nice coordination there
Bottom outfit is superior
nice sunset btw
that blue with the that pink is cute and different than other outfits here. Also looks pretty casual for an adventure/makes sense.
This seems to be a popular top
Nice matching with the shoes and the shirt there
Kinda biased against overly pink outfits but I like the types of clothes
Again I like the clothes choices but the colors here are kinda droll
Glad you added some flare here
>>16281644Lollipop chainsaw/10
One too many colors IMO
Can't really stand this skirt and the you played the color choice to safe IMO
Get rid of the hat
Looks kinda girl next doorish
Not feeling the shoes either
Class and flare
Don't personally care for the stars
I usually hate those skirts but you pulled it off here.
Seems a bit safe but not bad
The top looks a little silly. A little too much of the black and white alternating with the whole outfit.
Much better
A better hat might do wonders but that one isn't too bad. Really like the way that shirt looks with the skirt
Pretty boring to be honest
I think the robin hood theme is cool but maybe you should add in some accessory that breaks up the all green and brown
>>16282694Anon here and I'll give you a solid 8.5/10
Really looks great IMO and different than the other outfits here
Consistently great