I really do want him and the rockets to make a grand return though, and really FUCK. SHIT. UP.
I mean have the Admin's have good AI. 4 Pokemon with good coverage. Good IV's.
Have Giovanni have a full 6, all 10 levels higher than the grunts on the first floor, insane AI. Perfect IV's, great EV's.
Their plan should be something huge. How about capturing an illusive space Pokemon, using a Rocket? First battle takes place at a fuel station in the 3rd or 4th town. You fight the grunts. You then come face to face with the Admin running the operation. Her Pokemon are at least 40 levels higher. When your Pokemon hits 0 though, your character falls to the ground, but the champion of the region comes up and battles the Admin. You spectate and champion fucks the Admin up. Sweeps with their signature Pokemon after set up.
You next encounter them in random incidents, no admin, just grunts. At one point you and your rival do a double battle against two "Executives" who are tough. Good coverage, decent AI. You win. Your final battle takes place alongside the rocket, and you fight your way to the cockpit. In the penultimate room an Admin defeats your rival, and you face her with only half her team.