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No.16170252 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"Use Mega Kangaskhan in Battle Maison, you can't lose"
>"M-Kanga turns 100 win streak into easy mode"

Okay, I'll try one if it's that good. Fake Out / Sucker Punch / Earthquake / Power-up Punch seems like a good moveset.
>First match goes well, but after that...
>Starmie spamming Cosmic Power
>Stockpile + Gastro Acid Victreebel
>Aromatisse with Confuse Ray / Attract / Charm
>One in three trainers uses that same Thunder Wave + Dragon Dance Gyarados
>Confuse Ray / Swagger EVERYWHERE
>Unaware Quagsire

Holy fucking shit, I knew from past experiences that the game likes to build teams to counter yours but I sure as hell wasn't expecting anything like that. The AI abuses your Sucker Punch like fuck and uses status moves over and over again. I got a 26 win streak and after the first match every opponent, LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING OPPONENT, used some stat booster or T-Wave / WoW Pokemon as their lead. Sucker Punch Mega Kangaskhan sure as hell doesn't work in Maison since the opponent will just set up on your face until you run out of PP and then destroy you. Mega Kanga is not easy mode, it's fucking hard mode and I've done much better without Mega Kanga. Was it just some epic ruse or what the hell? I can't believe that all you others out there just sweep with Kangaskhan and the AI blindly uses attacking moves over and over again because that worked only in the first match.

Pic related, into the PC it goes, never to see the light of day again.