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[13 / 4 / ?]

No.16406186 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ok, that's it - i give up.

i don't understand a SHIT of what Individual Values are, even after reading dozens of articles. i was trying not to come and ask you, but i'm pretty much helpless.

ok, so i understand pokémons have 6 stats, and all of them can have IV from 0 to 31, being 31 the best, sure.

picture related, that is my ditto without any EV, i just captured this prick.

nice, HP has a great 31-31 IV, this should be good.

wow, ATTACK has 4-6, apparently it’s bad, but, hey, what the 4 stands for? and the 6? i can’t figure this shit out. if it has only 4, why not 4-31? like, why the hell 4-6? what is 6?
“- the 6 means it’s bad” so if it was 4-31 it would be good? what the hell is this.

i could go on with the other stats, but you got the idea. calculator is even worse, I can’t understand a single comma, like, what is this?
IVs: 31 / 4, 5, 6 / 19, 20 / 0, 1 / 4, 5, 6 / 23, 24

4, 5, 6 ? yeah i know how to count, serebii. what the hell this should mean?

care to explain? or give me a decent article that can actually explain what the hell is going on here? thanks a lot, guys.