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Anime Speculation Thread

No.16066432 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So pretty much everyone and their grandmother is like 99% sure that Ash will obtain Charizardite X at some point during his Kalos adventure and Mega Evolve his Charizard. But what about the Charizardite Y?

We already know the three Kanto starters play a big role in XY, so it seems likely that one of the main characters this series will get one, too (although obviously not Ash, who already has all three). But which one, exactly?

Well, May already had a Squirtle and a Bulbasaur. It seems unlikely that they would give the same Pokemon to another main character. That leaves Charmander.

Charmander is notable as being the only Kanto starter with two different Mega formes, and was probably one of the most hyped Megas pre-release. This, combined with the anime writers' love of Ash's Charizard, means that there's no doubt it will eventually come into play. But of course they're going to want to show off both Mega Charizard formes, and giving the other to a main character--whether a friend or a rival--will allow the writers to emphasize that character as a counterpoint to Ash.

So, there's a HUGE possibility that another main character this series is getting a Charizard. But who? Serena? Maybe not, she already has a Fire-type in Fennekin and signs seem to point towards it evolving all the way to Delphox. Clemont? Maybe, although we have yet to see if his personal goals are "serious" enough to warrant that kind of firepower from a writing standpoint. Perhaps a future rival of Ash's that we've yet to meet? Could be interesting. In any case, XY has me really pumped up and I'm honestly excited to see where they take things over the next couple of months.

Pic semi-related; Ash is definitely hotter, it's not just you.