MASTERLINKX 4897-5934-6709 SV: {3880}
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
GOGOTAKE Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 18\31\31\24\31\31 [3629] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\8\20\31\31\31 [1723] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\8\31\31\4\31 [577] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\8\31\0\31\31 [4074] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\10\24\31\31 [474] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\2\24\31\31 [216] - GONE! Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\31\24\31\31 [597] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 25\31\31\24\31\31 [635] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 13\8\31\24\31\31 [2665] - GONE! Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\8\31\24\31\28 [2403] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\31\31\1\31 [3295] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\31\24\24\31 [3930] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\17\31\24\31\31 [648] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\31\21\31\31 [1815] KEEP Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 10\31\31\31\31\31 [1780] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\8\31\31\31\14 [4089] - GONE! Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\31\1\31\31 [3810] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\1\31\24\31\31 [1326] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\13\31\31\31 [3497] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\29\31\24\31\31 [706] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 19\8\31\31\31\31 [3194] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\27\24\31\31 [33] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\8\31\24\31\24 [3383] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\18\31\31\31\31 [3504] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 9\31\31\24\31\31 [587] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\31\24\17\31 [3522] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\8\23\31\31\31 [3100] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 27\8\31\31\31\31 [430] Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\8\31\26\31\31 [2263] Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\8\31\25\31\31 [2546]
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395 - Shiny [57]
Quoted By:
I have some pokes, searching someone for hatch'em.
The marked ones (***) are the ones i want to keep, the others are free for all
2 Eevee (M) - Careful, Run Away, 31\30\31\5\31\31 [1347] ***
4 Eevee (M) - Careful, Run Away, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [2277] ***
6 Eevee (M) - Careful, Adaptability, 31\31\31\20\31\31 [3707] ***
8 Eevee (M) - Careful, Adaptability, 31\31\31\5\31\3 [696]
14 Eevee (M) - Careful, Adaptability, 10\31\31\31\31\31 [3046]
15 Eevee (M) - Careful, Adaptability, 31\26\15\5\31\31 [1347]
18 Eevee (F) - Careful, Run Away, 31\26\31\3\31\31 [543] ***
22 Eevee (M) - Careful, Adaptability, 30\31\31\31\31\31 [351] ***
23 Eevee (F) - Careful, Run Away, 31\31\31\20\31\31 [2797] ***
25 Eevee (M) - Careful, Run Away, 31\26\29\31\31\31 [1718] ***
And these pokemon:
Froakie (F) - Timid, Protean, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [1844] ***
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\25\31\31 [3971] ***
Free for everyone:
Froakie (F) - Timid, Torrent, 31\15\13\5\31\31 [1651]
Froakie (F) - Timid, Torrent, 28\25\13\31\31\31 [619]
Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\31\31\24\31\31 [3233]
Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\25\31\5\31\29 [534]
Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 6\31\31\5\31\31 [97]
Froakie (M) - Timid, Torrent, 31\31\13\5\17\31 [1855]
Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\31\31\31\31\17 [3972] Inon 1564 2718 3364 {70}
Arons and Petilils up for grabs.
I don't want anything in return but if you have a spare Sun Stone that'd be great. Hunter 5412 9987 1359 SV: {345}
Quoted By:
Posting for Crtl+F.
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV 3732
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV 3732 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:04:53 No. 16232807 Report Quoted By:
Reposting my Ralts eggs The ones I really want to hatch and keep.
Ralts (F) - Timid, Trace, 31\30\31\31\31\31 [736]***
Ralts (F) - Timid, Synchronize, 31\9\31\31\31\29 [517]***
Ralts (M) - Timid, Synchronize, 31\18\31\31\31\31 [1887]***
Ralts (F) - Timid, Trace, 31\7\31\31\31\31 [764]***
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895}
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:04:53 No. 16232808 Report Quoted By:
Looking for an Eevee egg with a SV of 895 or 2741, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
Jack IGN: Kirby | FC: 3110-5153-5263 | TSV: {216}
Jack IGN: Kirby | FC: 3110-5153-5263 | TSV: {216} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:06:02 No. 16232850 Report Quoted By:
[644], where you at…
Serena; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb) SV 1324
Serena; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb) SV 1324 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:06:33 No. 16232866 Report Quoted By:
Want back:
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\8\31\31\31\31 [6]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\20\31\31\31\31 [2149]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\23\31\31\31\31 [2561]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [2995]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\1\31\31\31\31 [3125]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\18\31\31\31\31 [3200]
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\12\31\31\31\31 [3541]
Snorunt (M) - Timid, Moody, 31\5\31\31\31\31 [9]
Snorunt (M) - Timid, Inner Focus, 31\29\31\31\31\31 [83]
Snorunt (M) - Timid, Moody, 31\9\31\31\31\31 [2337]
Snorunt (M) - Timid, Moody, 31\13\31\31\31\31 [2718]
Snorunt (F) - Timid, Inner Focus, 31\7\31\31\31\31 [2910]
Snorunt (F) - Timid, Moody, 31\10\31\31\31\31 [3075]
Snorunt (F) - Timid, Moody, 31\24\31\31\31\31 [3618]
Flabébé (F) - Calm, Flower Veil, 31\16\31\31\31\31 [593]
Flabébé (F) - Calm, Flower Veil, 31\14\31\31\31\31 [1462]
Flabébé (F) - Calm, Flower Veil, 31\3\31\31\31\31 [2229]
Flabébé (F) - Calm, Flower Veil, 31\7\31\31\31\31 [2972]
Flabébé (F) - Calm, Flower Veil, 31\28\31\31\31\31 [3576]
Flabébé (F) - Calm, Flower Veil, 31\27\31\31\31\31 [3898]
Everything else for free to a good home, 4/5 IV 'mon appreciated but not required Synnie 4983-5266-1525 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Panpour) {3433}
Synnie 4983-5266-1525 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Panpour) {3433} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:06:57 No. 16232878 Report I bred quite a few. I don't care if your SV value matches or not. (I'm keeping the asterisked ones, sorry!)
I'm also seeking someone to help me hatch these.
Dratini (M) - Hasty, Marvel Scale, 1\31\31\31\20\31 [2465]**
Dratini (F) - Hasty, Shed Skin, 30\31\29\31\31\31 [419]**
I'll give you either a dratini or a 4 or 5 IV eevee I have lying around.
Nanake 2148-8227-7516 {1569} {136}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:07:21 No. 16232889 Report Thanks for the help Chi! Going to trade you >Absol (F) - Naive, Pressure, 31\31\31\31\12\31 [3204]
Kyle (0302-0743-2595){3667}
>>16232754 >Gible (M) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\31\31\24\31\31 [597] I have a friend that has this SV. Can he get it?
>>16232712 >Dratini (M) - Hasty, Marvel Scale, 11\31\30\20\31\31 [2207] I'll take this one if you're still here
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002}
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:08:02 No. 16232910 Report >>16232751 Yeah, I was emailing you. Cool. What's your IGN again?
Also, can you name it "Zap Shrek"?
Seikyo {414} 0576-4252-0349
Quoted By:
Just to clarify, your shiny trainer value is the number I look for right?
Anonymous (FC: 0490-5593-3525)
Looking for someone with the SV of 1042 to hatch an Eevee for me, help appreciated.
Additionally, these Eevee's are for free if you have their SV. Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (dark) inkay ???? ????
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (dark) inkay ???? ???? Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:09:16 No. 16232943 Report Quoted By:
would anyone mind checking my ID? thanks in advance!
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
HEY ALEX I can hatch one of three eevee eggs you need hatched
chi {1980}{1249} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
some random stranger just traded me and found he had a matching sv. hes going to be surprised with a shiny eevee,
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay)
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay) Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:09:21 No. 16232947 Report Okay everyone! I still have plenty of Giant Pumpkaboo eggs to give~ You match it and it's yours! 1.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 18\8\31\13\10\23 [3318] 2.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 23\12\21\25\17\0 [4032] 3.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 17\12\2\6\25\23 [2332] 4.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 0\15\15\6\6\0 [1607][GONE] 5.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 31\16\2\6\6\22 [2500] 6.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 20\8\31\11\16\23 [2537] 7.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Frisk, 30\8\23\28\17\23 [2799] 8.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 24\12\30\29\6\22 [3347] 9.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 0\23\9\7\17\23 [3292] 10.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 26\23\14\25\6\22 [2073] 11.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 21\1\31\6\6\27 [359] 12.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 11\12\16\6\22\23 [476] 13.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 6\12\31\8\0\26 [105][GONE] 14.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 0\8\8\30\19\10 [2354] 15.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 10\12\8\28\5\23 [503] 16.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 10\8\14\25\6\11 [3828] 17.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 0\8\7\6\7\16 [2232] 18.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Frisk, 31\8\2\25\6\22 [2184] 19.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 6\11\3\6\6\27 [522][GONE] 20.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Frisk, 0\10\31\7\6\3 [3803] 21.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 6\13\31\25\16\14 [1036] 22.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Frisk, 22\31\8\16\6\23 [3529][GONE] 23.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 19\8\0\25\19\22 [2778] 24.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 0\2\25\31\17\23 [879] 25.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 3\8\12\25\4\23 [3956] 26.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 27\12\4\25\6\23 [2812][GONE] 27.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 29\8\31\21\6\17 [2033] 28.Pumpkaboo (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 18\8\7\25\6\0 [141][GONE] 29.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 6\17\20\25\10\23 [2936] 30.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Frisk, 8\8\28\25\29\22 [3806]
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:09:29 No. 16232951 Report Quoted By:
can someone check 5 eggs for me? seik?
Ezequiel 2191-7847-0551 [1349]
Quoted By:
I can't run Instacheck. Is there a way to ask somene to check my eggs?
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:09:54 No. 16232968 Report Scythers, honedges, absols. Check the pastebins please. Absol (F) - Naive, Pressure, 6\31\31\31\2\31 [2074]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\2\7 [2731]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\21\31\31\2\31 [1387]
Absol (M) - Naive, Pressure, 31\31\31\22\2\31 [3682]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\10\31\31\3\31 [3174]
Absol (M) - Naive, Pressure, 31\31\31\29\3\31 [193]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\13\31\2\31 [180]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 30\31\31\31\3\31 [912]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\26\3\31 [3718]
Absol (F) - Naive, Pressure, 4\31\31\31\3\31 [3513]
Absol (M) - Naive, Pressure, 31\31\31\31\8\31 [3005]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\7\31 [2861]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 10\31\31\31\2\31 [2138]
Absol (F) - Naive, Pressure, 31\22\31\31\2\31 [4009]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\19\31\3\31 [329]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\29\31\31\2\31 [945]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 12\31\31\31\3\31 [3661]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 20\31\31\31\2\31 [275]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\2\0 [2254]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\20\2\31 [1588]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\9\31 [2567]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\2\25 [2547]
Absol (M) - Naive, Pressure, 31\31\31\31\3\31 [1065]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\3\2 [2285]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\20\2\31 [3632]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\13\2\31 [144]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\2\31 [3588]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\20\2\31 [2773]
Absol (F) - Naive, Pressure, 31\31\16\31\3\31 [1849]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\3\2\31 [1188]
Absol (F) - Naive, Pressure, 1\31\31\31\3\31 [1323]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\2\31 [739]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\28\2\31 [2276]
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:10:07 No. 16232977 Report Ones marked with a * I want back. All the others are you match, you keep Torchic (M) - Rash, Speed Boost, 31\31\13\11\31\29 [1465](hatched) Torchic (M) - Relaxed, Blaze, 31\31\17\11\2\29 [394] Torchic (M) - Modest, Blaze, 31\31\17\14\30\31 [2390] Torchic (M) - Sassy, Speed Boost, 31\31\17\24\31\29 [3525] Torchic (F) - Docile, Blaze, 31\31\16\14\31\29 [2026] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\14\15\14\31\31 [3459] Torchic (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 13\31\15\14\31\31 [1405] Torchic (F) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\31\30\14\31\31 [2704] Torchic (F) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\31\15\6\31\31 [2737] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\22\15\14\31\31 [2689] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\26\15\14\31\31 [3746] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\15\14\2\31 [3862] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 0\31\15\14\31\31 [1561] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\15\1\31\31 [353] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\15\14\31\3 [4063] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\15\14\2\31 [852] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 16\31\15\14\31\31 [3240](hatched by harry) Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\31\1\14\31\31 [3717] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\15\14\31\11 [273] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\23\14\31\31 [1909]* Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\15\21\31\31 [234]* Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\14\14\31\31 [3026](hatched by Mar) Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\15\14\31\28 [200](held for sajan) Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\31\15\16\31\31 [284] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 26\31\15\14\31\31 [2288] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\15\14\26\31 [827] Torchic (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\15\14\5\31 [2512] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 0\31\15\14\31\31 [2422](hatched by yvone) Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\1\14\31\31 [3123] Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\26\15\14\31\31 [3220](hatched by cade)
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:10:48 No. 16232996 Report Kamon - 5043 2537 5872 {1854}
>>16232935 The trade we did for the eevee didn't work, and I ended up hatching a mareep. But I Soft Reset, so can we please trade again?
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:10:59 No. 16233002 Report >>16232968 Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\12\2\31 [161]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\3\31 [2415]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\25\31 [2920] ***
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\22\2\31 [3001]
Absol (M) - Naive, Pressure, 31\4\31\31\2\31 [1968]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\16\31\3\31 [837]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\13\3\31 [3882]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\5\3\31 [2211]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\23\31\31\2\31 [1333]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\18\2\31 [2715]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\3\31 [60]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\5\31\3\31 [357]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 2\31\31\31\2\31 [1147]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\16\2\31 [3299]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\2\31 [1164]
Absol (F) - Naive, Pressure, 31\22\31\31\2\31 [1427]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\11\2\31 [2837]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\17\2\31 [3633]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\3\10 [1031]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\27\31 [3510] ***
Absol (M) - Naive, Pressure, 28\31\31\31\3\31 [456]
Absol (M) - Naive, Pressure, 31\31\4\31\2\31 [853]
Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\3\3 [3960]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\3\10 [3115]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\16\31\2\31 [2619]
Absol (M) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\3\31\31\3\31 [897]
Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\31\13\31\15 [3970]
Skrelp (F) - Bold, Poison Point, 5\2\31\31\31\31
4398-9591-8678 Eric SV:1243
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Damp, 31\31\31\12\31\21 [4091] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\8\31\31\17 [1423] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 29\31\31\31\31\17 [2985] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\11\31\31\31\17 [1065] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\11\31\31\17 [731] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\31\12 [3695]** Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\31\31\28\21 [2799] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\31\31\31\7 [402] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\31\31\31\16 [1397] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\31\17 [3811]** Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 5\31\31\31\31\17 [1390] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\21\31\31\31\21 [2685] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\31\22 [2773]** Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\31\31\1\17 [3871] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Damp, 31\31\6\31\31\21 [3123] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\30\31\31\17 [1185] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Damp, 31\31\11\31\31\21 [1624] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\0\31\17 [1264] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Damp, 31\31\31\7\31\21 [278] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\20\31\31\17 [1662] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\8\31\31\17 [1524] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 0\31\31\31\31\17 [2368] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Damp, 31\31\11\31\31\21 [3769] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\25\31\21 [1469] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\25\31\17 [2208] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\31\8 [2099]** Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\2\31\31\31\21 [2102] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Damp, 31\31\31\31\13\17 [1089] Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\31\31\18\17 [1231] Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\31\31\31\25 [1871] along with pastebin for people using that only want the ones with the ** next to them
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:11:12 No. 16233007 Report Updated list, i just nee back the ones marked. The rest need a good home.
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002}
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:11:16 No. 16233011 Report Quoted By:
Cozy 4081-6829-3652 [Corsola, Dwebble and Rhydon] SV {1516}
Cozy 4081-6829-3652 [Corsola, Dwebble and Rhydon] SV {1516} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:11:20 No. 16233015 Report >>16232907 Sorry I forgot my code and shit.
4398-9591-8678 Eric SV:1243
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
SV's: {158} {1678} I'd like a box of eggs checked. If someone needs to check their eggs that'd work perfectly.
Synnie 4983-5266-1525 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Panpour) {3433}
Synnie 4983-5266-1525 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Panpour) {3433} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:13:00 No. 16233057 Report Quoted By:
Kay 4742-5542-0308
Quoted By:
I can't use instacheck because my wifi a shit, but I'll help people hatch shinies. I just need help finding my shiny value, so if someone could find out for me that would be awesome.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:13:16 No. 16233061 Report >>16233004 Would you give away any of these?
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay)
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay) Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:13:23 No. 16233065 Report Quoted By:
>>16232996 D: I'm sorry that you missed it! After I do this giveaway I'll be giving away Magician Fennekin. If any of them match you, I'll put it on reserve.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:13:40 No. 16233072 Report Quoted By:
Can someone check my SV?
Dudebroman 2320-6835-6475/3352
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
>>16232910 Got it Zap Shrek it is :)
Sigurd 0963-0064-2950 SV: {3790}
Quoted By:
{3790} for masochistic purposes
chi {1980}{1249} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Czar 2595 1350 7689
>>16232787 Hello. Do you still have the {3104} aron? :D
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 SV:2789 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita)
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 SV:2789 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita) Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:15:21 No. 16233123 Report Quoted By:
>>16232935 We have a match, first one on the list.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:16:26 No. 16233154 Report Swirlix: All Swirlix are up for grabs except for the perfect ones marked ***. I'd like to keep at least 2 of the 6IV ones; looking for decent offers for starred ones.
Tyrunt: The starred ones are ones I plan on saving as gifts for friends. Otherwise, these guys are pretty much up for grabs, though I'd appreciate decent things in return.
>>16232936 Added.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:17:17 No. 16233175 Report >>16233004 >Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\31\31\18\17 [1231] Hey I can hatch this
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704}
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:17:32 No. 16233186 Report >>16232977 Hey, this matches mine. Do you want her back?
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\31\30\14\31\31 [2704]
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Bibarel, Frogadier, Quagsire] {1655}
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Bibarel, Frogadier, Quagsire] {1655} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:18:29 No. 16233215 Report Would anyone be willing to help me find the SV of my X cartridge? Maybe I'll have better luck there
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:18:30 No. 16233216 Report >>16233161 >Ace Oh my gawd, where have you been, man?
Scoty: 0860-4619-0348 TSV: {1888}
>>16232947 >6.Pumpkaboo (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 20\8\31\11\16\23 [2537] I would love this pretty pumpkin~
King of Espurr (Niko) - FC 4468-1601-9118 {SV:706/1067/2719}
King of Espurr (Niko) - FC 4468-1601-9118 {SV:706/1067/2719} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:19:07 No. 16233228 Report >>16232754 Gible (F) - Jolly, Sand Veil, 31\29\31\24\31\31 [706]
Do you still have this one? If so, I'll take. :3
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:19:35 No. 16233241 Report >>16233215 Glad to you can add me
Dk 3840-5693-3438 (Pikachu, Dedenne, Galventula) {3666}
Dk 3840-5693-3438 (Pikachu, Dedenne, Galventula) {3666} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:19:54 No. 16233250 Report >>16232878 My SV doesn't match any of those but could I have one please?
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay)
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay) Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:20:00 No. 16233253 Report Quoted By:
>>16233217 Sure! no problem! Adding you now! Thank you for quoting the number btw. It helps me remember where it is in the box.
Anonymous (FC: 0490-5593-3525)
>>16233001 I believe it worked this time.
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Bibarel, Frogadier, Quagsire] {1655}
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Bibarel, Frogadier, Quagsire] {1655} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:20:33 No. 16233261 Report Quoted By:
>>16233215 Oh shit, forgot my code:
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16233216 I was in so many threads waiting for that Noibat until I decided to socialize instead.
Anyway, the Froakie is still reserved for you.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115 {SV:963}
Got some shiny Rhyhorn here: Want to keep the ones marked with ***. All others you may keep. Breeding leftovers are appreciated, but not required.
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224}
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:21:02 No. 16233273 Report Snorlax (M) - Rash, Immunity, 10\7\26\0\10\8 [1724] Snorlax (M) - Modest, Immunity, 25\30\12\1\0\24 [1182] Snorlax (M) - Bashful, Immunity, 26\7\12\0\19\6 [1357] Snorlax (M) - Bold, Immunity, 10\31\12\9\28\16 [2671] Snorlax (M) - Brave, Thick Fat, 30\26\27\2\20\7 [208] Snorlax (M) - Bold, Thick Fat, 11\30\19\9\1\21 [310] Snorlax (M) - Bashful, Immunity, 12\29\27\0\17\21 [3275] Snorlax (F) - Rash, Immunity, 4\30\13\9\4\21 [815] Snorlax (M) - Relaxed, Immunity, 16\18\27\0\24\21 [2655] Snorlax (F) - Calm, Immunity, 21\30\12\0\12\0 [46] Snorlax (M) - Adamant, Immunity, 16\30\10\0\19\24 [1468] Snorlax (M) - Bold, Immunity, 27\16\12\18\26\21 [974] Snorlax (M) - Modest, Immunity, 23\7\16\9\26\5 gone Snorlax (M) - Relaxed, Immunity, 31\14\12\0\20\8 [940] Snorlax (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\30\12\19\20\24 [207] Snorlax (M) - Calm, Immunity, 10\7\12\6\25\26 [192] Snorlax (F) - Modest, Immunity, 29\30\7\15\26\24 [3030] Skorupi (F) - Naive, Battle Armor, 16\20\13\9\0\23 [38] Skorupi (M) - Modest, Battle Armor, 10\20\31\5\27\23 [387] Skorupi (M) - Calm, Sniper, 19\2\24\9\10\23 [539] Skorupi (M) - Calm, Sniper, 19\2\24\9\10\23 [539] Hawlucha (M) - Mild, Unburden, 21\11\27\25\20\4 Gone Hawlucha (M) - Bashful, Unburden, 19\18\27\9\8\14 [1185] Hawlucha (M) - Gentle, Unburden, 30\30\27\4\24\20 [3183] Hawlucha (F) - Bashful, Limber, 29\29\13\14\0\23 [3963] Hawlucha (F) - Careful, Unburden, 30\23\27\0\0\29 [4061] Hawlucha (M) - Sassy, Unburden, 30\30\27\10\12\13 [3494] Hawlucha (F) - Impish, Unburden, 29\21\6\9\20\21 [79] Hawlucha (F) - Quiet, Limber, 30\14\27\30\0\14 Gone Hawlucha (M) - Lax, Unburden, 30\4\6\9\31\21 [348]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:21:31 No. 16233282 Report >>16233266 Dude... For the third time now, I don't have the Noibat. C was the one negotiating with a Noibat.
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:21:49 No. 16233293 Report Quoted By:
Making myself searchable for anyone who needs my SV I suppose, or has one that matches.
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Bibarel, Frogadier, Quagsire] {1655}
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Bibarel, Frogadier, Quagsire] {1655} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:21:54 No. 16233295 Report >>16233241 Add me under this code:
0001-3485-9705 [ferroseed, forretress, klefki] {853} {775}
0001-3485-9705 [ferroseed, forretress, klefki] {853} {775} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:22:01 No. 16233298 Report >>16233002 >Absol (M) - Naive, Pressure, 31\31\4\31\2\31 [853] hey I can hatch this one! would you like to keep it?
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254}
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:22:05 No. 16233300 Report >>16232696 >>16232696 >>16232696 Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\2\0 [2254]
Whoever that was in the old thread, I can hatch this Absol for you.
4398-9591-8678 Eric SV:1243
>>16233175 alright let me just add you and you can have it
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
Old Espurr list, reposting time. 01 Espurr (M) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\19\31\31\31\26 [576] 02 Espurr (F) - Timid, Keen Eye, 31\19\13\31\31\31 [758] 03 Espurr (M) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\4\31\10\31\31 [484] 04 Espurr (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\19\31\31\4\31 [1605] 05 Espurr (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 3\19\31\31\31\31 [3057] 06 Espurr (M) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\21\31\31\31\31 [2520] *** 07 Espurr (M) - Timid, Own Tempo, 18\4\31\31\31\31 [1515] 09 Espurr (M) - Timid, Keen Eye, 4\4\31\31\31\31 [2914] 10 Espurr (M) - Timid, Own Tempo, 9\19\31\31\31\31 [323] 11 Espurr (M) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\4\31\31\21\31 [3079] 12 Espurr (F) - Timid, Infiltrator, 31\4\31\31\9\31 [4056] 15 Espurr (F) - Timid, Infiltrator, 31\19\31\31\31\28 [537] 16 Espurr (M) - Timid, Keen Eye, 4\19\31\31\31\31 [270] 17 Espurr (F) - Timid, Infiltrator, 31\22\31\31\31\31 [2273] *** 18 Espurr (F) - Timid, Keen Eye, 31\19\27\31\31\31 [1878] 19 Espurr (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 17\4\31\31\31\31 [3312] 20 Espurr (M) - Timid, Infiltrator, 31\22\31\31\31\31 [3722] *** 22 Espurr (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\4\31\31\20\31 [3087] 23 Espurr (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\4\22\31\31\31 [2601] 24 Espurr (M) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\19\31\31\31\31 [748] *** 26 Espurr (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 15\19\31\31\31\31 [3932] 27 Espurr (M) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\4\31\31\29\31 [2317] 28 Espurr (M) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\4\31\31\31\23 [1415] 29 Espurr (F) - Timid, Keen Eye, 31\4\30\31\31\31 [3255] 30 Espurr (F) - Timid, Infiltrator, 31\19\31\31\30\31 [4017] 31 Espurr (M) - Modest, Infiltrator, 31\19\31\31\31\31 [136] *** 32 Espurr (F) - Modest, Infiltrator, 31\16\31\31\31\31 [2636] *** 33 Espurr (F) - Modest, Keen Eye, 31\27\31\31\31\31 [831] *** 34 Espurr (F) - Modest, Infiltrator, 31\27\31\31\31\31 [3091] *** 35 Espurr (M) - Modest, Infiltrator, 31\19\31\31\31\31 [176] *** The starred ones I'd like back, the rest are free if your SV matches. 4/5IVs in exchange would be cool, but not required.
Trevor {3695} 4141-1947-3177
>>16233004 >Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\31\12 [3695]** Lucky man.
Ailric - 1779 0303 3145 SV {3220} !IM2im0lF.A
Ailric - 1779 0303 3145 SV {3220} !IM2im0lF.A Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:22:32 No. 16233312 Report >>16233088 Match! :D
Adamant, Serene Grace, 31\6\31\31\31\2 [3220]
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:22:34 No. 16233313 Report Quoted By:
>>16233273 I can hatch: Hawlucha (M) - Gentle, Unburden, 30\30\27\4\24\20 [3183]
Would he be mine to keep or do you need him back?
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002}
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:22:53 No. 16233319 Report >>16233094 Awesome, thanks! Hope you like the 5IV Litwick!
Felix 5370-0402-3972 (Klang, Ferroseed, Bronzong) {3584}
Felix 5370-0402-3972 (Klang, Ferroseed, Bronzong) {3584} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:23:00 No. 16233325 Report Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:23:10 No. 16233328 Report >>16233301 great. would you like a ferroseed egg in return?
Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 20\31\31\14\31\0 [435]
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16233282 I thought you were going to breed one for me.
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:23:37 No. 16233335 Report Quoted By:
>>16233295 Already did, let do it.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:24:06 No. 16233349 Report >>16233035 can you check my eggs cedar?
Quoted By:
>>16233254 It did, thanks so much!
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:24:14 No. 16233353 Report >>16233332 No, I never implied that at all. I said I would look for one. You're confusing me with C.
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254}
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:24:18 No. 16233355 Report Quoted By:
>>16233300 >>16232968 >Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\2\0 [2254] Of it's you, I can help you with this one.
Dudebroman 2320-6835-6475/3352
Quoted By:
>>16233312 Adding in a moment.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:24:27 No. 16233357 Report >>16233298 You can have. Adding.
>>16233300 That would be me. Adding, you can keep.
If anyone has a 5 iv male skrelp I'd love it in exchange.
Honedge (
4398-9591-8678 Eric SV:1243
>>16233328 no thank you just send me whatever you'd like
>>16233304 would you like a 5 IV one just like it except non-shiny in return for hatching it?
I'll be on in a minute both of you
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16233353 Oh alright. What did you have to trade?
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:25:31 No. 16233386 Report Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 3\31\31\30\31\31 [1119]
Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Anticipation, 31\31\31\14\31\31 [2474]
Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 31\31\31\20\31\31 [3469]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\24\31\3 [3080]
Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Anticipation, 31\31\31\30\24\31 [1380]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\31\28\30\31\31 [1528]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 31\31\31\19\31\31 [2963]
Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 2\31\31\24\31\31 [1573]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 31\31\21\30\31\31 [3629]
Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\31\29\30\31\31 [1467]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 31\13\31\24\31\31 [3412]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 31\28\31\30\31\31 [2002]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 31\31\31\7\31\31 [2450]
Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\8\31\30\31\31 [552]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Anticipation, 10\31\31\24\31\31 [909]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 31\31\25\30\31\31 [2951]
Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 22\31\31\24\31\31 [559]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 31\31\31\24\31\10 [3750]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 10\31\31\24\31\31 [4052]
Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Anticipation, 31\29\31\24\31\31 [3502]
Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\16\31\31 [3310]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 13\31\31\30\31\31 [1933]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Anticipation, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [2407]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\30\31\31 [3260]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Anticipation, 31\31\31\1\31\31 [270]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Anticipation, 31\31\31\30\31\2 [2239]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 6\31\31\24\31\31 [3454]
Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\14\31\31 [2452]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 31\31\31\24\27\31 [1936]
Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 23\31\31\30\31\31 [3783]
>>16232889 Btw, I can hatch that.
Trevor {3695} 4141-1947-3177
>>16233372 Do you have anything with IVs that isn't Wooper? If not sure, that'll be fine.
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224}
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:25:43 No. 16233391 Report >>16233116 >Venipede (F) - Jolly, Speed Boost, 31\31\31\10\31\31 [1224] Can I keep or do you want it back?
Brooke 4656-6974-4923 SV:{2665}
Still looking for someone able to scan my eggs for me. So far I have found 3 eggs that are perfectly what I want, but no one seems to have that SV yet. So frustrating.
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
Quoted By:
>>16233319 I appreciate it I didnt even expect anything in return
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:26:22 No. 16233412 Report >>16233372 you mean you prefer anything else or that is it too much as you are giving the wooper away? if its the latter i would love to give you the ferroseed
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895}
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:26:28 No. 16233417 Report Quoted By:
Still looking for an Eevee egg of SV 895 or 2741, thanks in advance!
chi {1980}{1249} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>16233391 i'll give it to you for a dusk stone
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224}
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:26:55 No. 16233424 Report >>16233154 >57 - Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\03\31\31\04 [1224] Can I keep or do you want it back?
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:26:54 No. 16233425 Report >>16233375 Well, I still have Magic Guard Quiet Solosis w/Imprison and 31/x/31/31/31/x (1 male, 2 female).
And the Pokemon here:
>>16233154 Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:26:58 No. 16233430 Report 0001-3485-9705 [ferroseed, forretress, klefki] {853} {775}
0001-3485-9705 [ferroseed, forretress, klefki] {853} {775} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:27:02 No. 16233432 Report >>16233357 awesome, thank you!
I don't have any skrelps in return however unfortunately (or at all come to think of it)
Inon 1564 2718 3364 {70}
>>16233121 Yep. I'll send you the request.
4398-9591-8678 Eric SV:1243
>>16233412 just give me the ferroseed then
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:27:58 No. 16233451 Report >>16233424 You can keep him.
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Bibarel, Frogadier, Quagsire] {1655} {1394}
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Bibarel, Frogadier, Quagsire] {1655} {1394} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:28:04 No. 16233453 Report Quoted By:
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224}
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:28:06 No. 16233454 Report Quoted By:
>>16233418 Deal. Adding you now.
Jasmine 0001-3485-9705 [ferroseed, forretress, klefki] {853} {775}
Jasmine 0001-3485-9705 [ferroseed, forretress, klefki] {853} {775} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:28:08 No. 16233455 Report Quoted By:
>>16233357 ah my IGN is Jasmine by the way
I really should have that by my FC
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002}
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:28:21 No. 16233464 Report 3 Boxes of Horsea
As long as it's unmarked, you match, you keep.
Quoted By:
reposting also, does anyone have a legendary bird you're not using? I'm looking for the trio [gave my moltres to a friend]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:28:47 No. 16233477 Report Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254}
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:28:59 No. 16233483 Report Quoted By:
>>16233357 >That would be me. Adding, you can keep. Wow nice, thanks. Coolest thing I got to give you in return is a 4 IV nincada and a nice.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:29:12 No. 16233491 Report >>16233432 That's fine. Enjoy!
Greg 2895-7589-1166 {3641}
Larvitar (M) - Brave, Sand Veil, 25\5\8\31\17\23 [378] 1/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Sand Veil, 31\31\8\21\31\29 [3839] 3/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Sand Veil, 6\31\31\31\17\29 [1094] 3/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Sand Veil, 31\5\19\19\31\23 [909] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Sand Veil, 6\31\9\19\17\29 [1120] 1/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Sand Veil, 28\5\31\19\31\23 [3884] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Sand Veil, 28\5\31\31\31\23 [3612] 3/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Sand Veil, 6\31\19\19\17\23 [1134] 1/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Sand Veil, 6\5\28\31\31\23 [2945] 2/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Sand Veil, 31\5\31\1\17\29 [2013] 2/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Guts, 31\31\8\19\20\29 [1577] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Sand Veil, 6\29\8\31\17\23 [2114] 1/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Guts, 6\31\31\31\17\9 [90] 3/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Sand Veil, 6\5\31\1\31\23 [2182] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Guts, 6\28\8\19\31\23 [1793] 1/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Sand Veil, 31\5\31\18\17\29 [1134] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Guts, 31\5\8\13\17\23 [819] 1/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Guts, 31\31\9\19\31\23 [730] 3/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Guts, 31\5\31\19\11\23 [2071] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Guts, 31\5\8\7\31\29 [602] 2/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Sand Veil, 15\31\8\19\17\23 [339] 1/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Sand Veil, 31\5\8\31\30\29 [693] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Guts, 31\31\31\31\31\23 [Cracked] 5/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Sand Veil, 6\31\8\23\31\23 [3743] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Guts, 19\31\8\31\17\29 [1786] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Guts, 16\31\8\19\31\23 [3469] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Guts, 14\5\8\31\31\23 [3632] 2/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Guts, 26\5\31\19\31\29 [468] 2/6 Larvitar (F) - Brave, Sand Veil, 6\5\31\0\31\29 [3876] 2/6 Larvitar (M) - Brave, Sand Veil, 18\5\8\31\17\23 [3142] 1/6 What can I say, you got the code its yours.
Czar 2595 1350 7689
Jake [X] 3222 5579 4788 [1668]
>>16233386 >Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\31\28\30\31\31 [1528] My friend can hatch this. Do you mind if I keep that one?
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:30:03 No. 16233507 Report >>16233402 Would you like me to? I need to scan a box anyway.
Ryan, FC: 2766-9147-7441 [145]
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\2\24\3\28\31 [3762] Phantump (M) - Serious, Natural Cure, 11\9\18\21\24\18 [2340] Noibat (F) - Timid, Frisk, 31\7\28\29\9\7 [774] Electrike (F) - Timid, Lightningrod, 28\18\23\31\31\31 [2842] Electrike (F) - Timid, Static, 1\18\31\31\23\31 [2264] Electrike (F) - Timid, Static, 31\18\23\14\30\31 [524] Electrike (M) - Timid, Static, 31\18\31\27\31\31 [1685] Electrike (F) - Timid, Static, 26\7\23\31\23\13 [3121] Electrike (M) - Timid, Static, 26\7\31\1\23\31 [560] Electrike (M) - Timid, Static, 26\18\23\14\23\22 [1791] Electrike (F) - Timid, Static, 31\18\20\31\23\31 [1297] Electrike (M) - Timid, Static, 26\7\31\3\31\31 [2881] Electrike (F) - Timid, Static, 31\7\23\8\31\31 [2341] Electrike (M) - Timid, Static, 26\7\23\15\23\31 [2730] Electrike (F) - Timid, Static, 31\18\31\31\16\31 [2178] Electrike (M) - Timid, Static, 26\7\31\31\31\27 [2164] Electrike (M) - Timid, Static, 26\18\31\14\23\15 [2428] Electrike (F) - Timid, Static, 6\7\31\14\23\31 [3262] Electrike (M) - Timid, Static, 31\29\31\14\31\31 [2803] Electrike (F) - Timid, Static, 31\18\23\31\29\31 [3222] Electrike (M) - Timid, Lightningrod, 26\7\31\14\23\31 [2785]
Anonymous (FC: 0490-5593-3525)
Quoted By:
I've gotta get off since I have school tomorrow, but I'll be back tomorrow on the Instacheck threads and you can add me on skype if needed for hatching or whatever. (kimonogirlzuki) Good night, /vp/oreons.
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:30:22 No. 16233518 Report >>16233186 You can keep her! Adding now.
Dylan 3609 1979 5673 {60}
Still here >>16233002 >Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\3\31 [60] Matches me, would you like anything for this?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:30:32 No. 16233522 Report SV check p-please? I just want to hatch shinies for people ;__;
Holly | 4012-3769-4885 | SV 1387
>>16232968 Is this a giveaway? If so! I'd like Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\21\31\31\2\31 [1387]!
Or are you wanting these back?
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163}
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:31:12 No. 16233543 Report Quoted By: Match one and it's yours.
[4016] [2926] [424] [3564]
[671] [2804]
[3062] [2667] [3996]
[2362] [265] [3778] [1897] [3178]
[1200] [1252] [2196]
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
Korozo~1864-9073-9210 [Steel: Ferroseed,Klank,???]{3017}{2248}
Korozo~1864-9073-9210 [Steel: Ferroseed,Klank,???]{3017}{2248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:31:33 No. 16233555 Report >>16233464 >2248 We have a match!
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:31:49 No. 16233563 Report >>16233522 I can check yours, if you don't mind waiting while I check some eggs of my own.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16233425 Eh, I don't really need it but Ill take the male. Btw, do you have an Aggron? I want to see if it's possible to use Aggronite before upgrading the mega ring if you got the aggronite stone through a trade.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:32:11 No. 16233576 Report Quoted By:
requestan someone check my eggs
4398-9591-8678 Eric SV:1243
>>16233387 I'll give you a 5 IV shellos or shuckle then
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224}
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:32:37 No. 16233590 Report >>16233451 Awesome, thanks! Just added you.
Trevor {3695} 4141-1947-3177
>>16233579 Shuckle please~
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:33:12 No. 16233605 Report >>16233503 I was actually looking for a Shiny Dry Skin Jolly. But you can keep it.
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:33:15 No. 16233606 Report >>16233590 Did you see my post about the Hawlucha 3183?
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002}
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:33:47 No. 16233618 Report >>16233555 I'm adding you now
Jake [X] 3222 5579 4788 [1668]
>>16233605 Much appreciated dude. Adding you.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:33:59 No. 16233622 Report >>16233521 4-5 iv breeding 'mon always appreciated but not required. You can have it.
>>16233535 Marked ones are the ones I want to keep. You can have that one.
Jasmine 0001-3485-9705 [ferroseed, forretress, klefki] {853} {775}
Jasmine 0001-3485-9705 [ferroseed, forretress, klefki] {853} {775} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:34:00 No. 16233624 Report Quoted By:
>>16233491 thank you very much!
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:34:42 No. 16233635 Report Quoted By:
>>16233567 Alright. And no, don't have an Aggron.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:34:58 No. 16233640 Report Quoted By:
>>16233554 Cool! So I just add you and start a trade?
>>16233563 I think the person above will help me, but if not then I'll poke you again in a minute.
Korozo~1864-9073-9210 [Steel: Ferroseed,Klank,???]{3017}{2248}
Korozo~1864-9073-9210 [Steel: Ferroseed,Klank,???]{3017}{2248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:35:24 No. 16233649 Report >>16233618 IGN is Ryu.
Also, are you okay with just a derp? My X isn't past like the 2nd gym I think
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:35:24 No. 16233650 Report Quoted By:
>>16233445 shiny wooper is sick! thank you
Synnie 4983-5266-1525 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Panpour) {3433}
Synnie 4983-5266-1525 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Panpour) {3433} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:35:25 No. 16233652 Report Quoted By:
>>16233250 Oh I missed you! Sure.
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] {SV: Y:3167 X:2808}
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] {SV: Y:3167 X:2808} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:35:32 No. 16233655 Report 4IV Solosis with Trick
* Star means I want it
** Stars means I REALLY want it
3 Solosis (F) - Modest, Magic Guard, 31\10\31\31\31\31 [1722]*
7 Solosis (F) - Modest, Magic Guard, 31\2\31\31\31\31 [680]**
Rest are here Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:35:35 No. 16233656 Report >>16233619 Np man. A pokemon capable of breeding will be appreciated though.
>>16233002 >Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\17\2\31 [3633] i can hatch this! can i keep it if i do? Jake [X] 3222 5579 4788 [1668]
Haley 0103-9064-5552 {415}
Quoted By:
>StephenK: 4785-5568-9853 ( Larvesta,Magmar,Braixen) {692} >Ferroseed (F) - Mild, Iron Barbs, 31\14\31\19\31\23 [415] >Marc 0688-5992-2533 {2231} >Lapras (M) - Lax, Shell Armor, 17\12\31\31\31\15 [415] I match these from foolz.
Pat [1220-7185-4635 (Bug)]
Quoted By:
could someone check my shiny value please?
Elliott 2921-9880-7198 [Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak] SV 1999
Elliott 2921-9880-7198 [Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak] SV 1999 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:36:12 No. 16233671 Report Quoted By:
>>16233464 Horsea (F) - Modest, Swift Swim, 31\23\31\31\25\31 [2325]
Could I have that one please?
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:36:29 No. 16233676 Report >>16233657 Yes you may. Please be patient as I trade, but you can have it. IGN?
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:36:33 No. 16233678 Report Quoted By:
>>16233563 can you help me?
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
>>16233464 Hey I just traded you but is there any way I could trade you for one of the 4 or 5 female eevees
Nanake 2148-8227-7516 {1569} {136}
>>16233303 >31 Espurr (M) - Modest, Infiltrator, 31\19\31\31\31\31 [136] *** my x version matches this one. give me a minute to switch games and i can hatch it for you
Quoted By:
>>16233002 >Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\17\2\31 [3633] i can hatch this can i keep it?
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224}
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:37:22 No. 16233695 Report >>16233606 Yeah, but I think I replied too late. He's still available and you can keep him.
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002}
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:37:29 No. 16233698 Report >>16233649 It's cool, it's not like I'm short on Kingdra eggs. I'm online now.
>>16233676 sorry i posted twice on accident no ign is that bad?
Holly | 4012-3769-4885 | SV 1387
Quoted By:
>>16233622 Thanks man! :) Adding now!
0920 0799 0786
Quoted By:
Chespin (M) - Serious, Overgrow, 24\9\2\19\26\22 [179] Chespin (F) - Lax, Overgrow, 8\27\14\12\30\25 [2134] Chespin (M) - Docile, Overgrow, 31\19\30\15\31\31 [2758] Chespin (M) - Docile, Overgrow, 31\27\2\22\19\29 [1617] Chespin (M) - Sassy, Overgrow, 8\13\5\27\31\22 [21] Chespin (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\27\12\13\21 [3618] Chespin (F) - Adamant, Overgrow, 19\8\13\15\26\3 [2548] Chespin (M) - Bashful, Overgrow, 4\13\13\15\21\21 [725] Chespin (M) - Bashful, Overgrow, 31\19\3\15\31\20 [3493] Chespin (M) - Quirky, Overgrow, 17\19\2\14\18\21 [2837] Fennekin (M) - Naive, Blaze, 18\20\14\12\20\20 [2400] Fennekin (M) - Quiet, Blaze, 31\10\2\5\31\8 [674] Fennekin (M) - Modest, Blaze, 20\12\20\28\16\22 [208] Fennekin (M) - Hardy, Blaze, 31\9\4\31\20\1 [3929] Fennekin (M) - Hasty, Blaze, 20\20\20\26\20\29 [1335] Fennekin (M) - Sassy, Blaze, 20\19\9\19\3\20 [1344] Fennekin (M) - Lax, Blaze, 5\1\20\31\25\20 [1360] Fennekin (M) - Hardy, Blaze, 31\5\12\12\1\22 [3291] Fennekin (M) - Docile, Blaze, 28\20\13\31\20\5 [45] Fennekin (M) - Careful, Blaze, 20\1\31\12\31\23 [2941] Noibat (F) - Quirky, Frisk, 31\9\24\12\31\26 [439] Noibat (M) - Gentle, Frisk, 3\11\2\12\31\25 [939] Noibat (M) - Lax, Frisk, 23\19\2\12\31\9 [1748] Noibat (F) - Bold, Infiltrator, 31\16\31\27\31\3 [2968] Noibat (M) - Bold, Frisk, 31\24\22\29\31\6 [3754] Noibat (F) - Modest, Frisk, 31\19\2\16\28\10 [1017] Noibat (M) - Docile, Frisk, 5\11\31\12\31\22 [569] Noibat (M) - Mild, Infiltrator, 31\19\20\25\17\10 [3678] Noibat (M) - Quiet, Frisk, 26\9\2\8\4\23 [1803] Noibat (F) - Docile, Frisk, 27\19\23\25\31\10 [673] Any help gents?
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:38:59 No. 16233730 Report Brooke 4656-6974-4923 SV:{2665}
Quoted By:
>>16233507 Thanks Zidane, that would be very helpful.
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566}
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:39:13 No. 16233737 Report The ones -not- marked with * are up for grabs. Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 13\7\20\27\31\31 [3421] Eevee (M) - Bold, Run Away, 31\26\31\31\31\1 [2574] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 9\4\31\31\31\31 [873] Eevee (M) - Bold, Adaptability, 9\4\31\31\31\31 [3211] Eevee (M) - Bold, Adaptability, 13\26\31\31\31\18 [3670] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 13\26\25\31\31\31 [3732] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 31\4\31\31\1\31 [514] Eevee (M) - Bold, Run Away, 31\26\31\31\31\4 [658] Eevee (M) - Bold, Run Away, 31\26\31\24\31\31 [2550] *** Eevee (M) - Bold, Adaptability, 27\4\31\31\31\31 [3860] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 13\4\23\31\31\31 [1064] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 31\26\31\12\31\31 [1804] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 13\4\2\31\31\31 [1278] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 31\26\31\31\31\23 [789] *** Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 31\27\31\31\31\31 [300] ***** Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 31\23\31\31\31\31 [2543] *** Eevee (M) - Bold, Adaptability, 31\16\31\31\31\31 [783] *** Eevee (M) - Bold, Run Away, 31\26\31\31\30\31 [204] *** Eevee (M) - Bold, Adaptability, 31\26\31\31\31\6 [557] Eevee (M) - Bold, Adaptability, 23\26\31\31\31\31 [3491] *** Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 13\4\31\31\31\3 [3836] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 31\26\31\31\1\31 [3397] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 13\4\17\31\31\31 [286] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 31\4\26\31\31\31 [735] *** Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 13\26\31\12\31\31 [491] Eevee (M) - Bold, Adaptability, 31\26\31\31\23\31 [2765] *** Eevee (F) - Bold, Run Away, 13\5\31\31\31\31 [1084] *** Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 31\4\31\0\31\31 [1694] Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 31\26\31\31\25\31 [1672] *** Eevee (F) - Bold, Adaptability, 31\4\31\31\6\31 [2621] ***
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:39:21 No. 16233738 Report >>16233718 It's fine. You'll have to trade me first though.
Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
Bagon (M) - Adamant, Sheer Force, 31\21\31\12\31\31 [1045] Bagon (M) - Adamant, Sheer Force, 31\31\31\19\31\31 [2545] Bagon (F) - Adamant, Sheer Force, 31\31\16\31\28\31 [3204] Bagon (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\31\31\31\28\25 [2617] Bagon (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 22\31\31\12\28\31 [2955] Mantine (M) - Jolly, Water Absorb, 31\31\12\17\31\31 [2337] Mantine (F) - Hardy, Swift Swim, 31\31\12\31\31\14 hatched Mantine (F) - Modest, Swift Swim, 30\31\12\31\31\31 [3386] Mantine (F) - Lax, Water Absorb, 31\1\12\31\31\2 [1596] Mantine (M) - Gentle, Swift Swim, 31\31\12\31\31\22 [2505] Mantine (M) - Adamant, Water Absorb, 0\31\31\31\31\31 [2324] Mantine (M) - Naughty, Swift Swim, 31\31\20\31\31\31 [2239] Mantine (F) - Jolly, Swift Swim, 31\31\0\31\31\31 [1611] Mantine (F) - Naughty, Swift Swim, 31\27\31\31\31\2 [288] Mantine (M) - Careful, Swift Swim, 5\31\31\31\31\2 [2534] Carvanha (M) - Hasty, Rough Skin, 9\31\18\31\7\22 [1576] Carvanha (F) - Hasty, Rough Skin, 9\16\3\31\0\31 [1776] Bagon (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\31\31\12\28\3 [2067] Bagon (M) - Adamant, Sheer Force, 31\31\31\12\25\31 [3768] Bagon (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 20\31\31\31\28\31 [655] Bagon (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\31\31\31\31\1 [1332] Snover (M) - Rash, Snow Warning, 19\2\8\10\24\31 [2452] Tyrunt (M) - Sassy, Strong Jaw, 6\26\13\12\0\14 [795] Bagon (F) - Adamant, Sheer Force, 31\31\31\12\31\6 [1764] Snover (F) - Timid, Snow Warning, 31\6\8\13\16\31 [1362] Bagon (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\31\31\31\31\11 [590] Bagon (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\31\11\12\31\31 [4057] Bagon (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\31\29\31\28\31 [2587]
Sam: 0404-6199-5483 (Togepi)
Shuppet (F) - Adamant, Insomnia, 31\25\6\31\31\29 [1420] Shuppet (M) - Adamant, Insomnia, 31\29\31\31\8\31 [3613] Shuppet (F) - Adamant, Insomnia, 31\29\31\31\31\31 [2783] gone Shuppet (M) - Adamant, Insomnia, 31\25\31\31\8\31 [1898] gone Shuppet (M) - Adamant, Insomnia, 31\25\31\3\31\29 [769] Shuppet (M) - Adamant, Insomnia, 31\31\30\12\31\5 [365] Shuppet (F) - Adamant, Frisk, 31\31\25\13\9\31 [2651] Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 23\5\31\19\31\31 [2986] Torchic (M) - Jolly, Speed Boost, 31\31\8\31\31\31 [3150] Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\5\31\31\2\31 [228] Magikarp (M) - Careful, Swift Swim, 0\8\0\31\20\31 [3018] Vullaby (F) - Bold, Overcoat, 31\2\31\10\31\31 [4091] Magikarp (F) - Hasty, Swift Swim, 23\1\0\31\25\31 [1772] Magikarp (F) - Gentle, Swift Swim, 23\1\31\27\8\31 [3705] Ferroseed (F) - Jolly, Iron Barbs, 31\18\23\1\31\31 [1911] Ferroseed (M) - Calm, Iron Barbs, 20\31\6\11\28\0 [2180] Ferroseed (M) - Calm, Iron Barbs, 26\23\31\11\31\0 [1152] Torchic (M) - Jolly, Speed Boost, 31\1\13\30\10\31 [2743] Tangela (F) - Calm, Leaf Guard, 31\31\12\31\0\31 [1083] Tangela (M) - Calm, Leaf Guard, 31\18\12\4\31\5 [1706] Tangela (M) - Calm, Leaf Guard, 6\18\27\31\31\31 [4075] Tangela (F) - Calm, Leaf Guard, 6\31\31\31\31\5 [1171] Torchic (M) - Jolly, Speed Boost, 31\31\13\28\10\2 [3422] Marill (F) - Adamant, Thick Fat, 31\31\31\6\31\10 [1212] Matches are keepers.
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16233683 No kidding, that would be fantastic.
Korozo~1864-9073-9210 [Steel: Ferroseed,Klank,???]{3017}{2248}
Korozo~1864-9073-9210 [Steel: Ferroseed,Klank,???]{3017}{2248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:40:56 No. 16233764 Report >>16233698 Thanks a ton, man.
4398-9591-8678 Eric SV:1243
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:41:15 No. 16233773 Report Quoted By:
>>16233554 I added you, add me?
Quoted By:
>>16233738 i added you just waiting on you =D
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
H1Z1 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:41:31 No. 16233779 Report >>16233695 I needed to check some eggs before we traded.
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895}
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:41:56 No. 16233790 Report Quoted By:
Still no Eevee's with SV of 895 or 2741? Man I have bad luck. Remember me if you get one, please, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704}
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:42:01 No. 16233791 Report >>16233518 Just so you know, I already had you in my friend's list. I guess we traded before?
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224}
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:42:14 No. 16233799 Report >>16233779 It's all good. Ign?
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002}
Alex 4914 4015 6440 [Aipom, Mincinno, Eevee] SV: {3002} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:42:17 No. 16233800 Report >>16233764 No problem
>>16233679 I'm assuming you mean not shiny? I got rid of my boxes of eevee eggs, but I do have 1 4IV female left I can trade you if you want. It doesn't have Hidden Ability. What do you want to trade for it?
Quoted By:
>>16232707 Still waiting on my Macfag version.
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:42:43 No. 16233816 Report >>16233799 We were in trade... fyre
Nanake 2148-8227-7516 {1569} {136}
>>16233749 adding you now, let me know if you want it to have a nickname
SV [113]
Quoted By:
>>16233495 > two 1134s > Not 113 Fuck
>>16233738 thank you so much you the first match i have had!
Mr. Manager 4597-0488-5884 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig] SV:{1874}
Mr. Manager 4597-0488-5884 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig] SV:{1874} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:43:34 No. 16233835 Report Quoted By:
>>16233730 Hey i have a leftover egg with your SV, do you want it?
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
>>16233800 Ummmm Idk ill find something
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
Quoted By:
>>16233819 Default is fine, thanks for the help.
4570-7500-3997 {2751}
Quoted By:
I would like one of these back, but if you really want to keep it you can. I want a present for a friend but I bred these to give away. Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 15\31\31\25\31\31 [4004] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 19\31\31\31\31\31 [142] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\10\25\31\31 [3903] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\31\23\31 [923] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\15\31\31 [1094] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\31\31\4 [3158] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 24\31\31\31\31\31 [1761] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\12\25\31\31 [3491] Furfrou (M) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\25\4\31 [2099] Furfrou (M) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\6\31\31 [178] Furfrou (M) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\17\31\25\31\31 [1154] Furfrou (M) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\7\31\31\31\31 [1868] Furfrou (M) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\25\31\8 [3012] Furfrou (M) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\26\31\31\31\31 [3122] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\12\31\31\31\31 [788] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\31\10\31 [620] Furfrou (M) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\31\31\28 [501] Furfrou (M) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\8\31\25\31\31 [716] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\31\31\29 [2590] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\31\31\1 [2966] Furfrou (F) - Jolly, Fur Coat, 31\10\31\31\31\31 [1036]
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224}
Conrad 1864-9830-5576(Gloom, Garbardor, Toxicroak) SV: {1224} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:44:42 No. 16233865 Report Quoted By:
>>16233816 My bad, you showed up as a passerby for some reason.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | SV: 3529
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:44:52 No. 16233868 Report Quoted By:
>>16233833 No problem. I added you now so trade when ready!
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:45:24 No. 16233878 Report >>16233655 >29 Solosis (M) - Modest, Magic Guard, 31\31\31\31\31\24 [3743] I don't match this one, but I know someone that does. Could I offer you something particular for it or are you just being generous?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:45:33 No. 16233883 Report >>16233848 Bro, are you helping me out or not? Not sure if I should start bugging someone else.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:45:40 No. 16233888 Report Quoted By:
>>16233848 can you help me check some eggs? whenever youre not busy ofc
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV 3732
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV 3732 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:45:57 No. 16233891 Report >>16233737 >Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 13\26\25\31\31\31 [3732] We have a match!
Kay 4742-5542-0308
Hate to be a bother, but could someone help me find out my shiny value?
Zach - 4871-4362-7348 {1443} {3823}
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] {SV: Y:3167 X:2808}
Griffin [1263-6570-0392] {SV: Y:3167 X:2808} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:46:46 No. 16233903 Report >>16233878 Generous
Are you going to give it to them?
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:46:52 No. 16233907 Report >>16233791 you must have hatched it before because I don't have the egg. I'll update my list.
GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
>>16233896 I'll help you with that
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655}
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:47:35 No. 16233922 Report Giving away these Gligars, I dont care if you match or not.>Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\12\31\31 [3789] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\27\31\12\31\31 [2182] Gligar (F) - Impish, Sand Veil, 1\31\30\12\31\31 [1085] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\12\21\31 [3188] Gligar (F) - Impish, Sand Veil, 31\31\17\12\31\31 [800] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\12\19\31 [3337] Gligar (M) - Impish, Hyper Cutter, 12\31\30\12\31\31 [1097] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 1\31\31\12\31\31 [2450] Gligar (M) - Impish, Hyper Cutter, 31\7\30\12\31\31 [1268] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\10\31\22\31\31 [172] Gligar (F) - Impish, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\4\22\31\31 [1479] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\27\30\12\31\31 [2090] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 31\8\31\12\31\31 [2363] Gligar (M) - Impish, Sand Veil, 31\31\30\16\31\31 [1692] Gligar (M) - Impish, Sand Veil, 31\31\30\29\31\31 [1827] Gligar (M) - Impish, Hyper Cutter, 23\31\30\12\31\31 [4037] Gligar (F) - Impish, Hyper Cutter, 31\20\30\22\31\31 [655] Gligar (M) - Impish, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\12\31\14 [595] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\12\31\21 [2617]>Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\8\31\31 [1014] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 17\31\30\22\31\31 [3639] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 29\31\30\22\31\31 [3023] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\22\6\31 [1757] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 29\31\30\12\31\31 [2123] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\12\15\31 [1749] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 31\14\30\22\31\31 [1221] Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\12\27\31 [3127] Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\12\8\31 [801] Gligar (F) - Impish, Hyper Cutter, 31\23\31\22\31\31 [465] Gligar (F) - Impish, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\30\22\31\6 [2263] The greentexted ones are gone
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704}
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:47:39 No. 16233923 Report Quoted By:
>>16233907 Ah, alright, that makes sense. Whoops. (And to think I'd get two shiny Torchic.)
Andrea 0576-4765-5729 | SV{3195} [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb]
Andrea 0576-4765-5729 | SV{3195} [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:47:58 No. 16233927 Report Quoted By:
ctrl + f time
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866}
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:48:07 No. 16233931 Report Got a box and a half each of Froakies and Klefki here. Stars means I want it back, the rest are up for grabs.
Froakie: Klefki: Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:48:57 No. 16233950 Report Allllrighty, I just bred a box of Meditites. Please let me know if you have a match! Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:49:15 No. 16233958 Report Quoted By:
>>16233903 Yeah. She's a fan of Reuniclus, so she'd really appreciate it. I'll go ahead and add you if you're willing to help me out.
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
>>16232905 Sorry! This one is already gone... forgot to update my list.
>>16233228 I think I still have you added... Right? And yes, you can have it.
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
>>16233883 Yeah adding now lol
Dylan 3609 1979 5673 {60}
>>16233715 Friend Code/SV? If you don't have a match, I do have a few non-shinies with similar stats
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:50:09 No. 16233973 Report Quoted By:
>>16233563 The other anon did not help, so can I bug you afterall?
Just let me know when you're ready, I'll keep f5ing the thread.
Brooke 4656-6974-4923 SV:{2665}
>>16233922 Even the 5IV ones? in that case I'll take the top one
>Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\12\31\31 [3789] Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:50:44 No. 16233987 Report Quoted By:
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu {1458} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:51:11 No. 16233997 Report >>16233521 I know someone with 1015
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 26\4\8\8\31\31 [1015]
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:51:15 No. 16233999 Report Can someone help me check a box of eggs?
Quoted By:
>>16233950 >819 >909 So close. ;_;
I'm 919 Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:51:21 No. 16234002 Report >>16233960 Okay, cool!
So I just send you a mon of any kind?
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:51:21 No. 16234003 Report >>16233744 Bagon (F) - Adamant, Sheer Force, 31\31\16\31\28\31 [3204]
I can hatch that on the Y version I got. If you don't mind it I can keep it?
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:51:40 No. 16234011 Report Quoted By:
>>16233088 Got a match!
>Eevee (F) - Careful, Run Away, 31\31\27\18\31\31 [592] BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
Quoted By:
>>16233950 > can i have one of the females? please
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:52:04 No. 16234021 Report Quoted By:
>>16233984 >the greentexted ones are gone Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
>>16234002 You have to have caught it yourself
Reza 2036-7795-4866 (Loudred, Aipom, Chansey) SV {3260}
Reza 2036-7795-4866 (Loudred, Aipom, Chansey) SV {3260} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:52:09 No. 16234024 Report >>16233386 >Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\31\31\30\31\31 I can hatch this for you
GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
Quoted By:
>>16233896 Show me a Pokemon
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:52:45 No. 16234035 Report >>16234022 Okay, no problem. I'm ready.
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:52:57 No. 16234039 Report Someone help me find my shiny value?
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
Quoted By:
Just added let me reconnect
Scythe (IGN: Keith) 1676-4772-4929 {1843}
Scythe (IGN: Keith) 1676-4772-4929 {1843} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:53:57 No. 16234067 Report >>16233931 >Klefki (M) - Calm, Prankster, 31\26\31\23\5\31 [1807] My friend has this SV, could I convince you to trade it? I have a handful of breeding leftovers including, but not limited to Eevee, Zorua, Fennekin, Croagunk, and Honedge.
Roan 1650 0918 4518 {3836} [Sawsbuck, Tangela, Gogoat]
Roan 1650 0918 4518 {3836} [Sawsbuck, Tangela, Gogoat] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:54:00 No. 16234069 Report >>16233737 >Eevee (M) - Bold, Anticipation, 13\4\31\31\31\3 [3836] I'm a match. Could I nab this one?
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
clipzle 4270-1495-7347 {SV:1749}
>>16233922 >Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\12\15\31 [1749] I match can i have it?
Pat [1220-7185-4635 (Bug)]
i'd hate to be a bother, but could someone please check my SV? i really wanna help spread the shine.
Lethal 4484-7833-2287 (Dwebble, Corsola, Barbaracle) {907} {561}
Lethal 4484-7833-2287 (Dwebble, Corsola, Barbaracle) {907} {561} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:54:50 No. 16234089 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Anyone got the link to the general information faq that was in every x/y questions general? Cant find it anywhere
Evan 4597-0025-1543 {3860} [Lampent, Dusclops, Pumpkaboo]
Evan 4597-0025-1543 {3860} [Lampent, Dusclops, Pumpkaboo] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:55:04 No. 16234096 Report >>16233737 >Eevee (M) - Bold, Adaptability, 27\4\31\31\31\31 [3860] This matches me. Can I have it?
Zorua (M) - Naive, Illusion, 20\12\0\23\17\0 [1200] Zorua (M) - Adamant, Illusion, 20\5\25\23\30\3 [926] Zorua (M) - Rash, Illusion, 31\4\1\8\3\11 [3612] Zorua (M) - Relaxed, Illusion, 17\28\10\25\3\30 [2041] Zorua (M) - Careful, Illusion, 18\28\1\8\21\9 [4019] Zorua (M) - Docile, Illusion, 18\20\10\29\25\13 [2233] Zorua (M) - Lax, Illusion, 30\28\25\14\23\0 [57] Zorua (M) - Sassy, Illusion, 3\4\25\5\3\3 [4008] Zorua (M) - Lax, Illusion, 3\28\19\2\3\0 [16] Zorua (M) - Calm, Illusion, 20\3\15\23\25\14 [2318] Zorua (M) - Sassy, Illusion, 1\9\10\29\25\10 [2439] Zorua (M) - Modest, Illusion, 17\28\30\8\4\10 [897] Zorua (M) - Gentle, Illusion, 20\19\1\28\25\0 [3771] Zorua (F) - Hasty, Illusion, 0\4\30\23\25\26 [1112] Zorua (M) - Quiet, Illusion, 2\20\25\23\11\10 [3657] Zorua (M) - Mild, Illusion, 20\30\10\8\11\19 [2174] Zorua (M) - Careful, Illusion, 18\4\3\8\3\0 [1664] Zorua (F) - Bold, Illusion, 11\4\17\8\25\6 [2704] can anyone hatch any of these i just want to kep the first one that is hatched
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655}
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:55:14 No. 16234103 Report >>16234077 Sure, adding you now
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:55:15 No. 16234104 Report >>16234024 I'd love if you could do that for me. I can give you another 5IV croagunk for your troubles.
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:55:16 No. 16234105 Report Would like the one noted back, you can have the rest. Thanks. Goomy (F) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 31\8\31\22\2\29 [2762] Goomy (F) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 30\18\31\22\31\29 [3020] Goomy (M) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 31\18\31\23\31\29 [1537] Goomy (M) - Sassy, Hydration, 31\18\31\22\31\14 [3553] Goomy (F) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 31\18\31\21\31\29 [2774] Goomy (M) - Sassy, Hydration, 31\8\4\22\31\29 [765] Goomy (M) - Sassy, Hydration, 31\8\31\22\13\29 [2532] Goomy (M) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 31\18\31\22\31\18 [1630] Goomy (F) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 31\18\31\22\31\22 [553] Goomy (F) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 31\16\31\22\31\29 [1642] Goomy (M) - Sassy, Hydration, 31\20\31\22\31\29 [3872] Goomy (M) - Sassy, Hydration, 31\8\4\22\31\29 [260] Goomy (M) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 6\18\31\22\31\29 [4037] Goomy (M) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 31\7\31\22\31\29 [334] Goomy (F) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 31\8\31\16\31\29 [3834]
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:55:26 No. 16234108 Report can anybody please check my eggs please
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311 SV {3388}
>>16233730 >Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\31\26\31\25 [3388] Do you want it back?
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:55:41 No. 16234114 Report Dean 0877-0030-4188 (Flying) SV{3065}{640}{170}
Dean 0877-0030-4188 (Flying) SV{3065}{640}{170} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:55:54 No. 16234122 Report Quoted By:
>>16234073 >Bergmite (F) - Sassy, Own Tempo, 3\30\31\6\31\21 [3065] i've got a match here, may i have it
My shiny value is 2625 happy to breed a shiny for you my fc 5026-5163-1154 add me if interested.
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866}
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:56:22 No. 16234146 Report >>16234067 Sure why not. I'd love an Eevee.
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895}
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:56:28 No. 16234149 Report >>16234114 > Goomy (M) - Modest, Sap Sipper, 31\9\9\31\31\31 [2741]
Can I nab that one please?
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296 Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:56:33 No. 16234152 Report Quoted By:
>>16234105 I'm a ding dong.
I would like this one back.
>Goomy (M) - Sassy, Hydration, 31\18\31\22\31\14 [3553] GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
>>16234110 you can have it. any uncommon breeding reject would be very nice though. adding you
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704}
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:56:46 No. 16234156 Report >>16234098 >Zorua (F) - Bold, Illusion, 11\4\17\8\25\6 [2704] I have the SV for this one. I'm guessing I'm the first one, so I'll send it right back, yes?
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:57:17 No. 16234173 Report Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:57:28 No. 16234178 Report >>16234073 > Bergmite (F) - Calm, Ice Body, 31\30\9\31\15\21 [3183]
I have a match!
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163}
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:57:38 No. 16234182 Report >>16233950 >Meditite (F) - Adamant, Pure Power, 31\31\6\16\31\31 [1163] I can hatch this for you.
Bryan M (1177/7813/6648) {658}
>>16233737 >Eevee (M) - Bold, Run Away, 31\26\31\31\31\4 [658] Match!
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16233819 Thanks so much for the Espurr!
Bob 4484-8675-2439
>>16234153 >Phantump (M) - Impish, Harvest, 29\31\31\12\31\31 [652] Can I have?
Scythe (IGN: Keith) 1676-4772-4929 {1843}
Scythe (IGN: Keith) 1676-4772-4929 {1843} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:58:19 No. 16234202 Report >>16234146 Any specific gender or ability you want on it?
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:58:30 No. 16234205 Report Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:58:37 No. 16234212 Report >>16233922 >Gligar (F) - Impish, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\4\22\31\31 [1479] W match for that one, please add me.
Kay 4742-5542-0308 {3534}
>>16234153 Thank you, and sorry for being retarded earlier.
Reza 2036-7795-4866 (Loudred, Aipom, Chansey) SV {3260}
Reza 2036-7795-4866 (Loudred, Aipom, Chansey) SV {3260} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:59:05 No. 16234225 Report >>16234104 sounds good
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592} Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:59:29 No. 16234233 Report >>16234114 >Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 5\27\7\31\13\31 [592] Would you mind if I were to nab that one?
Wraith - 1349 5363 0884 [1757]
>>16233922 >Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\22\6\31 [1757] Could I get this one please?
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
>>16234178 Cool adding you now! Gimme a sec to trade though, hatching an egg for another person
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon Mon 25 Nov 2013 02:59:39 No. 16234242 Report >>16234039 Would someone help me find my value?
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866}
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:00:06 No. 16234251 Report >>16234202 Nah, not really. Eevee is my next breeding project though, so if you have one with a few IVs on it that I can use as a starter, that'd be rad.
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:00:13 No. 16234255 Report >>16234238 We're already on eachothers lists.
Nanake 2148-8227-7516 {1569} {136}
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
>>16234035 will you accept the trade plz
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:00:24 No. 16234259 Report >>16234140 >>16233931 Looks like there's a klefki match.
Brendan: 4468-0976-7831
>>16233116 I match a couple,
>Venipede (M) - Jolly, Speed Boost, 31\31\31\31\15\26 [4065] >Venipede (F) - Jolly, Speed Boost, 31\31\31\26\9\31 [4065] Did you want both back?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:01:05 No. 16234272 Report >>16234258 But I'm not seeing any trade request
What's your ingame name?
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:01:13 No. 16234279 Report >>16234225 Oh, if you can name it Venusaur that would be great
clipzle 4270-1495-7347 {SV:1749}
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:01:24 No. 16234285 Report Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
>>16234255 Nice i didnt even check lol. Cool. Ill initiate trade when im finished here.
Elliott 2921-9880-7198 [Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak] SV 1999
Elliott 2921-9880-7198 [Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak] SV 1999 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:01:26 No. 16234288 Report >>16234114 Goomy (F) - Modest, Gooey, 31\14\31\31\31\31 [1030]
If you don't mind parting with that one, I would be really greatful.
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:01:27 No. 16234290 Report >>16233007 Neato, I can hatch this one.
>Eevee (M) - Quirky, Adaptability, 4\9\31\31\23\31 [2296] I would like to have it if possible.
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
>>16233746 >Magikarp (M) - Careful, Swift Swim, 0\8\0\31\20\31 [3018] 5 IV'd gible for this even though I don't match?
GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
>>16234199 Sure you can. I'll add you now
>>16234221 It's alright, just happy to help.
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:01:36 No. 16234297 Report >>16234182 Hatch it? You can keep it if you want. Added.
chi {1980}{1249} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>16234266 you can have both. do you have a dusk stone i can have?
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655}
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:01:45 No. 16234302 Report >>16234212 >>16234236 Adding both of you now
Brendan: 4468-0976-7831
>>16234301 Sure, i'll put it on a random poke.
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
Quoted By:
>>16234293 Restart game and it might work again
4398-9591-8678 Eric SV:1243
Quoted By:
>>16233061 sorry for being a little late, but which?
Bob 4484-8675-2439
Quoted By:
>>16234296 Thank you man, you're awesome.
>>16234156 yes that would be nice! you are the best!
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:03:18 No. 16234330 Report >>16234285 I can check yours.
Reza 2036-7795-4866 (Loudred, Aipom, Chansey) SV {3260}
Reza 2036-7795-4866 (Loudred, Aipom, Chansey) SV {3260} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:03:21 No. 16234331 Report Quoted By:
Bryan M (1177/7813/6648) {658}
>>16233737 Jeka, can you add me? I match one of your Eevee's and I'd really like it.
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895}
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:03:25 No. 16234334 Report Quoted By:
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:03:29 No. 16234335 Report >>16234293 I can see you but for some reason you're greyed out on me as if you're offline, can you doublecheck the internet? And I'll reset mine, too.
Sorry for the trouble!
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - {1636}
Sam: 0404-6199-5483 (Togepi)
>>16234294 Sure thats fine.
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:03:40 No. 16234339 Report >>16234288 That specific ability/IV spread is exactly what I've been looking for to get hatched.
Do you still want to hatch it?
Tom 1564-3171-2057 (Fighting) SV: 3349
Quoted By:
>>16234266 Oh my god can I have one if you would be so kind! I need one to complete my team!!
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:03:49 No. 16234344 Report Aryeh, 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
>>16233477 Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 15\31\31\24\31\31 [3713]
I can hatch that. Did you want it since it dosent have dry skin?
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163}
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:04:19 No. 16234356 Report >>16234297 Alright, adding you back.
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay)
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay) Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:05:06 No. 16234375 Report >>16234336 Dude I still have the egg you wanted from before, do you still want it? if so I kinda accidentally forgot which one, so I can trade it with you whenever.
Dean 0877-0030-4188 (Flying) SV{3065}{640}{170}
Dean 0877-0030-4188 (Flying) SV{3065}{640}{170} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:05:11 No. 16234379 Report >>16234287 >Bergmite (F) - Sassy, Own Tempo, 3\30\31\6\31\21 [3065] i match one too
Cris [2535-3886-2731] [Panpour-Gyarados-Frogadier] SV{512}
Cris [2535-3886-2731] [Panpour-Gyarados-Frogadier] SV{512} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:05:21 No. 16234380 Report >>16233968 Still here Dylan?
Can I have a 5ivs Meditite? Anything works for me really.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311 SV {3388}
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:05:29 No. 16234384 Report Quoted By:
>>16234233 Sure not a problem, you get to keep spooky ghost as much as I want to keep one, still trying to breed the IV's properlike
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
Tom 1564-3171-2057 (Fighting) SV: 3349
>>16234310 Would you be so nice as to trade me one? I'd be so happy to finally complete my team!!
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
Quoted By:
>>16234379 Cool im adding you and ill trade you after i trade fyre.
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:06:31 No. 16234403 Report >>16234339 I'm guessing the earlier post got lost in the flood, but do you mind if I take this little lady?
>Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 5\27\7\31\13\31 [592] And MGE, I'm coming online with your Meditite right now.
Pat [1220-7185-4635, BUG/FLYING (Vivillion, Masquerain, Ledyba)]
Pat [1220-7185-4635, BUG/FLYING (Vivillion, Masquerain, Ledyba)] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:06:33 No. 16234406 Report hey guys, mind lending me a hand in checking my shiny value? REALLY wanna give people a hand with shinies.
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
Quoted By:
>>16234337 Adding you in a moment. c:
Scoty: 0860-4619-0348 TSV: {1888}
>>16234114 >58.Goomy (M) - Modest, Hydration, 31\9\31\31\31\1 [694] May I have this one?
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704}
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:06:59 No. 16234417 Report Quoted By:
>>16234323 No problem. I think I saw your list at the end of another thread recently and missed you, so I'm glad I caught you this time around. Would you mind sending me a Hatching O-Power after the trade, if you have it? Also, do you want her to have a nickname?
Gerald 2793-1101-0703 [Rock: Pupitar, Dwebble, Rhydon] SV: {365}
Gerald 2793-1101-0703 [Rock: Pupitar, Dwebble, Rhydon] SV: {365} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:07:01 No. 16234419 Report Quoted By:
>>16233746 >Shuppet (M) - Adamant, Insomnia, 31\31\30\12\31\5 [365] Finally, an egg that matches my shiny value.
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - {1636}
>>16234375 The Pumpkaboo egg? SV is 3347. Now is good.
Brendan: 4468-0976-7831
>>16234301 I added you.
>>16234387 You can have the male one
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
Still looking for some kind person to help me check a box of eggs. Please?
>>16233349 Sorry Rosa, I would if I could!
>>16234156 just waiting on you is all now thank you so much
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866}
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:07:42 No. 16234438 Report Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:07:42 No. 16234439 Report >>16234403 No I found you, I rescued you broha. Added and waiting.
>>16234416 Yes, adding.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:08:09 No. 16234450 Report >>16234330 would it be too much to ask if you can check mine too?
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 {1655}, Xander 0275-8331-0095 {1394}
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 {1655}, Xander 0275-8331-0095 {1394} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:08:16 No. 16234453 Report >>16232912 Hey Seikyo, you posted a list of Ralts a few threads ago that had a 1394 in it. I can match that!
Wraith - 1349 5363 0884 [1757]
>>16234302 Thanks so much man!
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
>>16234335 Idk why but the info isnt showing up let me do something really quick and ill try again
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:08:26 No. 16234456 Report Quoted By:
Can someone help me check a box of eggs real quick?
GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
>>16234406 I'll Help. Just show a Pokemon you caught/bred.
Tom 1564-3171-2057 (Fighting) SV: 3349
>>16234423 sweet! Thanks man!
Brendan: 4468-0976-7831
>>16234381 I match this Drilbur
>Drilbur (M) - Adamant, Sand Force, 21\31\31\2\15\31 [4065] Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:08:47 No. 16234470 Report >>16234344 Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\31\31\18\22 [2601]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 15\31\31\31\31\31 [2354]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\31\2\31 [3516]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\15\31\31\31\31 [375]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 13\11\31\31\31\31 [2730]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 14\11\31\31\31\31 [2413]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 12\11\31\31\18\31 [436]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\31\31\18\15 [3319]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\22\31\31\31 [765]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\23\31\31\31\31 [683]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\31\31\31\13 [3214]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\31\31\25\31 [350]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\31\17\31 [814]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\15\31\18\31 [1764]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 10\31\31\31\31\31 [2665]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\31\0\31 [3853]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\31\31\10\31 [3125]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\28\31\31\18\31 [2603]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\31\25\31 [1204]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\31\31\17\31 [2952]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\28\31\18\31 [4072]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\9\31\18\31 [1969]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\31\31\30\31 [207]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 6\31\31\31\18\31 [3314]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\31\22\31 [1139]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\31\4\18\31 [2459]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\31\26\31 [3269]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\6\31\31 [1437]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\24\31\31\31 [542]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\11\10\31\18\31 [1909]
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:09:03 No. 16234476 Report >>16234455 Uh oh, okay, maybe I shouldn't be showing you the egg? But a normal mon?
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655}
Lavitz - 3625 - 7945 - 8603 (Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak) SV:{1655} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:09:07 No. 16234479 Report Quoted By:
Dylan 3609 1979 5673 {60}
>>16233997 Got it, friend me and send the trade
>>16234380 Sure, I have one already hatched
Elliott 2921-9880-7198 [Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak] SV 1999
Elliott 2921-9880-7198 [Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak] SV 1999 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:09:19 No. 16234483 Report >>16234339 I'm sorry. It's not my shiny value. How about this one?
Goomy (F) - Modest, Gooey, 1\9\31\31\31\31 [3725]
Guy: 4785 4221 0610 {3177} If you match you can keep though I'd like the 31/31/31/x/31/31 hatched for myself in return for a high level same shiny IV beldum that I've been using for breeding. Sucks that pokemon only has the accent for e....
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:09:52 No. 16234492 Report >>16234345 You can keep it. Just give me a sec.
Brendan: 4468-0976-7831
>>16234465 Did you want a nickname?
Michael (3282-3215-9706) SV: {3853}
>>16234470 Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\31\0\31 [3853]
Can I get this sir?
>>16234285 Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:10:03 No. 16234500 Report >>16234438 >Klefki (F) - Calm, Prankster, 7\23\31\31\31\31 [2625] matches the SV of
>>16234140 's [2625]
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water / Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water / Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:10:05 No. 16234501 Report >>16232968 if you're still here I'm a match to 1849. I've added you on my water fc
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311 SV {3388}
>>16234468 Sweet, adding you after I finish a battle.
You can keep it.
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
Quoted By:
>>16234476 Yes but I figured out the problem going on now
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:10:22 No. 16234510 Report Scythe (IGN: Keith) 1676-4772-4929 {1843}
Scythe (IGN: Keith) 1676-4772-4929 {1843} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:10:27 No. 16234514 Report >>16234251 Thanks for the shiny man! The Eevee I gave you should be 31/xx/31/31/31/31 so you'll have a great start when breeding them
Cris [2535-3886-2731] [Panpour-Gyarados-Frogadier] SV{512}
Cris [2535-3886-2731] [Panpour-Gyarados-Frogadier] SV{512} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:10:46 No. 16234522 Report Quoted By:
>>16234482 Nice! Adding you right now, I want it for breeding pruposes so a male is fine for me at least, as long as it have 5 ivs and adamant if possible.
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
>>16234488 > >Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\29\0\31\22 [3559] HOLY SHIT I MATCHED SOMETHING FOR ONCE!
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:10:55 No. 16234526 Report Quoted By:
>>16234470 thank you so much
lol the first time i sent you a nice was because of your icon. i didn't know you were the same person before
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704}
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:10:59 No. 16234527 Report >>16234426 You keep showing me a Zorua with 2174 as the shiny value, not 2704. I think you're two pokemon ahead/behind in your box.
Quoted By:
>>16234156 please dont tell me it the wrong egg?
Tom 1564-3171-2057 (Fighting) SV: 3349
Sunday 3582-9527-8319
Yo cunts finally bothered to get this program working. I need someone to test it with though. Who wants a box checked?
Aryeh, 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Quoted By:
>>16234492 Thanks mate, you are awesome! I'll give you one of my 5-stat honedges for your kindness!
ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
looking for some help checking a box of swirlix eggs. also: 1 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\16\31\31\31 [3342] 2 Wooper (F) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\20\31\31\31 [3973] 3 Wooper (F) - Bold, Water Absorb, 31\31\13\31\31\19 [424] 4 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\31\16\21\31 [2287] 5 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 25\31\31\31\31\31 [273] 6 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\17\31\31\31 [3958] 7 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\31\10\31\31 [149] 8 Wooper (F) - Bold, Damp, 31\31\31\31\21\2 [3912] 9 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\13\2\21\31 [4086] 10 Wooper (F) - Bold, Unaware, 31\29\31\31\31\31 [HATCHED] 11 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 10\31\31\31\21\31 [HATCHED] 12 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\21\2 [3746] 13 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\4\13\31\31\31 [468] 14 Wooper (F) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\2\31 [HATCHED] 15 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\1\13\31\31\31 [997] 16 Wooper (F) - Bold, Damp, 31\31\18\31\21\31 [3229] 17 Wooper (F) - Bold, Unaware, 9\31\31\31\21\31 [2066] 18 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\1\31\21\31 [137] 19 Wooper (F) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\1\31\31\31 [1332] 20 Wooper (F) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\23\31\31\31 [4001] 21 Wooper (M) - Bold, Damp, 2\31\13\31\21\31 [2294] 22 Wooper (M) - Bold, Water Absorb, 31\15\13\31\31\31 [947] 23 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\7\13\31\31\31 [116] 24 Wooper (F) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\21\31\21\31 [2089] 25 Wooper (F) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\16\31\21\31 [310] 26 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\18\31\31\31\31 [3416] 27 Wooper (F) - Bold, Damp, 14\31\13\31\31\31 [1087] 28 Wooper (M) - Bold, Damp, 31\28\13\31\21\31 [1210] 29 Wooper (F) - Bold, Damp, 31\31\13\31\8\31 [714] 30 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\31\27 [919] free woopers
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:11:57 No. 16234546 Report Quoted By:
>>16234501 Okay, trade me and it's yours!
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:12:05 No. 16234550 Report Quoted By:
>>16234039 >>16234242 Could someone pretty please help me find my SV?
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866}
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:12:08 No. 16234551 Report >>16234500 Oh. Well, if he says he wants it, I'll send it on over, I guess.
>>16234514 That IS rad! Thanks!
Guy: 4785 4221 0610 {3177}
>>16234525 well have fun because that's yours!
Scoty-Souta: 0860-4619-0348 TSV: {1888}
Quoted By:
>>16234439 Alright, thank you! My ingame name is Souta.
Seikyo {414} 0576-4252-0349
Quoted By:
>>16234453 Uhh, you have me mistaken for someone else. Never had Ralts.
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:12:31 No. 16234563 Report Quoted By:
>>16234302 Thanks a bunch its niche Gligar.
Also here is an updated list, marks please return others are freebies.
>>16234527 show the fletchling when i hit it then my friend fucked around with my box but i will remember next shiny i get is yours!
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay)
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay) Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:12:51 No. 16234570 Report >>16234420 Okay, thank you fro reminding me. Adding you now.
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:12:52 No. 16234572 Report >>16234497 sure why not
you will melt when you see this fucker in poke amie
>tfw i don't have a shiny cotton candy dog yet ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:13:01 No. 16234576 Report >>16234510 thank you so much. adding
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
>>16234476 Your number is
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:13:22 No. 16234584 Report >>16234385 If you just need a female, I can give you one of my breeding scraps after I take care of these two trades.
>>16234439 Yup, your post went through as I was typing mine. So it goes. No matter, thank you so much for the egg!
>>16234356 Let me know how it turns out (i.e. if I accidentally sent you the wrong egg)!
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
Quoted By:
>>16234553 In a trade now but going to add you as soon as I finish!
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:13:32 No. 16234592 Report Quoted By:
>>16234535 I'd like to do that
Michael (3282-3215-9706) SV: {3853}
Quoted By:
>>16234572 awesome man adding you now
Hunter 5412 9987 1359 SV: {345}
>>16234336 > Hey, one of your Larvesta Eggs matches one of my friend's SV. 1179. Would you be willing to give it to me?
Pat [1220-7185-4635, BUG/FLYING (Vivillion, Masquerain, Ledyba)]
Pat [1220-7185-4635, BUG/FLYING (Vivillion, Masquerain, Ledyba)] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:13:55 No. 16234599 Report >>16234463 >16234406 ok, adding you now.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:14:01 No. 16234603 Report >>16234579 Thank you! Sorry for the bother!
Cris [2535-3886-2731] [Panpour-Gyarados-Frogadier] SV{512}
Cris [2535-3886-2731] [Panpour-Gyarados-Frogadier] SV{512} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:14:04 No. 16234607 Report Quoted By:
>>16234482 My IGN is Mokona btw
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704}
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:14:21 No. 16234612 Report >>16234566 Heh, it's alright. Do you want a nickname for your new female Zorua?
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
>>16234584 i just need one with good ivs also please
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:14:53 No. 16234627 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>16234525 I want to know this feel ;_;
Black 3566-2090-2358 SV:2002
>>16233386 >Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Poison Touch, 31\28\31\30\31\31 [2002] You want?
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:15:11 No. 16234635 Report >>16234543 can i have #30?
Quoted By:
>>16234612 Nope its fine the way it is =D
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu {1458} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:15:48 No. 16234648 Report Quoted By:
>>16234482 thank youuuuu, he'll love this mon, I hadn't even noticed shiny medicham is blue, that's his favorite color, thanks :D
4355 - 9934 - 8504
>>16234543 I-I finally got a math?!
I match the 919 one, can I keep it?
Please ;_; GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
Elliott 2921-9880-7198 [Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak] SV 1999
Elliott 2921-9880-7198 [Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak] SV 1999 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:16:21 No. 16234656 Report >>16234488 Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\31\10\31\0 [3303]
Could I have this one please?
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:16:26 No. 16234663 Report >>16234483 I guess but what would you have to send my way since right now I'm kinda getting lit up like a 4th of july parade
4355 - 9934 - 8504
>>16234649 >30 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\31\27 [919] Just to clarify.
>>16234663 Look at this guy wanting stuff in return.
ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
>>16234635 sorry friend, looks like
>>16234649 has the matching SV.
and yes you can keep it
Guy: 4785 4221 0610 {3177}
Quoted By:
>>16234656 go right ahead. I never found anyone that matches it honestly
Pat [1220-7185-4635, BUG/FLYING (Vivillion, Masquerain, Ledyba)]
Pat [1220-7185-4635, BUG/FLYING (Vivillion, Masquerain, Ledyba)] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:17:45 No. 16234690 Report Quoted By:
>>16234652 thank you very much. VERY very much.
Brendan: 4468-0976-7831
Quoted By:
>>16234505 Alright sounds good.
>>16234612 thank you so very much i wont forget this!
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163}
MGE 0619-4373-8558 (Klang/Mawile/Excadrill) {1163} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:18:16 No. 16234709 Report Quoted By:
>>16234584 It came out fine. Thanks.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:18:38 No. 16234720 Report Quoted By:
>>16234674 ;__; thats the one i wanted
ah its your first match go ahead
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - {1636}
>>16234595 >Larvesta (F) - Timid, Flame Body, 31\29\31\3\31\31 [1179] This one?
It there any chance I could get it traded back? I don't even have my own shiny Larvesta yet, out of the ~10 I've given. Sorry I didn't mark it in the pastebin, I hadn't had chance to edit yet.
Mr. Manager 4597-0488-5884 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig] SV:{1874}
Mr. Manager 4597-0488-5884 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig] SV:{1874} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:18:57 No. 16234729 Report Looking for someone to hatch this for me: Vulpix (F) - Modest, Drought, 31\3\31\31\31\31 [258]*** I can give a 4IV Rotom or Noibat in return... These are free: Vulpix (M) - Modest, Drought, 7\31\10\31\31\17 [180] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 3\5\30\31\31\31 [512] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 3\9\31\17\31\31 [2130] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\30\31\17\27\31 [3364] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 3\31\30\31\29\31 [157] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\10\31\17\29\31 [3587] Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\31\19\31\29\26 [1231] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 3\5\31\17\29\26 [2481]
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:19:00 No. 16234731 Report >>16234617 Looking at my box, I have 2 4IV males, 3 5IV females, and a 5IV male. You can have one of the 4IVs for free, but I'd appreciate some sort of 4IV or 5IV Pokemon in return for one of the 5IVs, if that's not too much to ask.
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704}
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) {2704} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:19:07 No. 16234733 Report Quoted By:
>>16234705 You're welcome! It was no problem. I'm sending her back now.
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:19:30 No. 16234741 Report Quoted By:
>>16234685 Look at this guy hiding who he is.
When I see someone's running through the entire thread looking for nonshinies to use for this that and the other I request they at least match what they're getting. It's not a requirement but it's preferred, especially when there are people that actually can hatch the shiny versions replying at the same time
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:19:35 No. 16234744 Report Quoted By:
>>16234576 Apologies. I'll be on in a second.
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:19:40 No. 16234746 Report >1231 I would love one
4355 - 9934 - 8504
Quoted By:
>>16234649 >got a math My god am I tired.
>>16234686 Thank you so much!
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - {1636}
>>16234570 Thanks a bunch.
ミラ (Mira) <JP-Y> 4141-3056-2281
Could anyone here be so kind as to instacheck a row of eggs for me? I would be eternally grateful.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:20:00 No. 16234758 Report >>16234686 can i have #7 then?
Sam: 0404-6199-5483 (Togepi)
>>16234754 Can do buddy. add me.
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:20:42 No. 16234772 Report Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay)
Alana [3454-0460-7179] SV{1331} (Dark-Sandile, Nuzleaf, Inkay) Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:21:10 No. 16234780 Report Quoted By:
>>16234750 no problem~ Enjoy the pumpkaboo~!
Hunter 5412 9987 1359 SV: {345}
>>16234723 Sure. Here's her info. 1263-6748-3973
IGN: Jasmine
Aryeh, 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Quoted By:
>>16234627 Thanks man, youre awesome! btw, that honedge is 31 in every stat but speed. Spd is 14.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) {929} {545} {3331}
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) {929} {545} {3331} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:21:55 No. 16234795 Report >>16233272 > >Rhyhorn (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\12\31\3\31\26 [545] Got a match, if you're still here.
Brendan: 4468-0976-7831
Quoted By:
>>16234505 Thanks for the Drilbur!
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:22:00 No. 16234798 Report >>16234634 You can keep it.
Holy shit, I have been getting a lot of matches today. Both for myself and for others.
Sunday 3582-9527-8319
Quoted By:
>>16234574 adding you now.
go slow it's my first time just the tip etc etc
if you're clever you put a different species of pokemon in every 6 eggs, incase I miss one it'll be easier to tell where like that.
ミラ (Mira) <JP-Y> 4141-3056-2281
>>16234768 thanks pal! added.
ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
Quoted By:
>>16234758 yes, adding you now
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:22:39 No. 16234814 Report Mr. Manager 4597-0488-5884 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig] SV:{1874}
Mr. Manager 4597-0488-5884 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig] SV:{1874} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:23:13 No. 16234837 Report Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:23:20 No. 16234840 Report >>16234501 You can keep it!
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
>>16234731 i have a 4iv shellder, a gible with 4iv, and a 4iv ralts....thats the best i have for a 5iv
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {3670}
Quoted By:
Updated pastebin for ze mites: Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:23:36 No. 16234847 Report Someone help me find my shiny value?>Anyone?
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115 {SV:963}
Quoted By:
>>16234795 Awesome man. Adding you now. Would appreciate any leftovers you may have, but not needed. You may also keep this one.
Yorick 3050-8864-5803 [Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier] SV: {3516}
Yorick 3050-8864-5803 [Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier] SV: {3516} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:25:05 No. 16234877 Report >>16234572 I can hatch
>Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\31\2\31 [3516] Do you want it?
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - {1636}
>>16234784 Great. Could you let them know I would like it nicknamed Lilith.
Sluzza 1736-1212-7377 {3117}
>>16233931 Klefki (F) - Calm, Prankster, 31\23\30\31\31\31 [3117]
Can I has?
Andrea 0576-4765-5729 | SV{3195} [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb]
Andrea 0576-4765-5729 | SV{3195} [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:25:43 No. 16234890 Report >>16234488 My friend matches one
Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 28\31\31\4\31\22 [1500]
Can I grab it for him or do you want his FC?
Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
>>16234003 sure. i'm adding you now. hope you're still around. i'll take any decent breeding leftovers you might have, otherwise just send me whatever.
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:26:24 No. 16234902 Report >>16234543 >7 Wooper (M) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\31\10\31\31 [149] this guy free?
Sam: 0404-6199-5483 (Togepi)
>>16234804 Bulbasaur (M) - Adamant, Chlorophyll, 31\11\31\3\31\31 [2909]
Bulbasaur (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\31\9\31\31 [2797]
Bulbasaur (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\5\3\31\26 [218]
Bulbasaur (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\31\3\31\31 [3084]
Bulbasaur (F) - Adamant, Chlorophyll, 11\31\31\3\31\26 [2383]
Bulbasaur (M) - Adamant, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\3\25\31 [3764]
Bulbasaur (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\31\3\31\18 [3328]
Bulbasaur (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\31\4\31\31 [305]
Bulbasaur (M) - Adamant, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\29\31\31 [2676]
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592}
Zidane 4227 1273 2819 (Cascoon, Swalot, Drapion) SV: {1320} {592} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:26:59 No. 16234922 Report >>16234842 Could I have that Shellder? I've been thinking about breeding a Cloyster. And I take it you want a female Meditite? At any rate, added.
Hunter 5412 9987 1359 SV: {345}
>>16234880 Alright, told her.
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
Can someone be my trade partner so I can check my eggs?
GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
>>16234847 I'm free to help you.
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231
Sevsp/Tony 4184 2105 1297 (Meditite, Throh, Hariyama) SV:1231 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:27:50 No. 16234944 Report Quoted By:
>>16234837 Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\31\14\31\26 [1333]
in case you didnt have instacheck on. thanks!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086} (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086} (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:27:49 No. 16234945 Report This match stuff is harder than I thought. People made it sound so easy. Also ctrl+f postan
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
Quoted By:
>>16234922 yes please i want to breed a few boxs with my other male which has drain punch and bullet punch
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115 {SV:963}
Quoted By:
>>16234795 I seem to have you added already, haha. Waiting for you to get on.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610 {3177}
MikaJPN 5026-5163-1154 SV: {2625}
>>16234551 Please add me. I would like
Klefki (F) - Calm, Prankster, 7\23\31\31\31\31 [2625]
ミラ (Mira) <JP-Y> 4141-3056-2281
Quoted By:
>>16234906 Thanks so much! and thanks for the Rotom.
Anyone who matches can have it except for 2676
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:28:18 No. 16234962 Report >>16234877 na you can keep it, ill add you right now if you want
>tfw nobody with the values i want Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:28:26 No. 16234966 Report Quoted By:
>>16234897 Oh, the Fc on Y is 5026 5155 5443
Name: KALM
Sunday 3582-9527-8319
>>16234574 ok cool this program is simpler than I thought. Don't even need to do anything, awesome
yours are
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\13\31\31\31\31 [3310]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\29\31\31 [1091]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Unburden, 31\12\31\29\31\31 [2933]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Unburden, 31\31\31\21\31\19 [2132]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\21\31\9 [701]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Unburden, 31\12\31\31\31\14 [2628]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Unburden, 31\31\31\21\31\31
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\31\31\29 [1654]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Unburden, 31\12\10\21\31\31 [2708]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\16\21\31\31 [3718]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 8\12\31\31\31\31 [2570]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Unburden, 31\12\31\1\31\31 [840]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Unburden, 31\31\31\21\31\6 [41]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 20\12\31\31\31\31 [2001]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\4\31\21\31\31 [693]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Unburden, 31\12\31\1\31\31 [962]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\10\31\31 [3291]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\6\31\21\31\31 [1329]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Unburden, 31\12\15\21\31\31 [993]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\31\27\31 [2081]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Unburden, 31\12\31\31\1\31 [3122]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\12\31\28\31\31 [46]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Unburden, 31\31\24\31\31\31 [3657]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Unburden, 31\12\13\31\31\31 [678]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\31\21\31\19 [2935]
Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 12\12\31\21\31\31 [461]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Unburden, 31\12\31\21\31\31 [2083]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 31\31\28\21\31\31 [711]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Unburden, 3\12\31\31\31\31 [1522]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Unburden, 9\12\31\21\31\31 [3174]
Swirlix (M) - Bold, Unburden, 31\12\31\6\31\31 [513]
Drakkar [ 5086 - 2092 - 7197 Mankey/Pancham/Riolu ] {2860}
Drakkar [ 5086 - 2092 - 7197 Mankey/Pancham/Riolu ] {2860} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:28:48 No. 16234974 Report Quoted By:
CTRL+F postan also up to instacheck if needed
ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
>>16234902 yes, adding you now
Yorick 3050-8864-5803 [Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier] SV: {3516}
Yorick 3050-8864-5803 [Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier] SV: {3516} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:28:59 No. 16234980 Report >>16234962 Cool thanks man
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:29:05 No. 16234982 Report >>16234936 me and can you check mine as well?
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:29:12 No. 16234984 Report >>16234943 Thank you! Added.
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866}
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:29:30 No. 16234989 Report Anonymous
Are all people on reddit complete assholes? The only reason I signed up is to contact those with needed SVs and most of the responses I get are super rude and reek of elitism. fuck that website
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water / Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water / Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:29:39 No. 16234992 Report >>16234840 thanks a bunch, I'll give her a good home.
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:30:19 No. 16235010 Report Quoted By:
Honedge (M) - Quiet, No Guard, 17\31\31\31\31\31 [1709] Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 26\11\31\31\31\31 [1563] Honedge (M) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\31\31\31\23 [Gone] Honedge (M) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\11\31\15\31\15 [832] Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\31\31\22\31 [12] Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [2228] *** Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\31\11\31\31 [2253] Honedge (M) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\11\31\31\31\1 [Gone] Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\31\25\31\31 [680] Honedge (M) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\11\31\23\31\15 [827] Honedge (M) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\31\31\31\15 [2344] Honedge (M) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\10\31\31\31\31 [757] Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\31\29\31\31 [391] *** Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\31\31\31\25 [3996] Honedge (M) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\11\31\13\31\15 [581] Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\11\27\31\31\15 [4016] Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\11\31\31\12\31 [3599] Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\31\31\31\0 [1223] *** Honedge (M) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\0\31\31\31\15 [3492] Honedge (M) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\8\31\31\31\31 [35]
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:30:27 No. 16235013 Report >>16234975 i asked for 7 first?
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:30:39 No. 16235021 Report Quoted By:
>>16234897 btw. I can give you a croagunk from my leftovers, since I got nothing on Y. Added in both versions.
Quoted By:
>>16234945 Eh, you'll get a match eventually. It took me a while, but I finally got a match.
I just got a shiny Wooper with 31/31/31/31/31/27 GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254}
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:32:01 No. 16235049 Report >>16233357 Sorry for the hecka late thank you but I've been multi tasking here. Thanks for the Absol, she will become a powerful Mega
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:32:02 No. 16235050 Report Quoted By:
>>16234975 cool added already
Brooke 4656-6974-4923 SV:{2665}
>>16234470 >>16234344 >Swirlix (F) - Bold, Sweet Veil, 10\31\31\31\31\31 [2665] I can hatch this, you want it back I presume?
Serena; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb) SV 1324
Serena; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb) SV 1324 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:32:15 No. 16235055 Report Quoted By:
>>16234991 I've used reddit a couple of times and all of them were nice
Maybe it had someting to do that i offered 5IV 'mons in return, most of the people there expect something in return i guess
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon {2060}
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon {2060} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:32:16 No. 16235056 Report Quoted By:
ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
>>16235013 oh wow i'm dumb and forgot already. you called it first so it's yours, sorry
>>16234902 Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:33:25 No. 16235078 Report Quoted By:
>>16235013 wait you did? well shit
ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
Sluzza 1736-1212-7377 {3117}
Quoted By:
>>16234989 Thanks ! Just added you hombre
Guy: 4785 4221 0610 {3177}
Quoted By:
>>16234991 I had 7 5IV shinies hatched on reddit and all of them were completely fine with me granted I comment on their reference page
Black 3566-2090-2358 SV:2002
>>16234798 Alright, Thanks!
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:34:17 No. 16235103 Report >>16235060 ah its fine ill be sure to give him a good home. im online and ready~
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:34:37 No. 16235115 Report Can someone help me check a box of eggs, please?
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - {1636}
>>16234924 Any idea when she could be getting online?
Sam: 0404-6199-5483 (Togepi)
Andrea 0576-4765-5729 | SV{3195} [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb]
Andrea 0576-4765-5729 | SV{3195} [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:36:02 No. 16235143 Report >>16234956 Man, this sense of mistrust blows. I'll just give you his FC and then you can trade directly and check one of his Pokemon during the trade
Thank you, btw
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:36:13 No. 16235151 Report Quoted By:
>>16235049 Enjoy buddy!
>>16234992 No problem.
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:36:39 No. 16235165 Report Quoted By:
>>16235090 Np man. glad to help.
Ethan 2466-2227-3252
Anybody want to help me check my SV?
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16234982 Whenever you're ready to trade, just let me know
Hunter 5412 9987 1359 SV: {345}
>>16235128 In a couple minutes, once she's done hatching an egg for someone else.
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:36:53 No. 16235180 Report Quoted By:
>>16235060 how about
2 Wooper (F) - Bold, Unaware, 31\31\20\31\31\31 [3973]
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon {2060}
Chris | 2638-0577-6175 | Druddigon, Fraxure, Shelgon {2060} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:36:53 No. 16235181 Report Quoted By:
>>16233116 If you're still around, I match
>281 Eevee (M) - Calm, Adaptability, 31\31\21\31\31\31 [2060] ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
>>16235103 i'm pinging you to trade but you're not responding?
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:37:11 No. 16235193 Report >>16235132 Thank you! Adding you now.
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
Quoted By:
>>16235166 I'll help you out
Guy: 4785 4221 0610 {3177}
>>16235143 I was going to give it to you. I was just commenting that, as people of 4chan, having a social life is looked down upon.
Aryeh, 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
>>16234488 > Beldum - Adamant, Clear Body, 31\31\29\22\31\4 [3511]
Omg... A actual match on my main copy! Since its not perfect, I can haz right?
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - {1636}
>>16235176 That's fine. I'll be going soon, just wanted to make sure I'd be here when she's ready.
Alice 1203-9498-9638 {331}
Guy: 4785 4221 0610 {3177}
Quoted By:
>>16235213 lol way to be a dick man
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:40:34 No. 16235295 Report >>16235186 not seeing you online...
>>16235168 you either
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115 {SV:963}
Quoted By:
>>16234795 Actually, I didn't have you. Just added, waiting for you to add back and then we can trade.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:41:58 No. 16235331 Report Quoted By:
I see you both now
Aryeh, 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Quoted By:
>>16235264 You are a saint. I'll send you a great iv honedge for your kindness!
Sam: 0404-6199-5483 (Togepi)
>>16235193 Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\3\29\3\23\31 [2376]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\14\28\31\15 [2537]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\31\17\3\23\15 [2906]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\31\25\20\31\15 [3396]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\20\3\15 [1198]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\31\6\28\14\15 [3173]
Tyrunt (F) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\24\28\31\15 [441]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\1\20\14\15 [2393]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\20\8\31 [1199]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\28\14\2 [2244]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\31\1\28\31\15 [2666]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\30\31\28\31\15 [1513]
Tyrunt (F) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\20\21\15 [1155]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\5\20\31\31 [619]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\13\20\31\15 [999]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\20\2\31 [253]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 23\31\31\28\31\15 [180]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\31\25\20\14\15 [440]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\23\14\15 [840]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\28\21\15 [2271]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\28\31\14 [497]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\20\14\24 [13]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\20\14\8 [3084]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\20\14\8 [3084]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\20\11\31 [1004]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\23\14\31 [1205]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\31\20\14\31 [3147]
Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\28\4\31 [3646]
Chespin (M) - Mild, Overgrow, 25\1\20\20\6\14
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16235166 You need to show a pokemon you caught or bred yourself.
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:43:22 No. 16235363 Report >>16234814 Sorry, instachecks connection is pretty wonky at times. Initiate the trade when you're ready.
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:43:43 No. 16235370 Report >>16235355 Thank you so much!
Andrea 0576-4765-5729 | SV{3195} [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb]
Andrea 0576-4765-5729 | SV{3195} [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:43:45 No. 16235373 Report >>16235213 It's really hard to figure all that out from one word ;_;
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:44:11 No. 16235384 Report >>16234980 sorry for making you wait so long oh my god i was just checking some other stuff
Ethan 2466-2227-3252
>>16235358 Damn, when do I start scanning? I'm new to the whole thing.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610 {3177}
Quoted By:
>>16235373 It's cool. I'll send the trade now to you.
Salvador - 0962 9400 5605 (Gyarados, Panpur, Frogadier) SV: 2318
Salvador - 0962 9400 5605 (Gyarados, Panpur, Frogadier) SV: 2318 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:45:13 No. 16235412 Report Quoted By:
>>16234098 Zorua (M) - Calm, Illusion, 20\3\15\23\25\14 [2318]
I can hatch this guy.
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb
Gaba 3780-9164-6519 {1479} Phanthum Lampent Spiritomb Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:45:23 No. 16235419 Report >>16235363 I can´t find you online, whats your trainer name?
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16235387 Your SV is 2006
Devon {1249} 3754-7755-1393 (Poison) Swalot, Cascoon, Whirlipede
Devon {1249} 3754-7755-1393 (Poison) Swalot, Cascoon, Whirlipede Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:46:20 No. 16235444 Report Anyone want to check half a box of froakies for me? Also, when getting my eggs scanned, how often should I switch eggs?
Ethan 2466-2227-3252 {2006}
>>16235422 Thanks, sorry about all the troubles... The guide wasn't that helpful...
Hunter 5412 9987 1359 SV: {345}
>>16235242 Ready to trade now.
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823]
Marc - 3DS FC: 2019-9877-0866 [FS (Electric): Dedenne, Helioptile, and Manectric] [SV: 3823] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:46:42 No. 16235454 Report >>16235051 na you can keep it im too sexist
jk i just have a perf cotton candy dog already
ill add you right now
>you're the 3rd person about to witness a "natural" colored cotton candy dog- the most adorable thing ever Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296
Newtype 4699-6450-2403 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) SV: 2296 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:47:13 No. 16235462 Report Quoted By:
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204]
Java 0834-0767-5817 Pansage-Ivysaur-Gogoat SV:[2674][3204] Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:47:46 No. 16235473 Report Quoted By:
Serena; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb) SV 1324
Serena; 4313-0483-1006(Pumkaboo,Lampent,Spiritomb) SV 1324 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:47:53 No. 16235479 Report >>16235444 Once the "Offer" options appears
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
>>16235448 No problem. Happy to help.
>>16235295 Your eggs, in the order you presented them:
Mawile (F) - Gentle, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\21\31\9 [10]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\4\31\21\31\31 [680]
Mawile (F) - Bashful, Hyper Cutter, 31\21\31\21\31\31 [2434]
Mawile (M) - Hardy, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\12\21\31\31 [1306]
Mawile (M) - Modest, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\21\17\31 [2453]
Mawile (F) - Bashful, Intimidate, 31\31\3\16\31\31 [3509]
Mawile (F) - Jolly, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\4\21\31\31 [2788]
Mawile (F) - Bold, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\16\31\13 [2233]
Mawile (F) - Hardy, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\24\21\31\31 [3653]
Mawile (F) - Naive, Hyper Cutter, 31\18\31\21\31\31 [1235]
Mawile (F) - Calm, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\16\31\19 [1769]
Mawile (F) - Careful, Hyper Cutter, 31\9\31\21\31\31 [2022]
Scoty-Souta: 0860-4619-0348 TSV: {1888}
>>16235355 >>16235193 >Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 13\31\14\28\31\15 [2537] Omg could I pretty please have this one? I've been trying to find a friend matching Tyrunt for a while.
Bob 4484-8675-2439
>>16233914 I'd like to thank you Rinnenth on giving me this.
It's truly amazing.
Jake [X] 3222 5579 4788 [1668]
Quoted By:
Anybody wanna help me scan a box of eggs? I can never get Instacheck to work.
Devon {1249} 3754-7755-1393 (Poison) Swalot, Cascoon, Whirlipede
Devon {1249} 3754-7755-1393 (Poison) Swalot, Cascoon, Whirlipede Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:50:05 No. 16235523 Report Quoted By:
>>16235479 ooh ok, the program has never worked for me, so I just don't know how long they need to jot down the information
Aryeh, 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
>>16235264 Thanks again! Naming him guy, in honor of the giver. =)
Guy: 4785 4221 0610 {3177}
>>16235529 .......please don't. But it's nice helping out another person
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:52:18 No. 16235579 Report Quoted By:
>>16235489 >the Bold is one is female perfect!
does this match anyone?
>>16235529 no, guy was the protagonist of fahrenheit 451
Aryeh, 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
>>16235549 I feel ya. It just an idea anyway. Original name it is!
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:52:37 No. 16235590 Report >>16235501 Sure, I'll add you now
Yorick 3050-8864-5803 [Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier] SV: {3516}
Yorick 3050-8864-5803 [Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier] SV: {3516} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:53:39 No. 16235610 Report Quoted By:
>>16235384 Oh it's fine don't worry about it. I love the little guy thanks again
GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
Quoted By:
>>16235506 You're very much welcome there. I'm sorry it took me a while to give your egg though, almost thought I hatched before realizing I was looking in the wrong place. Enjoy your shiny and take care of yourself.
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566}
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:54:01 No. 16235619 Report >>16233891 Do you want it?
Salvador - 0962 9400 5605 (Gyarados, Panpur, Frogadier) SV: 2318
Salvador - 0962 9400 5605 (Gyarados, Panpur, Frogadier) SV: 2318 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:54:06 No. 16235622 Report Any marked pokémon I would like it back; everything else is yours to keep if you match the SV The charmanders have Outrage and Dragon dance.
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895}
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 {895} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:54:34 No. 16235641 Report Quoted By:
Still looking for Eevee's, SV of 895 or 2741, will be greatly appreciated.
Felix 4270-0314-5510 SV:{3646}
>>16235370 >Tyrunt (M) - Jolly, Strong Jaw, 31\31\31\28\4\31 [3646] I have a match. Did you want it or can I have it?
Guy: 4785 4221 0610 {3177}
Quoted By:
>>16235588 Well have fun with your beldum!
Aryeh, 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Quoted By:
>>16235586 Really? First character that came to mind for me was Guy Gardner of the Green Lanturns. Screw nicknames, Metagross sounds awesome anyway.
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866}
Joestar 0387-8781-9159 (Muk, Cascoon, Venomoth) SV: {1218}{3866} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:55:24 No. 16235662 Report Quoted By:
>>16235640 Soon, fellow stalker.
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
Quoted By:
New thread when?
Brooke 4656-6974-4923 SV:{2665}
Quoted By:
>>16235454 Sorry, I was afk for a bit, added you back, waiting online.
Elliott 2921-9880-7198 [Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak] SV 1999
Elliott 2921-9880-7198 [Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak] SV 1999 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:55:59 No. 16235675 Report >>16235622 Charmander (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 29\31\10\31\28\31 [1119]
Could I have this one please?
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:56:21 No. 16235684 Report Quoted By:
>>16233907 Are you still here?
Salvador - 0962 9400 5605 (Gyarados, Panpur, Frogadier) SV: 2318
Salvador - 0962 9400 5605 (Gyarados, Panpur, Frogadier) SV: 2318 Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:56:51 No. 16235695 Report Quoted By:
>>16235675 Yes you can.
Adding you now.
Andrew 1118-0277-2106 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon)(3621)
Andrew 1118-0277-2106 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon)(3621) Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:57:00 No. 16235702 Report Quoted By:
could anyone help me find my second TSV.
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:58:19 No. 16235726 Report Quoted By:
>>16235590 Let me know if its the right one
Xsitsu 3368-1559-4407 {455}
Quoted By:
The ones I plan to keep are marked with *** All other are free to anyone who wants them. All have Wish and Curse as egg moves. 000000 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 5\31\31\31\31\31 [607] 000001 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\20\31\31\31 [3650] 000010 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\4\31\31\31 [2081] 000011 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 29\31\1\16\31\31 [2853] 000100 Eevee (F) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\31\31\31\15 [1839]*** 000101 Eevee (F) - Calm, Run Away, 29\3\31\15\31\31 [2330] 000110 Eevee (F) - Calm, Adaptability, 29\31\31\19\31\31 [2727]*** 000111 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 29\0\1\31\31\31 [1236] 001000 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\31\15\31\24 [883] 001001 Eevee (M) - Calm, Adaptability, 31\17\31\15\31\31 [374] 001010 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\31\15\18\31 [2763] 001011 Eevee (F) - Calm, Run Away, 26\31\31\31\31\31 [3126] 001100 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\10\31\31\31 [2503] 001101 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 29\31\17\15\31\31 [1546] 001110 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 30\31\31\15\31\31 [2180]*** 001111 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\7\15\31\31 [1468] 010000 Eevee (M) - Calm, Adaptability, 29\31\31\31\31\31 [639]*** 010001 Eevee (F) - Calm, Run Away, 29\31\20\31\31\31 [2459] 010010 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 29\31\1\30\31\31 [582] 010011 Eevee (M) - Calm, Adaptability, 29\31\1\18\31\31 [961] 010100 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 29\31\31\11\31\31 [1194]*** 010101 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 29\31\31\31\31\29 [3846]*** 010110 Eevee (F) - Calm, Run Away, 31\19\31\15\31\31 [2975] 010111 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\20\31\15\31\31 [1108] 011000 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\31\15\31\9 [3664]*** 011001 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\31\15\31\31 [1553]*** 011010 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 29\22\1\31\31\31 [3341] 011011 Eevee (M) - Calm, Adaptability, 31\31\4\15\31\31 [1864] 011100 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 30\31\31\15\31\31 [2489]*** 011101 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\31\6\31\31 [3164]***
Edras 4725-7995-0581
>>16234336 I have a match with 2015!
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:58:48 No. 16235738 Report Quoted By:
>>16233922 >Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 31\14\30\22\31\31 [1221] Can't believe I actually have a match.
Can I have this one?
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566}
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566} Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:59:28 No. 16235753 Report Quoted By:
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 03:59:33 No. 16235756 Report Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) SV:109
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) SV:109 Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:00:27 No. 16235779 Report Not a single match this week
Jake [X] 3222 5579 4788 [1668]
Quoted By:
Croagunk up for grabs! I'd like to keep one or two Male with Dry Skin please. The rest are you guys! Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 18\31\28\6\18\11 [1400] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\16\26\30\6\31 [3627] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 18\31\26\19\25\27 [767] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 12\14\26\2\28\31 [1560] Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 12\31\26\3\17\23 [1096] Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\11\28\19\25\11 [457] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\15\26\9\31\31 [1723] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 23\31\7\30\18\31 [2158] Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Anticipation, 0\31\28\1\5\5 [311] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 12\31\20\30\0\11 [1808] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 12\31\6\31\31\31 [3152] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 29\31\28\24\25\15 [555] Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 2\20\26\30\17\11 [4043] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Anticipation, 12\15\17\1\25\7 [1789] Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 15\13\26\1\31\26 [2047] Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 1\28\26\1\31\1 [1672] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Anticipation, 17\13\11\1\21\31 [1740] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 29\13\26\20\17\31 [1640] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 27\21\28\1\18\31 [6] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\13\26\30\14\21 [3415] Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 12\31\28\20\31\31 [336] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 19\31\28\14\25\30 [3110] Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 12\26\10\6\31\11 [3097] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Anticipation, 31\18\26\30\19\10 [2557] Croagunk (F) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 31\31\22\1\25\3 [1954] Croagunk (M) - Jolly, Dry Skin, 8\31\12\30\1\11 [2897]
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
Quoted By:
can anyone check some eggs for me please?
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2242}
>>16233002 >Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31\31\31\31\25\31 [2920] *** I think this will be my first time hatching something that someone will have back!
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
Quoted By:
>>16233922 If you are still around, the 465 Gligar matches my SV.
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - {1636}
>>16235453 Tell her I said thanks. It's beautiful.
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:02:51 No. 16235837 Report >>16235642 I'd like it back, please. Adding you now
Hunter 5412 9987 1359 SV: {345}
>>16235756 I match one of your Mareeps, can I have it?
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566}
Jeka 0061-0065-5562 / Electric [Galvantula, Electrode, Stunfisk] SV {2566} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:03:39 No. 16235855 Report Quoted By:
Hunter 5412 9987 1359 SV: {345}
Quoted By:
>>16235835 She said you're welcome.
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:04:20 No. 16235875 Report >>16235843 Would I actually be able to have you hatch that one for me? I just started breeding them so I don't have a pink sheep myself yet.
Felix 4270-0314-5510 SV:{3646}
>>16235837 Sure no prob just give me a min. Do you have a spare 4 31IV Tyrunt I could have?
Tyler 2294-4260-4248 {1976} !GeLB7UNPNc
>>16235756 > I match #60. Goomy (M) - Modest, Sap Sipper, 31\26\30\31\31\31 [1976]
You want it back or can I keep it? I'll add you up.
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:04:47 No. 16235888 Report Quoted By: Potential bloodswords again. You all know the drill on the *'s!
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - {1636}
>>16235733 I'll add you soon.
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:05:12 No. 16235896 Report King of Espurr (Niko) - FC 4468-1601-9118 {SV:706/1067/2719}
King of Espurr (Niko) - FC 4468-1601-9118 {SV:706/1067/2719} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:05:16 No. 16235899 Report Quoted By:
>>16233959 I apologize greatly for my late response, I was too caught up with EV training. But thanks for the egg. :3
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) SV:109
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) SV:109 Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:05:36 No. 16235906 Report Quoted By:
>>16235779 forgot list
Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [3858]***
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\31\19\31 [2004]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\30\31\31\9\31 [307]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 5\30\31\31\31\31 [3930]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\30\12\31\31\31 [2621]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\31\31\13 [1790]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\12\31\31\31\31 [885]*
Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\31\5\31\31\31 [3281]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\31\9\31 [2713]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\30\1\31\31\31 [1478]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [1694]***
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\21\31\31\31\31 [1903]*
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\31\31\3 [GONE]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\30\31\10\31\31 [3271]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\30\31\31\26\31 [714]*
Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 7\30\31\31\31\31 [191]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:05:42 No. 16235909 Report >>16235820 I'm really sorry! If I had a better batch I wouldn't ask for it back. Would you still be willing to trade back?
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 0447-6540-3006{1260}{1077}{3183}{3703} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:05:53 No. 16235913 Report >>16235882 yours to keep
Hunter 5412 9987 1359 SV: {345}
Quoted By:
>>16235875 Yeah sure, I can do that. Adding you now.
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
Quoted By:
anyone willing to check some eggs for me pleasse?
Edras 4725-7995-0581
>>16235891 Already added you, do you want it back?
Dylan 3609 1979 5673 {60}
>>16235622 >Charmander (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 29\28\10\31\16\31 [1040] I have a friend with a match on this, could I grab it?
Does anyone know what happens to shiny pokemon when you trade them to evolve? I heard some people getting a shiny from a non-shiny pre-evo through a trade before, I assume because their SV matched the pokemon when it evolved. I am wondering if the reverse will happen to a shiny beciming non-shiny when it is traded.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115 {SV:963}
>>16235951 I gave my friend a Shiny Honedge and it stayed Shiny as an Aegislash if that's what you are asking.
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2242}
>>16235909 I'll trade you back! I'm happy that I can help.
Plus I don't really like her shiny. I'll just get her mega into my dex
I'm a bit perfectionist .
Salvador - 0962 9400 5605 (Gyarados, Panpur, Frogadier) SV: 2318
Salvador - 0962 9400 5605 (Gyarados, Panpur, Frogadier) SV: 2318 Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:09:10 No. 16235987 Report >>16235945 Sure, why not.
I'm adding you in a minute.
Kane [1779-0650-1464] - {1636}
Tyler 2294-4260-4248 {1976} !GeLB7UNPNc
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:10:49 No. 16236020 Report >>16235981 Thank you so much. I truly appreciate it.
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {4070} {3722}
>>16233303 hey man, dont know if you are still around, but i can hatch the 3722 purr for you if you want.
its on my girlfriends game so her FC is 4957-3429-7559
Yvone 0259 1540 5398 {2920} {2242}
Quoted By:
>>16236020 I'll loop around Lumiose. Post something in the new thread. I'll answer you there once I'm ready.
Quoted By:
>>16235974 I'm talking about something like Haunter that evolves through trade.
Edras 4725-7995-0581
Dylan 3609 1979 5673 {60}
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16236028 Yeah, I'm still around. Should I just add her then, does she know about all of this?
I would like it back, but I can give a 5IV Espurr as payment.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293 {2287}
Quoted By:
>>16234114 Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 6\28\31\31\31\31 [2287]
i match this one trade me please :)
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:15:54 No. 16236134 Report Quoted By:
>>16235896 You're a lifesaver dude, thank you!
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {4070} {3722}
>>16236114 she knows, i currently have her ds and am playing. add her and ill hatch it for ya
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV 3732
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV 3732 Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:17:46 No. 16236180 Report Quoted By:
>>16235619 yes if it's alright with you. Added your FC
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16236157 Cool, thanks. Adding you now.
Mathew 3239 3188 4811
>>16232968 >Absol (M) - Naive, Pressure, 31\31\31\31\3\31 [1065] Could i get that?
Mathew 3239 3188 4811
Quoted By:
>>16233004 >Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\11\31\31\31\17 [1065 that Wooper hit my SV. is it up for keeps?
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16236157 >>16236183 My IGN is Gray, feel free to open a trade whenever you see me.
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {4070} {3722}
>>16236261 no worries, just trading her a mon that has flame body to make it quicker
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:22:12 No. 16236287 Report >>16236185 Is it a match for your SV?
>>16233303 > 22 Espurr (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\4\31\31\20\31 [3087] Winner winner chicken dinner
Trey [3995 7301 3163 - Riolu Meditite Pancham] sv: 3087 Anonymous Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:27:34 No. 16236426 Report Quoted By:
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16236279 If that's the wrong egg, let me know.
Default name is fine.
>>16236391 Is that your SV? I kind of need your FC to trade with you.
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {4070} {3722}
>>16236435 i was gonna say did you want a nickname haha.
if was definitely the right egg, trading back now
Trey [3995 7301 3163 - Riolu Meditite Pancham] sv: 3087
Trey [3995 7301 3163 - Riolu Meditite Pancham] sv: 3087 Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:30:26 No. 16236484 Report >>16236435 Yeah sorry I had to clear cookies/cache and I forgot it wiped my info
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16236470 Fantastic, thanks so much for your help.
The 5IV is still yours if you want it.
Brady 0619-4272-7431 {4070} {3722}
Quoted By:
>>16236495 id love it if you have one to spare
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16236484 No problem, let me finish up with my current trade, and you can have it.
Mathew 3239 3188 4811
>>16236287 Yeah, do you want it back or can i keep it? either way i can hatch it
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16236484 >>16236539 All set, adding you now.
My IGN is Gray, feel free to hit me with a trade whenever you see me.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:37:10 No. 16236650 Report >>16236551 I would like it back unless you have a 5 iv skrelp/skiddo/mareep/elektrike?
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16236484 If that's somehow the wrong egg, let me know.
Also, what did you just send me?
Trey [3995 7301 3163 - Riolu Meditite Pancham] sv: 3087
Trey [3995 7301 3163 - Riolu Meditite Pancham] sv: 3087 Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:40:03 No. 16236705 Report >>16236631 want a nickname on the espurr?
Mathew 3239 3188 4811
>>16236650 Add me, i can hatch for you
Trey [3995 7301 3163 - Riolu Meditite Pancham] sv: 3087
Trey [3995 7301 3163 - Riolu Meditite Pancham] sv: 3087 Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:41:08 No. 16236729 Report Quoted By:
>>16236704 It should be a 4iv teddiursa
Teddiursa (M) - Adamant, Pickup, 31\31\31\9\11\31 [160] assuming I sent the right egg
Gray 0275-7121-2048 SV:{465}
>>16236705 Oh no, you can keep it. Unless you simply do not want a shiny Espurr for some reason.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:42:22 No. 16236765 Report Quoted By:
>>16236723 thank you, I added you now.
▲(Linked)▲ 2621 3112 8187 [1496] [2991]
Quoted By:
Drifloon (M) - Careful, Aftermath, 8\17\17\1\31\31 [1955] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 2\17\17\1\30\31 [1913] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 31\17\31\31\30\19 [2158] Drifloon (M) - Careful, Aftermath, 13\17\31\31\30\2 [3652] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 21\17\31\31\31\31 [4071]*** Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 31\31\31\1\30\12 [937] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 13\5\17\1\30\31 [787] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 13\31\31\31\19\31 [2121] Drifloon (M) - Careful, Aftermath, 13\17\17\4\30\31 [3316] Drifloon (M) - Careful, Aftermath, 31\31\31\29\31\31 [4049]*** Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 16\17\17\1\30\31 [1078] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 13\17\31\19\30\31 [1749] Drifloon (M) - Careful, Aftermath, 13\31\17\1\31\27 [3250] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 31\17\31\29\31\31 [2527]*** Drifloon (M) - Careful, Aftermath, 20\31\17\31\30\31 [1952] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 22\31\31\1\30\31 [164] Drifloon (M) - Careful, Aftermath, 31\0\17\1\30\31 [3301] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 31\31\17\1\10\31 [167] Drifloon (M) - Careful, Unburden, 13\31\24\1\30\31 [962] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 13\17\17\31\31\16 [2132] Drifloon (F) - Careful, Aftermath, 31\31\31\28\30\31 [1209]*** Drifloon (M) - Careful, Aftermath, 31\17\31\31\31\12 [2631]*** Drifloon (M) - Careful, Unburden, 13\17\12\1\31\31 [1670] Drifloon (M) - Careful, Aftermath, 0\17\31\31\30\31 [2129]
Trey [3995 7301 3163 - Riolu Meditite Pancham] sv: 3087
Trey [3995 7301 3163 - Riolu Meditite Pancham] sv: 3087 Mon 25 Nov 2013 04:45:42 No. 16236843 Report Quoted By:
>>16236740 alright, thanks~
Omari 3110-5107-3147 [SV:344}
Quoted By:
>>16233088 105. Dunsparce (M) - Adamant, Serene Grace, 31\31\7\31\31\2 [344]
I match this, may i have it?
Lumpy 2423-3083-7175 {745}
Quoted By:
Looking for these eggs hatched and returned:
Ralts (F) - Timid, Trace, 31\0\31\31\31\31 [783]
Ralts (F) - Timid, Synchronize, 31\4\31\31\31\31 [2102]
Ralts (M) - Timid, Synchronize, 31\12\31\31\31\31 [3057]
The rest are giveaways and can be found here: Nate 2492 - 5470 - 7221 {2178}
Quoted By:
>>16233508 Hey, trying again- I can still hatch 2178 for you. Added you yesterday.