H----ELLO there, /vp/. Do you ever find yourself wondering, "wow, I sure wish I had a way to disregard sneeky pebbles, poison, burns, and life orb recoil?" Well, what if I told you there was such a solution and it not only had magic guard, but also high hp and special defense, Wish, respectable (+10 base this gen!!!!!!) special attack, and that wonderful, funderful, Fairy typing? You'd probably call me insane or a faggot, even. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLL I am here to prove my sanity with a giveaway of AMAZING, WONDERFUL, CLEFFAS That's right, you too can go home with a Calm Cleffa complete with Wish and Magic Guard. All you need to do is provide me with literally any pokemon. That's right, I will refuse no offers. (supply is limited to roughly 25ish cleffas, aand I'll obviously pay more attention to nice things like breeding leftovers that aren't honedge) I have 8 4IVs, 9 3IVs, and 1 2IV. The rest probably have 1 or more perfects but holy shit, I'm not gonna go through them all.
Gale 1263-6158-3139 (Pachirisu, Zebstrika, Stunfisk)
Gale 1263-6158-3139 (Pachirisu, Zebstrika, Stunfisk) Wed 27 Nov 2013 06:56:03 No. 16292773 Report Quoted By:
>>16292648 >using cleffable You....I like you. Add me...I'll give you a bold eevee with wish and 5 perfect IV's for one of those 4 IV cleffas...
Tom - 4596 9557 6274
I'd love a 4 IV one, can give you a 4 IV poke of my own. Adding you now.
Tom - 4596 9557 6274
>>16292794 Oh, and I'd prefer female if I can have a choice!
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat)
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat) Wed 27 Nov 2013 06:59:10 No. 16292828 Report I love a 4IV one if you've got, was just looking for a good fairy type. I could give you a 5 egg move ha pinsir.
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 06:59:33 No. 16292835 Report >>16292816 You won't have a problem getting a female. theres a lot here
Gale 1263-6158-3139 (Pachirisu, Zebstrika, Stunfisk)
Gale 1263-6158-3139 (Pachirisu, Zebstrika, Stunfisk) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:00:48 No. 16292856 Report Quoted By:
>>16292835 Ty kind sir, I shall raise it to be the finest dragon slayer in all the land.
Tom - 4596 9557 6274
>>16292835 Awesome. Would you like a froakie, goomie, phantump, mienfoo, or gible?
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254}
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254} Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:01:11 No. 16292865 Report 4 IV Nincada for 4 IV Clef? Would like female
River 1762-4103-7368
Quoted By:
I'll give you a 4iv tangela op?
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:03:06 No. 16292911 Report Quoted By:
>>16292864 I dont have a mienfoo so that sounds good. Sorry this is taking so long.
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay)
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:04:50 No. 16292946 Report I'd love one if you still have any to offer!
I'd like one of those pokes man. I can offer a 5iv gale wings male fletchling that I have leftover from breeding.
Dan 5198 2917 4587
I'll take you up! I don't have much though. Literally almost nothing.
anonkun 0103-9691-7903
Sounds cool. I can offer some leftover Modest Ralts for one.
River 1762-4103-7368
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:09:35 No. 16293046 Report >>16292865 >>16292828 missed you guys because you dont seem to be online. Im gonna move on to
>>16292979 >>16292963 >>16292982 >>16292865 >>16292946 (Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat)
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:10:51 No. 16293076 Report Quoted By:
>>16293046 I was waiting for a response.. I can go on right now.
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254}
Dopekid 1289-9311-3617 [Ghost: Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim] High Plain {2254} Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:12:12 No. 16293102 Report Quoted By:
>>16293046 Oh sorry, was waiting to see if you replied. I am on now
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339 {2961}
I'd be really interested, I can give you a 4-5iv 3 egg move larvitar, or joltik, drillbur, larvesta, wooper, goomy, or durant
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:16:05 No. 16293192 Report Quoted By:
>>16293150 joltik sounds good. I gotta take care of the guys ahead of you though, so please be patient with me
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat)
(Nave/Kyle) 2165 - 6185 - 8298 (Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur & Gogoat) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:18:03 No. 16293224 Report Quoted By:
Thanks OP! She'll come in handy. (;
Nathan 0688 - 5723 - 8264 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Nathan 0688 - 5723 - 8264 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:18:31 No. 16293229 Report Got any cleffas left? I can offer up an adamant absol or adamant pawniard for it.
Cleffa time it is i'll give you something out of the old 4IV box that isn't a sppoky sword or a meaty frog
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:19:52 No. 16293253 Report Quoted By:
>>16292865 sorry i had to give you a cute charm 4. I only have another cc and a male in my 4iv column
Have you got any left, and would you mind nicknaming one? I can trade you a shiny audino
anonkun 0103-9691-7903
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:23:34 No. 16293327 Report >>16293270 ah, sure. you really dont have to give me a shiny for one of these. I'll try to give you a 4iv but it'll have to either have cute charm or be male
>>16293150 >>16293229 >>16293248 you guys are next up
Rue 2938-7090-8301
Quoted By:
>>16292648 I'd love one, OP!
Bennett 1005 9339 9055 [Audino|Aipom|Ditto]
Bennett 1005 9339 9055 [Audino|Aipom|Ditto] Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:24:46 No. 16293350 Report Quoted By:
Got any more? I have shit tons of 4 IV Machop, Kangaskhan, and Lickitung
Colt (Mason) 2062-9731-0406 Snover/Sneasal/Cloyster
Colt (Mason) 2062-9731-0406 Snover/Sneasal/Cloyster Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:26:12 No. 16293382 Report >>16293327 I'll take the cute charm one. I love attract, no one bothers with it so no one knows how to deal with it. If it's a male, please name it Artemis. If female, Soria.
Colt (Mason) 2062-9731-0406 Snover/Sneasal/Cloyster
Colt (Mason) 2062-9731-0406 Snover/Sneasal/Cloyster Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:28:04 No. 16293420 Report >>16293382 I'm shiny audino guy btw
Tiffany 2595 0785 0470
If you've got any left I can give you Klefki or Gale Wings Fletchling, please OP?
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:33:18 No. 16293494 Report >>16293420 I'm almost done so hold tight
>>16293480 klefki would be super
This is Dan. Thank you so much for the pokemon! Sorry all I had for you was the silly litwick op!
ERIKA 0344-9289-1339 {2961}
Quoted By:
>>16293327 Could I get one of the magic guard females if you still have any? 3 IVs is fine
Colt (Mason) 2062-9731-0406 Snover/Sneasal/Cloyster
Colt (Mason) 2062-9731-0406 Snover/Sneasal/Cloyster Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:34:16 No. 16293509 Report Rue 2938-7090-8301
Quoted By:
Thanks, OP! You're a star.
Bennett 1005 9339 9055 [Audino|Aipom|Ditto]
Bennett 1005 9339 9055 [Audino|Aipom|Ditto] Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:34:31 No. 16293513 Report >>16293494 Are you interested in any 4 IV Kangaskhan, Lickitung, or Machop?
shinku 5429 7968 9637 [SV: 3288, 884, 3802]
shinku 5429 7968 9637 [SV: 3288, 884, 3802] Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:34:45 No. 16293517 Report op, i'd love one of these, been thinking of training one for my fairy team and this would certainly save me work! any sex works
shinku 5429 7968 9637 [SV: 3288, 884, 3802]
shinku 5429 7968 9637 [SV: 3288, 884, 3802] Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:36:39 No. 16293542 Report Quoted By:
>>16293517 oh, i can provide modest 4 IV ralts, M/F synchro or not.
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:36:59 No. 16293547 Report >>16293495 It's really no problem. I'm swimming in these things. The best way to get something back from the community is to put something in anyway.
>>16293513 sorry if it seems like ive been ignoring you, but you dont seem to be online
>>16293517 im adding you
Black 3566-2090-2358 SV:2002
Quoted By:
Have anymore Cleffas left? I would love to train one of those baddies.
>>16292648 I'll throw a solid 4 IV Mawile egg your way and give you the Shiny ID if you wanna seek out a hatcher.
Bennett 1005 9339 9055 [Audino|Aipom|Ditto]
Bennett 1005 9339 9055 [Audino|Aipom|Ditto] Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:39:55 No. 16293611 Report Quoted By:
>>16293547 Ah shit, didn't realize you had added me yet. I'm online now. Could I get one of the 4 IV ones?
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:40:48 No. 16293624 Report >>16293509 aww fuck sorry i forgot to nickname
4527-8426-8838 Empress
Quoted By:
>>16293583 Son of a fuck I forgot to put my FC down.
Colt (Mason) 2062-9731-0406 Snover/Sneasal/Cloyster
Colt (Mason) 2062-9731-0406 Snover/Sneasal/Cloyster Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:41:25 No. 16293635 Report Quoted By:
>>16293624 Ah, it's cool. Send the request whenever you're ready then
Kanade 3480 3900 4580 !7GunlorD7c
Quoted By:
I don't need one since i already use a Clefable. But I'm here to just say how good they are. Before they weren't all THAT great because of the normal typing. You can do anything with clefable. You can make her a huge stall tank. You can abuse toxic orb + facade. Cosmic Power plus Stored Power, put Sneaky pebbles on her, use her for wish. Clefable is amazing. I personally run mine with toxic orb+facade because being poisoned grants you invulnerability to thunder wave or burn and although Clefable lost the stab, still gives you a nice move with 140 base power. I also use Cosmic Power and Wish/Moonlight. The last move I either put Moonblast, Meteor Mash or Power-up punch. It's really disappointing that Clefable did not get Play Rough though or I'd definitely use that. Seriously just try Clefable out, you can do almost anything with it.
shinku 5429 7968 9637 [SV: 3288, 884, 3802]
shinku 5429 7968 9637 [SV: 3288, 884, 3802] Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:43:33 No. 16293674 Report >>16293547 adding then, any sex/ability you want in specific?
Natty 2809 8884 0876
>>16292648 Ill take one if you've any left
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:44:52 No. 16293694 Report >>16293674 >>16293513 I dont have any preferences for either of you
Colt (Mason) 2062-9731-0406 Snover/Sneasal/Cloyster
Colt (Mason) 2062-9731-0406 Snover/Sneasal/Cloyster Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:45:25 No. 16293703 Report Quoted By:
>>16293624 Thanks a ton OP, you rock
shinku 5429 7968 9637 [SV: 3288, 884, 3802]
shinku 5429 7968 9637 [SV: 3288, 884, 3802] Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:47:16 No. 16293722 Report >>16293694 allright then, synchro it is for all your hunting needs then.
connected and waiting for you to send the invite
igaises this
Quoted By:
What's a good move set for this thing?
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:49:29 No. 16293751 Report Quoted By:
>>16293722 I don't see you on. I'm gonna make sure I added you
>>16293683 I gotcha
Brian 2234-7308-0055 X [Ghost] Shuppet / Pumpkaboo / Golurk {SV: 130}
Brian 2234-7308-0055 X [Ghost] Shuppet / Pumpkaboo / Golurk {SV: 130} Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:50:31 No. 16293762 Report I'll have one if you still have any left. :)
Bennett 1005 9339 9055 [Audino|Aipom|Ditto]
Bennett 1005 9339 9055 [Audino|Aipom|Ditto] Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:50:33 No. 16293763 Report Quoted By:
Thanks OP! I was considering breeding one of these things a couple days ago, but decided against it. Now I'm pretty excited to get started on it. Much appreciated
Nav 3840-5842-7445
Alright, OP. I'll take a female Cleffa if you got any left. I got a bunch of 4 IV Roselias, Arons, and Larvestas, already added you.
Tiffany 2595 0785 0470
>>16293046 I haven't seen you online either dude. I was really hoping to give you that Klefki.
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:54:00 No. 16293815 Report >>16293777 I think I might have just missed you. i dont remember adding a tiffany
>>16293767 >>16293762 sit tight and I'll get you both
1907 9319 4872 (Psychic: Espurr Drowzee Duosion) {286}
1907 9319 4872 (Psychic: Espurr Drowzee Duosion) {286} Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:57:06 No. 16293873 Report Hi OP, do you have any Cleffa left? I'd be happy to give you a 4IV Swirlix, Noibat, or Zorua in return!
4527-8426-8838 Empress
>>16293815 D-Don't forget me?
Brian 2234-7308-0055 X [Ghost] Shuppet / Pumpkaboo / Golurk {SV: 130}
Brian 2234-7308-0055 X [Ghost] Shuppet / Pumpkaboo / Golurk {SV: 130} Wed 27 Nov 2013 07:59:53 No. 16293925 Report Quoted By:
Black 3566-2090-2358 SV:2002
>>16293815 M-Me ttoo OP!!....
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:04:03 No. 16293980 Report >>16293777 >>16293873 >>16293899 >>16293929 I'm really sorry, but I'm out of wish cleffas. I only have the assorted IV calm ones
Tiffany 2595 0785 0470
Quoted By:
>>16293980 Thank you based op
4527-8426-8838 Empress
>>16293980 I'll take one then! Your trade request sorta vanished though.
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:11:48 No. 16294092 Report >>16294053 yeah, i tried you twice so i moved on to black. it says youre offline right now but if you get on i'll get the cleffy to you quick as i can
4527-8426-8838 Empress
Quoted By:
>>16294092 Thanks! Unless I made a mistake, the egg I sent is a Female, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\27\12\31\31 Mawile. The Shiny ID is 1394 if you wanna try and find someone to hatch it.
Pingu 2423-2177-6713 (Mankey, ? , ?)
OH GOSH!! I've been looking for Clefables! I don't really mind what stats it has but i'd really appreciate it if i could have one if you have any left over!. Sorry i don't really know who else is in my safari S:
>>16292648 got any left op?
Elmer 5000-2674-3492
Hey OP do you still have one?
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:17:39 No. 16294195 Report >>16293873 I'm pretty sure I got everyone but nameless here. If I've skipped you please feel free to speak up
>>16294153 >>16294161 >>16294164 adding
Like I said, I'm out of wish cleffies so if anyone wants to breed wish onto a cleffy, they can get it off of togetic or swirlix
Quoted By:
>>16294195 Darn, thanks for the add though, well, I'm off to breed a Cleffa.
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:26:33 No. 16294349 Report People you've added show up as friends and not passersby right? because some random guy just traded me an immunity gligar for one of my cleffas
Quoted By:
>>16294349 Yeah, they show up as friends.
Ben 1650 1573 0135 (tyrogue machoke sawk)
Ben 1650 1573 0135 (tyrogue machoke sawk) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:33:33 No. 16294444 Report >>16294349 Can I trade you a Boomburst Chatot for one? It should have 3-4 IVs
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:36:05 No. 16294484 Report >>16294444 I'll go if you want, but im out of wish cleffas. I only have a bunch of calm ones with magic guard.. They should all have at least one perfect IV but I didn't bother counting these ones
>>16292648 OP are you still around?
I'd love a 4IV Cleffa, I can offer in return:
All 4IVs,
Jolly Marvel Scale Dratini
Adamant Guts Larvitar w/ Stealth Rock
Impish Immunity Gligar
Bold Magic Bounce Natu
Impish Sturdy Skarmory
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:39:12 No. 16294530 Report Quoted By:
>>16294495 I'm around, but I'm out of decent cleffas. Just calm ones with variable numbers of IVs
Ben 1650 1573 0135 (tyrogue machoke sawk)
Ben 1650 1573 0135 (tyrogue machoke sawk) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:39:55 No. 16294539 Report >>16294484 Yeah that's fine. I'm actually out of the Chatots too, but I've got Slowpokes
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:41:54 No. 16294558 Report >>16294539 I'm fine with slowpokes.
Ben 1650 1573 0135 (tyrogue machoke sawk)
Ben 1650 1573 0135 (tyrogue machoke sawk) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:46:06 No. 16294625 Report Quoted By:
>>16294558 Awesome. If you have a female left I'd prefer that one for IV breeding but if not any is fine.
5429-7285-0667 [Teddiursa-Kecleon-???] Felix
5429-7285-0667 [Teddiursa-Kecleon-???] Felix Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:46:24 No. 16294629 Report Quoted By:
>>16294495 sorry to butt in, but could I get a leftover natu? shitty IVs, nature, etc are fine. I can offer a wish+yawn anticipation eevee in the gender and nickname of your choice.
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:47:34 No. 16294647 Report uh... whoever the person with japanese characters for a name who just gave me an azumarill is.. I gave you a cleffa with a joke name on accident. If you want another just speak up
3625-8679-0517 Monti
op can I get female cleffa I have semi decent rotom, larvesta, klefki, noibat, I don't even care about ivs on it
Quoted By:
>>16294647 :P that was me, name doesn't bother me, I'm going to use it for breeding, thanks for it though.
Ben 1650 1573 0135 (tyrogue machoke sawk)
Ben 1650 1573 0135 (tyrogue machoke sawk) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:52:37 No. 16294722 Report Quoted By:
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 08:52:58 No. 16294726 Report 3625-8679-0517 Monti
Quoted By:
>>16294726 thank you so much op
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Wed 27 Nov 2013 09:04:04 No. 16294878 Report Quoted By:
I'm glad to be able to help so many people. If anyone else comes in I hope they see this and don't get too disappointed when I say that I'm done for the night. I'm all out of wish cleffas anyway