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No.16292648 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
H----ELLO there, /vp/.
Do you ever find yourself wondering, "wow, I sure wish I had a way to disregard sneeky pebbles, poison, burns, and life orb recoil?"
Well, what if I told you there was such a solution and it not only had magic guard, but also high hp and special defense, Wish, respectable (+10 base this gen!!!!!!) special attack, and that wonderful, funderful, Fairy typing? You'd probably call me insane or a faggot, even.
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLL I am here to prove my sanity with a giveaway of AMAZING, WONDERFUL, CLEFFAS
That's right, you too can go home with a Calm Cleffa complete with Wish and Magic Guard.
All you need to do is provide me with literally any pokemon.
That's right, I will refuse no offers. (supply is limited to roughly 25ish cleffas, aand I'll obviously pay more attention to nice things like breeding leftovers that aren't honedge)
I have 8 4IVs, 9 3IVs, and 1 2IV. The rest probably have 1 or more perfects but holy shit, I'm not gonna go through them all.