So I have 33 31/31/31/x/31/31 Charmanders left after breeding my 6IV. They're all Naive with Dragon Dance, Outrage, and Crunch. Anyone want to trade for one?
sage 2509-1985-4126 (SV:1330)
Josh FC: 2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>16280426 What are you looking for?
Saux 0404 6829 5015
Quoted By:
I'm up for a trade. Are you giving them away or looking for some pokes in particular?
Quoted By:
i'd love to trade you for one, are you giving them away so to speak, or are you looking for anything in particular?
1864-9884-2286 Whoknowswhat
Quoted By:
4IV Pawniard for one?
francisco (5069-4079-3185) (normal: ditto kecleon aipom)
francisco (5069-4079-3185) (normal: ditto kecleon aipom) Tue 26 Nov 2013 23:42:55 No. 16282520 Report Quoted By:
can i have one?
James 1075-0734-3960
Quoted By:
>>16280426 sure i'd take one
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
Totally forgot I posted this thread until now. I'm looking for other 5IV Pokemon.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
So anyone have any 5IV offers then? I'd also consider anything interesting.
Calvin - 2234 7829 1665
>>16283074 if you're still in this thread taking offers, I have a 5iv adamant speed boost venipede for trade
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
>>16283340 I'd love that. Is it 31/31/31/x/31/31?
Calvin - 2234 7829 1665
unforunately no, its missing Attack iv and not SpA still want it?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
>>16283673 Any chance you want to breed one with Attack instead of SpA?
Calvin - 2234 7829 1665
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
>>16283732 Alright. I'll pass then.
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat)
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat) Wed 27 Nov 2013 00:37:42 No. 16283785 Report >>16283732 I'll take one. Interested in a perfect pinsir?
Calvin - 2234 7829 1665
Quoted By:
>>16283732 s-still want it?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat)
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat) Wed 27 Nov 2013 00:39:40 No. 16283829 Report >>16283785 Oops meant to quote the OP.
Calvin - 2234 7829 1665
Quoted By:
>>16283785 sure, adding you now
Calvin - 2234 7829 1665
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat)
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat) Wed 27 Nov 2013 00:46:15 No. 16284003 Report Quoted By:
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
>>16283785 Online, trade me whenever.
Vinh 0447-6246-9249 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Pinsir)
Vinh 0447-6246-9249 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Pinsir) Wed 27 Nov 2013 00:52:04 No. 16284169 Report I've got 5 IV Bold Klefkis. They're 31/x/31/31/31/31 if you're interested.
Abel 0430-8436-6922 Ice (Cloyster, Snover, Bergmite)
Abel 0430-8436-6922 Ice (Cloyster, Snover, Bergmite) Wed 27 Nov 2013 00:55:02 No. 16284245 Report Have some 5IV aegislash's for trade if anyone is interested.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16284169 I'd love one. Adding you.
>>16284245 Can you tell me about them? I have one already, but if yours are different then I'd trade for one.
Kanade 3480 3900 4580 !7GunlorD7c
I have 31/xx/31/31/31/31 timid Ralts that are male or female with trace/synchronize One timid male 31/31/31/31/31/xx Zorua A bunch of jolly skill link shellders with 31/31/31/31/xx/31 and rock blast And a male and female timid Deino with xx/31/31/31/31/31
Michael (3282-3215-9706) SV: {3853}
>>16280426 I'd love a pair for breeding purposes.
I'll give a 5IV perfect Liligant and Furfrou for them
Vinh 0447-6246-9249 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Pinsir)
Vinh 0447-6246-9249 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Pinsir) Wed 27 Nov 2013 01:00:12 No. 16284369 Report >>16284318 Cool, I'll get on right now.
>>16284245 I'd like one, but I the only 5 IV Pokemon I have are Klefkis.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16284357 notsureifinterested.jpg
Can you tell me about both of these Pokemon and why I should want them?
>>16284352 I'll take one of the Deinos, but I need to conclude another trade first to see if I'll need a male or a female from you, so hang around for a little while please.
Michael (3282-3215-9706) SV: {3853}
>>16284526 Well Liligant is the best waifu, and you can cut your Furfrous hair to the way you want it. What more would you want?
Abel 0430-8436-6922 Ice (Cloyster, Snover, Bergmite)
Abel 0430-8436-6922 Ice (Cloyster, Snover, Bergmite) Wed 27 Nov 2013 01:09:58 No. 16284584 Report >>16284318 >>16284369 Went to go check and I only have 4 IV aegislash, sorry.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16284558 You raise good points. I'll probably do it, so stick around while I go and start my dinner quickly.
Michael (3282-3215-9706) SV: {3853}
>>16284612 okay man im here
Vinh 0447-6246-9249 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Pinsir)
Vinh 0447-6246-9249 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Pinsir) Wed 27 Nov 2013 01:11:36 No. 16284626 Report Quoted By:
>>16284584 I'll still give you a 5 IV Klefki, I've got too many of them.
Cesar 3196-4037-0885
>>16280426 5IV Bold Serene Grace Togepi?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16284624 Ready to trade.
Michael (3282-3215-9706) SV: {3853}
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16284732 Have it already, thanks though.
>>16284624 Drop me a trade please.
Aviel 1478-4298-7398
>>16284864 I have a 6 IV Adament mawile for one of your charmanders.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16285013 The 6IV is temping, but I already have a 31/31/31/x/31/31, so no thanks unless it has all the elemental fangs.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387
If you could possibly trade a pair I have 5IV intimidate Mawile, 5IV gible, and 5IV Marill with BellyJet and Superpower
Michael (3282-3215-9706) SV: {3853}
Aviel 1478-4298-7398
>>16285038 I only managed to get fire feng on them. Would that do?
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387
Quoted By:
>>16285045 Also the Gible has Outrage
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
>>16285068 Unfortunately I think I'll pass.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
>>16285045 Have all three of those already, sorry man.
If your still trading some I could offer 31/31/31/x/31/31 jolly Poliwag or 31/31/31/x/31/31 adamant Mawile. Also have 5IV Roselia, Larvitar, and Froakie but their not pentaperfect.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16285237 I want a Poliwag, but I don't think I could use a Jolly one. You don't happen to have Modest or Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31's do you?
Quoted By:
>>16285323 I probably have one with that spread but its jolly. Sorry man.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
I'll be around for a little while longer, anyone else want to trade for one?
1864-9884-2286 Whoknowswhat
Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 Pawniard for one?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
1864-9884-2286 Whoknowswhat
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16286594 No problem.
I still have like a billion. Still taking offers for interesting things. Looking for Leftovers, Pinsirite, Mewtwonite X & Y,
Heracronite, Tyranitarite, and Aggronite as far as items go.
Cons 4399-0100-4189
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16286723 Sure as long as it's 31/x/31/31/31/31.
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle Wed 27 Nov 2013 02:33:21 No. 16286757 Report >>16286682 Do you have one that's 31/x/31/31/31/31?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16286757 They're all 31/31/31/x/31/31
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb)
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb) Wed 27 Nov 2013 02:34:59 No. 16286794 Report >>16286682 i aint got much, but id really like one if you can spare one brother
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
How bout a 5Iv ditto for one of those charmanders?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16286782 Actually nevermind, I forgot that I have a box of reject 5IV's that totally has some 31/x/31/31/31/31's in it.
>>16286794 I'd be willing to give away one of the 5IV rejects.
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle Wed 27 Nov 2013 02:36:54 No. 16286832 Report >>16286782 I guess I can just breed for one then.
Are you interested in a 5IV bellyjet marill?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
>>16286807 Absolutely. Adding you.
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
Oh man my bad. I meant 5 iv Eevee im tripping OP my bad
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb)
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb) Wed 27 Nov 2013 02:37:49 No. 16286848 Report >>16286811 are they 31/31/31/x/31/31 or 31/x/31/31/31/31 ? (honestly id prefer 31 atk over spatk but its ok i guess i can breed, and i got a couple of 4ivs froakie protean if you want)
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16286836 OH, well that's less exciting. Tell me about the Eevee, that's something I don't have yet.
>>16286832 I've got Marill already, sorry.
>>16286848 I have plenty of Froakies from breeding a 6IV, but I realized that I do have all 5IV spreads, so do you have anything interesting?
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb)
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb) Wed 27 Nov 2013 02:41:36 No. 16286931 Report >>16286900 you guys really have luck with your breedings, i just started really haha, i got a perfect shellder with skill link, adamant, icicle spear and rockblast
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
>>16286900 All my Eevees have Wish/Curse and have varying nature and most have its Hidden Ability
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16286931 I actually bred one of those too. The luck really isn't considerable seeing as I did like 5 boxes of Froakies and 8 boxes of Charmanders for my 6IV's.
Cons 4399-0100-4189
Quoted By:
>>16286742 Yes. Timid as well added!
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16286970 I suppose I'll ask you this, what spreads do I get to choose from?
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb)
Youness (4957-3668-3858) (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb) Wed 27 Nov 2013 02:45:22 No. 16287026 Report Quoted By:
>>16286987 well im really sorry buddy i dont have nothing that you could be interested in, sorry
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle Wed 27 Nov 2013 02:47:19 No. 16287072 Report >>16286900 5IV Marvel Scale Dratini then? It's 31/x/31/31/31/31 though.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16287072 Sure, I could do that.
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
>>16287020 2 31/x/31/31/31/31 calm/careful
1 31/31/31/31/x/31 Bold
1 31/31/31/x/31/31 Sassy
1 31/31/31/31/x/31 Jolly
1 31/31/31/31/31/x Lonely
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16287123 I'd be interested in one of the Calm ones if it will end up with Synchronize when it becomes an Umbreon.
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle Wed 27 Nov 2013 02:54:03 No. 16287219 Report >>16287086 Alright thanks! Just to be clear, I want the one charmander with 31 in Sp.Atk.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16287219 Could you remove the "3" nickname? .-.
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
>>16287194 Sure thing addin u
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle Wed 27 Nov 2013 02:58:44 No. 16287320 Report >>16287271 Can't. It was traded to me like that.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16287320 Oh. Well okay then. Drop me a new trade.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
>>16287287 I'm ready, trade me whenever.
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle
Kiara 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle Wed 27 Nov 2013 03:03:20 No. 16287420 Report Quoted By:
>>16287336 Thanks! Good luck with the rest of your trades.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
Sticking around for more interesting stuff, will be gone for a few minutes though.
Anthony 1177-7749-1304
>>16280426 OP, you got any left?
I can trade you an adamant 5 IV Shuppet with Gunk Shot, Destiny Bond, and some other egg move I forgot for one.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16287713 Sure, I'll add you now. Is there any way that you'd trade me 2 of them? I'd throw in a second Charmander or a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Larvitar with DD, Outrage, Stealth Rock, and Pursuit.
Anthony 1177-7749-1304
>>16287855 Did you happen to have a Jolly Char with the same stats/movesets? (didn't read the thread through so not sure if you mentioned if you had a nature other than naive)
If not, I'll take the Larvitar, sure.
Adding you now.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16287939 It'll be the Larvitar, yeah. The Shuppets are 31/31/31/x/31/31, yes?
Anthony 1177-7749-1304
>>16287968 Right, and looking at them now, last move is Phantom Force.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16287997 Sounds good, I want the shit out of them.
Anthony 1177-7749-1304
>>16288027 Lol yeah Mega Banette's a beast. Thanks for the trade!
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16288115 One of the Shuppets you gave me is missing HP, could I get it swapped?
Anthony 1177-7749-1304
>>16288164 Sure thing. That's odd.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16288184 Great, thanks. Waiting whenever.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
This one's good, appreciated.
Anthony 1177-7749-1304
Quoted By:
>>16288202 Oh ok there's probably a 5 IV one in my 4 IV box then... ugh
Sorry about that, and thanks again.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
Still have 20 of them, guys. Get at me.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
I'd like to take some more offers on these things.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 27 Nov 2013 04:27:11 No. 16289578 Report >>16289436 Do you have any females left? If so, I have a bunch of 5IV Eevees I can trade (only males left).
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16289578 No females left. I'd be interested in an Eevee though, depending on what you have available.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 27 Nov 2013 04:38:29 No. 16289831 Report >>16289794 All Bold, Wish Males. And their missing IV can be whatever you want. Except maybe Att. Everyone wants the one missing Att. Might have one of them left.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16289831 I'd be after one missing Attack. If you're willing to part with it, you've got yourself a Charmander though.
Nips/Kyle (1977-1205-0529) (ice ice baby: sneasel, dewgong, spheal) (sv:209)
Nips/Kyle (1977-1205-0529) (ice ice baby: sneasel, dewgong, spheal) (sv:209) Wed 27 Nov 2013 04:48:12 No. 16290020 Report >>16289968 Got any charmander left?
Got a rotom topped out in sp atk/sp def and speed
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 27 Nov 2013 04:49:27 No. 16290052 Report >>16289968 Aight. Lemme get my ds on the charger. If I don't have a missing Att one, you can have 2 for the troubles. a good charmander will definitely speed me along
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16290052 That sounds reasonable. I'd really love -Atk though.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16290020 I actually have a Japanese one with those same IV's already. Would have taken you up on it if I didn't.
Nips/Kyle (1977-1205-0529) (ice ice baby: sneasel, dewgong, spheal) (sv:209)
Nips/Kyle (1977-1205-0529) (ice ice baby: sneasel, dewgong, spheal) (sv:209) Wed 27 Nov 2013 04:54:23 No. 16290183 Report Quoted By:
>>16290127 Damn. What about a 31/x/31/31/31/x sick Japan ralts?
>>16280426 >Naive >not Jolly Ya blew it.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 27 Nov 2013 04:55:22 No. 16290206 Report >>16290098 I got you added. Checking my boxes while I wait for you. Just send request whenever
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16290200 >Mega Charizard X >130 Base Special Attack >Stab on Fire Blast >Fantastic mixed attacking potential >lowering your Special Attack Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16290206 I don't see you on my list, can you request me?
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 27 Nov 2013 04:59:29 No. 16290308 Report >>16290246 You're in luck! I have exactly ONE (1) -ATT Eevee remaining!
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:01:25 No. 16290354 Report Quoted By:
>>16290299 Did you type it correctly? Its saying you didnt register with me
Hello, I would really like a charmander, I have 5/6 Froakies Naive Protean, a 4IV Adamant Deerling, Lots of 5/6 Axew, pursuit Sassy Larvitars and some 5/6 NO HP IV Timid Eevees
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16290405 I'd like a 31/31/31/x/31/31 or 31/31/31/31/31/31 Axew, whatever you're willing to trade.
>>16290434 Sure thing, Male or Female and do you want Rivalry or Mold Breaker?
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
Ren 5386-8632-9853 [Grass: Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:08:04 No. 16290488 Report Quoted By:
>>16290405 Say, would you be willing to take some 5IV Bold Wish eevees for a protean Froakie? They'd cut down my breeding time immensly. I'm willing to trade more than 1 eevee for a froakie.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16290459 Female and Mold Breaker, please.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
>>16290605 Likewise.
I also have one 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Larvitar with DD, Outrage, Sneaky Pebbles, and Pursuit left, as well as a couple 31/31/31/x/31/31 Rock Blast Skill Link Shellders.
4-5IV Quiet Honedge With SpAtk
31/31/31/x/31/31 Timburr
31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Sand Rush Drilbur
31/x/31/31/31/31 Rotom
31/x/31/31/31/31 Natural Cure Chansey
31/31/31/x/31/31 Impish Hippopatas with Slack Off and Whirlwind
31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Natural Cure Staryu
31/x/31/31/31/31 Magnet Pull Magnemite
31/x/31/31/31/31 Hidden Ability Poliwag
Will trade multiple Pokemon for the harder to get stuff.
Also looking for: Leftovers
Slick Will 3969-5087-2194 (bergmite, snover, dewgong)
Slick Will 3969-5087-2194 (bergmite, snover, dewgong) Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:19:09 No. 16290728 Report I have outstanding IV Scraggies with Dragon Dance and Drain Punch
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16290728 If it's 31/31/31/x/31/31, I'd trade for it.
1048 9037 2050 (Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure Drudrigon)
1048 9037 2050 (Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure Drudrigon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:22:49 No. 16290820 Report I'm probably too late to get a Charmander but i have a pentaperfect Adamant Marill with huge power, belly drum and Aqua Jet if anyone is interested.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16290820 I bred plenty of those myself. I appreciate the offer though. I still have lots of Charmanders if you have anything else to offer.
Quoted By:
>>16290820 I've got a happy hour Smeargle for that
Tim 1607-2515-0878
Quoted By:
>>16290820 Smeargle guy, here's my info
1048 9037 2050 (Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure Drudrigon)
1048 9037 2050 (Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure Drudrigon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:28:27 No. 16290953 Report >>16290852 hmmm lets see... I've got a HA modest Whismur with all but spd and atk
or Evees some bold some timid, some with HA some without all with more than 4 IVs
Oh and a pentaperfect Shuppet with D Bond and Shadow force (hes missing Spdef)
any of those interest you?
Zachary 4124-6024-7550 (Audino, Tediursa, Chancey)
Zachary 4124-6024-7550 (Audino, Tediursa, Chancey) Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:29:07 No. 16290972 Report >>16290820 I have Charmanders but only 3-4IV
Tim 1607-2515-0878
Quoted By:
>>16290820 I also have a 5 IV adamant charmander w/out egg moves but I might have some with the egg moves too.
1048 9037 2050 (Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure Drudrigon)
1048 9037 2050 (Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure Drudrigon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:31:17 No. 16291021 Report Quoted By:
>>16290972 with egg moves? if they do id be willing to trade a 4 IV marill with the same nature and egg moves for one of those guys
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Tim 1607-2515-0878
>>16290820 Also have a 4 IV charmander with DDance and Outrage, but it has modest for some reason
1048 9037 2050 (Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure Drudrigon)
1048 9037 2050 (Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure Drudrigon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:34:58 No. 16291102 Report >>16291051 Ight
>>16291055 modest is fine i could fix that, but id rather give you one of the 4 IVs than the penta perfect, that cool?
Tim 1607-2515-0878
>>16291102 I'm cool with that, I'll add you now
Angus 4098-3596-9772 Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien
Angus 4098-3596-9772 Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:37:09 No. 16291149 Report >>16280426 still here op?
I could trade you a 5iv
sleep powder timid roselia
speed boost adamant scolipede
sniper jolly skorupi
or moxie jolly heracross
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16291149 I'd be interested in the Heracross. I'll add you.
FC: 2707-2753-8695
>>16280426 I have a timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 Swift Swim Poliwag. Are any or your Charmanders female?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Quoted By:
>>16291230 I'm out of females, unfortunately.
Angus 4098-3596-9772 Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien
Angus 4098-3596-9772 Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:43:29 No. 16291279 Report >>16291158 sweet could I grab a female if its in a regular pokeball, male if not? also i've added you send me a request whenever
Slick Will 3969-5087-2194 (bergmite, snover, dewgong)
Slick Will 3969-5087-2194 (bergmite, snover, dewgong) Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:43:49 No. 16291292 Report 1048 9037 2050 (Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure Drudrigon)
1048 9037 2050 (Dragon: Noibat, Fraxure Drudrigon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:44:49 No. 16291313 Report Quoted By:
>>16291132 awesome, give me a minute my internet is being weird
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16291279 If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could I trade back for a male? I didn't realize how silly the female's horn looks.
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
>>16291357 Actually the female will be fine, since it seems I'll have to breed Rock Blast onto it. Thanks.
Angus 4098-3596-9772 Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien
Angus 4098-3596-9772 Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:50:27 No. 16291400 Report Quoted By:
>>16291357 The only male I have has guts i'd be happy to send that over if you'd prefer otherwise I suppose you could breed for a male having the HA now and all?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
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>>16291292 Send me a trade.
Angus 4098-3596-9772 Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien
Angus 4098-3596-9772 Growlithe, Larvesta, Braxien Wed 27 Nov 2013 05:51:44 No. 16291432 Report Quoted By:
>>16291398 okay mate, happy breeding!
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Is there a way to trade with people if you already have your friend list full? Do you just delete the person you traded with afterwards?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
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>>16291230 Were you only interested in a female?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
Hey pantslizard with DD and Drain Punch, did you disappear?
Yoko 4811 - 7494 - 0452
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>>16291541 Meant to put the word guy in there in order to not sound like a retard, but whatever.
Still got like 15 of these, hit me up.