Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
Also have Pokemon infected with PKRS to offer as well. Btw if anyone needs any of those pokemon i open for trades
pat 2079 7210 6326
>>16057095 Could you infect a shitmon and trade me some PKRS?
I have Various 4IV:
Timid Litwicks (no infiltrator)
Adamant Moxie or Guts Heracrosses
and 2 5IV (no SpA) Heracrosses one male with guts the other female with moxie, and all heracrosses have rock blast. Get back to me, mate.
Tim (5000-3016-9922) Safari: Togepi, Jigglypuff, Flabébé
Tim (5000-3016-9922) Safari: Togepi, Jigglypuff, Flabébé Mon 18 Nov 2013 23:46:05 No. 16057459 Report Quoted By:
>>16056984 I'll give you a 4 Iv natu calm nature/Magic bounce
for one of those Pinecones.
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
Quoted By:
>>16057422 sure ill trade you for take a guts Heracross
just give me a second doing another trade in another thread
pat 2079 7210 6326
>>16057095 Also in regards to pumpkaboo, I don't have supersize but I have an Impish Male with HP/Atk/SpA/SpD, and an Impish female with HP/Def/SpA/SpD that you could use to get a viable mate for your future supersize.
Angela 4768 8760 6477 shuppet, pumpkaboo, duskclops
Angela 4768 8760 6477 shuppet, pumpkaboo, duskclops Mon 18 Nov 2013 23:47:05 No. 16057489 Report I got both super pumkaboo and gourgeist. Jolly nature. Feel free to add me.
jl 4441-8961-7772
>>16056984 super pumpkaboo for a ferroseed?
Quoted By:
>>16056984 I have supersize Pumpkaboo.
Gib Xerneas.
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
>>16057486 I don't particularly need any of those but if you need any of my pokemons ill be willing to trade
>>16057489 >>16057527 Awesome ill add both of you give me a second doing some trading.
I really appreciate it
3625 I 8000 I 3340
I got several Careful Super Size Pumpkaboo (Frisk, 2-3 IVs), would take a Ferroseed or Pineco for one.
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
>>16057577 Ill trade you too just give me a second
Swoop (ROCK FS) 096300999758
>>16056984 definitely after a ferroseed. I have bold OR modest eevees, 4 IV's, all with wish and hidden ability (Anticipation). I also have 4 IV'd larvestas.
pat 2079 7210 6326 [whirlipede, swalot, cascoon]
pat 2079 7210 6326 [whirlipede, swalot, cascoon] Mon 18 Nov 2013 23:54:08 No. 16057655 Report >>16057570 Hey Heracross guy here give me like 10 minutes to get to internet again, so you can trade with everyone else first.
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
>>16057655 sounds good boss thanks in advance
>>16057606 what's your trainer name?
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
Quoted By:
>>16057649 ill trade for an eevee but give me a second still trading with everyone else
Angela 4768 8760 6477 shuppet, pumpkaboo, duskclops
Angela 4768 8760 6477 shuppet, pumpkaboo, duskclops Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:02:15 No. 16057862 Report jl ign V 4441-8961-7771
>>16057710 the pumpkaboo is brave so it could trick room explode
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
Quoted By:
>>16057862 >>16057866 Thank you to both of you i believe i traded one of you two a 5 IV ferroseed
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham)
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham) Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:05:29 No. 16057952 Report >>16056984 I dont have any of your request but would be interested in getting your pineco if it is female!
Here is what I have:
I have:
4 IV Scrappy Adamant Kangaskhan with Double-Edge (premium ball)
4 IV Serene Grace Modest Togepi (quick ball)
4 IV Speed Boost Jolly Venipede with Spikes
4 IV Technician Adamant Scyther (premium ball)
4 IV Timid Magic Bounce Natu with Synchronoise (Repeat Ball)
4 IV Run Away/ Adaptability modest Eevee with Wish
4 IV Sniper/ Swift Swim Modest Horsea with Muddy Water
4 IV Unburden Calm Drifloon
4 IV Brave Honedge (with extra low Speed stat)
4 IV Impish Speed Boost Torchi with Baton pass
4 IV Jolly Sniper Skorupi
4 IV Jolly Infiltrator Zubat with Defog and Brave Bird
4 IV Impish Overcoat Vullaby with Foul Play, Roost and Knock Off
4 IV Modest Hustle Nidoran F and Nidoran M with Beat Up
4 IV Adamant Moxie Sandile with Pursuit, Fire Fang and Beat Up
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
>>16057952 nice trade list ill take a Natu
pat 2079 7210 6326 [whirlipede, swalot, cascoon]
pat 2079 7210 6326 [whirlipede, swalot, cascoon] Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:10:03 No. 16058078 Report >>16058035 I've got some internet now, so whenever you find the time to get that pokerus to me for the Heracross you can start up the trade. No rush though, mate.
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
Quoted By:
>>16058078 Sounds good you're up next to trade
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham)
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham) Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:12:12 No. 16058133 Report >>16058035 added you!
wanna trade now?
Quoted By:
>>16058035 I could breed you a carbink with sturdy if you give me a few minutes. I wouldn't mind that solosis if it's female. Pineco wouldn't be bad neither.
>>16057952 Can I take a Vullaby, my friend?
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham)
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham) Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:14:38 No. 16058208 Report >>16058141 do you have anything to offer in return?
im looking for a technician roselia at the moment. but i would accept other offers as well!
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
>>16058133 you're up next just finishing up the trade with pat
Swoop (ROCK FS) 096300999758
>>16057952 any chance I could get a vullaby AND a male swift swim horsea?
I have 4 IV'd larvestas, bold / modest eevees (with anticipation) and 4 IV'd skiddos (sap sipper OR his HA)
pat 2079 7210 6326 [whirlipede, swalot, cascoon]
pat 2079 7210 6326 [whirlipede, swalot, cascoon] Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:16:33 No. 16058266 Report >>16058209 Thanks a bunch mate! I'll be spreading this around and do a giveaway later.
Kou 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>16058208 4ivs Meditites with Bullet Punch and Psycho Cut, are you interested?
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
Quoted By:
>>16058266 No problem btw the snorlax is adamant so make its perfect for breeding. Enjoy and thanks again.
>>16058279 Not him but I'm interested, would you take a 5IV adamant Skiddo?
Kou 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>16058322 Wow yeah ok, please tell me your FC and we can start trading :)
Edbo 0275 - 8321 - 3934
Thank you to everyone but i have to get going now see you guys later!
Tim (5000-3016-9922) Safari: Togepi, Jigglypuff, Flabébé
Tim (5000-3016-9922) Safari: Togepi, Jigglypuff, Flabébé Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:20:02 No. 16058385 Report Quoted By:
>>16058035 >Offered a Natu to you before that other guy came >trades him and not me Anonymous
>>16058367 1864 - 9330 - 6963
Ready whenever you are!
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham)
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham) Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:21:12 No. 16058417 Report >>16058224 a female larvesta and a female HA skiddo would be great
I can offer you both vullaby and horsea
Sturdy carbink doesn't exist
Swoop (ROCK FS) 096300999758
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham)
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham) Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:23:20 No. 16058479 Report Quoted By:
>>16058382 thanks for the trade OP
>>16056984 Aight man, I just hatched you the sturdy carbink.
How about that for solosis and another pokemon for pineco, say a 4IV shellder with rock blast?
>>16058425 Wat
Kou 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>16058410 I'm ready now :D
Quoted By:
>>16058580 Thanks so much!
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham)
Wu-Thuong 4468-1061-3809 Fighting (Riolu, Medite, Pancham) Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:32:41 No. 16058781 Report >>16058478 lol only had a 5 IV male swift swimmer left
that should do! thanks for the trade
btw do you have any technician roselias?
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Tue 19 Nov 2013 00:34:35 No. 16058839 Report Quoted By:
>>16058495 Forgot to put my FC in the namefield.
Swoop (ROCK FS) 096300999758
Quoted By:
>>16058781 Thank you!
Naw, I haven't been breeding any