>>16449249Eviolite Dusclops with Gravity, Curse, Will o Wisp, and Toxic (last two dont really matter).
Focus Sash Dugtrio with Earthquake, Rock Slide, Sucker Punch.
Choice scarf Flygon with Earthquake, Rock Slide, Outrage, and U-Turn.
Lead with Dusclops and use gravity first turn (they can't kill you turn one), then Curse second turn (hopefully you die this turn, if not, use curse again next turn just you kill yourself).
After that switch to Flygon and lock yourself into Earthquake. You will have 2-3 turns of gravity and you can OHKO Jolteon and Charizard and 2HKO Metagross. If you had 3 turns, just let Flygon die using EQ and switch to Dugtrio to EQ or Rock Slide for the kill. Everything following lists what to do once gravity wears off assuming you only got 2 turns of gravity.
If gravity wears off with both Jolteon and Charzard dead, stay in to 2HKO Metagross.
If gravity wears off with Charizard dead and Metagross half dead. Stay in to finish Metagross and OHKO Jolteon.
If gravity wears off and you have Jolteon dead and Metagross half dead, stay in to KO Metagross or die to Charizard and finish you off, then finish with Dugtrio using Rock Slide and EQ.
If gravity ends with Metagross dead and both others alive, use EQ to die to Charizard whether you get the chance to KO jolteon or not. Then switch Dugtrio in to KO Charizard (outspeeds) and survive any hit from Jolteon (thanks Focus Sash) and KO with EQ.
Only way this plan can fail is due to them getting a crit against Dusclops or with Bullet Punch on Flygon or if you miss with Rock Slide (which you use a maximum of once).