Galvez 4339-3828-6576 {194}
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
The ones I plan to keep are marked with *** All other are free to anyone who wants them. 000000 Froakie (F) - Modest, Protean, 31\31\31\14\31\31 [1689] 000001 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 15\31\31\31\31\31 [2256] 000010 Froakie (M) - Modest, Torrent, 31\15\31\31\31\31 [1671]*** 000011 Froakie (M) - Modest, Torrent, 6\8\31\31\31\31 [1926] 000100 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31\8\16\31\31\31 [888] 000101 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31\8\31\10\31\31 [2168] 000110 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31\8\31\19\31\31 [1623] 000111 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31\31\31\31\23\31 [2386] 001000 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31\8\31\31\21\31 [2188] 001001 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31\31\31\31\6\31 [1972] 001010 Gone ]]----------------------------------------------- 001011 Froakie (M) - Modest, Torrent, 28\31\31\31\31\31 [1939] 001100 Froakie (M) - Modest, Torrent, 31\31\31\31\30\31 [443]*** 001101 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31\28\31\31\31\31 [588]*** 001110 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31\8\31\31\31\18 [2685] 001111 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [2660]*** 010000 Froakie (M) - Modest, Torrent, 31\31\31\31\0\31 [3206] 010001 Froakie (F) - Modest, Protean, 31\31\31\31\29\31 [2683]***
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {SV: 4070}
Heading out soon so grab em while you can... Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 23\5\31\31\31\31 [1325] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\31\31\7\31\31 [HATCHED] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 23\31\31\17\11\31 [3178] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 23\31\31\7\21\5 [3145] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\18\31\31\31\5 [2409] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 23\31\31\7\22\5 [3196] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Poison Heal, 23\31\31\7\4\5 [1636] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\31\31\20\11\5 [1797] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\31\26\31\11\5 [3358] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 23\20\31\31\11\31 [TRADED] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 24\31\31\7\11\31 [905] Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Poison Heal, 31\29\31\7\11\5 [3885] Froakie (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 7\31\11\26\7\31 [2584] Froakie (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 31\31\31\26\31\13 [4018] Froakie (F) - Adamant, Torrent, 31\31\31\31\13\31 [3675] Froakie (F) - Adamant, Torrent, 31\0\31\29\31\31 [3436] Froakie (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 31\21\11\31\7\17 [400] Froakie (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 31\18\31\26\7\17 [541] Gastly (M) - Timid, Levitate, 31\16\31\0\31\24 [2437] Gastly (M) - Timid, Levitate, 31\16\7\7\29\31 [3442] Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 24\31\31\7\31\21 [2833] Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 24\11\7\31\31\24 [312] Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 24\16\7\7\21\24 [TRADED] Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 31\16\7\20\31\31 [3412] Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 15\31\31\31\31\24 [2578] Gastly (M) - Timid, Levitate, 31\4\31\7\31\31 [2404] Gastly (M) - Timid, Levitate, 31\31\7\31\22\31 [3478] Gastly (M) - Timid, Levitate, 29\31\7\7\12\31 [1138] Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 24\31\31\17\12\24 [1206] Gastly (M) - Timid, Levitate, 24\31\28\7\12\31 [251]
Mute 4141-2536-0321 {470}
Mathias 2766-9266-0986 Grass {4095}
Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 31\5\31\31\31\31 [1235]** Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 12\13\31\31\31\31 [2643]hatched Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 31\28\31\31\18\31 [2420] Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\13\31\31\31\31 [2270]** Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\28\31\31\16\31 [3769] Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\13\7\31\31\31 [551] Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 31\11\31\31\31\31 [606]** Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\13\31\30\31\31 [2942] Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\28\31\24\31\31 [2910] Ralts (F) - Calm, Synchronize, 6\13\31\31\31\31 [1307]hatched Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\3\31\31\31\31 [2517]** Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 31\28\31\31\23\31 [4068] Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\28\31\4\31\31 [1543] Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 31\13\31\31\31\11 [2512] Ralts (M) - Calm, Synchronize, 31\13\31\6\31\31 [1330]hatched Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\22\31\31\31\31 [3883]hatched Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 31\28\10\31\31\31 [3182] Ralts (F) - Calm, Synchronize, 31\4\31\31\31\31 [1628] Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\28\16\31\31\31 [3082] Ralts (F) - Calm, Synchronize, 1\13\31\31\31\31 [4091] Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\13\31\31\31\24 [175] Ralts (M) - Calm, Synchronize, 31\28\31\26\31\31 [1042] Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\13\31\31\6\31 [3139] Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 10\28\31\31\31\31 [2120] Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 31\29\31\31\31\31 [3741]** Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 28\13\31\31\31\31 [738] Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 31\13\31\28\31\31 [1319]hatched Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 31\20\31\31\31\31 [1269] Ralts (F) - Calm, Trace, 31\2\31\31\31\31 [2331]** Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\13\9\31\31\31 [1735] really want to hatch one of the **
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:12:17 No. 16177239 Report Quoted By:
New pastebin with Gastlies, I'd like the asterisks ones back please.
Jake [X] 3222 5579 4788 [1668]
Burmy (F) - Jolly, Shed Skin, 1\19\25\8\25\4 [582] Burmy (M) - Serious, Shed Skin, 21\13\31\16\25\15 [873] Burmy (F) - Timid, Shed Skin, 1\1\15\1\25\11 [342] Burmy (M) - Naive, Shed Skin, 30\15\25\15\25\15 [858] Burmy (F) - Timid, Shed Skin, 30\0\25\13\3\2 [4010] Burmy (F) - Relaxed, Shed Skin, 1\7\10\15\3\2 [1370] Burmy (M) - Lax, Shed Skin, 22\13\25\15\23\7 [2587] Burmy (M) - Mild, Shed Skin, 1\28\26\16\25\29 [758] Burmy (M) - Naughty, Shed Skin, 12\0\1\13\3\24 [1010] Burmy (F) - Modest, Shed Skin, 29\0\26\31\25\20 [1725] Burmy (F) - Modest, Shed Skin, 12\7\18\15\25\12 [932] Burmy (F) - Naughty, Shed Skin, 12\0\9\8\21\11 [2422] HATCHED Burmy (F) - Careful, Shed Skin, 12\3\11\15\3\16 [4004] Burmy (M) - Quirky, Shed Skin, 1\29\24\1\29\15 [3679] Burmy (F) - Timid, Shed Skin, 1\0\13\8\3\5 [3029] Burmy (M) - Bashful, Shed Skin, 29\0\23\15\28\11 [2088] HATCHED Burmy (M) - Careful, Shed Skin, 31\16\15\1\3\11 [2137] Burmy (F) - Calm, Shed Skin, 1\13\26\1\12\22 [3789] Burmy (M) - Naughty, Shed Skin, 12\0\30\1\11\21 [3384] Burmy (M) - Careful, Shed Skin, 12\0\3\31\27\15 [513] Burmy (M) - Bashful, Shed Skin, 23\0\25\15\10\23 [1981] Burmy (M) - Calm, Shed Skin, 12\14\18\1\26\11 [1479] Burmy (M) - Hasty, Shed Skin, 1\1\23\1\25\12 [2882] Burmy (F) - Serious, Shed Skin, 1\12\25\13\25\11 [640] Burmy (F) - Relaxed, Shed Skin, 12\13\25\19\29\17 [848] Chatot (F) - Sassy, Keen Eye, 29\8\28\0\28\0 [527] Chatot (M) - Brave, Tangled Feet, 10\4\21\12\4\0 [3495] Chatot (F) - Mild, Keen Eye, 10\11\20\31\23\0 [1345] Chatot (M) - Gentle, Keen Eye, 4\28\21\22\26\0 [3188]
Anonymous (FC: 0490-5593-3525)
Quoted By:
My SV is 905 if anyone needs me to hatch anything. FC is above, and IGN is Serena.
Kobe 0301-9785-1116 {1802}
Quoted By:
Posting SV BTW, if anyone sees Chaos(?), tell him i matched one of his larvitar from a couple days ago
Serena 3196 4078 5005 SV 3681
Quoted By:
Reposting Mawile (F) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\0\31\31\0\31 [2241] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\0\31\1\31\20 [1587] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\0\3\1\31\31 [1876] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\31\6\31 [HATCHED] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 27\31\31\31\31\31 [2764] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\0\31\11\31\31 [2087] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\31\31\10 [1144] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\0\13\31\31\31 [846] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\28\1\31\31 [2514] **Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\23\31\31 [2503] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\1\16\31 [2044] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 23\0\31\31\31\31 [3820] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\0\31\31\31\31 [1124] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\1\31\16 [2957] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\0\31\20\31\31 [45] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\15\31\31\31 [2553] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\15\31\31\31 [2285] **Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\2\31\31 [563] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\27\31\31\31\31 [3447] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\12\1\31\31 [1360] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\1\31\2 [3185] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\0\31\1\15\31 [132] *Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\1\31\30 [3990] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\2\1\31\31 [3713] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\12\1\31\31 [51] **Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\0\31\31 [HATCHED] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 14\31\31\1\31\31 [1109] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\31\31\20 [1245]
Seikyo {414} 0576-4252-0349
Aa-ron 1650-0956-9524 SV{3909}
Jake [X] 3222 5579 4788 [1668]
Burmy (F) - Hasty, Shed Skin, 12\21\26\15\20\15 [3729] HATCHED Burmy (F) - Gentle, Shed Skin, 16\13\26\12\19\11 [1959] Burmy (F) - Quiet, Shed Skin, 16\13\25\1\10\30 [1768] Burmy (F) - Quiet, Shed Skin, 1\12\26\21\25\20 [1551] Burmy (M) - Mild, Shed Skin, 12\13\26\9\2\11 [2504] Burmy (F) - Jolly, Shed Skin, 1\19\25\8\25\4 [582] Burmy (M) - Serious, Shed Skin, 21\13\31\16\25\15 [873] Burmy (F) - Timid, Shed Skin, 1\1\15\1\25\11 [342] Burmy (M) - Naive, Shed Skin, 30\15\25\15\25\15 [858] Burmy (F) - Timid, Shed Skin, 30\0\25\13\3\2 [4010] Burmy (F) - Relaxed, Shed Skin, 1\7\10\15\3\2 [1370] Burmy (M) - Lax, Shed Skin, 22\13\25\15\23\7 [2587] Burmy (M) - Mild, Shed Skin, 1\28\26\16\25\29 [758] Burmy (M) - Naughty, Shed Skin, 12\0\1\13\3\24 [1010] Burmy (F) - Modest, Shed Skin, 29\0\26\31\25\20 [1725] Burmy (F) - Modest, Shed Skin, 12\7\18\15\25\12 [932] Burmy (F) - Naughty, Shed Skin, 12\0\9\8\21\11 [2422] HATCHED Burmy (F) - Careful, Shed Skin, 12\3\11\15\3\16 [4004] Burmy (M) - Quirky, Shed Skin, 1\29\24\1\29\15 [3679] Burmy (F) - Timid, Shed Skin, 1\0\13\8\3\5 [3029] Burmy (M) - Bashful, Shed Skin, 29\0\23\15\28\11 [2088] HATCHED Burmy (M) - Careful, Shed Skin, 31\16\15\1\3\11 [2137] Burmy (F) - Calm, Shed Skin, 1\13\26\1\12\22 [3789] Burmy (M) - Naughty, Shed Skin, 12\0\30\1\11\21 [3384] Burmy (M) - Careful, Shed Skin, 12\0\3\31\27\15 [513] Burmy (M) - Bashful, Shed Skin, 23\0\25\15\10\23 [1981] Burmy (M) - Calm, Shed Skin, 12\14\18\1\26\11 [1479] Burmy (M) - Hasty, Shed Skin, 1\1\23\1\25\12 [2882] Burmy (F) - Serious, Shed Skin, 1\12\25\13\25\11 [640] Burmy (F) - Relaxed, Shed Skin, 12\13\25\19\29\17 [848]
Luna 4098-3112-1798 {3994}
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
Quoted By:
postan for ctrl+f
Candeloro SV:2776
Quoted By:
Desperately looking for a 3601. Anyone? Will reward you with a 31/31/31/31/25/31 GW Talonflame.
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655}
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:15:14 No. 16177319 Report Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
looking for someone to help me check my shiny value, and a few eggs! i'm fulling willing to help anyone who matches up with me, and give eggs that i don't specifically need.i just want to help guys. :(
Sieah 1719-3185-3638 {3189}
Quoted By:
Fararie I matched one of your ghastlys in the last thread. Hit me up.
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
4597-0025-1543 [3860]
Quoted By:
posting to get my SV out there
Clay 3239-2733-5258
Ken, the egg you gave me wasn't a shiny. Sorry.
Evan 4597-0025-1543 [3860]
>>16177319 >Drilbur (M) - Adamant, Sand Rush, 31\31\23\25\9\17 [3860] Can I have this one? I have petilils, disable gastlies, and maybe some togepis and ralts with good IVs.
Roland/Liliana 2380-3706-4024 Ground: Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon {551}
Roland/Liliana 2380-3706-4024 Ground: Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon {551} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:19:32 No. 16177411 Report Quoted By:
Can hatch Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\13\7\31\31\31 for you.
>>16177368 So send it back to him unhatched?
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655}
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:20:10 No. 16177426 Report >>16177371 Yeah you can have it, i will take the disable gastly
Clay 3239-2733-5258 [1616]
Quoted By:
Please help me out if you can! Rotom - Hasty, Levitate, 12\2\7\19\25\11 [3120] Rotom - Sassy, Levitate, 26\28\7\25\6\26 [3705] Rotom - Timid, Levitate, 12\17\31\22\6\27 [628] Rotom - Gentle, Levitate, 26\26\31\19\4\8 [3983] Rotom - Naive, Levitate, 19\3\31\19\13\30 [161] Rotom - Naughty, Levitate, 12\25\13\1\16\30 [3006] Rotom - Adamant, Levitate, 22\28\7\19\24\1 [3277] Rotom - Naive, Levitate, 26\7\31\8\13\30 [2045] Rotom - Rash, Levitate, 12\11\7\19\3\1 [3313]
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritimb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritimb Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:20:26 No. 16177431 Report >>16177243 >Burmy (M) - Calm, Shed Skin, 12\14\18\1\26\11 [1479] Can hatch this one my friend.
Quoted By:
Someone can hatch a shiny chespin for me?
Jake [X] 3222 5579 4788 [1668]
>>16177431 Okay! Adding you now.
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Bibarel, Frogadier, Quagsire] {1655}
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Bibarel, Frogadier, Quagsire] {1655} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:21:53 No. 16177477 Report >>16177426 Shit, we have the same SV D:
Roland/Liliana 2380-3706-4024 Ground: Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon {551}
Roland/Liliana 2380-3706-4024 Ground: Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon {551} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:22:28 No. 16177488 Report Quoted By:
>>16177223 Can hatch the Ralts (M) - Calm, Trace, 31\13\7\31\31\31 [551] for you.
Clay 3239-2733-5258 [1616]
>>16177422 I hatched it and it wasn't shiny.
I think he gave me the wrong one.
Quoted By:
Could someone with Instacheck help me to check a box?
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritimb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritimb Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:22:51 No. 16177498 Report >>16177466 damn didnt know as a dead quote, Thanks want it back?
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad) {2079}
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad) {2079} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:22:58 No. 16177502 Report Posting for SV and updated list Sneasels up for grabs.
Anonymous (FC: 0490-5593-3525)
>>16177217 Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 24\31\31\7\11\31 [905]
I have this SV, if you'd like me to hatch it?
>>16177494 I know, im saying, press L+R + Select
and then send him back that same egg
Unless you're lying
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655}
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:23:56 No. 16177523 Report Quoted By:
Shiba 1478 4013 1693 {3217}
Repostin intensifies Shiba 1478 4013 1693 {3217} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:24:12 No. 16177530 Report Quoted By:
Anything with ^ I would like to keep, everything else can go, by the time I get 5 ^ back I will be handing out the rest. Currently at 2 ^ * Ralts (M) - Adamant, Telepathy, 31\9\31\23\31\31 [4084]^ * Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 16\15\31\31\31\31 [20] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\15\27\31\31\31 [2512]^ * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\9\31\31\31\31 [1896]^ Gone * Charmander (M) - Sassy, Blaze, 9\26\5\2\28\21 [1623] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\30\31\31\31\31 [2113]^ * * Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 28\30\31\31\31\31 [2424]^ * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\30\4\31\31\31 [2654] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\8\31\31\31\31 [2871]^ Gone * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\26\31\31\31\31 [1363]^ * Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\30\31\31\31\19 [2765] * Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\30\31\31\31\26 [452]* * * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 19\30\31\31\31\31 [2518] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\30\31\31\31\1 [1168] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\30\31\31\31\11 [2747] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 23\15\31\31\31\31 [2475]^ * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\18\31\31\31\31 [3844]^ * Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\26\31\31\31\31 [3274]^ * * Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\30\31\27\31\31 [2840]^ * Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\30\31\31\15\31 [1411] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\15\31\31\31\8 [2997] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 25\30\31\31\31\31 [3356]^ * Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 5\30\31\31\31\31 [3980] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 0\30\31\31\31\31 [1346] * * Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\15\31\7\31\31 [3017] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\30\31\31\28\31 [571]^ * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\15\11\31\31\31 [2931]GONE * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\30\4\31\31\31 [2884] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\15\31\31\6\31 [3526] * Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\15\31\31\16\31 [3651]
Kitty 3239-3555-1371 {3421}
>>16177502 >37. Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\0\11\27\31 [3421] I can hatch that one. You want it back?
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {SV: 4070}
>>16177505 you can keep it if you'd like
Quoted By:
>>16177518 Oh.
Shit. Maybe I shouldn't have traded someone else to check their ID.
Jill: 0576-4824-2804(Marowak, Wooper, Diggersby) SV: 727, 2663
Jill: 0576-4824-2804(Marowak, Wooper, Diggersby) SV: 727, 2663 Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:25:20 No. 16177567 Report Quoted By:
posting for CTRL+F
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad) {2079}
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad) {2079} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:26:38 No. 16177599 Report >>16177532 You can keep it, trying to get a Pickpocket one.
Anonymous (FC: 0490-5593-3525)
>>16177533 Well, if you say it's alright I'll keep it then. Just added you, btw.
My code is above.
Jake [X] 3222 5579 4788 [1668]
>>16177498 Nah I had to delete that post because I got some old eggs stuck in there.
Clay 3239-2733-5258 [1616]
Oh wait. I hatched the wrong egg again. I have your shiny Goomy, Ken.
Kitty 3239-3555-1371 {3421}
Quoted By:
>>16177599 Alright, cool. I don't have anything good to give in return, sorry. That ok? I'm adding you now.
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritimb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritimb Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:29:21 No. 16177664 Report Quoted By:
>>16177633 Great Thanks a lot then.
Jake [X] 3222 5579 4788 [1668]
Quoted By:
Chatot (M) - Mild, Keen Eye, 26\16\20\5\6\0 [471] Chatot (M) - Impish, Keen Eye, 10\16\1\8\23\15 [999] Chatot (M) - Quirky, Keen Eye, 25\8\20\5\15\11 [2784] Chatot (M) - Adamant, Keen Eye, 5\0\20\5\6\0 [4061] Chatot (M) - Brave, Keen Eye, 25\13\20\0\23\0 [1859] Chatot (M) - Lax, Keen Eye, 19\8\20\5\22\26 [1512] Chatot (F) - Adamant, Tangled Feet, 29\16\15\4\10\29 [2332] Chatot (F) - Hardy, Keen Eye, 20\28\20\16\23\29 [1833] Chatot (F) - Naughty, Keen Eye, 17\30\21\0\26\2 [1650] Chatot (F) - Naive, Keen Eye, 29\10\16\29\26\29 [3427] Chatot (F) - Quiet, Keen Eye, 26\16\20\19\26\9 [1302] Chatot (F) - Sassy, Keen Eye, 29\8\28\0\28\0 [527] Chatot (M) - Brave, Tangled Feet, 10\4\21\12\4\0 [3495] Chatot (F) - Mild, Keen Eye, 10\11\20\31\23\0 [1345] Chatot (M) - Gentle, Keen Eye, 4\28\21\22\26\0 [3188]
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:29:36 No. 16177669 Report Quoted By: Updated the Goomy List.
Be back in a few. Need to run to the store really quick.
Someone with Instacheck available to check a box? You'll be a kind soul.
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {SV: 4070}
>>16177615 no problem, adding you
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - (1636)
I would like at least one of the marked ones back, so the first that's hatched. The rest are gifts. Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\31\31\28\31 [805] Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\6\31\31\31\31 [2466]* Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\24\31\31\31 [2915] Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 28\29\31\31\31\31 [1220] Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 11\1\31\31\31\31 [1224] Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\29\31\31\16\31 [4002] Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\29\0\31\31\31 [3658] Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 14\29\31\31\31\31 [3990] Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\5\31\31\31\31 [908]* Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\8\31\31\31 [3391] Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\22\31\31\31\31 [1145]* Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\29\17\31\31\31 [4007] Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\31\17\31\31 [3630] Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\31\31\31\31 [3379]* Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\31\31\31\31 [1000]* Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\29\31\31\31\4 [2088] Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\29\31\31\21\31 [1981]* Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\29\31\31\31\27 [3152] Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\29\31\9\31\31 [541] Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\9\31\31\31\31 [2990]* Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\31\31\8\31 [3422] Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\31\31\20\31 [1327] Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\31\31\29\31 [963] Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\29\31\31\31\2 [1432] Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\29\31\31\4\31 [807]
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
>>16177321 i'll be here waiting....
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055}
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:32:58 No. 16177768 Report All of these are free if your TSV matches.
Torchic, Seviper: Durant: Anonymous
My TSV: 3559 Free Ralts, take them plox. Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\26\31\29\10\31 [1432] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\27\31\31 [1113] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\10\1 [3960] Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\31\30\31\31\31 [2124] Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\31\17\29\31\31 [2119] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\31\10\10 [2191] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\16\31\31\31\31 [3958] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\31\31 [603] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\30\31\29\31\31 [1844] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\31\11 [1369] Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 22\31\31\31\10\31 [2469] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\19\31 [3014] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\31\10 [710] Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 21\31\31\29\10\31 [706] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\17\31 [666] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\17\31 [666] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\19\31 [2301] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 8\31\31\31\31\31 [2865] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\21\31\29\31\31 [2517] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\23\31\29\31\31 [1676] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\30\31\31\31 [1169] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 10\31\31\31\31\31 [2613] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\21\31 [453] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 18\31\31\31\10\31 [1457] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\20\29\10\31 [2370] Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 6\31\31\29\31\31 [1404] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\31\10\16 [81] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\28\31\31 [1714] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\8\31\31 [1354] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 29\31\31\31\31\31 [1219]
Gabby 2363-6791-9909 {4036}
Once more for tonight. Need these hatched:
Posting again, need these hatched:
3. Goomy (F) - Calm, Hydration, 27\7\31\31\31\31 [2295] *
14. Goomy (F) - Calm, Hydration, 17\7\31\31\31\31 [3831] *
15. Goomy (F) - Calm, Hydration, 31\21\31\31\31\25 [2858] *
16. Goomy (M) - Calm, Hydration, 31\27\29\31\27\31 [0] *
23. Goomy (F) - Calm, Hydration, 31\7\29\31\27\31 [1470] *
28. Goomy (F) - Calm, Hydration, 31\21\19\31\27\31 [536] *
29. Goomy (F) - Calm, Hydration, 31\5\31\31\31\31 [1403] *
And everything in here free. Kane [1779-0650-1464] - (1636)
>>16177217 >Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Poison Heal, 23\31\31\7\4\5 [1636] We have a match.
guoonho 2766 8432 2369 [normal] [Lillipup, Kelcleon, Chansey] {904}
guoonho 2766 8432 2369 [normal] [Lillipup, Kelcleon, Chansey] {904} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:34:42 No. 16177817 Report Quoted By:
yall niggas know what it is Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\23\31\29\31\31 [1819]gone Mawile (F) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\13\0\31\31 [215] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\12\29\31\31 [2964]gone Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\29\27\31 [378]** Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 27\31\31\0\31\31 [1829]** Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\0\31\4 [48] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\29\31\10 [2713] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\21\31\31 [1506]** Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\26\31\31 [3748]** Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\18\0\31\31 [383] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\7\31\31 [2520] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\0\6\31 [605] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\23\31\31 [1640]** Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\3\0\31\31 [3660] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\1\0\31\31 [3382] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\29\31\2 [3501] Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\0\31\15 [3372] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\29\31\19 [563] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 24\31\31\0\31\31 [3515] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\17\31\31 [534]** Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 12\31\31\29\31\31 [1896]gone Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\13\31\29\31\31 [1804] Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\30\29\31\31 [3784]** Mawile (M) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\11\31\29\31\31 [151]
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] (Normal) {SV: Y:3167 X:2808}
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] (Normal) {SV: Y:3167 X:2808} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:35:02 No. 16177826 Report Quoted By:
>>16177802 I just added you, I can accept the egg now
Evan 4597-0025-1543 [3860]
>>16177768 >Seviper (F) - Jolly, Shed Skin, 25\31\31\4\31\27 [3860] I'll take this one if you don't mind. I have Modest Petilils, Timid Disable Gastlies, and maybe a few random Togepis and Ralts if you want any of those.
Serena 3840-6186-4805 SV {1378} (Seviper, Ariados, Muk)
Serena 3840-6186-4805 SV {1378} (Seviper, Ariados, Muk) Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:35:19 No. 16177829 Report GLIGAR!! I want only the marked one **, the others you can have them
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16177768 Torchic (M) - Jolly, Speed Boost, 31\2\17\31\31\31 [455]
If I could keep it I would like it.
Kitty 3239-3555-1371 {3421}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:35:58 No. 16177846 Report >>16177749 I've got your back, buddy. Adding.
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {SV: 4070}
Quoted By:
>>16177805 just finish up my current trade and ill add you
Serena 3840-6186-4805 SV {1378} (Seviper, Ariados, Muk)
Serena 3840-6186-4805 SV {1378} (Seviper, Ariados, Muk) Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:36:21 No. 16177854 Report Griffin [1263-6570-0392] (Normal) {SV: Y:3167 X:2808}
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] (Normal) {SV: Y:3167 X:2808} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:37:17 No. 16177880 Report >>16177854 >Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 8\4\26\12\18\19 [2808] Anonymous
Quoted By:
So far, 3 people seeked me out through my Twitter to hatch eggs for them, and neither posted their eggs here or in a pastebin. Kinda fucked up.
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay)
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay) Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:37:22 No. 16177884 Report Quoted By:
Posting so you can find my SV.
chuy 2423-3339-7005 SV:{218}
>>16177768 Torchic (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\12\31\31\31\31 [218]
do you mind if i take this?
Anonymous (FC: 0490-5593-3525)
>>16177727 Is your Instacheck messing up? Everytime I try to trade, it always disconnects for some reason.
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055}
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:38:32 No. 16177915 Report >>16177827 I'd love a Petilil, if it isn't too much trouble!
>>16177832 Yep, it's all yours.
Hatching an egg for someone right now, but I'll add you two as soon as I'm done.
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
>>16177846 thank you friend, much appreciated!
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {SV: 4070}
Quoted By:
>>16177905 yeah i keep getting errors. keep trying it'll happen eventually
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16177797 2nd box:
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\31\14 [2799]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\18\31\29\10\31 [713]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\5\31\31\31\31 [1701]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\31\10\31 [1037]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\13\31\31\10\31 [2168]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\19\10\31 [4057]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\1\31\31 [1921]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 15\31\31\29\31\31 [1777]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\18\31 [1748]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\31\0\31 [3322]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 3\31\31\31\10\31 [3528]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\2\31\31 [1428]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\3\31\31\31 [1595]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\13\31\29\31\31 [2308]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\31\31\18\31\31 [3018]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\31\31\31\31\19 [3887]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 15\31\31\31\31\31 [3602]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\31\31\31\14\31 [2515]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\31\31\31\31\22 [246]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\31\13 [837]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\31\3\31 [3688]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\25\10\31 [3476]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\5\10\31 [2605]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\31\8\31 [543]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 20\31\31\29\10\31 [1233]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\10\4 [2896]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\13\31\31\31\31 [3024]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\27\31\31 [1423]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\29\13\31 [1906]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\23\29\10\31 [743]
Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\31\29\31\10\31 [3301]
Rojo FC: 0860-3659-4107 TSV: 529 IGN: Joey
Rojo FC: 0860-3659-4107 TSV: 529 IGN: Joey Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:40:53 No. 16177963 Report Quoted By:
Ivan (Quitchan) | 3024 - 6236 - 6069 | Mankey, Tyrogue, Sawk | SV: {2432}
Ivan (Quitchan) | 3024 - 6236 - 6069 | Mankey, Tyrogue, Sawk | SV: {2432} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:41:35 No. 16177977 Report >>16174350 >Rotom - Modest, Levitate, 29\6\31\31\1\10 [3707] Hey, if you're still here, my girlfriend has a matching SV for this Rotom egg. I don't have any breeding leftovers to give you for it as I've mostly just been hatching people's eggs when I've been playing, though.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37] Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:41:53 No. 16177981 Report >>16177768 >Seviper (M) - Modest, Shed Skin, 8\19\2\31\10\31 [37] Would it be alright if I could have this?
Serena 3840-6186-4805 SV {1378} (Seviper, Ariados, Muk)
Serena 3840-6186-4805 SV {1378} (Seviper, Ariados, Muk) Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:41:54 No. 16177982 Report Quoted By:
>>16177880 OK! I'm online now!
Saris X 2234-7134-8522 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle) {3391}
Saris X 2234-7134-8522 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle) {3391} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:42:15 No. 16177992 Report >>16177746 >Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\8\31\31\31 [3391] That's me! May I? :D
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:42:24 No. 16177995 Report >>16177928 Question, you have your instacheck ready or do you want me to check your SV?
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:43:15 No. 16178018 Report Quoted By:
Just posting in case anyone happens to come along with an egg I can hatch.
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
>>16177995 i can't get it working, so ineed my SV and some eggs checked if possible
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - (1636)
>>16177992 Of course. I'm just waiting on another trade, then I'll add you. Stick around.
Chris 0447 5586 5348
Can someone check my shiny value for me? Could not get the program to work.
Trevor {3695} 4141-1947-3177
Quoted By:
>No matches found ;_; I brought this feel upon myself.
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055}
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:44:29 No. 16178048 Report >>16177898 >>16177981 They're all yours - just added you, about to get back online.
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:44:32 No. 16178049 Report >>16177854 >Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\26\31\28\31\31 [851] A friend of mine has the same SV, can I take this?
Ken 5343-8372-0361 {3633}
Quoted By:
>>16177642 yeah i was like, i made sure to check the ID when i gave it to you so theres no way that would be right
im getting on now if youre still here
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:45:31 No. 16178074 Report >>16178032 Alright, then let me setup my stuff first. I'll ask you for a trade when I'm ready.
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
Quoted By:
>>16177995 also, sorry about that, accidentally clicked offer and i couldn't do anything....
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {SV: 4070}
>>16178033 hey man ill add you now, was just having the worst luck with com errors
Quoted By:
0 of 0 general
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\20\31\29\23\31 [1173]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 29\24\31\31\23\31 [1938]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\31\31\31\23\31 [1022]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\28\31\29\31\31 [3513]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [1417]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\28\20\31\31\31 [GONE]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\31\13\31\23\31 [595]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\21\31\31\31\31 [1527]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 26\27\31\31\31\31 [916]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Torrent, 31\28\31\31\31\31 [1990]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [181]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Torrent, 31\31\31\20\31\31 [1363]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 21\31\31\31\31\31 [38]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 24\31\31\31\31\31 [1210]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\28\31\31\31\31 [679]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\31\31\29\31\31 [2767]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 26\31\31\21\31\31 [1656]**
For the ones not marked, you hatch it, you keep it!
Saris X 2234-7134-8522 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle) {3391}
Saris X 2234-7134-8522 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle) {3391} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:48:09 No. 16178125 Report Quoted By:
>>16178033 Added you! Ready when you are.
King of Espurr (Niko) - FC 4468-1601-9118 {SV:706/1067/2719}
King of Espurr (Niko) - FC 4468-1601-9118 {SV:706/1067/2719} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:49:48 No. 16178153 Report Quoted By:
>>16177797 Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 21\31\31\29\10\31 [706]
Ding ding, we have a winner. I'll give you one of my purrs for it.
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - (1636)
Quoted By:
>>16178102 I don't mind waiting.
Serena 3840-6186-4805 SV {1378} (Seviper, Ariados, Muk)
Serena 3840-6186-4805 SV {1378} (Seviper, Ariados, Muk) Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:50:19 No. 16178161 Report >>16178049 ok, I'm gonna add you :)
Quoted By:
Any help checking a box? Don't have Instacheck myself.
chuy 2423-3339-7005 SV:{218}
>>16178048 thanks for the torchic
Marker(Jake){SV:2496}[FC: 3883-6087-9362]
Marker(Jake){SV:2496}[FC: 3883-6087-9362] Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:50:49 No. 16178169 Report Eevee (M) - Quiet, Run Away, 12\28\23\6\18\31 [3958] Eevee (F) - Hasty, Run Away, 30\4\31\22\14\13 [3138] Eevee (M) - Bold, Run Away, 22\17\31\25\30\4 [3250] Eevee (M) - Quirky, Run Away, 13\3\8\4\30\4 [2661] Eevee (M) - Quirky, Run Away, 30\18\26\10\30\4 [312] Eevee (M) - Careful, Run Away, 30\7\8\19\3\10 [2304] Eevee (M) - Serious, Run Away, 30\1\31\0\24\31 [3503] Eevee (F) - Serious, Run Away, 12\4\27\24\18\4 [3363] Eevee (M) - Lax, Adaptability, 2\17\8\19\30\31 [479] Eevee (F) - Careful, Run Away, 31\4\8\7\0\28 [202] Eevee (M) - Impish, Run Away, 7\28\1\19\18\4 [702] Eevee (M) - Lax, Run Away, 31\24\31\25\14\4 [4035] space Beldum - Hardy, Clear Body, 24\5\13\30\27\9 [2334] Beldum - Bold, Clear Body, 22\28\13\8\27\30 [3842] Beldum - Bashful, Clear Body, 13\6\8\15\27\4 [4063] Beldum - Bold, Clear Body, 30\12\3\3\27\24 [371] Beldum - Quiet, Clear Body, 30\2\19\31\17\4 [2325] Beldum - Serious, Clear Body, 19\1\13\31\27\4 [2817] Beldum - Sassy, Clear Body, 30\12\21\17\2\4 [2950] Beldum - Lonely, Clear Body, 24\11\8\22\27\18 [2829] Beldum - Timid, Clear Body, 30\12\25\31\30\19 [1499] Beldum - Docile, Clear Body, 26\21\23\31\26\4 [2738] Beldum - Lax, Clear Body, 26\28\8\1\27\11 [2269] Beldum - Relaxed, Clear Body, 29\28\31\22\31\4 [993]
Ken 5343-8372-0361 {3633}
King of Espurr (Niko) - FC 4468-1601-9118 {SV:706/1067/2719}
King of Espurr (Niko) - FC 4468-1601-9118 {SV:706/1067/2719} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:51:05 No. 16178174 Report >>16177797 Uh, what's your friend code?
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2996
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2996 Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:51:13 No. 16178180 Report >>16177957 I can help you.
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:51:49 No. 16178188 Report Quoted By:
>>16178161 Cool, thanks my OT is Lucia. I´ll see you in a moment.
Alex 0173-2271-1788 {917} (Beartic, Snover, Lapras)
Alex 0173-2271-1788 {917} (Beartic, Snover, Lapras) Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:52:31 No. 16178197 Report >>16177854 >Scyther (F) - Impish, Technician, 14\11\3\23\23\31 [917] I match this! You said the gligars are free, but what about the scythers?
>>16178180 thanks!
FC is 1547 6339 4135
Clay 3239-2733-5258 [1616]
>>16178172 Yeah. Sorry for being retarded earlier.
>>16178174 0146 9840 9810
Which one you want?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202)
Quoted By:
I can't get the program to work, specifically because I am running on a desktop without a wireless adapter. Can someone help me out?
Ken 5343-8372-0361 {3633}
King of Espurr (Niko) - FC 4468-1601-9118 {SV:706/1067/2719}
King of Espurr (Niko) - FC 4468-1601-9118 {SV:706/1067/2719} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:54:24 No. 16178230 Report >>16178206 Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 21\31\31\29\10\31 [706]
I'll give you one of my 5IV purrs for it.
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055}
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055} Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:55:24 No. 16178257 Report >>16177947 I have no goddamn clue where egg 455 went. I'm trying to look for it.
Michael/Mark SV: {3853}/{1145}
>>16177746 Larvesta (M) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\22\31\31\31\31 [1145]
My brother is not here hes on a school trip but he has 1145 code. Would you be willing to give up that larvesta? If not its all good but I figured I'd ask.
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2422}
Fresh Riolu eggs. I want my Yellow Brocario. They have vacuum wave. I want the first one of you guys can hatch for me. The ones with ** I extra want.
After I get my first bro, you match you win. (Except it if its **) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>16178230 K, I added you.
Chris 0447 5586 5348
>>16178041 Bump. Come on guys I need this.
Serena 3840-6186-4805 SV {1378} (Seviper, Ariados, Muk)
Serena 3840-6186-4805 SV {1378} (Seviper, Ariados, Muk) Sat 23 Nov 2013 03:58:48 No. 16178320 Report >>16178197 oh i forgot about the scythers! those are free too! :D
1247-0122-1521 {1776}
Quoted By:
getting my sv out there
Serenity (0001 3836 0202)
I don't know my SV, how can I find it?
Trevor {3695} 4141-1947-3177
>>16178291 Don't give up anon he's worth it
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296 Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:00:26 No. 16178351 Report >>16178201 Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\12\31 [319]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\5\31\18\31\31 [3698]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 1\31\31\18\31\31 [3688]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\13\31 [2409]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\18\31\31 [2004]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\2\31\18\31\31 [752]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\1\31 [63]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 18\31\31\18\31\31 [1187]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\8\31 [623]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 21\31\31\18\31\31 [1850]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\31\10 [3829]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\31\13 [3742]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\17\31\31 [1026]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\3\31 [1486]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 22\31\31\18\31\31 [3552]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\0\31 [3045]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\3\18\31\31 [2461]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\17\18\31\31 [1170]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\31\31 [572]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\2\31\31 [2426]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 15\31\31\18\31\31 [1946]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\30\31\31 [874]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\31\19 [740]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\28\31\31 [393]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 21\31\31\18\31\31 [3384]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\25\18\31\31 [1256]
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\18\26\31 [3329]
Tyrunt (F) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\5\18\31\31 [3971]
Tyrunt (F) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\3\31\18\31\31 [1871]
Tyrunt (F) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\14\31\31 [1992]
Alex 0173-2271-1788 {917} (Beartic, Snover, Lapras)
Alex 0173-2271-1788 {917} (Beartic, Snover, Lapras) Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:00:55 No. 16178359 Report Quoted By:
>>16178320 Awesome! I added you, yo.
I-Is it bad I just hatched a Male Shiny Mawile, but want a Female one and can't use the one I have? It's not, right?
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - (1636)
>>16178275 I'll have to turn you down. It's not fair on someone else with a matching SV if I make an exception with you, sorry.
Maybe if I get one of the others hatched and given back, but until then.
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2422}
>>16178346 Of course he is. I've one fully trained, but I've put some effort in these eggs.
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
>>16178074 are you still around bro?
Trevor {3695} 4141-1947-3177
>>16178381 Could always chain one if you've already got one for your team, his patch is easy.
Izumi 1306-6310-0304 SV [543]
Quoted By:
>>16177948 Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\31\8\31 [543]
may i plz get this one
Jahn C FC: 5429-7924-0969 SV:2931
Eevee eggs! *** = I really want them. Since I haven’t had any yet, I’d like the firsts regardless of *** 1/2 1. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\2\31 [2811] 2. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\14\31\31\31 [3086]*** 3. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\16\31\23\31 [2218] 4. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\18\31\31\31\31 [1552] *** 5. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\0\31\31\31 [12] 6. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\8\16\31\15\31 [1245] 7. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 29\31\16\31\15\31 [486] 8. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\16\31\25\31 [1591] 9. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\21\31 [1052] *** 10. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [1909] ****** 11. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 26\31\16\31\15\31 [2589] 12. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\20\16\31\31\31 [925] 13. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\20\31\31 [2613] 14. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\7\31\31\31 [3719] *** 15. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\11\16\31\15\31 [1228]16. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\15\21 [2968] 17. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\31\31 [647] *** 18. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\31\31\4\31 [2009] *** 19. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\7\31 [3198] *** 20. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 16\31\31\31\31\31 [3937] *** 21. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\24\15\31 [2237] 22. Eevee (F) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\16\31\31\6 [3547] 23. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\1\31 [498] 24. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\5\31\31\15\31 [2594]
Sigma 1059-7911-8159 {1259}
Quoted By:
>>16178368 >not naming it Mr. Waifu Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>16178351 Thanks a lot!
Time to hunt another kind soul to hatch one!
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16178257 Okay. It doesn't matter how long it takes to find it.
Thanks for looking for it.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: 937 / X: 2000 / X*: 3367
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: 937 / X: 2000 / X*: 3367 Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:03:42 No. 16178414 Report Quoted By:
Here's hoping Mr. Brotaku remembers
>>16174767 . I just now traded with him.
My list of Froakie Eggs:
> ( Or for SVscan )
I want the (K) ones. Everything else I'll give away.
Jahn C FC: 5429-7924-0969 SV:2931
>>16178401 2/2
25. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 15\31\16\31\31\31 [3792]
26. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 18\31\31\31\15\31 [2897]
27. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\16\16\31\31\31 [3164]
28. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\26\31 [2112]
29. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\31\20 [2235] ***
30. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\16\31\31\26 [1149]
31. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\10\31\31 [3054] ***
32. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\9\15\31 [2618]
33. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\26\15\31 [3520]
34. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\15\22 [118]
35. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\16\31\31\31\31 [1261] ***
36. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 4\31\31\31\15\31 [256]
37. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\17\31 [1094] ***
38. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\16\31\16\31 [1008]
39. Eevee (F) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\16\15\15\31 [1537]
40. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\21\31 [3491] ***
41. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\8\31\15\31 [366]
42. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\8\31\31 [146]
43. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 25\31\31\31\15\31 [2707]
44. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\15\31 [81] ***
45. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\14\31\31\31\31 [2369] ***
46. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\31\31\6\31 [2126] ***
Serenity (0001 3836 0202)
>>16178338 can someone help?
Michael/Mark SV: {3853}/{1145}
Quoted By:
>>16178380 Okay man I'll be on the look out for ya
Quoted By:
>>16178401 >>16178426 >none with anticipation start over
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) {SV:1707}
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) {SV:1707} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:05:23 No. 16178463 Report Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:05:26 No. 16178467 Report >>16178382 Yeah, this shit refuses to connect to the internet. Wait a second...
Quoted By:
>tfw my SV is 3314 >tfw I already saw 3315 and 3316 multiple times Fugg
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055}
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:06:06 No. 16178480 Report >>16178411 I have no idea what's gone wrong. Apparently I fucked up somewhere, because I could not find a 455 Torchic anywhere but I have no recollection of giving it away. I can do another check through all 3 boxes, but I don't know if you want to deal with that.
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2422}
>>16178447 I would love to, but I can't make Instacheck work here. Just wait a bit and someone who needs to check eggs will help.
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
>>16178467 ok, cool. i was just wondering.
Gavin 5327-1725-2753 SV {1647} {3774}
>>16178463 >144 Goomy (M) - Calm, Hydration, 31\18\10\31\31\31 [3774]
Looks like I match this one.
Quoted By:
Holy shit my SV has yet to appear. :(
Quoted By:
>>16178169 >Eevee (M) - Serious, Run Away, 30\1\31\0\24\31 [3503] Can I get his eevee? matches my sv. FC 2836-1181-5906 IGN Justin
Chris 0447 5586 5348
>>16178319 anyone? help please?
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37] Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:08:37 No. 16178559 Report Quoted By:
>>16178480 Thank you for the seviper!
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
Anyone mind checking two boxes for me real quick?
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16178480 It's fine, I don't really want to sit through hours or searching for it. It's not really that viable to use with 2 attack IVs anyways. Thanks for looking though.
Serenity (0001 3836 0202)
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163}
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:09:34 No. 16178581 Report >>16178540 I'll find out yours if you let me check a box of eggs.
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) {SV:1707}
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) {SV:1707} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:10:05 No. 16178593 Report Anonymous
>mfw the amount of leeches who only come to these threads to get freebies off others and don't breed.
Quoted By:
>>16178426 >34. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\15\22 [118] Can I get this eevee? It matches my copy of Y SV. FC 2836-1181-5906 IGN Justin
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055}
Detritus/Alice 2638-0682-6688 {2974}/{2055} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:10:39 No. 16178600 Report >>16178571 Yeah, I'm really sorry dude, I fucked up. I'll have to recheck my boxes so this doesn't happen again.
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:10:46 No. 16178603 Report Quoted By:
>>16178562 Sure, add me.
when you're done, show a hatched pokemon
Chris 0447 5586 5348
Quoted By:
>>16178594 who gives a fuck, most retards here can't breed for shit
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
>>16178463 Buizel (M) - Jolly, Swift Swim, 31\29\31\0\18\12 [3670]
I match with this one, can i have i?
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
Quoted By:
>>16178600 It's fine, don't worry about it.
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) {SV:1707}
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) {SV:1707} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:12:35 No. 16178645 Report Eric 1005-9827-7590 SV{3387}
My Ralts Hopefully someone gets a match. If at all possible I would like to keep them.
Quoted By:
>>16178426 34. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\15\22 [118]
Can I get his eevee? matches my sv on Y. FC 2836-1181-5906 IGN Justin
>>16178594 >leeches So you rather throw eggs away instead of giving them to people who can hatch shinies with them?
You sound awfully bitter, I bet you're the kind of person who thinks biking for hours is a skill
Kyle 1633 4706 8282 (SV 2779)
>>16178463 >Zorua (M) - Naive, Illusion, 31\31\23\31\31\31 [2779] This one is me, I'll hatch it. Do you want it back or can I keep?
Saris X 2234-7134-8522 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle) {3391}
Saris X 2234-7134-8522 (Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle) {3391} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:13:53 No. 16178671 Report >>16178380 Thanks a bunch, by the way!
She's beautiful.
:3 Anonymous
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
Quoted By:
>>16178693 I think you forgot something
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37] Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:15:46 No. 16178713 Report >>16178646 >Ralts (M) - Timid, Synchronize, 16\9\9\31\3\31 [37] I'm a match for this, I can hatch and give it back.
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163}
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:15:54 No. 16178717 Report >>16178606 My connection is acting up. Hold on.
Suicide 3582-9237-4583 SV:2215
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) {SV:1707}
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) {SV:1707} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:16:15 No. 16178724 Report >>16178654 That one should be stared...
yeah, I'd like that one back.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311 SV {3388}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:16:27 No. 16178733 Report >>16178500 Sorry bro, but my 3DS just won't connect to the hotspot. I don't know what happened.
I'm really sorry.
mabataki 4167-4743-1372 SV: 1738
>>16178109 Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 26\28\31\31\27\18 [1738]
Well i can hatch this one. Can i has it?
>>16177797 >>16177948 Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 21\31\31\29\10\31 [706] - GONE
Still up for grabs, free ralts.
Chris 0447 5586 5348
>>16178717 I'll be here all night
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2422}
Quoted By:
>>16178180 Hey you there? You match one of my Riolus, can you hatch it for me?
Gavin 5327-1725-2753 SV {1647} {3774}
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:18:16 No. 16178779 Report Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
Quoted By:
>>16178645 cool give me like 5 mins
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580}
>>16178740 Sure thing, bro. Will add now.
Kyle 1633 4706 8282 (SV 2779)
Quoted By:
>>16178724 Ok then, I added you. Shoot me a trade when you're ready.
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
Quoted By:
>>16178651 >biking simulator >not autistic I don't do that shit. I just find the parasites here hilarious.
>Hey, I know you specified you wanted that egg, but can I keep it? >No >You have so many, asshole! Those faggots, not your run of the mill hatchfagg.
Black 3566-2090-2358 SV:2002
Quoted By:
Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 14\5\30\21\31\25 [3000] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 1\12\24\26\1\14 [740] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 14\31\24\31\15\30 [820] Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 14\5\30\24\12\4 [1418] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 15\18\30\26\11\16 [3038] Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 14\6\24\0\26\17 [3589] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 1\31\24\15\19\17 [78] Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 7\2\24\5\22\16 [1101] Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 4\25\24\31\2\16 [1539] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 6\5\25\26\12\30 [763] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 12\31\8\26\22\28 [1871] Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 30\25\24\4\12\16 [1277] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 14\17\20\31\11\16 [3858] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 14\25\22\7\22\16 [213] Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 1\5\30\1\7\17 [3142] Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 24\18\24\22\12\16 [2149] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 14\0\15\26\12\26 [584] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 1\24\24\2\22\30 [3202] Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 14\5\24\30\8\20 [3730] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 1\31\6\8\2\17 [3430] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Frisk, 25\5\16\26\12\10 [1045] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 1\5\2\16\22\18 [534] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 1\1\24\21\22\12 [1708] Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 17\31\30\26\5\12 [2109] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 14\31\24\27\18\23 [2065] Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 24\31\24\26\9\0 [2512]
Eric 1005-9827-7590 SV{3387}
>>16178713 Awesome, I really appreciate it! I'll add you now.
>>16178732 Oh hey I match Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\23\30\31 [3387] *
I'll add you after this trade.
Izumi 1306-6310-0304 SV [543]
>>16178759 >Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\31\8\31 [543] i match this is there any y mega stone you would like for it as i feel an obligation to give someting inreturn for it
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163}
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:20:44 No. 16178829 Report >>16178762 I'm connected in game. What's your IGN?
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:21:02 No. 16178843 Report Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
>>16178733 aw man, that stinks. either way, i appreciate you working on it for me brah.
anyone else wanna help a fellow contribute? i need to know my shiny value, and have a few eggs checked.
Trevor {3695} 4141-1947-3177
>>16178843 >Goomy (M) - Modest, Gooey, 31\26\31\31\12\31 [3659] no ;_;
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16178849 Add me, I'll help you out.
Sigma 1059-7911-8159 {1259}
Quoted By:
I found some gligar eggs I forgot about, so if anyone here wants them that matches can have it. Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 3\31\31\11\23\31 [3332] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 0\31\31\11\31\31 [886] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 3\31\31\27\31\31 [106] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 3\31\20\11\31\31 [4065] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 24\31\31\11\31\31 [192] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 5\31\31\11\31\5 [3743] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 3\31\31\11\24\31 [41] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 5\31\31\2\31\31 [466] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 3\31\31\11\31\13 [2383]
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
>>16178865 that'd be great, adding now.
Chris 0447 5586 5348
Thor 0662-3786-3833 - SV-2707
-1 Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\29\26\15\31 [2898] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\30\31 [2706] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 22\31\31\26\15\31 [2437] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\15\3 [394] -6 Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\15\31 [3079] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\31\20 [1396] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\26\26\31\31 [124] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\14\15\31 [3502] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\11\31 [1025] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\10\26\31\31 [2986] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\9\15\31 [819] -14 Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\25\15\26\31\31 [687] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\31\0 [1394] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\1\15\31 [277] -18 Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\10\26\15\31 [1217] -20 Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\15\30 [3568] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\3\31 [1682] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\29\31\26\31\31 [448] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\4\31\31 [396] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\0\31 [511] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\16\26\15\31 [2445] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\14\31 [2465] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\31\31 [2052] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\26\15\26\31\31 [3510] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 30\31\31\26\15\31 [1710] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\24\15\26\31\31 [1571] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 20\31\31\26\15\31 [1913] -33 Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 11\31\31\26\15\31 [3981] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\31\31 [1236] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\31\15 [4031] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\23\26\31\31 [3050] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\17\26\15\31 [1551] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\15\29 [1392] Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\11\31\31 [2390]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37] Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:23:15 No. 16178888 Report Quoted By:
>>16178812 No problem. I have you added now as well.
mabataki 4167-4743-1372 SV: 1738
>>16178782 Thank you friend.
>>16178813 I have both versions.
Got any 5 IV'd pokes?
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:24:15 No. 16178914 Report Quoted By:
>>16178861 I know your pain
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311 SV {3388}
>>16178812 Fuck yes. Adding.
Can't think of a clever nickname for it, so I guess Narga will do.
Thor 0662-3786-3833 - SV-2707
>>16178886 Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\11\31 [3447]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 16\31\15\26\31\31 [844]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\29\31\26\31\31 [2210]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\30\31\31 [3983]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\17\31\26\15\31 [3465]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\8\26\31\31 [2699]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\16\26\15\31 [397]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\14\26\31\31 [3438]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\8\31 [2668]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\31\30 [519]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\27\26\15\31 [2500]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\6\31 [2612]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\27\26\31\31 [4052]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\19\15\31 [2550]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\5\31 [1254]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\4\26\15\31 [1702]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\26\1\31 [2579]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\22\15\31 [2306]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\20\26\15\31 [1014]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\30\31 [3464]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\30\31 [3464]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\16\15\31 [568]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 16\31\31\26\31\31 [600]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\20\15\26\15\31 [2851]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\21\26\15\31 [1227]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 15\31\31\26\15\31 [2337]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\11\31\31 [1155]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\29\31\31 [1623]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 22\31\15\26\31\31 [3543]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\15\4\31\31 [113]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\24\31 [3082]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\26\31\28 [3357]
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\25\26\31\31 [2777]
Random numbers are ones with shit IV's i got rid of.
Exur 4184-2525-2526 (Shiny ID: 1426)
Massive list ahead: Meowstic not related
yet. Kane [1779-0650-1464] - (1636)
Quoted By:
>>16178671 Yes she is, and you're welcome. Can't wait to hatch my own.
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2422}
Quoted By:
>>16178351 Hey you there? You match one of my Riolus, can you hatch it for me?
Trevor {3695} 4141-1947-3177
Quoted By:
>>16178936 >massive list >No matches found ;_; >No matches found ;_; Never matches found
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
Some sexy Swords and Dragons availble
Need one of the following of each species, all others are up for grabs
Honedge (F) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\3\31\0 [1749]
Honedge (F) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\18\31\0 [2939]
Honedge (M) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\29\31\0 [2792]
Honedge (F) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\28\31\0 [2566]
Honedge (M) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\16\31\0 [3700]
Honedge (M) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\16\31\0 [450]
Gible (M) - Adamant, Rough Skin, 31\31\31\13\31\31 [127]
Gible (M) - Adamant, Rough Skin, 31\31\31\1\31\31 [2261]
The remaining ones are located at : 3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580}
Quoted By:
>>16178894 No worries, brah. Enjoy!
Dante 1719-3290-4351 { SV:866} Kecleon, Aipom, Chansey )
Dante 1719-3290-4351 { SV:866} Kecleon, Aipom, Chansey ) Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:26:48 No. 16178969 Report Quoted By:
Ralts (F) Timid, Trance, 30\20\31\31\31\31 [622] if anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16178881 You need to show me a pokemon you caught or bred yourself. That Larvesta had someone else's data.
Trevor {3695} 4141-1947-3177
Quoted By:
>>16178917 Oh hey wait sup /mhg/
Izumi 1306-6310-0304 SV [543]
>>16178900 i do have 5 IV goomy/larvesta i use for breeding
>>16177797 Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 29\31\31\31\31\31 [1219]
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
>>16178843 >Goomy (F) - Modest, Hydration, 31\9\31\14\31\31 [69] Can hatch this for you
Rawley 1091-8443-5617 {775}
>>16178936 >Gastly (M) - Modest, Levitate, 16\15\16\31\31\31 [775] I can hatch this one for you if you'd like. this is the second gastly someone's had today with my SV, dang
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163}
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:27:37 No. 16178988 Report >>16178762 Your SV is 2025.
What's the smartest way to instacheck without having a large number of unwanted eggs? As in, what's the best way to prevent having to hatch a bunch of eggs just to release them?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595 SV: 174
I've seen 1749 at least 4 times today. ;_; And none of the people I've messaged today about hatching my egg have responded. ;_; Maybe tomorrow will be lucky!
Chris 0447 5586 5348
Quoted By:
>>16178988 Fuck yes! Really appreciate it!
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37] Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:28:32 No. 16179005 Report >>16178812 Do you want a nickname when it hatches?
Exur 4184-2525-2526 (Shiny ID: 1426)
>>16178987 Sounds good. I've added you.
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:28:47 No. 16179011 Report >>16178986 >69 You're dirty.
I'll add ya in a sec.
Also if anyone needs eggs/TSV's checked, lemme know.
Serenity (0001 3836 0202)
>>16178988 can you find me mine please?
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] (Normal) {SV: Y:3167 X:2808}
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] (Normal) {SV: Y:3167 X:2808} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:29:42 No. 16179028 Report >>16178936 Zorua (M) - Sassy, Illusion, 24\5\26\10\5\26 [2808]
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, Duosion]
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, Duosion] Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:30:02 No. 16179037 Report >>16178936 >Klefki (M) - Sassy, Prankster, 11\10\31\8\31\26 [3868] This matches me.
Rawley 1091-8443-5617 {775}
Quoted By:
>>16179010 would you like it to be nicknamed anything particular?
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
Quoted By:
>>16178970 sorry about that, that pyroar should be mine.
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2422}
Quoted By:
>>16179000 The only guy in this thread that mathces one of my eggs posted his list a few posts before me and haven't answered me. We'll have our shinies, we just have to be pacient r-right?
Eric 1005-9827-7590 SV{3387}
>>16179005 Yeah, if you could name it "Hideyoshi" that would be awesome. Once again thanks for this.
>>16178917 Alright I'm ready now, send me a trade request whenever.
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566}
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:30:27 No. 16179044 Report >>16178959 >Honedge (F) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\28\31\0 [2566] I can hatch it for you. Or if you don't need it, may I keep it?
Scythe (IGN: Keith) 1676-4772-4929 {1843}
Scythe (IGN: Keith) 1676-4772-4929 {1843} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:30:43 No. 16179048 Report Quoted By:
>>16178936 >Gastly (M) - Modest, Levitate, 10\10\28\10\31\31 [1078] This one matches my friend's SV. Could i convince you to trade me for it? I have a small handful of breeding leftovers to offer.
Brittany SV: {3822} {3206} [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany SV: {3822} {3206} [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:30:48 No. 16179051 Report Quoted By:
>>16178989 Not using Instacheck. Or do a box of eggs, and don't breed more until you give away all the ones you don't want by utilizing the lists in the OP.
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16178881 You need to show me a pokemon you caught or bred yourself if you want to find out your shiny value. The eggs though were:
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 26\31\31\31\31\31 [368]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 16\31\31\31\31\3 [1144]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\3\6\31\31 [3975]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\2\31\3 [2433]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\17\31\3 [3066]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 28\31\31\31\31\31 [3455]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\13\31\31\31\3 [2672]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\6\6\31 [3822]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\0\31\31\31 [3934]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\6\31\14 [1149]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\6\31\22 [3047]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\11\31\31 [1587]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\9\31\31\31\31 [473]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\0\31\31\31\31 [3922]
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
Quoted By:
>>16178645 I'm online now, my IGN is Serena with the pink hat. I dont have much to offer on this cart because im only just past the first badge.
Tori 0430-8612-2892 SV [1912]
Quoted By:
>>16177768 Torchic (F) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\19\31\31\31\31 [1912]
Aww shit I got a match!
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
>>16179044 That one I would like back, but if you'd like I can give you any of the other ones on the list of honedges
Omi 4399-0067-7952 (Mienfoo, Throh, Tyrogue) SV:2587
Omi 4399-0067-7952 (Mienfoo, Throh, Tyrogue) SV:2587 Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:31:42 No. 16179069 Report Quoted By:
>>16177290 >Burmy (M) - Lax, Shed Skin, 22\13\25\15\23\7 [2587] Don't know if you're still here, but I matched this one
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
Quoted By:
Pared down my list significantly in preparation for future breeding. 5 Espurr (M) - Modest, Infiltrator, 31\19\31\31\31\31 [136] 8 Espurr (F) - Modest, Infiltrator, 31\16\31\31\31\31 [2636] 9 Espurr (F) - Modest, Keen Eye, 31\27\31\31\31\31 [831] 14 Espurr (F) - Modest, Infiltrator, 31\27\31\31\31\31 [3091] 18 Espurr (M) - Modest, Infiltrator, 31\19\31\31\31\31 [176] I'd like a male and a female back. I'm not sure if the others are outright free, but something decent in exchange will more than likely be fine.
Daily reminder not to fall for the "My friend has this SV" trick.
Quoted By:
>>16177157 Kinda new to all of this and the link to Smogon explains very nicely on use to use the program...but I'm still confused on what I need to look for.
How do I determine what my SV is? And how does Instacheck help me get shinies?
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16178463 >Goomy (M) - Calm, Sap Sipper, 31\18\31\31\31\26 [1201] Gotcha. Let me know if you want me to hatch it for you.
Kai 2938 - 6500 - 0839 (not Ditto, not Ditto, Ditto)
Kai 2938 - 6500 - 0839 (not Ditto, not Ditto, Ditto) Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:33:10 No. 16179094 Report Quoted By:
I would appreciate any help to find out my TSV, this uni internet is not cutting it for PokeCheck.
Brittany SV: {3822} {3206} [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany SV: {3822} {3206} [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:33:17 No. 16179098 Report >>16178881 >Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\6\6\31 [3822] Need that hatched for you? If so, please give me a nickname.
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
>>16179056 i could've worn the pyroar was caught by me.....
if you-re willing to give it one more shot i have a gliscor that is absolutly breed by me.
Zach - 4871-4362-7348 [Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby]
Zach - 4871-4362-7348 [Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby] Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:33:49 No. 16179117 Report ctrl f
Felix 4270-0314-5510 SV:3646
>>16179082 What's the trick?
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - (1636)
>>16177746 I gotta bug out, so if anyone finds a match then keep an eye out. You can probably find me tomorrow with more Larvesta.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, ???) SV: [37] Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:34:00 No. 16179125 Report >>16179043 Sure thing. Trading back now!
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595 SV: 174
>>16179011 I only have a few eggs to be checked. Would it be too much of a bother?
>>16178979 uhhh what stats are their 31's in?
>>16178980 Add me: Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:34:25 No. 16179132 Report >>16178986 Nigga that ambipom is gonna give me nightmares.
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566}
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:34:27 No. 16179134 Report >>16179068 Sure, I'd like one if that's possible. Adding you.
Any nickname for the Honedge?
Sigma 1059-7911-8159 {1259}
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
>>16179098 absolutley, no nickname needed friend.
>>16179120 Use your brain, obviously people will try to take your eggs.
Zach - 4871-4362-7348 {1443} {3823}
Quoted By:
>>16179117 I'm officially retarded, here are my SVs
Serenity (0001 3836 0202)
Quoted By:
Would someone be able to tell me my SV?
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2422}
Quoted By:
>>16178393 Yeah because chained shinies have egg moves...
Exur 4184-2525-2526 (Shiny ID: 1426)
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224}
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:35:56 No. 16179163 Report >>16177746 >Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 11\1\31\31\31\31 [1224] I can hatch that! Can I keep or do you want it back?
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
Quoted By:
>>16179134 No nickname is fine, I'll send you a 5iv one, so just send me a shitmon you don't want back in exchange for the egg. Added, thank you in advance
Dante 1719-3290-4351 { SV:866} Kecleon, Aipom, Chansey )
Dante 1719-3290-4351 { SV:866} Kecleon, Aipom, Chansey ) Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:35:59 No. 16179166 Report >>16179026 ill help if u still need it
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16179111 Your SV is 1557
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:36:26 No. 16179177 Report U MATCH U HATCH U KEEP. please take these away from me. Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 31\31\22\31\31\8 [1645] Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\22\8\16\31 [3622] Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 31\31\31\31\31\12 [SQUEAK] Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 31\31\22\8\31\26 [1426] Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 31\31\22\8\7\31 [1298] Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 31\31\22\8\31\17 [2205] Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 31\31\22\14\31\31 [700] Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 31\31\31\17\31\31 [GAY8] Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 31\31\22\31\16\31 [2452] Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 31\31\31\8\31\31 [GONE] Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 6\31\31\8\31\31 [3538] Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\22\8\7\31 [2136]
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) {SV:1707}
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) {SV:1707} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:36:26 No. 16179178 Report >>16179084 you can keep it
We are already friends so just get on when ever
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
>>16179132 bleh sorry internet fucked up
Serenity (0001 3836 0202)
Eric 1005-9827-7590 SV{3387}
>>16179125 Seriously thanks a ton, sorry I didn't have anything to offer you back.
>>16178917 Alright, it's done, I'm sending a trade request now.
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - (1636)
>>16179163 Lucky. You caught me just as I was about to leave.
You can keep that one. Adding now.
Felix 4270-0314-5510 SV:3646
>>16179141 I've done the "my friend has that SV" thing but they were given back the egg if they wanted the egg back. Some people actually want to help too.
Brittany SV: {3822} {3206} [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Brittany SV: {3822} {3206} [Onnal for Y] 5456-0806-3610 !!tZZtrZpUdyX Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:37:41 No. 16179206 Report >>16179138 Alright then. My IGN is Brittany. If you do change your mind on the nickname later on, you can always contact me on Smogon and I'll change it for you.
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:37:44 No. 16179207 Report >>16179128 Ok. Adding.
>>16179179 Dat thing is so gonna creep on me all night.
Izumi 1306-6310-0304 SV [543]
>>16179129 goomy is 31/31/31/31/31/x
larvesta is 31/x/31/31/31/31
Hat 1263 - 6403 - 2576 [SV] 1702
Quoted By:
>>16178918 >Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\4\26\15\31 [1702] Match!
I'll go ahead and add you
Keep or Give back?
Quoted By:
>>16179205 Good for you, most of the time people will do it to take someone's egg.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
Quoted By:
>>16179178 Awesome! Thanks man.
>>16178936 > I match! I match!
Finally after ages of sadness!
Klefki 2944
Do you want it or could I trade you for it? :D
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719
Quoted By:
>>16179206 alright, thank you much!
Dante 1719-3290-4351 { SV:866} Kecleon, Aipom, Chansey )
Dante 1719-3290-4351 { SV:866} Kecleon, Aipom, Chansey ) Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:39:04 No. 16179226 Report >>16179181 alright give me a sec :)
Serenity (0001 3836 0202)
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719 {1557}
>>16179175 thank you greatly based Xsitsu
Luck Stat 5300 9012 1441
>>16179177 oh there you are!
do you still have this Eevee?
Eevee (M) - Modest, Anticipation, 31\31\31\8\31\31 [3729]
Because I can hatch it for you if you want it
>>16179209 I'll take the Larvesta.
Going to add you now.
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2422}
Quoted By:
>>16179218 Congratz bro.
Don't forget to give him your FC.
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224}
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:40:57 No. 16179261 Report >>16179199 Awesome, thanks! Send the trade request when you're ready, since I don't see you on my friends.
Arcane | TSV: 1656 | FC: 2036-7259-9408
Quoted By:
>>16178109 Can I have the 1656?
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
Quoted By:
>>16179239 No problem. Always happy to help.
Ash 1263 - 6403 - 2576 {1702}
Quoted By:
Posting for ctrl + f
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
>>16179207 huehuehue
no nickname right?
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, Duosion]
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, Duosion] Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:42:15 No. 16179280 Report Quoted By:
>>16179154 Can you wait a bit for me please? When i'm ready to trade I'll tell you.
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:42:42 No. 16179289 Report >>16179276 yours to keep, unless you want ambirape back
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - (1636)
Quoted By:
>>16179261 Request sent. Waiting on you.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311 SV {3388}
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580}
UPDATE! Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\20\31\29\23\31 [1173]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 29\24\31\31\23\31 [1938]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\31\31\31\23\31 [1022]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\28\31\29\31\31 [3513]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [1417]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\28\20\31\31\31 [GONE]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\31\13\31\23\31 [595]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\21\31\31\31\31 [1527]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 26\27\31\31\31\31 [916]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Torrent, 31\28\31\31\31\31 [1990]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [GONE]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Torrent, 31\31\31\20\31\31 [1363]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 21\31\31\31\31\31 [38]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 24\31\31\31\31\31 [1210]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\28\31\31\31\31 [679]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 31\31\31\29\31\31 [2767]**
Froakie (M) - Hasty, Protean, 26\31\31\21\31\31 [1656]**
Got my broakie at last, 6iv, thank you to the person who helped me. All those are now free to who matches them!
Izumi 1306-6310-0304 SV [543]
Quoted By:
>>16179243 k i would require you code as well unless it's listed above in one of your posts
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
>>16179134 Jeka, i'm sending you
Honedge (M) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\29\31\0 [2792]
So you'll have the SV just in case you'd like to track down someone to hatch it shiny
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:44:19 No. 16179320 Report >>16179128 Swirlix (M) - Adamant, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\15\31\31 [531]
Swirlix (M) - Adamant, Unburden, 31\20\31\31\31\31 [3885]
Swirlix (F) - Adamant, Unburden, 26\31\31\4\31\31 [4006]
Swirlix (F) - Adamant, Sweet Veil, 31\26\31\24\31\31 [891]
Swirlix (M) - Adamant, Unburden, 13\31\31\31\31\31 [1918]
Swirlix (M) - Adamant, Unburden, 4\31\31\4\27\31 [2877]
Swirlix (M) - Adamant, Sweet Veil, 4\31\31\4\31\21 [2011]
Swirlix (M) - Adamant, Sweet Veil, 4\31\31\22\31\31 [602]
Swirlix (F) - Adamant, Unburden, 4\31\31\4\17\31 [2867]
Swirlix (M) - Adamant, Unburden, 31\27\31\4\31\31 [161]
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595 SV: 174
Quoted By:
>>16179320 Thank you so much!
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
>>16179289 oh sweet lol ah doesnt really matter to me it was when i wanted to farm leftovers but ragequit. would you like something different since it has pretty shit IVs?
Quoted By:
So, I can't get the checker to work, do I need someone else with the program to know my SV? I'm trying to hatch a shiny female Ralts, no IV's, only interested in gender and shiny.
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:46:35 No. 16179371 Report Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
>>16178936 Hey man i match you!
Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 0\27\2\24\0\2 [3670]
Im online now if you are still here, i can hatch it for you.
>>16178936 I got carried away and forgot to put my data, lol.
My match was Klefki 2944
FC is 1547 6339 4135 IGN Dan.
Let me know I'll be checking the thread.
Arcane | TSV: 1656 | FC: 2036-7259-9408
Quoted By:
>>16179309 Hey, I'm a match for your 1656 Froakie
Dante 1719-3290-4351 { SV:866} Kecleon, Aipom, Chansey )
Dante 1719-3290-4351 { SV:866} Kecleon, Aipom, Chansey ) Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:48:17 No. 16179412 Report Serenity (0001 3836 0202)
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
>>16179371 Honedge (M) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\24\31\0 with SV of 1070...haven't seen anyone around with it...and 4iv gastlies without disable...didn't notice it got deleted lol
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, Duosion]
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, Duosion] Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:49:34 No. 16179442 Report Quoted By:
>>16179154 Ok, adding you and going online.
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089}
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:49:49 No. 16179447 Report Ivan (Quitchan) | 3024 - 6236 - 6069 | Mankey, Tyrogue, Sawk | SV: {2432}
Ivan (Quitchan) | 3024 - 6236 - 6069 | Mankey, Tyrogue, Sawk | SV: {2432} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:50:27 No. 16179467 Report >>16179447 Cool, do you want the Rotom back or could she keep it?
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{292}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:50:43 No. 16179478 Report Quoted By:
>>16179439 make if a female gastly and we got a deal. Get this creepy motherfucker outta here ;__:
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089}
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:51:46 No. 16179504 Report >>16179467 I'll let her keep it.
Exur 4184-2525-2526 (Shiny ID: 1426)
>>16179375 I've added you. I haven't got a Klefki yet, so I'd appreciate I'd like to have it back. I can give you something else in return?
Jonjon 1993-7735-2101 {3821}
Quoted By:
If anyone wants them [1708] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\17\29\13\23\30 [2672] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 28\31\31\11\1\26 [1452] Gible (F) - Relaxed, Sand Veil, 8\31\9\14\28\8 [293] Gible (F) - Adamant, Sand Veil, 6\29\30\14\31\7 [3703] Gible (M) - Naughty, Sand Veil, 25\1\30\12\0\8 [2723]
Exur 4184-2525-2526 (Shiny ID: 1426)
>>16179373 I've added you.
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, Duosion]
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, Duosion] Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:55:04 No. 16179584 Report Quoted By:
>>16179154 What's your in-game name?
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:55:31 No. 16179593 Report >>16179242 i do!! what do you want for hatching it? adding~
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
Quoted By:
>>16179577 K. Switching to Y then adding you as well. Dont have anything really to give you since I am only past the first badge in Y.
Luck Stat 5300 9012 1441
>>16179593 Anything with decent IVs would be bueno but you dont need to give me anything
Adding now. Do you want it named?
Quoted By:
>>16178886 I've got a match with 3981! May I have this egg?
Jonjon 1993-7735-2101 {3821}
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566}
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566} Sat 23 Nov 2013 04:58:55 No. 16179689 Report Quoted By:
>>16179316 Thank you, it's perfect! Enjoy your shiny.
Quoted By:
>>16179512 Ow bummer, but it will be nice just to see it hatch!
Any good IV male you might have lying around would be fine.
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089}
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:00:07 No. 16179707 Report Quoted By:
Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\21\31\31 [3014] ***** Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\17\31\31 [1410] ***** Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\1\31\31 [3480] ***** Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\13\31\31 [1741] ***** Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\15\31\31 [1515] ***** Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\24\31\31\23\31 [156] Paras (F) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 24\31\31\17\31\31 [1069] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\2\31\31\23\31 [519] Paras (F) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\31\2\17\31\31 [3258] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\0\17\23\31 [1725] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\17\23\5 [1006] Paras (F) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\31\31\7\23\31 [1739] Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\17\23\14 [1447] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\28\31\31\23\31 [1162] Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\7\17\31\31 [3197] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\16\11\31\31 [325] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\14\31\11\31\31 [2098] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\11\31\7 [3504] Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\17\17\31 [2372] Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\29\11\31\31 [3806] Paras (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\31\31\17\31\11 [2919] Paras (M) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 18\31\31\11\31\31 [1001] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 21\31\31\11\31\31 [3040] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\25\31\17\31\31 [734] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\11\0\31 [3760] Paras (F) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\31\31\17\11\31 [3619] Paras (M) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\27\17\31\31 [218] Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\17\23\31 [2835] Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\11\0\31 [3306] Paras (F) - Adamant, Dry Skin, 20\31\31\11\31\31 [2644] Let's get some matches. I need a few of these bad bitches.
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, Duosion]
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, Duosion] Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:00:07 No. 16179708 Report Quoted By:
>>16179154 Thanks a lot man.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:00:52 No. 16179725 Report >>16179631 nah it has 8 sp atk i dont even want it. do you?
Exur 4184-2525-2526 (Shiny ID: 1426)
>>16179028 Are you going to give it back?
Nicky (1349-5396-5560) {SV: 592}
Quoted By:
Posting my TSV
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
Quoted By:
>>16179577 I'm Serena with the pink hat, put the language in Japanese lol
Ivan (Quitchan) | 3024 - 6236 - 6069 | Mankey, Tyrogue, Sawk | SV: {2432}
Ivan (Quitchan) | 3024 - 6236 - 6069 | Mankey, Tyrogue, Sawk | SV: {2432} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:02:13 No. 16179760 Report >>16179504 The ditto is 3 IV, but I'm not breeding until Pokebank comes out. (It's one of the things somebody gave me for hatching a shiny for them.)
Having her hatch the egg and send me a picture of it to show its wonderful Rotomness.
Luck Stat 5300 9012 1441
>>16179725 Hell I can't say no to an eevee.
SHit, I should have offered something better. That skrelp has Acid Armor but i'm going to rebreed them for decent IVs. When I get them, i'll send you one?
Ivan (Quitchan) | 3024 - 6236 - 6069 | Mankey, Tyrogue, Sawk | SV: {2432}
Ivan (Quitchan) | 3024 - 6236 - 6069 | Mankey, Tyrogue, Sawk | SV: {2432} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:03:15 No. 16179787 Report Quoted By:
>>16179760 Supposedly. That's what they said about it any way, but I never bothered checking myself.
Quoted By:
>>16178959 Gible (M) - Adamant, Rough Skin, 31\31\31\1\20\31 [3981]
I have a match!
Ivan 3711-7504-4858 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)
Ivan 3711-7504-4858 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier) Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:03:31 No. 16179796 Report Quoted By:
Ralts - Modest 31/x/11/31/31/31 [309] Ralts - Modest 22/x/27/31/31/31 [3223] also found a few people with 309 but I'm still waiting for em; giving away one of those ralts for something good in return, too
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089}
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:03:39 No. 16179800 Report >>16178167 Hello good sir, can you hatch an egg for me?
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089}
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:05:22 No. 16179839 Report Quoted By:
>>16179760 It's all good man. It was 3 31 iv.
chuy 2423-3339-7005 SV:{218}
>>16179800 sure just need to help someone else first if you dont mind
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089}
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:07:35 No. 16179895 Report >>16179851 That's fine with me :)
I will add your friend code and get the egg ready
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:08:39 No. 16179917 Report >>16179780 nah its fine im not even looking for shones i have my shone sylv and vap. the rest are too ugly to me or their hidden ability is useless or theure jolteon and dont have hp ice with these IVs.
btw i hope i gabe you the right egg ;__;
Luck Stat 5300 9012 1441
>>16179917 Oh? Well thanks for the egg! I'll make some use of it~
>btw i hope i gabe you the right egg ;__; Oh well i'll see in a sec when it hatches
chuy 2423-3339-7005 SV:{218}
>>16179895 would you like me to nickname it?
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] (Normal) {SV: Y:3167 X:2808}
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] (Normal) {SV: Y:3167 X:2808} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:12:28 No. 16179999 Report >>16179728 I didn't know you wanted it back?
I guess... Exur 4184-2525-2526 (Shiny ID: 1426)
>>16179999 It's in the first line of my pastbin haha
Quoted By:
>>16177207 >000111 Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31\31\31\31\23\31 [2386] i have a friend with this shiny value can i have it?
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089}
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:14:03 No. 16180035 Report Quoted By:
>>16179991 No thank-you. :)
Luck Stat 5300 9012 1441
>>16179969 yep it was the right one!
>>16180022 Do you want a nick for your Klefki?
It's sooooo pretty!
Exur 4184-2525-2526 (Shiny ID: 1426)
Quoted By:
>>16180080 No nickname please.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:18:14 No. 16180136 Report Quoted By:
>>16180071 ahh youre welcome. enjoy your shiny!!
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311 SV {3388}
Quoted By:
>>16179675 You still here? Added you.
Medrex 4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus) {979}
Medrex 4484-9160-4632 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus) {979} Sat 23 Nov 2013 05:27:59 No. 16180398 Report Quoted By:
>>16177157 Looking for [1872]
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115 (SV:963)
Quoted By:
>>16177746 >Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\1\31\31\29\31 [963] Exur 4184-2525-2526 (Shiny ID: 1426)
Quoted By:
>>16179373 Thanks for taking the egg and running. I appreciate it.