[9 / 5 / ?]
Quoted By: >>16132562
Hey /vp/.
I've been thinking about life a bit more recently. I'm a young guy, and my girlfriend and I are going through a pregnancy scare right now. We'll find out if were parents here in about a week when her blood test comes back. Just today I got on facebook (who knows why I absolutely loathe facebook), and saw that two of my friends got engaged to each other today. Yet another one of my friends is just counting down the days until he joins the Navy, others still are getting new jobs... it seems like the world is a blur.
This is going to sound dumb. And maybe it is. But right now you're the only one I can say this to. I can handle a bunch of faceless strangers passing judgement on me. After all, isn't that what 4chan is really for? Pokemon played a large role in my childhood. Of course then it was all innocent; we just wanted to catch 'em all and be Pokemon masters. But as I've grown up and begun to mature, reflecting on the happy adventures in Kanto from the original Red and Blue has really opened my eyes to the profound wisdom that was nestled deep within a game I've cherished for years, but only now can begin to truly appreciate.
When you start the game, the first thing to greet you is Professor Oak introducing you to the world of Pokemon. He tells you that there's an exiting world out there, and that your very own adventure is about to unfold. And then you start in your room in Pallet Town. For the longest time it had never dawned on me that the names of the cities throughout Kanto are in fact all colors. That was a real "aha!" moment for me. But there's something in particular that I found truly special. You don't start in Cerulean, nor Lavender, nor Cinnabar. You start in Pallet Town. The significance of this cannot be understated.
I've been thinking about life a bit more recently. I'm a young guy, and my girlfriend and I are going through a pregnancy scare right now. We'll find out if were parents here in about a week when her blood test comes back. Just today I got on facebook (who knows why I absolutely loathe facebook), and saw that two of my friends got engaged to each other today. Yet another one of my friends is just counting down the days until he joins the Navy, others still are getting new jobs... it seems like the world is a blur.
This is going to sound dumb. And maybe it is. But right now you're the only one I can say this to. I can handle a bunch of faceless strangers passing judgement on me. After all, isn't that what 4chan is really for? Pokemon played a large role in my childhood. Of course then it was all innocent; we just wanted to catch 'em all and be Pokemon masters. But as I've grown up and begun to mature, reflecting on the happy adventures in Kanto from the original Red and Blue has really opened my eyes to the profound wisdom that was nestled deep within a game I've cherished for years, but only now can begin to truly appreciate.
When you start the game, the first thing to greet you is Professor Oak introducing you to the world of Pokemon. He tells you that there's an exiting world out there, and that your very own adventure is about to unfold. And then you start in your room in Pallet Town. For the longest time it had never dawned on me that the names of the cities throughout Kanto are in fact all colors. That was a real "aha!" moment for me. But there's something in particular that I found truly special. You don't start in Cerulean, nor Lavender, nor Cinnabar. You start in Pallet Town. The significance of this cannot be understated.