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Pokemon Trading!

No.16040175 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /vp/

I'm on the look out for a few pokemon to help speed up my breeding process.
And have a few things to offer up.

What I can offer:
Various 2/3 IV Dittos.
Various Marills with 4-6 IVs, Thick Fat / Huge Power, All with Aqua Jet / Belly Drum, and Adamant Nature.
Various 4-5 IV Noibats, Naive Nature (Few with Timid)

Not the most to offer sadly, but I'm sure some may find a use.

What I'm in need of.
Either a Friend Safari with these various pokemon, or a FEMALE in a PREIMIER BALL. (Enjoy having my team in the same ball.)
Natures / IVs don't matter much, Obviously would prefer the nature / higher IVs, but I can breed those in.

3-6 IV DItto. (Ball doesn't matter.)
Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite (Adamant / Jolly)
Ghastly/Haunter/Gengar (Timid)
Staryu/Starmie (Timid)
Excadrill (Adamant)