>>16028021With the whole team, what happens is there's only ONE MOVE assist can call: Shadow Force.
Shadow Force is hella powerful, Liepard gets STAB, and it ignores protect, so spamming it is usually a good way to kill shit. And it's two turns, meaning you're invulnerable during the move.
Meanwhile the trick is Liepard having Prankster + Lagging Tail. Prankster causes Assist to go first, which means Shadow Force goes first. Always (unless the enemy outspeeds you with priority or has something that never misses).
The Lagging Tail, meanwhile, causes Liepard to always go second in its priority bracket.
The net result is that turns go like this, all the time every time:
Liepard used Assist! Liepard vanished!
Opponent used Attack! But it missed!
Opponent used Attack! But it missed!
Liepard used Shadow Force!
Liepard never gets hit, ever, and deals out extreme damage.
Though in Gen VI it's my understanding that assist no longer gets boosted by Prankster, meaning this strategy stops working.