hey guys, after a few major setbacks, im back, with more sandstorm skitterbugs then ever! 88 to be exact. all free, iv ranger from 0-3. for the 14 that are 4 iv, i would like something of equal value in return though. all are timid, with a healthy mix of all abilities. so just state ability (compound eyes, friend guard, shield dust) and iv count and we good to go! also in two hours im wonder toileting whatever is left. hope to fill out those butterfly dexes!
>>16415134 are icy snow scatterbugs something you'd want?
>>16415134 >i would like something of equal value in return though I don't even want these fucks but I always read posts when people say free shit and when they ask for something I can't help but laugh. Basically, don't say it's free when it isn't you piece of shit.
Quoted By:
>>16415209 he's only talking about the 4iv ones
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16415209 cough those are the bred one fucktard. the 88 ones that arent bred are free.
>>16415207 anything goes. ive already collected all the buterflies myself
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Mon 02 Dec 2013 04:35:45 No. 16415274 Report >>16415134 Would you take a 4 IV timid natural cure Roselia with Sleep Powder for one of the 4 IV'd ones with compound eyes?
Quoted By:
>>16415267 I apologize then carry on.
Jessie 0018-0495-5739
>>16415267 Alright, in that case can I get two sandstorms?
fin 0044-3990-0694
Quoted By:
>>16415274 sure thing. adding right now
Is a 5IV Larvesta ok for a 4IV one? Can you give it a nickname for me?
Retcon 5284-1622-2204 [Ground: Wooper, Marowak, Gastrodon]
Retcon 5284-1622-2204 [Ground: Wooper, Marowak, Gastrodon] Mon 02 Dec 2013 04:39:59 No. 16415372 Report Would you be interested in a 4 IV Mawile with all three elemental fangs? If not, I'll just take a free one.
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16415312 sure. adding after ifinish this trade
Ash 4983 4932 4945
Ill take a random one with compound eyes if possible please
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16415338 yes, what would you like it named?
>>16415372 sure thing
>>16415134 I can give you a male or female timid trace ralts with eggs moves shadow sneak, encore, memento, and destiny bond.
If not, I'll take a free one.
Brian 0903 3045 6143(Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto) {1783}
Brian 0903 3045 6143(Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto) {1783} Mon 02 Dec 2013 04:43:14 No. 16415441 Report >>16415134 May I take a free one?
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Alex-5472-6985-7027 bug (Combee, Beautifly, Pinsir) Mon 02 Dec 2013 04:43:36 No. 16415453 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>16415438 They have 5ivs almost forgot
Vozenta [5300-9159-3811] {3393}
>>16415134 Please sir, I'd love a Shield Dust Sandstorm if possible.
Justin 2079 6227 2370
>>16415436 Rio, preferably male.
fin 0044-3990-0694
FC: 2337-3915-3083 (Ice safari: snorunt, bergmite, piloswine)
FC: 2337-3915-3083 (Ice safari: snorunt, bergmite, piloswine) Mon 02 Dec 2013 04:48:27 No. 16415555 Report can I get a random sandstorm? I don't care about the ability, just want to complete my collection :) thanks in advance
Skler 1032-2218-7398 (Fire) Char/Nine/Pan
Skler 1032-2218-7398 (Fire) Char/Nine/Pan Mon 02 Dec 2013 04:48:55 No. 16415565 Report Hey can i get a 4 IV one, i can give you a 4IV Adamant Charmander?
Jessie 0018-0495-5739
Skler 1032-2218-7398 (Fire) Char/Nine/Pan
Skler 1032-2218-7398 (Fire) Char/Nine/Pan Mon 02 Dec 2013 04:50:01 No. 16415595 Report Quoted By:
>>16415565 also I'd want a compound eyes one!
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 02 Dec 2013 04:50:14 No. 16415601 Report Can I get a random one?
Justin 2079 6227 2370
Quoted By:
>>16415540 ah, and if you haven't already gone through the effort of naming it I'd like compoundeyes.
Brian 0903 3045 6143(Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto) {1783}
Brian 0903 3045 6143(Teddiursa|Mincinno|Ditto) {1783} Mon 02 Dec 2013 04:55:25 No. 16415718 Report Quoted By:
Sana 1306-5840-2056
Quoted By:
Can I have a random one?
fin 0044-3990-0694
Lucille 5129-1103-7167 {2482}
>>16415784 can I have a free one? <3
Ash 4983 4932 4945
>>16415404 >tfw OP ignores your post and feel neglected 5129-1564-9774 : Snape
Alex 1375 7862 0864
Quoted By:
Can I get 3 of the free ones, please??
1864 9696 9771 Otis
I don't have much to offer. Maybe like a Ditto or something?
Leo Spaceman: 1993-7909-2609 (Dragonair, Gabite, Druddigon)
Leo Spaceman: 1993-7909-2609 (Dragonair, Gabite, Druddigon) Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:09:35 No. 16416009 Report >>16415784 You're the man, fin.
I have you added from when you were distributing these before, but I'd love to have another one with such a rare pattern for battling too.
I can offer you a 4 IV Justified Absol or 4 IV Adaptability Crawdaunt both with their essential egg moves for a 4 IV Timid Scatterbug?
Leo Spaceman: 1993-7909-2609 (Dragonair, Gabite, Druddigon)
Leo Spaceman: 1993-7909-2609 (Dragonair, Gabite, Druddigon) Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:11:22 No. 16416051 Report Quoted By:
>>16416009 Oh, and Compound eyes for the ability too.
fin 0044-3990-0694
1864 9696 9771 Otis
Quoted By:
>>16415953 Oh I forgot to say, I do not mind about any of the stats or abilities. Just something that you don't need anymore.
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:13:08 No. 16416095 Report >>16416080 What's your IGN? I havent seen you online
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16416009 crawdawnt if youd be so kind
Skler 1032-2218-7398 (Fire) Char/Nine/Pan
Skler 1032-2218-7398 (Fire) Char/Nine/Pan Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:14:13 No. 16416110 Report Quoted By:
>>16416080 Hey Fin, we never had the chance to trade despite the add? Whats your IGN and i'll send a request.
Sana 1306-5840-2056
>>16416080 I think you may have skipped over me. Posting again.
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248}
Ban 1118-0232-4885 (Grumpig, Espurr, Girafarig){248} Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:18:45 No. 16416198 Report Quoted By:
cowel 5429 7411 3442 (Chansey, Aipom, Kecleon )
cowel 5429 7411 3442 (Chansey, Aipom, Kecleon ) Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:21:49 No. 16416255 Report >>16415134 I would a free one
FC: 2337-3915-3083 (Ice safari: snorunt, bergmite, piloswine)
FC: 2337-3915-3083 (Ice safari: snorunt, bergmite, piloswine) Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:21:51 No. 16416258 Report >>16416105 Hey OP i don't know if you skipped me over, my IGN is Rene btw, sorry if I bother you
Kaizer 3007-8134-8925
>>16415134 I want one 4IV Compound eyes, OP. Will give you 5IV HA dratini :)
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16416188 >>16416255 >>16416258 possibry. ign is scott to clear up bconfusion
Kaizer 3007-8134-8925
Quoted By:
>>16416358 Forgot to add. Female if possible. Thanks!
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16416358 you called last 4iv compound eyes. everyone else, theye are shield dust or friend guard only!
5129-1564-9774 : Snape
>>16416362 Have you added me yet? You're not showing up on m y friends
Tsun 2062-9480-5617 (Braixen, Volcarona, Ponyta)
Tsun 2062-9480-5617 (Braixen, Volcarona, Ponyta) Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:27:53 No. 16416393 Report >>16415134 Hey OP, can I snag me one of those? Any ability is fine and any IVs are fine, I just want the pattern. I've added you.
I'd love to fill out my dex, I've got Hippos with Slack Off.
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:28:35 No. 16416403 Report Quoted By:
I'd like one as well OP
Lucille 5129-1103-7167 {2482}
Quoted By:
>>16416362 oh hehehe I was caught off guard!! thank you OP!!
Seed Flare !sShaymin0c
>>16415134 I'd like a CE female; however, I would like 5 IV
31/xx/31/31/31/31 .
I can provide you with a 6 IV bug male for breeding that would be yours to keep if you can do this. Or I can provide 5 IV from this list or if you request something be bred I can most likely get you 5 IV. I have a lot of 6 IV males in the egg groups.
Sana 1306-5840-2056
Quoted By:
>>16416362 Thanks OP! Sorry about earlier, it had you listed as a passerby.
1864 9696 9771 Otis
Quoted By:
>>16416389 Hope you enjoy that Torchic. I don't know how good it was, I just got it off of Wonder Trade.
fin 0044-3990-0694
Tundra (3711-7754-5446) [Bug: Paras, Illumise, Venomoth]
Tundra (3711-7754-5446) [Bug: Paras, Illumise, Venomoth] Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:40:11 No. 16416665 Report Quoted By:
>>16415134 Mind if I have one OP? I don't really mind the IVs but one with compound eyes would be nice.
I have a Male 4 IV Flash Fire Litwick with Pokerus and a Lum Berry for an offer.
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16416393 adding
>>16416390 i did, but it doesnt have you showing up
cowel 5429 7411 3442 (Chansey, Aipom, Kecleon )
cowel 5429 7411 3442 (Chansey, Aipom, Kecleon ) Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:43:53 No. 16416755 Report Quoted By:
Kayla 4871-4086-7597 Grass: Sunkern, Petlil, Maractus
Kayla 4871-4086-7597 Grass: Sunkern, Petlil, Maractus Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:44:19 No. 16416765 Report I'd like one. Nothing special, IVs and such don't matter to me. I have some 4iv protean froakies and 5iv harvest phantumps to offer in return
5129-1564-9774 : Snape
>>16416699 that's really weird, you're showing up on my friends list but not in-game.
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16416521 sorry, but im bred out for now
Seed Flare !sShaymin0c
Quoted By:
>>16416800 Okay, it's cool.
Well the offer still stands if you decide to breed more sometime. You can find me in the Wifi General threads here.
ALEX 1375 7862 0864 SV 3774
>>16416699 You skipped me too OP, and I really want to get one or two
5129-1564-9774 : Snape
Quoted By:
>>16416699 >>16416775 nevermind, got you. thanks for the bug bro
fin 0044-3990-0694
Quoted By:
>>16416775 yeah samzies are you lui?
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16416765 >>16416819 adding first, second ill check on that
Tsun 2062-9480-5617 (Braixen, Volcarona, Ponyta)
Tsun 2062-9480-5617 (Braixen, Volcarona, Ponyta) Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:52:13 No. 16416933 Report >>16416896 I see you've got me added, I'm just waiting for you to start a trade. No rush, just please don't forget me!
Thanks in advanced.
Tsun 2062-9480-5617 (Braixen, Volcarona, Ponyta)
Tsun 2062-9480-5617 (Braixen, Volcarona, Ponyta) Mon 02 Dec 2013 05:54:05 No. 16416966 Report Quoted By:
>>16416933 Hey, thanks again, OP! You're doing good work. I'm sure everyone appreciates all your effort.
Kaizer 3007-8134-8925
Quoted By:
Thank you so much, OP!
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16416765 also id prefer the pumpkin ^~^
Kayla 4871-4086-7597 Grass: Sunkern, Petlil, Maractus
Kayla 4871-4086-7597 Grass: Sunkern, Petlil, Maractus Mon 02 Dec 2013 06:00:49 No. 16417075 Report Quoted By:
>>16417006 Alright, ready when you are
ALEX 1375 7862 0864 SV 3774
Quoted By:
>>16416896 Thanks a lot OP!!! I'll take care of them
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16416819 sorry game shat itself on the second trade
X 5413-0281-6890 [1901]
OP, are these your native? I'll give you a shiny modern scatterbug in exchange for 4 sandstorm eggs. I don't give a shit about IVs.
fin 0044-3990-0694
Quoted By:
>>16417169 yes they are. addin now
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16417169 do they need to be eggs?
X 5413-0281-6890 [1901]
>>16417227 Yes. they do. I'm going for a set of all shiny vivillons using ESVs.
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16417293 ah, well, gimme like 5 mins
ALEX 1375 7862 0864 SV 3774
>>16417158 I don't now what happened but the trade was completed. OP, will you really WT them?? I don't want to sound greedy but if there are still a lot of them left before that, could I get a few more??
X 5413-0281-6890 [1901]
>>16417303 K. Got you added. Shoot me a trade request when you are ready.
fin 0044-3990-0694
>>16417345 ready ign scott.
>>16417337 sure. also las trade of night. how many you want?
4940 5961 5918
I'd be happy to take one if you still have any extra
ALEX 1375 7862 0864 SV 3774
>>16417404 Is 4 a good number??
Kayla 4871-4086-7597 Grass: Sunkern, Petlil, Maractus
Kayla 4871-4086-7597 Grass: Sunkern, Petlil, Maractus Mon 02 Dec 2013 06:20:13 No. 16417449 Report Quoted By:
Thanks a TON, OP. Enjoy the pumpkin, whatever you choose to do with it
jason 2165 5335 9539
may i get one please? i can offer either a timid male fennekin with four egg moves or a modest roselia with leaf storm and sleep powder. the fennekins should be at least 2IVs
fin 0044-3990-0694
Quoted By:
>>16417429 yeah, then im going to bed. stomach flu kicked my ass these last two days
fin 0044-3990-0694
X 5413-0281-6890 [1901]
Quoted By:
>>16417404 Thanks OP, enjoy the shiny.
jason 2165 5335 9539
Core 3196-3354-1473 (Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue)
Core 3196-3354-1473 (Throh, Mankey, Tyrogue) Mon 02 Dec 2013 06:32:35 No. 16417636 Report Quoted By:
>>16417558 Are you still here?
ALEX 1375 7862 0864 SV 3774
Quoted By:
>>16417558 Thanks again OP!!
fin 0044-3990-0694
Quoted By:
>>16417558 g'night guys. sorry to anyone i didnt get to. i ll prollyt do this again next weekend.
jason 2165 5335 9539