>>16169688Yes it is good, in fact you could argue it's better than X in some cases. There's going to be that one idiot that goes "hurr muh rocks", but don't listen to that faggot.
For starters look at it's special attack.
http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/stat/sp-attack.shtmlThat's a lot, not to mention he gets Drought. Yes it's not unlimited but it's extremely useful. For one thing it means Water only does x1 to him, so he is only weak to rocks and electric most of the time. Electric is taken care of because a lot of it is Sp.Atk and his Sp.Def is decent, not to mention Thunder's accuracy is reduced in the Sun. Solar Beam is also very usable on him. The best part? His fire STAB gets a boost. That's insane. A STAB fire attack in the Sun coming off of 159 Sp.Atk is going to hurt.
Yes, you need to worry about rocks. But you should be carrying a rapid spinner anyway, hell, if you have at least 2 Pokemon that are only x2 weak to rocks you should think about carrying a rapid spinner. It can be a pain but it's not impossible to deal with.
His speed is only 100, but a tailwind or flame charge (his attack is okay, you use it for the speed boost and let STAB+Sun make it hurt a bit more) boost can take care of that problem.
Fire Blast
Solar Beam
Dragon Pulse
Tailwind(Pokebank)/Flame Charge