0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon Mon 18 Nov 2013 07:54:58 No. 16040207 Report >>16040175 Hey friend, I have dragonair safari or adamant/marvel scale dratini for a huge power marrill
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>>16040207 Unless your Dragonair is in a Premier ball, I'll take the Safari, but can still toss you a Huge Power Maril.
My Friend code is in my first image.
>>16040207 Added ya, Male or Female by the way?
Barkle 1435-4404-4564 (Vivillion, Ledyba, Masquerain)
Barkle 1435-4404-4564 (Vivillion, Ledyba, Masquerain) Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:06:59 No. 16040441 Report >>16040175 Can I have a Noibat for a 3IV Ditto? I have Atk/Def/Spd, HP/Def/SpA and Def/SpA/SpD
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>>16040441 Yes you may, Let me find one with 5 IVs back quickly for ya.
I'll take HP/Def/SpA if ya don't mind.
Friend code is in OP's Image
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:10:36 No. 16040500 Report >>16040368 Female please :)
sebastian 2750-2254-9632 (Flying:Spearow,Tranquill,Fletchinder)
sebastian 2750-2254-9632 (Flying:Spearow,Tranquill,Fletchinder) Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:13:32 No. 16040550 Report >>16040500 you are the anon looking for a moxie pinsir?
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:14:29 No. 16040565 Report Quoted By:
>>16040368 Giving you one for breeding purposes
Thanks man
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:15:57 No. 16040579 Report sebastian 2750-2254-9632 (Flying:Spearow,Tranquill,Fletchinder)
sebastian 2750-2254-9632 (Flying:Spearow,Tranquill,Fletchinder) Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:16:45 No. 16040589 Report >>16040579 add me i got one for you
>>16040500 Enjoy!
>>16040441 Barkle, I seem to only have:
Male, Def/SpA/SpD/Spd/
Male, HP/Def/SpA/SpD
Female Def/SpA/SpD/Spd
Have a pref? - All are Naive with Infiltrator
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:18:12 No. 16040606 Report Quoted By:
>>16040589 Sweet man! Thanks
Barkle 1435-4404-4564 (Vivillion, Ledyba, Masquerain)
Barkle 1435-4404-4564 (Vivillion, Ledyba, Masquerain) Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:22:50 No. 16040680 Report >>16040590 The male with Def/SpA/SpD/Spd. Thanks!
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Still looking around!
Zerroes, 0662-3831-1079 (Dragonair, Sliggo, Gabite) {1336}
Zerroes, 0662-3831-1079 (Dragonair, Sliggo, Gabite) {1336} Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:36:04 No. 16040930 Report >>16040175 Add me fro friend safari? I really needed to bred a Xatu for my team.
>>16040930 Added!
Happen to have anything that I'm looking for?
Zerroes, 0662-3831-1079 (Dragonair, Sliggo, Gabite) {1336}
Zerroes, 0662-3831-1079 (Dragonair, Sliggo, Gabite) {1336} Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:40:26 No. 16041001 Report >>16040976 I do have Kleki's, not in primer balls, 5IV's no speed.
>>16041001 That works for me, Male perhaps? Either or it works.
Need anything from my list in return or just a random poke?
Kokolores 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Kokolores 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:44:06 No. 16041060 Report Hi /vp/ Iv'e some pokemon to offer 5 IV modest rotom 5 IV modest litwick 4 IV centipede(s) Looking for gooey goomy But take other offers aswell
Zerroes, 0662-3831-1079 (Dragonair, Sliggo, Gabite) {1336}
Zerroes, 0662-3831-1079 (Dragonair, Sliggo, Gabite) {1336} Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:44:31 No. 16041069 Report >>16041029 If you have a 5IV timid Noibat, I don't have one yet
>>16041069 I'm sure I have atleast a 4 IV, perhaps a 5. Let me take a look quickly.
>>16041085 I guess I'm actaully out of Timid Noibats.
Last one I have is from the start of breeding.
HP/SpDef/Spd - Frisk.
Welcome to have it still if you want, or could trade something else for that Kelfki.
Zerroes, 0662-3831-1079 (Dragonair, Sliggo, Gabite) {1336}
Zerroes, 0662-3831-1079 (Dragonair, Sliggo, Gabite) {1336} Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:53:07 No. 16041210 Report >>16041147 Actually if you could go into my safari and catch me a Female gabite and sliggo DW with atleast 31IV's in Sdef/SPA(Ionly Sdef for gabite), I could really use them for breeding.
Anything but normal 3/ quick balls would be nice aswell.
Quoted By:
>>16041210 Uh, sure, just give me a moment. I'm catching myself this Dragonair then I'll hop into yours and hunt those down.
Ryan 2294-4723-9526 (Dwebble, Magcargo, Barbaracle)
Ryan 2294-4723-9526 (Dwebble, Magcargo, Barbaracle) Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:58:43 No. 16041283 Report Quoted By:
>>16041060 4IV Infiltrator Noibat for one of your 'pedes? Really want one but don't have anything else to offer.
Cyyer 0146-9481-7901 (Shuppet, Pumpkinboo, Duskclops)
Cyyer 0146-9481-7901 (Shuppet, Pumpkinboo, Duskclops) Mon 18 Nov 2013 08:59:04 No. 16041288 Report >>16040175 I'd like a 5iv noibat, I can offer modest 5iv frokies in normal balls if you'd like
>>16041288 Let me catch Zerroes' Pokes and Ill get to ya.
Don't have a use for Frokes, but if you wanna toss me a male one, may end up needing it in the furture.
Unless you have some 3/4 IVd Dittos?
Cyyer 0146-9481-7901 (Shuppet, Pumpkinboo, Duskclops)
Cyyer 0146-9481-7901 (Shuppet, Pumpkinboo, Duskclops) Mon 18 Nov 2013 09:04:30 No. 16041371 Report >>16041330 I have a couple 3iv ditto any specific one you need?
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 09:11:25 No. 16041477 Report >>16040175 >mfw all i want is my fav pokemon azumarill >mfw i can give you a timid ghastly and can get you a dratini >mfw i'm at work and you're asleep by now Sad times
>>16041477 >>16041371 Throw a way email time!
[email protected] Send me an email when you're around later on in the day and Ill work something out with you.
Quoted By:
>>16041504 Added your FC - Hope you're still around.
Toss me an email when you can ~
Seants 3668-8011-6294
>>16040175 I recently bred a 6iv dratini and from that i have PLENTY of 5iv adamant/jolly dratinis that i could trade you if that helps
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 09:25:35 No. 16041686 Report >>16041504 I get out of work in like 30 minutes i could fight off the tiredness and breed a quick gengar
David 0877 0548 4680 Psychic Duosion
I've got 4iv modest bulbasaurs. mostly male. would you part with one of those marills for this?
>>16041684 That would help heaps. - Need anything in return?
I'm unsure of what nature I'd like. So either is fine! You can decide! Pref a male though, so I can breed and get a Premier Ball one.
>>16041686 I should be asleep...but I could stick around, Seants is giving me enough to do with a Dratini.
>>16041696 I have no use for them, if you have a ditto 3/4 iv that'd be a great help. If not, I'll take a Bulba. Mostly glad to help others out.
David 0877 0548 4680 Psychic Duosion
yeah I don't have any ditto's like that. :( i am adding you though.
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
Quoted By:
>>16041758 Added you both. - Thats fine David
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 09:34:37 No. 16041820 Report >>16041722 Alrighty then i'll just reply to the thread as soon as i get home so that should be around 6:12 my time and it's 5:33 for reference. If anything i'll just e-mail ya if you're sleepy. I appreciate it, man
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
>>16041820 Oh its no problem. As long as I have something to breed to keep myself busy, I'll be fine. :]
Cyyer 0146-9481-7901 (Shuppet, Pumpkinboo, Duskclops)
Cyyer 0146-9481-7901 (Shuppet, Pumpkinboo, Duskclops) Mon 18 Nov 2013 09:38:06 No. 16041872 Report Quoted By:
>>16041844 I'm going to bed but I shot you an email hit me up later
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 09:39:08 No. 16041892 Report >>16041844 I'd also like a noibat but sadly i don't have much else to offer. I can breed you a 4iv scyther but it'll be random nature :/
Bro 5155 3367 4712 (Lampent, Drifblim, Phantump)
Bro 5155 3367 4712 (Lampent, Drifblim, Phantump) Mon 18 Nov 2013 09:42:20 No. 16041936 Report Quoted By:
Looking for 4-5IV Shroomish with Poison Heal or Quick Feet. I actually need one for breeding with something else, so if you have one that ended up having Special attack along with defensive stats and Speed I'd love it. I got 4-5IV Chansey, Calm Serene Grace, Some have Metronome, Seismic Toss, and Aromatherapy 4IV Togepi, Modest Serene Grace All male unfortunately 4IV Cleffa, Calm Magic Guard, Have Aromatherapy and Wish 4IV Swirlix, Modest Sweet Veil 4IV Shellos Bold Storm Drain 4IV Venipede Adamant Speed Boost with Toxic Spikes 5IV Skrelp, Modest Poison Point All female I'll take other offers, but mostly want Shroomish 4-5 IV with Poison Heal or Quick Feet Lotad 4-5 IV with Swift Swim, female preferred Protean Frog female with good IV
Quoted By:
>>16041892 That or a random 3IV Ditto would be appreciated.
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
Quoted By:
>>16041684 Still around Seants?
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
Quoted By:
Still looking ~
I'm looking for some certain Pokes with their hidden abilities (preferably female); Gyarados/Salamence with Moxie Abra with Magic Guard Pikachu with Lightningrod I have some marvel scale dratinis I could trade
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
Quoted By:
>>16042074 Sadly have nothing your looking for
Quoted By:
Shamless bump to keep this around for Johnostiaa
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:03:09 No. 16042216 Report >>16040175 Hey OP do you have a 3IV Ditto that has perfect HP and Speed and either Def or Sp. Def? I have a 3IV Adamant Mold Breaker Drilbur or 4IV Timid Gastly for you if you do
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
Quoted By:
>>16042216 Let me take a look.
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
>>16042216 I do have one Ditto that fits that Desc.
I'll take the Dribur for it, - Though don't suppose you need anything else, would love the Gastly aswell.
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
>>16042216 Added your FC ~
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:15:27 No. 16042372 Report >>16042257 >>16042309 sorry give me a couple of mins i was doing something, ill add you
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
>>16042372 No worries, i'll be here for awhile.
And anything else you may need for that Gastly? Could really use both of those.
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:18:12 No. 16042412 Report >>16042390 If you have any more 3IV dittos that would be awesome, but I can at least give you a 3IV one for free if you really dont have anything
>>16042412 Sadly none that I can part with.
I"d gladly accept a 3IV Timid Gastly though.
>>16042439 Thank you heaps good Sir!
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:22:06 No. 16042467 Report Quoted By:
>>16042455 Thank you too, enjoy :)
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:26:49 No. 16042523 Report >>16040175 Still up for the ghastly and scyther???
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
>>16042523 Yes I am good Sir.
Can't remember if I asked, though if you have an 3 IV Dittos Ill gladly take those intsead.
And you wanted Maril / Noibat correct?
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:29:48 No. 16042564 Report >>16042539 Yeah huge power marril and noibat
Im breeding em right now
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
>>16042564 Sounds good,
I got two ready for ya. :]
And Noibat has Infiltrator aswell.
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:32:23 No. 16042593 Report >>16042585 I forgot to mention that ghastly although timid nature, has no IVs sadly. I don't know if you still want it but scyther has 4 ivs
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
>>16042593 Don't worry about the Gastly, another trainer already traded me one actaully with 3 IVs. So don't really need any pokemon from ya. (though Sycther could prove useful later on)
But still wanna get you these Pokes you were looking forward too.
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:36:24 No. 16042646 Report >>16042612 Man, after a nasty graveyard shift full of rain and my shitty boots breaking getting completely soaked half the night, you certainly sound like a poke-angel. Im breeding scyther right now
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
>>16042646 Does not sound like a fun night
Glad to help Anon! Have a few extra of these, and its not hard to get more with two good parents. So don't mind at all. :]
Just dumping 5 PC boxxes shitty babies at the moment, so just shout when ready.
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
Quoted By:
>>16042646 Making a bagel quickly as I wait.
Be back in 3mins ~
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:49:06 No. 16042786 Report >>16042683 Alrighty they're done i guess i'll trade you a rotom instead of the ghastly
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
>>16042786 Enjoy good Sir!
Glad to have helped out!
If you ever need anything else, shoot me an email or something. May have it. :]
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:53:38 No. 16042835 Report >>16042779 Oh man thank you so much i can literally die in my sleep now. Sweet dreams man
Rooness 3497-0515-3172
Quoted By:
>>16042835 Haha - Rest well. And no problem.
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355
Johnostiaa (Mawille, bronzong, klang) 0705-3313-0355 Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:56:29 No. 16042872 Report Quoted By:
>>16042830 Sweet man. Most def. I'll hit you up as soon as i start my IV breeding :D
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
Could anyone give me some team help?