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Leftover trade thread!

No.16091671 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trade thread!

I have some pokemon leftover from breeding:

-A shitload of Eevee, 4/5 iv near every nature, DW/not DW, most of them with a combination of Wish/Curse/Yawn/Stored Power, just ask.
-3/4 iv adamant pinsir with quick attack
-3/4 iv adamant larvitar with Pursuit/Dragon Dance and Stealth Rock
-3/4 iv Protean/not protean jolly froakie
- one 5 iv perfect Jolly Torrent Male Froakie
-3/4/5 iv Venipede (one is sp. attack) with or without speed boost
-3/4 iv jolly Gible with iron head and irontail
- 3/4 iv modest Larvesta
-3/4 iv Modest Goomy mixed abilities
-3/4 iv Adamant Mawile, mostly Intimidate
-3/4 iv Adamant Shellder some with rock blast and mixed abilities
-3 iv adamant shuppet with pursuit and destiny bond
- one 4 iv adamant huge power Marill with Belly Drum and one 4 iv adamant huge power Marill with Superpower
-3/5 iv Adamant Dratini (one is sp.att) mixed abilities

I'm looking for shinies and 4/5 iv interesting pokemons