same thing I said
>>16033664 sorry I dont have more to trade, im not good at breeding and i never visited wifi general before
>>16033685 we youtube now.
new Thread, new try:
Currently building an offensive rain team.
Now, as it stands, Ludicolo would strategically be a good addition, thanks to his lack of electric and grass weakness and his stab grass moves.
thing is: I personally really don't like it's looks and am therefore kinda resistant to have it on my team.
What are good alternatives that fill the same/similiar role?
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
Quoted By:
Time to post my shitty looking list again.
>>16033653 Hydro Pump everything in sight
Cripple your check with Trick (Read: Ferrothorn)
Spin away his hazards
Still blast shit away with Rain Boosted Hydro Pumps
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari] !FAGGOTXBuk
>>16033730 I should have a couple of Careful ones left, would you rather Moxie or Shed Skin?
Quoted By:
>>16033734 Yes, also whats so good about Ludicolo lately?
>>16033765 A moxie one would be best, does it have good IVs or any egg moves?
Quoted By:
>>16033752 that actually sounds rather good.
would make me have a free spot on my team as well.
now I just need to figure out who else to add.
4iv Bold/Natural Cure Chansey (31/x/31/x/31/31): Good enough for competitive play? Or do I need one of those offensive stats for some reason? I was planning on using a Soft-boiled/Counter/Aromatherapy/Seismic Toss setup. Took me all day and I don't know if I can breed any longer.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari] !FAGGOTXBuk
>>16033825 It's got 5 31s -spa, with DD, drain punch, feint attack and ice punch, just need your FC.
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:06:16 No. 16033868 Report Quoted By:
Hi new thread. Still got some perfect Scythers up for grabs (5IV, Adamant, Technician), specifically looking for high IV Goomy, Dragon group 5IV+ males, etc.. If it's 5IV I'll probably take it.
Quoted By:
>>16033850 Unless you're running specs Blissey, you're good with that.
Quoted By:
>>16033857 alright that sounds good
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:08:23 No. 16033922 Report Hey Cedar Anything you want for one missing Attack? Frech bug I mean
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:08:59 No. 16033940 Report >>16033852 I have a 5iv tech scyther. What will that get me?
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee]
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:09:19 No. 16033955 Report haves are in pic
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16033922 No, not really. If you're going to send a breeding leftover, though, please send a male~
Adding you now.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16033940 What Nature/Ball is it in? And you can get a power item of your choice or flame orb or toxic orb
Quoted By:
>>16033752 one problem though: Starmie can't learn trick.
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:11:17 No. 16034042 Report >>16033955 I'll trade a perfect Scyther for one of those Hawlucha if you don't have one already, Desu?
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16033955 A lot of those interest me. Any interest in Battle Items etc?
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:11:38 No. 16034056 Report >>16033993 naughty nature and in a pokeball, All I need is the toxic orb
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16034056 >Naughty Find me an Adamant one and we have a deal.
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:13:27 No. 16034117 Report >>16033958 Really, thanks mate
Sending you a 6IV Rhyhorn then, it will help you on your Field/Monster egg group needs
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Quoted By:
>>16034112 >using my own image on me I even wrote High Price BP items on there. Toxic orb is only 16 and I shit BP
did they lower max EV's for a skill to 252? I accidentied too much in super training, but it stopped at 252.
>>16034086 >Trying to get 5IV pokemon for 16bp item Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee]
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:14:25 No. 16034144 Report >>16034042 Sure thing, adding.
>>16034043 Only really need Focus Sash and Specs at the moment, not sure how much you value BP compared to mons.
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:14:56 No. 16034156 Report Quoted By:
>>16034139 Yes, it caps at 252 for all methods now.
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari] !FAGGOTXBuk
Quoted By:
>>16034086 >not running mixed scizor >>16034112 >offering battle items for pokemon try again
Also GIzmo, I didn't need that Honedge, if you want it back let me know.
Quoted By:
>>16034139 >skill I meant stat.
Hammy 2921-9094-5744 (Electabuzz, Luxio, Dedenne)
Hammy 2921-9094-5744 (Electabuzz, Luxio, Dedenne) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:15:18 No. 16034167 Report >>16033955 I've got my haves in the pic - I'm interested mostly in a Sableye, but I'd also love a Kabuto, Hawlucha, Flabebe and Shellder. Would you wanna trade for any of mine?
Also if anyone else wants to trade for something, lemme know.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16034117 Well okay, but that's not really a breeding leftover!
I'll be a little bit, trading with someone else and then have to switch games.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16034144 I am more than willing to get both for you. How many of them are you willing to trade/ what seems worth it to you?
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:15:35 No. 16034181 Report >>16033955 I have a few 3-4 iv chlorophyll bulbasaurs with egg move giga drain. Could I get one of those sableye?
>>16034086 I'll see what I can do.
>>16034142 >Implying it takes long to get a 5iv pokemon Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:16:14 No. 16034209 Report Quoted By:
Just found out that my perfect Charizard has a 30 Sp.Atk. IV even though I didn't bother breeding for it. ToTT: Have you Multi Battled yet? Share your MB stories.
Looking to do another giveaway, what pokemon would wfg be interested in? No genderless suggestions please, I am too lazy to catch a bunch of dittos.
Sanya 0791 1503 7848
>>16034167 4 IV Gooey Goomy for your 4 iv Phantump?
>>16034181 Takes longer than getting 16bp, just depends if RNG gods like you or not.
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:17:49 No. 16034263 Report >>16034144 Mind nicking it ChemoManBird? Just Manbird if that doesn't fit!
Nick and gender of Scyther are up to you, as well
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:18:03 No. 16034273 Report >>16034172 Don't worry I can easily make another 6IV one later, I'm just grateful for the help
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16034262 It's actually about the same considering you keep the parents to shit out more 5IV
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:18:50 No. 16034293 Report >>16034257 I have only recently started posting in WFG so I don't know if you did Goomy previously, but
How does WFG feel about the instacheck shiny thing? As long as people aren't dicks then it seems like an easy way to get perfect shiny for your team without hatching thousands of eggs
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:19:24 No. 16034318 Report Quoted By:
>>16034262 The RNG gods are generous with me and scythers. Not so much with anything else.
Hammy 2921-9094-5744 (Electabuzz, Luxio, Dedenne)
Hammy 2921-9094-5744 (Electabuzz, Luxio, Dedenne) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:19:32 No. 16034325 Report Quoted By:
>>16034260 You're on! Adding you now.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16034300 I've never heard of that. Care to explain?
>>16034288 You shit out batturu items anyway Ramsey
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16034346 Exactly. Everyone is shitting out 5IV and I shit out BP
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:20:46 No. 16034367 Report I have 4-5 IV Beldums Looking for 31/x/31/31/31/31 Inner Focus Timid Lucario 31/31/31/x/31/0 SS Brave Larvitar 31/x/31/31/31/31 Sturdy Modest Magnemite
Quoted By:
>>16034293 >Goomy I'll consider it, would have to get a decent dragon base first
>>16034316 Good suggestion, I might do some egg move Lotads.
>>16034326 sent ;)
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee]
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:21:13 No. 16034386 Report >>16034167 I'll take a Snorlax assuming the missing IV is SpA.
>>16034178 3 mons for 2 items sound okay?
>>16034181 I'll take a Bulbasaur, if you could wait a little I'll hatch a 4IV to match up.
>>16034263 Can do. Female would be nice.
Quoted By:
>>16034112 >complaining about high price BP >maison is literally press A while holding choice band with the rare switch Anonymous
>Toxic Spikes >Greninja Good idea?
>>16034362 Wouldn't say everyone. I'm having fucking horrible luck with getting my 5IV Karp
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
Quoted By:
I know this is a long shot, but I need a foreign ditto with IVs in Sp atk and Speed. I have Have--- Imperfect 5 IV eevees with Yawn and Wish 4 IV Modest Magnet Pull Magnemite 4 IV Timid Frisk Noibat with Switcheroo Ditto Hp/Sp Atk/Speed Ditto Hp/Atk Adamant Ditto
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:23:03 No. 16034440 Report >>16034300 I'm only planning on using it for fast IV checking. However, I can't get the damn virtual network to work. I have TID OCD, so it wouldn't benefit me if I wanted to get shiny pokemon from it.
>>16034335 Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:23:06 No. 16034442 Report Quoted By:
>>16034386 If you want a nick, post it, if not, initiate trade
>>16034399 Depends what they're about to hit you with, really. If you can make use of the poison typing defensively as well, yes. If they're gonna hit you with earthquake because Ninja has shit def, fucking nope
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16034386 I was thinking closer to 6 Pokemon for the two since they both cost 48 and I've been doing Power items (that cost 16) for 5IVs.
>>16034362 Why not shit both?
I have the 5 IVs and >500 BP left.
>>16034367 >SS Brave Larvitar Did you mean HA Larvitar, or regular Larvitar which becomes Sand Stream on evo?
>>16034402 use better parents.
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:23:56 No. 16034469 Report Quoted By:
>>16034386 Ok, give me a min. I should be done with the battle maison by then.
Quoted By:
>>16034335 Basically trainers have a shiny value and pokemon have a shiny value.
If you trade an egg to someone who has the same trainer shiny value as the eggs shiny value it will be a shiny when it hatches.
This mean if you can technically get perfect IV spread shiny. The only problem is finding someone with the same shiny value as your egg. And hoping they trade the shiny back to you
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16034465 >shitting both >implying shitting one isn't enough >wanting anal fissures Enjoy your rectal cancer~
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:25:27 No. 16034514 Report >>16034465 Sand Steam on evo, I had just forgotten what ability a larvitar was supposed to have for that happen.
Hammy 2921-9094-5744 (Electabuzz, Luxio, Dedenne)
Hammy 2921-9094-5744 (Electabuzz, Luxio, Dedenne) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:25:54 No. 16034527 Report >>16034260 Pleasure doing business with you!
>>16034386 Yup, missing stat is SpA. Sableye for it?
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:26:49 No. 16034554 Report Quoted By:
Haha, the thank you Quagsire made me laugh. Nice trading, Desu.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16034273 Sorry for the wait, happening now~
>>16034402 >not having a box of each kind of penta Step it up.
>>16034300 I don't know how I feel about it.
I'd love to do a shinylocke or something by finding out my SV after starting a new game, then taking the first 6 eggs that match my number and playing through the game like that.
Sometimes they give the eggs away, sometimes they want you to hatch them for them.
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
Quoted By:
>>16034512 Nah it's good
I work at Subway >>16034514 It's Guts, just wanted to clear any confusion if you were actually looking a Sand Veil one.
O'Malley 0232-8330-5220
Posted this in old thread by mistake
>>16034491 >Does anybody have any male pokemon from the bug egg group with 4IVs? At least one of those need to be in attack. Speed would be nice too but if that's not the case it doesn't really matter. I can't give much. I have a modest pentaperfect Litwick but everybody seems to have those already. I also have some modest Roselia with leaf storm and sleep powder bred on.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Why is there so much shit in this thread?
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee]
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:27:46 No. 16034579 Report >>16034459 6 seems a bit much, sorry.
>>16034527 Sure, I'll throw you an extra of something else, too. Adding in a moment.
Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:28:57 No. 16034625 Report >>16034572 Hello
I'll take a Litwick, I can give you a perfect male Scyther
I'd really appreciate an immunity Gligar. I've got some Nasty Plot Modest Serene Grace Togepis, only 2-3 IVs though
Quoted By:
Ugh, why can't he at least pass his 3 perfect IVs already so I could have same species breeding going. It takes so long to make an egg I'm frequently at a state of having no eggs.
>>16034566 Not a bad idea, haven't used one since gen 4, haven't really seen anyone breeding them to the extent of Goomys.
>>16034625 That sounds like a ton of fun.
Infiltrator or flame body? Flame body is shit but you can capsul it for flash fire.
Carlos/IGN: Emma 1607-2535-1997 (pancham, mankey, tyrogue)
Carlos/IGN: Emma 1607-2535-1997 (pancham, mankey, tyrogue) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:29:57 No. 16034665 Report Quoted By:
>>16034572 Funny enough I got a pentaperfect Adamant Trapinch.
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:30:15 No. 16034675 Report Thaks a lot Cedar
>>16034440 So basically If I'm breeding and know it's a penta perfect Pokemon, IF is send it to someone matching that number a Shiny WILL HATCH just because?
Quoted By:
>>16034637 oops, forgot to include my relevant info
>>16034578 If you think it's so shit, maybe you should gb2 Reddit.
O'Malley 0232-8330-5220
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:30:50 No. 16034695 Report >>16034578 I have one Jolly and another Adamant perfect Beldum. Do you have any Timid Lucarios with something along the lines of 31/x/31/31/31/31?
Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:31:17 No. 16034709 Report >>16034656 Infiltrator. Can you name it Spookfire?
Also any nickname preference for your scyther?
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:32:02 No. 16034732 Report Quoted By:
>>16034695 I'm referring to Beldum, btw. I forgot to mention that.
O'Malley 0232-8330-5220
>>16034709 Varkis, please.
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:32:07 No. 16034736 Report Repostan I have these Penta Perfect Pokemon 2x Adamant Female Dratini, One with Marvel Scale and one with Shed Skin 3x Jolly Absols, 1 male and 2 females, Only the male has Megahorn 1 Female Jolly Gible with Outrage (Sandveil) 1 Male Modest Yanma(Compound Eyes) 1 Male Timid Vulpix (Flash Fire) Also I have 5-4IV of the following Absol Axew Deino Goomy Dratini Gible (Outrage) Venipede Tranpinch Dwebble (Counter and Iron Defense) Joltik Vulpix Jolly Charmanders (Dragon Dance and Dragon Rush) Sandile (Fire and Thunder Fang) Rhyhorn (counter+Elemental Fangs) Yanma Roselia Petillil Open to offers,though I want to be a Jew and ask for Y Megastones. I don't want Dragons Evee Female on anything but Luxury Balls
Hammy 2921-9094-5744 (Electabuzz, Luxio, Dedenne)
Hammy 2921-9094-5744 (Electabuzz, Luxio, Dedenne) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:32:10 No. 16034741 Report Quoted By:
>>16034579 Awesome, thanks a ton!
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16034691 It was a joke.
>>16034695 Sorry, don't have any timid.
Quoted By:
I'm breeding two 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Pokemon, one of which is holding a destiny knot. Is there a chance their offspring will have 31 Attack IVs, or would one of the parents need 31 in Attack as well?
Quoted By:
>>16034662 >5IV shiny beldum Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:33:13 No. 16034764 Report >>16034564 A shinylocke certainly would be interesting. I'd definitely contribute to that if I ever had an egg that matched it.
Personally, I'm not opposed to helping other people hatch their eggs if my SV matches. Though, it's not something I can really see using for myself. I just want a fast IV checker so I can go through these boxes of leftovers without taking out each individual pokemon to check them. ((Seriously, I'm almost out of space on X, and I have around 90 pokemon that need to be checked on Y, which hasn't gotten to the E4 yet.))
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:33:23 No. 16034768 Report >>16034748 Do you have one with that IV spread at least?
Just a quick question, but what pokemon breeds belly drum onto slurpuff?
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
>>16034653 I may have seen a medicham nicknaked boobknees.
It can pack a punch, and has the three element punches available via heart scale.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
Quoted By:
>>16034572 Hey, do you have any 4 IV modest litwicks, with at least a 31 IV in sp atk? If so, I've got
I know this is a long shot, but I need a foreign ditto with IVs in Sp atk and Speed. I have
Imperfect 5 IV eevees with Yawn and Wish
4 IV Modest Magnet Pull Magnemite
4 IV Timid Frisk Noibat with Switcheroo
Adamant Ditto
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:36:01 No. 16034851 Report Quoted By:
>>16034786 Probably
Poliwhirl/Poliwag -> Marrill - > Slurpuff
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16034768 I do. Would you want it along with something else for Beldum, though? I know those are a pain to breed.
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) (Fairy - Snubull, Mawile, Floette) 3325-2627-8140
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) (Fairy - Snubull, Mawile, Floette) 3325-2627-8140 Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:36:16 No. 16034855 Report >>16034736 Would you trade a 4 iv deino for a 4iv whirlwind brave bird skarmory?
Lilly 0146-9940-6203 (Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk)
Lilly 0146-9940-6203 (Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:36:47 No. 16034866 Report Quoted By:
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16034675 You are welcome, enjoy breeding!
>>16034764 I'm all for hatching others' eggs shiny, too. Just not sure if it would devalue shinies for me if I did that. Of course now MMing seems like a waste of time...
Except that I still need my shinies to have my OT, so I'm okay, I still need to get them the hard way!
Shinyloce would be so fun! Would take a while to get all the eggs though.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
Quoted By:
>>16034572 >>16034572 Hey, do you have any Modest 4 IV Litwicks? Really, any number IV as long as its got Sp atk.
Ive got----
Imperfect 5 IV eevees with Yawn and Wish
4 IV Modest Magnet Pull Magnemite
4 IV Timid Frisk Noibat with Switcheroo
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16034579 Fair enough. And those were the only BP items you wanted?
>>16034811 Ha, and I didn't notice they were relearn moves, I was probably going to breed them on, but I guess that opens up more slots for egg moves.
I'm guessing Jolly/Adamant would be best, might start this one tomorrow after I transfer some acceptable parents to my Y save.
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:38:48 No. 16034923 Report >>16034852 If it isn't too much, A gibble would me nice. If you have any with sand veil, that would be best.
Btw, would you like an adamant or a jolly?
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:39:04 No. 16034926 Report >>16034855 If it's male
Sure, male or female? they are in Duskballs
Just let me go grab some water before adding you
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:39:05 No. 16034927 Report >>16034386 Ok desu, I found out I only have a 3iv. but it has chlorophyll, giga drain and is male.
Lilly 0146-9940-6203 (Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk)
Lilly 0146-9940-6203 (Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:39:08 No. 16034930 Report >>16034869 I have that problem too.
Seems like a good way to get viable shiny without MM but I also like my OT. Someone here sent me a 5 IV Noibat but I don't want to use it because of the ball and I can't nickname it.
Brave Aegislash, Shadow Sneak or Shadow Claw? Other moves: King's Shield Swords Dance Sacred Sword
O'Malley 0232-8330-5220
>>16034897 Jollyjollyjollyjolly.
Medicham has poor speed, but it's good enough to be scarfed.
M-Medicham has *workable* speed, and you can't scarf it.
Also it gets fakeout by level up, which is really useful for mega evolving.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Quoted By:
>>16034764 I don't like the look of most shinies, so I don't intend on using it except for rare cases. I did find someone earlier to hatch my 6IV Eevee, but I love shiny Umbreon.
>>16034942 >dance sword predictable/10
Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:41:14 No. 16034989 Report >>16034735 Aw man, this candle even has 0 atk.
'It just about made a mark on itself in confusion!'
Thanks man, nice trading.
Still have two (one male, one female) perfect Scythers (5IV, Adamant, Technician) for trade. Almost anything 5IV will do, especially looking for Goomy or any male in the Dragon egg group.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16034923 I only have the one Gible, sorry. But that works. Adamant, I suppose.
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) (Fairy - Snubull, Mawile, Floette) 3325-2627-8140
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) (Fairy - Snubull, Mawile, Floette) 3325-2627-8140 Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:42:14 No. 16035020 Report >>16034926 I can offer both and have many iv spreads (all but sp.a)
Quoted By:
>>16034982 doesnt matter u still dye
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee]
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:43:06 No. 16035048 Report >>16034886 I suppose I could do with an Assault Vest and the defensive power items, but those are of less worry to me at the moment.
>>16034927 Alright, Sableye should be ready in a minute or two.
MAYBE THEY'LL NOTICE IF I POST A PICTURE WITH IT I'm breeding two 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Pokemon, one of which is holding a destiny knot. Is there a chance their offspring will have 31 Attack IVs, or would one of the parents need 31 in Attack as well?
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
>>16034930 I think that I shall take a serendipity approach to this thing. If someone wants to give me a pokemon that matches my shiny value, neat. But I won't use it for myself, I don't think.
Actually maybe on utility pokemon that I want to make more fun?
Jeez I don't know. Who brought their ethics into my pokemon game?
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:43:58 No. 16035069 Report Quoted By:
>>16035048 ok, I'm adding you now
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) (Fairy - Snubull, Mawile, Floette) 3325-2627-8140
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) (Fairy - Snubull, Mawile, Floette) 3325-2627-8140 Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:44:13 No. 16035073 Report >>16035020 Gimme a sec, need to relocate my stuff.
I'll add you in a bit
>>16034963 Jolly it is, I guess I'll get started on it tomorrow or when I feel like it.
>>16035050 >Is there a chance their offspring will have 31 Attack IVs, or would one of the parents need 31 in Attack as well? Yes, if it inherits the other 5 IVs and randomizes the Atk stat to 31 it's entirely possible.
Having a lot of trouble deciding on my Azumarill build. The one I just hatched is Adamant/Huge Power with Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Superpower. pls gib suggestions
What's faster, Horde EV training WITHOUT Pokerus or Super Training?
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee]
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:44:24 No. 16035084 Report >>16035050 If Attack is the stat that was not selected to be passed down by the destiny knot, there is a 1/32 chance for Attack to be 31.
Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:45:01 No. 16035104 Report >>16035050 If you manage to hit all 5 perfect IVs with the destiny knot rolls, your attack is then thrown open to the will of the RNG gods once more, so yes, you could
Prepare to trawl through 100+ eggs looking for it though.
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:45:03 No. 16035106 Report Quoted By:
>>16035010 added
IGN is Kevin
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:45:35 No. 16035120 Report >>16035081 Adameant/Huge Power with Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Superpower and play rough. Almost there!
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:45:55 No. 16035131 Report >>16035073 Sure, get me anything with Attack, will help me breeding
O'Malley 0232-8330-5220
>>16034989 No problem. I actually have a few pentaperfect litwicks because I really wanted a female and kept getting males.
Now with that scyther you gave me I'll be able to breed a pentaperfect pinsir in no time.
Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:46:01 No. 16035140 Report >>16035082 Horde + power item is absolutely unbeatable
and if you need pokerus I think someone could provide you with it here if you ask nice enough
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16035010 Oh fuck. I must have traded my last -Att earlier. Sorry. Anything else interest you, or no go?
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16035048 You mean Power Band/Power Belt, right?
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:46:41 No. 16035171 Report >>16035082 Super trainer. If you need pokerus, I have some I can give away.
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee]
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:46:52 No. 16035175 Report >>16035148 Yeah, those ones.
>>16035082 Using the power item it will take 10 Horde battles to get to 250 EVs, not sure how fast you are at super training though.
Also why would you not be using Pokerus when people will give it to you for free?
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:46:58 No. 16035181 Report >>16035146 last Gibble or Lucario?
Quoted By:
>>16035120 Would have been funnier if not for EV's and held items to consider.
Lilly 0146-9940-6203 (Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk)
Lilly 0146-9940-6203 (Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:47:48 No. 16035202 Report >>16035082 I don't even bother with pokerus.
It's so fast to just horde with power item that I'm too lazy to pokerus despite having multiple in boxes.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16035181 I still have Gible and I still have a bunch of Riolu, but none are missing Att (or SpA). I do have all the other spreads, though.
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:49:19 No. 16035242 Report >>16035179 OCD reasons. I blame WFG for making the neutral face marker irk me.
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:50:21 No. 16035267 Report >>16035213 What's the best spread you got that at least has 31 in speed and Sp.Attk?
>>16035242 >six pokéballs are on your belt >one of them's a great ball M !FAGGOTXBuk
>>16035242 Just box it when you're done, nothing wrong with a little smiley face though.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
Quoted By:
Looking for a foreign ditto with IVs in Sp atk and Speed or a foreign male bug egg group poke with ivs in sp atk and speed Have--- Imperfect 5 IV eevees with Yawn and Wish 4 IV Modest Magnet Pull Magnemite 4 IV Timid Frisk Noibat with Switcheroo Ditto Hp/Sp Atk/Speed Ditto Hp/Atk Adamant Ditto
Quoted By:
>>16035077 >>16035084 >>16035104 Alright, thanks. Guess I should breed it with something inferior that has 31 Attack.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16035175 How do those two for Binacle/Flabebe sound? I'll even put them on a 4IV Squirtle and 4IV Phantump for you
>>16035140 >>16035171 >>16035179 >>16035202 I don't want Pokerus thanks.
Does the Power Item give 4 extra per Poke fainted or per battle?
>>16035242 neutral face marker?
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16035267 -Def, -SpD, or -HP?
>>16035296 4 extra per pokemon
this calculator is nice to keep track: >>16035320 :)
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
Quoted By:
>>16035133 can I trade you one of these for a modest litwick with at least 31 iv sp atk?
Imperfect 5 IV eevees with Yawn and Wish
4 IV Modest Magnet Pull Magnemite
4 IV Timid Frisk Noibat with Switcheroo
Quoted By:
>>16035296 Per pokemon.
So increase of 5 per horde you get 25 if each gives 1 EV.
Quoted By:
>>16035073 Say, what colour are your Safari's Floette?
Quoted By:
>>16035296 5 per poke, an un-pokerus'd horde will give +25
you can even do it on exp share and just throw your surfer out first to OHKO everything
tip: don't horde train on Roggenrola, sturdy is a bitch, go to route 18 (I think) and use Geodude and Durant
IIRC EVs are capped at +252 now so you don't need to do any maths, either, just wait for it to max out
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:53:49 No. 16035386 Report >>16034086 I finally got a 5 iv with adamant. Still interested?
Do you guys reckon Ludicolo could tear shit up with an assault vest this gen? I bought one but I have no idea what to put it on in my rain team because everything (bar Ludi) carries at least one support move.
>>16035350 god your trip is so accurate piss off
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:55:09 No. 16035422 Report >>16035346 HP/spa/spe would be the one then. Hey, can I get a rotom for a 5IV galewing jap fletchling
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16035386 Yeah you wanted Toxic orb right? Can you name it Clamps?
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:56:58 No. 16035490 Report >>16035432 sure. Forgot to mention I bred baton pass on it. If I got a 6iv, what would you offer for that?
Krista 0490-5174-3825 Ghost Pumpkaboo Lampent Spiritomb
Krista 0490-5174-3825 Ghost Pumpkaboo Lampent Spiritomb Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:57:09 No. 16035495 Report >>16034578 I know it's not exactly what you want, but can I offer 31/31/31/xx/31/xx Beldum with Clear Body and Adamant for a female Anticipation, Calm Eevee?
>>16035387 Yes it would, unless you had a better idea of an item to use.
Base 150 Spd and over 100 def would make for some decent bulk.
>>16035406 Sorry, let me explain since you obviously don't know what :) means.
When you have a pokemon with pokerus outside of your PC after midnight and reload your save, a little pink face appears next to the pokemon in the description.
The face I posted is inaccurate, so I can see where you would find it unacceptable, as it really looks more like: .
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16035422 No thanks on the Rotom. And what do you mean by HP/SpA/Spe? All of mine are 5IV. Or were you trying to trade a 3IV Beldum for a 3IV Riolu?
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) (Fairy - Snubull, Mawile, Floette) 3325-2627-8140
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) (Fairy - Snubull, Mawile, Floette) 3325-2627-8140 Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:57:37 No. 16035510 Report >>16035131 Alright i'm back.
Unlucky though because out of 6 male skarms all of their iv spreads are 31/x/31/x/31/31. But I do have a couple of 4iv females with an iv in attack. If you really want I can give you a pair
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee]
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:58:27 No. 16035539 Report >>16035289 Thanks but no thanks, not really in a rush to get those and it's sort of the same proposition.
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:58:42 No. 16035545 Report Quoted By:
>>16034989 Would like to reiterate this:
>Still have two (one male, one female) perfect Scythers (5IV, Adamant, Technician) for trade. Almost anything 5IV will do, especially looking for Goomy or any male in the Dragon egg group. Going to bed soon, does anybody want these for something decent?
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:58:49 No. 16035549 Report >>16035320 See picture.
>>16035275 Don't get me started on pokeball OCD.
>>16035280 Ever since someone mentioned it a year ago how it bothered them, I haven't been able to bring myself to EV train with it. Took me forever in Gen 5 after that was pointed out to me. At least the placement looks okay in Gen 6, so I've been EV training my non-shinies with it.
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 04:59:13 No. 16035558 Report >>16035509 Ow, I misintreted what you wrote. Just give which ever Riolu so long as it has 5IV with ar least Spa.atk and Spe
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16035549 >not wanting as many symbols as possible Shiny star, 'happy' face, pokedex symbol, all the markers marked.
No? No good?
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Quoted By:
>>16035495 The only female Anticipation Eevee I have left is imperfect, missing HP. No thanks anyway. I'd rather trade a few 5IVs for a 5IV Beldum - not really interested in a 4IV.
I'm absolutely afraid of Shedinja . It creeps me out completely not even considering the dex. Just look at it. Shit is Lavender Town spooky tier.
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:00:33 No. 16035606 Report I've got two 5IV Bold Klefkis and I'd like to trade them for other 5IVs. I'm looking in particular for 5IV male Gastlys and 5IV galewings Fletchlings.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16035558 Alright. So 5IV Riolu and 5IV Gible for 5IV Beldum?
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:01:26 No. 16035641 Report >>16035606 I can give you that fletchling for a klefki
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:01:28 No. 16035642 Report >>16035510 I'll be fine with any make then
Also sorry for not replying
Quoted By:
>>16035499 >4chan eats it >>16035549 I don't know, never bothered me really.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16035490 Not really interested in 6IV on a Scizor. I'm already in the middle of getting 6IVs for all egg groups, thanks, though.
>>16035539 No problem I understand I guess. Hit me up if you change your mind.
>>16035275 I know. Those 5 default pokeballs...
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius]
Kevin 1779-0654-6268 [Spearow, Hoothoot, Tropius] Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:02:27 No. 16035681 Report >>16035632 yes, and thank you for your time
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:02:30 No. 16035683 Report >>16033955 Thanks for the sableye! Can I actually offer you a 5iv adament tech scyther with baton pass since I'm breeding them for Ramsey? I would like one of those froakie
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:03:20 No. 16035707 Report Quoted By:
>>16035597 If you look into the hole at his back,
your soul is drawn in. Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:03:25 No. 16035710 Report Quoted By:
>>16035641 alright, I'll add you.
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:03:46 No. 16035726 Report >>16035652 Ok, adding you now for trade.
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee]
Desu 4785-4931-5182 [Bug - Vivillon, Volbeat, Combee] Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:04:15 No. 16035740 Report Quoted By:
>>16035652 Will do~
>>16035683 You're welcome. Sorry but I just got a Scyther from Adam a moment ago.
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:04:21 No. 16035743 Report >>16035683 >with baton pass I knew they were fucking missing something
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16035726 Send me a request when you're ready.
Quoted By:
>female Wobbuffet has lipstick for what purpose
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:05:39 No. 16035783 Report >>16035743 I would love to give you one if you want to breed it on.
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu)
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:06:26 No. 16035813 Report Quoted By:
>>16035510 Oh sorry for not accepting you trade request the first time
>Passerby WHAT?
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:06:53 No. 16035827 Report Krista 0490-5174-3825 Ghost Pumpkaboo Lampent Spiritomb
Krista 0490-5174-3825 Ghost Pumpkaboo Lampent Spiritomb Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:07:20 No. 16035837 Report Quoted By:
Looking for Female Eevee w/ Wish, 4 IV, good nature and HA, Joltik with CE and 4 IV and offers. I can offer 4IV Beldum
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:07:34 No. 16035845 Report >>16035783 I have nothing valuable in exchange, only other Scythers without the move...
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) (Fairy - Snubull, Mawile, Floette) 3325-2627-8140
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) (Fairy - Snubull, Mawile, Floette) 3325-2627-8140 Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:08:14 No. 16035870 Report Quoted By:
>>16035642 Thank you very much!
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:08:15 No. 16035871 Report >>16035845 thats completely fine! I'll take any derp.
Tlynn 3DS: 1392-4882-3627 (seviper, garbodor)
Tlynn 3DS: 1392-4882-3627 (seviper, garbodor) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:08:23 No. 16035880 Report Hey just started up a new game in Heart Gold and i'm interested in doing a mystery egg run, is anyone willing to supply the eggs? Currently trying to get the first gym cleared as fast as possible.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16035827 Hey buddy this one is 31/31/31/31/x/31 anyway I could get 31/31/31/x/31/31 instead?
Quoted By:
>>16034736 >looks like no bigass text lists in this thr- >oh fuck there's this faggot Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:09:44 No. 16035928 Report >>16035588 I have rather a severe case of OCD. Without medication, I can't control the disorder at all. Medication makes it so it doesn't rule my life at least, even if it doesn't make it completely disappear. With pokerus this generation, I'm pretty much okay with it. I may not let it bug me with shiny pokemon after seeing it goes right between the shiny symbol and blue symbol.(Makes it fit perfectly, actually.) My OCD quirks in pokemon are rather manageable though. I can't say the same thing for other games though. Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:10:28 No. 16035951 Report >>16035899 Yeah, give me a min to get one for you.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16035951 Thanks, sorry for the hassle.
Don't forget the nickname uguu~ Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:11:13 No. 16035978 Report >>16035871 Well that sounds great, I added your code.
Any other egg moves you can think of that I might want my edgy babies to have in the future?
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:11:49 No. 16035997 Report Quoted By:
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:12:40 No. 16036031 Report Quoted By:
>>16035978 none that I could think of. I'll add your code in a minuet, just doing something for
>>16035899 Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16035928 It nestles in there all happy, otherwise there's an empty space that looks lonely. I like the symbols.
Do we know what the blue symbol it, by the way? Someone said it was to show the poke was legit generated in the game or whatever, but the checks must be shit because the guys figuring out the pkx files and stuff made a poke and it had that symbol.
Do you put the Power Item on your lead or on each Poke in teh party that wants to exp share dem EVs? imma need some more power items, aren't I...
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:13:43 No. 16036079 Report >>16035964 Don't worry about it, I should be the sorry one
onii-chan [/spoilers] Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16036040 I'm fairly sure it means that it was caught or bred ingame, rather than transferred via Bank.
>>16036040 Pretty sure it just means it's from XY (i.e. all pokes transfered from Gen5 wont have it)
Anna/Ned 4313-0370-9683 SV:3455
>>16035606 I can give you a 5 IV Gastly if you have a male 5 IV Klefki.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16036092 >>16036095 Oh. What's the point of identifying the difference?
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:15:54 No. 16036154 Report >>16036040 It means it's legit and from Kalos, I think. Same shape as the combined Kalos pokédex.
I don't think we're certain yet because we can't get non-native mons until pokébank.
>>16036135 You can't use those Pokémon at official tournaments apparently. Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:16:48 No. 16036182 Report Quoted By:
>>16036099 added, hit me up with a request when you're ready.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16036135 I think the ones without the symbol won't be allowed in some official tournament. Not entirely sure on that.
>>16036135 so (until hacking is rampant in this gen as well) you can ban previous gen pokes so you know only non-hacks are playing.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16036079 Just send me a trade request when you have it.
Is your other ear lonely? Dion: 3995-7840-9558 (Lillipup, Loudred, Ditto)
Dion: 3995-7840-9558 (Lillipup, Loudred, Ditto) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:17:39 No. 16036211 Report Quoted By:
I need help evolving my Poliwhirl evolve into Politoed. Anyone?
Stelle 0490-5495-2462
Quoted By:
Have: non perfect 5IV HA Timid Roselia with Sleep Powder and Leafstorm Want: Any pokemon wih 4 or 5 IV
>>16036054 Bumping this.
Pls response.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16036154 >Same shape as the combined Kalos pokédex Wow, really?
>>16036166 >>16036185 >>16036198 Ah, this makes sense.
Shame to anyone with bred pokes in gen 5, or the move tutor moves that can't be passed down, though.
Quoted By:
>>16036246 power item on the one you want the evs on
so if you want to ev train more than one pokemon you need more than one power item
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig
Scyther Adam 3883-6221-7715 [Psychic] Grumpig / Sigilyph / Girafarig Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:20:26 No. 16036301 Report Quoted By:
>>16036249 Actually now that I stop talking crap and look at the two, the bottom of the blue on-pokemon pentagon isn't indented like the pokedex.
Now there's something cool GF could have implemented that they missed out on.
whats a good layout for an image list? i dont want it to be a boring ss of a text document but I dont know how I want it laid out
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
I hope that Pokemon bred from parents transferred via Bank will have the symbol. Like, I know my Typhlosion won't have it, but will her offspring? If not, I'll be pretty disappointed.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16036359 I use this one to start my lists, hope it helps!
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16036428 Shoot, sorry, I meant to upload this one.
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus)
4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:26:37 No. 16036492 Report Quoted By:
Lookin' for a ditto or any Pokemon with synchronize with an adamant nature. I have 4IV Trace-Modest Ralts to offer in return.
Quoted By:
>>16036428 dude u need to apply to the cia. you will be a great asset
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:26:44 No. 16036498 Report Quoted By:
>>16036387 They should. Pretty sure it's just going to be a regional marking.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Quoted By:
>>16036406 That's the same one I used.
Thank you based Cedar
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
I have a couple spare Maranga and Salac I have yet to plant.
>>16036406 You are funny.
>>16036489 there's literally nothing there
are you fucking with me or just uploading the wrong images
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
Quoted By:
>>16036543 -And a battery in need of charging.
Tlynn 3DS: 1392-4882-3627 (seviper, garbodor)
Tlynn 3DS: 1392-4882-3627 (seviper, garbodor) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:29:45 No. 16036595 Report Quoted By:
>>16035880 Anyone able to provide eggs for my mystery run?
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:29:53 No. 16036599 Report Quoted By:
>>16036550 There are no real templates. People make them from scratch or just use one of the backgrounds that's linked in the OP. Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16036550 I'll stop fucking with you. I really do use this one.
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg
Sasch - 3995 7063 2457/Muk/Garbodor/Seviper !.IMsASChgg Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:31:32 No. 16036645 Report >>16036604 Thanx i lukd 4 dis 4 wieks ^^
>>16036604 Damn Cedar, didn't know you were such an artist.
10/10 list, still looking at in amazement.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Quoted By:
>>16036550 >>16036604 I used this one personally.
>>16036604 but that's shit
ive seen way better list posted here
apply yourself
>>16036604 thank you based Cedar
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16036604 I've been looking for this one to make my list better. Thanks, Cedar.
Quoted By:
>>16036715 >ive seen way better list posted here > >apply yourself ...
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:35:05 No. 16036755 Report >>16036715 But lists like mine take hours to make, then hours to update which is the whole reason this isn't a Gen VI version.
>>16036755 NOW THIS IS A LIST
this is what im talking about
not stuff like this shit
>>16036728 Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16036803 Well what about this one then?
I tried really hard.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Quoted By:
>>16036822 That's actually good. I couldn't tell you drew it from the thumbnail.
George 4055-3582-5353
>>16036755 You wouldn't mind adding me for your friend safari, r-right? Been looking for Cacturne...
Quoted By:
Hm, I suppose the perfect EVs aren't going to come from nowhere if both parents have the exact same ones. I should try to catch some more.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16036755 You have a very pretty list. Puts all of mine to shame.
>>16036723 >>16036728 >>16036645 >>16036658 You're all very welcome by the way. I do requests like the Emboar one you see. Any pokemon, any time.
Quoted By:
anyone got a drillbur?
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:44:28 No. 16037049 Report >>16036199 Ok, that one should be good.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Quoted By:
>>16037049 Perfect! Thanks~
Cink 4012-4413-7710 (Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross)
Cink 4012-4413-7710 (Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:45:21 No. 16037083 Report I don't have much right now so an image would be silly: I have: - 3-4IV Impish Sturdy Skarmory w/ Brave Bird and Whirlwind (some used as parents and need to be relearned. I can do this for you if you give me time to get the heart scales) - 3-4IV Timid Natural Cure Staryu - 4IV Jolly Rough Skin/Sand Veil Gible w/ Outrage, Iron Head, and some with Iron Tail I want: Nothing in particular, make me an offer! 4IV for 4IV is preferred, and a 3IV ditto would be nice so I don't have to keep using 2IV ones for genderless breeding.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16033852 >>16036728 I have two trade lists up and only 1 taker cum on step it up. Give me your shitty 5IV pokemon and I will give you bp and shit
>>16037112 I'll give you a wrong spread Skiddo for an Ability Capsule.
If you shit BP like you say you do, an AC should be no trouble for you.
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
Quoted By:
>>16036755 I could breed you a few of those dwfs back on W2 if you want.
When I have a charge.
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:49:11 No. 16037194 Report >>16037083 I'll take a Skarmory and give you a 4IV Klefki.
>>16036981 I should finish drawing your waifu soon. I keep forgetting~ Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:50:07 No. 16037218 Report >>16036803 You don't want lists like mine though. They're not easy to manage due to the amount of time it takes to update them. Where this list takes me like 10 minutes to update and maybe then I wouldn't have like over 200 pokemon to give away.
I'm going to bed. Pls don't ask for this stuff. Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16037112 I've got stuff. The Riolu, Eevee, and Absol are renameable.
>>16034578 Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 (Dark: Cacturne, Nuzleaf, and Liepard) !!tZZtrZpUdyX Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:51:08 No. 16037250 Report Quoted By:
>>16036870 Yeah, that's fine.
About to start breeding Litwicks. Question though: Infiltrator or Flash Fire?
Tlynn 3DS: 1392-4882-3627 (seviper, garbodor)
Tlynn 3DS: 1392-4882-3627 (seviper, garbodor) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:52:13 No. 16037278 Report Quoted By:
Can anyone help me out with a mystery eggs run of Hearth gold? In the process of getting my pal pad atm.
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:52:14 No. 16037280 Report Quoted By:
Sam 4554-1265-8545 Rydon, Pupitar, Stunfisk
Sam 4554-1265-8545 Rydon, Pupitar, Stunfisk Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:52:15 No. 16037281 Report Quoted By:
Was wondering if anyone would be willing a Dreamworld Bulbasaur or Starmie to Y?
Cink 4012-4413-7710 (Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross)
Cink 4012-4413-7710 (Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:52:35 No. 16037294 Report >>16037194 Sure, any gender and spread preference?
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16037199 My pretty flowery waifu that hides her
ugly face?
You take your time on that, I told you~
>>16037218 10/10 list
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:54:17 No. 16037351 Report >>16037294 female and dump stats in sp attack and hp preferred.
Anthony 0146-9496-3321
I have 4-5 IV Pawniards (with sucker punch) 4-5 IV Medities( with bullet punch and psycho cut). Also some 4IV Immunity Gligars. I'm looking for either Mold Breaker drilbur or staryu but I'm up for offers,
Cink 4012-4413-7710 (Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross)
Cink 4012-4413-7710 (Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:57:15 No. 16037429 Report >>16037351 I'll check for the spread in a minute, and correct me if I'm wrong, but the female won't pass on BB and WW will it?
Quoted By:
I've been mostly a breeder earlier but I figured I'd try some ranked battles (single, 3v3) in-game this gen. Got these two so far, Machamp is the lead and I figure Reuniclus is best fit for a lategame kind of thing. What Mega evo do you suggest I use for my middle slot? Machamp (M) @ Focus Sash Trait: No Guard IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 0 / 31 / 31 EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 SpD Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA) - DynamicPunch - Bullet Punch - Stone Edge - Ice Punch Reuniclus (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Magic Guard IVs: 31 / 0 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SpD Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Calm Mind - Recover - Psychic - Focus Blast
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16037178 I'll put it on a shiny ditto is that okay?
>>16037223 Absol sounds good. Power item/toxic/flame orb for it? Can you name it Marble?
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:58:33 No. 16037473 Report >>16037429 nah, starting with this gen both genders can pass egg moves.
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
>>16037313 You have a waifu?
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, clefairy}
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, clefairy} Mon 18 Nov 2013 05:59:31 No. 16037503 Report >>16037418 I've got a 4 IV mold breaker drilbur, 5 IV gibles (with correct nature, ability, and egg moves), 5 IV deinos, 4 IV shroomish (HA and poison heal with egg moves). I want to get the best male meditite you've got.
Quoted By:
Guys, what's a good EV spread for Assault Vest Tangrowth with Regenerator?
0920 0799 0786
Shiny Eevee with HA and 2 perfect IVs... Any interest, anyone?
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16037456 Toxic Orb. Can do.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16037481 Yeah her name is Katherine and she comes home in half an hour~
No, not really. Just muh Shaymin. Unless you count Froslass. She's a cutie. M !FAGGOTXBuk
>>16037456 I've already got a few dittos from the egg shiny hatching thing.
>>16037521 I'll take it, what are the IVs, and what nature?
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela Mon 18 Nov 2013 06:01:20 No. 16037559 Report >>16037521 yeah what do you want for it?
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
>>16037522 Do you want the male with super luck or the female with pressure?
>>16037503 do you have any useless drillbur? i just need one
0920 0799 0786
Shiny Eevee with HA and 2 perfect IVs, anyone interested? Looking for decent 6th gen shinies.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16037569 Male with Superluck. It's 31/31/31/x/31/31 right?
Om 4425-1744-3668 (Munna, Siglyph, Duosion)
Om 4425-1744-3668 (Munna, Siglyph, Duosion) Mon 18 Nov 2013 06:03:10 No. 16037614 Report >Skarmory vs Gliscor Oh god what have I gotten myself into
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
GUYS Does anybody know a good EV spread for an Assault Vest Tangrowth with Regenerator? Should I give it Giga Drain or not?
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
>>16037529 Katherine is a cute name.
When I first saw that word, I thought it was a foreign wafer cookie.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16037587 Calm shiny Chansey with perfect HP and Sp.Def? Bad other IVs though.
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, clefairy}
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, clefairy} Mon 18 Nov 2013 06:04:54 No. 16037665 Report >>16037581 No but I'm sure I can ditto one real quick
0920 0799 0786
>>16037551 Nature is Bold, IVs are Special Attack and Special Defense
>>16037559 Any cool looking Gen 6 shinies.
Anise 3024-5735-6455 SV:1339 !iGoomy7/dU
Quoted By:
Have: 5 IV Clear Body/Sturdy Carbink Kee/Maranga berries Want: Female Safari Pokemon in Luxury Balls anything at all, jesus christ
Quoted By:
>>16037587 all i got is a shiny parasect?
Anthony 0146-9496-3321
I'll do it for the gible sure. Anything interest you for the drilbur?
Cory 4141-3140-6537 (marowak, trapinch, gastrodon)
Cory 4141-3140-6537 (marowak, trapinch, gastrodon) Mon 18 Nov 2013 06:05:43 No. 16037688 Report Quoted By:
Does anybody have a 5 IV larvesta that's not from the US they'd be willing to trade for one of my 5 IV larvestas for Masuda method?
Cink 4012-4413-7710 (Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross)
Cink 4012-4413-7710 (Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 06:05:45 No. 16037689 Report Quoted By:
>>16037473 Oh Jesus I've been wasting time...why did I not notice this...Anyway I just checked and I only have a few skarms. None have HP and SpA as dump. I have 31/31/31/x/x/31 and 31/31/31/x/31/x and they were all parents it seems. Sorry about that. If you want one of those and want me to heart scale the moves on let me know.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Quoted By:
>>16037619 Neat. Send me a TR when you're rady
Quoted By:
>>16037620 Can someone answer my question?
Cink 4012-4413-7710 (Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross)
Cink 4012-4413-7710 (Ledyba, Illumise, Heracross) Mon 18 Nov 2013 06:07:08 No. 16037723 Report Quoted By:
>>16037614 It's called whirlwind son.
0920 0799 0786
>>16037648 Sorry, I don't care about stats. Only looks.
Quoted By:
>>16037665 much appreciated. what can i give you for it? i have duskull eggs with pain split and night shade but i need someone to instacheck with bc i dont want to hatch them all
got other stuff too
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
>>16037638 Malamars best foreign cookie.
I don't get them here. >>16037726 >not liking pretty soft pink Blissey caught in a heal ball Okay man, that's alright, good luck~
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16037619 Thanks a a lot~
>>16037677 Sorry I don't have any gen 6 shinies other than Fletchling, but I'd rather keep it for now.
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Anthony 0146-9496-3321
Quoted By:
>>16037771 Shiny Klefki or Dedenne for your Fletchling?
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Mon 18 Nov 2013 06:22:31 No. 16038134 Report Quoted By:
>>16033955 Would you be interested in a 5IV Jolly DD Charmander or 5IV Bold Wish Eevee? I want one of those Solosis.
If none of those interest you, I'd take a 4IV for any of the following:
Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini
Timid Gastly
Adamant Tech Scyther
Jolly Play Rough Absol
Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
Adamant Gale Wing Fletchling
Timid Infiltrator/Frisk Noibat w/ Switcheroo
Modest Squirtle w/ Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere
Quoted By:
>>16035020 Hey can we add?