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41KiB, 640x480, to_goodra_fans_everywhere______by_nightandkai-d6ulz17.jpg
Quoted By: >>16255178 >>16255954
Okay people, let us talk about the horrible implications of the Goomy line.
Apart from the slimebait like the sick fucks in pic related, let us concentrat on the in-game universe.
First, Goomy.
From its Pokedex entry, it comes off as a kind of snail or leech, while at the same time being a dragon. Also, it has antennae.
Okay, that's not really creepy right now, I am just building tension.
Apart from the slimebait like the sick fucks in pic related, let us concentrat on the in-game universe.
First, Goomy.
From its Pokedex entry, it comes off as a kind of snail or leech, while at the same time being a dragon. Also, it has antennae.
Okay, that's not really creepy right now, I am just building tension.