. Into the fucking trash it goes. I'm telling you, some guy at Game Freak had something personal against this thing so he thought about all the possible situations and made Aurorus shit everywhere. And I really mean EVERYWHERE. No matter how hard you try, no matter what kind of an environment you put this thing in, no matter what kind of gimmicks your try to come up with, Aurorus is always shit in it's truest form. Aurorus is absolute garbage and has no redeeming qualities anywhere.
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>That feel when Aurourus is my friends favorite sixth gen Pokemon >He hasn't realized how bad it is yet Sorry about that, bro.
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>>16008878 >not using a glorious faggot dinosaur okay
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>>16008878 It's to fuck with all the contrarion retards who won't admit that Tyrantrum is an objectively better design.
>>16008878 You really have to sit down and just think for a while to realize how horrible Aurorus actually is. This Pokemon takes "being shit" to a whole new level. People who picked Sail Fossil have said that this thing is nearly useless even in-game, which is an outstanding achievement since just about every Pokemon can function well in the story mode. Aurorus is below Farfetch'd tier and its shittines is equal to that of Ledian and Luvdisc. Aurorus is truly the most horrible Gen VI Pokemon, but more importantly, it's probably the biggest disappointment in the history of the series. Aurorus was supposed to be awesome with Freeze-Dry and Refrigerate, it was supposed to be a revolutionary sweeper and a demolisher of Water types with its excellent STAB moves but ended up being one of the worst Pokemon in existence. GF really hates this thing.
The only way I found her somewhat viable was finding the right time to set up a Rock Polish, if it can do that then you have a slight chance, providing your opponent doesn't have a mach/bullet puncher.
One more "fuck you" to the list of shitty things about Aurorus:>Rock type >Special attacker >Literally covered in gems >Can't learn Power Gem There's no reason for this besides "fuck you Aurorus". Well yeah, of course it can't learn the only viable Rock type special move even though it clearly fills all the requirements for it.
>>16008878 >I'm telling you, some guy at Game Freak had something personal against this thing More like personal agenda against ice.
I'm betting it's Masuda since he doesn't want to nerf water which ice should naturally counter.
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>>16009292 >Finding the right time to set up with Aurorus Maximum kek.
Yeah, even Ledian can be viable if you find the right time to set up with it. Good luck with your searching. I truly feel sorry for all you who hoped for Aurorus to be good.
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Exhibit A on why Ice should resist water and ground. I meant it would still be pretty shitty but at least it would cover rocks weaknesses instead of being deadweight. Ice currently makes just about everything it's paired up with shittier.
>>16009325 So much this. Ice is obviously supposed to be a glass cannon type if you look at the type chart. Is it just a pure coincidence that almost all non-legendary Ice types besides Jynx are slow bulky attackers? I find it really hard to believe that the guys at GF just accidentally happen to make bulky Ice types over and over and over again. They really hate Ice and you can see that.
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>>16009248 I used it in story and it worked well enough as long as i picked his opponents carefully. I admit he gets destroyed by any decent hit, but he can tank neutral special hits and using hyper beam on noivern in the E4 was one of the best moments in the series for me (that's 150 BP + 50 from refrigerate, buffed to 300 with stab, 4x SE means it hits for 1200, fun incarnate).
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someone had to take Flareon's place now that it knows flare blitz i still picked it because it's goddamn adorable, but seriously what a dick move giving you one and then throwing you through two areas covered in fighting type trainers and then a fighting type gym
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at least lapras gets freeze dry
>>16009403 I think their twisted logic is:
"Well ice is slow because glaciers and cold is slow, but it won't be able to take a hit too well...especially since it only resists itself! I know let's give it bulk! That should compensate!"
I really think that's their reasoning. Still there's no reason why Ice can't resist water and one type it hits SE. It would still retain a glass cannon status.
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Aurorus is shit but I kinda like using it in game. It could and should be way better, but I picked it because I was going for coverage.>Pretty much no rock moves Seriously, what the fuck, Gamefreak? That being said I can't "hate" it. It's not even a real thing.
It's horrible in battle AND has a truly awful design. Just trash. It's unreal that some people still claim to like this thing.
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I like how the viable ice types is > Cloyster Because muh gimmick shell smash> Mamoswine Because it overcomes it weakness as because of thick fat > Kyurem because it shit even compared to Ubers Other Ice types that could be used are Froslass, Weavile, Cryognal and Abomasnow who all do their jobs quite well if only they overcame their shitty ice type weaknesses. Ice type isn't even a bad typing, it has it's own weather, a move that overcomes it's prime resistor, a status move that renders shit useless, a OHKO move and a good offensive coverage. It's just that the pokemon attributed to are just that shit.
>>16009477 Yeah, probably something like this. The same goes to Bug:
>Bugs are small and weak in real life so it's okay to keep making shitty bugs Goddamn Game Freak. I know they don't give a shit about balance or the viability of their Pokemon but they could at least make ONE glass cannon Ice type that doesn't end up in NU. Hell, even Articuno is NU.
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>>16009559 The official artwork is really bad and makes Aurorus look like some derpy MLP character. The in-game model is a million times better although I'm still not a big fan of its design.
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I can only think of one situation Aurorus could be used for SOMETHING and that's when it's in doubles with a faster partner like Heliolisk and both of them are spamming Round. Talk about a gimmick.
>>16009586 At least they bugs have a lot niches
With Scizor, Galavantula, Scolipede, Genesect, Forretress, Volcarona, Heracross, Venomoth, Ninjask, Shedninja. and Accelgor. as well as access to U-turn. How many Ice types can you name above NU ?
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>>16009586 Bug is getting better. The problem is that they insist on making bugs as the early bird Pokemon. They probably have a limited amount of each type allowed in the game and so those take up space used on good bugs. Good bugs exist, and they have some of the best abilities and utility moves many of which are mostly exclusive to them. (Though as soon as Speed Boost was put on a non-bug it got banned lol). Really if less types resisted bugs it would be a solid type. It tends to pair well with many types unlike Ice.
At least this Gen introduced Powder and Speed Boost Scolipede, but it's definitely not as good for bug fans as Gen V was.
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>not using Round Aurorus in triples/doubles Anyway, does consecutive Round work in singles?
>>16009325 ALL OF THIS.
Fucking water, man. I'm sick of it. The number one most common type, has near-perfect coverage by itself and only two non-legendary Pokemon 4x resist it.
Fairy not resisting Water was a fucking joke.
>>16009652 Mamoswine, Kyurem, Weavile, Froslass, Cryogonal, Abomasnow
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>>16009248 That's funny, because it actually saved my ass against Diantha's Tyrantrum and Goodra when my Dragalge was KO'd
>>16009719 None of those Pokemon are OU material, except situationally. And one's a fucking legendary.
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>>16009719 Apologies, didn't read the post you quoted. Carry on.
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>>16008878 >Game Freak made it a special attacker without any special moves Pokemon Z's move tutors will fix that. mark my words
>>16009791 >mamoswine >not OU material Anonymous
>>16009897 >implying mamoswine isn't shit Anonymous
>>16009985 >implying he wasn't OU in gen V Anonymous
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>>16009791 Kyurem is proof legendary status don't mean shit. Its forms are tiered separately - Kyurem-W is Ubers, Kyurem-B is OU and Kyurem-N is UU or BL or some shit like that.
>>16010003 >implying smogonfags don't use shit pokemon Anonymous
>>16010122 Your point was none of those were OU material. I pointed out that mamoswine is OU.
What's your argument here?
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>>16009248 >Aurorus was supposed to be aweso What gargantuan retard told you that this thing was expected to be anything other than trash? We knew from THE DAY IT WAS REVEALED that it would be Ice/Rock with only Refrigerate and Freeze Dry (which don't synergize) to help. That's dead weight even with Arceus stats.
>>16010176 My point was that it's not in the same caliber as other OU pokes. Usage was not a factor. Usage is arbitrary, viability is not.
>>16010231 It's still "technically" OU even if it's not the same caliber, since OU is based on usage, not how strong they are.
Does this have something to do with the matter that furries mildly like this thing?
>>16010231 What the fuck are you talking about? 130 attack is not OU level?
Fucking kill yourself.
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>>16010253 Fair. It's a shame that's the only metric we can go on though.
Mamoswine is still shit.
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>>16010231 It's not used for its dashing good looks and charm. People have reasons to use things, bro.
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>>16010274 Have fun with your STAB Ice Shards not even doing 30% on anything while it gets outsped and OHKO'd by everything in existence.
Some day this thing is going to get SNOW WARNING. Then you'll see. It will be the NNEU tier's Abomasnow.Isn't it hilarious that ONLY the two most horrifically type-weak Pokemon in existence get this ability? They must think Hail is really broken.
>>16010273 Probably.
I mean, yeah it's shit in battle, but anyone crapping on the design is just mad that there's a subset of fans that like it too.
>>16010338 Which makes me very sad, because I love Hail. Sub/Disable Froslass is the only thing that can really abuse it unfortunately (boy is it fun, though).
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>>16009315 To be fair, that's ice.
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>>16010366 Stallrein is pretty ridiculous, but weather only lasts 5 turns now apparently so it's not as good
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>>16009710 I'm glad I'm not the only one.
>Starter type with the fewest weaknesses >Almost all capable of learning either Ice Beam or Ice Punch Fucking sick of these guys.
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>>16008878 Speaks the truth. Raised this massive disappointment early on, all it did was sit and leech exp because of how useless it was. Great design, but totally worthless.
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>>16010344 Like everything else here, then? I guess it finally happened, then. This is now nothing more than a competitive board. Everyone else can go home, there's nothing to see here.
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
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>>16008878 >/vp/oreons >reposting the same thread about this fossil everyday for the past 2 weeks. Anonymous
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>>16010231 Are you saying that good bulk, an ability that removes his weakness to fire, an amazing typing and an amazing stab that is only resisted by very few pokemons. Not to mention the fact it has priority an base 130 attack.
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>>16008878 doesn't Aurorus get Nature power? that would make it a tri attack in wifi battles which would be like an ice beam that gets a 33% boost thanks to it's ability
And that's not bad at all
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>>16008878 Fuck you Nerd
Aurorus is awesome.