Seeing as how any attempt to trade I ever make in WiFi general goes completely ignored (and I see it happening to others, too.) and how my last treading thread today hit nearly 300 posts, let's have at it again, everyone! Trade, Breed, discuss! As always, no arguing, no shitposting, and if you get screwed over by someone, give us the Trainer Name!
Arc [ign: Lucette] 5370-1700-5555 (Ghost: Shuppet/Phantump/Golurk)
Arc [ign: Lucette] 5370-1700-5555 (Ghost: Shuppet/Phantump/Golurk) Tue 26 Nov 2013 08:48:39 No. 16270079 Report Can you trade me a shuppet from my safari with cursed body?
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 08:50:31 No. 16270092 Report I'll start. Have: 4IV Jolly Marvel Scale Dratinis w/ Aqua Jet and Dragon Dance 4IV Adamant Guts Larvitars w/ Sneaky Pebbles, Pursuit, Dragon Dance Other random IVs (between 1-4 relevant, expect nothing better in return): Adamant Technician Scyther Impish Immunity Gligar Adamant Thick Fat Snorlax Adamant No Guard Honedge (only 1-3IVs) Modest Serence Grace Togepi (some w/ Nasty Plot but the ones that have it have only 1-3IVs) Looking for: Sturdy Carbink Shuppet Any other neat offers I may not have or thought about.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270054 These are good threads.
Now to business: I'm in posession of two and a half boxes of 5IV Naive Bagons. Some have Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump and Dragon Pulse as egg moves, others don't. Some have these egg moves and are not Naive.
Furthermore I have two 6IV Bagons up for trade.
I'll be considering any offer for the 5ivs, and only exceptional trades for the 6ivs
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 08:52:34 No. 16270113 Report Quoted By:
>>16270079 Adding now.
At least a Shuppet safari is a start.
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 08:56:25 No. 16270148 Report >>16270101 Welcome back Lwanderer!
I've still got one of your Bagons from earlier today.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
Quoted By:
>>16270148 Hey Keithin, thanks for the welcome. I hope that Bagon is doing well for you.
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
Leftovers I've got Adamant Drain Punch Croagunk Timid Helioptile (no HA) Timid/Modest Abra, Magic Guard All 5/4IV. Also have in 4IV: Timid Disable Gastly Jolly Defog Brave Bird Zubat (Infiltrator) All IVs are in the right stats. Really looking to move my 4IVs to a good home. Happy to swap for nearly anything.
Matt 1161-0921-9761
All i got is some adamant HP bellyejet marrils 3-5iv'd giving them away pretty much looking for a prankster sableye or moxie pinsir
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:01:40 No. 16270185 Report >>16270079 I've got your Shuppet!
Female even!
Unconfirmed IVs.
>>16270164 I've been somewhat interested in Croagunk, what ability?
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270164 Would you be interested in a 5IV Bagon for a 5IV Timid Abra?
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270181 How about a Bagon?
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270185 Dry Skin, there are a couple of runts with anticipation though.
>>16270187 What's the nature and IV spread on Bagon?
Arc [ign: Lucette] 5370-1700-5555 (Ghost: Shuppet/Phantump/Golurk)
Arc [ign: Lucette] 5370-1700-5555 (Ghost: Shuppet/Phantump/Golurk) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:04:23 No. 16270210 Report >>16270185 Female yes! It would be even better if it was in something other than a normal pokeball, but that's still great!
I can give you one of my leftover corsola for it, random 3 good IVs
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:04:53 No. 16270213 Report >>16270206 I'll trade you one of my aforementioned 4IVs for a 4IV Dry Skin Croagunk.
Reddama 4184-2750-9148
I got some for trade, any leftovers is welcome, if there's anyone interest reply One 5IV imperfect jolly charmander - DD Outrage, I think he's missing hp or def Two 5IV imperfect (One is speed the other is attack) naive gible rough skin - outrage And some of their 4 IVs
Matt 1161-0921-9761
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:06:15 No. 16270225 Report >>16270210 It's in a quick ball. Is that acceptable?
Whatever's clever!
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270206 Nature is Naive
Spread can be any combination of
>>16270221 I'll add you in a sec
>>16270216 I'm highly interested in a charmander. How does a 5iv Naive Bagon sound?
Arc [ign: Lucette] 5370-1700-5555 (Ghost: Shuppet/Phantump/Golurk)
Arc [ign: Lucette] 5370-1700-5555 (Ghost: Shuppet/Phantump/Golurk) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:08:32 No. 16270239 Report >>16270225 Quick ball is good!
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:10:49 No. 16270263 Report Quoted By:
>>16270239 Give a moment, helping someone right fast and then I'll hit you with the trade.
Reddama 4184-2750-9148
>>16270234 Sure, I'm adding you right now. Do you preffer the 5IV or a 4IV female?
IGN Guih
Cardiac (3823-8519-8590, Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Cardiac (3823-8519-8590, Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:11:16 No. 16270267 Report >>16270092 Dude, I really need an immunity Gligar, I don't care about ivs, but I am desperate for that ability. I've got some 4iv Goomys I can offer in return.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270266 aww dammit I wanted a 5iv female...
no matter I'll take a 5iv male
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270267 I've got an impush female immunity gligar, do you have anything other than goomys?
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:13:02 No. 16270283 Report >>16270267 Do you have any Gooey ones?
If not I'd rather just have a random pokedex entry, I've already got two Goomys.
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:15:15 No. 16270300 Report >>16270270 Males can pass ability down now too.
Unless you were worried about something else.
Cardiac (3823-8519-8590, Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Cardiac (3823-8519-8590, Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:16:25 No. 16270309 Report Quoted By:
>>16270277 I've got a japanese speed boost torchic, but other than the Goomy, not much else.
>>16270283 Unfortunately, none of them have gooey.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
Quoted By:
>>16270300 The Charizard gender ratio is 87.5% male so a 5iv female would have made it much easier to breed it into a 6iv Naive Charizard since I want to beast out a mixed attacking MegaCharX
Reddama 4184-2750-9148
>>16270270 I tried yesterday the whole day until I gave up after 8 hours or so of breeding, I got a shinny though
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270326 haha wow, I didn't think it was going to be harder to get a female charmander than a Shiny charmander
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270234 Swell. last question, i forgot to ask earlier but do these bagon have their HA?
Interested in a female 5IV missing sp.def.
>>16270213 Male 4IV Larvitar then, missing speed and and sp.atk
Matt 1161-0921-9761
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270338 No, I was focused on making a mixed attacking Salamence so I didn't bother with Moxie. Do you not have one missing Attack?
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
Quoted By:
>>16270340 Yeah man, thanks for the trade as well
Quoted By:
would anyone have a 5 iv FEMALE honedge with 0 speed, i would give you a 5iv marill and 5 iv horsea in exchange i just got my hands on a male jap with 5 iv going to mm also looking for Pineco/ferroseed/ - 5iv with sneaky pebbles and their other varying egg moves smeagle- 5 iv larvitar- 5iv
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270351 Nah, I've only got one missing def. Intimidate is fine too. If you've got one missing sp.def, I'm cool with it.
Also, what nature abra do you want? I have modest and timid.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270368 Yeah I have one missing spdef. I'll take a timid Abra. You said it's missing defense right?
Alex 2122-5599-8722
>>16270164 Have:
Sassy Gooey Goomys
Timid Own Tempo Smeargle
Adamant Gale Wings Fletching
Hasty Protean Froakie
Modest Overgrow Bulbasaur
Modest Rock Head Bagon
Modest Hustle Deino
Adamant Scrappy Kangaskhan
Jolly Mold Breaker Axew
Adamant Sturdy Aron
Adamant Huge Power (Bellyjet) Marill
Adamant Intimidate Mawile
Jolly Infiltrator Zubat
Interested in anything for an Abra?
Cardiac (3823-8519-8590, Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Cardiac (3823-8519-8590, Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:27:36 No. 16270390 Report >>16270277 I also have a 4IV Adamant Chespin, a japanese goodra, a strong jaw Tyrunt with the elemental fangs, friend safari dittos, a frogadier with protean.
I am so fucking desperate for that immunity Gligar.
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:28:50 No. 16270395 Report >>16270210 Thanks you for waiting! Sorry about that.
Someone who was obviously a child on passerby challenged me and got wrecked so I traded her a bunch of 4IVs.
Arc [ign: Lucette] 5370-1700-5555 (Ghost: Shuppet/Phantump/Golurk)
Arc [ign: Lucette] 5370-1700-5555 (Ghost: Shuppet/Phantump/Golurk) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:29:11 No. 16270397 Report Quoted By:
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:29:15 No. 16270398 Report Definitely prefer these kind of threads instead of WFG. Anyways, I got some Bold Magic Bounce Natu leftovers. And I got two spare perfects (31/x/31/31/31/31).
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270390 Sure man i'm not using him anyay, either the frogadier or chespin
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
Cardiac (3823-8519-8590, Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle)
Cardiac (3823-8519-8590, Dwebble, Onix, Shuckle) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:30:44 No. 16270413 Report Quoted By:
>>16270400 You're a life saver, adding you now.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270368 Are you still on?
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:32:35 No. 16270431 Report
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon]
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:32:39 No. 16270432 Report >>16270398 I got a 5IV Timid Larvesta or a 5IV Adamant Bellyjet Marill I'll trade for one of your spare perfects. Preferably a female.
Giulian 3609-1457-5711 (Sandshrew, Diggersby, Camerupt)
Giulian 3609-1457-5711 (Sandshrew, Diggersby, Camerupt) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:34:06 No. 16270441 Report Quoted By:
I got 12 5IV Modest Ralts 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Looking for other 5IV Pokémon.
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:34:29 No. 16270443 Report >>16270398 God damn I really need one of them Natu, I'd like two converse 4's (for breeding a 5) or the 5IV. Unfortunately, the best I can offer in return is a 4IV Larvitar and a 4IV Dratini (both with relevant natures, abilities, a few egg moves)
Reddama 4184-2750-9148
Quoted By:
Just bred 20 eggs mawile, the 2 who got perfect IV and was female, got the wrong abilities, fucking hate this.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270431 So that's a no on a 5IV Bagon for a Modest Deino?
>>16270382 Do you have any Timid/Modest Deinos?
Alex 2122-5599-8722
>>16270452 Yes, I have 1 5IV Modest Deino, and a couple 4IVs
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:36:05 No. 16270461 Report >>16270431 I've got my eye on that gooey goomy, still got it?
I've got:
>>16270092 Alex 2122-5599-8722
>>16270461 I'll trade you a 4IV Gooey Goomy for a gligar
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270457 Willing to trade that Deino for a 5iv Naive Bagon with three egg moves? Also, what's the spread?
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270371 mine is missing defence, so i want one missing sp.def.
Just so we're square i'll set out what we're trading
Timid Magic Guard Abra 31/x/31/31/31/31
Naive Female Bagon Rock Head 31/31/31/31/x/31
>>16270382 Aron looks swell. I'd like a female.
>>16270428 Yep. Just sorting through these replies. Let me know when you want to trade so I can hop online.
Alex 2122-5599-8722
>>16270468 Yes, and 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:38:41 No. 16270486 Report >>16270432 >>16270443 Sorry guys, I've either bred those or received those in a trade, but I'm still open to other stuff. If you have any other leftovers that are even 4 IVs, I'll send over the perfects anyways.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270472 Beautiful hop online now if you can
>>16270481 Wonderful, I'll add you in a sec
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:39:41 No. 16270501 Report Quoted By:
>>16270452 I've no need of more Bagon, sorry.
>>16270461 A Nasty Plot Togepi would be cool.
>>16270486 I could dig out a 4IV Impish Immunity Gligar and MAYBE a 4IV Thick Fat Snorlax?
>>16270466 Adding.
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270492 yeah just give me a minute, i'm going through my PC. you wanted a dry skin croagunk, yeah? I'll get to you in a tic.
Alex 2122-5599-8722
>>16270472 Sounds good, added my IGN is Artemis
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:41:41 No. 16270517 Report >>16270486 Would you be interested in a 4 relevant IV timid Natural Cure Roselia with the egg move sleep powder or a 5 IV Tangela with no HA, random nature, but egg move leech seed?
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon]
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:41:41 No. 16270518 Report >>16270486 Well, I've got 4IV Mawile, Bagon, Gible, Phantump, and Larvitar with Pursuit and Stealth Rock, if you're interested in any of that.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270509 Uh no.
>Just so we're square i'll set out what we're trading Timid Magic Guard Abra 31/x/31/31/31/31
Naive Female Bagon Rock Head 31/31/31/31/x/31
This is what we're trading
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:43:18 No. 16270530 Report I've been doing a bunch of breeding. Not for any specific egg moves, natures or abilities. Just trying to set up hexas for each egg group. Anyway, I've got the following.>30 5IV Bulbasaurs >9 5 IV Smeargles >18 5 IV Magikarps >21 5 IV Snorunts If anybody has 4-5 IVd Volbeats, Shellos' or Archens. That'd be great.
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270518 Would you be willing to trade that phantump/larvitar? I've got a 5iv snorunt, timid infiltrator noibat some scyther and marill galore
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270537 I meant to say snover
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:46:07 No. 16270555 Report >>16270504 The Snorlax alone is fine, I already have Gligar anyways. Would you happen to have a female Snorlax?
>>16270517 The other 2 claimed the perfects, but I got 4 IV Natu left. Is that enough for the Tangela?
>>16270518 Yeah, I'll take Bagon if that's okay.
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270512 adding you. i'll be on in about a minute or so, just sorting through my boxes. i'll send you a TR when i'm ready.
>>16270520 oops, i made a mistake.
>>16270213 Croagunk for you for Larvitar
>>16270520 5IV abra for you
And a 4IV abra for the fellow who is trading me an Aron. Coolies
I'm gonna hop online now.
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon]
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:46:33 No. 16270560 Report >>16270537 Well everything I listed there is 4IV's, but I have a spare 5IV Careful Phantump I'll trade for a female 5IV Noibat. Otherwise I'll trade whatever for the 4IV's.
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:47:07 No. 16270564 Report >>16270555 That sounds great. Male or Female?
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:47:29 No. 16270565 Report Quoted By:
Any 4-5 IV pancham or litleos around?
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon]
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:47:37 No. 16270568 Report >>16270555 Yeah, you got it. Adding you now.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
>>16270530 Ability, nature and spreads on those Bulbs? And owuld you be willing to trade for a 5iv naive Bagon?
>>16270559 Cool just finishing up a trade. Will be ready in a sec
Alicks 3497-0226-0697
Makin friend safaris Alicks 3497-0226-0697 Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:48:51 No. 16270575 Report Quoted By:
Added you fine gentleman.
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270560 the noibat is pretty awful iv wise tbh but if you'd still trade a 4iv for whatever that'd be sweet
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:49:21 No. 16270585 Report >>16270570 All the bulbasaurs have overgrowth. If you tell me what nature you're after, I can see if I have it.
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:49:23 No. 16270586 Report >>16270564 I'll be sending over a Female, as for the Tangela, if you have Male, I'll take it.
>>16270568 Adding right now.
>>16270555 Yes I do, with Thick fat with 31/x/x/x/31/31, no egg moves.
I'll take a 4IV Natu if you want to trade the 5IV for a better trade with
>>16270517 Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:50:32 No. 16270598 Report >>16270586 I have one spare, so it's all good. I just added you. Thanks so much.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
Alicks 3497-0226-0697
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
Quoted By:
>>16270603 Thanks, added back
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby
Good King - 2062-9172-4630 - Camerupt, Wooper, Diggersby Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:52:59 No. 16270644 Report >>16270602 I have bold missing HP, Attack, Sp. Attack and Sp. Def.
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270570 Thanks man
>>16270398 Interested in perfect Natu.
Adamant Drain Punch Croagunk
Timid Helioptile (no HA)
Timid/Modest Abra, Magic Guard
Jolly Defog Brave Bird Zubat (Infiltrator)
All 5/4IV.
Also have in 4IV:
Timid Disable Gastly
All IVs are in the right stats.
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:53:24 No. 16270650 Report Quoted By:
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270598 Dat pinsir safari are my struggles over
Alex 2122-5599-8722
>>16270559 Btw I'll take a Timid 4IV Abra for my female aron
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon]
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:55:05 No. 16270678 Report >>16270582 Well how about the Snover then? I'll trade you the 5IV Phantump for the 5IV Snover and then I'll give you a 4IV Larvitar w/ egg moves for anything.
Lwanderer FC:0318-7930-4214
Quoted By:
>>16270644 uh nevermind then, but thanks anyway
>>16270646 no prob, thanks for the Abra
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270678 Sounds like a deal, thanks!
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270673 Yep, sure. Timid coming right up.
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:57:19 No. 16270711 Report >>16270651 Sure, I'll add. Are you interested in trading too?
I'm looking for Togepi specifically, but I'm really open to anything
>>16270586 Thanks!
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon]
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:57:42 No. 16270712 Report Quoted By:
>>16270690 No problem! Already have you added.
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270598 why does your fc say invalid
Alex 2122-5599-8722
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
Quoted By:
>>16270720 no worries mayne
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:59:12 No. 16270734 Report >>16270591 Wait, shit. I already did that trade and sent over a 4 IV Natu. So I'll be sending over a 4 IV Natu instead?
>>16270646 I'll take a 4 IV Croagunk, I'll be sending a 4 IV Natu.
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Tue 26 Nov 2013 09:59:13 No. 16270735 Report >>16270715 Not sure. Try double checking?
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:00:11 No. 16270745 Report Quoted By:
>>16270734 Sure! Like I said though It'll be a 3IV Thick Fat Female Snorlax you get in return, so long as that's okay I'd love a Natu!
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:00:14 No. 16270746 Report >>16270711 No problem, man. You're okay with getting the 4 IV Natu, right?
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270711 Uh sure! I wouldn't mind a helioptile or croagunk, I have a bunch of marills and other random stuff
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:01:15 No. 16270762 Report Quoted By:
>>16270746 It's fine, I needed a new breeding project anyway.
Jes - 5300 - 8979 - 5366
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If anyone wants to add me and tell me what my Safari is, that'd be swell. It's like an adventure!
Matt 1161-0921-9761
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:02:05 No. 16270775 Report >>16270559 You still there? Added me yet?
Still love to make that 4IV Larvitar - 4IV Croagunk trade.
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:02:42 No. 16270783 Report >>16270755 Ah, sorry, all I really have are Tangelas with leech seed and these
>>16270517 Roselias
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270735 And yea it's still saying it's invalid, not sure why
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:03:31 No. 16270793 Report Quoted By:
>>16270746 Absolutely!
Zach is legit.
Matt 1161-0921-9761
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>>16270783 If i can get your friend code to work i'd take a roselia!
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:04:19 No. 16270800 Report >>16270784 That's weird, considering I was just added by the Natu guy. Uh, I don't know. I added you, though
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270734 Sure. Preferred spread on Croagunk?
I prefer 31/x/31/x/31/31 If you have it. Male, if possible.
If it is a male, could you please call it Jamshid?
Adding you now.
>>16270775 Yeah mate, added you ages ago. I was wondering when you'd remember.
I'll be online in a tic, trade me when I'm on.
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270800 Yea..I have no idea why it's not working, unless i'm suddenly dyslexic i'm typing it in right
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:06:36 No. 16270822 Report >>16270810 Sorry man, it gets a bit chaotic in these threads.
Added, waiting for you to pop on.
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:06:52 No. 16270826 Report >>16270814 Yeah, I just double checked and it is right. That's weird, I'm sorry, man.
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
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>>16270822 I'm online now, and I don't see you?
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:07:53 No. 16270841 Report >>16270810 The only one I have that matches that exact spread is Female. And it's in a Dusk Ball.
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:08:03 No. 16270844 Report Quoted By:
>>16270746 lol'd @ "Bike Simulator Y"
Matt 1161-0921-9761
>>16270826 Welp thats sucky, i'll have to continue the hunt for my pinsir i guess
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:09:41 No. 16270861 Report >>16270845 The Gods deny you.
It is good then, you refuse to listen!
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270841 That's good, can you call it Leila?
>>16270822 Ooops I accidentally offered it without realising its lv24 offer so i can cancel and give you a lv1 baby
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:11:22 No. 16270877 Report >>16270870 I need a 4IV Croagunk anyway, Dry Skin.
Matt 1161-0921-9761
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270877 >16270877 OOOOH
lemme cancel
i'll give ou a croa
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
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>>16270877 Sorry about that mayne, i was trading abras all day today so it went over my head
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:14:05 No. 16270896 Report Quoted By:
>>16270886 lol It's all good.
Like I said it gets so Chaotic in these threads it's hard to keep track!
Thank you!
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:15:13 No. 16270901 Report >>16270870 Alright, named the Natu "Leila," and I'm adding now. And I'm not too picky on the spread, I'll take whatever.
Parham: 2836-1058-9751 [SV:1440]
>>16270901 Alright, male or female croagunk? and I'm assuming dry skin for the ability?
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:17:15 No. 16270925 Report Quoted By:
>>16270911 If you've got a Female, that'd be cool. And yes, Dry Skin, please.
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Looking for foreign 4+ perfect IV Ditto. I have a 4 IV one (Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Speed). Willing to trade mine or plenty of other 5IV breedingg leftovers. I also have a spare 6IV Fletchling I'm willing to trade for any other 6IV I don't have, or a 5IV Ditto.
Reddama 4184-2750-9148
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Anyone here have a female timid female frokkie? Doesn't matter the IVs Willing to trade for 4IVs jolly charmanders, naive gibles or adamant mawile
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery
Keithin [3067-5015-2315] Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery Tue 26 Nov 2013 10:34:41 No. 16271053 Report Quoted By:
The thread must go on! Still need: 4IV Sturdy Carbink, 4IV Shuppet
Dimi (IGN: Maki) - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi (IGN: Maki) - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Tue 26 Nov 2013 12:25:18 No. 16271857 Report What's a good IV spread for Greninja? I assume it should miss either Atk but I'm not sure
Nathan | TSV: {1783} | FC: 0791-1790-6064 | Instacheck ✔
Nathan | TSV: {1783} | FC: 0791-1790-6064 | Instacheck ✔ Tue 26 Nov 2013 12:27:16 No. 16271876 Report I have timid protean froakies and adamant technician scyther leftovers for trade (at least 4IV in the right places)
Hitagi 0173-1292-9448
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>>16271857 Greninja is really versatile, so as long as you have 252 in Speed, dumping the rest into either (or both) Attack stat should be fine. If you aren't running Shadow Sneak, I'd probably suggest going with a Speed raining nature.
Bloozghost 2723-8423-8780
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>>16271876 I'd like a froakie
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somebody got leftover Honedge? i rly need it
Dan 1547 6339 4135 [Slugma Magmar Fletchinder] {2944}
Dan 1547 6339 4135 [Slugma Magmar Fletchinder] {2944} Tue 26 Nov 2013 17:40:10 No. 16275321 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a Brave Synchronizer. Just let me know what you'd want for it.
slickback 5472-7486-7033 Electric (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Luxio)
slickback 5472-7486-7033 Electric (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Luxio) Tue 26 Nov 2013 17:45:09 No. 16275395 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got a drizzle politoed or raindish tentacruel for trade?
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hello i obtained a belly drum marril from wondertrade, are they worth anything? i will probably give some away if anyone wants one
I've got a couple 3-4 IV eevees with wish if anybody wants a freebie I'm looking for a decent rotom if you've got one.
ben 1650 1573 0135
Bloozghost 2723-8423-8780
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>>16275598 I'll take a freebie good sir
Looking for speed boost venipede any ivs and nature, i have a steath rock+iccicle crash swinub and bold, recover sableye
FC: 2895-7385-4427
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>>16276777 forgot my friend code
NM2 4811-7206-5012 / Mankey, Sawk, Breloom / SV: {1317}
NM2 4811-7206-5012 / Mankey, Sawk, Breloom / SV: {1317} Tue 26 Nov 2013 19:05:22 No. 16276828 Report Has anybody bred anything from the Fairy egg group with 0 Speed? I want to breed Aromatisse, Mawile and Azumarill for a Trick Room VGC team but I have nothing to pass down shitty speed on my eggs. Will give other 4/5 IV 'mons in return.
George 5327 1400 0999 {3889}
HAVE: 5IV SHINY Espurr Modest Infiltrator 31/31/x/31/31/31 4IV SHINY Noibat Timid Frisk 31/x/31/x/31/31 5IV Dratini Adamant marvel scale dragon dance 4IV "" "" 5IV Zubat timid inner focus brave bird defog 4IV zubat infiltrator/ "" "" 4IV Joltik timid compound eyes 4IV Marill adamant huge power bellyjet 4IV Scatterbug timid compound eyes/shield dust 4IV Abra timid all abilities SHINY Dunsparce Serious Serene Grace x/x/31/31/x/x SHINY Beedrill SHINY Clauncher Spare Xerneas Want: female 5 IV charmander
Inji (magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon) 3969-4890-3198
Inji (magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon) 3969-4890-3198 Tue 26 Nov 2013 19:07:51 No. 16276874 Report
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>>16276828 getting 0speed IV mons sucks man, i feel your pain
on that not does anyone have a brave ditto? (i only need it to pass down the nature since i got a box and a half of these fuckers and no brave, but IVs in anything but speed and spatk would be cool)
can give a 4IV tyrogue in return jolly+intimidate
can anyone trade and then quick trade back my haunter/gengar? would get on my knees and humbly thank you
ChrisKANI (0018-1498-5646) SV:{3159}
Bloozghost 2723-8423-8780
Israel 3582-9008-9745 [Rock; Dwebble, Onix, Barbaracle]
Israel 3582-9008-9745 [Rock; Dwebble, Onix, Barbaracle] Tue 26 Nov 2013 19:13:22 No. 16276971 Report Quoted By:
I have one or two 4 IV Sneasel I don't need. They're Jolly by the way, and have two egg moves (Pursuit and Icicle Crash) Any 4 or more IV Togepi out there?
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anyone with mantyne LFs ? i have some 5 IV smeargle and i can get HH for it
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>>16276965 thank you but
>>16276956 already helped me out
both of you are the best,
the very best, like no one ever was 5129-1564-9774 : Snape
Hey /vp/ I decided to breed bears because my friend said I didn't have the autism or balls to do it, so I did. I realize that bears are worthless, so I'm doing a big giveaway of all the 4 IV Teddiursa, Panchams, and Cubchoos. I figure you guys might want to use them someday and it's hell of a lot better than tossing them out in wonder trade to faggots that will give you bunnelbys for them. Drop your friend code if you want one, here's what's available:>4 IV Panchamps -atk/def/spdef/spd (4) -hp/atk/def/spdef (4) -hp/def/spdef/spd (4) -hp/atk/def/spd (4)>4 IV Cubchoos -hp/atk/spdef/spd (6) (3 w/ Hidden ability) -hp/atk/def/spdef (3) (1 w/ hidden ability) -hp/atk/def/spd (2) (1 w/ hidden ability) -hp/def/spdef/spd (1) (hidden ability)>4 IV Teddiursas -hp/atk/def/spd (3) -atk/def/spdef/spd (3) -hp/def/spdef/spd (4) -hp/atk/spdef/spd (4) -hp/atk/def/spdef (2) -hp/atk/def/spd If you want to be a cool guy and help me fill out my pokedex here are pokemon that I want if you have them lying around. I'll take any level, any IVs, and any gender: Bonsly, Murkrow, Pineco, Phanpy, Wurmple, Seedot, Taillow, Numel, Cacnea, Snorunt, Spheal, Shinx, Shellos, Bronzor, Munna, Pidove, Blitzle, Drilbur, Tympole, Sewaddle, Maractus, Trubbish, Minccino Klink, Rufflet, Vullaby,
>>16277148 would love the hp/atk/def/sdef cubchoo
and would lovelovelove the hp/att/def/spd panchamp
Kate 2750-1662-7982
>>16277148 I'd love any one of the Pancham. For a Snorunt?
5129-1564-9774 : Snape
>>16277224 hidden ability or no for the Cubchoo?
>>16277225 deal. adding you
5129-1564-9774 : Snape
>>16277270 sure, adding you
NM2 4811-7206-5012 / Mankey, Sawk, Breloom / SV: {1317}
NM2 4811-7206-5012 / Mankey, Sawk, Breloom / SV: {1317} Tue 26 Nov 2013 19:37:14 No. 16277398 Report Quoted By:
5129-1564-9774 : Snape
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>>16277270 >>16277286 you around dude? It says you're busy.
murasaki 5327-1083-0662
this is what i got: 4/5iv Lotad Fletchling (5iv) Mawile Froakie (5iv) Belldum Skrelp Goomy Joltik Shroomish Larvesta Eevee with wish Kangaskhan Gible Venipede with speedboost want: pineco, phanpy, chansey, duskull, shellos,sneasel,scraggy, chespin with HA, female fennekin
Blooz 2723-8423-8780
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>>16278042 I have a scraggy egg that I'd trade for a Froakie with protean
Lumi [Ingame name: Chaos] 3797-6762-8963 Slugma, Growlithe, Ninetales
Lumi [Ingame name: Chaos] 3797-6762-8963 Slugma, Growlithe, Ninetales Tue 26 Nov 2013 20:41:38 No. 16278691 Report I got a box of Brave Birdin' Sturdy Skarmory, Jolly, 4 IVs. I have two 5IV, but they're Keen Eye, if that matters at all to anyone. I also got a 5IV Adamant Absol (and likely a bunch of 4IVs). I still have one 5IV Timid Drought Vulpix left (and then one in 4IVs) Finally... I got a pair of 4IV Timid Swift Swim Horsea. I had Snipers, but I don't know what the hell happened to them.
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>>16276843 Interested in a shiny Froakie for that Espurr? It's timid natured, perfect IVs in HP, Def, Sp. Atk and Sp. Def and has Toxic Spikes.
Lumi [Ingame name: Chaos] 3797-6762-8963 Slugma, Growlithe, Ninetales
Lumi [Ingame name: Chaos] 3797-6762-8963 Slugma, Growlithe, Ninetales Tue 26 Nov 2013 20:50:03 No. 16278826 Report Quoted By:
>>16271876 Could I have a Froakie? And maybe a Scyther, if you're interested?
I be this
>>16278691 Anon.
Stenag : 1134-8321-7620
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>>16276874 Interested in a Petilil for a Roselia ?