Hey /vp/, I'm trying the Masuda Method for the first time (I was never interested in it). I'm Italian, and I brought in the daycare a female english Dratini holding an Everstone and a male italian Dratini holding a Destiny Knot. I've been trying for a week, I'm at the 7th box and I have hatched more than 200 Dratini. Am I doing something wrong or it's all normal?
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That's all normal, with average you're not supposed to have gotten one yet. The only thing you're doing wrong is breeding too slowly. 100 eggs a day is not that hard.
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Usually you get the shiny after the ~30th box
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You're not doing anything wrong. It just goes by a lot faster if you sit there and keep at it instead of just doing a couple for 5 minutes and then go on a break.
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Keep going, I believe in you.
You do know they fucking give you a shiny dratini in white 2? And it grows up to look like vomit?
Jacopo 0447 - 6333 - 8072 - ))Normal(( - Eevee, Dunsparce, Kecleon !1WPjm97DAg
Jacopo 0447 - 6333 - 8072 - ))Normal(( - Eevee, Dunsparce, Kecleon !1WPjm97DAg Sun 01 Dec 2013 12:21:33 No. 16397056 Report >>16397040 I think I'm going to trade it for something good before Pokébank opens. It will have Adamant nature, at least 4IVs and probably the HA.
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>>16397040 >Free one in White 2 If you like having a bad nature and poor IVs then I guess that one is just as good as breeding one.
>>16396961 >7th box >200 >Complaining Try harder faggot I bred 17 boxes of Skorupi for a shiny one and it took me 9 days
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>>16397040 >evolving glorious pink dragonair Jacopo 0447 - 6333 - 8072 - ))Normal(( - Eevee, Dunsparce, Kecleon !1WPjm97DAg
Jacopo 0447 - 6333 - 8072 - ))Normal(( - Eevee, Dunsparce, Kecleon !1WPjm97DAg Sun 01 Dec 2013 12:22:52 No. 16397075 Report Quoted By:
>>16397061 I just didn't know it's the first time that I try it
daymo 2681-0149-6938
>>16397056 any interest in trading 3iv dittos english for itialian? I've had alot of luck mming using some 2iv jap dittos but the stats still suck and was hoping to get some better iv'd forgien dittos
Jacopo 0447 - 6333 - 8072 - ))Normal(( - Eevee, Dunsparce, Kecleon !1WPjm97DAg
Jacopo 0447 - 6333 - 8072 - ))Normal(( - Eevee, Dunsparce, Kecleon !1WPjm97DAg Sun 01 Dec 2013 12:50:16 No. 16397304 Report Quoted By:
>>16397288 I can't remember if I have 3IV dittos, just wait 3 minutes and I will check.
coinboy 3797 - 7127 - 5441 [Fairy type: Snubbul - Swirlix - Blue Floette]
coinboy 3797 - 7127 - 5441 [Fairy type: Snubbul - Swirlix - Blue Floette] Sun 01 Dec 2013 12:53:57 No. 16397324 Report >>16397288 i've got a couple of italian 3ivs dittos, i'll check which ones now
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Man, you've got a long ways to go. I'm currently at over 1,200+ eggs for an Absol with nothing & I've heard of people not getting one til at least double of that.
coinboy 3797 - 7127 - 5441 [Fairy type: Snubbul - Swirlix - Blue Floette]
coinboy 3797 - 7127 - 5441 [Fairy type: Snubbul - Swirlix - Blue Floette] Sun 01 Dec 2013 12:57:59 No. 16397351 Report >>16397288 >>16397324 i've only got HP-Def-Speed.
daymo 2681-0149-6938
>>16397351 trade for hp att speed?
coinboy 3797 - 7127 - 5441 [Fairy type: Snubbul - Swirlix - Blue Floette]
coinboy 3797 - 7127 - 5441 [Fairy type: Snubbul - Swirlix - Blue Floette] Sun 01 Dec 2013 13:04:53 No. 16397403 Report Quoted By:
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Can anyone set me up with a multiscale dratini? IV and nature is irrelevant.
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>implying masuda even works
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>>16397061 >17 boxes >9 days How incompetent do you even have to be? Also 17 is a small number.
Eleanor [Dunsparce, Eevee, Kecleon] 0259-1249-4458
Eleanor [Dunsparce, Eevee, Kecleon] 0259-1249-4458 Sun 01 Dec 2013 15:28:43 No. 16398708 Report You're doing it right, a little slow but right. I suggest doing friend safari's if you want a shiny.
>>16398708 what's about friend safari?
I just need to endlessly run through tall grass or call Hordes? (never tried...do hordes exist in safari?)
Eleanor [Dunsparce, Eevee, Kecleon] 0259-1249-4458
Eleanor [Dunsparce, Eevee, Kecleon] 0259-1249-4458 Sun 01 Dec 2013 15:37:40 No. 16398861 Report >>16398825 Hordes don't exist in the FS, but the rate for finding a shiny is a lot higher than the normal 1/8000 or so. I've found 3 shiny pokemon in the last three days [then again, I'm going at it slowly]. Turning on L=A makes it a lot easier as well.
>>16398861 Okay, but what is L=A?
safari sounds a lot easier then...you just need to run around instead of waiting for eggs to hatch.
Kalium 1736-0445-8484 (Mighteyna, Liepard, Cacturne)
Kalium 1736-0445-8484 (Mighteyna, Liepard, Cacturne) Sun 01 Dec 2013 15:43:06 No. 16398920 Report Quoted By:
>>16398901 Safari is less reliable, though.
You have a big chance of not getting the pokemon you want out of the 3 that are on the Safari, and even if you do, it'll probably come with horrible IV spread and nature.
MM is tough, but it's the most reliable method to get a good, battle-worthy shiny.
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>>16397056 You're probably not gonna get anything good since Instachecker egg hatching makes it happen in less than 2 hours.
Only MM shit if YOU want that shiny.
>tfw ~28 boxes of larvesta and no shiny i want it to end /vp/
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It takes a lot of effort. Even with Masuda method, the odds of hatching shiny after 1000 eggs is only: 1 - (1364/1365)^1000 = 0.519 = 51.9%
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>>16396961 I've Masuda'd >1,000 Pokemon. Still have no shiny. Good lucky.
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>>16399066 mfw the very first Larvesta I meet in Safari yesterday was shiny, and is modest Is Safari mons has enhanced chances to be a shiny? Anonymous
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Loser nerds, learn 2 instacheck. Have gotten 5 perfect shinies in a couple of days.