Official Forum (Discussion happens both here and there! Polls are also here!): ?
Official Region Name Poll: FAQ: Archives: Collected Art (An archive of images people have posted - we're working on cleaning up the ones that don't belong to us!) Music: Possible Pokedex outline?: Now, here's something we must consider:
"We are not gen/vp/ and they are not us. Just like anyone else in the /vp/ community some of us like this and some of us don't. There's no reason to discuss gen/vp/ ITT except on the basis of comparing/contrasting similar ideas in the same way we reference other pokemon gens. Anyone actively hating on confirmed game info in either threads is most likely either butthurt or a troll and should be taken with a grain of salt."
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
So, now that I've done up a map for Perth that people seem to be happy with, I've moved on to Alice Springs. This is the first, incredibly shitty draft. I'll be cleaning it up, making it look pretty and filling in the empty space to make it look interesting eventually, but before I do all that, I'd like some suggestions on the layout. Should there be more houses, less houses? Should the map be bigger, smaller? Should I bother having the secret military surveillance facility in the southwest corner as a nod to Pine Gap?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16422394 For reference, this is the latest version of Perth.
Who else from Reddit here? Go team PokeAus! :)
>>16422483 I don't like it
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16422606 Please be more specific so I can improve it. Which aspects or features do you not like about the map?
>>16422483 the rock placement on the left looks a little too "deliberate", should mix it up a little more so it doesn't look so much like a line of patterns
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16422733 I'll see what I can do.
Should I make the sea-wall entirely out of big rocks, or should I instead make it out of a mix of big and small rocks (like I currently do)? I notice in a lot of real Pokemon games, they use nothing but big rocks. But I used big and small rocks to break things up (also doing big rocks with the current tileset is kind of a pain).
Heavwinker !!rbyJZXAGDmX
hi guys can I work on the water starter while you guys are working on the grass one If positive just tell me what it should be based on and what is its characteristics I will not disturb you until the grass one is finished
>>16423482 We haven't actually decided what the water starter should be based off of, yet. A lot of people like the idea of a Water/Poison Platypus, but it's far from universally agreed-on.
Still, roll with that. Do up a water starter based off of a platypus (or any other aquatic thing you can think of), then come back here and post it.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16423751 Quite a few people also liked the idea of water/electric Platypus but as someone in the last thread said
"I think it's important we are more subtle with the Pokemon than we are now. Look at Kalos, it's France, but the Pokemon arent all BAGUETTES AND SNAILS AND GAY GUYS.
If the dex is SOLELY Australian icon animals its going to look bad and alienate anyone outside of Australia. Keep it cool guys."
>>16423805 That electric platypus looked terrible. It was like an edgier, straya mewtwo that was also an egg laying duck mammal.
>>16423805 So no Dolphin Pokemon?
>>16423895 If you're the guy making the water starter, do really waterever you feel like. Nothing is set right now.
But, the dolphin/manta and platypus are the top choices from what's been suggested before.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16423884 Certainly looked less buzzword than pic related though. Look how generic it looks - it just gets bigger.
>>16423895 I really liked the looks of Dolpint and Lamoby, I really would like to see Dolphin/Manta ray/Shark esque water starter Pokemon over any generic Platypusses anyday!
Holy fucking shit how many times do we have to go over this? No fish or non-land based animals for starters. No dolphins, no mantas. There is a reason all starters have the ability to WALK on land and not swim or float. Having a fish that floats along side it's trainer as a starter for any reason, "unknown fish mechanics" or "psychic ability" or otherwise, it's fucking stupid. find a marshland creature or literally anything else. Australian turtlefrog is a good place to start.
>>16423805 this
>Not everything in Gen V is 'murrika >Not everything in Gen VI is France >Not everything in that other project is jungle texico Just wanted to say being overly redundant with Australian designs will very probably make most of the mons forgettable and/or boring, since there's only so much ways to rehash 'super-deadly everything trying to kil you'.
I wish everything good to this project, though!
If it lives in a swamp, a river, a marshland and has the ability to walk on land (WALK, not float) it works. Foxy stop pushing your fucking manta and dolphin ideas. A dolphin with legs would look like shit and a Lamoby was a horrible starter idea. Save those pokemon for the water section of the pokedex, keep them out of the starters.
>>16424098 What is a lamoby? And I love the psychic water thing, I guess it's a manta?
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>>16424062 >Not everything in that other project is jungle texico It's a perfect example nontheless. While there are many Pokemon that have nothing to do with Aztecs or Mexico, but the amount that do is overwhelming and detracts from the quality that that Pokedex could have.
>>16424062 Most of Unova is Murica.
>>16424123 Fuck off.
>>16424143 >Fuck off What? I asked a question. Google tells me nothing about what a lamoby is.
>>16424172 It's a shitty starter suggestion someone made here because >muh devil trio, and since I never mentioned psychic type in my posts, your ruse is blatant. So again, fuck off
>>16423805 You know, this is the first thing I thought when stumbling over this project. But then I saw the complete overabundance of Australian flora and fauna and how anything unrelated got shut down pretty quickly unless it had god tier art, and thought that the entire idea of this project was to have it extremely Australian-based. Which, for an isolated area like Australia could actually work.
Seems really weird to have this brought up now.
>>16424191 I'm not even rusing, I just recall someone saying it was psychic and it had a big pink(?) orb on its head. I liked its shape, it was pretty unique compared to other pokemon. I don't get why you just brush it off as shit.
Can anyone post it?
and tell me what a lamoby is Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16424056 It really says something about your creativity anon. What? I understand you want to stick with muh patterns and stay as close to the original animal as possible but just look at Snivy, it's a snake and has legs. You can make it work, you just need good design (I pretty chill with the current ones). Besides,it isn't just me with the opinion, just go look through the previous threads. To add, I didn't come up with the ideas. Also, nice try samefag
>>16424098 >>16424062 To
>>16424123 , Lamoby is in pic related (along with some other non platypus water starter). The design may need the same tweaking it did with Thorndle but hey, what do I know.
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>>16424271 >Lamoby is in pic related (along with some other non platypus water starter). The design may need the same tweaking it did with Thorndle but hey, what do I know. Thanks dude. I wasn't aware that it was its name. Really like the middle one.
>>16424271 nice try indeed.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16424271 Fuck. When I said nice try samefag I meant
>>16424056 and
>>16424098 I completely agree with
>>16424062 and
>>16424201 . Makes you think why no one questioned it until now...
>>16424320 >Makes you think why no one questioned it until now... I honestly thought that's what you guys were going for. And if I had thought it was a stupid idea entirely I would've voiced my opinion way earlier. But as long as we don't overuse the cliché down-under I don't mind a 90% aussie dex.
The fact that nobody spoke up makes me believe that most people think the same.
If not this project is more about blindly rushing along than I thought. Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16424313 I like Dolpint more though? Also, I like posting right after people keep asking for shit
makes me feel more like a special little snowflake than I already am. What a faggot Foxy is. .
if you want your Platypusses that's fine with me though, I'm not going to say you've got the shit opinion here. Anonymous
>>16424271 Those designs are shit for starters. It's not about pattern it's about context. Snivy is a snake with legs and it works because it is a land based animal, and it loses those legs as it grows. Taking away the legs of a manta or dolphin would ruin it. Slapping legs on water creatures looks like shit and it has nothing to do with creativity. You're unwilling to accept other ideas and you keep samefag posting the stupidshit manta.fuck off with it and find a river,swamp,or wetland creature. There are plenty to work with. Leave your manta for somewhere else in the region, we need more pokemon in the Great Barrier Reef area anyway and we don't want to be bogged down with fish.
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>>16424376 Oh, it looked like you were accusing the two posts of being samefag.
Pic related then.
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>>16424376 But Dolpint is a mess. It also looks kind of like a maid, so straight into the furry closet.
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>>16424320 I wasn't trying to hide that both posts were me you Fucking retard
>>16424376 >What a faggot Foxy is. A faggot, yeah. But less of a faggot than New York.
>>16424401 those starter are shit. complete agreement Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Mon 02 Dec 2013 18:38:33 No. 16424416 Report >>16424376 Personally, I really dig both the original Lamoby Design and Dolpint. Unfortunately, we don't have much to go on as far as the evolutions go.
>>16424376 If you like it, make it a two stage for another spot in the dex. No one will argue it there. As a starter it's fucking bad. Same applies to manta.
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>>16424370 >I don't mind a 90% aussie dex. So we rollin' with this? Or do we now suddenly feel the need to branch out? This question needs a clear answer, lest it already has one.
>>16424401 >>16424429 Have to agree with anon, making a manta/dolphin pokemon that lives in the Great Barrier Reef makes a lot more sense than
making it a starter. Plus the designs we have now look pretty crappy as starter designs imo
FOr the 90% Aussie dex problem: Heres an idea. Why not take a queue from reality and have the E4/Gubmint/whatever of pokeAus want to keep it that way because invasive pokemon species almost rekt the ecosystem and the people of pokeAus dont want that to happen again? You could make some halfway decent plot out of that.
>>16424833 Yeah, the overpopulation of the cutting rsbbit could've been the turning point. Perhaps a lot of the not-so-aussie mons could appear near the same areas.
>>16424906 Well rabbit fences ARE a thing IRL Aussie land, and you could have starter trash from other regions like pidgey, rattata and other shit that the pokeAus authorities need trainers to deal with when they swarm or w/e.
>>16424932 >mons from official games God no
>>16425072 the idea of having prevo/evo for a select few official mons was very prominent, especially for kangaskhan and skarmory.
>>16425169 Can't deal with.Time to abandon ship, I'll be sorely missed.
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>>16425241 you can stay and argue against it, m8. It hasn't come up in ages and I haven't seen much design concepts on them. There might be a chance for you still.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16424486 >>16424429 >>16424416 >>16424415 >>16424401 >>16424191 >>16424098 >>16424056 >>16423923 >>16423751 All you people like Platypi huh? Well, here we go!
Pic related is what I've found in the dropbox for any and all kind of Platypi so far. I just realized, we have a lot of fucking Platypi!
Which is the best?
Which is the worst?
Which has a nice concept but needs redesigning?
Which should be completely culled?
Someone have any ideas for a better Platypus design than we already have or are the current ones good enough for everyone?
>>16425313 Not yet, only when the professor is 100% confirmed as it currently is, will lose all faith. Seriously, the professor has a bland design, a Mary Sue name, is a friendly rival AND the champion.
It's not Steve or Bindi Irwin either, it's Terri. Anonymous
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>>16425397 They're perfect. Fuse all of them together. I want the spikes, the tubes, the electric ark, the fan, the mask, and the blue-purple color scheme.
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>>16425072 Good luck seeing the same four water type families thoughout all the water routes.
Gen 1 had more than 25 mons
>>16425397 The design could use work but I think the name is a great tribute and from what I've read her story is a tribute to her husband. It's an interesting change of pace and better than than the champion being your next door neighbor or some random woman who has no story connection. friendly rival I think that means she's not your primary rival and just someone you see often and battle often. Also who gives a damn about bindi, and Steve being a dead legend in the region is clever
The Wiggles have to be the Elite 4.
>>16425540 >Raine Acacia This is DA tier naming
>Irwin Acacia This is too blatant. Let me guess, a Mantine killed him?
>Friendly rivals Fighting the Professor isn't in the games for a reason. It's dumb as fuck and runs counter to the Professor's role (which is mentor not combatant).
>Professor is Champ Jesus fuck
>>16425615 Best and worst idea I've seen so far.
>>16425540 The professor sounds terrible. Why can't we just have a professor like Rowan?
>>16425698 As long as it's nothing like the professor from Hoenn or Johto, anything is good for me. But can we at least have the professor NOT be a rival. That's stretching it. Having them be champ is cool.
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>>16425736 I think having them do fieldwork and testing your prowess is way more feasable than having a professor be champion. Just me probably.
>>16425642 And how is it DA? Acacia is an Australian native tree which fits patterns, raine is a reference to Terri, and it's certainly better than "aurea juniper" or "Augustine sycamore". You fight the professor in xy and you were originally supposed to battle oak. Not all professors are mentors. Professor being champ is something unique and interesting, especially if it's written in such a way that it's more about her husband than her
>>16425642 We have entered an endless recursion of time. Anonymous
foxy you have to be the worst at hiding yourself behind anonymous and samefagging i've ever seen
>>16425800 Ok, in all games the prof gives the dex and boot to kid's ass because they want to make pokemon ancyclopedia and they can't run around doing it themselves. Giving them champ role, or even worse, some met-throughout-the-region deal completely undermines the reasons to give it to you.
>>16425667 morelike the best andbest idea we've seen so far.
They ass have sound-related pokemon. Exploud, the music note bird, etc.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16425815 Oh god, what have I done. The same thing from two threads ago is happening. First, the green text guy, then the person calling the professor shit. Now, we just need the anon saying he'll leave for sage and then all time and space will collapse in on itself. Anonymous
>>16425874 The only professor to give you the dex to ask you to find everything for him was oak. All of the professors research something and with the exception of oak and birch, they are all over their region. Especially sycamore.
>>16422394 I like that - it has a real cool 'dusty little town' feel to it. I'd prefer the facility to have dark tarmac around the buildings, as the green is a little too bright and vibrant.
>>16425540 clever? i don't want tons of shitty dialogue about some fucking dead guy
>>16423751 no one likes the idea of a platypus.
>>16426090 >STOMP may not be good idea against some of the mons! >Beware of POISON STING attacks! >Look out for pokemon attacking you when DIVEing! >POISON JAB is one of the most dangerous poison attacks Anonymous
>>16425892 Listen up you fucking cunt. I don't give a shit if you're Sir fucking Foxy, if you want to chat that level of crap at me then you best be fucking prepared to get dicked about. Suck my shitty dick you cunt fucking bitch. Who the flying fuck do you think you are telling ME to calm down? I'd fucking come round your house and shit that place up if I wasn't worried about scaring all the young girls you keep locked up in your basement, you sack of trash. Bite my fresh, wet shit you human scum. If you reply to this fucking post, I will personally rip your finger nails off and push them into your eyesockets until your eyeball pops. Then I'll lube up my dick with your eye fluid and ream you so fucking hard,I'll be able to use your distended asshole as a skipping rope. I will shit in your mouth, sew your lips shut and fuck your empty eye socket. Your every orifice will be filled with either my piss, shit, vomit or jizz and I won't stop until you're swollen with my bodily fluids. Then, I'll slowly back my car over you and watch as you burst at the seams and a wave of corrupted bile pours out of you. I will devour your rotting torso and shit it onto your face. I will not rest until every part of you has passed through my body at least twice and then I'll mould all that crap into a statue of you and hang a fucking sign round its neck that reads 'Foxy: Made of less crap than the original'. Then, I'll run you down again, dig through the shit pile and find your nose. I'll fart into each nostril and then crush it under my bare foot. I will destroy you so don't you fucking dare talk to me again you dirty fucking cunt fucking fucker child licking piss kidney bullshiter you cunt I hope you rot so hard your fucking mom dies from a corrupted cunt because your so fucking disgusting that everything you touched is retroactively poisoned you dirty little shit fucker ass licking spunk goblin. Suck my swollen cock you dirty cunt, I will eat your fucking brain.
>>16425954 >with the exception of oak and birch >Elm >Rowan Hell, Juniper only shows up in like one/two places outside her lab.
And in almost all cases, the dex is for gathering information for the Professor's research. That's why they'll review your dex when you chat to them. If they are chimp, why get a child to do a job they could do themselves?
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>>16426331 steve forces you to stop being a pussy
>makes you wrestle an alligator mon to weaken it into being captured. >then he fucks your mom and you are so devastated, you leave town and start your journey. Anonymous
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>>16425072 At first we wanted to keep the old pokemon.
Pokemon Sage took the lead on the project.
Leave the area all of them, they're here!
>>16425642 Original OP. Did I create (shitty) pasta?
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16425884 Chatot, Exploud, Kricketune, Noivern, Audino, Chimcheo
Meloetta - sound based Pokemon like that?
>>16425871 Nope. It's not me. Someone just copied and pasted what they wrote from two threads ago, look . Besides, just because others share an opinion doesn't make them the same person.
I will admit though, some of my opinions are influenced by other people's ideas but I personally don't like the fact that there is going to be ANOTHER really friendly rival.. >>16426119 From what I've seen, people do like them.
>>16426331 Oh my. >>16426360 YEEEEEEEEEEEES. FINALLY.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16426475 mfw I also wrote this as a one off joke
>>16426360 Anonymous
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>>16426408 >Rowan explores the lakes >birch specifically researches pokemon in the wild >implying any professor other than oak wants you to document everything and doesn't simply give you the dex out of obligation or to help your journey There is a reason you don't need to capture every pokemon for high commendation from the other professors. Oak is the only one who actively cares if you complete it. Regardless, each professor researches something, birch researches in the wild specifically and you run into Rowan and sycamore multiple times
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16426518 You created two pastas. Great. Applaud.
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>>16426518 you're cursed or some shit. everything you write is pasta. who's going to bet this will also become pasta.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>mfw the stolen artwork is STILL in the dropbox Are you fucking kidding me?!
>>16426713 Who gives a shit, we should just take it. Nobody will know and it looks pretty good. Better than the shit we're working with atm.
What's gonna happen? Some faggot artist tries to sue us or something?
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>>16426713 The dropbox hasn't been updated in a few days, and I'm not sure Ian knows which ones are ours and which are not.
We should make a list of what needs to be removed.
>>16426742 >Who gives a shit, we should just take it. Nobody will know and it looks pretty good. Better than the shit we're working with atm. >What's gonna happen? Some faggot artist tries to sue us or something? That's it, I'm done.
I'm so fucking done.
Oh well, seems that's what I get for expecting 4chan project to take itself seriously.
>>16426713 Foxy you need to fuck off. The drop box isn't a confirmed list of pokemon and was simply a compilation of every image posted in these threads as an archive. Many of them were also resubmissions and not stolen from people who submitted to sage First and got rejected. Finally that hare and fox submission was original not stolen(but still bad)
>>16426824 >that's what I get for expecting 4chan project to take itself seriously And then we have sage that has been running for over a year now. It's miraculous, I know.
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>>16426713 Curious who controls what goes in the dropbox?
>>16426824 >Oh well, seems that's what I get for expecting 4chan project to take itself seriously. Sage managed it.
Fucking Australians. They ruin the GoT threads on /tv/ as well.
>>16426877 >>16426892 They made a policy to make everything from scratch. Funny, really, using it as a point for your case, considering
>>16426742 .
>>16426829 Are you an idiot or something? The circled ones are the stolen things. The original artists of both the snake and frill neck lizard have asked/requested their art to be taken off the dropbox time and time again. I also don't get why, when an anon brings something like this up, everyone agrees but when its a tripfag, its overreacting. The hare and fox do suck. They don't even look Pokemon.
>>16426915 Australians are the cancer of niggers of the world.
>>16426947 So is there some sort of secret plot to derail PokeAus? Because the trolls in the last few threads are becoming unbearable.
If you've nothing constructive to say, don't say anything.
Here's a concept for a Psychic/Fairy line based off a magician's rabbit.>Hocus >Psychic/Fairy >Height: 1'00" >Weight: 13.1 lbs >Ability: Disappearing Act*/Magic Guard >Hidden Ability: Protean >Gender Difference: None >Dex Entry: Hocus live in urban areas. When they are born, they find a top hat to live in. This hat increases their magic powers. >Pocus >Psychic/Fairy >Height: 3'02" >Weight: 42.9 lbs >Ability: Disappearing Act*/Magic Guard >Hidden Ability: Protean >Gender Difference: None >Dex Entry: Now using the top hat for its true cause, Pocus have much more controlled and trained abilities. They are known to assist magicians in their acts. >Halliocus >Psychic/Fairy >Height: 5'11" >Weight: 102.7 lbs >Ability: Disappearing Act*/Magic Guard >Hidden Ability: Protean >Gender Difference: Female Halliocus have shorter whiskers and no 'goatee'. >Dex Entry: Having fully mastered their magic powers, Halliocus are said to sometimes leave their urban homes and challenging wild Pokemon to duels. If they are weaker than the foe, they will vanish before being attacked. The line can learn a variety of special moves, like Psychic or Ice Beam, and also learn moves like Protect, Barrier, and Reflect naturally. *Their signature ability, Disappearing Act, raises Evasiveness one stage when hit by a physical attack. Each Hocus has a different suit on their chest/back of their ears. Maybe they could have a stat difference depending on their suit?>Spade: Higher Attack/Special Attack >Heart: Higher HP >Diamond: Higher Defense/Special Defense >Club: Higher Speed Hocus could be found near/in cities, to explain why they have the magic hats they live in. Thoughts, /vp/?
>>16426940 Considering well never use those designs it's not a big fucking deal and you need to fuck off there are better things to have concerned about
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>>16427009 I also don't get all the hate towards tripfags. They do bring up valid points/concerns and the moralities of some of the anons are non existent.
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>>16427009 Not really.
But I'll ask this. What is already confirmed/finalized to be in game? What will be the process to do so in case there's no consensus?
So far there's mostly people that throw around cool ideas. Granted, there are some mapmakers at work, but there's nothing else, no defined starter directions, no playables, no rudimentary plot. I would get some images for in-game mons like sage does, and pics that show what is needed.
>>16427078 That's it. Leaving for gen /vp/. They at least have some sense of morality. Besides, no one's discussing anything else and it's been brought up again and again. If you really want to do something useful, discuss the water starter
>>16425397 ideas.
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Mon 02 Dec 2013 20:59:36 No. 16427157 Report >>16427067 Ah, I love the idea of Hocus line, as I've said.
Maybe make it so Disappearing Act only works when hit with a contact move, kinda like rough skin?
Making it so that any physical moves at all boost dodge rate seems a tad unfair.
>>16427067 I love it. Especially the Suit idea.
>Spade is physically defensive >Club is physically offensive >Heart is specially defensive >Diamond is specially offensive seems the most logical. Give him a standard Speed and HP stat.
Arbitrary numbers but something like
HP: 50
Atk: 70/60/50/40
Def: 60/70/40/50
SDef: 40/50/60/70
Spd: 60
>>16427067 >female Halliocus it's not a sexy magician bunny not fuckable/10
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>>16427194 Fuck off furfag
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>>16427157 Ah, I should have explained that. That's what I was thinking, just worded weird.
So yeah, it'll work like you said.
>>16427449 >>16427173 >>16427157 Thanks guys! Glad you like Hocus and its line.
>>16427173 Yeah, that's much better than what I had for the suits.
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are you guys gonna have a ghost type based on waltzing matilda?
>>16427067 Again, I dislike the notion of actual artificial objects on pokemon. What hat is it, where does it come from? Is it found, stolen, or made? Is it part of the body or seperate?
But if we roll with the idea, have the suits determine the shape of it's tail.
So, will this guy add to the overpopulation of foreign rabbits? Or does he replace the cutting rabbit idea entirely? Or do we drop the common rabbit alltogether?
>>16427503 I do think the ability might be too overpowered though - consider revising it. Perhaps have a different ability, and give them the move Vanish (pokemon disappears [like during Dig/Fly] and reappears next turn, with percentages like Protect for accuracy)
>>16427636 They find them in garbage/alleys, or steal them. It's separate, like Flabebe's flower or Cubone's bone.
I like the idea of the suit tail.
For the overpopulation thing, I guess he's more of a common rabbit. The foreign rabbit idea could work too, though.
>>16427641 I guess it could be a little OP? I don't know though. It only works when it receives damage from a contact physical move, so it's not that bad.
I like the Vanish move.
>>16427740 And as an argument against that, Flabebe's flower and Cubone's bones are natural and are taken from nature.
Flower is a flower, and the bone is what is left from Cubone's mother.
The magician's hat is something tailored by humans and I personally hate it when pokemon have human clothing.
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>>16427156 "Sense of morality" what is the problem? An image got reposted that will never even be used? Seriously fucking leave if that's what your concern here is.
>>16427866 Oh look at that, I'm not alone. Like I said last time, I think the concept is very cool, but I simply can't imagine it roaming around in an actual pokemon world.
>>16427866 >Having this shit opinion Foxy, is that you?
>>16427890 Unless we turn it into ghost type, which plays the most with human artfacts, or play more with the alluringly playful attitude of fairies
like it vanishing into random openings or behind random objects and reappearing just as randomly Anonymous
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>>16427892 Nope not Foxy, and instead of reacting like an idiot maybe you could actually try to
use language to argue/rebuttal my argument.
>>16427067 what if it's fur grew in a way that looked like a tux?
>>16427067 >Hocus live in urban areas. >live in urban areas >in urban areas >urban areas >urban >>16427866 >>16427890 >not reading the dex description Anonymous
>>16427985 I like it! Would it be too human though?
As seen in the pic, Halliocus has a bit of a tux/cape going on. Not too much, but just a little.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16427067 >>16427067 I love this thing! The lines naming reminds me of the Abra line. The suit idea is pretty neat - each suit has it's own specialty (and disadvantage?)
I like >>16427173 's suggested stats . Seems like the region's gimmick Pokemon or the 3 stage psychic. I really love the design on the final evo (the first and second look a little plain though - it seems a bit weird having the final evo having much more features rather than expanding upon some the previous evo had) My one gripe is "Magical powers" - I know it's magician based but it just doesn't sound very Pokemon (unless you mean magical powers as in like magic tricks - then it's fine) . What would the color schemes be like? Will it level up normally or use any items/special methods?
>ITT: We discuss one of the best concepts made so far, >>16427067 Anonymous
>>16428031 Of course, and in every Urban environment there are plenty of Magician hats to go around.
Maybe in PokeAus there will be a creepy old magician who supplies them all with the hats.
Plus there are other Urban pokemon in the games and you don't see them wearing clothes/hats.
It's a poor excuse if your arguement is that because they live in urban environments they are able to have magician hats.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16428077 >We already are >>16428072 >>16428062 >>16427985 >>16427740 >>16427866 >>16427641 >>16427636 >>16427173 Fuck the water starters, this is something nearly everyone has agreed on is good.
>Rabbit with a hat >OH my GOD its so revolutionary Im cumming so hard wow tkae my children rabbit wizard you are the best design I have ever seen
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16428111 I'm afraid it's going to end up just like every other design suggested here. People really seem to love it when it's first posted but despise it/think's it sucks the very next time it's brought up. Anonymous
>>16428100 OP of the line here. I can see what both you and
>>16428031 are getting at.
Maybe they make the hats using scrap, like thrown out clothes and leaves, then use magic to make them real?
Or we stop arguing and they just find them, cause Pokemon logic But seriously, we could come up with a reason why they have hats. I like the turning scraps/trash into hats idea.
>>16428107 Not all of those concept are in open favour. I'll say again that I like the concept, and the gimmick idea, as well as the fact that the third stage oes around challenging pokemon.
I do not like the hat and the wand being actual artifacts. I think the concept would need to work around that somehow, like it seeks out hat-like objects whenever it can.
I also much prefer the concept of the cutting rabbit should ever the need to decide on one of the two concepts arise. I think the latter adds more to the world and has an equally strong if not stronger concept going for it. Plus it's assumedly a single stage which we likely won't have many of.
That's my opinion on this thing.
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>>16428072 HEY PokeAus I thought this was a Pokemon game, not a DIGIMON game XD
>>16428100 Where does Hypno gets its pendulum?
>>16428174 This could work, make the hat look less sophisticated, so it doesn't look out of place
>>16428072 >fanart of my mons Oh stop it, you. You're making me super happy.
But, seriously, thanks! I'm stoked that you line Hocus. For the "magic powers", I mean like magic tricks and psychic abilities.
The color scheme is a black hat with a red line. The Pokemon itself is a white, with reddish eyes. The tail and chest fur are pinkish. The suits and the tip of the ears (for Halliocus) are black/dark red. Halliocus's gem is a foggy red.
>>16428174 Yeah, either the hats are made, not intrinsic to it's apearance, or found. If we do the latter, I really think it should only be on the final stage, or perhaps on the second one too. Most mons with artifacts don't have them as basic stages, especially not in such a specific case. Evolved pokemon are rarer, and them only evolving once they find a hat to use makes sense to me.
>>16428230 >Not all of those concept are in open favour. Jeez, I meant all of those *comments.
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>>16427156 With the snake picture, I remember that being posted with the person saying something along the lines of "this isn't a submission but might give people ideas for the legendary". Somehow it ended up in the dropbox anyway though.
It's just pure disorganisation and not reading comments. The good thing is that we KNOW it's not a legit submission so the original artist doesn't have to worry so much about it being used. And we are just as confused as to why it's in the dropbox.
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>>16425397 I really like the surfboard platypus idea, but not as a starter. I think it should be a two-stager where the first one is based off a boogieboard and the second off a surfboard.
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>>16427928 No thoughts on this? I think a dirction like that could save the line from being too out there. But it's your call I guess.
>>16428238 Hypno's pendulum is like a talisman. It's just a simple, fantasy-like, little object that doesn't control the design.
The magician's hat is a modern day, man made object. Braixen is based off a witch, and they didn't give her witche's clothes or hat.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16428247 Oh you, I just really love the idea - it seems really great, lots of potential!
>>16428174 How about Hocus are small and use tin cans they find as hats. They crush and use berries to "paint" them the red and blackish colors.
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>>16428359 Thing that bothers me most is that it doesn't fit at all with Australia, right after we were discussing a 90% aussie dex. Even if this guy belongs to the 10% that are foreign, having its core design fature an object that relies on a specific kind of environment that isn't innate to Australia at all makes it look out of place overall. At least the way it is now.
>>16428107 >nearly everyone You mean the same person pretending to be four people? Jesus even if you aren't samefagging how do you define "everyone" as four people?
>>16428413 >ignoring the critical posts >implying painted tin cans are sufficiently less problematic than top hats Anonymous
>>16428413 >>16428072 >>16427067 Here's one of the color schemes I thought of.
I like the tin can idea too.
>>16428469 >>16428413 >>16428072 >>16427067 Color scheme idea 2. Black suit/tipped ears.
Even if this rabbit was a good idea, which it's not, there is no reason for it to be three stages and waste a dex slot. It's entire gimmick can be resolved in two pokemon, hocus and pocus, halliocus isn't even a thing. That said, using actual words for names is shitty, don't use a single line amongst over 700 pokemon (abra) as an excuse. Don't out real clothes on the rabbit, make it a part of the design.
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>>16428469 >red spade anon please. also i like the idea of having the suits as tails and determining the entire colouring, not just the actual suit. like red belly fur and ears vs black belly fur and ears?
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>>16428482 it's literally just a rabbit with card suits on it. how is this even moderately creative?
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>>16428446 >>16428413 >>16428284 >>16428238 >>16428174 What if the base stage didn't get a hat, but in order to evolve, it needs to level up with a "Magic Hat" item that can be found in the regional department store?
Though I really like the idea of it coming out of the hat, like the classic magic trick >>16428160 I hope not.
>>16428504 I agree. A single rabbit would be fine - though what happened to our wire cutter rabbit? That was neat.
>all the sudden negativity about Hocus I thought we like the Hocus line, /vp/?
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>>16428504 We can change the name then? I thought it was creative.
Though I do agree, maybe work the hat into the design.
>>16428542 >ooh we can't have two rabbit lines Why not? We have the magic rabbit and the wire cutter rabbit. There's more than one dog Pokemon.
>>16428589 Makes sense. Though, we still like Tasleaf and Thorndle, right?
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>>16428562 One person samefagging a thousand times doesn't equate to everyone liking it despite foxy'a retarded views.
Wire cutter rabbit fits the region better. Look into the rabbit proof fence. This rabbit is a gimmick with a generic design that can be handled in two stages, but they're ignoring that. It'll never be used.
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>>16428111 Only one person said it was the best.
>>16428077 was that one anon. It's not the best, but it's a good line.
>>16428605 >waste dex slots on redundant lines >ignore thousands of other possible creatures Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16428430 God dammit. You know what I hate? People thinking others sharing a similar opinion is samefagging. That's like me saying "
>>16427890 and
>>16427866 are the same person, they both dislike the idea to some extent of a Pokemon having an object to hod/wear (don't even try to pull any of that, they said they were a different guy)" I'll admit though, I've got a really bad habit of word choices, what I should have said is majority or quite a few people (at the time I posted anyway, now
>>16428160 is what's looks like is going on.)
>>16428446 It was just an idea? Having some guy handing them out seems a bit, well, dumb. Besides, magicking random scraps and leaves to make them real doesn't seem very Pokemon (especially not for a basic evo - too overpowered).
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16428628 I thought Tasleaf was made the region Electrike/Shinz/Litleo
>>16428701 Now you're just proving you're a furfag. Stop posting now thanks
>>16428542 The rabbits in particular could work as a common species due to their IRL reference.
>>16428562 I gave my criticism the first time the concept was posted, and I gave it again here. Most people ignored it, but a lot seem to have small or big gripes with it nonetheless. It's always different people here, this is why thread consensus is rarely a good idea.
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>>16428628 We've hated Tasleaf for a while now and have loved Tasstorm.
>>16428689 I agree. That people claiming samefagging are just idiots. Just because people agree on something doesn't mean they're same person.
>>16428752 The samefagging is blatant, samefag
>>16428739 But I'd rather they were more relevant than magic rabbits. The idea is just so... cliche. I've seen the same idea come up thousands of times since the first days of gen one.
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>>16428781 No. Try drawing a rabbit proof fence rabbit.
>>16428689 >It was just an idea? Having some guy handing them out seems a bit, well, dumb. Besides, magicking random scraps and leaves to make them real doesn't seem very Pokemon (especially not for a basic evo - too overpowered). Those were not my ideas. Ideally the hat is dropped entirely, at the very least from the prevo. Every other explanation attempt is convoluted.
>>16428160 This isn't 'the next time it's brought up', it's still the same discussion but with a different vocal majority, probably countering the positivity it ot before.
>>16428682 >cutter rabbit >redundant Noooo! Anonymous
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>>16428729 What are you talking about, anon
>>16428784 Yeah, that's the very first thing I said. Love the concept, but it's fakedex material, not gameready stuff.
Also, this is slowly developing into a stupid pushy meme, which might just end up pushing it into the dex. Or utterly destroy it.
Either way, stop avatarfagging.
>>16428813 don't be so literal, you know what he meant
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16428770 >Proving the point exactly Anonymous
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>>16428882 Yeah, it happened a lot that a design gets posted in one thread and everyone loves it. Next thread with other people the design isn't as lucky.
But this time hardly no time passed at all. The fact that it swayed so quickly is a clear indicator that either there are a lot of people with problems with the line, or a few with major problems with it.
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>>16428062 giving it actual human cloths would be way more 'human' than making its fur grow to resemble cloths.
>>16427067 >>16427157 >>16427173 >>16427449 >>16427573 >>16427600 >>16427890 >>16427985 >>16428072 >all these people liking it >all of the sudden dislike Explain to me what's so bad. It's just a magician's rabbit.
So, the hat is not a natural item. This is Pokemon we're talking about. Where did Kadabra and Alakazam get their spoons? Where did Machoke and Machamp get belts? Where did Hitmonchan and the Poliwag line get gloves?
So what if it has a hat. Maybe when it's born, it's parent Halliocus makes it a hat with magic.
>>16428958 Poliwrath gets gloves?
Holy fuck
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>>16428958 I don't know, it's really just the hat that's throwing it off.
>>16428870 It just feels like something a child would come up with. Considering the thing has clothing, it's more Digimon than Pokemon. Shoving card symbols on it as well is more than cringeworthy.
We had a perfectly good idea with the wire cutter rabbit which was interesting, unique and had a good piece of Australian history behind it which was really cool. Now we're getting a "pull a rabbit of a hat" Pokemon?
I still think we should be doing this on the forum where we can get more honest opinions instead of all this potential samefagging.
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>>16428976 yeah dude, he's looney tuning it up
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16429013 I use the forums (sometimes) but let's admit, just like with the surveys, everyone posts on the threads and about 5 people take the surveys - what I'm trying to say is, no one will use the forum.
>>16428958 I'm the third one down. And you might notice that I'm opposed to having this in the dex in it's current form, despite likeing the general idea.
Also I don't think you can just call Hitmonchan's hands gloves (unless you go on by saying Jynx wears a bra). And all your other examples start with stage two, not stage one. The artifacts are also flavour elements, not major design points.
Trying to use magic as an explanation just doesn't do it for me. Combined with the fact that it doesn't suit the Australian theme, we don't plan on having a huge dex, and we have a far superior rabbit concept already
in my opinion there are simply too many problems for me.
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>>16429013 I agree, we should really be on the forum. Being on /vp/ gets confusing sometimes, especially with this Hocus argument.
Anyways, get rid of the hat, maybe it will be okay.
I like the wire cutter rabbit idea too, it sounds cool. Any pics of it?
>>16426713 The owl is also stolen.
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>>16429078 Well if people aren't willing to use the forum to create an actual good game and not use anonymity to samefag their bad ideas, then perhaps the project is better off dead.
>>16429085 I guess I can see where you're coming from. Although we do have the wire cutter rabbit, maybe we should experiment with this rabbit too. Get rid of the hat on the base form?
>>16429097 Which one? There's two there. I think the coloured one was posted in response to the person that posted the sketches, saying they had come up with something similar a while ago. Not sure if it was a submission or not.
ITT: Now you like it, now you don't
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16429161 Just like a magic trick: Now you see it, now you don't.
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>>16429161 >Hocus signature ability Anonymous
Maybe we should move on from Hocus for now and talk about something else. What do we have for starter Pokemon? Pic related is the last ones I remember. I heard Tasleaf was turned into a two-stage Electric line. What about the others?
>>16429137 Yeah, if people insist on the idea, that's the wa to go. Having two rabbit lines may be pushing it, but I'm not one to say which one is objectively better.
Also I actually like the ears-as-cards idea. Despite the rabbit-hat idea being generic, I've never come across that particular element in it before.
>>16429161 You do realize that a few of us are actually trying to discuss this here, right? I hope it's a majority, and we can keep this going as a community.
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>>16429227 I agree. Maybe focus on the card/suit aspect and not the hat?
>adding a random ass lake in the middle of the continent >Doesn't just make the distance between Tasmania a water route Autism at its finest
>>16429178 That's the joke.
>>16429227 >two rabbit lines >in a game trying to focus on the diversity of a remote island region with many unique animals to begin with >aiming for a list of 100 >filling our 4 or more potential spots with fucking rabbits >three of which are based off an idea so cliche it's painful Bloody hell
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>>16429310 Thanks captain obvious Anonymous
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If anything, the water starter should not be based on a fully aquatic animal. None of the water starters in the actual games broke this tradition. Yeah this is a fangame, but it is something to consider.
>>16429325 I just want the overpopulating cutter rabbit, but I am but one anon Anonymous
>>16429160 Oh sorry, yeah the colored one.
But I know the person who drew it goes on this project to, so I don't know if they gave permission or not.
All I know is that it was a proposed shared prevo for two mons in Sage.
Again, I don't know if the artist gave permission
or if it was just posted for a reference.
>>16429296 >Caring this much about what Australia looks like. Autism at its finest.
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>>16429325 Like many said, the Hocus line would be good for another game not based on anything specific, like gen /vp/. Too bad they're done making Pokemon, I like the Hocus line.
The Wire Cutter rabbit seems the way to go for an Aussy region.
>>16429348 I do too. It was a great idea and only filled out one slot, leaving plenty of room for Australian-based critters.
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>>16429353 Sketch posted it, allowing for use or inspoiration if we wanted to. She also said she wouldn't be participating much.
At least that's what I recall.
>>16429371 What about practicality? It's worse if you have a shitmon taking up a space rather than something usable.
>>16429371 plus foxhound would be perfect artificial rivalry, though I have yet to see a working design for it Anonymous
>>16429359 >Putting water in the middle of a Desert island >Calls the other guy autistic Autism at its finest
>>16429402 The wire cutter rabbit had practicality. It came about in response to the human population putting up barbed wire fences all over the place trying to keep non-native species out.
>>16429419 Foxhound? I would have thought fox would have been better since they were actually introduced to curb the rabbit population in the first place.
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>>16429402 Firstly, no. A mon that isn't exactly an all-rounder, slightly specialized and maybe even challenging to use is not a weakness but an asset of a game like pokemon. GF had it's extremes, but in general I do not consider weak mons as GF mistakes or obsolete.
Secondly, the cutter rabbit has a lot of potential of being a gimmick mon as well
remember that the type discussion went as far as fairy too with perhaps great advantages against steel types and environmental attacks, using hoard tactics and the like. Even if it turns out fairly weak, I think there are plenty of ways to make it interesting. And ultimately that is the main criteria for me.
I know you want to move on from the Hocus line, but I have a few suggestions: -The bottom half of the rabbit could look sort of like a hat, so it gives the illusion of a hat but isn't an actual item? -The ears on the rabbit could look like the suit it represents when they get put together? (When apart they just look like shapes, but when together they look like the suit?) Like pic related
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>>16429474 >Foxhound? Ah, that was my bad. When we brainstormed the idea I wasn't sure whether foxes or hounds were used, since in part they hunted rabbits for sport and likely didn't use only foxes. Ether or is fine, I just resulted to the term foxhound because it incorporates both.
>>16429508 No let's all just agree that the magic bunny did not make the cut. Let's just cut it out and focus on the
cutter rabbit, the original rabbit intended for PokeAus.
This stage act rabbit is quickly becoming our Dopple. Also, not everything has to have three stages. Sketching ideas.
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>>16429615 looks like a virus from megaman.
>>16429463 >Not knowing the map is based on a flooded Australia map Stay pleb
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>>16429615 Anon said we're not allowed to have a hare and a rabbit, pack up your bags boys.
>>16429222 grass starter should be based on koala bear, it's obvious
>>16429615 Having options isn't a bad thing.
>>16429674 Could you maybe try some of these:
>>16429508 Anonymous
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>>16429770 >koala bear Nigga, do you even Australia?
>>16429770 Let's have a fire/fighting kangaroo and a water/poison platypus too
>>16429723 >the flood happening in the dessert AUTISM
>>16429849 You obviously don't understand what's being discussed.
Please educate yourself on the subject before screaming autism at people.
>>16429849 Faggot. You don't know that the ocean can flood places? Or do you not understand how continental flooding works?
>>16429849 Australia is a very flat country. If sea levels rose, which is what this map is based off of, then that inland sea would actually exist because it's one of the lowest points in the country.
Thanks for proving your own ignorance.
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>>16429615 Creator of Hocus here.
Don't know how to feel about this image.
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>>16429849 There is a desert in Unova which is based off of New York City :/
>>16429832 The sad thing is, a fire/fighting kangaroo would be awesome.
>>16429615 Nah, if people like it, they should be entitled to expriment with it. Especially when they dislike the cutter rabbit concept.
Also they've seen and hopefully acknowledged the counter arguments brought up and will try and incorporate them in future designs. Nothing bad about that
though I'll be pissed if cutter rabbit doesn't make it Anonymous
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>>16429963 Maybe it could be
a fire figher Anonymous
>>16429910 >he doesnt no nothing about deserts Autistic go back to minecraft LOSER
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16429832 We already went over this. (All the Platipi we have had so far are here
>>16425397 ). People seem to like the Platypus water/poison more despite how generic the idea seems (it makes sense, sure, with males having venom filled spurs on their hind limbs but we can be more creative if we put our minds to it).
>>16429878 >>16429910 >>16429920 I wonder how long it's going to be until someone says it's samefags...
>>16430050 >no >not knowing know >calling others loser >>16430063 Sock puppet mon NOW.
>>16430080 What if Hocus and the Wire Cutter were counter parts? Hocus is the domestic rabbit and Wire Cutter is the wild hare. Their types match, Fairy and Steel.
>>16430080 That's what I said. I just don't want the cutter rabbit to fall out of the dex due to the magic hare.
>>16430082 Personally I think Platypus line would be perfect for a split gender evo with different typing, and thus wasted as a starter.
>>16430098 I like this idea.
>>16430093 What does this accomplish
>>16430080 Because it's redundant to have two pokemon based on hares/rabbits/bunnys. Especially when the magician rabbit doesn't fit.
>>16430098 It doesn't make sense for them to be counterparts. One is based off of magic and the other scissors. Plus didn't we have a counterpart for the cutter rabbit, some kind of fox/hound?
>>16430154 Rock/Fire/Steel rock paper scissors trio?
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Mon 02 Dec 2013 23:42:38 No. 16430237 Report I'm back.
>>16424415 That was unnecessary.
This project is devolving into samefagging and getting nowhere. 4chan is a good place for collecting ideas, but not refining them and making them stick. I can't help but notice that the fire starter discussion has died and it wasn't completed.
I created a Writer's Corner on the forums. Anyone who is enthusiastic about writing, take a look. As for coming up with ideas, I'm seeing a lot of bad vibes from these threads lately. Someone will post an idea, one or two people will agree to it, and then those three will just circlejerk around it.
I like this magician rabbit, but I don't think it's a fit for this project. I'd love to see a better designed fence-rabbit, since the rabbit-proof fence is a legit thing. I also don't think we have room for two rabbit lines, it would feel like too much. We set our limit to 100 Pokemon, there is no sense in wasting spots. Furthermore, not everything needs to be a three-stage Pokemon. This needs to be considered by artists and people who come up with ideas.
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>>16430098 Using the destructive and overabundant cutter rabbit economically by taming it into a shobiz bunny. Very human, that would be.
I still prefer the fox
hound rivalry, but who is to say that's excluded?
>>16430146 Nothing. Could be an interesting concept for a mon
but not for this project New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Mon 02 Dec 2013 23:46:45 No. 16430328 Report As for Platypus v. other ideas: The dislike for Platypus comes from "we shouldn't use iconic Pokemon for starters," which is arguably the worst reasoning you could give. I'm not arguing for Kangaroo/Koala starters, those have much more potential within the dex. The platypus on the other hand doesn't have a huge amount of potential and does fit perfectly into the starter mix. It starts off small and cute and grows to be ferocious, like other starters. Having one iconic creature won't ruin a damn thing.
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>>16430219 This is an entirely new concept and wouldn't work with the cutter rabbit, unless we perhaps make it a regional difference
which might actually work Regardless it would ruin the rivalry.
>>16430237 >I can't help but notice that the fire starter discussion has died and it wasn't completed. That doesn't matter though. We can always pick it up where we left. Wanting to chew things through in one sitting isn't going to make the project move faster.
And the problem with having thread consensus being the deciding factor is that people actually need to advertise their ideas, while the opposition needs to criticise it thoroughly. Can't blame either side really.
>>16430328 see
>>16430121 for the platypus' potential
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>>16430098 We already have the fox counterpart, which makes much more sense and is more interesting
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Mon 02 Dec 2013 23:49:55 No. 16430378 Report >>16430357 We have too many split-evolution suggestions. I'd rather not translate every single creature literally and make it so that females can't be poisonous, but that's just me. For the dex itself, we need more simple two-line Pokemon or one-off Pokemon. We don't need every single creature to have multiple possible evolutions or formes.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16430237 A lot of 3 stage mons that have been popping up recently could be cut down to just 2 stages.
The Thorndle discussion was never concluded, should we start that up again? Random suggestion but, should we, I don't know, take ideas/concepts from the dropbox and see what people like - a lot of good forgotten about ideas are there.
>>16430378 Yeah, we may have a few split evolution ideas, but that's no reason to disregard a decent idea.
Though I'm just one of those who actually doesn't see a platypus as a decent starter. I prefer the two-staged surfer or the split evolution.
Though sidenote: How many single stagers do you think we should have? What is GFs ratio?
If we go with rabbit and fox rivalry, we'd already have two at least.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Mon 02 Dec 2013 23:55:04 No. 16430472 Report >>16430447 We have more than a few split-evolution ideas.
>>16430427 Go ahead. Without new artists coming about, may as well start digging up already submitted stuff.
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>>16430472 So, how does setting concept ideas in stone work? When will we begin that phase? Discussion is good, but no need delaying the crucial question.
>>16430447 7 in first
12 in second
18 in third
5 in fourth
14 in fifth
5 in sixth
>>16430515 i didn't count the ones that were given an evolutions in a different generation though,
counting them first gen gets 20
second is 19
and third is 21
>>16430515 So around 6-8 would be good, right?
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>>16430125 Me too.
It's a shame it probably won't happen. Anonymous
>>16430573 Oh shit I thought you did. But I assume you counted legendaries?
Regardless, there are a lot more than I though.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16430472 While my opinion on the Kingfishers are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on these old things?
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>>16430629 What's the plan for evolution method? A lot of it depends on that.
>>16430603 no legendaries counted
with legendaries, its
I - 25
II - 25
III - 38
IV - 19
V - 27
VI - 11, counting the leaked ones
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>>16430669 Damn that's many. I guess it's all those end-dex mons.
Looks like we won't get away with less than 10.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:06:06 No. 16430704 Report Quoted By:
>>16430629 I loved them but the more I think about it, the more I feel they need to be cut down.
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>>16430629 The belted one is the best, but I guess it would ruin the entire aspect if we cut it down to just a single evolution.
IanMelbourne93 (Dropbox)
Sorry for the lack of updates guys, I've had work over the weekend and haven't gotten around to updating the dropbox, I'm doing it now
>>16426713 I've removed these two, is there any more that need to be removed?
>>16430776 Snowcentipede, probably the zygarde, musberry
Bunch of ideas.>Fire Spider Line >Flying Fish Line >Leafy Sea Dragon >Eel Line >Lion Fish >Black Swan and Cockatoo duo >Roadkill mon (expanded upon)
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16430629 While my opinions are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on these old things?
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>>16429770 >it's obvious That's the point. Who wants obvious?
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>>16430823 >water fire fish what if we make a fire water fish based on pic related?
the underwater fire looked pretty cool in the movie
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16430854 While my opinions are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on these old things?
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>>16430823 Couple things.
The spider is just a spider on fire that gets bigger.
The electric tadpole/eel has been done.
That roadkill is kinda gross.
But I like the flying fish.
>>16430854 >Boomerang mon is "good" >Rabbit in a hat is "bad" I
like the boomerang, but seriously? How is a rabbit bad?
>>16430823 >Black Swan Actually, this has potential. Not as a duo, but the epistemological implications of black swans caused quite a stir in Europe, where swans were so predominantely associated with white that a black swan had either a symbolic appeal or even a demonic flavour to it.
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:18:39 No. 16430994 Report Quoted By:
>>16430947 No fucking shit, dumbass. His name and trip ode are right there.
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>>16430959 the boomerang it's an inanimate object, turned into pokemon, like voltorb
the rabbit it's a rabbit turned into pokemon, which also needs a hat to be a concept, like digimon
>>16430854 I like the bug and the rabbit, though the rabbit feels a little incomplete.
>>16430907 Spider is meh, Kiwi is bad, Not sure about the cube, the ice bugs are good, koalas are good
>>16430629 Meh
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>>16430982 Black Demon Water/Dark Swan. Actually sounds cool witha decent conceptual backing.
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:21:51 No. 16431076 Report Quoted By:
>>16430907 I like the Box Jellyfish, but what's the typing supposed to be?
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16430907 While my opinions are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on these old things?
What was the point of this?
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:23:21 No. 16431112 Report >>16430854 It's just boomeraegislash, but if we need an inanimate object and can't think of anything else, I'd support it. Caterpillar is a bit bland, we can do better on cutter rabbit.
>>16430907 Love the spider, love the box jellyfish, love the spiders, love the koalas. Love everything here.
>>16431018 Hey now, Kiwi has context behind its design, and that was my concept ;_;
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>>16431105 looks like a mega
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>>16431079 Yarahoo - Gotta go fast
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:24:15 No. 16431141 Report Quoted By:
>>16431079 I can see a lot of use out of Yarahoo, depending on what the plans for him are.
Is this project taking Pokemon ideas? I've had an interesting concept for a nuclear radiation Poke based on a buffalo, we can call it Chernobalow . It can be a fire/poison type.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16431105 It's just a longer Zygarde with more colors - we need a better Rainbow snake, we need to step it up.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:25:56 No. 16431178 Report >>16431150 Although I'm against ignoring ideas based on Sage, they have a chernobyl-named Pokemon. Also not Australian.
>>16430629 >>16430823 >>16430854 >>16430907 >>16431079 Really neat: Kookaburra bird, Flying fish, left-most boomerang, cutting rabbit, box jellyfish, dropbear, ice spider, gumnut
A lot of these would actually make decent single stages.
Have we already agreed on our route-blocking mon? Anonymous
>>16431112 I like the concept, it's just this version of it isn't as good as the kiwi in pic related, in my opinion.
And bro, I know that feel. People liked Hocus and first and now they don't. ;_; Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16431079 While my opinions are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on these old things?
>>16430776 Delete this too
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>>16431226 I love that shit.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:28:42 No. 16431255 Report Quoted By:
>>16431201 I hate the idea of a Kiwi made to look like a Kiwi fruit. It's so uninspired. The design is nice but I hate the concept.
>>16431201 Dude, a lot of people said they liked the magic bunny, just that it has it's issues or doesn't suit the game. Dry those tears. Anonymous
>>16431188 Route blocking mon can be one of these
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:28:58 No. 16431265 Report Quoted By:
>>16431226 This is by far one of the best designs fora pseudo I've seen.
I honestly hope we keep it.
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>>16430776 The snowcentipede is listed twice.
>>16431226 I think it's pretty lame, but it's garnered a lot of support.
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>>16430629 I still love them. I remember someone bitching about the Kookaburra being in with kingfishers, but they seemed to forget that the kookaburra itself is a kingfisher, so it fits right in.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:30:01 No. 16431296 Report >>16431226 These are some of my favorites, obviously. The third stage needs work. Star will be back after he sorts his real-life stuff out, and the first two designs have been changed since this picture was posted. Find the re-drawn art and post that instead.
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>>16431178 Well, it could be a water buffalo. But I don't recall Australia ever using nuclear power.
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>>16431269 third stage looks a bit off, but it's just the mewtwo pose
IanMelbourne93 (Dropbox)
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>>16430820 >>16431230 Done
Anything else to delete?
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>>16431257 Thanks, anon ;_;7 Anonymous
>>16431230 Where's that from? Sage?
Also the monkey, chick and pig are from GF, as far as I know.
>>16431226 This reminds me too much of Enigmantis (and Chameleohm), but don't let that bother you. Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16431226 While my opinions are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on these old things?
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>>16431321 It's some random thing occasionally posted in fakemon threads.
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:33:04 No. 16431357 Report Quoted By:
>>16431334 This guy is my absolute favorite out of the early stuff, and has such an entertaining design to him.
I'd love to see it in the game.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:33:13 No. 16431360 Report Quoted By:
>>16431296 whoops posted the wrong ones
>>16431259 Yeah, why not. Interesting that I haven't seen a design based on this before.
Any ideas on type or concept?
>captcha: isGreat sense Card
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>>16431334 I still want it to evolve into something like this.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:34:22 No. 16431388 Report Quoted By:
>>16431334 Love it and goes a long way to support my idea for the evil team to be naturalists.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16431334 While my opinions are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on these old things?
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:35:32 No. 16431414 Report Quoted By:
>>16431394 Great design but too reminiscent of the Tepig line.
>>16431334 I prefered the pollution version. Do leaves like that on the prevo even exist?
Though that prevo has got to be one of the coolest designs yet. Not sold on the evo, unfortunately.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:37:25 No. 16431471 Report >>16431419 Outright covering them in man-made pollution may be a bit too grim, but having them covered in seaweed that resembles it looks good to me.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16431394 Lots of Honey ants - grouped them into one picture.While my opinions are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on these old things?
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:38:42 No. 16431501 Report Quoted By:
>>16431471 Maybe make the shinies have plastic or grime-colored seaweed?
Best of both worlds, in a way.
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>>16431471 Then the seaweed should be darker and more flecked to look at least slightly impure. But yeah, it can go both ways and I see one potentially being a bit too extreme.
Has the water/ grass starter been set in stone, or can we still give ideas for it? If we can still give ideas, what do people think of the idea of basing the water or grass starter on a Turtle frog? (Pic related) Evolutions could be based on other frogs like the Corroberee frog, or the Marsupial frog. If it was the grass based starter it could go from damp, mossy based frogs --->desert dwelling frog with a secondary ground typing or something.
>>16431226 Last stage is pure shit. Second stage has a huge generic issue. First is good.
>>16431394 Disgusting.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:40:41 No. 16431550 Report >>16431525 Support for the turtlefrog! Huzzah!
I'd make it the water starter, since we need a swampland creature for that, but either works.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:42:08 No. 16431583 Report Quoted By:
>>16431498 You missed one where the honey pot was it's abdomen and it was standing. I love the honey bee concept / honey pot evolution, and the design for the first stage, but the second stages you posted were a bit much for me.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16431394 Dumping all the Platypi here again. While my opinions are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on these old things?
>>16431226 If we roll with this, it would be cool if it never really opened it's eyes, as though it were constantly sleeping. However, the crystal orb could either be moved around by its tail or float around it through psychic powers and serve as a full 360º eye. May work well with the dream vs waking theme? Thoughts?
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:43:10 No. 16431600 Report >>16431526 Second stage has been redesigned since that image.
If we're doing opinions, could I have some on these guys? Based on fairy wrens, evolution depends on where in the region you are. (Yes I know psychic is misspelled)
>>16431498 I love the top two, but the one's with holes in them look a little..odd. The colour scheme's gr8, though.
>>16431079 Fucking love Gumney and Yarahoo, they need to be sprited. Tbh they could probably be stand-alone pokes, though if Gumney evolved itwould still probably be bretty gud.
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E
New York - 1590-5145-3499 {3190} !LPt6reZR0E Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:45:31 No. 16431648 Report Quoted By:
>>16431591 The idea behind this particular Pokemon was that it's a seer and that it's orb sort of grants it precognition, which is why it clings to it so tightly and eventually becomes one with it.
>>16431620 >the one's with holes in them look a little..odd Honey pots tend to have holes. The top evo has one too, though admittedly it looks less disturbing.
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:46:25 No. 16431666 Report Quoted By:
>>16431589 While I personally hate the idea for a platypus starter for some reason I honestly can't explain besides "I don't like it", The idea for the Grass/Poison Platypus line was an interesting change from how the norm saying that swimming mon need to be water type.
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>>16431550 Water start could easily work too, I'm just worried it'll be called a clone of froakie. There's certainly enough frogs to choose from though!
Hell, if it's the water starter and we have an extra NZ stage, one of the stages could be based on the Green & Golden bell frog, with people in Nullos talking about how rare it is and then people in the NZ stage complaining about how it's a massive pest and talking about how to get it out of their country.
>>16431620 this gave an idea
let's create an eeve that evolves into physical types
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>>16431660 Fair enough, I didn't notice the hole in the top one. It does look a lot better placement wise in the first shot, I'd put in a vote for that one.
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>>16430854 Scissor Rabbit is great. Not sure about boomerang Pokemon. And the bug is a bit meh.
>>16430907 Spider is neat. Mites are neat. The koalas are interesting but I think they could be so much more. Box Jellyfish is the best, though I like the other design with the floating eyes. Kiwi are a bit silly.
>>16431079 The swan/banksia thing is very very cool. Gumnuts are suitably creepy (didn't we have some gumnut baby Pokemon submitted though?). Yarahoo is a bit too creepy though.
>>16431226 I like these, but the third stage has a marking in a very, uh... suggestive place that weird me out.
>>16431334 Neat idea.
>>16431394 Too much Tepig.
>>16431498 I like the first little ant in the top left but the evolutions need work.
>>16431589 Platypus shouldn't be a starter. Go for two stager based off surfboards.
>>16431377 When it's blocking the route, it's curled up in a ball and looks like a boulder. Maybe you need something like the Wailmer Pail to get it to move?
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>>16431525 I like this idea.
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:51:57 No. 16431799 Report Quoted By:
>>16431739 It could look like a fir cone for extra hiding skills. Kinda would have the fake grass type wibe of soodowoodo. Wailmer pail is a nice idea.
I like it quite a bit, tbh.
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>>16431775 >bug fucking a honey pot Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16431589 It was going to appear eventually While my opinions are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on this old thing?
What should it's pre evo look like... Anonymous
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 00:54:26 No. 16431866 Report Quoted By:
>>16431824 I love the idea.
I love it to bits, even.
Especially like it because ghost is my favorite type because it allows a lot more creativity to it.
>>16424932 It was discussed a while back having vulpix & ninetales in the region with people bitching about them in the more regional towns.
Heck, if you wanted there could be a little mini game where you get paid $100 pokebucks for each vulpix/ninetales you catch and turn in.
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>>16431824 I never though about this having a pre-evo.
If needed one, I say it should be a it just get bigger line, since the final stage it's good enough already
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>>16431824 It looks very single stage to me. But a cute prevo would be okay too.
>>16431870 we could do the same with the rabbit. maybe even within the safari zone.>clean up the park before I can let the tourists and trainers in. I'll be sure to reward you handsomely. Anonymous
>>16431925 Hell yes. It would add a little variety into the game while not taking up a massive ton of story time, and would be perfect for grindan' pokes/getting dosh.
And because it's pokemon, instead of getting killed the pokes you capture are simply sent to another region via the computer system and handed out to trainers there.
>>16431377 >>16431739 >>16431806 Drew it rolled up and being watered.
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>>16431996 They could even give or offer the fox mon to make the hunt easier. Generally a fan of giving the safari zone some prominence.
>>16432046 Shit nigga, thats kawaii as fuck.
I'm sold.
>>16432046 Quite big. But I still like it. Perhaps the (green?) spikes could be more prominent?
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>>16432088 Thanks mate!
>>16432104 Maybe. I was thinking of purple spikes, but green seems like it would fit better.
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 01:11:07 No. 16432287 Report >>16432145 Is this the one from the Dropbox?
It looks badass as hell.
I've always liked the idea of a flightless bird mon.
>>16431679 So it that a subtle 'the ideas shit' or do you just want eevees? Throw me a fucking bone here, I juts want to know if I should scrap the idea or work on it.
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>>16432287 Yep. It's one of my favorites we got.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16431824 Last one before I pop off to bed. A collection of these things. While my opinions are withheld, what is everyone's opinions on these old things?
>>16430629 >>16430854 >>16430907 >>16431079 >>16431226 >>16431334 >>16431394 >>16431498 >>16431589 >>16431620 (not posted by me but what is everyone's opinion on this)>>16431824 Anonymous
>>16432306 >the ideas shit what?
i just saw the bird with the three evos (assumed they were evos actually) and remembered that eevee only evolves into special types
so I thought, hey, let's make something like an eevee, but for physical shit, earth, steel, and stuff
>>16431550 We've had a turtle starter AND a frog starter, who were also water or grass.
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>>16432462 but not at the same time
IanMelbourne93 (Dropbox)
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Alright, Dropbox is uploading now, done to here, I will tidy it up later, maybe tomorrow.
>>16432405 Sorry, I thought you were being sarcastic. My apologies, anon!
I honestly didn't mean for the multiple evolutions, I just went nuts when I saw how many fairy wrens there were. I can redraw them a bit better or add in some different typings, if you think that would be a good idea?
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>>16432507 I think it can be pretty cool.
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Possibly water/grass frog starters? Based on corroboree frog & turtle frog, they use the moss on their bodies as a form of defence, and later, as a turtle shell. If water starter,possibly add in pig-nosed turtle or leathery turtle???
Why did we stop discussing our best Pokemon? Design needs work but the basic concept is really cool and the playing card forms thing is genius.
Did a little redesign on the dragon blood tree dragon. Hopefully it's less Sceptile. I tried to make it less Torterra, but that's almost impossible to do.
>>16432693 >our best Pokemon Oh stop it, you. I can't believe people love my idea so much.
>>16432721 the neck bush makes it look really uncomfortable
>>16432693 now you like it
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>>16432758 It's really solid. Instantly recognisable but a really strong theme.
I like the idea someone had of having its tail reflect the suit.
>>16432816 I always liked it
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w
Katz 1633-5079-0124 (Poison: Venomoth, Drapion, Gloom) !irLEKoTW8w Tue 03 Dec 2013 01:33:54 No. 16432885 Report Quoted By:
>>16432819 I love how just completely uncomfortable the design looks, mixed with how grumpy the mon looks because of it.
It's cute in a weird way.
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>>16432856 oh, that's just part of the magic
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>>16432773 Maybe it should shave its neck bush
>>16432693 >>16432758 Can you guys stop it. It's just a badly designed rabbit with a magician hat on.
It looks borderline digimon and just plainly does not fit in PokeAus.
We already have a cutter rabbit that works extremely well in this, and it would be redundant to add it.
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>>16432693 This idea rocks.
>>16433051 >Can you guys stop it. No. Your complaints are about the design which can change. The cutter rabbit (from what I've seen) is a flawed concept. It's not as interesting nor as recognisable.
>>16425957 Good idea. I'll see if there are any darker tiles I can use.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16433165 And I forgot my name again.
>>16433163 >game based on Australia >wire cutter rabbit based off an actual piece of Australian history and world record >has a pair of fucking scissors for ears and will likely be normal/metal >proposed to have a counterpart based off a fox or foxhound, which was introduced by Europeans in order to fix their giant fuck-up with the rabbits The magic rabbits are basically the Pokemon equivalent of "pull my finger".
>>16433163 >>16432693 I redesigned the Hocus line to make more sense. The hat becomes a part of the design when Hocus holds a Black Hat item and evolves into Pocus. I also added the suit tail.
I also made a counterpart line based on the Wire Cutter hare.
The rabbits would have better special attack and special defense, and the hares would have better attack and defense.
Just an idea.
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>>16431600 I was commenting on those designs, I can't magically see a design that hasn't been posted.
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>>16433439 Another note, maybe the hare line could be Steel/Ground or Steel/Fighting instead of Steel/Fairy? Don't know what would fit better.
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>>16433439 Well, don't give them three stages.
>>16433336 >a pair of fucking scissors for ears This is deviant-art tier bullshit.
Also, you noticed how not ever Pokemon in Kalos was a frog/snail? Or how Pokemon Sage's South American inspired region has a Pokemon based on Chernobyl?
That's because they've understood a basic facet of Pokemon games. Just because it's based on a region does not mean everything must link to it. And besides, it's not like there are no magicians in Australia.
>Normal/metal kek
Seriously, the ideas aren't even mutually exclusive. If we want to have two distinct rabbit mons then we can.
>The magic rabbits are basically the Pokemon equivalent of "pull my finger". You'll have to explain that metaphor. It makes no sense to me.
Scissors Bunny is basically the Pokemon equivalent of "don't run with scissors".
>>16433439 >proposed to have a counterpart based off a fox or foxhound, which was introduced by Europeans in order to fix their giant fuck-up with the rabbits Why would magic rabbits be rivals to cutter rabbits
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>>16433439 Stop. Just stop. We're not wasting six spots on rabbits when we have an aim of 100.
The counterpart for the scissor rabbit is a fox or foxhound. That makes sense. The magic rabbit being a "counterpart" makes no sense whatsoever. You're just desperately reaching in order to try and get this into dex.
>>16433502 Dude, the scissors are based around the Rabbit Fence that was put up to keep them out.
The design is of something that adapted to a new environment.
>>16433520 Domestic vs Wild?
Special vs Physical?
Fairy vs Steel?
I don't know. People liked both, and I don't really want to leave once said out
Though, it seems we're more partial to the magic rabbit line... Anonymous
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It's not like anything is final.. So why is it such a big deal about posting an idea for a new mon? Options are fine and it seems that people like the line right now. captcha: Hateth Reforae
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>>16433520 >counterparts must be rivals What gave you that idea?
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>>16433581 *side, not said.
>>16433572 >the scissors are based around the Rabbit Fence We have plenty of 'lel Oz' shit already. We don't need more.
>>16433581 >people liked both I believe you are mistaken. It's just the same guy or two continually bringing it back up because they're sad they missed out on being included in gen/vp/
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>>16433626 >new idea brought up in these threads >butthurt /vp/ reject Pick one
>>16433620 We don't actually have that much. This was just one of the more prominent ones which was clever.
I thought the aim of this was to create a very unique region where Australian animals were going to be the basis of the project. It's something that has been brought up a lot, and other projects that have used Australia have always tried to use this concept as well.
This is why I think this project is better off dying. Nobody gives a fuck what this was meant to be about and all people are doing is shitting up what could have been something quirky and fun.
>>16433713 >I remember the good old days Fuck off.
>>16433502 >You'll have to explain that metaphor. It makes no sense to me. >Scissors Bunny is basically the Pokemon equivalent of "don't run with scissors". God, I'm laughing. Pull my finger is a fart joke that only kids find funny or special.
>>16433736 You fuck off, this guy is right
>>16433768 >You fuck off, this guy is right le master samefag
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Slapped some colours on. I'm thinking middle stage will be a green & gold bell frog. Thoughts? Opinions?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
Okay, so I've done some more work on Alice Springs. What do you guys think now?
>>16433803 Even if that is a samefag, I'm certainly not. And I agree with
>>16433768 's sentiment.
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>>16433803 That's the other thing pissing me off. All the samefagging in these threads to push shitty ideas is one of the other reasons this project is better off dead. I'd rather my little dream of a Pokemon game based off Australia die than be left in the hands of /vp/.
>>16433753 I get the reference, I just hoped there was more to the joke than 'it's childish'.
It's just too stupid a comment even to consider. Firstly, it assumes that a Pokemon game shouldn't be concerned with what kids like. Secondly, it makes wildly unfounded statements about a large group of people. And finally, it's not even a funny insult.
Nice try though. Maybe when we start really pushing the plot in a year or so, you'll be out of high school and ready to provide some sensible contributions beyond 'le kek that is for teh kids. Give my blade rabbit the one true warrior overlord'.
>>16433858 Keep in mind Alice Springs is meant to be a big oasis in the desert, like Las Vegas
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16433888 I'm looking at satellite maps, and, with the exception of people's lawns, it still looks dusty as fuck.
Still, I might throw in a little more green.
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Again, nothing is confirmed. So until that happens, what is wrong with posting a new idea for a mon? Right now, whether samefag or not, both rabbits seem to be liked. Options are fine right now for a project just getting off of its feet.
>>16433913 It's surprisingly green in the actual town, but the second you go outside it's just red dirt as far as the eye can see.
>>16433858 What sentiment? That we've lost our way?
Jesus fuck people. You had a fucking blueprint sitting in front of you for a YEAR and none of you figured out what would happen? You think gen /vp/ was always like it is now? It started as a bunch of people brainstorming shit. No real surveys, lots of casual chat. Then it grew and people began to disagree. So it adapted to it. It's not perfect but it's the best model for a 4chan based project.
If you'd rather spend your time plugging your ears and signing to yourself about how this is just a chill little art thing you and your buddies are doing rather than trying to adapt to and evolve with the inevitable changes then this project deserves to fail.
God, I have never lost such respect for a tripfag so quickly.
>>16433881 I think what the anon meant was that the idea of that Pokemon was in itself quite childish or something a child would come up with and think is special or something.
Honestly, from my own experience when Pokemon first came out, I remember seeing other kids drawing the exact same idea. Hell, I remember even drawing it myself. It just seems very generic and nobody is going to find anything surprising about it.
>>16433957 The one on the left looks like a Mario villain.
>>16433957 They're cute, but I see 0 Pokemon in that picture.
>>16433988 And the right looks like a Digimon
>>16433966 >It just seems very generic and nobody is going to find anything surprising about it. See
>>16432693 The cards thing is really unique and the Ace idea is even more interesting. What sets the scissors rabbit apart from, say, Bunnelby, outside of its Dex Entry and typing?
>>16433964 Part of the problem is the seeming lack of support for each other. There's not as many people in this project as gen/vp/ and everyone's opinions are far too different. I think the other time people start agreeing is on night /vp/ or when the Australians are actually online.
Then there's the fact that some people here could intentionally be causing shit for various reasons. And the samefagging for pushing for ideas that clash with what other people were expecting for this project.
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>>16434064 Actually it looks like an Animal Crossing character but way to desperately try and push your own agenda.
>>16434041 Well considering neither has a confirmed design and both are drawn in an atypical style, I'm not surprised.
>>16433964 Dude, this is all casual. Adapt to change? We have. The problem is you can't please everyone, and when you adapt to suit one group another will show up claiming injustice.
SEQ has done a great deal for our project and it's pretty shitty on your part to oust him like that. You don't have to respect his opinions, but at least respect his actions.
>>16433966 Am I the only one who's never seen a fake Pokemon based on this concept?
>>16434113 >lack of support People get in fights. Get over it. It means everyone is passionate. Gen /vp/ has had a year to grow but it started small as well.
>Everyone's opinions are far too different This isn't a problem. The problem is never 'these people's ideas aren't close enough to mine'. The problem is 'we have no clear structure to narrow down ideas to one consensus'. If things are as bad as you seem to think they are, then it's time to start surveys.
>some people here could intentionally be causing shit for various reasons Yes, this never happened to Gen /vp/. They never dealt with trolls did they?
>samefagging This is pure speculation and you know it. If you're so worried about it then hey, here's an easy solution. Start running surveys. Find people who genuinely want to help and let them run them as openly as possible.
Pic fucking related.
Also, if you are as I suspect SEQguy without his trip, stop being a faggot.
>>16434069 Actually, I don't find the card idea that unique either. Japan uses playing card themes all the time in stuff. I'm surprised they haven't already used it in Pokemon, though they probably know it's cliche as well.
You may as well be asking what sets Scyther apart when it's a praying matis with blade arms, yet people love that one. At least it seems as though the scissors rabbit has an interesting backstory as to why it exists. If it has a counterpart in a fox like I've seen others saying that makes it seem rather fun.
Guys, what if somewhere in the barren/desert area of the region, there was an oasis that was a Pokemon Village?
Maybe the only place to get certain Pokemon like Ditto? Anonymous
>>16434162 Everyone of your arguments falls down for one simple reason.
There's another project that has lasted over a year in the exact same situation. There is no reason this one shouldn't be able to endure as well other than the sopping wet tripfags that seem to be managing things.
As I said, I LOST respect for him. I've been following his mapping for a while and it's good. He's good at that. But when he starts weighing in on dumb shit like 'ooh, things were so good a week ago' it just makes him look stupid.
Either this is a serious project that will produce something or it's an excuse for a bunch of people to fart out some concept art, wank over each other's ideas and bicker about meaningless shit.
>>16434282 It seems like a cool idea.
>>16434225 Ah, no, I'm someone that worked on Champion Version and have been following these threads with interest.
>>16434174 Maybe it's because I'm an oldfag. I used to be on that Pokemon Factory site years and years ago when I was still a kid myself. I remember seeing magician fakemon, especially rabbits, quite a lot.
>>16434235 >they haven't already used it in Pokemon That's what makes it unique you dippy cunt.
I don't mean 'playing cards are unique in the whole of media'. I mean in terms of Pokemon.
>interesting backstory That doesn't make an interesting Pokemon. It makes an interesting story. And, here's a fun kicker, the story works just as well with magic rabbits as it does scissor rabbit. The important part of the story is 'rabbit fence goes up and they find a way past it'.
As for the counterpart making it 'rather fun,' I have no words to adequately explain how stupid that is. That you're suggesting a half-hearted rival Pokemon idea is more interesting than a bunch of different forms with changing stats is just a little bit sad.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16433938 Ah, I will keep that in mind. Thanks.
>>16433964 Fortunately, I don't care whether people actually respect me as a person. I only concern myself with one thing.
"Do people find my work good or useful?"
Anyway, the point is this. I don't disagree that projects need to adapt their administrative structure as new challenges emerge. There's nothing wrong with using the occasional poll to gauge opinions and make concrete decisions, or setting up specialised teams for things like story development.
However, I joined this project because I wanted to see a region wholly inspired by Australia, down to the mons themselves (and that this would help determine which mons could be borrowed from official GameFreak games). From what I could tell, most people in early threads agreed with this.
But in the last few threads, we seem to be straying from this line of thinking, towards the kind of thinking which makes it okay to stick a panda in France. This makes me distinctly uncomfortable with the direction of the project.
I will most likely still continue work on this project, no matter what happens or what decisions are made, even if the whole thing dies and that means I'm the last goddamn person working on it. But there are certain things and directions in which the project could head which I have a distinct preference for. Other people have their own preferences, some of which I strongly disagree with. And I will fight for the direction I feel is right. But if that direction is abandoned, I will still work. Because I'd rather see this thing finished in a way I don't like 100% than not finished at all.
>>16434225 is not me.
>>16434317 But what reason is there to make it difficult to catch a ditto when there won't even be competitive gaming?
>>16434298 Exactly why I specified actions and opinions. A ton of the arguments here are started on purpose, and a great deal of the actual work gets done on the forum, were we can have actual discussion.
>>16434379 >'rabbit fence goes up and they find a way past it'. What it Hocus's purpose was the fence rabbit? It needed a way past the fence, so it used its magic to teleport through the fence.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16434387 Sorry, meant to say
>>16434113 is not me, in response to
>>16434225 . My bad.
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>>16434404 Well, Ditto was an example. We could put the pseudo legend in the village. Maybe a legendary event happens there too?
>>16434379 Enough with the language thank you. I haven't called you anything so there's no need for you to get offensive.
What I was saying was just because it hasn't been used in Pokemon doesn't mean it hasn't been done to death already. Kamen Rider, Super Sentai and Precure, and I'm sure a lot of other children's shows in Japan have used the card theme for far longer than either of us have been alive. It's a theme that's just so frequent now that there's nothing surprising about it, even if you were to put it in the setting of Pokemon.
Sorry, but I do find the rabbit and fox quite interesting because of it's basis in reality. It's the same reason I like Seviper and Zangoose and there's not really enough of those sort of rivalries in Pokemon.
>>16434332 Oh, and here is an example from back when I was on. Surprised the site still exists.
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Hold up, I thought the roadkill and roadrunner were our rival pokemon.
>>16434387 >However, I joined this project because I wanted to see a region wholly inspired by Australia, down to the mons themselves (and that this would help determine which mons could be borrowed from official GameFreak games). From what I could tell, most people in early threads agreed with this. That's just not a concept that's communicated anywhere around this project. Pokemon regions are never exclusively based on the area. If this is what you wanted from the off, you should have made damn sure everyone knew it.
There's a not in the Sage OP about how the region is 'based on South America but not everything needs to be South American' because people kept shooting ideas down for being unrelated to Brazil.
(For the record, I think it's completely fine to put a panda in Kalos because Kalos is not France. It's based on the country but is it's own separate place and perfectly entitled to have whatever fauna it likes. Ditto with PokeAus imo.)
It sounds like you guys are barreling ahead without cementing basic details.
Shit like 'we agreed in the first thread' is meaningless to new people who don't know this and don't have it communicated to them. This is especially important because you're straying from the standard model.
The FAQ isn't sufficient in this regard.
If people seem to be thinking the other way then maybe it's time to make it OFFICIAL. Have a survey (the dreaded word). They're the only way to get opinions and settle arguments properly.
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>>16434453 My point exactly.
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>>16434560 Oh wow! Can't believe how close I was to that, haha.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16434577 Alright then. Let's do a 24-hour survey, starting from the beginning of the next thread. And let's put it in the OP so everyone knows it exists.
The problem is coming up with the proper survey question. We need to word it properly, so as not to induce bias and to get an accurate sample of people's thoughts.
What should the question be?
>>16434504 >Enough with the language thank you. Sorry, that was the Brit in me. I forgot how 'cunt' sounds to other cultures.
And, yes the theme is pretty ubiquitous but that's because it's strong and recognisable. Discussing Japan is irrelevant since this isn't going to have much traction over there. The theme has a relatively unique twist with the stat changing dynamic that means the motif actually matters on a gameplay level. I'm struggling to think of a game which has presented differences between the suits that aren't merely superficial.
And again, the rabbit/fox thing isn't precluded by Magic Rabbit. There's no choice between 'Fence/Fox or Magic Hat'. You can have a fox rival for the magic rabbit. Or am I missing something?
I still don't think that rivalries are all that interesting by themselves. Rival mons tend to be very forgettable. Durant/Heatmor for example.
>opinions general obviously
>>16434738 >Rabbit based off white magic >Fox based off black magic Good idea
>>16434719 PokeAus grew out of a thread that initially intended to recreate Australia in the Pokemon world. As development continues, should we maintain this focus (i.e. everything should be firmly rooted in Australian culture) or expand the scope to hew more closely to the typical GameFreak model (i.e. heavily based on Australia's culture but with the opportunity to explore non-Australian characters/Pokemon ideas etc.).
How does that sound? I think I made the distinction clear but does either side sound explicitly supported?
>>16434816 Support "everything should be firmly rooted in Australian culture"
>>16434816 the second, no fucking question
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16434816 I'm okay with this.
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>>16434779 Kinda cool. To mirror the playing card stat changes of the rabbit, the fox could have something with fetishes maybe? Like different hold items (perhaps implied to be aspects of other Pokemon) could provide him with new moves or change his stats when he evolves?
I like this idea. It takes the historical rivalry and backstory but gives it a new facet beyond just 'they hate each other'. This is a solid idea now.
>>16434816 This probably shouldn't be asked here (due to samefagging) and a legitimate poll should be made.
Maybe even in the forums to force the people who are actually into this project to create an account
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>>16434872 >>16434816 I agree with the second option. That would give the region a bit of variety instead of the only-Aussie stuff.
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>>16434857 >>16434872 Hysterical
>>16434963 >legitimte poll I think that's the idea. Just trying to get the wording right so there's no hard feelings when one group loses.
>force Anonymous
>>16434738 If that's the case with the magic rabbit, I'd rather see it have a basis in non-westernised magic with the top hat and all. If it were to be based upon voodoo or Aboriginal myth it'd probably be better accepted.
Perhaps rather than a rabbit it could have a bit of bilby edge to it? Just a suggestion though.
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>>16434963 >force the create an account Gen /vp/ doesn't do this because it closes off your development team. There's no real barrier to getting involved with Pokemon Sage so they have a healthy group of anons with new people slowly filtering in as others leave. Doing something like their Screening Question (which just asks a basic fact about the project) is probably a better idea. It still requires people engage slightly with the project (enough to dissuade any casual trolling) but doesn't demand too much of people's time just to hear their opinion.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16434816 Okay, so now that we have the question, let's set up two polls. One on the official forums, and one on an independent poll-making site. Both polls can be posted in the OP.
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>>16435009 I agree, if the idea actually makes it into the game, we could redesign the rabbit to fit more Australia...
>>16435009 Aren't the rabbits supposed to be non-native though? Maybe instead of the foxhound idea, their rival could be a Bilby type shaman who represents Australia's Aborigine magic?
>>16435201 I like this idea.
Modern magic vs Voodoo.
>>16435398 >Voodoo. Is that the right word? I tend to associate that with Central/South America more than Australia.
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>>16435435 I meant like Aborigine. Sorry, worded it wrong.
3rd stage for possibly water or grass starter Based on gastric brooding frog & marsupial frog in that both male & female have tiny little first stage babies in their mouth. They could have a unique move that involves spitting out their babies at an enemy? Like bullet seed but with tiny frogs. Any feedback is appreciated, will post this on the forum in a bit.
>>16435515 I know this probably isn't helpful or anything,
but I absolutely love the colors.
Plus this thing is freaking cool.
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>>16435435 Australia has witch doctors, and the concept of black magic does exist to some extent. Most times the magic humans had was based on making people ill or well though.
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>>16435515 This... I like this.
>>16435515 >Signature move: Toad Bullet >Water type >30 base damage >Hits 2-5 times Anonymous
>>16435515 I think the baby thing is a bit morbid... but you could easily make the third stage have something to do with the legend of Tiddalik the frog.
>>16435515 This is cool, but certainly not a starter. It's way too ugly.
>>16435515 make the first stage a poliwag, get rid of your midstage and make your first stage the mid. also dont make them grass/water or water/grass, we can be more interesting than that. I could see Pure Grass or Grass/Poison working, Or pure water or Water/Poison, it would have to have dry skin either way, or perhaps even sapsipper
>>16435534 That's actually very helpful anon! I wasn't sure if the colours were a bit too garish, so it's good to know their alright.
>>16435587 Sounds good!
>>16435649 I didn't actually know about that legend, but that could just as easily be used! Imostly just wanted to use the 'babies in mouth' idea because the gastric brooding frog is so unique, it just had to be put in.
>>16435785 This is just the first draft of them anon, I'm more than happy to change them. Their really just another idea, since the water type seems to be a bit undecided at the moment.
>>16435847 I was actually thinking of a secondary poison typing, but it's really up to everyone. I'm not super fussed. By poliwag, do you mean a literal poliwag or make something that looks -like- a poliwag?
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>>16435201 So the rabbits have a variety of different forms that specialise in different things. It can't change forms though.
So maybe the Bilaby is able to change forms but it isn't as specialised? Something to do with the body paints perhaps. But the trade off for adaptability is that it's less specialised? It would need to be able to change forms on the fly to have an advantage but maybe his stats are always fixed. He could have a signature move that depends on his body paint and you'd be able to change it up as you travel. About to enter a water route? Have your Bilby put on his Storm Paint and wreak havoc with a powerful Electric move. Heading into a forest? Best apply the Sun Paint and burn your Grass/Bug enemies.
I dunno, just spitballing. I think this is a great basis for a rivalry. I love that it has a historical route but also a thematic one. Zangoose always reminded me of a sort of super-hero with his Zoro-esque markings and I always thought Zangoose and Seviper would have been more interesting if they really played that up.
>>16435921 I mean something more tadpole-like. You could even make it look like a pebble with a kelp tail. mitebcool. Maybe give it arms instead of feet to make it more unique, like pic related
im not submitting this design, please dont add to the dropbox mr.dropbox-organizer-man-sir >>16435785 >what is venusaur? Anonymous
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>>16436013 Sounds good, I'll try and whip something up!
>>16436013 It has a certain appeal,
It's also the least popular of the starters Your thing has eyes in its mouth.
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>>16436191 babies in it's mouth. the eyes are on babies.
it's hard to see because i cbf making something detailed when it's all going to get changed anyway