[10 / 2 / ?]
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In future games what if gamefreak gave a way for megas to power up again. Like if they had a move that let them go to another level of their mega form. Good idea or bad idea?
No, megas will be allowed to carry real items.
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You just wanted an excuse to post that picture, didn't you? I don't blame you.
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Great idea. Let's save it for Gen XII, when they're out of everything else to try.
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Bad. I bet GF will eventually just let the pokes reach their mega form normally without a megastone.
Lightning Flash (IGN: Kotoko) 4725-8129-1588 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Lightning Flash (IGN: Kotoko) 4725-8129-1588 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Mon 02 Dec 2013 01:53:39 No. 16411336 Report >>16411286 >Life Orb Mega Steel/Fairy Waifu or Mega Mewtwo Y Anonymous
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as of now its a bad idea, they should give more megas to pokemon that need it first
>>16411336 >assault vest mega aggron >rocky helmet mega aggron Lightning Flash (IGN: Kotoko) 4725-8129-1588 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Lightning Flash (IGN: Kotoko) 4725-8129-1588 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Mon 02 Dec 2013 02:01:02 No. 16411502 Report Quoted By:
>>16411411 Nah, LO Mega Mewtwo is definitely scarier.
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Everything from Japan ends up being a Dragon Ball clone. Pokemon has already started