[34 / 3 / ?]
I love Swellow and I was testing egg moves, when... This! Boomburst is a great move, even if Swellow doesn't have a lot of SpAt (but to be fair it doesn't even have a lot of Attack too without Guts). So trying a mixed set is comming to my mind. Guts , toxic orb Naive nature (+Spe, -SpDef) Moveset: ·Facade ·Brave bird ·Boomburst ·Pursuit/Defog/Protection With 252 Ev in attack and Special attack his Boomburst does OHKO Cloyster after Stealth rock, When Facade doesn't. Maybe it's a stupid set (it is indeed, but this can work).
>>16159238 >45 base Special Defense Lel, it only OHKOs Cloyster because Cloyster has shit SpDef
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>>16159317 The point is:
If you can't kill something physically tanky, you boomburst it to death, and everything is okay.
What a shame. Work Up is only in Gen 5 and it doesn't look like there's any way to pass both that and Boomburst on a Taillow.
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>>16159365 Op here, nice idea with Work up.
But weren't Mt moves supposed to be passed from father to the children?
>>16159238 >running mixed sets ever Get out.
>>16159413 >what is Infernape, Greninja, or Ageislash Anonymous
>>16159413 Your opinion is disgusting.
A mixed set is really useful if you don't want to be walled. Ïnfernape is an awesome mixed sweeper who can break a lot of walls in the way they hurt the most.
>>16159424 >Physical, Special, Physical If you go in a different way you're wrong.
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>>16159469 If you go Physical Infernape you are getting outclassed, sir.
>>16159468 No, mixed sets are disgusting because you can't reach your full potential in one attack stat, mixed attackers are usually frail, and if you do 252 Atk/252 Sp. Atk you sacrifice Speed or HP, and you get KO'ed
Mixed sets are horrible.
YESSS. This makes me really glad I hunted down a Scrappy Taillow. Thanks, OP!
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>>16159469 >I don't know shit about Infernape Step it up, man. Mixed Infernape really is its best option right now, unlike 4th gen where it could run pretty much anything.
>>16159623 Seriously dude. You really have no idea what you're talking about. Just stop.
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>>16159651 Op here. No problemo.
I think it isn't te best set on swellow, but it sounds difficult to predict.
Work up as someone said could be really nice when you force a switch.
Cool find, OP. What do you breed taillow with to get BB?
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>swellow >base 50 special attack useless/10
>>16159238 Why Toxic Orb over Flame orb? Why does everyone do this? What am I missing?
>>16160726 Toxic orb does less damage over the first 2 turns... so if you're not expecting it to live?
Also loads of people don't know guts ignores burns attack drop.
So i dont know, i guess?
Goddamn Swellow was already a top threat in NU, this'll just make it more fearsome.
Good work, Gamefreak. Yes, very good work. I appreciate it. Showing that Boomburst isn't completely restricted to sound-based Pokemon that is. Yes. I'm thankful. Could this guy get it too? P-please?
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>>16160803 Top threat in OU too.
No one expects the Swellow!
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>>16160797 Op here, it's for that.
Swellow is a fast squishy pokemon, so you go in, hit, and go out: Burn does too much damage first 2 turns (and you don't want swellow out more than 2-3 turns).
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>>16160803 are you joking? it's piss weak under swellow's awful special attack stat and swellow already has 4 important moves it can't drop
>>16160726 Burn cuts Atk by %50.
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>>16160993 Guts nullifies the attack drop from burn you fucking mongoloid
OP here again. Here are awesome numbers. Swellow Naive nature, 252 ev on SpAttack. Hyper beam (a bit less than Boomburst, but my stupid damage calculator can't use Bomburst for that) (199 SpAt) ////////////////////////Min///Average///Max Regular damage 108////117////////127 Timid Jolteon using Thunderbolt with 252 EV on SpAt: (319 SpAt) Min Average Max Regular damage 109 118 129 This was with a 5th gen calculator, so Thunderbolt had 95 base damage instead of 90. Also that was calculated against a normal pokemon with 300 SpDef. So Swellow is better than Jolteon, fucktards. TOO MUCH BASE DAMAGE FAGGITS. Boomburst is too much powerful even with a 199 SpAt pokemon.
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>>16161039 (I used Psypoke's damage calculator for that.)
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>>16160848 >Adaptability Boom Burst Anonymous
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bumping for Taillow
Sagan 3411-1018-8812 (Woobuffett, Gothorita, Munna)
Sagan 3411-1018-8812 (Woobuffett, Gothorita, Munna) Fri 22 Nov 2013 12:15:35 No. 16161275 Report >>16161039 You can't drop protect, though. Toxic orb takes a turn to become active. Not to mention that you will be outsped by almost anything without speed evs.
Sagan 3411-1018-8812 (Woobuffett, Gothorita, Munna)
Sagan 3411-1018-8812 (Woobuffett, Gothorita, Munna) Fri 22 Nov 2013 12:16:38 No. 16161282 Report >>16161275 And you should add quick attack for stab priority.
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>>16159469 >Aegislash >physical It has 150 sp atk, faggot.
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>>16161282 You can find other options for the toxic orb to become active, but quick attack is great.
Also he has 314 speed even without the EV, it's nice, isn't it?