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Bear Giveaway

No.16448130 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /vp/, do you like bears? I like bears. I like bears so much I decided to breed some, and I'm going to share this gift of bears with you beautiful fuckers. All the bears have four perfect IVs. These guys need homes and loving trainers.

Here is what I have:
>Pancham w/ Adamant
-atk/def/spdef/spd (3)
-hp/atk/def/spdef (4)
-hp/def/spdef/spd (3)
-hp/atk/def/spd (4)

>Cubchoo w/ Jolly
-hp/atk/spdef/spd (6) (3 w/ Hidden ability)
-hp/atk/def/spdef (3) (1 w/ hidden ability)
-hp/atk/def/spd (2) (1 w/ hidden ability)
-hp/def/spdef/spd (1) (hidden ability)

>Teddiursa w/ Adamant
-hp/atk/def/spd (3)
-atk/def/spdef/spd (3)
-hp/def/spdef/spd (4)
-hp/atk/spdef/spd (4)
-hp/atk/def/spdef (2)

If you guys are feeling like cool cats these are pokemon that I want in order to fill out my pokedex. I will accept any nature, any level, any IVs.

Bonsly, Murkrow, Pineco, Phanpy, Wurmple,
Seedot, Taillow, Numel, Cacnea, Spheal,
Shinx, Shellos, Bronzor, Munna, Pidove, Blitzle,
Drilbur, Tympole, Sewaddle, Maractus, Trubbish, Minccino
Klink, Rufflet, Vullaby,