PokeAus Thread
>>16007702 Archives:
https://archive.foolz.us/vp/thread/15998175 https://archive.foolz.us/vp/thread/16007702/ http://pastebin.com/kvMRURJM Discussed ideas:
Region Name: Nullas
City names: Based on Food
Professor: Raine Acacia - Widow of previous professor Irwin Acacia. Traveling Professor and friendly rival who researches Pokemon in relation to The Dreamtime and dream stones, as well as habitats.
Still need a grass starter.
Water - Platypus
Fire - Thorny Devil
Legendary Trio: "Venom Trio" - "You don't find them, they find you." Spider, Snake, Lizard.
"Ultimate" Legendary - Rainbow Snake, revived from Ayer's Rock at some point in the story.
More in archives.
Only NT fag
The most recent pastebin posted is
http://pastebin.com/87TYTS24 as opposed to the one in OP's post
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
Working on a design for the Prof. now.
OP - New Yorker
OP - New Yorker
>>16035645 Needs to be blonde and have a ponytail. Needs to look adventurous and safari-like while still having the signature white coat.
Perhaps her white coat is open and underneath you see the Irwin's signature khaki gear.
OP - New Yorker
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>>16035699 scratch the ponytail part. why do i remember her with a ponytail
Need some Australian Bees in this thread Aussie Bees are the nicest animals in Aus
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A few concepts have been kicked around, but a yara-ma-yha-who pokemon is a must
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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>>16035699 I was actually thinking maybe not blonde to make her a bit more subtle. I'll try out a couple things.
Everything thing else I agree with though. I'll warn you guys, I don't normally draw in Jap style
>>16035699 a grown up bindi irwin?
>>16035761 Stingless Bee Pokemon, Bug/Dark type.
Doesn't have a poison stinger, but can bite the shit out of you. Makes delicious but rare honey.
I'm not so sure about the towns being based on food. I mean Chintakout, Ramoodle, Lambingtown? Waay too obvious.
OP - New Yorker
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>>16035828 Nah, Terri. When thinking about the professors, I originally wanted a direct reference to Steve, but we agreed that having Terri being the professor with Steve as a sort of legacy throughout the region is a better tribute.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
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>>16035844 lamingtown is adorable though.
I like it as an idea, I just ran out of ideas at about chintakout. Feel free to suggest if you have anything better.
>>16035844 Yeah, they need to be waayyy more subtle than that. Here's my attempt, though I think lamingtown should stay.
OP - New Yorker
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Damn, the references in my head keep piling up. Raine Acacia, the widow of world-renown Pokemon Researcher Irwin Acacia, is originally from the Unova region. Being originally from another region fires up her interest in researching her new region more.
>search last thread >no Tree Kangaroo I'm disappointed.
Only NT fag
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>>16036070 I quite like that to be honest
Only NT fag
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>>16036108 In good time anon, right now we're just working out the basics before we go new Pokemon crazy
>>16036070 >NO GREAT BARRIER REEF Anonymous
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>>16036186 Seconded. It would make a great underwater section.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
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>>16036172 >implying town doesn't mean two buildings with one or two permanent residents. That's it I'm making smaller dots for stations and smaller towns now.
Only NT fag
>>16036186 Those are just the towns anon, we'd have to be completely utterly legitimately retarded
>>16036251 So is this only Australia? No Indonesia or Islands or NZ at all?
Only NT fag
>>16036344 It's very unlikely that we'll have Indonesia and surrounding islands, despite their proximity, but NZ hasn't been ruled out and is a real possibility
Ghost - 4785-4272-3936
>>16036108 Kangaroo for grass type starter?
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16036344 For now it is, People definitely want New Zealand but at it's heart it needs to at the very least be Australia. Indonesia is a cool place but I don't see many people going with that.
Also: pic with stations/small towns marked out so people can stop flipping over the number of towns.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
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>>16036413 uh, blue stars with orange outlines being small towns and stations. I didn't update the key it seems.
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>>16036396 I recon a grass/ground echidna (as it lives in the bush and digs tunnels) or water/flying kingfisher and Fire koala
kangaroos are fighting i would think and we dont need anymore fighting starters
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16036430 Read the pastebin, we're looking for a speedy grass starter.
Here's a quick Acacia. I'll work on doing actually good art once we have a general consensus on designs.
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>>16036413 maybe new zealand can be a post game battle frontier of sorts?
Only NT fag
>>16036522 Not a huge fan of the gloves, but otherwise it looks bretty gud
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>>16036389 >>16036413 Wouldn't mind that, can understand that reasoning, post E4 island maybe? Also gonna include Flinders Island and the other island to the north west of Tasmania?
>>16036522 She's look awesome with a pokeball necklace and/or whip to make her look like a ranger
OP - New Yorker
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>>16036522 Definitely on the right track. I'd say lengthen the coat and give her some sort of neck gear. Also, shorten the gloves.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16036580 How about short gloves?
>>16036612 Maybe rope.
Kornheiser !IYsWILbonQ
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>>16035564 I thought this was supposed to be Singapore at first based on the map
looks good though
Only NT fag
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>>16036667 Short gloves would work, yeah
>Find new Pokeaus thread >See Professor name >Not Professor Gum/Wattle based on Dr Karl
Grass starter needs to be a qt Kangaroo which evolves into a Grass/Fighting, like Chesnaught but good. 90/120/75/90/65/105, Hidden Ability that strengthens Kick Moves, signature move is Grass Blaze Kick.
>>16036070 >Adelaide not Farmla Union Coffice Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16036780 We already have a pretty solid Kangaroo pokemon concept
How's this?
Only NT fag
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>>16036834 I like it very much. Let's keep her!
Rhonda and Ketut for double battle gym leaders. You know you fucking want it
Only NT fag
>>16036780 We're looking more in the direction of a bird for the grass starter.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16036950 I like the idea of a Jabiru/Brolga type deal
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>>16036834 PERFECT
Love it
OP - New Yorker
>>16036834 Much better!
On the Kangaroo/Wallaby two-line idea... instead of two boxers, perhaps we could have Wallabali and a kick-boxer/mma fighter. Inspired by this:
>>16036780 It kind of steals from Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee punch/kick, but it still fits well. If it's too similar to the hitmons, we can still do Ali and Tyson.
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>>16036928 Yes, do want. Around "Darwin"?
Also, a Dame Edna inspired gym leader? "Melbourne" maybe?
>>16036781 Did you know South Australia is the only place in the world where a milk based beverage outsells cola?
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
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>>16037033 Yes.
As such, it should be the only city where moomoo milk is sold.
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>>16036834 her eyes should be green doe
and i think her coat should be short sleeve idk.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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Cool, Acacia is locked in.
>>16037022 That could be a neat idea.
>>16036987 That seems more like Water/Flying to me though. A Rainbow Lorikeet or even a Kookaburra lends itself to Grass-type better.
How about a Banksia Grass/Ghost/Dark Pokemon? Can we talk about how scary they are when they get their seed pods?!
So basically this is gen /vp/ 2.0 just Aus instead of SA. Do we really need two of these?
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16037118 Too much like Gen VP though.
How about a Green Tree Frog?
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>>16037188 That could work. Green tree frog that evolves into a bigger green tree frog.
OP - New Yorker
>>16037157 We're doing our own thing. Some of us don't like how gen /vp/ runs.
>>16037188 Maybe. I posted an idea in one of the other threads about a Tadpole that evolves into either a frog or a toad though.
What about a Grass/Normal line based on Grug?
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
Or Goanna? Or... a flying fox?
Only NT fag
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>>16037022 I think I prefer the Ali/Tyson
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>>16037256 pffahahaha yess
If all else fails just straight up put grug in the thing.
Wasn't a venomous crustacean discovered in WA? Would it be possible to make a Pokemon based off of that?
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16037339 Or a Speedy Wombat reminiscent of Donphan
Only NT fag
>>16037538 I think the Grass starter should be a goanna for sure
>>16037136 I always thought those pods were cool
>>16037392 There was a post in the last thread regarding Cone Snails, if that's what you're talking about
OP - New Yorker
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>>16036834 I'm going to try to sprite this. I haven't sprited in a VERY long time... wish me luck.
>>16037234 but what makes it different? its the same unified people coming together, and this is /vp/ whos to say you won't have people just fucking up surveys because one person doesn't like it
Only NT fag
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>>16037617 Holy shit that thing's cool
>>16037713 >surveys haha you just said what's wrong with gen /vp/ gj
>>16037713 We haven't even had surveys yet
Might never even do polls
Only NT fag
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>>16037777 Quads confirm we won't do surveys or polls
>>16037763 Then how do you come to an agreement? isn't that kind of just one sided?
>>16037777 Quads confirm no surveys and polls, only good communication and getting things done.
Speaking of, doing this in RPGmaker or what?
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16037852 There's like 6 people making decisions right now, if that. Which is why we're getting important shit out of the way before this grows.
>>16037858 I have no idea, don't know much about that sort of thing. I suppose so.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16037893 Someone in the first thread said they might be capable. Where the fuck did that person go?
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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I like the whole New Zealand as battle frontier type area idea.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16037979 well rpgmaker is supposedly easy enough to learn, I'll give it a shot if no one else with experience rocks up. I'd rather have something to show than a great big fuckall.
Whats the typing for the rainbow serpent legendary gonna be? Fairy/Poison?
>>16038121 Fairy / Dragon
>its Australia so everything is poison Only NT fag
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>>16038121 We haven't decided yet
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16038065 Excellent.
Okay so. Grass starter. We know we want to shake things up and go for Speed rather than bulk.
So far we have:
-Bird, but we don't want to be too much like gen /vp./
Goanna, we have already got two reptilian grass starters
Green tree frog, we already have a frog starter
Flying fox (fruit motif?)
Speedy wombat thing?
Only NT fag
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>>16038194 Flying fox sounds good
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>>16038194 Seconding Flying Fox.
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>>16038194 Go with flying fox.
found this, what do you thing for a grass/fairy NAME: Ankle Biter SPECIES TYPE: Pixie Ankle Biters are masters of camouflage. They are so clever at hiding it is only recently we became aware of their existence. This Australian species of pixie have long remained undetected due to an uncanny ability to blend with the surroundings. However, due to the Ankle Biter’s prankish nature we often fall foul to their mischief. Ankle Biters delight in tripping up big people, (that’s us). When we walk by an Ankle Biter, they may flick up a stick, pull up a root, push out a rock or anything that can get tangled in our legs and trip us up. Their fondest pastime is ‘Big-People-Tripping’.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
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>>16038194 Flying fox is good, seconding the fruit motiff, we have what, 2 fruit pokemon? You'd think such a basic thing would have more.
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>>16038317 sorry its off topic for the time being but some neat little aussie mythology creatures could make great pokemon
http://www.mythocreatology.com/Creatures.html Anonymous
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>>16038188 Seconding fairy/dragon
How did this massive Australia region push start?
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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I'll keep FruitFox in the pastebin for now.
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>>16038448 With the first step
This guy can be the Delibird of the region
Why are you guys doing this /vp/ already has a game, why not all try to finish that one first?
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every time i see this thread i read pokeanus but everything looks pretty solid though
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>>16038564 since you clearly haven't read the thread why don't you just go away anon
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>>16038564 not even a part of it but
theyre far as hell along in that theres not too much imaginativey things left to do
Ian 1246-9100-5986
Just throwing out a few ideas. Ghost bat inspired, ghost/flying, can be taken literal as a "ghost bat", they are almost endangered IRL, so they should probably be rare. Frilled neck Lizard inspired, dragon/fire, lives in desert, although helioptile can be used to fill this niche, a dragon/fire type FNL would be cool. Albatross, sea bird,flying/??? (flying/water is pretty boring typing) maybe has evolved to the point where it has no legs, relies solely on its massive wings. Saltwater/Freshwater croc split evolution, depends where you level it, salty is bigger and stronger, freshy is faster and a special attacker maybe a skink that can evolve into a blue tongue lizard. Stonefish, very low speed, lies in ambush, poison/rock
Uluru with the rainbow serpent resting in it should look like this.
>>16038194 Why not a cassowary or emu, that evolves from a kiwi?
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>>16038521 Yeah! Pokemon - Australia version could be so awesome
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16038721 We have a Cassowary
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I think the Acacia region sounds cooler
Ok, was doing some thinking for Barrier Reef mons. Has anyone suggested the stonefish? its toxic and dangerous and looks like its name suggests. So Fire/Poison seems like a cool typing Or a rock/water that knows fire moves. Also the blue ringed octopus (same sort of thing).
We could make a similar wailmer/walord but use the whale shark too.
Also this as a Bug/Fairy,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_yYC5r8xMI Anonymous
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>>16038618 i have an idea for your idea
the freshwater and saltwater crocodiles can be like the gastrodon of the region
the saltwater crocs found near the ocean while the freshwater crocs are found in rivers and creeks
Ian 1246-9100-5986
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>>16038757 stonefish - rock/poison
>>16038744 That's too bad. Does it at least evolve from a kiwi?
>>16038721 the actual emu chicks look a lot better than kiwis
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>>16038757 Stonefish = rock poison, it's gotta be.
Also Humpback whale I guess.
>>16038799 a cool evo line for emuchickmon would be to have it either evo into a cassowary or emu depending on stats or stone used to evolve.
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>>16038837 educational haha
There's a box jellyfish one right?
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>>16038859 The cassowarymon gets a sharp metal crest.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16038885 Yes, it's called tentacool, you may have heard of it.
>>16038757 this is the peacock spider, its so adorable and pokemon worthy
>>16038916 Right, so we have no Kangaroo pokemon because there's a Kanghaskan, is that how it works?
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>>16038926 only found in Western Australia
>>16038926 Bug/fairy with dance related moves somehow
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16038787 Nope, Skarmory evo because Skarmory already has a Cassowary like head.
>>16038944 Kanghaskan is a poor enough Kangaroo to warrant a new one. This has already been discussed.
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>>16038944 Haven't you heard, anon? Once a pokemon based on an animal is made, no more pokemon can be made based on that animal. That's why we only have one fox and one bird evolutionary lines.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
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>>16038944 No, I was just answering your question. Doesn't mean we can't make another.
A water/electric type one maybe?? Poison/electric??
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>>16038958 well it sure knows how to boogie
teeter dance is a must
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what is this, /vp/ makes another game?
>>16038974 I think a male only kangaroo pokemon to counter Kangaskhan being female only might be cool. Like how Miltank and Taurus are allegedly the male/female equivalents of each other.
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>>16038958 bug psychic could also work
or make it a split evo line like dustox/beautifly and make one end up bug/fairy and one bug/psychic
OP - New Yorker
First time spriting in a VERY long time, no details or shading or proper colors or face yet... but I have her general idea drawn. I based her around Prof. Oak's FRLG sprite, she's a few pixels shorter and I expect her to be shorter than Oak, as well as thinner. If it's too small, we can make adjustments, but again this is my first attempt to sprite in a very long time.
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>>16038885 >>16038916 What about a lion's mane jelly?
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no one has suggested dingomon?
But there will never be a region based on Australia
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16039063 It's a pretty neat first attempt. I'm working on a more polished picture of her, too.
Stop fapping over random pokemon concepts guys, it's bogging the thread down. We don't even have a villain yet.
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Dingo - Normal/Fire Cane Toad - Poison/Ground Rainbow Lorikeet - Flying/Fairy
OP - New Yorker
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>>16039137 >>16039085 Now that I'm looking at it it feels too small and it's killing me.
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>>16039136 there will never be a region based on saudi arabia either. so what?
fairy/flying? its pink like the majority of fairies
OP - New Yorker
Just to compare to Oak...
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>>16039240 Maybe it should look a lot less like Terri Irwin, heck make her
delicious brown Anonymous
>>16039219 no way that motherfucker should be Flying/Fighting
>>16039292 >Not giving to those ferocious fucking Magpies Sydney fairy
Hey, all. Sydneysider from last night is back.
>>16035839 I kind of like the idea I had earlier, heh. Two types of bees, looks almost identical - sort of a pair, like Plusle and Minun. One is a stinging bee, Bug/Poison, and one is a mimic bee, Bug/Dark. Could really mess up Psychic and Fairy types if you get the wrong one.
>>16036070 I kind of like the idea of Sydney being Fairbredde City, not gonna lie. Otherwise, looks great.
>>16036773 Maybe he can be another scientist character? He could specialise in another area, like Fennel specialising in Dream World and stuff.
>>16036928 All their Pokemon know Protect.
>>16037136 YES. And Grass/Fairy gumnut babies.
>>16038188 Thirding. Or Fairy/Water - Rainbow Serpent has a strong water association.
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>>16039292 >>16039219 It looks like an indian headdress to me.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16039144 How about two teams.
One that is the conservative 'white australia policy' opinion rolled into a bikie gang. They do things like 'try and demolish uluru because there might be coal under it' or 'fracking in a suburb of a big city.'
One that is a large broadcasting station based environmental gang. With a very cult like mindset. They might do things like 'get in the way of backburning because you are hurting the poor innocent rabbits' or 'block a port because there are whales crossing'
Any thoughts?
Btw is the Venom Trio set in stone? The spiders were way better imo and traditionally the 'main' trio of a game are all the same type of being.
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Crown of Thorns Starfish Water/Dark
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>>16039309 Magpie should be Flying/Dark. Aside from their colour, they're evil cunts during breeding season.
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>>16039326 the rainbow serpent should be under the control of some evil gang around Uluru.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16039327 Not yet, the only legendary really set in stone is Rainbow Snake
>>16039326 It's got potential but do you have an idea of those team's main goals? Gotta be 'take over the world' big.
>>16039219 maybe a hat? like an akubra
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>>16039420 There is already a Thorny Devil.
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I actually had an idea about this for a while, but a region based just off of eastern NSW instead of Australia as a whole.
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>>16039441 that was meant as a reply to
>>16039240 Mykonos
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>>16039426 she's starting to look like ranger Stacey from totally wild. SO cool. any other Aussies remember that show?
how are we gonna incorporate AFL/NRL/Cricket into this
>>16039509 Why would we do that?
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16039537 because all three are pretty huge in Australia and you need to have something like a trainer class for em
>Lyrebird Pokemon >It always mimics it's opponents battle cry
Ian 1246-9100-5986
>>16039321 What about having the bees the same species and have two separate forms that do not differ by much, except type and movepool.
>>16038974 Why does the cassowary need to be a skarmory evo?
I much prefer the emu split evo
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>>16039597 Please? I've always wanted a lyrebird
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>>16039426 all i can think about now is how much more Ranger Stacey is a Pokemon Prof. then Bindy will ever be
New York
I'll work more on the sprite another time. Hey Nagrom, could I impose on you to sketch out a Taipan? Similar colors to the pic, with mouth wide open and poison-dripping fangs. I think the lower half of the body should be folded or coiled and the head looking straight to the camera. Maybe even the same pose, like a vertical Seviper.
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>>16039597 just have it with Trace as its ability
Ian 1246-9100-5986
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>>16039597 I know it's not necesarily "Aussie", but it could evolve into a peacock?
either way, gender differences in the lyrebirdmon
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>>16039588 They could all come under the trainer type 'Athlete' and have different spirtes.
>>16039633 I dont know why, but a two headed snake would be sweet
Make shitty Rabbit, Deer, and Fox pokemon common and annoying as fuck.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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>>16039605 It was an idea lots of people liked in earlier threads.
There may be an emu later or not. We're trying not to bog ourselves down with random pokemon concepts right now, we're not even solid on starters yet. Now shush about it.
>>16039633 Sure, any colours in particular?
Ian 1246-9100-5986
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>>16039676 amphisbaena?
as in medieval version not the real animal
>>16039676 You could have one head Poison-based and the other Non-Poison (Normal? Grass? Ground?)
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>>16039684 Willy Wagtails are common as here and would make a great pidgey
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16039426 Profit Bikers: To enslave all pokemon for the good of the wealthy.
Extreme green: To return humans back to an animalistic way of living. OR. Eradication of humans for the good of the environment.
Here's a summary of ideas I had; - Every wild pokemon knows toxic. Even sheep. - Wild pokemon have a slim chance of being poison secondary type. Ice gym leader has an ice/poison Mega Cloyster. - Status effects are replaced with Status poisons, like burnpoison, jellypoison, etc. - Anzac biscuits cure all status effects. Vinegar Chips cure jellypoison. - Ayer's Rock is the location of the cover legendaries - HMs are gone, Surf is still a move but outside of battle you just use a surfboard to move around, for example. Flying Doctor Service flies you to wherever you want to go. - Bike replaced with motorbike, evil team is based off of mad max. - Victory Road is through the blue mountains - Kangaroo Tails replace slowpoke tails - Port arthur is the pokemon cemetary, wolf creek and witternoon are also spooky places. - Baobab trees hold fresh water. - Vegemite acts like a bitter herb - New trainer types include surfers (water types), bogans, tradies(electric/steel), lifeguards (grass), drovers (livestock), miners (ground/rock/steel) and 'dreamers' who are spiritual indigenous (psychic)
just some more animals for pokemon ideas
kookaburra, bandicoot, octopus, echidna, bilby, blue-tongued lizard, goanna, great white shark
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fauna_of_Australia Ian 1246-9100-5986
>>16039725 dark
this thing could be evil as shit
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16039738 Like it
>>16039739 >>16039745 Hey did you guys see how we wanted to not bog down the thread with random pokemon concepts?
>>16039633 Whoops, didn't see that bit about colours there.
>>16039771 They aren't pokemon concepts, did you read it?
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>>16039748 sounds like a good idea for a pseudo legendary
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16039771 I'm thinking we could have the head of the profit bikers be a nice old lady from the first town. (That somewhat resembles Gina Rheinhart)
I've never liked how in pokemon the teams leaders are so blatantly evil, it would make it better if you associated with them from time to time and they were generally nice.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16039811 They are random concept pertaining to pokemon, are they not?
Also too much LEL everything is poisonous in Australia LEL
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>>16039865 seems like the type youre after
plus its all i could think of when you said old lady
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>>16039894 But there ARE a lot of poisonous things in Australia.
>>16039894 >lel Jesus they're suggestions, are you alienating people who want to help out so early into this? What is wrong with you?
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>>16039948 It's way past the point where Australia = Poison is even kind of funny.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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>>16039948 No but it's stuff that's been repeated a lot in previous threads. It's a tired old joke.
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>>16039948 mate not everything in Australia is poisonous
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
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>>16039948 It was a lame joke the first time.
Anyway, what we need right now is solidification of the region and it's characters. Not necessarily pokemon.
Only NT fag
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I'm back, what major developments have I missed?
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>>16039865 she could be the one who teaches you to catch your first pokemon. As you start your journey you have no idea that she was training you to catch them for her evil plans. Later in the game she reveals her self as the evil villian. And youre all like dude, no way!
>>16035564 hey how about something like this for the environments
>>16035564 >"Ultimate" Legendary - Rainbow Snake I liked the idea of some time ago to use Zygarde in alternative forme
>Still need a grass starter: I think it first needs to think about what they need to look like the pokemon in their third stage.
Arba for the type I had thought of a lycaon / hunter, grass / dark
Any other ideas? Not only for the type grass?
wouldn't it be better to have the venom trio all of the same type of creature? kanto has three birds johto has three beasts hoenn has three golems sinnoh has three beings why not just give pokestraya three giant spiders?
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16039633 How's this? Ran out of ideas for the face.
>>16040111 I still vote for echidna grass starter or possum starter that evos into a sugarglider?
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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>>16040178 eyes not beady enough
also needs a cheeky grin
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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>>16040101 Looks about right!
>>16040145 poison/ground funnelweb
poison/bug huntsman
poison/dark redback
fund it
>>16040101 switch yellow and lavender, then we'll talk
this is the southern hemisphere, snow is at the bottom
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>>16040101 Do we really need a snow one?
I mean, it's not like Straya gets much.
New York
>>16040178 Darker head but I like the viciousness.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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>>16040251 Look carefully, the text doesn't quite line up with the key icons. Lavender is snow.
>>16035564 that is a fuckton of towns and routes
do you guys even have a programmer to code all that
who do you have to create the art for your auspokemon
who do you have to create the maps and sprites
>>16040150 >echidna Two grass starters based on the same animal in a row?
Or at least based on two animals that look alike?
I like the possum idea. Grass/Flying but not based on a bird, smart.
>>16040101 tbh there's too many towns
fairbredde town and cherrilate city for example don't really need to be there when it could be used for exploring
Sydney fairy
>>16039509 The same way Unova incorporated American football and basketball, or Kalos incorporated skaters? Trainer classes, maybe specific areas.
>>16039605 Sure, forme differences could work. I just like the idea of the whole mimic thing.
>>16039865 Could be fun!
>>16040101 Man, I totally misread that at first and thought you meant the yellow was snow. But yeah, maybe... not 100% sold on the mountain placement, since inland seas are generally typified by extremely flat landscapes surrounding them.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16040273 Yeah?
>>16040278 Dude this started yesterday. Chill.
Sydney fairy
>>16040299 Also, just realised I never actually said what I could do. Got Sydney (and a fair bit of NSW) information, and I'd like to help with characters, town/city development, and storyline. Maybe be able to draw concept sketches, but I can't sprite.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16040101 Looks about right, I've cleaned it up a little.
>>16040280 it makes sense
the possum is cute as heck, so it would look adorable, the second could be flying/grass or just grass, then the third evo is sugarglider.
save echidna for other monslot prob ground type
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16040343 I'll list you in the pastebin. It woul be awesome to have another sketcher, wanna drum up some starters? Concepts in the pastebin.
http://pastebin.com/XJ3ttQ03 Anonymous
>>16040348 clearly the legendary split the great dividing range down the middle
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Back, did a quick sketch of a professor design
>>16040296 There's a ton of interesting places we could use instead of towns, and it'd help prune down the worse town names.
>>16040145 Could also do snakes, since we have the ten most poisonous ones lying around.
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>>16040400 im sorry i cant draw guys
but the idea for the grass starter would be a green possum with red or yellow bottle brush collar like a cute little clown collar? then its second evo could have like a bottle brush and mohawk and third evo could have a sugarglider look as its now flying/grass with a bottlebrush tail.
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>>16040406 After my last exam tomorrow I could help out, drum out a few concepts of assorted poke's.
I live in SE suburbs of Victoria
New York
A little more progress on the sprite.
New York
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16040530 Not bad
>>16040440 No, it did sink the murray Darling Basin though, if that's what did it (diving opportunities??)
At any rate, Cleaned the key, cleaned the labels (used the superior ones suggested by a kind anon) and overlayed a preliminary climate map.
Anyone want me to try and fit routes on with the labels intact?
Have we decided on starters yet? I'll try and sketch them out.
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
Only NT fag
>>16040752 Fire: Thorny Devil
Water: Platypus
Grass: Undecided
>>16040348 i decided to add mountain and forest into mix
Someone's sketches from yesterday
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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>>16040752 Concepts in here:
http://pastebin.com/XJ3ttQ03 >>16040773 Grass is currentl either Flying Fox (fruit motif?)
or Pussum>Sugarglider
>>16040791 >>16040809 Both me
>>16039738 I'm cool with this idea for the villains, though I think they could do with better names.
Also, an idea for Alice Springs/Jettyridge City: Make the city have a significant population of Unovans who seem normal at first, but behave really shifty if you pay attention.
Since, you know. Alice Springs has a lot of US spies hanging around because of Pine Gap.
>>16040850 Or Paimete City, rather. OR whatever the hell it'll end up being called.
>>16040809 Wouldn't that just evolve into the stealth sneak from kingdom hearts..only slightly redder
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>>16040891 >kingdom hearts Anonymous
>>16040773 >Fire: Thorny Devil In the Chinese zodiac there is only one reptile, the snake, I think the last evolution will look like him.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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>>16040891 Stealth sneak is a chameleon
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The evil team is immigrants
>>16040926 Oh, hm. Serperior fits that spot, doesn't it? Dragon goes with Charizard, what else could we do?
We don't HAVE to follow the Chinese Zodiac pattern...
>>16040947 Pretty sure the person that suggested the Thorny Devil said Fire/Ground and lots of people agreed on that idea.
>>16040988 >lots of people There's like six namefags around according to the doc, though? I'm not arguing with fire/ground, but we shouldn't take everything set in stone.
>>16040947 I think what the Chinese calendar affects only the starter of fire.
To not do something too similar to Serperior, maybe make the last stage komodo? I always thought of him as a snake.
>>16040974 Why not?
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
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>>16040878 I swapped it and jettyridge because the name jettyridge not being on a coastal town was driving me nuts.
>>16040783 Like this yeah? based quite roughly on Australias mountain ranges.
New Yorker
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Going to bed. This'll need a new thread soon, who wants to handle that?
>>16041022 It's limiting and this isn't exactly an official gen or anything...
>>16041017 My name isn't on it and I've been following this version of Pokeaus since its inception.
It had a lot more support than dissent when it was suggested. Best you can do on an *anonymous* board.
>>16041058 This started as speculation for the seventh generation.
I also think it would be fun to continue the "tradition" of the Chinese Zodiac.
Do not get me wrong, I like the idea of the Thorny Devil, I just say that its evolution should end up with something snake-like
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16041086 Give me a name and I'll put you on the Doc if you want to contribute.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16035564 hey guys! I just want to say good luck! Its too bad that comfy dex didnt work out, but i really hope this does.
Im an artist, but well, im sure you know. If you want i can help.
>>16040341 this is literally just a snake. What is the idea behind it?
>>16041275 Ambush predator so a low speed stat that the thorny devil will surely have will suit
>>16041274 Done.Name above.
On a side note, captchas are getting worse and worse
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16041301 Inland Taipan, meant to be a roaming legendary or something like that
I drew these as an idea for the sugar glider grass/flying starter what do you think? sorry they are hand drawn its all im good at
Only NT fag
>>16041307 >>16041275 But HOW can we justify going from Thorny Devil to Death Adder? I can't think of anything in in the middle to justify it
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>>16041339 also sorry its sideways im in a rush to head out
hope you like something about it
>>16041339 Neat. Can you make the final stage's wings look more leaf-like maybe?
>>16041327 so the idea behind it is just a snake, the design will end up looking like just a snake.
Anyone got any ideas? types? It looks ground/poison to me. Perhaps we could throw in the idea of a dust devil sand tornado in there?
Only NT fag
>>16041339 I like the final stage but I'm not sure about the first two
>>16041358 Legless lizard?
Only NT fag
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
>>16041325 So what areas are you interested in helping out on?
>>16041301 More drawfags the merrier! Give me a name and I'll chuck you on the doc.
>>Something like an old fashioned dragon? Just forelegs, rest is snakey I'm getting some early sleep tonight so, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Someone remember to make a new thread soon.
Only NT fag
>>16041402 Doesn't quite justify how flaccid it gets
>>16041301 >>16041339 I like both concept
>>16041358 How a piranha becomes a shark?
>>16041412 Not really sure. I have the artistic talent of a dead cat. I like naming things and thinking of concepts, but who doesn't.
>>16041412 I'm also somewhat of a drawfag
would love to spit out a few designs soon
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>Venomous Lizard The only two venomous lizards live in Southwest U.S.A and Mexico (make it a box jelly/blue ring octopus)>Rainbow Snake Make it have the ability to transform people into Pokemon
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>>16041418 Maybe it doesn't have to be just an ordinary Death Adder snake. It could be a really spiny, pointy snake. Like a Death Adder with a Thorny Devil's scales.
Drew some white thorny devils, not sure what to make the secondary colour though I'm partial to pink/blue. What do you guys think?
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>>16041358 I personally don't think the thorny devil should be a starter, rather, use it as a fire/ground or fire/dragon standalone desert dweller, there is not much to work with for an evo, it's rather unique and I feel as if an evo will just get bigger and more spikes
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>>16041384 >>16041388 >>16041430 I have to go to training right now but will work on it later
its just a preliminary sketch
more critiques welcome though! (^_^)
ctrl + F bunyip>Phrase not found Come on guys, step up your game.
Nagrom (melbourne drawfag)
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>>16041431 I'll put you down as general
>>16041433 And I'll list you too
http://pastebin.com/STP0pKNf truteal
A Fairy/Flying Fairy Wren that evoles into a Fairy/Flying Emu-Wren inside an Emu made of pink energy and the Emu has large wings
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>>16041496 I love me a fairy wren
Sydney fairy
>>16040406 Alright, rough shot at the Fire starter! This
>>16040809 idea seemed to fit better as a middle stage, although I borrowed the proportions for the first stage. It... kind of ended up more Fire/Rock-looking?
I've never designed Pokemon before. Damn. Sorry.
>>16041339 That is cute as fuck.
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>>16041481 It got mentioned last thread. It's in the pastebin.
Someone make the new thread now?
>>16041412 >Give me a name and I'll chuck you on the doc. Im notorious elsewhere around here, i'll use a new name >>16041405 Dark-Fire-Ground/Poison Death Adder, Tiger Snake & Brown Snake
hmm ok. I really cant think of a good idea to go with these. if we went with different weather conditions...nah thats been done a billion times before.
Perhaps Smog, dust devils...uhh dark is hard
I also have an unused grass porcupine starter i was going to use, but i couldnt make it not look overdesigned. I dont know what you guys might want to do with it.
>>16041563 Maybe you could have a progression of Dark Coals -> Glowing Coals -> Full Flame as its scales.
Good start though.
>>16037136 Make it the grass starter
>>16040231 >implying Huntsman Spiders are poisonous - The common bug needs to be a Mozzie
- Offical Pokemon that are in this region need to include The Mareep family, the Skiddo family, the Ratata family, the Bunary family and Taurous/Miltank
Sydney fairy
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>>16041609 Huh, maybe... unfortunately, I have a ton to do tonight and a twenty-minute presentation to do tomorrow - doing postgrad is ~fun~ - so maybe someone who's better at drawing Pokemon could give it a try?
Typing-wise... I'm feeling Fire/Rock would fit a bit better than Fire/Ground, to be honest, since rocky outcrops seem to fit pretty naturally as the thorns. What do people thing?
>>16041611 Maybe Bunnelby instead of Buneary? Diggersby fits right in with the whole desert thing.
>>16041603 >weather conditions Could make it one Pokemon with its own version of Forecast/Protean/Colour Change/Stance Change.
>overdesigned Personally I think most Pokemon that fall into overdesigned are ones that use too many unnecessary colours. I can see your design working fine with just 3 colours.
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>>16041670 I like the idea of forme change snakes, its an interesting idea.
Also, for the >Flying Fox grass/flying idea, I found this rather interesting flower the other day. Its called the Black Bat Flower. If we're doing a flying fox then it would make sense to try this plant in it as well.
unfortunately i joined this thread too late, but i'll be back tomarrow
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You should include Aboriginal People (maybe one of them is the leader of the enviromental gang) Instead of having Drillbur, we should make a Marsupial Mole Pokemon
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Can one of you namefags make a new thread?
>>16041460 Looks great! Do you have a tumblr or something where all this is kept?
>>16041603 Behold my incredible MSPaint touch-up skills.
>>16041611 Gave it a shot! Turned out surprisingly cool.
>>16041850 I have a tumblr, but it won't be used for any of this. I'm saving these images for next time, though, so don't worry.
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>>16035564 We should have a peacock spider Pokemon. Cute little bastards.
>>16041896 I-I just like looking at neat drawfag art is all.
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>>16039219 the shiny should be a black cockatoo
What will be the region's name? Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, ??? pls Stroya
>>16041946 Maybe reread the OP, captain.
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>>16041960 'kay.
Tbh, all GF names have 'o' in them. Just saying.
>>16041933 Ah, thanks! But it really isn't something I want you guys to see. Trust me, ahaha
>>16041946 We came up with Nullos/Nullas/Nullis after Australia's original name. I think it's short and sweet, doesn't seem disagreeable.
>>16041993 Do you draw porn?
>>16041864 these were the colors i was thinking
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>>16042007 Get out of this thread
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>>16041979 >>16041755 >>16041593 Chill the fuck out.
No need to be so quick, we're on page 1.
And even then foolz has everything saved.
Unless you want make everyone on /vp/ angry with your thread spam.
>>16041993 Brisbane pls
I'd rather see us get shit done than have people coming in and asking for tumblrs all the time Tsplodey
>>16042015 Still looks good. That's the beauty of KISS. Get the primary body colours right and then you can change the extremities to suit its type. Mine looks Grass/Ground while yours could be Ground, Fire or even Dark.
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>>16042054 well the original idea was grass/poison based off rose bushes, but i can easily stray
a cunt from that inspiration. Grass/dark could be interesting
alright, leaving now
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
Bollocks, comp died. Lost the original map to a point (Where I had all the old names) Shit happens, taken the opportunity to re-do it in a cleaner style. Adding climates/names next. Thoughts on cleaner style? No key for now but the small thin double lines are rail.
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>>16042015 Looks good, but remind too much the Chespin line for me
>>16042200 don't forget to add great barrier reef
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
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>>16042477 I wont?
I haven't exactly added points of interest yet. (Dungeons, caves, forests, etc)
>>16042026 Sorry, I'll do what I can.
Doodled starters, not really as a final thing but some more suggestions wouldn't hurt.
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>>16042602 >dolpint awesome
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Need new thread
>>16042602 >dolpint cute
>bankly it's alright, kinda reminds me of an Animal Crossing villager
>thorndle I fucking love it
>>16042731 I haven't been able to think of any truly interesting grass starters. I'm really invested in unique ideas, and the banksia one drew me in instantly. I tried to make it look a little platypus-kappa inspired, but hm.
Perhaps there's something else?
>>16042602 I like Dolpint, but I couldn't help but notice some similarities to Gumball.
>pic related
I've only skimmed the thread, but what is it based on, exactly?
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
Map: now with climate. Too much? Too little?
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>>16042793 Sorry, I'm not the best with ideas. It is unique, though. I'll give you credit for that.
Not really sure what I can suggest, but good luck.
I'm off to sleep now. I have class in 6 hours. SEQguy
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>>16042883 Water type looks like a Dolphin. The grass starter looks like it's based off of a Banksia tree. The fire starter's a Thorny Devil.
>>16042900 Throw in a bit of snow near Victory Road.
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>>16042900 >>16043014 But other than that, it looks pretty damn good. Nice work
>>16042900 Brown vs Yellow. Is that Rocky vs Sandy terrain?
If it's all sand I'd be inclined to tone it down a little, even though it's accurate. :p
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
>>16043014 Riteo, can probably work that into a grampians like area. It snows there right? Well if not it can now.
>>16043043 Yellow is more spinnifex and dirt than sand, very few 'sandy' deserts in Australia. (pretty much a transition area)
>>16043043 If I had to guess, brown looks like proper desert, while yellow seems to be savannah or dry grasslands.
Sydney fairy
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>>16043060 Grampians are a bit south - I think we were considering the Kosciuszko area for Victory Road, in between 'Melbourne' and 'Canberra'. Other than that, it's looking really neat.
(Also, I must be off. Night, everyone!)
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)
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>>16043074 Bingo, but I made some tweaks to help drive that point (hopefully)
Added: Mountain ranges on the mainland, great dividing or otherwise. Points of interest (Things like Victory road, a cave, the GBR, a possibly volcanic island up north, etc)
Bigro (Mapfag from threads ago)