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No.16147771 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I was trying out this team idea that I had for triple Battle Maison. It worked out fairly well, aside from:
- All of the pokemon I used in this test team having terrible IVs
- Skarmory not getting tailwind this generation, though I built this team with that idea in mind
- I only EV trained a few of the pokemon

The biggest weakness seemed to be Reuniclus having a bad nature, being slow as shit, having no good IVs, and not being EV trained at all. I also forgot to teach it safeguard. But other than that, I think this team could have potential in triple Battle Maison. This is the first and only battle I have done with it.

Battle video is here: EGHW-WWWW-WWW3-4AQK

What do you guys think? Would sturdy skillswapping Carbink be better for now since Skarmory doesn't get tailwind? I think triple battles could have a lot of interesting strategies.