So /vp/, most of us are aware that December 4th some irritating people are going to be filling Wondertrade with Zubat. On Christmas, what if we did something like this? I'm not sure if there's already been a thread about it.
I don't know about megastones, but it would be a great thing to do. BP is easy to earn while megastones are one per game. I'll probably be doing this since I have a Delibird safari
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>>16377644 i think it would be a nice refresher after the horde of zubats
Sounds great. What's the deal with the zubats on Dec 4th though?
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>>16377644 Sounds good, I guess I'll prepare until then.
all of them should be nicknamed to something specific too, like "happyxmas" or something accord with the idea. gonna mutate a shitload of berries and get some BP points for this, will be hella cool!
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>>16377746 Le ebin facebook maymay
Well, I won't trade my megastones, but I may trade my rare candies.
Japan is sending zubats named Banzai to American Wonder Traders on Dec. 7.
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>>16377768 Name them "based/vp/"
Make half Jolly, half Naughty Name the jolly ones "Nice", and the Naughty ones "Naughty" Give the Jolly ones good items like rare candies, and give the Naughty ones Charcoal. There ya go, happy christmas.
>>16377812 The only thing that could make this better is if someone had the OT name Santa
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>>16377795 >>16377680 OP here, yeah the mega stones are definitely not something you need to give away with them. I guess if someone is feeling really nice they could.
>>16377812 That's brilliant.
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This sounds like an awesome idea. I'm down.
>giving berries and rare items to children who will either waste the berry or sell the rare item for 350 pokedollars no fucking thanks
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>>16377812 I've been thinking about something like this for a while, but I was planning on having the naughty birds carry fossils, just to be a little less useless.
>>16377972 A breeder might get it and have a nice chuckle and a happier christmas.
Spread the christmas joy you fucking asshole.
>>16378009 Yesterday I was at my Aunt & Uncle's for Thanksgiving, and my cousin plays Pokémon. He wanted to battle me, and of course I wiped the floor with him, barely trying. I wasn't an asshole about it or anything, and I volunteered to show him how to make really powerful Pokémon by breeding. I traded him some 3IV Ditto and told him to go to the Day-Care, and when he opened his inventory he didn't have the Destiny Knot. He fucking sold the Destiny Knot because it wasn't shit like Soft Sand or Miracle Seed that he could just attach to his team and forget about.
>>16377805 >to American Wonder Traders I really need to figure out how to send to specific regions, fucking americlaps sending me their trash.
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>>16378128 You can't choose the specific region.
You can only do that on GTS.
>>16378090 P sure you can just get more D knots from a girl in Lumiose alleys
So, on Christmas I should Wonder Trade a bunch of first route trash and get free items in return? Sounds fun.
Dean 1676-3803-7109
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If anyone wants a jolly synchronizer, I have 5 i can give away and one naughty synchronizer. let me know
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>>16378128 Koreans are the ONLY nationality that has sent ANYTHING of worth to me. Japs send shit they get from Americans, Americans send shit with Jap names, and German and Spanish regions send me garbage you find on Route 2.
Does anyone have a Delibird Safari? Let's do this!
I swear if I get another bunnelby, pidgey or pansage in Wonder Trade I will fuck someone's shit up.
>>16378315 Why?
Why the fuck would you do Wonder Trade and expect anything but garbage?
This is like going to a boxing match and hoping you won't see someone get punched in the face.
The number one rule with WT is:
>Expect shit, be pleasantly surprised if otherwise. Anonymous
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>>16378223 Enjoy your 999 charcoals, faggit. Christmas karma is a bitch.
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>>16378166 Beauty Aimee in Lumiose city will always give you one when you beat her. She's in Vert plaza by a cafe
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>>16377644 >trading megastones Nope, a friend of mine traded me all of the Y ones and now I have them all.
Although I have built up a ton of BP so maybe I'll make them hold some Ability Capsules.
>>16377644 we should dump a ton of clamperls and spoinks into WT on December 7th
>>16378390 Pearl Harbor.
Don't know what the spoinks have to do with it though.
>>16378352 To me, Wonder Trade is a dumping ground for all the babies I've bred looking for a shiny. Right now I've clogged it up with Noibats.
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>>16378390 Pearl Harbor.
>>16378411 American Piggu.
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>>16378411 Spoinks have pearls on their heads
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>>16378412 Well exactly, but why would anyone expect less than utter shit in return? It's WT for Christ's sake.
>>16378411 >Pearl Harbor. >Don't know what the spoinks have to do with it though. You don't know what Spoink, the pokemon with a PEARL on it's head, has to do with PEARL harbor
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>WT on Thanks Giving >somebody trades me a Leavanny named CuttheTurkey made my day
>>16378456 >Implying I'd have known Spoink, a shitmon I have never invested any interest in even momentarily, had a pearl on it's head. Anonymous
>>16378502 Holy shit, its whole motif is the fucking pearl. Even if you never saw it in-game, if you knew it existed or at least seen it in passing you would see the giant pearl on its head. Stop defending your Downs.
>>16378537 >telling me what my brain processes and remembers as important information That's not how the brain works, faggot. If it's not important to you, your brains doesn't categorize it and store it as such.
What I can't fathom is why this brief little intercession has fucked your day up so bad you've got to get so uppity about it. Settle the fuck down, Christopher Hitchens.
>learn2hippcampus, faggot Anonymous
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Send Bidoofs on Canada day. Beavers for the Beaver kings.
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>>16377768 They should be Merry Christmas or something like that in your native language just to have some variety
>>16378537 For the record, the only people I've ever seen get this ridiculously cunty over something so trivial, are people in Special Education.
>>16378568 >>16378632 If you can match every name of every pokemon with a picture of them in your head, you would know that Spoink is holding a pearl.
If you can't match every name with a picture, why are you even here?
>>16378632 >th 30% of the body is a fucking huge pearl Do you have ADHD?
We could have sent Nosepass holding progressively better items every day for Hanukkah but that shit has already been going on for a few days now.
>>16378652 >I have a flat tail and spikes, what pokemon am I? >I have fluff and a spiral on my forehead, what pokemon am I? >I have an orange fan-like fin on my head, what pokemon am I? >>16378652 >>16378698 What still flabbergasts me the most is that this could even be so big a deal to you guys. I mean, when I think Spoink I think the black spring pig. The pearl just doesn't come to mind. You autists are certainly heroes, though, because I'll sure as fuck never forget this retarded thread.
>>16378847 It's not that big of a deal.
And I didn't say brief description, I said name. Meaning, when I say Smeargle, you can picture something bipedal, white, with a beret, beagle ears, and a paintbrush tail. Maybe it's not exact, but you'll get all of the important characteristics.
The pearl is arguable Spoinks most important characteristic. If you can't make that connection, you're nowhere close to being anything other than a very casual pokemon fan, which brings us back to: Why are you here?
>>16378652 Not remembering every detail of every single pokemon makes you a normal person with normal shit like responsibilities. You think a fucking Spoink has popped into my head since the first time my 12 year old self saw one? It has literally been 11 years since I've seen a Spoink or given a fuck that I saw one. In that 11 years, I've gone to college, gotten married and had a son, and you honestly think that a fucking Spoink is of the slightest importance to me between any of these joys and responsibilities?
I pity you, Anon, your life must be so empty.
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Should also give some of them leftovers to hold, since leftovers are a pain in the ass to come by.
>>16377644 >playing video games on Christmas Don't you people have family's?
>>16379035 >not playing video games on christmas No one loves you enough to give you the video games you want.
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>>16379004 Not asking that anyone remember every detail.
Asking that anyone on /vp/ should at least know the names and most important details of every pokemon. They aren't hard to learn. Why are you spending time on a pokemon image board if you're not even enough of a fan to know all the pokemon?
>>16379002 See,
>>16379002 I put 400 hours in Platinum. I put 400 hours in Heart Gold. I put 300 hours into Black/White. I'm already on 404 hours on Y.
I am not a casual, I simply have more fucking important shit in my life to remember a fucking Spoink. Spoink's name, nor moveset, nor 75% of it's pokedex entries have anything to even fucking do with the pearl. It's not a remember-able trait. It's most important trait is that it's a fucking SPRING PIG.
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>>16378768 Quick, what is the next Jewish Holiday? We need to send out a sea of Schlomos holding crap items.
>>16379060 You do know that you can play a game a lot and still be a casual right?
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>>16379053 >not seeing your relatives 2 or 3 days before christmas and spending christmas day at your house My lord, are there people who DON'T do this?
>>16379060 Memory doesn't work that way. If you've seen it more than once, you'd remember the basics of what it looked like.
How on earth have you not seen it more than once when you claim to put in so much time on this games and post on a pokemon imageboard?
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>>16379035 >not seeing your relatives 2 or 3 days before christmas and spending christmas day at your house My lord, are there people who DON'T do this?
>>16379095 >play a game a lot >be a casual >A casual gamer is a player whose time or interest in playing games is limited. Casual gamers tend to play games designed for ease of gameplay and don't spend much time playing more involved games I don't even...
You've gone full retard, Anon.
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>>16379158 >implying spending hundreds of hours just dicking about in game isn't casual You can't really claim to be anything else until you've shown that's not what you're doing.
>>16379112 Yes. It does.
Memory only stores what you deem to be important. The fucking pearl on Spoink's head, that is completely unrelated to it's name and design in any way is not important to me.
It's a fucking SPRING PIG. What the fuck does a fucking PEARL have to do with that?!
Jesus fucking Christ. Way to turn a thread about Christmas cheer into THIS, you fucking autists.
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>>16379158 So what do you call a person that gets 100% in a game in a short amount of time?
Stop thinking like a casual. Anonymous
>>16379208 pearls before swine. pearls before swine, the phrase meaning to exhibit something before those that would not appreciate it
>>16379095 Oh my god how sad and neckbearded can you get?
Just because you don't spend your whole fucking life playing a game doesn't make you a casual, loser.
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>>16379251 Did you even read the post?
>>16379208 >continuing to throw around the word "Autist" Please don't be mad, anon.
I understand how memory works. I don't disagree with what you've said to that effect. What I'm questioning is how on earth you could look at this and not deem the central design aspect important.
>>16379337 To me, I see the name SPOINK a god damn SPRING PIG. I see it's black. My brain did not document the needless pearl, which is unrelated to it's design and name. It has been literally 11 years since I even thought about this Pokemon, the pearl was not classified as important to my brain or to Spoink's overall design.
>>16379231 This is implied by yourself, not by it's name or any but 2 of it's pokedex entries. And the only pokedex entries that even mention the pearl say it stole it from a Clamperl.
Jesus fucking Christ. Way to ruin a god damn Christmas thread.
And I'm using the word autist because something so fucking minor and completely fucking irrelevant as this could ONLY be important to someone with a fucking learning disability. This is a thread about Holiday fucking cheer and good tidings, not the fucking pearl on spoink's useless and forgettable fucking head.
And what fucking amazes me the most is at this point there are clearly OTHER PEOPLE ganging up on me. So not only did this have to be the single most important fucking thing in ONE person's day, which is fucking pathetic, but it's the most important thing in a few fucking people's day. IN A THREAD ABOUT GIVING GIFTS TO PEOPLE ON CHRISTMAS DAY.
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>>16377812 >Jolly Present
>Naughty >Thief >Toxic heck, I probably have to go into my generation III games to clone the TM's to make multiple delibirds and trade them all the way to generation VI. Don't think that's worth it.
I think Present and Thief would be best.
>>16379491 You're such a fucking autist.
Why can't you just accept that you're wrong here instead of going off on a mad rant?
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>>16379337 But thank you guys, I very greatly appreciate you deigning to my "casual" level to remind me how fucking important the pearl on Spoink's head is. You can sleep fucking easy knowing I will certainly never forget about this stupid fucking pearl.
You can all go back to whatever the fuck it was you weren't doing.
Jesus fucking Christ.
>>16379545 >being wrong I'm not wrong about anything! I'm getting fucking cussed at by a bunch of fucking autists for not remembering a single detail about a pokemon no one here even gives the slightest ounce of one fuck about. There is no one "wrong" here, only a bunch a fucking retards ganging up on someone for literally no good reason.
What the fuck was the end game here? Make me remember the ALL FUCKING IMPORTANT pearl? Good job, faggot.
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>>16379603 >still going on a mad rant Look, the pearl and the spring are the main things that stand out.
If you play the games as much as you say you should have no problem remembering such an important part of it's design.
Also the pearls are mentioned in several pokedex entries too so there's no way you would forget about it at this point.
Does anyone have a Delibird safari? Let's get the good tidings rolling! I'm not sure I'll have enough time to do it, but ability capsules would by far be the best gift to send out. If anyone has a spare Lansat or Starf berry we could start growing those and spreading them around for Christmas too, but I highly doubt anyone here has either.
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You put that many hours into Y and you have a son/married? Be a better father. Not even joking.
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Spoink is the best Pokemon. How the fuck do you guys not know this? If you can remember Charmander having a flame on his tail you can remember Spoinks pearl.
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>>16379791 I highly doubt anyone has a Starf berry.
That would be amazing though.
Man. I really am tempted to purchase X and create a player named Santa just for this event.
>>16379791 Don't you get Lansat berries from a 100 streak in the Maison? I know someone here has done it.
>>16380106 Yeah, I don't doubt someone's got Lansat, but all of my research has proven that Starfs only come from a 200 streak. Which I highly doubt anyone's done. Or even can do, for that matter.
>>16380157 Someone said they were mass growing Lansats yesterday.
>>16380168 Sweet, we need to get in touch with this person, and get several people to mass grow them, then distribute them again. Then we give them out to a bunch of very happy people on the 25th.
>>16379791 Also looking for Delibird safari.
Getting a Battle Maison team ready in the mean time. I'm hoping to at least get some items to trade away.
If nothing else, are Maranga and Kee berries worth giving out? Will people care?
Dan 4253-3901-3074 {3033}
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>>16380056 You should, and make sure your trainer icon is Wulfric.
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>>16380209 Sounds like a plan!
>>16380157 >>16380157 Of course someone's gotten the Starf, if they hadn't we wouldn't know it was the reward.
There was a /vp/oreon who got one, he was also the first one to get the Lansat.
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>>16377644 i'll probably Wonder Trade a Master Ball
>>16380276 Nah, it's 100% likely people could have found out via the guidebooks.
Based on the bullshit I've heard Battle Maison starts pulling in the 60-streak area, I'm not even sure it's possible to get a 200 streak.
>>16380232 They're rare berries, so do it up!
I think the real point here is that we just spread joy and good tidings in whatever way we can.
>>16380339 I'm struggling in the Maison right now actually, 65 streak and I've won each battle by the skin on my teeth. I'll try to get to 100 and mass produce berries.
How the fuck did a Spoink derail a thread?
>>16380381 You're a Demi-God! You can do it!
Someone came here one time and posted a Poke he used to hit 100 that was basically just Auto-Play. I can't remember for the life of me what it was though.
>>16380339 There was an anon a while back that posted a picture off his 3ds of the NPC that tells you your longest streak. It was somewhere in the vicinity of 317. I can't find it in the archives sadly
>>16380414 Long story, we're moving on to the important thing here, and that's making a bunch of people happy on Christmas Day.
Anyone else have any neat or interesting ideas?
I like the idea of Jolly and Naughty Delibirds but I feel like giving people Naughty ones wouldn't be a gift so much as a brief chuckle, and nothing more.
There's also always the possibility that people receiving these Delibirds won't even check them in their boxes until weeks or months later.
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>>16380339 >They're rare berries, so do it up! Better start planting now in case Plan A fails.
Also, for the Maison, I'm thinking M-Kangaskhan, Aegislash, and either Greninja or Gengar. Basically just being as bullshit as possible.
Hopefully I can get something out of it.
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>>16380479 Must b e the same guy I'm thinking of that posted his strategy for BM a while back.
He basically showed a screen of his 100 streak and told us about a Poke and Strategy he uses that is just plain unstoppable.
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>>16380414 One kid forgot the pearl and was reminded about it but then he started acting like a big bad elite gamur. Anonymous
>>16380487 >There's also always the possibility that people receiving these Delibirds won't even check them in their boxes until weeks or months later. Name them something obvious like MerryXmas, Santa, or Present, or whatnot.
And if they don't check, their loss. Hell, I bet half these get re-Wonder Traded, item and all, by dumbshit kids.
>>16380547 Well if they do that then that just helps us extend the jolliness, really. There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of people on /vp/ that are even interested in doing this and even if everyone on /vp/ rallied to do it we'd still hit only a very small population of Pokemon's worldwide wondertrading.
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>>16380430 I remember people saying that the M-Mawile/Garchomp/Rotom-W and M-Kanga/Ferro/Chandelure kombos are quite useful.
>>16380586 Why not spread the "trade delibird on dec 25th" thing to other places then?
>>16380629 I've been telling a few friends, and they said they'd help.
>>16380629 Hit leddit and smogon?
Anyone here with an account on those sites actually willing to step knee deep in it?
I'm busy right now but later tonight I'll be making a full on banner/picture with the exact details and everything that we can easily put anywhere.
>>16380629 Because then that brings those people here.
Or, those people try to take credit for it.
I doubt /vp/ wants credit for doing this (it's just a small thing for fun and it would bring more outsiders here), but do you really want someone else to come along and say "No it was really all my idea!"
I'd rather it was small scale.
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>get a box of shitmons >nickname them Fuc.kurzubat >wondertrade them
>>16380629 >>16380673 Leddit, smogon, facebook, tumblr, basically anywhere that pokemon is played. I've got a facebook but don't use it and no friends, so i can't do much. Anyone good at viral marketing?
>>16380709 There's no reason it has to be small scale, but no reason for /vp/ to take credit. If someone else takes credit, let them. I was in the thread where the idea started, it was just a fun idea. /vp/ isn't a super secret club, and it's not attention whoring.
>>16380709 Who gives a shit who's idea it was? that's not the important part here. What's important to me is the thought of making someone's day with an item or berry they thought previously out of their reach.
Besides we don't have to mention /vp/ anywhere, and to be perfectly honest, maybe adding a bit of a better community to this at best middling one isn't the worst idea ever. At least we'd be bringing in kind, generous people who were interested in the idea. Over half of the time, this board is just /b/ with Pokemon.
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what's a good moveset for Jolly delibrid and naughty Delibird? One with Present and the other Thief?
>>16380840 >Leddit, smogon, facebook, tumblr Yeah, I'm out. Good luck guys.
>>16380629 Does anyone have the screencap from yesterdays thread? I can try and dredge it around tumblr.
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>>16380840 >>16380884 Oh wow, i guess generous people still exist, huh?
>>16380893 It's not like we're pasting "come to /vp/ to participate," it's just spreading it to those sites. They don't need to know it came from here to participate in it. But alright, your choice.
Regardless, 70 streak in the Maison. Shit's difficult, but once I get to 100 I can attempt to get a Starf.
Sammay/may 5413-0249-7323 poison
I already have a full box of Jolly Delibird nicknamed Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus holding rare candies. I cant wait to send them out.
>>16380840 >>16380884 If you bring in outsiders, it's just going to cause more shitflinging on /vp/. More so than we already have.
Besides, there's no reason to get everyone in the world involved. Wouldn't you rather surprise people?
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>>16380957 We're all with you here, Anon. You can do it!
>>16380973 We don't have to say that we started it you know.
It could just be something an random person started for all they know.
>>16380965 Rare candies?! How in the fuck?
Does the Shuckle trick still work?
>>16381030 Pick Up, motherfucker
Exactly. The banner/ad I make for this won't even mention /vp/ at all. No one has to know it was us. We're not the hero Christmas deserves, but we can be the hero Christmas needs right now. And I think the more people in on this, the better.
>>16380916 There's OP's image, and this one
>>16361760 Thread's still up, we can get better screencaps.
>>16380973 /vp/ shouldn't be advertising /vp/, just the event. The event would surprise more people if more people participated. Regardless, it's unlikely we'll even take up a majority of WT, meaning those who don't know of it will be greeted with good ol' saint nick with a rare candy or power brace.
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>>16381074 If you post the ad here I'll throw it up on my old college's anime club page.
>>16381062 Any advice for an Anon interested in doing the same? I thought Pick Up has like a 1% of chance of actually finding a rare candy.
>>16381059 I forgot about this, too. I don't even know how many I have saved, I haven't checked them in weeks.
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>>16380157 There was a streamer earlier this week who got 200 wins
I'm gonna send out 5IV Bunnelbys with Huge Power and an Adamant nature instead named after rappers. Holding nice stuff but fuck Delibird
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>>16381124 You get points through wonder trading with which you can buy rare candies in the luminose pokecenter
>>16381145 Save it for easter.
>>16381021 No we don't, but someone will say it. There's enough cross posters as it is.
My main point is, would you rather:
>inform these people of the event, basically spoiling it for them or
>hopefully surprise some of them on Christmas >>16381093 I typed up all the above then read your post, but you have a point.
Even with outlanders, we likely won't have too many doing this, making little impact.
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>>16381168 I'll send them out for Easter too.
They won't stop Anonymous
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>>16381123 >I used upvote! It's super effective! Zubat scrambled! I'm cringing.
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>>16381171 It won't take up the majority, at all, but there will always be people who haven't heard about it. I think we'll still surprise some people.
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>>16381171 >>inform these people of the event, basically spoiling it for them Because telling a kid about christmas for the first time spoiled it for them.
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>>16381171 Exactly. I mean at best we're looking at getting a few hundred people doing this?And that's if we reach out to every internet community we can. And even still those are largely U.S> based communities. At best with all of our resources pooled we wouldn't even make a dent in the Global WT market.
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>>16381123 Reddits layout confuses me.
>>16381123 >/vp/ wants to send out rare berries and BP items >Reddit is looking to send fucking Ultra Balls Merry fucking Christmas: an item you could buy since the second gym.
>>16381273 it's the thought that counts.
Don't ruin this please, I was just getting happy that a fun event was being planned.
We can also breed a bunch of snover and name them WhiteXmas or XmasTree and hand them out with items.
>>16381292 Sending Ultra Balls? Don't stand up for that weak shit, EVERYONE has fucking ultra balls. That won't make anyone happy. "The thought that counts" isn't something you can buy for like 500 pokedollars.
>>16381327 A fine idea!!?
Are Stantlers available yet? Name them after reindeer!
>>16381349 Nope, Stantler and Deerling are not available.
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>>16381292 Ultra balls are pretty much the charcoal though.
Even actual charcoal would be better though.
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>>16381339 Maybe you could make a Reddit account and tell them off?
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>>16381349 Shiny Stantler kind of has a red nose. It's also booger green, though.
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>>16381292 >It's the thought that counts >Ultra Balls Anonymous
>>16377644 >"Those guys who are going to fill WT with Zubats are fucking moronic" >"Hey guys let's fill it with Delibird instead!" >"GENIUS" Anonymous
>>16381339 Stop shitposting, this is a thread about merriment.
If you don't like their idea, fuck it, it's not your problem.
Also, is Sawsbuck available yet?
>>16381370 I have a Sawsbuck Safari. Deerling is most certainly available.
Danny 0275-8396-5844 [Ditto, Lillipup, Minccino]
Danny 0275-8396-5844 [Ditto, Lillipup, Minccino] Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:00:05 No. 16381426 Report >>16381370 Wait, what?
Sawsbuck are around, so why wouldn't we be able to organise Deerling?
>>16381395 It's the items that make it special, Delibird is simply a festive pokemon to deliver them you dingus.
>>16381425 Oh, my mistake then. We have our reindeer. Someone want to breed some baby pokemon as elves?
>>16381396 Merriment isn't in the form of an ultra ball which you could get fucking anywhere. If anything it's an incredibly lame joke reddit is playing.
>>16381425 FC? Mine is 3067-5015-2315
>>16381431 The thing is, this didn't start as "Let's send Delibirds with items to be nice!", this started as "hurr lets send delibirds on crismas"
>>16381443 Hmmm... what would be the most elf-like baby pokemon? Or pokemon in general, for that matter.
>>16381446 Then how about you go make a fucking reddit account and tell THEM about it and let us continue enjoying ourselves here, huh?
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>>16381426 We should be able to. There are Deerling on the GTS, so you can.
I've been looking through the leddit link, and where the fuck did somebody say they were gonna distro ultra balls? All the people I saw in there pretty much had the same rare berries idea
Devin 5086-1077-7022 (Sawsbuck, Oddish, Gogoat)
Devin 5086-1077-7022 (Sawsbuck, Oddish, Gogoat) Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:04:20 No. 16381513 Report >>16381464 Eh, sure.
Come get your Dashers and Dancers, Prancers and Vixen.
Also, Gogoats.
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How can we mark them to know they are from here? From vp? .vp name termination?
>>16381486 Yes, it did. It started last night or the night before in a Zubat Dec 4th. thread where someone said "How about instead of that we send out Delibirds holding presents on the 25th.", either he or someone else took the idea and ran with it.
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>>16381486 Except that it did start out as "Let's send them to be nice" that's why we're going to put hard to get items on them.
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>>16381494 Well, I'm guessing Smoochum for those who believe in Black Pete. Other than that, Munchlax?
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>>16381486 >picture in OP states "send delibirds which carry items" >"hurr it started with "hurr lets send delibirds on christmas"" Anonymous
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Japs are so funny. Just send them makuhitas named Hiroshima.
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315 Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:06:26 No. 16381559 Report >>16381513 Added!
Looking for a good "elf" pokemon.
We also need a brave soul with a Delibird Safari in here.
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>>16381545 I believe someone is.
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>>16381443 >Someone want to breed some baby pokemon as elves? That sounds like way too much of a stretch.
>>16379112 Not him, but when you said Spoink I was wondering what the bouncing had to do with Pearl Harbor.
>>16381520 >It started last night or the night before in a Zubat Dec 4th. I was in that thread and I think it was a few days ago.
But that was basically how it started.
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>>16381648 Don't bring it up again.
>>16381559 We should send out Aabomsnows and Snovers too.
>>16381659 It was yesterday.
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>>16381685 I have no concept of time, then.
I was thinking it was last week.
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>>16381685 Different than
>>16381659 but I can confirm the idea was thrown out a few days ago, it just didn't cathc on till yesterday.
I'll be doing this, but instead of gifts I'll be infecting all of the Delibirds with Pokerus(I might also put items on them, but small things instead of BP items). I think it'll be nice.
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315 Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:16:25 No. 16381765 Report Quoted By:
>>16381678 Right now we've got
Delibirds, obviously
Snovers named after XmasTrees in one way or another
Sawsbucks and Deerlings named after reindeers
and I'm thinking Cleffas or Clefairys as the "elves"?
Honestly I don't think we'll find a pokemon immediately associated with elves, Delibirds, Christmas trees and reindeers should be enough.
Maybe a shitload of baby pokemon nicknamed Baby Jesus?
aren't I so creative guis? this is a best idea evar!
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>>16381734 >Pokerus That's a good idea.
If I can't get any traction going in the Maison, I'll do that for sure.
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315 Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:17:48 No. 16381793 Report Quoted By:
>>16381768 Who cares who's claiming credit for it?
Anyone who cares isn't in the spirit of joy and giving, and is just a self-gratifying prick.
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>>16381768 Why not 60? That's two boxes filled up instead of one full box and one almost full box.
>>16381768 >two hours ago >implying we didn't have this idea days ago Anonymous
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Gah, lost the Maison streak on 82. I'm going to try again, but I've get well over 400 BP now. I'll probably do the Pokerus thing as well.
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315 Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:23:24 No. 16381918 Report Still no brave people with a Delibird safari willing to throw yourselves into this thread? Does anyone know if they appear in ice or flying safaris?
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315 Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:24:27 No. 16381948 Report I'll do the Pokerus thing but I need a pokemon with Pokerus to begin with.
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>>16381918 They appear in Ice.
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and give some with charcoal
John 4313-0668-2568
>>16381948 I have a shedinja with the 'rus.
>>16381948 if the pokerus idea gains traction i might trade out a few derps with the virus to anyone who wants them. i'd need to grab one from my friend first though
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315 Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:27:32 No. 16382011 Report >>16381984 I'll take it if you're not attached to it.
I can offer a slew of 4IV pokemon, including a Marvel Scale Dratini and a Guts Larvitar with SR.
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315 Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:28:47 No. 16382037 Report >>16381996 I don't see why it wouldn't, let's pack these babies with all the good tidings we can!
And when we're dealing with Snovers, Sawsbucks and Delibirds the best we really can do is neat items, pokerus and the 2-3IVs you get on average from the safari.
John 4313-0668-2568
>>16382011 I am not attached to it in the least.
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315 Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:30:13 No. 16382071 Report >>16382041 Adding now, you want a Dratini or a Larvitar or does it even matter?
John 4313-0668-2568
>>16382071 Larvitar would sound great, kind sir.
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315 Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:32:48 No. 16382144 Report Quoted By:
>>16382095 Waiting for you to pop online.
>>16382037 Did you just talk shit about Abomasnow? I seriously hope you didn't just go there.
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>>16377851 Lemme get another SD card and I can do that with ease
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315
Keithin [Frogadier, Quagsire, Octillery] 3067-5015-2315 Sat 30 Nov 2013 22:42:22 No. 16382354 Report Quoted By:
>>16382199 Okay, allow me to amend my statement. "..when we're dealing with half-assed pokemon we caught from a safari and invested no time into..."
If you have any breeding leftovers to send, then by ll means!
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Just informed a buddy in Japan about this, he's working in spreading the Christmas cheer with his delibird safari
>>16379337 To be fair, the pearl really... REALLY is not key to its design. It looks tacked on, if anything
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>>16377644 I'll do it, maybe in make the 5IV too
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>>16377851 Gonna restart my X and do this. Thatll be awesome
>>16382755 It's rooted in a biblical adage but I'm not sure how it really correlates to the pokemon either.
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>>16382755 >It looks tacked on, if anything That's because it is, it did steal it after all.
But a huge pink pearl on a black body stands out, a lot. There's no way you wouldn't notice it though.
Anyway don't derail the thread again.
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>>16382808 The pearl enhances it's psychic power or something along that line.
Rene 4484-8049-7552 (Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Rene 4484-8049-7552 (Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb) Sat 30 Nov 2013 23:06:02 No. 16382898 Report >>16378411 there's also pearls before swine
Eleanor [Dunsparce, Eevee, Kecleon] 0259-1249-4458
Eleanor [Dunsparce, Eevee, Kecleon] 0259-1249-4458 Sat 30 Nov 2013 23:09:00 No. 16382967 Report Where can you catch Delibirds besides FS? I'm down for spreading the holiday cheer.
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>>16382898 Pearls before swine, never been sicker
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>>16380209 They take five days to grow, apparently
>>16382967 You can catch them on that snow route with the Mamoswine if I remember right.
Eleanor [Dunsparce, Eevee, Kecleon] 0259-1249-4458
Eleanor [Dunsparce, Eevee, Kecleon] 0259-1249-4458 Sat 30 Nov 2013 23:12:58 No. 16383057 Report >>16383019 Sweet, I think I'll catch some Cactnea and name them "Meximas" for the hell of it too. Our friends down south need some of that holiday love too.
>>16383057 >not Feliz Navidad nigga
Eleanor [Dunsparce, Eevee, Kecleon] 0259-1249-4458
Eleanor [Dunsparce, Eevee, Kecleon] 0259-1249-4458 Sat 30 Nov 2013 23:15:12 No. 16383098 Report Quoted By:
>>16383080 Shit, good idea. My bad for being an uncreative bitch.
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Anybody have a Delibird FS? This would be an awesome thing to do.
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I've already got three boxes of the things in preparation. I'm just breeding them until I get them to have 4 or 5 perfect IV's each, and a few egg moves (ice shard and punch) to make them usable. Then I am going to infect them with pokerus. I plan on giving each of them a rare candy.
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>>16380893 Not that anom but why does it matter so much?
It's not like you'll know who you are trading with
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too bad cottonee isn't available, the prankster ability would make them good "naughty" pokemon.
Is there any type of "coal" pokemon? I was thinking of maybe catching Geodude's and nicknaming them "Naughty", and wonder trading them.
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I actually thought of giving Happiny's with Present and some other egg moves, along with some semirare items.
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Do you guys think we should set a time? Like, 3:00 pm in each time zone, to start wonder trading them and stuff like that? Or should we just do it all throughout the day? I know we can't organize it too much, but I guess I just like trying to get some organization.
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>>16383539 I was thinking like a lump of coal.
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>On December 4th a bunch of dumbasses are going to trade zubats to eachother.
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>>16381559 Kangaskhan kinda has elf ears but that's all I can think of
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>People trying to think about an elf pokemon Mime Jr. Easy.
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>>16381802 I think he was referring to the person who posted the facebook post verbatim without stating he was doing such.
>>16381395 The zubat storm is supposed to be a bunch of freshly caught zubat - No good IVs, natures, egg moves, or items
The Delibird, as far as I can tell, are supposed to be, at minimum, breeding reject quality
Gem 3539-9574-1083
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>>16386946 That's the idea. The ones caught in Friend Safari have 2-3 perfect IVs. I'm breeding 5IV ones to give out.
Shadez - 0834-1836-3341 - Cloyster, Bergmite, Delibird
Shadez - 0834-1836-3341 - Cloyster, Bergmite, Delibird Sun 01 Dec 2013 02:52:00 No. 16387860 Report ...Delibird safari reporting in.
Devin 5086-1077-7022 (Sawsbuck, Oddish, Gogoat)
Devin 5086-1077-7022 (Sawsbuck, Oddish, Gogoat) Sun 01 Dec 2013 02:56:47 No. 16387960 Report Quoted By:
Roan 1650 0918 4518 [Sawsbuck, Tangela, Gogoat]
Roan 1650 0918 4518 [Sawsbuck, Tangela, Gogoat] Sun 01 Dec 2013 02:57:00 No. 16387966 Report Quoted By:
Are Chinglings available ingame? They'd be nice for jingle bells. I won't have access to my 3DS until tomorrow, but I have a FS with spring Sawsbucks and some jolly deerling breeding leftovers I could contribute. I could also pass out pokerus, if people wanted it.
Devon 2938 6545 7147
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My name in the game is Santa Claus, and I was already planning on doing this, except they have 4 egg moves.
Easter will be really easy
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>>16388073 Bunnelbys? With Huge Power, I hope.
We'd also have Buneary by then, if we don't now.
Are there any plane pokemon? Wright brothers day soon too
Shadez - 0834-1836-3341 - Cloyster, Bergmite, Delibird
Shadez - 0834-1836-3341 - Cloyster, Bergmite, Delibird Sun 01 Dec 2013 03:22:03 No. 16388568 Report Quoted By:
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>>16388762 I don't have and am not willing to deal with getting decent IVs or anything like that... can I make up for it by sending them with Heart Scales or Rare Candies plus Pokerus?
>/vp/ doing the nice thing instead of the dickish thing Wut
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>>16377812 Where can I get extra charcoals?
>>16377644 >People new wondertrading on the first day they get the game >Giving them delibird But I guess the item is really the gift. Plus I mean Delibird and Christmas. I get it. Okay, I'm up for it. What kind of replaceable items could I give out?
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>>16389053 If you don't want to farm BP and give BP items, then you could infect them with Pokerus if you have it and give them berries.
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>>16381500 The op said it in response to the current top post
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>>16388922 >/vp/ >being dicks You must be thinking of Reddit/Facebook/whatever.
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>>16381768 These fags do not belong on /vp/
should I WT my shiny one away?
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>>16389609 If it has no sentimental value to you, then sure wynaut
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I'm so glad the image i made is being used. I wish I had put more effort into it though...