Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201} 10 or so boxes. Should get some hits. I'll be back in 15 minutes
Sandra 1676-4863-0341 SV: {3916} List of Kangaskhans, Arons, Venipedes, Eevees, Noibats and Shroomishes. I want these marked with *** back, rest are for free.
Quoted By:
Is there a way to make these pastebin links clickable without using one of the 4chan extensions?
Quoted By:
I can hatch {4001} or {1373}, just offering my assistance.
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:00:13 No. 16348465 Report Litwick Gastly Match it, it's yours, only exception being the *** starred. I'd like those back, please. :)
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>16348438 Hey! I match this one! Can I get it please?
Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Quick Feet, 31\31\31\10\31\26 [158]
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292}
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:00:55 No. 16348475 Report >16347111 No idea what my chances are of you still being online as it was mid-last thread, but I match one of your Gligars. Also, ctrl+F.
NM2 4811-7206-5012 / Mankey, Sawk, Breloom / SV: {1317}
NM2 4811-7206-5012 / Mankey, Sawk, Breloom / SV: {1317} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:01:24 No. 16348481 Report Lots of eggs, anything without an asterisk is up for grabs. FC: 0619-4412-9122 TSV: {3130} IGN: Lilith
FC: 0619-4412-9122 TSV: {3130} IGN: Lilith Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:01:59 No. 16348486 Report Quoted By:
Bob 4484-8675-2439 SV: {652}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:03:14 No. 16348501 Report >>16348475 I'm still around. You can keep it if you'd like.
Sandra 1676-4863-0341 SV: {3916}
>>16348470 Sure, adding you. Just send me a trade request.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) SV:{2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) SV:{2572} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:03:45 No. 16348509 Report Eevee (M) - Careful, Run Away, 27\31\31\28\15\31 [173] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\28\31\31\31 [1627] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 31\31\31\27\31\15 [1930] Eevee (M) - Careful, Run Away, 0\31\31\28\31\31 [585] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 31\31\18\28\31\15 [3196] Eevee (M) - Careful, Adaptability, 31\12\31\31\31\31 [746] Eevee (F) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\31\6\31\15 [1117] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 31\31\7\28\31\15 [2713] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\22\31\31\15 [2542] Eevee (F) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\26\28\31\15 [1304] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\31\19\31\31 [1110] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\31\13\31\15 [3099] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\31\25\31\31 [2083] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\31\6\31\15 [1699] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\3\31\28\31\15 [2611] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\15\31\31\31 [4035] Eevee (F) - Careful, Adaptability, 27\31\31\28\31\16 [1045] Eevee (F) - Careful, Adaptability, 27\31\31\31\16\15 [3011] Eevee (M) - Careful, Run Away, 31\31\31\28\31\17 [3140] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\31\28\31\10 [3728] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 31\31\31\21\31\15 [2165] Eevee (M) - Careful, Adaptability, 27\31\31\20\31\15 [3546] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\31\27\31\15 [1219] Eevee (M) - Careful, Anticipation, 27\31\31\28\31\4 [3705] All are free. I will be hatching and releasing all eggs in 3 hours to start on a new Pokemon.
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292}
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:04:46 No. 16348514 Report >>16348501 It's my lucky day! Will fire up the DS and add you too.
Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
Quoted By:
Can somebody check me a box of Sneasels?
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
Trent 4768 8528 9750 {580}
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>16348505 Going online! And would it be okay if I traded the 3095 Kangaskhan? I have 3-4IV Noibat and Drilbur here if you're interested. Thanks!
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
>>16348509 If no one goes for it, can I get [1930] for breeding?
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292}
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:15:45 No. 16348616 Report >>16348514 Thank you so much! I'm sorry I didn't trade you anything special, I really need to start a breeding project so I have something remotely good to trade!
FC: 0619-4412-9122 TSV: {3130} IGN: Lilith
FC: 0619-4412-9122 TSV: {3130} IGN: Lilith Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:16:59 No. 16348624 Report >>16348616 Nice DS.
Is that a decal on it, or was there some crazy collecter's edition I didn't know about?
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292}
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:18:27 No. 16348643 Report >>16348624 Official decals from just before the Sylveon reveal. I have a matching game case too.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:19:49 No. 16348660 Report >>16348616 No problem, enjoy!
Also a gigantic pastebin of eggs: FC: 0619-4412-9122 TSV: {3130} IGN: Lilith
FC: 0619-4412-9122 TSV: {3130} IGN: Lilith Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:20:17 No. 16348663 Report Quoted By:
>>16348643 Nice. I just have the Red XL with Xerneas and Yveltal on the outer casing
Also time to sleep its like 2am
Sandra 1676-4863-0341 SV: {3916}
>>16348559 Don't really want noibat since I've got a 5 IV already but I'm interested in Drillbur. What IV does the he has? Also sorry for the wait, I should be ready soon.
>>16348509 If no one is taking [2083], I'll adopt
Trent 4768 8528 9750 {580}
>>16348660 I know i don't match, but any chance i could take Furfrou (F) - Impish, Fur Coat, 31\31\31\8\31\31 [3227] ?
{3533} Rocco 0705-3021-0890 | Trapinch, Camerupt, Diggersby
{3533} Rocco 0705-3021-0890 | Trapinch, Camerupt, Diggersby Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:23:35 No. 16348713 Report Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\22\31\10\11\31 [3115] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 14\28\31\31\31\31 [596] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\22\31\2\31\31 [3220] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Wonder Skin, 31\8\31\31\31\31 [3980] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 23\22\31\31\31\31 [1893] [TAKEN] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\28\7\31\31\31 [1151] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Wonder Skin, 17\28\31\31\31\31 [3367] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\22\20\31\31\31 [203] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\27\31\31\31\31 [2041] [TAKEN] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\22\31\31\31\4 [1914] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\11\31\31\31\31 [3876] [TAKEN] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 14\28\31\31\31\31 [2003] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\12\31\31\31\31 [1815] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\28\31\31\31\26 [3829] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 17\22\31\31\31\31 [3013] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Wonder Skin, 3\22\31\31\31\31 [1818] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\28\31\31\31\28 [2156] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\10\31\31\31\31 [2974] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\4\31\31\31\31 [1314] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\22\31\31\17\31 [1696] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Wonder Skin, 31\28\12\31\31\31 [1551] [TAKEN] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\22\31\22\31\31 [3916] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\22\31\31\31\27 [1286] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\6\31\31\31\31 [2278] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\8\31\31\31\31 [1921] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\22\31\31\10\31 [1179] [TAKEN] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\28\31\31\26\31 [438] Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\28\31\18\31\31 [1872] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\22\31\20\31\31 [1263] Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\29\31\31\31\31 [1508] [TAKEN]
Jake 0189-9367-0424 {1942}
>>16348660 Any chance I can take "Honedge (F) - Quiet, No Guard, 31\31\21\31\31\31 [1942]" It's unmarked.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>16348674 >ttp:// I'm not entirely sure about the IV's. 3IV's, Sand Rush Jolly Drilbur. is that okay?
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:24:37 No. 16348725 Report >>16348680 I'd only be interested in only other 5/6 iv mons. Do you have any?
Trent 4768 8528 9750 {580}
>>16348725 i can offer a 5iv bold Poliwag with swift swim?
Alex {1144} 1891-1893-1469
>>16348418 Froakie (M) - Jolly, Protean, 31\11\31\31\31\31 [1144]
>>16348531 Heracross (F) - Jolly, Guts, 31\11\21\31\31\3 [1144]
i can hatch these ones
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:25:39 No. 16348741 Report >>16348714 Yes you may. Adding.
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136} Swirlixes. Some might be gone - I apologize for pastebin troubles ; _ ; I forgot to delete the taken ones yesterday. All timid, with unburden or sweet veil, in premier balls.
I already got mine, so all must go, match or not. Take them.
I'll hatch a marowak I've been wanting first, then I'm gonna start breeding something else. Most likely adamant ralts.
>>16348713 are these for trade or just for matches?
and do these have egg moves/ are they in a special ball?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) SV:{2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) SV:{2572} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:26:08 No. 16348751 Report >>16348600 >>16348678 Sure thing I'll add you.
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542 Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:26:34 No. 16348756 Report Quoted By:
Waiting for: Fog 0018-0101-5112 SV[1637] to get online, I match his Petilil (F) - Modest, Own Tempo, 31\31\28\22\31\31 [3542] also CTRL+F
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
>>16348418 >Froakie (M) - Jolly, Protean, 24\31\31\31\31\31 [136] Match here, bro, what do you wish to do with it?
Tori 0430-8612-2892 SV [1912]
>>16348465 Litwick (M) - Modest, Flame Body, 31\5\5\20\31\1 [1912]
I match a Litwick!
Trent 4768 8528 9750 {580}
Quoted By:
>>16348509 [2165] can go to a good home if you're willing to part with it.
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16348740 Awesome, could you hatch the Heracross for me?
Jake 0189-9367-0424 {1942}
Quoted By:
>>16348741 Alright, cool. I'm online, ready whenever you are.
{3533} Rocco 0705-3021-0890 | Trapinch, Camerupt, Diggersby
{3533} Rocco 0705-3021-0890 | Trapinch, Camerupt, Diggersby Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:30:11 No. 16348799 Report >>16348747 Preferably I'd like them to go to matches but if you want to trade for one that's fine too. They all know Psycho Shift and Stored Power, and are in Luxury Balls.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Alex {1144} 1891-1893-1469
>>16348771 ok np, i'm adding you
Zanzakin 0232-8810-9340 | TSV: {860}
>>16348418 Noibat (M) - Quirky, Infiltrator, 31\27\26\31\17\31 [860]
I match this one, I can go ahead and add you
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>16348438 >Sandra Thank you so much!
Andy FC: 4682- 8763-5227 IGN:Scott
>>16348418 >Froakie (M) - Jolly, Protean, 10\31\31\31\31\31 [297] can i get this froakie?
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:34:11 No. 16348857 Report >>16348736 Sounds good. Have a female by chance?
Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 25\31\31\18\31\31 [1467] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\18\31\17 [3718] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\2\31\18\31\31 [3537] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\15\31\31 [2057] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 30\31\31\18\31\31 [26] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\18\31\11 [1350] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\27\31\3 [2644] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\28\31 [3817] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 13\31\31\18\31\31 [4012] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 30\31\31\27\31\31 [3235] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 28\31\31\27\31\31 [551] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\3\31\27\31\31 [1845] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\18\31\21 [3425] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\16\31\31 [2579] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\4\31\31 [592] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 6\31\31\18\31\31 [54] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 2\31\31\18\31\31 [675] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 14\31\31\18\31\31 [568] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\22\31\31 [3036] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\12\31\18\31\31 [4006] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\8\27\31\31 [2776] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\9\31\31 [1807] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\27\19\31 [1457] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\31\10 [200] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\17\31 [639] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\18\7\31 [344] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\27\31\27 [1744] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 11\31\31\27\31\31 [759] Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 9\31\31\27\31\31 [2608] Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\31\11 [1834] They might be little bit messed up in the box so if you got a match, it would be good for you to have instacheck just in case so I give the right egg, also I want couple of the better ones for myself and will give the rest out.
>>16348799 >Sigilyph (F) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\12\31\31\31\31 [1815] i'm interested
Sandra 1676-4863-0341 SV: {3916}
Quoted By:
>>16348831 No problem, enjoy your shroomish. And thanks for rotom and drillbur.
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
Trent 4768 8528 9750 {580}
>>16348857 im sorry, i used my last female to turn into my politoed :c
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:36:36 No. 16348885 Report Tague 0877-1436-4116 (Dwebble, Rhydon, Pupitar)
Tague 0877-1436-4116 (Dwebble, Rhydon, Pupitar) Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:36:47 No. 16348887 Report Shitty Pidgeys for free if anyone matchs
Quoted By:
>>16348438 >Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\2\31\31\31\22 [1766] I don't match its SV but can I have it? I have a 3/4IV Chespin if you want one
{3533} Rocco 0705-3021-0890 | Trapinch, Camerupt, Diggersby
{3533} Rocco 0705-3021-0890 | Trapinch, Camerupt, Diggersby Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:38:30 No. 16348905 Report >>16348868 The Charmanders are 31/31/31/x/31/31 right? If so I'll take that.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:38:30 No. 16348906 Report >>16348884 All good, I added you.
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | [????]
The program isn't working for me. Could someone check me my SV? Also do I have to show the trader a shiny caught by me (I caught a shiny Charmeleon) or just simply anything?
Trent 4768 8528 9750 {580}
>>16348906 also, anything i can offer you for Skrelp (F) - Calm, Poison Point, 31\31\31\31\31\7 [3040] ?
maybea 5iv lotad or something?
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
Quoted By:
>>16348818 You want to Fenekin back because I could trade you to Heracross I used to make this batch
Alex (4613-6850-1350) Safari(Pancham, Hariyama,???) SV(1659)
Alex (4613-6850-1350) Safari(Pancham, Hariyama,???) SV(1659) Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:41:59 No. 16348939 Report I have some Ghastlys.
If it is M and has 5 Iv I really need it back, at least one.
If its Female and ahs 5iv i consider it.
The rest is for the taking. Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:44:12 No. 16348962 Report >>16348935 Not too interested in lotads, do you have a dratini by chance? Or 5 iv mawile female.
Swigun 2852 7394 2206 SV: {2617}
Quoted By:
I want just one 5IV back, the rest is yours. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>16348905 my bad, that list is old
i only have 4iv charmaders left
is there anything else you want?
i could trade for one of your 4iv siglifs if you don't want to give me a 5iv one
Tori 0430-8612-2892 SV [1912]
Quoted By:
>>16348885 It disconnected!
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:46:38 No. 16348995 Report >>16348762 hold on a second, my internet connection is shitting out on me for some reason
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16348887 how long are you going to be around for my brother matches the 344 pidgey. however it's like 2:45am. if you don't want it back i can give it to him later
Trent 4768 8528 9750 {580}
>>16348962 i've only got a 3iv dratini, which is currently an EV'd lvl 50 Dragonair if you still wanted it... it's female with HA.
hm, looking through my stuff at the moment. i can offer you a 5iv modest zubat? also have a few 4iv Growlithes.. and one 5iv modest espurr!
I've really got to breed again, im running out of stuff ;_; [????] | Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 |
Jake 0189-9367-0424 {1942}
>>16349030 I can check for you. I'll add you.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:51:03 No. 16349049 Report >>16349015 the espurr would be nice if you don't mind!
Tague 0877-1436-4116 (Dwebble, Rhydon, Pupitar)
Tague 0877-1436-4116 (Dwebble, Rhydon, Pupitar) Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:51:09 No. 16349050 Report Quoted By:
>>16349002 your more than welcome to take custody of it.
Ill add you.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | 3529
Quoted By:
ctrl+f purposes
Trent 4768 8528 9750 {580}
Quoted By:
>>16349049 No worries, i'll trade you now.
Matt 2938 7104 7763 !!P6kRQjyyFQ2
>>16348465 Hello! I would like
>Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 18\3\28\31\31\31 [1203] please. I already added your friend code.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:53:56 No. 16349085 Report Tori 0430-8612-2892 SV [1912]
>>16348995 I don't think I got the egg!
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
Quoted By:
>>1634905 alright send request when you're ready.
Brandon/IGN: Mirai [2337-4301-0776] (Fairy: Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette){2478}
Brandon/IGN: Mirai [2337-4301-0776] (Fairy: Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette){2478} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:55:38 No. 16349105 Report Can anyone trade with me so I can check a box of eggs? I can also help to check your eggs/tsv.
Can we add gamefaq's database to the OP? I think about a third of my hatches have been from gamefaqs
[????] | Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 |
>>16349048 Cool! Adding you too.
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16348818 Welp time to start a black list. Fucker just stole an egg
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:55:55 No. 16349114 Report >>16349096 did you get the wrong egg or no egg whatsoever?
Alex {1144} 1891-1893-1469
>>16349079 i have some 4/5iv fennekin for trade
Andy FC: 4682- 8763-5227 IGN:Scott
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292}
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:57:25 No. 16349136 Report >>16349105 I'll add you, I have some eggs I'd like checked. I don't need the program, right?
Jeff 3007-8879-6782 {1600}
Quoted By:
Eevee 11/31/21/31/31/31 [2479] 31/7/31/31/31/31 [2556] 31/31/31/31/31/24 [2338] 31/31/31/12/31/31 [1468] 31/4/31/31/31/31 [3070] Ralts 11/20/20/31/13/2 [783] 20/18/10/31/20/31 [2730] 11/20/20/31/1/2 [3457] These are hatch-and-return for now.
Alex {1144} 1891-1893-1469
>>16349111 sry got a connection problem, i'll give it to you
Geren 1005-9416-8092 SV: {1595}
>>16348465 >Gastly (M) - Timid, Levitate, 30\7\28\31\31\31 [1595] Hey mate, I was born to hatch this egg. The only issue it's that I won't have access to my game for a couple hours. Is there any way to contact you later?
Tori 0430-8612-2892 SV [1912]
>>16349114 No egg, I still have that ditto in my box
Brandon/IGN: Mirai [2337-4301-0776] (Fairy: Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette){2478}
Brandon/IGN: Mirai [2337-4301-0776] (Fairy: Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette){2478} Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:59:51 No. 16349173 Report >>16349136 Added. You don't need instacheck. Send me a trade request when you're ready and when you're with all your eggs, show me a regular pokemon to let me know.
Murat | 4382 - 2756 - 6037 | SV: 428
>>16348660 Gligar (M) - Impish, Sand Veil, 31\31\30\18\31\31 [428]
yay! it's a match... can i have it?
i wish there was a hidden ability capsule thing... that awesome iv's would be perfect with immunity ability
Jake 0189-9367-0424 {1942}
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
>>16349079 Ahh I see. Would you like a tyrunt breeding pair?
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16349106 What board to they share those on?
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:01:35 No. 16349201 Report Quoted By:
>>16349148 sounds good! and i'll be online for most of the day in these threads, but if you don't see me here, i'm in the list in the OP
IGN: Solenus, FC: 0259-0617-2648
>>16348742 Swirlix (M) - Timid, Unburden, 14\31\31\16\31\31 [1898]
If you're still around/still have it this matches my SV.(line 105, last box)
[2061] | Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 |
Quoted By:
>>16349182 Thanks a bunch, Jake!
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:01:58 No. 16349206 Report >>16349179 You can.. Adding.
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:02:38 No. 16349216 Report >>16349150 weird. I'm requesting another trade, whenever you're ready.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16349186 Yea, I wouldn't mid that.
What's the breeding pairs IVs?
>>16349126 Did you give that guy his shiny back?
>>16349134 What are we trading?
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
>>16349202 Hello! Sure, you can have it. Your IGN is familiar, do I have you added?
Tori 0430-8612-2892 SV [1912]
>>16349216 I'm ready now!
Thanks and sorry for the hassle.
Andy FC: 4682- 8763-5227 IGN:Scott
>>16349221 have a 4iv honedge and a 5 iv marrill what do you want?
Alex {1144} 1891-1893-1469
>>16349221 yes done
i added you
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
>>16349221 They cover each other missing only sp. atk.
ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
lookin for someone to check a box of eggs, can give you a 5V mawile w/ fire fang for your trouble.
Chronos 5327-0902-6427 {1373}
Quoted By:
Here to be useful if anyone needs my SV
Quoted By:
>>16349191 Not sure, I think their X/Y trading board? I just found it through googling the TSV I was looking for.
Hude 3566 1772 3281
Quoted By:
someone may help me see my shiny values? only 3 eggs
IGN: Solenus, FC: 0259-0617-2648
>>16349233 You weren't, but it's possible you had me added. Been doing a lot of giveaways the passed few days
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:07:14 No. 16349277 Report Quoted By:
>>16349235 no worries! enjoy your shiny :)
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
Quoted By:
>>16348751 Hey sorry about that had some router problems. I'm on now if you're still giving those out. What's your IGN?
Murat | 4382 - 2756 - 6037 | SV: 428
Quoted By:
>>16349206 thank you so much...
Jake 0189-9367-0424 {1942}
Can someone explain to me how you check entire boxes of eggs? I'm a bit fuzzy on that, and I see people always asking.
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292}
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:07:34 No. 16349286 Report >>16349173 Seems like we're having some connection issues. Do you want to try someone else in case the fault is on my end?
>>16349251 Add me
3DS FC: 3497-0724-0923 | IGN: Wunder
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
Quoted By:
>>16349275 Haha oh well. just finishing some Le Wow battling, see you in a bit!
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16349243 Does Marill have Belly drum and Aqua jet?
I'll take that over the Honedge.
>>16349245 Alright, good. 5IV Fenniken sounds good.
>>16349249 I just remembered I received a 5IV one before, sorry.
>>16349285 Show a box of Eggs, copy paste list of values.
It's the same process regardless of how many Eggs you're checking.
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
>>16349303 Ah, alright. Mind if I check my boxes and get back to you? I do have some nice 5iv pokemon I received when trading eggs.
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:09:54 No. 16349325 Report >>16349285 showing a box of eggs just means showing each individual egg one by one until you've shown them all to someone with the program. it copies it to a list and then you can put it into pastebin.
Andy FC: 4682- 8763-5227 IGN:Scott
>>16349303 yup the marrill has aqua jet/belly drum and superpower.
So apparently it's in bad taste to want things back now? Seriously?
Zhi 3239-3737-9597 {295} [Psychic] [Grumpig - Wobbuffet - Gothorita]
Zhi 3239-3737-9597 {295} [Psychic] [Grumpig - Wobbuffet - Gothorita] Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:10:53 No. 16349337 Report Quoted By:
>tfw 6 IV breeds with no one to breed for you in any of the 3 list.
ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
Jake 0189-9367-0424 {1942}
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16349328 Awesome!
>>16349315 Of course. I added you btw.
Brandon/IGN: Mirai [2337-4301-0776] (Fairy: Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette){2478}
Brandon/IGN: Mirai [2337-4301-0776] (Fairy: Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette){2478} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:12:19 No. 16349360 Report Quoted By:
>>16349286 Here's what you've shown me so far.
Charmander (M) - Impish, Solar Power, 31\28\2\31\6\21 [3851]
Charmander (M) - Mild, Solar Power, 20\28\31\31\24\21 [3448]
Charmander (M) - Mild, Blaze, 31\5\31\31\24\28 [1976]
Charmander (M) - Serious, Solar Power, 31\5\2\11\24\21 [909]
Charmander (M) - Lax, Blaze, 31\28\31\31\17\29 [824]
Charmander (M) - Mild, Solar Power, 31\4\2\16\24\21 [3661]
Charmander (F) - Calm, Solar Power, 10\28\2\16\24\21 [969]
Charmander (M) - Naughty, Solar Power, 31\5\2\27\6\29 [902]
I'll send one more trade request
Bum Tickley 0748-2884-2802 [SV:3955]
Could someone with the pastebin search tool check 3955 for me? I can't get it to work on this computer.
>>16349335 no, whoever was hatching for you was just an asshole.
>>16349369 No matches.
And we have a similar SV
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
Quoted By:
>>16349146 What's taking so long? I sent you like 3 hatching power 3
>>16349385 You can't expect people to give it to you for free if it's a 5iv
Bum Tickley 0748-2884-2802 [SV:3955]
>>16349340 Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\18\0\31\22 [3166]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\18\31\6\31 [3783]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\31\31\17 [3221]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\25\31\31 [1037]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\6\31\31\22 [236]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\11\31\22 [2039]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\31\31\25 [3795]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\18\14\31\31 [3677]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\10\18\31\31\31 [1308]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\18\31\24\31 [428]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 19\31\18\31\31\31 [2053]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\31\31\6 [2874]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\10\31\21 [608]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 12\31\18\10\31\22 [3338]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 22\31\31\10\31\22 [516]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 26\31\31\31\31\22 [1436]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\27\31\31\31 [2298]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\10\5\22 [1236]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 17\31\31\31\31\31 [1740]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\18\12\31\22 [599]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\14\31\22 [160]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\8\31\22 [49]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\18\31\31\31 [3601]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\11\31\10\31\31 [3452]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\1\10\31\22 [3532]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\18\31\31\31\22 [225]
Mawile (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\18\31\18\31 [2783]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 18\31\18\10\31\22 [4057]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\31\31\22 [2960]
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 4\31\18\31\31\31 [2409]
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | 3529
Quoted By:
>>16349369 yea i dont understand it
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
>>16349343 I have a female adamant intimidate scraggy with the egg moves and 5iv (missing sp. atk), a female japanese adamant intimidate mawile with 4iv (missing hp and sp. def), a german perfect honedge , an adamant gale wings gletching missing only spd, an adamant huge power marill missing only hp?
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
Quoted By:
>>16349146 >>16349146 And now he is trading with someone else. Like I said put this guy on a black list for the next Op
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16349245 What are the Fennikins IVs in? You didn't mark it.
ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:19:24 No. 16349457 Report Quoted By:
>>16349405 yeah you can. everyone in this thread has been courteous enough to do so, with the exception of a few jerkoffs. it's honestly not that difficult to be decent.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16349442 Wow, thanks for all that trouble. Scraggy is fine thanks.
Alex {1144} 1891-1893-1469
>>16349449 31/31/31/31/15/31
Brandon/IGN: Mirai [2337-4301-0776] (Fairy: Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette){2478}
Brandon/IGN: Mirai [2337-4301-0776] (Fairy: Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette){2478} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:20:42 No. 16349481 Report >>16349286 Charmander (M) - Impish, Solar Power, 31\28\2\31\6\21 [3851]
Charmander (M) - Mild, Solar Power, 20\28\31\31\24\21 [3448]
Charmander (M) - Mild, Blaze, 31\5\31\31\24\28 [1976]
Charmander (M) - Serious, Solar Power, 31\5\2\11\24\21 [909]
Charmander (M) - Lax, Blaze, 31\28\31\31\17\29 [824]
Charmander (M) - Mild, Solar Power, 31\4\2\16\24\21 [3661]
Charmander (F) - Calm, Solar Power, 10\28\2\16\24\21 [969]
Charmander (M) - Naughty, Solar Power, 31\5\2\27\6\29 [902]
Charmander (M) - Sassy, Blaze, 31\5\31\16\20\21 [1830]
Charmander (M) - Serious, Blaze, 31\5\31\31\25\21 [3780]
Charmander (M) - Lax, Blaze, 31\28\30\16\24\21 [1480]
Charmander (M) - Careful, Solar Power, 31\5\31\31\24\22 [776]
Charmander (F) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\5\31\31\24\12 [3278]
Charmander (M) - Serious, Blaze, 31\28\31\16\6\11 [3515]
Charmander (F) - Brave, Blaze, 31\5\9\31\24\29 [1153]
Charmander (F) - Modest, Solar Power, 31\5\28\16\6\21 [187]
Charmander (M) - Rash, Solar Power, 31\28\2\16\31\21 [3530]
Dan 1547 6339 4135 [Slugma Magmar Fletchinder] {2944}
Dan 1547 6339 4135 [Slugma Magmar Fletchinder] {2944} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:20:47 No. 16349482 Report Looking for matches for [572] [874] [1026] [1992] Any help will be both appreciated and rewarded. Just answer this message.
Omari 3110-5107-3147 {SV:344}
>>16348866 >Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\18\7\31 [344] I replied to your post earlier today asking about this sneasel, but i couldn't trade because my net wasn't working, so how about now, still want that drilbur?
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
Quoted By:
Also, guys, a small question; for a timid slurpuff, would the best build be @weakness policy; calm mind/flamethrower/dazzling gleam/surf or thunderbolt, @sitrus berry with the same movepool or @petaya berry with cm/substitute/dazzling gleam/coverage move (or punch in a cotton guard)? Also Solenus, I'm good to go, will add you in a bit. Can you please tell me again what egg you want? ; _ ;
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16349449 It's probably garbage so he can steal your egg.
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
>>16349463 Haha no trouble at all. Will add you now, then, thanks!
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292}
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:22:13 No. 16349496 Report Quoted By:
>>16349481 Thanks! Sorry about the connection issues, I'm actually travelling at the moment and the internet at this guesthouse is pretty shaky.
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
Quoted By:
skitties with wish and fake out in premier ballssssss if SV's match, free to go Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\31\31\31\2\31 [3545] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 25\31\31\13\31\31 [359] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 14\31\31\31\31\31 [432] Skitty (M) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\31\25\31\31\31 [4092] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 25\31\31\31\31\14 [1611] Skitty (M) - Jolly, Normalize, 25\31\31\31\31\22 [77] Skitty (M) - Jolly, Cute Charm, 25\31\31\31\31\31 [1757] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Cute Charm, 31\31\31\31\18\31 [1987] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 25\27\31\31\31\31 [3809] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 25\31\24\31\31\31 [1972] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 1\31\31\31\31\31 [1594] Skitty (M) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\31\23\31\31\31 [1896] - GONE! Skitty (F) - Jolly, Cute Charm, 25\31\31\21\31\31 [3151] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\20\31\31\31\31 [899] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 28\31\31\31\31\31 [2871] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\31\31\31\15\31 [941] - GONE! Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 30\31\31\31\31\31 [1735] - GONE! Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 25\31\31\4\31\31 [1773] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\31\16\31\31\31 [1985] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Cute Charm, 31\31\31\30\31\31 [3370] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\31\31\31\31\13 [4033] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Cute Charm, 29\31\31\31\31\31 [984] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\31\31\31\6\31 [486] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\31\31\19\31\31 [3423] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\14\31\31\31\31 [3456] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 25\31\31\31\15\31 [972] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 25\31\31\24\31\31 [2680] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 25\31\31\18\31\31 [2282] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\31\21\31\31\31 [1753] Skitty (F) - Jolly, Normalize, 31\31\15\31\31\31 [1700] - GONE!
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16349472 I don't really consider a SpAtt to '5IV' unless it's 0 in attack or missing attack.
Doesn't matter, I'll let this one go.
>>16349489 What makes you say that?
>>16349493 Trade when you're ready.
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16349513 Because he is a fucking thief and stole an egg of mine
Jake 0189-9367-0424 {1942}
>>16349482 You should check these posts
>>16348939 >>16348418 You have a couple of matches there.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16349524 He said he gave it back.
>>16349493 Thanks! That scraggy is amazing. The Froakie has Toxic spikes btw.
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16349550 >He said he gave it back. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
Quoted By:
>>16349550 I hope it'll be useful! I hope luxury ball will be okay ; _ ; And nice goomy there, I MMed for a shiny goomy for myself some time ago. Now Laguna is a fully trained shiny goodra. Those are awesome.
Alex {1144} 1891-1893-1469
>>16349550 i gave it back, why would i stole this retarded shit
Heracross (F) - Jolly, Guts, 31\11\21\31\31\3 [1144]
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
Quoted By:
>>16349580 You did not give it back your jack ass
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:29:01 No. 16349594 Report Ones marked with a * I would like back, otherwise you match it you can keep it.
Meditite (F) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\0\0\7\31 [1794]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 25\31\2\4\31\31 [2057]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\16\0\7\31 [1005]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\2\22\31\31 [1013]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 30\31\31\0\31\31(hatched by joe)
Meditite (F) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\14\0\31\31 [2130]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\31\21\31\31 [590]*
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\24\4\31\31 [2977]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\2\7\7\31 [3876]
Meditite (F) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\31\0\28\31 [1395]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 26\31\2\4\7\31 [3405]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\2\0\7\2 [1338]
Meditite (F) - Jolly, Pure Power, 15\31\31\0\7\31 [285]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\31\19\31\31 [2043]*
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\30\31\0\31\31 [9]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\31\4\2\31 [3170]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 6\31\31\0\7\31 [1808]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 11\31\2\4\31\31 [4054]
Meditite (F) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\2\20\31\31 [272]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\17\4\7\31 [2916]
Meditite (F) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\31\4\21\31 [2758]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\31\26\31\31 [2142]*
Meditite (F) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\31\0\31\8 [470]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\5\31\4\7\31 [2906]
Meditite (F) - Jolly, Pure Power, 8\31\31\4\7\31 [2626]
Meditite (F) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\21\2\0\31\31 [3756]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 16\31\2\4\31\31 [214]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 9\31\2\0\7\31 [3336]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\31\29\31\31 [2743]
Meditite (M) - Jolly, Pure Power, 31\31\31\31\31\31 (hatched)
More eggs here -> Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
Quoted By:
>>16349562 Oh fuck, I just checked it.
>>16349580 Give me my shit back, it's not even the stats you said.
Murat | 4382 - 2756 - 6037 | SV: 428
>>16349451 Hey, I have a match... Can i have it if you don't want it back? It's not perfect iv's :)
if you want it back, I can hatch it for you
Mawile (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\18\31\24\31 [428]
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | 3529
if someone would be so kind as to keep an eye out for 3529 on pastebin checkers i'll repay you with a debt of gratitude. i can not for the life of me figure out how to use the pastebin searcher
Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
>>16349484 For me it was yesterday lol, I live in Finland and I went to sleep then because you didn't answer to me anymore, but yeah I can give it to you now.
I added you last night but you didn't add back, should I add you now or, will you find me from passerby's or something and trade me?
Also do you have instacheck to make sure I give you the correct egg? Or if you have could you just re-check my whole box?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>16349594 > Hey! Can I get the 2743 Meditite please?
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
Quoted By:
>>16349580 Accept the trade and give me my shiny.
Omari 3110-5107-3147 {SV:344}
Quoted By:
>>16349656 haha yeah the internet pretty much died, it was a terribly long day because of this, i do have instacheck, lets just hope it wants to work today
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | 3529
Quoted By:
>>16349655 hopefully someone here can vouch for me. i always give out nice shinies (or 5iv's when a available)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:36:13 No. 16349708 Report >>16349658 Yup, he's all yours! Adding now.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
We need to blacklist: Alex {1144} 1891-1893-1469 Said he was trading a 5IV fenniken and sent a 2IV piece of shit. Refusing to trade now, won't give the shiny back either.
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
Omari 3110-5107-3147 {SV:344}
>>16349656 umm add me it makes it easier
ondore 0130-2028-0730 SV {3856}
>>16349639 not one i was planning to keep, so it's yours. adding you
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16349728 Why didn't you stop me before the trade?
Serena 5086-1795-7375 (1441)
Anyone need eggs checked? I have 15 or so to check myself.
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:39:38 No. 16349760 Report Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16349743 Pretty sure I said so before you traded with him.
Murat | 4382 - 2756 - 6037 | SV: 428
Quoted By:
>>16349734 thank you so much :)
>>16349753 I have 2 boxes. Would you be able to check those for me?
Serena 5086-1795-7375 (1441)
Alex {1144} 1891-1893-1469
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
This is why I have instachecker running if someone is trading me a 4-5 IV'd egg if their SV's don't match. I know most of you can get it to run on your comp but... welp that's the risk you're going to have to take.
Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
>>16349730 Added, how's the instacheck, is it working? If you can check the eggs, what is the best way for me to show them, just swap the eggs trough as fast as I can or like slowly one by one? I don't know how the egg checking happens..
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
Quoted By:
>>16349760 Thanks.
>>16349768 It was?
>>16349797 Stop being a wanker and accept my trade.
>>16349808 The guy said he would give them back but did not. Not really something instacheck can fix.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>16349708 Thank you so much, man! :D
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
>>16349825 He traded Fennekin with 2 IV's and the liar claimed it to be 5 when it wasn't. Isn't that the problem? Or am I missing something?
Omari 3110-5107-3147 {SV:344}
>>16349819 show them relatively slowly i'll let you know when you get the right one
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542 Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:44:50 No. 16349849 Report >>16349808 a banlist should prevent this from happening though, and whenever it's a trade back I always offer a shiny of my own as collateral so they know I'm legit
I have several now because of these threads anyway
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
Quoted By:
>>16349840 He never returned my egg
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16349840 >>16349808 I can't get instacheck to run or I would have.
Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
Quoted By:
>>16349848 show poke whenever you are ready to check the next egg and repeat, the current egg is second one, I'll be waiting for your sign..
Omari 3110-5107-3147 {SV:344}
>>16349819 actually i'll show my talonflame if it's the wrong one and drilbur if it's right
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712}
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:46:40 No. 16349875 Report >>16348800 Lickitung (F) - Brave, Own Tempo, 9\7\31\16\13\0 [712]
Could I pick this up since there was no asterisk next to it?
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:46:47 No. 16349877 Report >>16349849 there is a banlist. it's in the master list in the original post.
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
>>16349859 Well then, I am sorry for your loss. Want a free skitty from my list back up there?
Alex (4613-6850-1350) Safari(Pancham, Hariyama,???) SV(1659)
Alex (4613-6850-1350) Safari(Pancham, Hariyama,???) SV(1659) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:47:30 No. 16349887 Report >>16349482 You have a match with my
Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 31\24\31\31\31\11 [572]
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292}
Dark [5112-3535-7145] (Druddigon, Fraxure, Dragonair) {2292} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:47:32 No. 16349888 Report >>16349849 There is somewhat of a blacklist, those marked as grunts on the tsv list are blacklisted.
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
I have 3 eggs that need to be checked, can anyone be so kind?
Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
>>16349873 okay when it's right I trade it to you and then we continue the rest box so I get the shiny values.
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika]
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika] Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:49:06 No. 16349910 Report >>16348465 > >18. Litwick (M) - Modest, Flame Body, 28\5\31\31\31\10 [27] I'm a match! :D Let me know if you want it back and/or what you want for it!
Quoted By:
>tfw I always return eggs but my TSV rarely shows up
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
Quoted By:
>>16349881 No that's fine, thanks anyway.
Serena 5086-1795-7375 (1441)
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542 Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:50:22 No. 16349925 Report >>16349877 >>16349888 ahh I see it now, I should double check my facts before I talk out of my ass I guess
that alex guy should then be blacklisted if he is just gonna scam people
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | 3529
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>16349875 Sure! Gimme a sec. Add me up
Protip: don't use pastebin, no one check those. Also, I just search for my SV and the SV I'm looking for in the archive.
Meohmy 4081-5538-0857 (Absol, Vullaby, Crawdaunt) {3149}
Meohmy 4081-5538-0857 (Absol, Vullaby, Crawdaunt) {3149} Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:51:51 No. 16349938 Report Quoted By:
>>16349932 Wrong Alex, bro.
Omari 3110-5107-3147 {SV:344}
>>16349873 k now just got through in order quickly
Serena 5086-1795-7375 (1441)
Quoted By:
>>16349936 It's not like people have written programs just to make pastebin searching easy.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16349925 There's no real point of the ban list in this case, the guy traded it off to his other 3ds/friend instantly, he's just going to reset and do it again.
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542 Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:53:13 No. 16349965 Report Quoted By:
>>16349936 Half of the eggs I've hatched were from pastebins though, especially since pastebins many times carry several boxes that couldn't be coverred in one or two posts
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | 3529
>>16349953 i mean i dont see match lol
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika]
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika] Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:54:09 No. 16349976 Report I've got a few 4V and 5V gibles here. They have the egg move Iron Head too. Let me know if anything matches! I only want one's marked with a (*) back.
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:54:29 No. 16349980 Report >>16349910 word! it's all yours, I've already got my shiny litwick! :)
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 {1893}
>>16349789 Are you the owner of the Honedges?
My SV matches this one:
>Honedge (M) - Brave, No Guard, 3\31\31\31\31\11 [1893] Do you want me to hatch it for you or can I have it?
Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
Quoted By:
>>16349949 Did you check the last eggs too? And will you post the list here?
Omari 3110-5107-3147 {SV:344}
>>16349902 1.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 25\31\31\18\31\31 [1467]
2.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\18\31\17 [3718]
3.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\2\31\18\31\31 [3537]
4.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 30\31\31\18\31\31 [26]
5.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\18\31\11 [1350]
6.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\27\31\3 [2644]
7.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\28\31 [3817]
8.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 13\31\31\18\31\31 [4012]
9.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 30\31\31\27\31\31 [3235]
10.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 28\31\31\27\31\31 [551]
11.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\3\31\27\31\31 [1845]
12.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\18\31\21 [3425]
13.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\16\31\31 [2579]
14.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\4\31\31 [592]
15.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 6\31\31\18\31\31 [54]
16.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 2\31\31\18\31\31 [675]
17.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 14\31\31\18\31\31 [568]
18.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\31\10 [200]
19.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\27\19\31 [1457]
20.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\9\31\31 [1807]
21.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\8\27\31\31 [2776]
22.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\12\31\18\31\31 [4006]
23.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\22\31\31 [3036]
24.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\17\31 [639]
25.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\18\7\31 [344]
26.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\27\31\27 [1744]
27.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 11\31\31\27\31\31 [759]
28.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 9\31\31\27\31\31 [2608]
29.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 9\31\31\27\31\31 [2608]
30.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\31\11 [1834]
there you go, they're number in the order you showed me
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:56:08 No. 16350007 Report >>16349962 the best method is to have them put up a shiny as collateral, that way in case you do get duped, you've got another shiny in its place.
[1268] [3675] [1069] I don't have any eggs but I want Terminus to see this. I already added you and I replied the first time you asked for the shinx egg but you never replied back. I fell asleep before I saw the second time you asked for it this morning, I don't wanna seem like a dock for ignoring you. So if you see this let me know, I won't be on that long right now.
Alex (4613-6850-1350) Safari(Pancham, Hariyama,???) SV(1659)
Alex (4613-6850-1350) Safari(Pancham, Hariyama,???) SV(1659) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:56:46 No. 16350017 Report >>16349969 He said he was looking for (572)
what are you even talking about?
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika]
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika] Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:57:03 No. 16350023 Report >>16349980 Great! Thanks a ton! :D I already added you and am ready to trade whenever you are.
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542 Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:57:37 No. 16350035 Report Quoted By:
>>16350007 which is exactly what I do, problem comes when that person doesn't even have a shiny
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | 3529
GZPunk SV: 3209 FC: 4656-7097-8443 (Butterfree, Illumise, Villilion)
GZPunk SV: 3209 FC: 4656-7097-8443 (Butterfree, Illumise, Villilion) Fri 29 Nov 2013 16:58:03 No. 16350043 Report Just gonna leave this here. **=want
Would appreciate any breeding leftovers or nice stuff ;)
Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
>>16349994 Lmao I managed to miss one, but thanks anyway, I try to sort this out...
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>16349976 Hey there! May I please take a Gible? the 2251 if its cool :)
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | 3529
Quoted By:
>>16350017 both of u are looking for 572? neither have it. seems like confusion
Marcos 0060-9619-1358 (Klang, Mawile, Excadrill) SV: Y{2956} X{2657}
Marcos 0060-9619-1358 (Klang, Mawile, Excadrill) SV: Y{2956} X{2657} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:01:04 No. 16350085 Report Quoted By:
>>16350008 Forgot my name.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | 3529
Quoted By:
>>16350017 sorry disregard me. not awake enough
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:01:48 No. 16350093 Report Quoted By:
>>16350023 damn that's a big ass gourgeist
Omari 3110-5107-3147 {SV:344}
>>16350057 hahaha awwww, i hate that so many times 've doubled up or missed one and not noticed it's a pain
Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
Quoted By:
Some sweet Sneasels: 1.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 25\31\31\18\31\31 [1467] 2.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\18\31\17 [3718] 3.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\2\31\18\31\31 [3537] 4.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\15\31\31 [2057] 5.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 30\31\31\18\31\31 [26] 6.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\18\31\11 [1350] 7.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\27\31\3 [2644] 8.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\28\31 [3817] 9.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 13\31\31\18\31\31 [4012] 10.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 30\31\31\27\31\31 [3235] 11.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 28\31\31\27\31\31 [551] 12.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\3\31\27\31\31 [1845] 13.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\18\31\21 [3425] 14.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\16\31\31 [2579] 15.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\4\31\31 [592] 16.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 6\31\31\18\31\31 [54] 17.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 2\31\31\18\31\31 [675] 18.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 14\31\31\18\31\31 [568] 19.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\31\10 [200] 20.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\27\19\31 [1457] 21.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\9\31\31 [1807] 22.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\8\27\31\31 [2776] 23.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\12\31\18\31\31 [4006] 24.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\22\31\31 [3036] 25.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\17\31 [639] 26.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\18\7\31 [344] - Taken 27.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\27\31\27 [1744] 28.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 11\31\31\27\31\31 [759] 29.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 9\31\31\27\31\31 [2608] 30.Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 9\31\31\27\31\31 [2608] 31.Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\31\11 [1834]
Marcos 0060-9619-1358 (Klang, Mawile, Excadrill) SV: Y{2956} X{2657}
Marcos 0060-9619-1358 (Klang, Mawile, Excadrill) SV: Y{2956} X{2657} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:02:49 No. 16350109 Report Quoted By:
I would like the starred ones back, you can keep anything else! Shinx (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 1\31\31\15\31\31 [1944] Shinx (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\15\10\31 [940] Shinx (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\28\31\31 [2835]*** Shinx (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\11\31\31 [1042]*** Shinx (M) - Adamant, Guts, 14\31\24\15\31\31 [3469] Shinx (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 14\8\31\17\31\31 [2884] Shinx (M) - Adamant, Rivalry, 14\31\31\17\31\20 [688] Shinx (F) - Adamant, Rivalry, 14\31\12\17\31\31 [3991] Shinx (M) - Adamant, Rivalry, 14\31\31\0\31\31 [2551] Shinx (M) - Adamant, Rivalry, 14\31\5\17\31\31 [823] Shinx (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 14\31\5\17\31\31 [1712] Shinx (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 14\31\31\25\31\31 [322] Shinx (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\25\31\17\31\31 [3369] Shinx (F) - Adamant, Guts, 14\31\31\23\31\31 [1635] Shinx (F) - Adamant, Rivalry, 29\31\31\15\31\31 [1268] Shinx (M) - Adamant, Guts, 30\31\31\15\31\31 [3802]*** Shinx (M) - Adamant, Guts, 14\31\16\15\31\31 [200] Shinx (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\15\31\31 [2035]*** Shinx (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\17\31\31 HATCHED Shinx (F) - Adamant, Rivalry, 31\31\31\15\2\31 [1385] Shinx (M) - Adamant, Rivalry, 31\31\31\15\28\31 HATCHED Shinx (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\15\6\31 [2935] Shinx (F) - Adamant, Guts, 17\31\31\17\31\31 HATCHED Shinx (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\30\31\31 [3410]*** Shinx (M) - Adamant, Rivalry, 14\28\31\15\31\31 [1914] Shinx (F) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\31\5\31\31 [1814]*** Shinx (F) - Adamant, Guts, 14\31\31\13\31\31 HATCHED Shinx (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\28\17\31\31 [2010] Shinx (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\30\31\17\31\31 [3174]*** Shinx (M) - Adamant, Intimidate, 31\31\7\17\31\31 [4026]
Sandra 1676-4863-0341 SV: {3916}
>>16348713 Sigilyph (M) - Timid, Magic Guard, 31\22\31\22\31\31 [3916]
I can hatch this one, adding you.
Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
>>16350096 I just added the missed one in the right place and added +1 number to the rest after that, it should be correct now!
Dan 1547 6339 4135 [Slugma Magmar Fletchinder] {2944}
Dan 1547 6339 4135 [Slugma Magmar Fletchinder] {2944} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:03:56 No. 16350127 Report >>16349887 Well both our pokemon match someone's 572 but I haven't found a guy with that SV yet.
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika]
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika] Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:04:32 No. 16350133 Report Quoted By:
>>16350065 Sure thing! I added you and am ready to go. You can give me anything you want to.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>16350043 Ooh! Can I get the 3706 one please? :)
Omari 3110-5107-3147 {SV:344}
Quoted By:
>>16350124 yeah it looks right now lol, i just saw the post then
Brian 4553 9963 4774 [1028 & 2880]
>>16349976 I match 1028! May I have it? :)
GZPunk SV: 3209 FC: 4656-7097-8443 (Butterfree, Illumise, Villilion)
GZPunk SV: 3209 FC: 4656-7097-8443 (Butterfree, Illumise, Villilion) Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:06:17 No. 16350163 Report Quoted By:
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712}
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:06:28 No. 16350167 Report Quoted By:
>>16349997 Sorry I didn't reply immediately, adding now!
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika]
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika] Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:07:36 No. 16350184 Report >>16350150 Yup! It's all yours! I don't really care what I get in return. I added you and am ready to go whenever. I have another trade lined up so if I'm busy don't worry. Just wait a few minutes.
Dan 1547 6339 4135 [Slugma Magmar Fletchinder] {2944}
Dan 1547 6339 4135 [Slugma Magmar Fletchinder] {2944} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:07:41 No. 16350185 Report Quoted By:
>>16349534 Thanks but I'm looking for someone with those SV, I need to hatch them.
Sohashi 2062-9155-9775 SV: {1612}
>>16348481 Hey, I know it's been two hours, but if you are still one I have a friend who can match one of your binacles (3933)
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
{3533} Rocco 0705-3021-0890 | Trapinch, Camerupt, Diggersby
{3533} Rocco 0705-3021-0890 | Trapinch, Camerupt, Diggersby Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:09:26 No. 16350210 Report Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712}
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:10:32 No. 16350225 Report >>16349997 Thank you so much!
Brian 4553 9963 4774 [1028 & 2880]
Quoted By:
>>16350184 > Ok I'll be on in a minute! I can wait :)
Lily/れいこ(Y) 3454-0707-8113 {3475} {3591}
Most people only check the list if they're looking for someone to hatch their egg anyway..
I don't even understand why people would steal shinies like that, it's not like a ton of people are giving away eggs in the first place.
>>16348418 240. Noibat (M) - Naive, Infiltrator, 31\1\31\31\31\8 [3591]
I can do this one, do you want it back? Otherwise I have 4IV JP Mareep and Hawlucha of either gender.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>16350225 no worries! let me know if it hatches shiny :)
Sandra 1676-4863-0341 SV: {3916}
>>16350210 Do you want it back? If yes then do you want me to name it?
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika]
Nick {27} 4227-0931-8334 [Electric: Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika] Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:14:08 No. 16350273 Report Quoted By:
>>16350065 man... so many dc's XD
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494}
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:14:39 No. 16350284 Report >>16348418 Froakie (M) - Jolly, Torrent, 31\31\31\31\31\21 [3494]
I match this one, may I have it?
NM2 4811-7206-5012 / Mankey, Sawk, Breloom / SV: {1317}
NM2 4811-7206-5012 / Mankey, Sawk, Breloom / SV: {1317} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:15:09 No. 16350297 Report >>16350191 You can have it, adding you.
{3533} Rocco 0705-3021-0890 | Trapinch, Camerupt, Diggersby
{3533} Rocco 0705-3021-0890 | Trapinch, Camerupt, Diggersby Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:15:13 No. 16350300 Report >>16350267 Nope you can keep it, I already have my shiny.
Sandra 1676-4863-0341 SV: {3916}
Quoted By:
>>16350210 Damn, can you restart cuz it seems like the egg disappeared because connection failed?
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712}
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:15:59 No. 16350322 Report Quoted By:
Sohashi 2062-9155-9775 SV: {1612}
Quoted By:
>>16350297 alright, thanks.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) SV:{2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) SV:{2572} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:16:19 No. 16350329 Report Can anyone check a box of eggs for me?
Menno: 3952-7147-3981 SV:{2070}
Updated Can someone help me hatch a shitty IV pokemon for me?
Alex (4613-6850-1350) Safari(Pancham, Hariyama,???) SV(1659)
Alex (4613-6850-1350) Safari(Pancham, Hariyama,???) SV(1659) Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:17:02 No. 16350340 Report Quoted By:
>>16350127 hmm okay sry about that. I misread your post thinking you look fpr an 572 mon
About how long does checking a single egg take? I'm trying to figure out how many of a Pokémon I should breed and how many would be reasonable to ask someone to check for me, since I can't get the program working myself. On that note, how do I get the list of Pokémon from the person who checks? Do they post it in a pastebin or what?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595 SV: {174}
1Chespin (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\25\2\31\31 [4011] 3Chespin (M) - Adamant, Bulletproof, 31\31\31\23\31\24 [1690] 5Chespin (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\31\23\14\31 [2096] 7Chespin (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\31\10\31\5 [862] 8Chespin (M) - Adamant, Bulletproof, 31\31\13\23\31\5 [3664] 9Chespin (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\31\23\31\25 [2353] 12Chespin (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\31\23\14\5 [2539] 15Chespin (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\18\31\23\31\5 [887] 17Chespin (M) - Adamant, Bulletproof, 26\31\31\23\31\5 [3806] 18Chespin (M) - Adamant, Bulletproof, 31\31\17\23\31\5 [3639] 19Chespin (M) - Adamant, Bulletproof, 31\31\31\23\31\1 [605] 20Chespin (M) - Adamant, Bulletproof, 13\31\31\23\31\31 [1956] 21Chespin (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\31\31\23\15\5 [97] 24Chespin (M) - Adamant, Bulletproof, 31\13\31\23\31\31 [2864] 26Chespin (M) - Adamant, Overgrow, 31\24\31\23\31\5 [2167] 29Chespin (M) - Adamant, Bulletproof, 31\31\4\23\31\5 [417] Free Chespin whether you match or not. Breeding leftovers would be appreciated, but not required~
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
Quoted By:
>>16350329 Sure if you give me a few minutes as thanks for the eevee earlier
Sandra 1676-4863-0341 SV: {3916}
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch, Serena, GZPunk and Nick!
Brian 4553 9963 4774 [1028 & 2880]
Quoted By:
>>16350184 Thank you so much!
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 Sophia {2642} in game [Spheal, Dewgong, Beartic]
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 Sophia {2642} in game [Spheal, Dewgong, Beartic] Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:22:40 No. 16350435 Report Quoted By:
>>16350348 You literally just flash it with show, and move on to the next egg. Remember which order you showed in cause that's the order they list it as.
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
Quoted By:
>>16348660 If you're still here I can hatch that 2767 Gible!
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:25:52 No. 16350482 Report Quoted By:
>>16348660 >Skrelp (F) - Calm, Poison Point, 31\31\31\2\31\31 [1710] Looks like I got a match!
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16350232 >>16350284 If they have names they're either reserved, taken or hatched by them. I'm willing to trade any of them preferably for other shinies, 6iv mons so I can breed more, High BP items. Shiny as collateral if you're hatching for me, I'm not getting scammed again.
The Froakies all have Toxic spikes.
Sorry for the delay, I'm not getting the notifications.
Quoted By:
>>16348660 Hey, can I have this one? Gligar (M) - Impish, Sand Veil, 31\31\31\18\31\21 [1112]
I can return it if you want.
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494}
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:28:50 No. 16350524 Report >>16350489 yeah I understand, would a life orb be an alright offer for the egg?
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16350524 Do you have any others? I already have Life orb.
Shonzi| 2019-9825-2953| Poison| 2256
Shuppets and Crap Ralts: I do need to check more ralts if anyone else needs to check.
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494}
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:31:54 No. 16350568 Report >>16350549 Only have that and bright powder
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16350568 What about 2-3 EV training items?
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089}
IGN: Mr. Brotaku * FC: 1349-5781-3476 * [Rock] (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) * SV: Y {1408} X {3089} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:33:50 No. 16350600 Report Quoted By:
>>16348553 You match one of my abra eggs.
Could you please hatch it for me? (If you are still around)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) SV:{2572}
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) SV:{2572} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:34:35 No. 16350612 Report Horsea (F) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\21\31\31\31\21 [870] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\5\31\26\31\31 [675] Horsea (F) - Timid, Swift Swim, 26\5\31\31\31\31 [2096] Horsea (F) - Timid, Sniper, 31\6\31\31\31\31 [1828] *** Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\21\31\31\31\24 [2744] Horsea (F) - Timid, Swift Swim, 7\21\31\31\31\31 [2865] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\21\31\31\27\9 [493] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\5\31\27\31\31 [1237] Horsea (F) - Timid, Sniper, 31\21\31\31\20\9 [1762] Horsea (F) - Timid, Swift Swim, 28\21\31\31\31\31 [130] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\21\31\31\16\9 [2026] Horsea (F) - Timid, Sniper, 31\5\31\31\30\31 [3230] * Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\21\31\31\31\15 [1600] Horsea (F) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\5\31\31\13\9 [1436] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\21\31\31\17\9 [1495] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\5\31\27\31\31 [962] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\21\31\26\31\31 [3068] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\21\31\13\31\31 [1851] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\12\31\31\31\31 [3653] ** Horsea (F) - Timid, Swift Swim, 12\5\31\31\31\31 [1045] Horsea (M) - Timid, Sniper, 31\21\31\17\31\9 [650] Horsea (F) - Timid, Swift Swim, 23\21\31\31\31\9 [3800] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\5\31\31\31\9 [2931] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\5\31\31\1\31 [639] Horsea (F) - Timid, Swift Swim, 16\21\31\31\31\9 [1121] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\5\31\31\31\19 [2094] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\21\31\31\31\31 [2729] ** Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 24\21\31\31\31\31 [1531] Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\21\31\31\13\9 [519] Horsea (F) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\5\31\31\30\31 [806] * Number of * is how bad I want it back, from * meaning I'd be willing to part with it to *** meaning holy shit gimme dat.
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494}
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:36:52 No. 16350657 Report >>16350592 Dont have enough points and got to leave soon, oh well another time!
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion)
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion) Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:37:01 No. 16350659 Report Here's a list of 5IV Togepis:
> And here's the only one I want - all others for the taking:
>Togepi (M) - Calm, Serene Grace, 31\30\31\31\31\31 [3683] 3007-8430-8818 Shiro {1580} {136}
Quoted By:
>>16348742 No one wants those guys?
Finishing breeding a cubone I want, then I'm gonna go hatch and release them all.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16350657 How can you get a life orb but no EV items?
Anyway, I'll be in the in 10 or so hours from now, hope we meet again.
Lottie {820} | 1719-3818-8790
Eevees and Marills I want at least one of the Eevees back today if you match.
>>16350337 I match one of your Froakies
>Froakie (M) - Brave, Protean, 22\22\7\25\0\26 [820] Menno: 3952-7147-3981 SV:{2070}
>>16350693 cool . im adding you
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
Quoted By:
Well, can someone please check 3 of my eggs?Will give that someone a adamant female sneasel with ice punch
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494}
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:41:15 No. 16350733 Report Quoted By:
>>16350690 I already had the life orb, and only 26 points to spend lol
>>16350659 Did you check the lists first? There's a leddit user who can help you with that Togepi.
>3DS nick: Brule >SV: 3683 >FC: 4511-0540-2854 >user profile (I think): Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547}
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:45:24 No. 16350805 Report >>16350567 Hey Shonzi, any chance you'd trade me a decent Shuppet breeding pair for a pair of 5IV Froakies (M/F)?
I want a decent (shiny) Mega Banette for my prankster squad, but I really don't feel like breeding.
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion)
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion) Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:45:47 No. 16350809 Report >>16350741 > Thank you! I usually check the lists after I post just to get my list out there so people can check it if they want.
Thanks a ton, though! You saved me some time.
Lottie {820} | 1719-3818-8790
>>16350728 You want him back right? Anything you want me to nickname him?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>16350659 >ttp:// okay. one last for today. may i please get that Togepi at [53]?
Shonzi| 2019-9825-2953| Poison| 2256
>>16350805 I'll give them to you, but I don't need Froakies, since I already have the 5IV one I want.
Menno: 3952-7147-3981 SV:{2070}
>>16350828 yeah i would like him back. and no nickname.
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion)
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion) Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:49:38 No. 16350859 Report >>16350835 Sure thing! Give me a moment to add you.
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547}
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:49:53 No. 16350864 Report >>16350844 Oh wow, thanks a bunch. Do you need any X/Y legendaries or anything?
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:52:14 No. 16350899 Report >>16350741 >>16350809 Can I take a nice Togepi for being such a nice guy?
>Togepi (M) - Calm, Serene Grace, 31\18\31\31\31\31 [2108] Well, I don't lose anything asking haha.
Alvi 0018-1570-7697 {3784}
Quoted By:
Can someone check my batch of eggs?
Alright, I'm new here and want help. Do I have this set up right? Am I missing something or do I just need to start trading eggs and the info will pop up?
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion)
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion) Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:53:20 No. 16350913 Report >>16350899 Absolutely! I was actually going to offer, but thought I'd seem silly, ha ha. Adding you now.
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
>>16350909 w-well you could test it out with me, would give you a sneasel
Menno: 3952-7147-3981 SV:{2070}
>>16350828 thank you! You're awesome!
Lottie {820} | 1719-3818-8790
Quoted By:
>>16350854 >>16350943 No problem! Thank you too for the pearl.
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
Quoted By:
>>16350659 Could I get [1447]?
Shonzi| 2019-9825-2953| Poison| 2256
>>16350864 I need Moltres and Zapdos, but I'm not going to take them for some dumb eggs, unless they run freely like pikachu's in setaluna forest for you.
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:57:30 No. 16351010 Report >>16350913 Oh great! Though I only have 4IV Adamant Charmander with Dragon Dance to offer... Is that ok?
Andy 3566-2567-2841
>>16350942 Yeah sure I guess. But I'm asking when we trade what happens?
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547}
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547} Fri 29 Nov 2013 17:59:21 No. 16351041 Report Quoted By:
>>16350864 Well, it just so happens I've got an extra Zapdos for you (the trick is to trade Xerneas/Yveltal for the birds, then trade Magmortar/Electivire/etc for Xerneas/Yveltal).
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion)
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:00:04 No. 16351046 Report >>16351010 Anything is truly fine with me so that sounds great!
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
>>16351018 I would say when we start trading, press start checking and then I flash my eggs, you post results here and then I trade you the sneasel.
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547}
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:00:39 No. 16351056 Report >>16350997 Well, it just so happens I've got an extra Zapdos for you (the trick is to trade Xerneas/Yveltal for the birds, then trade Magmortar/Electivire/etc for Xerneas/Yveltal).
(you can easily trade friend safari exclusives for things like Electivire; I use a Tyrogue)
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221}
Kotelo 3196-4213-2998 (shit, shit, Tyrogue) | SV: {1221} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:01:44 No. 16351074 Report >>16351046 Now you're making me feel bad... Thanks again! And I'm online now, IGN is the same (Kotelo).
Andy 3566-2567-2841
>>16351052 Have you added me? You're not popping up.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:02:41 No. 16351091 Report Anyone breeding 4-5 IV Bug pokémon? Heracross or Venipede or Scyther or Larvesta or Joltik?
Shonzi| 2019-9825-2953| Poison| 2256
Quoted By:
>>16351056 I haven't messed with GTS in a while. I haven't even actually caught Articuno yet, I just know he's running around.
I'm having some instacheck problems so I'll trade request you when I can finally get on.
Andy 3566-2567-2841
Quoted By:
>>16351091 I'm trying to breed Larvesta, but like my previous posts I need help setting up instacheck.
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
>>16351077 could possibly need to restart my game. Happend before
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion)
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:05:33 No. 16351137 Report Quoted By:
>>16351074 Ha ha, no need to feel bad! I'm happy to get 'em out to people that want them vs. releasing or wonder trading.
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
>>16351119 Restarted my game, yet I Still dont see your name there. Your name is Andy ingame, right?
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion)
Mina: 2277-6641-9585 {814} (Psychic: Munna, Sigiliph, Duosion) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:06:39 No. 16351149 Report Quoted By:
>>16351081 No problem! Sorry we kept getting disconnected!
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16351091 I have Heracross, none match your code though
Andy 3566-2567-2841
Alex 0946-3108-2759 {3356} {854} (pansage, swadloon, gogoat)
Alex 0946-3108-2759 {3356} {854} (pansage, swadloon, gogoat) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:09:12 No. 16351190 Report Quoted By:
>>16348418 > Noibat (F) - Timid, Infiltrator, 31\0\21\31\31\31 [854]
My brother has this TSV, may I get it for him?
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:09:31 No. 16351198 Report >>16351151 Would I be able to get one for breeding purposes?
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
>>16351159 maybe something is wrong on your end, because some random passerby just gaved me an o-power, and I see friends online, so Im sure Im there.
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16351198 Sure, need to start my game up though
Andy 3566-2567-2841
Quoted By:
>>16351200 I don't know what it could possibly be. I'm connected to the internet with instacheck and my ds.
Andy 3566-2567-2841
Can someone tell me that when I'm trading and I hit start scanning nothing is happening?
>>16348418 Froakie (F) - Jolly, Torrent, 31\1\31\31\31\31 [535]
Froakie (M) - Jolly, Torrent, 31\20\31\31\31\31 [1368]
Friends of mine match those two, can I get them?
FC: 0559-7876-6181
IGN: Jonas
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
>>16351250 after you pressed "start scanning", just let it happen. Flash every pokemon egg in the trading window, and after it being, press "copy to clipboard". Atleast thats how I read it was supposed to be done.
Sergio 3308-5362-3650 {2471}
Quoted By:
>>16348939 Gastly (F) - Timid, Levitate, 31\23\31\31\31\31 [2471]
Can i have this one or do you want it back?
>>16351250 Are you scanning the right connection?
Did you click start scanning before you started trading?
Is your 3DS connect to the hotspot?
>>16351278 >Wants two Froakies with different genders and good IV's >I-it's for my friends, I swear! Andy 3566-2567-2841
Quoted By:
>>16351291 Nothing happened after I pressed start scanning. No info popped up in the program, nothing.
>>16351278 Well aren't you a fag?
Andy 3566-2567-2841
>>16351298 Both my 3ds and laptop are connected to my wifi connection. I did click before trading. Does my 3ds have to directly hook up to the instacheck hotspot?
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:18:41 No. 16351338 Report >>16350353 >20Chespin (M) - Adamant, Bulletproof, 13\31\31\23\31\31 [1956] If you're giving them away could I have this little fella? I can offer a 4 iv Bold wish eevee. Would make a lovely Sylveon.
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16351327 Is the thing above start scanning set to Wi-fi?
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:19:25 No. 16351349 Report >>16351208 >46. Heracross (F) - Jolly, Swarm, 31\31\31\10\31\1 [2454] howsabout this one?
Alice - 1735-9988-3160
Quoted By:
>>16348418 >Noibat (F) - Calm, Infiltrator, 31\17\31\31\17\31 [719] Can I get this one? I don't really have much good to trade for it since I started recently though.
Andy 3566-2567-2841
Quoted By:
>>16351345 There is nothing but a blank box in that option.
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16351303 I have a database with about 30 TIDs and SIDs. That's why they match. Naturally, you don't have to believe me.
Proof: Anonymous
>>16348465 >Litwick (M) - Modest, Flame Body, 28\31\2\31\31\30 [3454] Ding, it's a match! May I?
Andy 3566-2567-2841
Eh, fuck it. I'm gonna do a totally fresh reset and see what happen.s
Shonzi| 2019-9825-2953| Poison| 2256
>>16351056 Alright I'm on, but I don't see you.
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) SV: 3542 Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:25:20 No. 16351449 Report Quoted By:
>>16351424 wait you gonna erase your game?
don't do it! what about your bros?! (unless of course you got several games
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 SV 927 X 2145 Y
Dsler (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Sunkern) 2766-9127-8347 SV 927 X 2145 Y Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:25:50 No. 16351463 Report >>16351081 Hey I match one of your lickitungs [927], could I pick that one up?
Mark (2895-7779-8431) Grass: Tangela, Swadloon, Gogoat
Mark (2895-7779-8431) Grass: Tangela, Swadloon, Gogoat Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:25:56 No. 16351464 Report Quoted By:
>>16348418 Remove the numbers from your list that have been taken.
Matt 2938 7104 7763 !!P6kRQjyyFQ2
>>16349085 May I receive the gastly egg from you after you receive your bug Pokemon from the other person? :)
Michael/Mark SV: {3853}/{1145}
Furfrou/Petilil Litwick Ones with stars are the ones I want back
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16351349 You gonna log on?
Anyone here help me out check some Chespin eggs?
>>16351338 Sure you can have it~ I'll add you!
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547}
Joey Jo-Jo Jr. Shabadoo (Dash): 1289-9166-7781 SV {1547} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:28:58 No. 16351528 Report >>16351438 Thanks a bunch! Saved me hours of work
>>16351486 >that pic on pastebin Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>16351463 sure. gimme a sec.
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia {2642}
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia {2642} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:29:30 No. 16351540 Report I'm pretty sure i've got Instacheck working. I can check eggs for people. I might try and check a few of mine at the same time.
Quoted By:
>>16351540 Can you check mine?
Michael (3282-3215-9706) SV: {3853}
>>16351540 since Andy is having serious issues, can you check my 3 eggs?
Shonzi| 2019-9825-2953| Poison| 2256
Quoted By:
>>16351528 No problem thanks for the Zapdos
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia {2642}
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia {2642} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:31:10 No. 16351574 Report >>16351504 I can scan for you. Added
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:31:38 No. 16351588 Report >>16351493 i think my connection is timing out for some reason. let me reset it real quick.
>>16351395 yup, it's all yours! give me a few minutes to work out my connection issues and make this trade, then you're next.
>>16351481 i'll trade you your gastly after i get these other pokémon traded off.
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
Gamewiz 1993 7513 2131 Butterfree/Masquerain/Vivillon SV: {830}
Gamewiz 1993 7513 2131 Butterfree/Masquerain/Vivillon SV: {830} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:32:14 No. 16351602 Report Quoted By:
>>16349988 Hi, saw yesterday I had a match of a fennekin, mind if I have it?
>Fennekin (M) - Timid, Magician, 31\29\20\31\31\31 [830] Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:32:51 No. 16351612 Report >>16351514 Awesome, you're added as well. Just shoot me a trade request when you're ready!
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595 SV: {174}
Quoted By:
>>16351514 Forgot my info haha.
Michael (3282-3215-9706) SV: {3853}
Shonzi| 2019-9825-2953| Poison| 2256
I can not breed Ralts for crap. I've got a 4IV and a 5IV and this is what I'm getting, There's some with 3IVs.... Ralts (M) - Adamant, Synchronize, 31\31\31\19\6\31 [272] Ralts (M) - Adamant, Trace, 31\21\31\19\31\28 [1287] Ralts (F) - Adamant, Trace, 20\21\31\19\31\3 [2211] Ralts (F) - Adamant, Trace, 31\21\23\31\31\3 [2430] Ralts (M) - Adamant, Synchronize, 31\4\31\19\31\3 [901] Ralts (M) - Adamant, Synchronize, 31\21\31\19\18\3 [490] Ralts (M) - Adamant, Trace, 4\21\31\31\31\31 [2817] Ralts (M) - Adamant, Trace, 31\21\31\31\4\3 [3341]
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia {2642}
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia {2642} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:35:26 No. 16351666 Report Quoted By:
>>16351638 Sorry it takes forever to go online in game.
Quoted By:
>>16351327 Your 3DS only Wifi connection should be the Instacheck Hotspot.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595 SV: {174}
Quoted By:
>>16351612 Thank you for the Eevee!
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | {1357} | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:36:30 No. 16351682 Report >>16351493 i just had a random passerby try to trade with me, so i think the issue might be on your end?
Michael (3282-3215-9706) SV: {3853}
>>16351665 Would you take a pair of 4IV DD/Outrage Naive Charmanders for a pair of 4IV ralts?
Matt 2938 7104 7763 !!P6kRQjyyFQ2
Quoted By:
>>16351588 Understood, don't rush yourself for my sake!
Jahn C FC: 5429-7924-0969 SV:2931
Quoted By:
>>16350612 >Horsea (M) - Timid, Swift Swim, 31\5\31\31\31\9 [2931] Can I have this one?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>16351463 let me know if its shiny or not :)
Isaac 5300 9351 3138 {SV: 3649} (Meditie, Throh, Breloom)
Isaac 5300 9351 3138 {SV: 3649} (Meditie, Throh, Breloom) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:38:42 No. 16351728 Report got some sheeps. only want the marked ones back Mareep (M) - Modest, Static, 31\31\6\31\31\31 [3372] Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\31\12\31\31\31 [1312] Mareep (M) - Modest, Static, 31\31\16\31\31\31 [3395]+ Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [2077]+++ Mareep (M) - Modest, Static, 31\31\24\31\31\31 [1350]++ Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\15\31\31\31\31 [266] Mareep (M) - Modest, Static, 31\14\31\31\31\31 [909] Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\31\31\25\29\31 [2946] Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\16\14\25\31\31 [3795] Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\31\23\25\31\31 [2948] Mareep (M) - Modest, Static, 24\31\31\31\31\31 [2089]++ Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [3903]+++ Mareep (M) - Modest, Static, 7\31\31\25\31\31 [1387] Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\7\14\25\31\31 [3641] Mareep (M) - Modest, Static, 0\31\31\31\31\31 [2851] Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\31\22\25\31\31 [802] Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\31\14\31\4\31 [320] Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\31\31\2\31\31 [1878] Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\0\14\31\31\31 [1270] Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\31\14\25\31\9 [3846]
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
Quoted By:
>>16351682 Okay gonna restart
Quoted By:
>>16351588 Great, I'm adding you now.
Jahn C FC: 5429-7924-0969 SV:2931
Eevee eggs! *** = I really want them. The rest are giveaways, good IV Pokémon are greatly appreciated for the giveaways! 1/2 1. Given away 2. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\14\31\31\31 [3086]*** 3. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\16\31\23\31 [2218] 4. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\18\31\31\31\31 [1552] *** 5. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\0\31\31\31 [12] 6. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\8\16\31\15\31 [1245] 7. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 29\31\16\31\15\31 [486] 8. Given away 9. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\21\31 [1052] *** 10. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [1909] ****** 11. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 26\31\16\31\15\31 [2589] 12. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\20\16\31\31\31 [925] 13. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\20\31\31 [2613] 14. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\7\31\31\31 [3719] *** 15. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\11\16\31\15\31 [1228] 16. Given away 17. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\31\31 [647] *** 18. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\31\31\4\31 [2009] *** 19. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\7\31 [3198] *** 20. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 16\31\31\31\31\31 [3937] *** 21. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\24\15\31 [2237] 22. Eevee (F) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\16\31\31\6 [3547] 23. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\1\31 [498] 24. Given away 25. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 15\31\16\31\31\31 [3792]
Jahn C FC: 5429-7924-0969 SV:2931
Quoted By:
>>16351747 2/2
26. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 18\31\31\31\15\31 [2897]
27. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\16\16\31\31\31 [3164]
28. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\26\31 [2112] * * *
29. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\31\20 [2235] ***
30. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\16\31\31\26 [1149]
31. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\10\31\31 [3054] ***
32. Given away
33. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\26\15\31 [3520]
34. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\16\31\15\22 [118]
35. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\16\31\31\31\31 [1261] ***
36. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 4\31\31\31\15\31 [256]
37. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\17\31 [1094] ***
38. Given away
39. Eevee (F) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\16\15\15\31 [1537]
40. Hatched
41. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\8\31\15\31 [366]
42. Given away
43. Eevee (M) - Modest, Adaptability, 25\31\31\31\15\31 [2707] * * *
44. Given away
45. Eevee (F) - Modest, Adaptability, 31\14\31\31\31\31 [2369] ***
46. Eevee (M) - Modest, Run Away, 31\31\31\31\6\31 [2126] ***
Jahn C FC: 5429-7924-0969 SV:2931
Quoted By:
Carbink Eggs! *** = I want them. The rest are giveaways, good IV Pokémon are greatly appreciated for the giveaways! 1. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 27\1\31\31\31\31 [2840]*** 2. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\16\26\28\31\31 [1082] 3. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\21\13\28\31\31 [2952] 4. Given away 5. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\29\31\3\31\31 [3507] 6. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 27\29\26\31\25\31 [3335]*** 7. Given away 8. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\29\31\31\29\31 [201]*** 9. Given away 10. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 27\21\30\31\31\31 [3358]*** 11. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 27\29\31\31\31\4 [2968] 12. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 27\29\31\31\6\31 [3939] 13. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 27\15\31\28\31\31 [1232] 14. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\21\26\31\31\3 [655] 15. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 27\21\26\31\8\31 [1339] 16. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 14\29\31\31\31\31 [3104]*** 17. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\21\6\28\31\31 [2380] 18. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\29\26\5\31\31 [3399] 19. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 27\29\26\31\31\6 [1308] 20. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 24\29\26\28\31\31 [913] 21. Given away 22. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\21\26\28\25\31 [828] 23. Given away 24. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\29\26\28\31\5 [904] 25. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 27\21\26\20\31\31 [2821] 26. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\15\31\31\31\31 [2640]*** 27. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 15\29\31\31\31\31 [2005]*** 28. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 31\21\31\28\15\31 [3259] 29. Carbink - Bold, Clear Body, 27\29\26\31\24\31 [148] 30. Given away
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV {3732}
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV {3732} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:42:11 No. 16351792 Report Joltiks, Honedges, and Ralts You can take the ones without stars if your TSV doesn't match but only one per person and offer decent stuff, no shitmons/derps.
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia {2642}
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia {2642} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:42:22 No. 16351797 Report >>16351638 I take that back. I'm connected through instacheck up nothing shows up while scanning
>>16351797 Oh well, thanks anyway
I'll just find someone else
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16351728 I match 1878, can I have it?
Ben 0860-3503-5724 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)[3376]
Ben 0860-3503-5724 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)[3376] Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:46:51 No. 16351889 Report Quoted By:
Box1 Axew (F) - Jolly, Rivalry, 14\2\14\21\0\17 [2445] Axew (F) - Jolly, Mold Breaker, 31\26\31\14\22\17 [528] Axew (M) - Jolly, Rivalry, 7\31\31\21\6\4 [3390] Axew (F) - Jolly, Mold Breaker, 21\26\31\6\6\31 [2265] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 25\31\30\14\17\31 [614] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 5\31\30\14\17\19 [2708] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 9\31\31\24\31\31 [2756] Charmander (F) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\31\30\14\17\12 [3007] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\17\30\14\31\31 [1390] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\24\30\24\31\31 [1821] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\31\31\24\17\9 [3023] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 2\31\31\24\17\31 [1134] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 5\31\11\24\31\31 [1039] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 5\2\31\24\31\31 [3458] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 5\6\31\14\17\31 [1832] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\31\31\14\11\31 [802] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 5\24\30\14\31\31 [987] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\10\31\24\17\31 [1780] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\10\31\24\17\31 [1780] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 0\31\30\24\17\31 [1728] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 21\31\31\14\17\31 [1210] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 5\31\7\24\31\31 [2390] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 4\31\30\14\31\31 [1239] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\31\31\24\11\31 [3523] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 3\31\30\14\17\31 [2225] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\31\31\24\29\31 [1095] Charmander (F) - Jolly, Blaze, 5\31\31\11\31\31 [3738] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\17\31\14\31\31 [273] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 5\31\31\3\31\31 [2070] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 27\31\30\24\17\31 [1301] I need someone to trade me a shiny charmander back, no matter the IVs.
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867}
Phage 3179-6173-4363 [Steel: Mawile, Klang, Klefki] {2867} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:46:54 No. 16351890 Report >>16351792 >Honedge (F) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\25\31\31\31 [2410]** I'm almost certain I traded you a protean Froakie for this already as it matches a friend's ID. You might wanna take that off your list.
Isaac 5300 9351 3138 {SV: 3649} (Meditie, Throh, Breloom)
Isaac 5300 9351 3138 {SV: 3649} (Meditie, Throh, Breloom) Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:47:17 No. 16351896 Report Pride 0834-1434-9972 [cascoon,ariados,muk]
Pride 0834-1434-9972 [cascoon,ariados,muk] Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:50:18 No. 16351950 Report hey guys i hate to beg but could anyone help me check a box of golet eggs? i cant use a wired connection on my laptop at the moment so im basically stuck asking i can give you a 4iv tyrogue or one of said eggs for your trouble
Jahn C FC: 5429-7924-0969 SV:2931
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia {2642}
Hajibab 1392-4902-1126 IGN: Sophia {2642} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:51:01 No. 16351971 Report Quoted By:
>>16351824 Aha i got it working.
Bailey 1435 4399 4465 SV {942}
Quoted By:
>>16351950 give me a second and I can check them for you, I've gotta check some Hawluchas.
Karin-1547-5347-6678 SV {1878}
>>16351792 Hello
Joltik (M) - Timid, CompoundEyes, 31\8\31\27\31\31 [3643] is my SV please trade it with me :)
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV {3732}
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV {3732} Fri 29 Nov 2013 18:55:07 No. 16352069 Report Quoted By:
>>16351890 you're right, I forgot to update it with that, thanks for reminding me
>>16352038 Can't exactly do that when you don't have your FC posted
Shonzi| 2019-9825-2953| Poison| 2256
Quoted By:
>>16351792 Okay my FC Is 2766 9135 0083
IGN Katharina
lolcats 3437 3300 0365 SV 281
Quoted By:
anything with one asterisk (*) I want but am willing to part with if you give me something nice, anything with two asterisks (**) I am keeping. anything else is up for grabs.
this list is updated regularly