Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:28:26 No. 16100630 Report Paras anon, get online pls
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Have: 3-5 IV Scythers 0 Speed Sneaky Pebble Pineco Froakie Leftovers Klefki Leftovers Joltik Leftovers LF: 4-5 IV Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini Jolly Egg Move (Crunch, Bullet Punch) Riolu Calm Nasty Plot Togepi
>>16100630 Trying, keep getting a connection error. It's let me on lots of other times, not sure why my wifi isn't now. Let me go try and reset it. So sorry about the delay
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:31:58 No. 16100721 Report Still looking for a HA Zangoose. Have some of the following on hand, willing to breed anything else on the list for one.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:33:03 No. 16100741 Report >>16100702 It's fine. It says you haven't added me yet, however. So that's a problem.
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:33:04 No. 16100743 Report what is the best accuracy boost I can get with an item? 10%?
>>16100544 >you will never meet the natty king Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
I feel like MMing Helioptile. Who here is willing to breed me a 31/x/31/31/31/31 foreign male one from the parents I have? You can keep the parents.
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:34:22 No. 16100780 Report Quoted By:
>>16100743 scratch that, I'm an idiot
George 4055-3582-5353
Made that just now I guess. Also looking for battles. If anyone wants to join, lemme know. If we get 4 people total, we should 2v2.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:35:07 No. 16100792 Report Quoted By:
>>16100743 Zoom Lens can increase it by 20%.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>16100778 Woops, meant foreign female*
>>16100770 I cry everytim
>>16100778 If you don't mind waiting until tomorrow, I can help you. Probably heading to bed soon though.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>16100812 Yeah, I don't mind at all.
I need to get to sleep fairly soon myself, so it's not like I'll need it right away.
Want the parents now or tomorrow?
Toast 0173-1818-3496
Quoted By:
Looking for a 4-5 IV smeargle Can't offer much cept five IV mawiles. Or one of two six IVs that I have. I probably have more that're already adamant but I have yet to go through the four boxes of breeding leftovers and actually IV check them.
>>16100844 Tomorrow, in case someone else can help you sooner.
Might as well ask here. How do you raise O Power levels?
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:39:23 No. 16100877 Report >>16100785 Would like a 5 IV roselia, do you want a 5 IV gooey goomy for it ?
>>16100721 Id really like a torchic female if possible. You have pretty much everything I do so I don't have much to offer but i notice your ferroseed only have sneaky pebbles, i have some w. spikes and seeds too.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>16100877 Fair enough.
Good night~
Toast 0173-1818-3496
>>16100861 moth, that you? >>16100870 use em over and over again on others and yourself
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Quoted By:
>>16100870 By o-power slightly heavier each time
looking for Rotom! will make it worth your while 1822 0252 7039
>>16100870 >This is not a thread to ask simple questions. Next time, take it to the question general or something.
But since you're already here, continue to use them and you'll eventually level up.
George 4055-3582-5353
>>16100877 Sure thing. Let me just add you and double check Roselia's,
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16100785 Would you do a Jolly Swinub (M) for a Relaxed 5IV Pineco? If so, could you nickname the Swinub Ray Romano?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:41:56 No. 16100941 Report >>16100919 eat shit, this is a perfect place to ask that question
Chris 0774-4605-4230
>>16100917 Do IVs matter?
Do you swallow? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>16100919 WiFi General covers pretty much everything, mainly circlejerking.
>>16100941 Are you saying that it isn't a simple question?
Quoted By:
>>16100954 nope and nope. Purely to get in my pokedex
2938 - 6500 - 0839 (not Ditto, not Ditto, Ditto)
2938 - 6500 - 0839 (not Ditto, not Ditto, Ditto) Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:44:32 No. 16101008 Report Quoted By:
I have Moltres. I'd like to fill the spots in my dex for Zapdos and Articuno. Would anyone trade and trade back with me?
>>16100741 Thankfully I have two different wi-fi hubs at my home. One isn't working but I got the other one going. Added and request sent!
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:45:16 No. 16101024 Report >>16100974 no, I said this is a perfect place to ask that question
see its right here
>>16100941 Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:46:05 No. 16101044 Report George 4055-3582-5353
>>16100937 Did you want 4IV Swinub or the 5IV one? The 5IV one has Spec Atk instead of Defense.
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:46:25 No. 16101053 Report >>16100917 >rotom Iv'e a few 4 IV rotoms
Quoted By:
>>16100901 Nope, I haven't seen him around in awhile though.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16101050 Does the 4IV have Def? Forgot to mention the Pinecos have Sneaky Pebbles on 'em
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:47:39 No. 16101078 Report Quoted By:
>>16100917 I have a spare one you can have for free.
>>16101044 Thanks again for your help and patience. This will help a ton! Let me know if there's any special thing I can get you in the future as a thank-you
Lambo 0345 0635 9520
Last repost of the list for me tonight.
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:48:40 No. 16101102 Report >>16100886 realized i also have 4iv impish sturdy phanpy w. ice shard, modest rotom, jolly marvel scale dratini, and timid natural cure staryu.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:49:20 No. 16101115 Report >>16101081 No problem, and it's fine. I probably won't ask for anything in the future because I clean out my Pal Pad pretty regularly because it gets filled up, so please don't be offended if I delete you. It's nothing personal.
Quoted By:
>>16101053 someone else just traded me one. Are rotom good competitively? if so then ill take one of your 4 iv ones 1822 0252 7039
George 4055-3582-5353
>>16101073 Well, the one I was on giving you was Hp, Atk, Spec Def, and Speed, but I do have Hp, Atk, Def, and Speed ones.
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:51:54 No. 16101170 Report >>16100930 sure, allready added you
Quoted By:
>>16101115 haha, no worries. Cheers
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>16101024 I don't understand why that simple question shit is in the OP.
That is exactly what is allowed here, rather than forcing uninformed people to make a thread that is likely to be ignored about a minor detail.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16101126 I'll take HP/Atk/Def/Speed. I'm assuming it has Thick Fat?
George 4055-3582-5353
>>16101126 Yes it does indeed. Let me nickname it.
>>16101210 Because ain't nobody got time for that.
Go to the Questions General (yes there is one).
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16101147 Really interested in an Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini.
My stuff is
>>16100639 George 4055-3582-5353
>>16101224 is to
>>16101216 I replied to myself. Dumb me.
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:55:34 No. 16101272 Report Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
>>16101255 Added. Ready when you are.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 06:56:19 No. 16101288 Report >>16101147 Interested in the Cleffa. Are you interested in a pentaperfect Bold Espurr with Yawn, Trick, Barrier, and Assist?
George 4055-3582-5353
Quoted By:
>>16101170 Alright, let me trade Mike then I'll trade you. What's your ingame name?
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
>>16101241 One of the Pineco would be nice
>>16101288 Sure, it'll go well with the other one I got from you
Anyway I just gotta finish up the last battle at the restaurant. Didn't occur to me that people would actually want to trade me things.
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:00:12 No. 16101359 Report >>16101288 Not him, but I would like a female one, I can offer you goomy, gligar or litwick for it
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:00:39 No. 16101367 Report >>16101210 I know right? probably just some faggot. this is your fault anyway, to slow to make a new one and
shit op/10
>>16101089 is everything you have in pokeballs? if so I can trade you a
my female timid 4 IV protean froakie, penta modest rattled whismur, penta timid litleo for your
female tyrunt, female poliwag, and female penta infiltrator noibat
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
>>16101367 Did you decide what you'll have me breed next yet?
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:02:48 No. 16101411 Report >>16100785 I'd like one of those Poliwags, would you be interested in one of:
Adamant/Jolly Marvel Scale Dratini
Timid Gastly
Adamant Tech Scyther
Jolly Charmander w/ DD
Jolly Absols w/ Play Rough
Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
Modest Gooey/Hydration/Sap Sipper Goomy
Modest Serene Grace Togepi
Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling
Timid Inflitrator/Frisk Noibat w/ Switcheroo
Bold Eevee w/ Wish
Modest Squirtle w/ Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere
Adamant Huge Power Marill w/ Superpower, Belly Drum and Aqua Jet
Timid Protean Froakies
All 4IV of course, and if anyone else wants any of these just post offers, preferrably 4IV ones or 3IV with Egg moves at least.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>16101240 I know there is one.
But that doesn't prevent this place from being open to questions.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16101346 Cool. I'll add you, could you nickname the Dratini Drake?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:03:19 No. 16101421 Report >>16101346 Haha, now you'll have a pair. I'm assuming that you'd want a female to go with it, though? I only have males left, though I have about a box and a half unchecked. Let me check these other ones and I'll get back to you.
>>16101359 Interested, but see above. What are the IVs, nature, gender, and ability on the Goomy?
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
>>16101210 Thank you, I don't know what started that.
Could I bother you for another swirlix missing either defense of the opposite gender?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:04:29 No. 16101443 Report >>16101397 regenerator tangelas since I don't think anyone has done that yet.
did you want your honedge back too? its also in a luxury ball
Lambo 0345 0635 9520
>>16101367 Let me double check on that. Not sure what I have for female tyrunts though. That 12.5% is pretty terrible.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>16101428 Yeah, sure.
Which gender did I give you?
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
>>16101419 Can do. I'll name it and jump on afterwards.
>>16101421 Would be nice, I'll happily take a 4IV Female too if you only have those.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:06:25 No. 16101482 Report Quoted By:
>>16101447 >4 IV Plenty. I'll start the trade now.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16101411 Hello there, interested in Kanga, Absol, and Squirtle, and Togepi.
Do you have any Female Squirts? And are the Togeipis Calm with Nasty Plot?
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:07:33 No. 16101505 Report >>16101421 Bold 5 IV male gooey or male 5 IV calm hydration
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:07:52 No. 16101514 Report Quoted By:
>>16101445 I know right? same deal with starters
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
>>16101443 You don't want those pogeys?
I can breed you 5IV perfect Noibat & Honedge in Pokeball if you want that?
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
>>16101419 I'm gonna send you two, A Pineco female with 0 Speed and one Male with Quad IVs, so they're prime for breeding
Lambo 0345 0635 9520
>>16101367 Well, I got a female tyrunt and poliwag both in pokeballs atleast. I don't need anymore froakies though. Need to update that into my list.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:09:47 No. 16101547 Report >>16101505 Ah, both males? Then I'll take either one of them.
I'm trading right now but let me finish checking and I'll get back to you.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>16101288 i'm interested in that espurr with egg moves. do you have a female 4IV? I have a timid magic guard abra 4IV though
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
>>16101446 Male, this one is missing atk/s.atk.
Would you have one with 3 of the 4 being HP, sp.atk, and speed?
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:11:31 No. 16101567 Report Still looking for aggronite and a pineco
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:11:39 No. 16101570 Report >>16101495 I only have Modest Togepis and none of them have Nasty Plot, and no sorry I only got males for the squirtles
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>16101556 You're in luck, I do.
Get online.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:12:10 No. 16101587 Report >>16101548 I've already got a 5 IV Abra, so I'm not interested unless it's foreign. Sorry.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16101567 I've got plenty of Pinecos! Do you have any Calm Togepis?
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Looking for 5IVs - Vivillon (monsoon), Emolga, and Blitzle.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16101570 Ah I see. My stuff is here.
>>16100639 Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:14:01 No. 16101624 Report >>16101547 sure, allready added you
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:14:54 No. 16101642 Report Quoted By:
>>16101624 Alright, found a female penta. I'll add you and get online.
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:15:23 No. 16101653 Report >>16101597 Only modest. I could try and breed one with a 2 IV ditto if you don't mind the wait.
George 4055-3582-5353
>>16101624 Hey, so did you want to trade?
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16101653 I'll be breeding Pinecos, so don't even trip.
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:17:07 No. 16101682 Report >>16101664 yeah, my ingame name is lenin
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:17:11 No. 16101684 Report >>16101621 Sorry I already have all of those
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:17:30 No. 16101687 Report >>16101523 cool, I only use pokeballs
>>16101538 will a 4 VI modest rotom work for the last one?
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
>>16101684 Alright, thanks anyway
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:17:56 No. 16101700 Report Anyone have a 3+ iv Poison Heal Gligar?
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>16101587 how about a female modest mareep 5IV?
Lambo 0345 0635 9520
>>16101687 I only got 2 out of the 3 though. And considering the only female poliwag is 31/31/XX/31/31/31, I don't really expect anything great for it.
George 4055-3582-5353
>>16101682 Did you ever add me?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:20:09 No. 16101744 Report >>16101719 ah alright. adding you now
>>16101700 immunity, I do
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
>>16101578 Thank you!
Were you going for max sp.atk and speed?
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:20:43 No. 16101756 Report >>16101700 yeah, please make a offer!
Lambo 0345 0635 9520
>>16101744 Adding. If you'd like, I'd just take a Litleo for both. Just send anything for the other.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>16101752 Yeah, I was.
I was going for a cleric set.
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:21:53 No. 16101777 Report >>16101666 Do they have stealth rock by the way? Just want to make sure
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:22:03 No. 16101779 Report Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:22:06 No. 16101781 Report Quoted By:
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>16101752 >>16101771 Wait no, that's not right.
I was going for max HP and SpA, Timid just to outspeed some threats.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:23:23 No. 16101803 Report Figure I might as well ask before I head to bed. Anyone have any male 4-5 IV foreign Pokemon? I'd like to collect one in each egg group. Will give things on the image in
>>16100721 . So far I already have Amorphous, Monster, Dragon, Fairy, Field, Water 1, and Fairy.
>>16101272 No thanks.
>>16100886 The list is a bit outdated. I have more egg moves on the Ferroseed now. Thanks, though.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:24:32 No. 16101825 Report >>16101803 how about a bug one kia ?
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:25:12 No. 16101830 Report >>16101610 interested in the sneasel and shroomish
can offer 5iv
adamant intimidate mawile
timid ghastly
adamant huge power maril w. bellyjet
timid natural cure staryu
impish sturdy phanpy w. ice shard
modest rotom
jolly marvel scale dratini
Lambo 0345 0635 9520
>>16101779 Thanks. Hope you find the noibat you wanted.
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:26:37 No. 16101858 Report Quoted By:
>>16101830 also would like a bulbasaur
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:27:06 No. 16101868 Report Quoted By:
>>16101806 Perfect. Starting togepi breeding now.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:27:34 No. 16101877 Report >>16101825 That'd be awesome. What would you like in return?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:28:24 No. 16101891 Report Quoted By:
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16101830 4IV Pineco w Pebbles for a Staryu?
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:28:55 No. 16101901 Report >>16101877 meditite please :D
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:29:41 No. 16101918 Report >>16101744 >>16101756 I can trade
4 iv petilil
3 iv trevenant
3 iv riolu
3 iv fennekin
4 iv goomy
3 iv litwick
3 iv kangaskhan
What are the natures on them?
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:30:03 No. 16101929 Report Anyone want to help me evolve my Dusclops and Scyther real quick?
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:30:12 No. 16101932 Report >>16101830 Got stuff here
>>16101567 including shroomish.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16101918 I'm interested in the Petili. Do you have any Timid?
My stuff
>>16100639 Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:31:50 No. 16101964 Report >>16101918 I'd love a female petalil, are the IVs relevant?
let me know what gender and VIs he gives you so I can giving you one to complement it
Sam 3625-9189-3835
Quoted By:
Hey was wondering if anyone had a Aron with hidden ability at all that they wouldn't mind trading.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:32:40 No. 16101977 Report Quoted By:
>>16101901 Oh, you're great. I'll be right on. Thanks!
Kirzi | 4441 9619 5245
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:36:42 No. 16102037 Report >>16101932 interested in the 5iv gible, 5/6iv deino, and a female quick feet shroomish, a male w. poison heal would be nice too.
btw you quoted my post but what of mine are you interested in?
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:38:45 No. 16102074 Report >>16101893 nature and ability? do you has female?
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:39:54 No. 16102101 Report >>16101964 The petilil is modest with max hp, def, spatk and speed. So its pretty much perfect for what it'd be used for. Which iv spreads do you have for gligar? If you've got one with hp, atk and def max without the others being too low i'd just use it without breeding further. Other guy isn't responding anyway.
Hitagi 0173-1292-9448
Anyone got a Male 4/5IV Froakie with Toxic Spikes? Can offer 4/5IV Timid Joltik, 4/5IV Jolly Inkay, 4/5IV Adamant Huge Power Bunnelby, 4Iv Bold Flabebe
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:40:41 No. 16102121 Report >>16102037 Just the staryu really. What spreads do you have?
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:41:09 No. 16102135 Report >>16101918 nature and ability on petil? ball?
my stuff
>>16101830 Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16102074 I do. Its Relaxed, with Sneaky Pebbles.
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:43:14 No. 16102174 Report >>16102101 I have a 5 IV impish one with only missing DEF It is female and GER
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:44:21 No. 16102201 Report >>16102101 female
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16102114 I've got one left and its yours for a Jolly 4-5 IV Inkay nicknamed Squiward
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:45:17 No. 16102218 Report Sweet, hexaflawless Espurr. I wish it was shiny, though.
4184 2512 2540- ign calder
what's the best way to use Noivern? timid with choice specs?
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:46:05 No. 16102234 Report >>16102174 Sounds good. What do you want for it of the things I listed here
>>16101918 >>16102201 I'll take that third Male for the Petilil.
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:46:25 No. 16102239 Report >>16102218 we all do :D
got my 6 IV goodra today
Hitagi 0173-1292-9448
>>16102216 What are the IVs on it?
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
moocowzz 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:47:17 No. 16102258 Report Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16102234 Do you think I could nab a Female Petelli my stuff is at the top
>>16100639 kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:47:28 No. 16102263 Report >>16102161 Got the togepi faster than I though. 31/x/31/31/31/x with outstanding potential. Added.
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:47:33 No. 16102264 Report Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:48:14 No. 16102273 Report >>16102121 they are all missing attack, you can pick what else you want it missing from the following:
would you be willing to part w. the 6iv deino? if not are the fives male or female?
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16102243 Atk/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def/Speed
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:49:25 No. 16102291 Report >>16102239 Oh, nice. That thing will definitely kick butt in battle. What moves will you put on it? Goodra seems like such a versatile Pokemon.
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:49:31 No. 16102294 Report kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy)
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 (clefairy) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:49:39 No. 16102298 Report >>16102273 Missing def sounds nice so 31/x/x/31/31/31? I could probably do a 5. I have both genders.
Hitagi 0173-1292-9448
Quoted By:
>>16102276 Alright, adding you.
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:50:12 No. 16102308 Report Quoted By:
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:50:24 No. 16102315 Report >>16102135 >>16101950 >>16102264 >>16102260 I've only got the one Petilil :_:
Nigh and Lenin fight for it. Whoever trades first. I've already added you both.
just got a shiny growlithe with morning sun, flare blitz, roar, and close combat, 31 def/speed, and sassy nature, off the gts for my yveltal. today was a good day!
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
>>16102263 Oh sweet adding. Could you nickname it Eggface?
4184 2512 2540- ign calder
Quoted By:
>>16102258 why not infiltrator for revenge killing through subs and screens?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:51:28 No. 16102331 Report Quoted By:
Weyard [4785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w
Weyard [4785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:51:41 No. 16102341 Report >>16102260 >>16102264 I have about 15 4iv petilils if anyone is interested. I'm looking for 4iv grumpig/granbull,houndour at the moment but I'll consider other 4ivs.
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:52:05 No. 16102348 Report Quoted By:
>>16102298 correct. could i get a male only missing attack?
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16102294 Can you nickname it Shuriken?
>>16102315 Nickname it Lilly, adding!
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:54:06 No. 16102375 Report >>16102358 Implying you've got my Gligar. Grab one of Wey's petals.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
>>16102375 Yeah sorry I misread, my mistake
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:55:43 No. 16102390 Report >>16102358 I honestly don't mind nick naming it for you but, just to clarify, you are aware this is a 4iv staryu correct?
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:55:49 No. 16102392 Report >>16102291 toxic
dragon stab
put everything in DEF and HP :'D
it is pretty tanky!
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
>>16102390 Yeah that's fine. I just like nicknames
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:56:47 No. 16102408 Report >>16102315 I've been trying to trade you this entire time
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I
Lenin 3625-8990-9856 I Ninja Frog Thing I Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:57:09 No. 16102411 Report Quoted By:
>>16102341 I only have goomy or gligar at the moment, or tausend rotoms!
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:57:26 No. 16102418 Report Quoted By:
>>16102341 interested in any of this
>>16101830 for a breeding pair?
what ball? natures? abilities?
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
Kitten and Hitagi. Added you guys. Send me trades when you're good.
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:58:08 No. 16102425 Report >>16102408 Haven't got a request. Sent one and just closed it after a few secs. Whats going on gamefreak?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:59:14 No. 16102449 Report >>16102425 do you see me? have you gone back into the FC list to recieve my mii
Weyard [4785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w
Weyard [4785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w Wed 20 Nov 2013 07:59:37 No. 16102456 Report >>16102373 i could take a 4iv scyther I suppose. added
Any preference on ability? Most of them are own tempo. I might have 3 with chlorophyll.
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:00:31 No. 16102475 Report >>16101843 Do you still have Tyrunts? How many IVs? I have:
5IV Impish Phantump with all abilities
4IV Bold Eevee with normal ability and Wish
5IV Relaxed Ferroseed with SR and Leech Seed
4IV Impish Magicarp with Swift Swim
4IV Timid Noibat with Infiltrator
4IV Adamant Torchic with Blaze
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>16102456 Own Tempo is good, female prefered. Nickname it Lilly.
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:01:46 No. 16102498 Report >>16102449 Yeah, did that. Finally got request but now its just sitting on Please wait until preparations are complete.
IGN: Shizuo FC: 0920 - 0416 - 9620
Quoted By:
LF 4-5IV Protean Froakie (possibly Hasty Nature) Have: Eevee - Bold - Male Wish HP, SpA, SpD, Spe Ferroseed - Relaxed - Male Leech Seed, Toxic Spikes, Spikes HP, Atk, SpD, 0 Spe Atk, Def, SpD, 0 Spe HP, Def, SpD, 0 Spe Hp, Atk, Def, 0 Spe Japanese Honedge - Brave - Female HP, xx, Def, SpA, SpD, 0 Spe Marill - Adamant - Huge Power Aqua Jet, Belly Drum, Superpower HP, Atk, Def, SpA, Spe x2 Male x1 Female HP, Atk, Def, SpA, SpD x1 Female Gastly - Timid HP, Def, SpA, SpD, Spe x2 Female
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:02:41 No. 16102513 Report >>16102498 cancel and disconnect internet and then reconnect, I'll do the same
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:04:39 No. 16102536 Report >>16102513 Did. Waiting for request.
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745]
Lumpy (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Floatzel) 2423-3083-7175 SV[745] Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:04:59 No. 16102539 Report >>16102475 interested in anything here
>>16101830 for a 5iv phantump w. harvest? female if possible.
Quoted By:
This is more or less an appropriate thread to post in. Anyone have information on when the Attractions on the PGL are going live? I have 20,000 pokemiles and I might just buy a shit ton of rare candy
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:05:39 No. 16102550 Report >>16102536 open trade with me if you don't get this one.
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:06:41 No. 16102561 Report >>16102550 >16102550 Sending. First time i've had this much of a problem with it. Weird shit.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:07:28 No. 16102572 Report Quoted By:
>>16102392 That's gonna be annoying as hell. Good luck!
Weyard [4785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w
Weyard [4785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:09:34 No. 16102601 Report Quoted By:
>>16102484 Thanks.
Anyone else want 4iv (31-X-31-31-X-31) modest, own tempo/chlorophyl, repeat ball Petilill?
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:09:59 No. 16102609 Report >>16102539 I have all your 5IV mons already, but how about a 4IV female with Harvest for a 4IV staryu?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:10:48 No. 16102616 Report >>16102561 not getting anything, I've never had this problem trading with anyone
I guess you can get it from the other person
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
Lumpy you still here? I'm sending you a request bro
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:13:38 No. 16102658 Report >Have 4-5IV HA Jolly Dratini 4IV Jolly Riolu w/Bullet Punch and Crunch 4IV Timid Flabebe (blue flower) 4IV Naive Zorua w/Sucker Punch 5IV Jolly Rough Skin Gible 5IV Timid Adaptability Eevee>Looking For 31/31/31/x/31/x Relaxed Ferroseed w/Leech Seed and Stealth Rock 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Blaze Fennekin (most be female)
Quoted By:
Anyone have any 5IV female Rough Skin Gibles? Egg moves not necessary. I've got 5IV timid female Protean Froakies for trade.
Toast 0173-1818-3496
Quoted By:
Still holding out hoping somebody here's got a good smeargle. Even a smeargle safari would do.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
>>16102658 Very interested in the Riolu. My list is
>>16100639 I coiuld try to breed Ferroseeds if given time
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:17:11 No. 16102712 Report >>16102616 Still spamming requests. Leaving it up like 10 seconds then doing it again. Shits messed up.
You still here lenin, ill take your gligar if it'll let me.
So, I'm trying to breed a perfect (Or as close as can be) Ghastly for competitive battling. So, I have a Ghastly with Attack, Spec Attack and Speed IV's and I've just put it in with a Ditto with Defense and HP IV's. The point is that the group of eggs i just got were all Defense or Defense+Speed. Did I do something wrong trying to get perfect IV's, or did I just get shitty luck?
Lumpy 2423-3083-7175 {745}
>>16102609 not trying to sound like a douche but staryu can only breed w. ditto. they are a real pain in the ass and every time I make a little batch they go like hotcakes. I'd only be willing to let it go for a 5iv phantump w. harvest.
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
Quoted By:
Have: Female 5IV Adamant Bunnelby with Huge Power Want: Male 5IV Adamant Bunnelby with Huge Power
Lumpy 2423-3083-7175 {745}
>>16102735 I'll take a male if you don't want to give away the female.
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:22:20 No. 16102780 Report >>16102712 I'm Nigh, not lenin
also it turns out that I didn;didn't have that gligar, and I wrote it down wrong, which works out since the petilil is in a repeat ball
5043-2172-2640 [Wooper, Marrowak,Gastrodon]
5043-2172-2640 [Wooper, Marrowak,Gastrodon] Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:25:20 No. 16102812 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got a staryu with a couple of perfect IVs ? I have 2-4 IV eevees, tyrunt, froakie, horsea, and torchics
Quoted By:
I got some Scroopee babies. All are 31/31/31/X/31/31 IVs: Impish M w/ Battle Armor Impish F w/ Sniper Impish M w/ Sniper Jolly F w/ Sniper Jolly M w/ Sniper Jolly M w/ Battle Armor There's also a ton of 4 IVs of varying types. Next, a couple specially made Clownchairs with 31/X/31/31/31/0 IVs with Quiet Nature. There's 3 Male Claunchers with this. Also, a Female with unknown Spe IVs. I'm mainly looking for Bronzors or Shuppets with 0 Spe IVs as well, but I'll also accept Bulbasaurs, Ralts, or Eevees of similar value to what's traded.
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:26:29 No. 16102828 Report Take my shit. Because HA Tentacruel isn't available yet, what should my next breeding project be; Ariados, Durant or Galvantula?
Adam (4682-8475-5342)
>>16101411 Any chance I could grab a Kangaskhan and Charmander ? Can offer 5 IV Baton Pass Speed Boost Adamant Torchic, Timid Gastly, Modest Sync Abra, Adamant Syther, Sturdy Skarmory and 4 IV plus 0 Speed Honedge
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
Anybody apart from Ravi breeding/bred Shellder?
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:28:50 No. 16102860 Report >>16102768 I'll trade a male for a 4IV with HP, Sp. Atk, and Speed
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:29:33 No. 16102870 Report >>16102828 any of those charmanders female?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 females in pokeballs only please [Y] !monhun1uP6 Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:30:49 No. 16102888 Report Adam (4682-8475-5342)
>>16102828 Could I grab a 4 IV male charmander at all?
My pokes
>>16102834 Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion)
Ghosis 2681-0290-3939 (Munna, Espurr, Duosion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:34:26 No. 16102936 Report Quoted By:
>>16102780 I know, i was just asking if he was still around in the case I couldn't get our trade to ever go. Thanks though, its 4 iv instead of 5 but still perfect enough for me to use.
Quoted By:
>>16102726 Disregard this post. I forgot to move my Everstone and Destiny Knot over to the new breeding pair.
Lumpy 2423-3083-7175 {745}
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
Time for a new breeding project. For anyone who has a Jolly Riolu with good IVs and Crunch+Bullet Punch, I'm gonna start breeding Relaxed, Sneaky Pebbles and Smogon Stones Ferroseeds.
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:37:42 No. 16102983 Report >>16102870 >>16102888 O-okay.
>>16102907 I just realized I only have 3IV ones left.
There're some female ones too.
Sloth - FC 1676-4966-7016
looking for a razor claw, willing to trade a rare candy, or evo stones, anyone?
Toast 0173-1818-3496
Quoted By:
>>16103011 You get it from battle maison
rare candy and stones ain't worth shit for it.
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Wed 20 Nov 2013 08:42:27 No. 16103032 Report Quoted By:
Sloth - FC 1676-4966-7016
Quoted By:
>>16103011 I know I know... but i wanna evolve my sneasel before I beat the E4, so I'm kinda hoping someone might be willing to trade one
Adam (4682-8475-5342)
Quoted By:
>>16102983 Ah damn was hoping to use it to breed with a Kanga. Have you got a breeding pair spread over the 5 IVS? A female would be good either way.
Dude 5000 2933 2086
Quoted By:
Hate to ask, but does anyone have a spare female Anticipation Eevee in a Luxury Ball, decent IVs or not, that they're willing to trade? In return, I've got the following: Timid Protean Froakie, Adamant Tyrunt, Adamant Huge Power Marill, and a Timid Gastly, all have high IVs in at least 3 stats.
Adam (4682-8475-5342)
>>16102983 Actually, now that I think about it, a 3IV female is all I need.
Lumpy 2423-3083-7175 {745}
Quoted By:
>>16102828 female harvest phantump pls
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Wed 20 Nov 2013 09:16:20 No. 16103465 Report Quoted By:
>>16103109 Ok.
Give me a while though.
Something came up.
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
Would there be a reason to keep swirlix from evolving?
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
What I want: Honedge 31/31/31/31/31/xx What I can offer: Pokemons here are all Japanese and have perfect IVs. Impish Wooper Jolly Sneasel Jolly Kangaskhan Adamant Phanpy Brave Pumpkaboo 31/31/31/xx/31/0 Quiet Spritzee 31/xx/31/31/31/0 My English is not so good. I'm glad if you use easy English.
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Wed 20 Nov 2013 09:24:00 No. 16103595 Report >>16102834 Sorry I had to go somewhere, but if you're still here, I could give you both for a 5IV Torchic
Weyard [4785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w
Weyard [4785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w Wed 20 Nov 2013 09:24:53 No. 16103610 Report >>16103551 you could do some eviolite shit. Is there a reason you dont want to evolve it?
Quoted By:
>>16100721 I would really like that Snorunt you have there.
>>16103572 I don't have a Honedge for you, but I think your English is fine. Good job!
Adam (4682-8475-5342)
>>16103595 Sure adding you now.
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Wed 20 Nov 2013 09:32:23 No. 16103716 Report >>16103656 is Adam your IGN? because I don't see you online...
>>16103595 you had some good gale wing fletchlings right? I could offer you marvel scale dratini or belly jet marill 1822 0252 7039
Adam (4682-8475-5342)
Quoted By:
>>16103716 Sorry, internet problems.
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
>>16103641 Thank you :)
I can use English,but don't have enough experience to understand subtle nuance of native speaker's English lol
Does't anyone have 5IVs Honedge?
>>16103766 It is kind of an inconvenient time. Many of the people who use 4chan are American, and most Americans are asleep right now. That might be why it's difficult to make a trade.
I also understand what you mean with the language. I have been studying Spanish for some years now.
Adam (4682-8475-5342)
>>16103716 I didn't seem to get the charmander when the connection dropped out. Do you still have it on your end? Would be good to grab the male to breed with Kanga
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16103766 I have some left, but only females in pokeballs.
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Wed 20 Nov 2013 09:41:57 No. 16103849 Report >>16103746 Sorry I already have both of those, but if you want I can give you a 3IV one for free, you want it?
>>16103832 I see, no problem man sending a trade req now.
Adam (4682-8475-5342)
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Well, it's official. I got this before a 6iv male. If I never see another magikarp again it'll be too soon
>>16103849 cool brah. few questions;
Which IV's?
Male or female?
And if female, what kind of pokeball?
1822 0252 7039
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
>>16103822 I see.
It is evening in Japnan lol.
I think it hard but interesting to learn foreign languages.
>>16103833 That's enough!
I would like it very much!
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16103877 Nice.
I'm done with all seven, just waiting for you to be done.
Bumb Ditch [2423-1885-7946] {3904}
Quoted By:
>>16103877 Congrats! and you didn't even use InstaCheck!
Adam (4682-8475-5342)
>>16103849 I don't know what's wrong but I don't want to hassle you any longer. I appreciate the tra
>>16103902 You're doing a good job. English is a useful language to learn. Keep it up!
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16103902 Do you have anything in exchange?
If not, give me something I can release.
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16103903 Guess what, I got one in the next batch.
I'm ready to trade.
Dude 5000 2933 2086
Quoted By:
>>16103877 Sounds like hell m8.
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16103921 Finished with the whole set aswell?
>>16103902 Should probably know this:
3995 7063 2457
Honky [Aipom - Loudred - ???]
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>>16103610 I have yet to compare the levels each form learns moves.
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16103935 No. I only have a magikarp for you. I still need snorunt, shellos, volbeat and a field group
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Wed 20 Nov 2013 09:51:09 No. 16103963 Report >>16103910 Well as long as you're fine with it, I don't mind. Thank you too man.
>>16103890 I have like 4 of those with varying IV spreads, none of which are Sp. Attack. I also have both male and a female, just specify which gender you want. The female is just in a regular Pokeball. I'll add you now
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16103953 >>16103935 And a magikarp for myself of course
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
>>16103919 I'm glad to find my English is understandable.
>>16103920 Please look through
>>16103572 I can give you one of them.
Quoted By:
>>16103963 great, ill do the same. I'll take a female in pokeball, with gale wings. IGN is Richard
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Wed 20 Nov 2013 09:52:32 No. 16103989 Report Quoted By:
>>16103910 Am back.
Is your internet working?
I'd like the torchic or honedge.
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16103980 Do the sneasels have egg moves?
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16103967 I got hexa illumise for you if you want one to start with~
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16104002 Thanks. You need an English one?
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16104020 No, just finish your set and we'll trade the others aswell.
I'll check if i can cover the other egg groups with females for you too. Weyard [4785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w
Weyard [4785 5593 2537] [dwebble, corsola, barbaracle] !jw/QxPDU6w Wed 20 Nov 2013 09:56:13 No. 16104033 Report Quoted By:
looks like they have the same learnset.
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Wed 20 Nov 2013 09:56:29 No. 16104035 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got any male Durant/Ariados with decent IVs?
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 09:56:31 No. 16104036 Report >>16103953 Are you breeding 6iv males to cover all the egg groups? I was thinking of doing that as well after seeing something about it in /wfg/ a couple days ago. Would probably take awhile but I feel it'd be worth it in the end.
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16104036 Both of us and Cedar do,
thats at least the ones i know of. 5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
Quoted By:
>>16103993 He has Icicle Crash and Counter.
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
>>16103993 He also has Fake Out.
I forgot writing.
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16104036 Yeah, that was Cedar's idea. I've been helping with it. Breeding English ones for people on non English games to swap do we can masuda everything except genderless.
>>16104032 I'm confused. You breed on a German game right? So do you need English ones or have you got a set already? I you do I dont see how I can breed you anything to trade for the rest
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Wed 20 Nov 2013 10:01:10 No. 16104093 Report >>16103910 Well I kinda felt bad so there's your Charmander, hope you enjoy it.
Received a Timid Wish Eevee with 31/x/31/x/31/31 over WT. Is it useful in any way? Could I EV train it and not have a shitmon?
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 10:01:54 No. 16104099 Report >>16104050 And you're done with yours? About how long did it take?
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>>16103963 excellent. thank you sir
Alex !tDFrTopkek
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>>16104050 dawny has been breeding a different combination to cover all the egg groups I think
Dude 5000 2933 2086
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So, I guess no spare DW Female Eevees in luxury balls?
Adam (4682-8475-5342)
>>16104093 Woo! Thanks for trying again. I hope you can make use of the Scyther.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Wed 20 Nov 2013 10:05:53 No. 16104139 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a...>31/31/31/x/31/x Relaxed Male Ferroseed with Leech Seed and Stealth Rocks Can Offer>4-5IV HA Jolly Dratini >4IV Riolu w/Bullet Punch and Crunch >4IV Timid Flabebe >4IV Naive Zorua w/Sucker Punch >4IV Adamant Huge Power Marill w/AquaJet, Belly Drum, and Superpwoer
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Wed 20 Nov 2013 10:07:18 No. 16104152 Report Quoted By:
>>16104120 Yeah I was planning to MM a Scyther ever since I got a 4IV Jap Scyther from WT, until I realized that I already evolved my 5IV Scyther to Scizor, which put me off because >20% egg chance, so yeah this gives me a bit of drive to finally start that project with another 5IV Scyther. Thanks man!
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16104078 Ah, i prefer ice punch over crash but I'll take one still.
A male please, and could you nickname it Pain in japanese letters? >>16104083 I need the english set, sorry if I was unclear.
>>16104099 3 days +/-, i took breaks but in total it comes down to that. I had some decent luck with smeargle tho. And 2 4 IV dittos, of which one was foreign.
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
>>16104159 Sorry,but he is not what I breeded. :(
I can't nickname...
If you don't prefer,I also offer held items I can get at the battle house...
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16104219 You don't play on japanese?
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
Quoted By:
>>16104159 But capsule is too heavy for me...
>>16104227 I think he was saying is that someone else bred it and sent it to him, so he can't rename it.
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
>>16104227 I play in Japanese.
So his name is "ニューラ",which is the default name.
any good nicknames for a Rotom-W? I'm not creative enough to come up with something nice.
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 10:18:22 No. 16104257 Report >>16104159 That doesn't sound too bad (though 4IV Dittos probably helped a bit).
I'll probably start breeding a set later today after finishing some other stuff in-game.
Which ones are you all breeding? The pic I saw had Archen / Bulbasaur / Magikarp / Shellos / Smeargle / Snorunt / Volbeat.
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
Quoted By:
>>16104238 Yes,that's right...
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16104245 Wash Man
is what mine is called. >>16104243 I want it to have the Japanese name when I evolve it. I play on german, so if I evolve him he'll be named "Snibunna" instead. Can you evolve him for me on your game and I'll trade you the item afterwards? Or any other Maison Item~
Bumb Ditch [2423-1885-7946] {3904}
>>16104245 Wish Wash
Take it easy on me ;_; Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16104257 Thats the correct set, yes.
Although my Archens have the right nature, bulby has right nature and HA + giga drain, magikarp has HA, Shellos has right nature and ability and snorunt had 4 egg moves , nature and HA - i made it harder for myself. Anonymous
>>16104260 well, that doesn't go to far off from mine, which is called Washing Time currently. Nothing I'm really aiming for tbh.
>>16104265 considered. also, Rotom needs to learn wish.
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion)
Julian 0232 - 7804 - 0399 (Kakuna, Swalot, Drapion) Wed 20 Nov 2013 10:23:10 No. 16104303 Report Quoted By:
>>16104272 Damn, I probably wouldn't bother with all that. I'd be happy enough to just get them all with 6IVs.
>>16104279 Washed Up or... fuck I don't know. I'm awful at nicknames.
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16104296 fully defensive vaporeon or umbreon.
but prepare for taunt. Anonymous
Help me decide because I'm retarded: Infiltrator or Flame Body for Chandelure?
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>16104308 Ok, gotcha. I was a little confused.
Do you have a 6iv pair of each of them? If you send me some it'll make it a lot easier to breed another for you.
Do you trust me? Anonymous
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
>>16104260 OK.
I evolve him!
Do you mean you make up for Razor Fang?
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16104309 Infiltrator his through subs.
Flame body burns them evil priority users. >>16104331 Somewhat. I don't have snorunts over tho, and i only have a 3 IV smeargle which immediatly jumped up to 6.
I do have a hexa female shellos tho.
>>16104340 I can either give you a Razor Fang or something else, as you like!
>>16104308 Thanks bro. I want a Sylveon but good breeding Eevee are hard to come by for what I can offer
and I still don't understand how people get 4iv dittos Anonymous
How do I get my hands on some kings rocks?
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16104348 Safaris if you're lucky.
You can just cross-breed through the egg groups too, tho.
>>16104362 Compound Eyes, some wild pokemons wield them. Check serebii, i dont have the list in my mind.
Poliwhirls and wrath have them tho. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>16104348 I caught one in the safari randomly. I went to catch 10, checked them, one had 4IVs.
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Quoted By:
>>16104345 Ok, well I'll just work on volbeat first of all. I have a father I can use in that group already
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
>>16104345 OK!
I'm ready now.
I want Life Orb.
Quoted By:
>>16104367 Yeah I was thinking of just doing that.
Bumb Ditch [2423-1885-7946] {3904}
Quoted By:
>>16104362 Ask your highness to let you fondle him.
but in all seriousness, poliwrath, whirl, toed, hariyama and lucha
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
>>16104377 Alright, I'll buy one for you quickly.
Quoted By:
>>16104309 I need more opinions. ;-;
5086 1819 5902 !eEvRHEb7ZM
>>16104397 Thak you very much!
I'll challenge breed shiny one.
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
Quoted By:
>>16104431 I have a 5 IV shiny Honedge. Good luck with that.
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Sasch !.IMsASChgg
Quoted By:
>>16104532 Thou shalt not
hide it from me but share it with me because i'm hungry. dawny 0146 9834 4218
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Long time no see, dead hours.
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Wed 20 Nov 2013 11:50:49 No. 16104986 Report Quoted By: