Matt 1907-9349-2405 (Stunfisk, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Matt 1907-9349-2405 (Stunfisk, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Wed 20 Nov 2013 01:45:07 No. 16091857 Report I'll take the 4IV Pursuit/Stealth Rock Larvitar. I have a 4IV Timid Gastly and 3 4IV (Timid, Calm, Careful) Electrikes.
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster)
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster) Wed 20 Nov 2013 01:47:01 No. 16091941 Report OP, my leftovers on the pic, Im willing to have a 4/5 iv eevee, 4 iv pinsir, 4/5 iv venipede, 4 iv larvesta
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16091857 Gastly have Disable?
>>16091941 checking now
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 20 Nov 2013 01:55:02 No. 16092225 Report >>16091671 id really like your speed boost venipede. what iv is it missing and what nature does it have?
Matt 1907-9349-2405 (Stunfisk, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Matt 1907-9349-2405 (Stunfisk, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Wed 20 Nov 2013 01:56:07 No. 16092261 Report >>16092173 Unfortunately, no. I also have 2 5 IV Bold/Brave Eevees and 1 5IV Adamant Grimer.
Arvie 5155-2979-2035 ( Dugtrio, Phanpy, palpitoad)
Arvie 5155-2979-2035 ( Dugtrio, Phanpy, palpitoad) Wed 20 Nov 2013 01:58:35 No. 16092348 Report >>16091671 Hey! I'll take that marill with belly drum for my 4IV Impish aron with stealth rocks if you dont mind?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16091941 I'd like a Female Tyrunt 31/**/31/**/31/31 and a male protean timid froakie 31/31/**/31/**/31.
>>16092261 I'm interested in grimer
>>16092225 They are all adamant, the 5 iv miss Ps or speed perfect iv.
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
Quoted By:
>>16092348 Deal, ask me for a trade
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:08:19 No. 16092652 Report >>16092456 do you have adamant speed boost venipede with - atk?
Matt 1907-9349-2405 (Stunfisk, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Matt 1907-9349-2405 (Stunfisk, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:12:45 No. 16092791 Report Quoted By:
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16092652 Only one male with 31/**/31/31/31/31
>>16092348 Thanks for the trade!
JC 3024-6308-9672 (Dedenne, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
JC 3024-6308-9672 (Dedenne, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:14:28 No. 16092849 Report >>16091671 how do you feel about 4iv timid joltiks?
david 4527 7795 0040
Quoted By:
I have some 4 iv fang adament tyrunts,4 iv contrary inkays,4 iv modest infiltrator noibats,4 iv galewing adamant fletchlings. I really want a tyrogue or hitmonchan.
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16092849 I need a male one with at least perfect iv in speed.
Choose a pokemon to trade
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:17:01 No. 16092938 Report >>16092810 oh shit my bad, i meant - sp attack
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16092938 Nope sorry.
I can give you male and female though.
JC 3024-6308-9672 (Dedenne, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
JC 3024-6308-9672 (Dedenne, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:19:27 No. 16093012 Report >>16092917 yeah no probs, uh a male eevee would be quality!
4141-3161-5598 (Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Breloom)
4141-3161-5598 (Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Breloom) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:20:05 No. 16093035 Report >>16091671 Do you have any 4 iv protean frogadier left?
I have:
4 iv brave homedge
4 iv modest larvesta
4 iv adamant maril (aqua jet and belly drum)
4 iv khangiskan
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:21:35 No. 16093070 Report >>16092987 you will give me two 5 iv pokes? 1 male and 1 female?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16093012 Nature and iv?
>>16093035 Yes, i'm interested in kanga
>>16093070 Yes
JC 3024-6308-9672 (Dedenne, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
JC 3024-6308-9672 (Dedenne, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:24:14 No. 16093128 Report Quoted By:
>>16093106 jolly please, 4 or 5
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:25:37 No. 16093164 Report >>16093106 you got yourself a deal. the only female ha eevee i currently own is missing sp def, is that okay?
JC 3024-6308-9672 (Dedenne, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
JC 3024-6308-9672 (Dedenne, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:25:48 No. 16093167 Report Hilary [1564.2040.5637] Fletchling, Swanna, Rufflet
Hilary [1564.2040.5637] Fletchling, Swanna, Rufflet Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:27:15 No. 16093200 Report Have:
>4IV Skarmorys >5IV Skarmorys >Both with Impish/Sturdy >Both with BraveBird and Whirlwind egg moves Looking for:
>Jolly/SkillLink Cloysters >Poison Point or HA Dragalges >>16091671 i'd love one of the rock blast shellders if you're interested in a skarmory
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:27:28 No. 16093206 Report Quoted By:
>>16093106 >>16093164 WOOPS wrong thread. what do you want for these?
Ryoazza 1263-6924-9593 SV: [2]
Anybody got any 4/5 IV Ferroseeds?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16093164 But i'm not searching a female eevee :P
>>16093167 thanks for the trade!
4141-3161-5598 Vax (Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Breloom)
4141-3161-5598 Vax (Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Breloom) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:29:51 No. 16093267 Report Quoted By:
Arvie 5155-2979-2035 ( Dugtrio, Phanpy, palpitoad)
Arvie 5155-2979-2035 ( Dugtrio, Phanpy, palpitoad) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:30:28 No. 16093280 Report >>16093035 Would a 4 IV impish aron with stealth rocks be a reasonable trade for your kanghaskan?
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:31:32 No. 16093310 Report >>16093264 i have timid eevees or timid protean froakies. all 5 iv
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditie, Hariyama, Pancham)
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditie, Hariyama, Pancham) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:31:46 No. 16093321 Report >>16091671 Can I get 4IV Shellder and Moxie Pinsir for a 4IV Bold Squirtle and Calm Sableye?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16093310 Deal for a male timid with at least sp att perfect iv
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16093321 Abilities of squirtle and sableye?
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Dobbs 2208 5738 0162 Flying (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:35:08 No. 16093415 Report Quoted By:
>>16093374 i accept. my froakie is timid and male, with -def
4141-3161-5598 (Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Breloom)
4141-3161-5598 (Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Breloom) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:35:48 No. 16093427 Report >>16093280 I don't mind. I have quite a few kangiskans and I don't have any 4 iv aarons.
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster)
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:36:11 No. 16093435 Report >>16092456 sure, for a 4 iv eevee with the egg moves and 4 iv quick attack pinsir
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditie, Hariyama, Pancham)
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditie, Hariyama, Pancham) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:36:31 No. 16093444 Report >>16093413 Torrent squirtle and prankster Sableye
Arvie 5155-2979-2035 ( Dugtrio, Phanpy, palpitoad)
Arvie 5155-2979-2035 ( Dugtrio, Phanpy, palpitoad) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:38:44 No. 16093518 Report >>16093427 awesome! trade me! I dont know your in-game name
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16093435 Just got an froakie but il get that igglybuff instead
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster)
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:41:34 No. 16093605 Report Quoted By:
>>16093557 Sure, thanks!
already added
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16093444 Deal, add me and ask me for a trade
Luke 2852-8115-1368 (Fire: Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien)
Luke 2852-8115-1368 (Fire: Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:47:04 No. 16093836 Report Any Adamant Male Speed Boost Venipedes left? I've got a ton of 5 IV Togepis and 4IV Chespins with Bulletproof.
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditie, Hariyama, Pancham)
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditie, Hariyama, Pancham) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:51:11 No. 16093987 Report >>16093609 Sweet, thanks Vassa! It was pleasure doing business with you.
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16093836 Yes, i'm interested in a female bulletproof chespin
>>16093987 Thanks for the trade!
0962-9914-9110 Cris - SV: {2643} / Kris - SV: {3169}
0962-9914-9110 Cris - SV: {2643} / Kris - SV: {3169} Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:57:26 No. 16094178 Report >>16093200 Would you be willing to trade a 5IV Skarmory for a 5IV Eevee, Klefki or Honedge?
Luke 2852-8115-1368 (Fire: Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien)
Luke 2852-8115-1368 (Fire: Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien) Wed 20 Nov 2013 02:58:09 No. 16094196 Report >>16094006 Do these guys have Spikes/ Toxic spikes on em?
Ash 4983 4932 4945
Lets see what i have to offer Timid Joltiks Jolly/Adament Kangas Modest/Bold Swift Swim poliwags Jolly gibles with outrage Modest rain dish/torrent squitles with aura sphere and dragon pulse bred in
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
Quoted By:
>>16093200 I have two female with the wrong abilities but with 4 iv or some 3 iv with skill link
>>16094196 nope sorry
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue)
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue) Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:04:31 No. 16094386 Report >>16091671 Would you be interested in a 5IV Timid Zorua with Sucker Punch/Extrasensory for one of the eevees with egg moves?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16094386 sure.
What iv spread is?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16094230 Interested in a female squirtle and in a poliwag.
What iv spread they have?
Mike 2277 6907 8432
>>16093211 I do ? 4iv relaxed nature and egg moves, what do you offer ?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16094705 i'm interested too, choose a pokemon
Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16094648 Female Squirtle has an IV spread of
Modest one has
Bold one has
Mike 2277 6907 8432
>>16094749 What about that 5iv Venipede, or 4iv, im mostly after the speed boost ability ?
Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16094705 Count me in one this too
please refer to
>>16094230 for what i have to offer
i forgot to list that i have som eAdament croagunks with drain punch bred in
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16094908 Deal choose the pokemon
>>16094920 deal, ask me for a trade
>>16094955 interested in one of these croagunk
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:23:00 No. 16095002 Report >>16091671 hey i need a bold 5IV (no attk) eevee HA would u have one?
Quoted By:
>>16093836 You still there? Want a 5 IV Fletchling or Gible for that Togepi?
Quoted By:
Anyone with famale regenerator slowpoke?
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat]
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:24:23 No. 16095052 Report I have half a box of Jolly Ralts that all have the Hidden Ability. All of the males have 4 IVs, and the females have either 4 or 5 IVs. I also have half a box of Adamant Shroomish. All have 4 IVs. Most of them have the Hidden Ability, but not all. Looking for anything with 4 or more IVs.
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue)
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue) Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:25:53 No. 16095107 Report >>16094431 I only have a Hp/Sp.atk/Sp.def/Speed Zorua left but I can offer a Atk/Def/Sp.atk/Sp.def/Speed Super Size Careful Pumpkaboo alongside it for the eevee
lex 3239-3616-2264 (snover sneasel cloyster)
lex 3239-3616-2264 (snover sneasel cloyster) Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:27:32 No. 16095164 Report Quoted By:
>>16091671 Any female eevees with hidden ability's left?
Have timid 4 iv's noibat and larvesta
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16095002 I have a flawless one, what's your offer?
>>16095107 ok then, preference for ability or nature?
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:28:06 No. 16095187 Report Quoted By:
Hilary [1564.2040.5637] Fletchling, Swanna, Rufflet
Hilary [1564.2040.5637] Fletchling, Swanna, Rufflet Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:29:10 No. 16095231 Report Quoted By:
>>16094178 Absolutely. If you have a female Honedge, (even 4IV) I'll love you forever.
any preference on gender?
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:30:05 No. 16095262 Report >>16095175 u need 5IV calm goomy or 5IV modest magnemite?
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu)
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu) Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:30:13 No. 16095270 Report 4IV Bold male and female Shellos some with storm drain and sticky hold for trade not looking for anything in particular.
Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16094994 Sweet so
i would like a larvitar and a shelder also
which nature did you want the poliwag in?
for the croagunk ill take a an eevee for those egg moves
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16095052 interested in a female ralts and a male shroomish
>>16095262 if the magnemite is flawless i'm in
>>16095270 interested, choose a pokemon
>>16095352 make me a list, i completely forgot what you wanted sorry, i prefer modest DW for poliwag
>>16091671 Op I have
-4 IV torchic Jolly with speed boost
-4 IV gastly timid
-4 IV honedge brave
-4 IV mawile adamant
-4 IV marrill adamant with huge power
-4 IV Noibat timid with frisk
-4 IV Flabebe timid
-4 IV Carbink with sturdy
-3 IV Togepi
I really want one eevee female and one male 4 IV each please.
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue)
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue) Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:34:56 No. 16095452 Report >>16095175 I would prefer Timid with Hidden ability but I don't mind!
Mike 2277 6907 8432
Quoted By:
>>16094994 Ok so a 5iv venipede bro...
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:35:54 No. 16095491 Report >>16095421 ehh just checked my mags im out of flawless ones whelp time to breed
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16095491 Do you have any 5 iv or good 4 iv?
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387
Quoted By:
Could I possibly get a pair of 4 IV Pinsir? I can offer 4IV Adamant Tech Scyther
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:38:27 No. 16095584 Report >>16095544 yea i hav 5iv but they hav attk so might as well be 4iv, but i do hav 2 boxes of 4ivs, let me no wat stat combo u want
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16095426 gastly have disable?
interested in flabebe
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu)
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu) Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:39:28 No. 16095627 Report >>16095421 belly drum marill please
what gender and ability do you want?
Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16095421 Ok
For the 4 IV modest female Squirtle ill take a female Larvitar if possible. (male is fine)
For the DW modest Poliwag ill take the Shellder
For the Croagunk ill take the an Eevee female (if possible) I just want those egg moves.
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat]
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:41:50 No. 16095705 Report Quoted By:
>>16095421 I'll add you now.
>>16095594 No, only hypnosis
Also forgot to include one 4 IV drillbur adamant with sand force
Are you interested on another one besides the flebebe so we can trade 2?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16095584 something with sp att sp def and speed
>>16095627 it's already gone, something else?
>>16095639 i only have left shellder with the wrong ability, is that ok?
>>16095722 so a female drillbur and a flabebè
Adding all you right now, gimme a sec
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu)
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu) Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:45:29 No. 16095841 Report Quoted By:
>>16095778 the other marill then?
or a gible
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572} Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:45:38 No. 16095848 Report I've got a whole bunch of 4-5 IV Timid Disable Gastlys, a few 4-5 IV Froakies and 1 5 IV Gible. I'm willing to give them out for free but any of the following would be nice. 5 IV Kangaskhan 4-5 IV foreign Pokemon Battle Maison items Moon/Dusk/Shiny or Dawn stones Just tell me the spread you want and I'll see if I got it, if you don't care about the spread just ask for one. Also my internet is shitty so I apologize if I have connecting problems and can't give you your pokemon.
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:46:00 No. 16095862 Report >>16095778 i definitely hav one with those, add me
Bego 3024 5256 8144
>>16095778 Thank you If you still have them I'd like a female and male 4 IV eevees with wish
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16095452 the only timid ha i have is with wish and yawn, is that ok?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16095848 What do you want for a flawless gastly?
Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16095778 Err that's fine ill work around it or just use an ability capsule.
Ready to trade my good man?
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387
Quoted By:
>>16091671 Could I possibly get a pair of 4 IV Pinsir? I can offer 4IV Adamant Tech Scyther
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572} Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:50:12 No. 16096004 Report >>16095949 If by flawless Gastly you mean a 5 IV one, tell me what you have to offer.
Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16095848 Im interested in a Ghastly
Please refer to this for what i have to offer
>>16094230 Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue)
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue) Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:50:52 No. 16096024 Report Quoted By:
>>16095899 Thank you very much!
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16095957 I'm on right now
>>16095876 for flabebè and drillbur right?
>>16095862 i'm on
Suntzulol 1048-9456-2381 (Hootoot, Spearow, Fletchinder)
Suntzulol 1048-9456-2381 (Hootoot, Spearow, Fletchinder) Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:52:52 No. 16096088 Report Quoted By:
Bego 3024 5256 8144
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572} Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:54:01 No. 16096122 Report >>16096012 IVs on those Kangaskhans?
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat]
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:54:07 No. 16096124 Report >>16096080 Still here? I'm trying to trade you the Ralts and Shroomish but you are constantly in a trade.
Barry- Y 4398-9657-6476 (poison)
I have two boxes of 4IV Adamant Pinsirs W/ Quick Attack and Joltiks. Looking for offers and parents for Mega pokemon.
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16096124 what do you want for these?
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Wed 20 Nov 2013 03:57:16 No. 16096224 Report Quoted By:
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387
>>16096131 I have a 5IV Gible w/ Outrage if you have a Pair of 4IV Pinsir I can have
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat]
Paris 5343-8752-6330 [Oddish | Swadloon | Gogoat] Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:01:02 No. 16096376 Report >>16096200 Anything with 4 or more IVs, or anything with a good hidden ability or egg move.
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16096004 I'm the OP, read up
>>16091671 Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16096122 Unfortunately my Adament Kangas have only 3 perfect IVs in HP DEF and Speed
but the Jolly ones have 4 perfect IVs in ATK DEF SpecD and Speed
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16096376 Choose from the list in the OP
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu)
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu) Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:05:47 No. 16096536 Report >>16096474 Marill Gible or Eevee for my Shellos?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572} Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:05:53 No. 16096539 Report >>16096378 5 IV Gastly for 5 IV Eevee?
>>16096394 Already got my on Kangaskhan with 4 IVs, but I'll still give you a 4 IV ghastly anyways.
Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16096474 Thanks very much OP
good luck on your next breeding
NayNay 0748-2370-3426
>>16096474 Op still have any leftover pinsirs?
Ash 4983 4932 4945
Quoted By:
>>16096539 That's real cool of you bro
ill add you right now and trade in a little bit
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16096103 If the drillbur is female HA is better
>>16096539 Deal, preference in nature?
>>16096551 Thanks man, good luck!
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16096596 I think i have some female without quick attack but i have some 3iv male with it.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572} Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:09:13 No. 16096664 Report >>16096615 Hmm, I'll probably make it into an Umbreon, so whatever Nature is best for a stall Umbreon. Bold?
Bego 3024 5256 8144
>>16096615 I'm sorry, the last one female with 4 IV that I have doesn't have HA
NayNay 0748-2370-3426
>>16096649 Would you trade for 4IV klekfi , 4IV shellos, 4IV swinubs or 5IV Larvitar?
Quoted By:
Anybody have any decent IVd Archens?
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:12:08 No. 16096779 Report >>16096615 hey i just realized i gave u a rong stated mag, trade me again ill giv u a right one
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16096536 Choose what you want most, is the same for me
>>16096701 a male is fine then
>>16096664 my umbreon is careful, i have a careful 5 iv with egg moves but one iv is sp.att
>>16096718 interested in swinub
>>16096779 ok man thanks
NayNay 0748-2370-3426
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572} Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:15:16 No. 16096905 Report >>16096816 Is one of those egg moves curse?
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:15:37 No. 16096918 Report >>16096816 sorry about that i label my pokemon slightly differently and got confused
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu)
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu) Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:16:05 No. 16096929 Report >>16096816 The Marill, do you have a preference for Shellos?
Ash 4983 4932 4945
Quoted By:
>>16096539 Thank you so much man i appreciate the Ghastly
David - 3866 8028 5590
I recently restarted and I really want to use a noibat on my team would anyone be kind enough to trade me a female noibat/noivern or an egg of it?
Smiley 3282-3037-3492 [Gloom Garbodor Whirlipede]
Smiley 3282-3037-3492 [Gloom Garbodor Whirlipede] Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:18:30 No. 16097023 Report Have: Marrils with belly drum, Adamants 4iv x6 Marrils with belly drum, Adamants 5iv x2 Growlithe with morning sun and close combat 4iv x8 Growlithe with morning sun and close combat 5iv x2
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16096905 yes
>>16096918 not a problem man
>>16096929 without iv in atk please
Bego 3024 5256 8144
>>16096816 Okay
>>16096994 If you want I can give you one with 4 IVs and frisk
Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16097023 Im interested
Please refer to this for what i have in exchange
>>16094230 Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572} Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:21:51 No. 16097148 Report Quoted By:
>>16097051 I'll take it then, was gonna run Payback/Curse/Moonlight and Toxic so Spa doesn't matter.
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16097054 >>16096929 >>16096905 Ask me for a trade, i'll be online for 15 minutes
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572} Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:23:08 No. 16097195 Report >>16097023 5 IV Timid Disable Gastly or 5 IV Protean Froakie for 5 IV Growlithe?
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu)
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu) Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:23:35 No. 16097207 Report Quoted By:
>>16097051 Ok except I don't have any with 0 iv's in atk and I'm not exactly sure what the iv's are in that stat but I know it's not 31
David - 3866 8028 5590
>>16097054 thatd be great! i dont have much to trade tho
Smiley 3282-3037-3492 [Gloom Garbodor Whirlipede]
Smiley 3282-3037-3492 [Gloom Garbodor Whirlipede] Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:28:19 No. 16097374 Report >>16097085 ok im interesed in bold poliwag or a squirtle for a growlithe and marril?
>>16097195 for the ghastly
Bego 3024 5256 8144
>>16097264 No problem, give me 5 mins and I'll add you
Socks 2380-3708-6825 (Nosepass, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Socks 2380-3708-6825 (Nosepass, Magcargo, Shuckle) Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:30:11 No. 16097437 Report yo I am looking for anyone that is working on prankster Sableyes or has at least one of them leftover just with the ability I have some 4 IV pokemon and a 5IV gastly I would be willing to trade for it
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) {SV:2572} Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:30:49 No. 16097457 Report Quoted By:
>>16097437 Ability Capsules.
Socks 2380-3708-6825 (Nosepass, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Socks 2380-3708-6825 (Nosepass, Magcargo, Shuckle) Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:31:43 No. 16097484 Report >>16097462 doesnt work with hidden abilities but nice try
Quoted By:
>>16097484 Oh. Ignore me then, I'm a faggot.
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu)
Val 0963-0055-0806 (Sigilyph, Munna, Zatu) Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:33:07 No. 16097524 Report Quoted By:
Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16097374 Sorry mate im only interested in the Growlithe i should have been a lot clearer
So what will it be the Bold Poliwag or the Squirtle?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
Quoted By:
>>16097422 I gave you the wrong eevee, it is without some moves, trade me back for the right one
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
Quoted By:
>>16097422 and if drillbur is male is better, sorry for the problems
David - 3866 8028 5590
Quoted By:
>>16097422 thanks man, thats awesome
Smiley 3282-3037-3492 [Gloom Garbodor Whirlipede]
Smiley 3282-3037-3492 [Gloom Garbodor Whirlipede] Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:39:57 No. 16097736 Report Ash 4983 4932 4945
Quoted By:
>>16097736 Alright adding right now will begin trade shortly
Weyard [5785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w
Weyard [5785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:46:01 No. 16097912 Report Quoted By:
I'm looking for a 4/5iv croagunk/pawniard. I have some 4iv petilils to offer.
Ash 4983 4932 4945
Quoted By:
>>16097736 Thanks man
good luck breeding
Bego 3024 5256 8144
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:49:43 No. 16098026 Report Quoted By:
Currently have some...>4-5IV HA Dratini >5IV Rough Skin Gible >4IV Riolu w/Bullet Punch/Crunch >5IV Adapt Eevee Looking for a 4-5IV Jolly/Modest Flabebe (Blue Flower PLEASE) and a 4-5IV Female Fennekin with Blaze
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>16098018 I gave you the wrong eevee female eevee (the first one), it is without some moves, trade me back for the right one
Huddo 3969-4523-4622 Steel: Bronzong, Magneton, Forretress.
Huddo 3969-4523-4622 Steel: Bronzong, Magneton, Forretress. Wed 20 Nov 2013 04:51:09 No. 16098060 Report Quoted By:
I currently have 5 meinfoo im looking to get rid of. All of them are 31 31 31 31 x 31 with inner focus. 3 females and 2 males. Chasing either a female axew / larvitaur with at least 3x 31's in return or a female charmander with at least 2x 31's
Bego 3024 5256 8144
Quoted By:
>>16098052 Sorry I didn't see it thanks
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
Quoted By:
>>16098018 Sorry for the problems man, i'll give you a extra pokemon free
Loki 2208-5654-9636 (Rock:Magcargo/Dwebble/Barbaracle) SV: {1772}
Loki 2208-5654-9636 (Rock:Magcargo/Dwebble/Barbaracle) SV: {1772} Wed 20 Nov 2013 05:03:49 No. 16098483 Report Quoted By:
Have: 4/5 iv adamant Belly/Jet Maril 5/5 iv adamant Rapid spin Sand force Drilbur Want: 4/5 Goomy Female 4/5 protean Froakie Female 4/5 Staryu
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a non-English Froakie? What would you want for it? I don't have much to offer.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a non-English froakie with 4/5 IVs? I have 4/5 IV Protean froakies, a 5 IV clauncher, and a 4 IV inkay.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Wed 20 Nov 2013 05:22:42 No. 16099021 Report Quoted By:
>>16095426 Do you have anymore Timid Flabebe with Blue Flower?
I have
>4-5IV Jolly HA Dratini >5IV Jolly Rough Skin Gible >4IV Jolly Riolu w/Bullet Punch/Crunch >5IV Timid Adapt Eevee >4IV Naive Zorua w/Sucker Punch Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
Have: 3-5 IV Scythers Adamant Tech 0 Speed Sneaky Pebble Pineco (Making a new batch now!) Froakie Leftovers Timid/Protean Klefki Leftovers Bold Joltik Leftovers Timid, Compundeyes LF: 4-5 IV Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini Jolly Egg Move (Crunch, Bullet Punch) Riolu Calm Nasty Plot Togepi
Zee 4356-0581-0012
Quoted By:
Do you have any bold wish eevees OP? Preferably female? I'd trade you a shiny gyarados for one.
Quoted By:
Have 4/5 IV Modest Bulbasaurs (A shitton) 4IV Adamant Spiritombs (5) Looking for 4/5 IV Larvesta's
Barry- Y 4398-9657-6476 (poison)
Quoted By:
>>16096242 Shit, sorry for replying so late. Yeah I can trade a pair of Pinsir if you are still on.
Quoted By:
>>16091671 I'm looking for someone who can trade me an aron in return I shall trade you a larvitar. And yes this is for megas.
Trading Larvitar
Looking for an Aron
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
Quoted By:
I'm the OP, if someone is interested i'll be able to trade again in around 8 hour. See ya later!
I'm looking for a timid female protean Froakie with max IVs in HP, DEF and sp.def. I can offer 4 IV Rotoms (bold).
Midnight 0232 8188 0407(Pansear, Larvesta, Braixen)
Midnight 0232 8188 0407(Pansear, Larvesta, Braixen) Wed 20 Nov 2013 11:27:07 No. 16104770 Report Quoted By:
>>16104629 Just trading from my current finished breeding session leftovers.
For the 5IV Shelders the only stat not targeted is Sp. Def and this was intentional, this goes for the 4IV ones as well
(x1- male) 5IV Naughty Shell Armor w/ Rock Blast, Rapid Spin
(x1- male) 5IV Naughty Skill Link (no egg moves)
(x6- 2 female, 4 male) 4IV Naughty Skill Link w/ Rock Blast, Rapid Spin
Looking for new projects too start up, so post what you got.
I have: 4/5 IV (yeap it's random i'm too lazy to mark them and just put them in a box if i saw that they have 4) Adamant Intimidate Mawile Adamant Huge power Marill (Bellyjet) Adamant Clear Body Beldum Adamant Scrappy/Earlybird Kangaskhan Adamant Blaze/Solarpower Charmander (DD Dpulse Outrage Belly) Modest Rattled/Soundproof Whismur Timid Flamebody Larvesta Jolly Pinsir (Quick attack Close combat) I'm looking for new pokemons to breed with the right ability and natures. 3-4 IV is fine with me.
Markus 3196 - 3277 - 5812 (Gyarados, Octillery, Poliwhirl)
Markus 3196 - 3277 - 5812 (Gyarados, Octillery, Poliwhirl) Wed 20 Nov 2013 15:48:33 No. 16107842 Report Quoted By:
Anybody have leftover female Espurrs with hidden ability? I can offer 5 IV Growlithe with Close Combat
Quoted By:
Have: 4 IV Timid Joltik (without Atk and either SpD or Def) 4 IV Timid Larvesta (without Atk and either SpD or Def) 4 IV Relaxred Pinecon (without Spe and Spa) LF: 4-5 IV Timid/Modest Rotom 4-5 IV Jolly Speed Boost Venipede
Laura 5215-0447-6388
FREE PUPPIES ~3 boxes of leftover 5IV timid Electrike for you good people All in Pokeballs, male or female, static or lightning rod. Also like 13 adamant Shinx if someone wants one of those. Don't want anything in return but good IV'd Pokemon are nice. Original ones are even nicer, everyone and their mom deals Gible and Marill.
Cobra: 0275-8326-2440
>>16107930 i would love one 5iv electrike and a shinx!
do you want a 5iv dratini and a 5iv ralts?
Weebos 1848 2102 9607 Electric [Pikachu, Dedenne, Galvantula]
Weebos 1848 2102 9607 Electric [Pikachu, Dedenne, Galvantula] Wed 20 Nov 2013 15:56:50 No. 16107968 Report >>16107930 I would love one of each if possible, I've got 4 IV Nidorans and Rain Dish Squirtles to offer, (and common stuff)
Laura 5215-0447-6388
>>16107949 >>16107968 I will take those offers guys! Adding you both.
>>16107796 A 4IVs Careful Phantump with Harvest for one of those Kangaskhans with Scrappy? I'm also interested in Pinsir, I can give you a 4IVs Bold Tentacool with Rapid Spin for one.
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain Wed 20 Nov 2013 15:59:29 No. 16108015 Report >>16107930 I would like a male if I can, static please. Only good thing I got to give you is a 4IV Nincada
James 2208 5065 9778
>>16108012 No problem hun. added
Laura 5215-0447-6388
>>16108015 You can have one for a shitmon if you want, I'd be glad of a free PC slot. Will add you in a sec.
Topi 1564-3441-1597 Phantump, Lampent, Drifblim
Topi 1564-3441-1597 Phantump, Lampent, Drifblim Wed 20 Nov 2013 16:00:56 No. 16108040 Report >>16107930 I have 2 brave honedge's good IVs. Possible to get a male with static?
Quoted By:
>>16108030 Thanks! Adding you. My IGN is CMeca
James 2208 5065 9778
>>16108012 I mean i will add you. FC?
Weebos 1848 2102 9607 Electric [Pikachu, Dedenne, Galvantula]
Weebos 1848 2102 9607 Electric [Pikachu, Dedenne, Galvantula] Wed 20 Nov 2013 16:02:35 No. 16108070 Report >>16107989 Thanks for the puppies, gave you a 5 IV Nidoran because free puppies
Quoted By:
>>16108059 Sorry, I usually post it and I forgot now
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain Wed 20 Nov 2013 16:04:10 No. 16108103 Report Quoted By:
>>16108034 Okay cool, I'll just send over some derpy thing then
Laura 5215-0447-6388
>>16108070 Nice! Thanks brah!
>>16108040 I'll take a Honedge if you want rid of it but I just want my doggies to a good home more than stuff back.
>tfw Pokemon gifting isn't a thing Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] Viv: High Plain Wed 20 Nov 2013 16:13:28 No. 16108271 Report >>16108136 Awesome thanks, I was thinking of working on one because I like the stupid Mega.
>>tfw Pokemon gifting isn't a thing Something I always been waiting for. Hope they update the bank to lets us move things into others bank. But it'll never happen
Laura 5215-0447-6388
>>16108271 M-Manectric is freaking crazy. I've always liked it so I bred one even though I have Y and no megastone. Then I bred a shiny and sold my sold for the megastone and it's bitchin'.
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a Protean Froakie and Sturdy Aron. Best I can offer would be 3/4IV Timid Infiltrator Noibats and 4IV Modest Mareeps though.
Topi 1564-3441-1597 Phantump, Lampent, Drifblim
Topi 1564-3441-1597 Phantump, Lampent, Drifblim Wed 20 Nov 2013 16:20:26 No. 16108410 Report >>16108327 Thank you for electrike!
Topi 1564-3441-1597 Phantump, Lampent, Drifblim
Topi 1564-3441-1597 Phantump, Lampent, Drifblim Wed 20 Nov 2013 16:23:20 No. 16108472 Report Quoted By:
Sigurd 0963-0064-2950
Quoted By:
Any 4-5iv non eng pokemons for trade? would kill for a sp.atk 4-5iv poliwag
Quoted By:
Can someone please give me any pokemon with pokerus? I'm stuck between classes at school and need one badly. I'll give ya a 4IV Beldum or Chespin idc.
Quoted By:
Looking for 5IV Female Horsea. Have 5IV Fletchling, Marill, Noibat, Hawlucha, Swinub, Kangaskhan. Might not have desirable abilities or IV spreads but will be good for your future breeding projects.
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Kenneth 2509-1645-5645
Looking for a 4-5 IV female adamant speed boost torchic, but can also accept pokes that aren't below. Got 4-5 IV bred pinsirs, scythers, marills, froakies, noibats, ghastlys and fletchlings. They all have commonly-used natures, and the pinsirs and marills have egg moves on 'em.
inji , magmar , fletchinder , charmeleon , 3969-4890-3198
inji , magmar , fletchinder , charmeleon , 3969-4890-3198 Wed 20 Nov 2013 21:03:19 No. 16114025 Report Quoted By:
>>16091941 would you take a 5 iv diglet (not s.atk) for your serene grace 5iv togepi?
i also have 5iv protean froakies. 1 without hp, 1 without defense
>>16091671 do you have a 4iv bold eevee with yawn or wish?
i can offer
4iv impish immunity gligar
4iv adamant kangaskhan (early bird)
4iv diglets
4iv machop w/ thunder punch (guts)
inji , magmar , fletchinder , charmeleon , 3969-4890-3198
inji , magmar , fletchinder , charmeleon , 3969-4890-3198 Wed 20 Nov 2013 21:12:01 No. 16114270 Report >>16113728 i have a 4iv fem speedboost torchic. can i have a 4-5 iv noibat? without sp atk?
Qiom 4382 - 3384 - 7543 (Poison: Venomoth, Cascoon, Whirlipede)
Qiom 4382 - 3384 - 7543 (Poison: Venomoth, Cascoon, Whirlipede) Wed 20 Nov 2013 21:28:42 No. 16114755 Report I have 13 6IV Froakies (6 are Protean) The natures for the Proteans are Bold, Modest, Relaxed, Mild, Sassy, and Naive I also have 2 boxes of 4IV Froakies with pretty much every nature. I'm currently trying to make a perfect Ralts and have 2 5IV Ralts right now (1 male 1 Female) I'll trade them for anything with 4 or 5IVs and if you want I'll try to breed something for you if you have a 3IV and are looking for a 5.
Kenneth 2509-1645-5645
Quoted By:
>>16114270 Without sp.atk? Don't have that, sorry. They are all timid as well.
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon]
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon] Wed 20 Nov 2013 21:31:56 No. 16114840 Report >>16114755 Would you be interested in a 5IV Impish Immunity Gligar for a 6IV Protean?
Qiom 4382 - 3384 - 7543 (Poison: Venomoth, Cascoon, Whirlipede)
Qiom 4382 - 3384 - 7543 (Poison: Venomoth, Cascoon, Whirlipede) Wed 20 Nov 2013 21:33:40 No. 16114881 Report Quoted By:
>>16114755 >>16114840 Oh man, I sure did mess that up. I meant 13 5IV Froakies. Sorry about that.
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
Quoted By:
>>16113728 think i could get one of those 5IV Marrills? i have 5IV Claunchers, Mawiles, and adamant Technician Scyther