bigmaz 4596-9728-1604
>>16453483 Can i get that pawniard for a 5IV modest bulbasaur?
JC 3024-6308-9672
>>16453483 could i trade a 5iv (no sp.a) aron for a 5iv jolly hustle durant please mate? And a pawniard for one of my moxiediles?
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16453577 Ok added
>>16453591 Sure to both those offers. added
Nuggies 3325 2810 9220
Ill give you a 4 iv bold storm drain shellos for the bold klefki
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
JC 3024-6308-9672
I have a Growlithe: Adamant/Intimidate with 5IV's (all perfect except HP). Can I have a 5IV Adamant SR Aron (perfect except for sp. Atk)? I also have some 4/5IV Goomys if you are interested in that as well. My friend code is 1564-3136-2274
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16454007 Whats the spread on the 5iv Goomy? I'd like everything but atk.
>>16454044 Let me check. I have various ones. I could even give you two if I don't have 1 with exactly what you want.
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16454082 Maybe. Im interested in the Growlithe but Id only give you something from my 4iv list or a weird 5iv spread poke, not the aron
I will trade a 5iv perfect aron for a perfect gooey goomy though
>>16454044 I have 5IV no attack with sap sipper/careful
5IV no attack with gooey and quirky
and 5IV with no attack sap sipper/sassy.
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16454169 The gooey one sounds great. I will trade you a perfect aron for it. Is there anything else from my list you might want for the growlithe (preferably fem)?
>>16454141 I am also interested in the 4IV Tyrunt if you would like the growlithe.
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16454239 Sure. Trade me in game
Quoted By:
>>16454220 I'm sorry but the growlithe is male...let me check my others.
>>16454267 My females are all 4IV unfortunately. You can have one though if you want. Don't care what you give me (e.g. a combee is fine). BTW my goomy is level 34 by it hasn't been EV trained at all. Just in the the day care
Larryn dunsparse-miccino-ditto 3737-9632-2205
Larryn dunsparse-miccino-ditto 3737-9632-2205 Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:03:34 No. 16454395 Report Can i get a 4 IV aron with SR? I can give a sableye with prankster and recover
xignel 4966 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle]
xignel 4966 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle] Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:03:48 No. 16454399 Report >>16453483 I have 5iv modest ralts, 5iv adamant marill (thick fat), 5iv adamant fletchlings (gale and big pecks) 5iv froakies and 5 iv helioptiles/// I need an aron (5iv on any) and harvest phantump please?
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16454381 Can I get a female with hp iv? too
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16454395 Sure. Will add
>>16454399 Do you have any protean froakies with 5ivs? Id like one with everything but atk or sp atk, either is good
Also interested in the ralts
Quoted By:
>>16454267 Thank you. Saved me a lot of time. Have fun with the Growlithe's and Goomy
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16454399 double check your fc. I cant add you
xignel 4966 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle]
xignel 4966 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle] Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:10:58 No. 16454589 Report >>16454474 I have a male timid protean without spatk; ralts is synchronize one male (no spD) and one fem (no hp)
Quoted By:
>>16454422 Just saw your post. Not sure if the female one I gave you has HP...but I have another with 4IV HP Brave/Intimidate if it was wrong. Just trade me in game and if not then ignore this.
xignel 4699 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle]
xignel 4699 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle] Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:12:15 No. 16454619 Report >>16454532 opps got it vackwards. its 4699 6697 6053
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
Quoted By:
>>16454589 Sorry those pokes sound good except for their spreads so no deal unless you have others to trade
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16454619 Let me be more specific, I wont trade 5iv pokes for yours. Any 4iv poke from my list for those would work
xignel 4699 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle]
xignel 4699 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle] Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:19:51 No. 16454832 Report >>16454720 thats good. you still have 4iv arons and the phantump is 4iv too, right?
thos are what I need/want right now.
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16454832 yep. I will add you
>>16453483 Would you be interested in a 5IV Adamant Pancham or a 5IV Jolly Sneasel for that 4IV adamant technician scyther?
xignel 4699 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle]
xignel 4699 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle] Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:24:44 No. 16454972 Report >>16454861 thanks hit the trade when youre ready. also, which ralts did you want?
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16454903 Pancham sounds good, but what are the IV spreads?
>>16454972 the fem
Neut 4871-4533-9250 Ice (Snover, Bergmite, Dewgong){183}
Neut 4871-4533-9250 Ice (Snover, Bergmite, Dewgong){183} Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:27:16 No. 16455031 Report >>16454994 The pancham has 31 IV's in everything but Sp. Atk, and has Iron fist. I can spare a female.
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:27:41 No. 16455041 Report >>16454994 Mind if I could get a Naive Shellder?
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
Quoted By:
>>16455031 That fem pancham is great. Will add
>>16455041 sure
xignel 4699 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle]
xignel 4699 6697 6053 [aipom,kekleon,smeargle] Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:28:57 No. 16455070 Report Quoted By:
>>16454994 thanks a lot for the mons!
much appreciated.
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
>Have to offer: >Adamant larvitars w/dragon dance, outrage, stealth rock egg moves. most have iron defence as well. 3 perfect attack spread females. 1 perfect sp attack spread male. 37 4IV larvitars.>Jolly gible w/iron head 2 5IV rough skin perfect spread female gible 1 4IV jpn 42 4IV gible>Adamant aron 4 5IV aron 1 perfect attack spread male, 3 perfect sp attack spread males. 36 4IV aron>Timid noibats 45 5IV noibats 7 perfect sp attack spread 12 perfect attack spread 43 4IV noibats>looking for Make me an offer, will trade the 4IV and imperfect 5IV mons for any 4IV or imperfect 5IV mon not on the list. Will only trade perfect spreads for other perfect spreads not on the list. Also accepting legendaries, bp items, and megastones.
Justin 3711-8181-2882 (Klang, Magneton, Klefki)
Justin 3711-8181-2882 (Klang, Magneton, Klefki) Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:32:06 No. 16455161 Report >>16453483 Can I get a Klefki and Shellder?
I have these to offer:
Timid Vulpix (both abilities)
Timid Natural Cure Staryu
Modest Natural Cure Roselia
Modest Mareep
Timid Joltik (Compound Eyes and Unnerve)
Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling
Timid Noibat (both abilities)
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16455161 Ill give you a klefki and shellder for a natural cure staryu and the mareep
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:37:02 No. 16455299 Report >>16453483 OP I'm interested in Shellder, female Scyther, Skarmory, female Ferroseed with HP IV, and Pinsir
I have 4IV:
- Relaxed Bergmite w Mirror Coat (Ice body/Sturdy)
- Bold Unburden Swirlix
- Timid Compound Eye Joltik
- Impish Furfrou
- Timid Noibat
- Timid Helioptile
- Huge Power Bunnelby
- Timid Compound Eye Scatterbug
- Modest Goomy
Interested in trading?
Justin 3711-8181-2882 (Klang, Magneton, Klefki)
Justin 3711-8181-2882 (Klang, Magneton, Klefki) Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:37:13 No. 16455306 Report Quoted By:
>>16455216 Sounds good. Ready when you are.
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:38:12 No. 16455331 Report Quoted By:
>>16455216 Thank you for the trade.
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16455299 Can i get a sturdy avalugg and the helioptile for a pinsir and shelder?
Neut 4871-4533-9250 Ice (Snover, Bergmite, Dewgong){183}
Neut 4871-4533-9250 Ice (Snover, Bergmite, Dewgong){183} Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:44:11 No. 16455481 Report Quoted By:
>>16455216 Sorry for the delay. Ready whenever.
Quoted By:
Hey guys, I really REALLY need a regeneration slowpoke/bro/king I have a lot of stuff to offer in return.
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:45:49 No. 16455525 Report >>16455457 Sure. Nothing else for the rest of my interest list? Forgot to mention my Bergmite has Mirror Coat, and I ran out of Dry Skin Helioptile. Which gender do you want? I'd like female ones from you pls
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
Quoted By:
>>16455525 Ya sorry but nothing else is too interesting to me.
I can get you fems, especially if you get me fems back. a sand veil helioptile is fine
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16455525 Actually if you have a male counterpart for the avalugg (one with the missing iv) then I will give you a skarm
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Wed 04 Dec 2013 02:56:07 No. 16455790 Report >>16455751 I clicked cancel trade before reading this. Can you check to see which IV I marked on the female Berg I sent you? I'll send you a male one with the missing IV
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
Quoted By:
>>16455790 NP. It is missing defense.
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16453483 Pinsir for a 4 IV adamant magikarp?
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
Quoted By:
>>16455975 Sorry but I already have a good gyrados and only have 2 4iv pinsirs left so no. Do you have anything else to trade?
Reed 2191-8123-4790 SV {1952} [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Reed 2191-8123-4790 SV {1952} [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Wed 04 Dec 2013 03:07:26 No. 16456070 Report Can someone spare me a Heracross? It doesn't have to have perfect IVs or anything, I just need one because I can't get it in X.
Quoted By:
Bold wish eevees ha or not
J. 4699 5990 3901
>>16456070 I got you. I'll give you a female with moxie.
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 {3074} (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo)
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 {3074} (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo) Wed 04 Dec 2013 03:11:09 No. 16456178 Report >>16453483 If you're still here I'd love a Jolly Technician Shroomish. I can offer some 4IV Unburden Calm Swirlix.
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
>>16456211 you have wish eevees with Anticipation?
>>16456231 Adaptability or Run Away?
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
Quoted By:
>>16456254 Not interested in eevee
Quoted By:
I mean anticipation
>>16456239 Yes what do you have to offer
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 {3074} (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo)
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 {3074} (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo) Wed 04 Dec 2013 03:17:25 No. 16456352 Report Quoted By:
>>16456231 Alright, ready in a few minutes
Reed 2191-8123-4790 SV {1952} [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Reed 2191-8123-4790 SV {1952} [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Wed 04 Dec 2013 03:17:26 No. 16456353 Report J. 4699 5990 3901
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
>>16456339 I have
>>16455080 but now I am down to two perfect attack spread larvitars.
You have females with HA?
I need a Regenerator Slowpoke and a Wish Eevee. Can trade adamant crunch/flare blitz/close combat growlithes and I have a drought vulpix I can trade.
J. 4699 5990 3901
Quoted By:
>>16456395 Interested in a perfect attack spread female venipede for you larvitar? Its got the HA.
>>16456416 I have a 4 IV eevee with wish for that growlithe
FC 5413-1066-9881
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
>>16456444 do you have any females with anticipation.
I have this stuff.
>>16455080 Boss
>>16456509 Si. For the timid noibat
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
Quoted By:
OP here Im going to abandon the thread in about 10 mins but feel free to keep trading in it
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
>>16456574 ok, adding. what spread did you want?
Quoted By:
>>16456592 Doesn't matter would prefer a female tho
Nemo: 3454-0097-7396
Quoted By:
Do you have any 4iv female, belly drum marills left for trade?
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 {3074} (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo)
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 {3074} (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo) Wed 04 Dec 2013 03:29:31 No. 16456641 Report >>16455457 Sorry about the wait. Could you make the Shroomish female?
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16455080 I want one of those battle ready larvitars. I've mostly bred Froakies and Noibats. I have a Gastly with 5IVs, it's missing SpDef. Gible missing speed. Magikarp missing HP. Absol missing SpAtt.
My best would probably be ferroseed missing spd and Spatt. Has leech seed and steath rock.
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16456592 So sorry I just checked and I only have adaptabilitys and run away
Do you still want?
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
>>16456691 Yea i will trade one of my noibats for a male wish eevee. either ability is fine.
>>16456662 Do you have a female froakie with the standard smogonfrog iv/ability set?
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 {3074} (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo)
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 {3074} (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo) Wed 04 Dec 2013 03:35:30 No. 16456771 Report >>16456682 I am but it's not working...
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
>>16456771 I dont know why. Whats your ign?
Any Skarmorys and Torchics left? I have 4 IV Unaware Woopers with egg moves.
Nemo: 3454-0097-7396
Quoted By:
>>16456783 OP, do you have any female belly drum marills left?
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16456763 I don't know what that but the ones I bred are meant to be used with toxic spike + U turn. So they're Jolly. I should have some missing Att though if you want to breed with it.
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 {3074} (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo)
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 {3074} (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo) Wed 04 Dec 2013 03:38:05 No. 16456833 Report Quoted By:
>>16456783 Jordan. I keep sending you requests.
Quoted By:
I need Pinsirite. Will trade Heracronite.
Quoted By:
>>16456503 Sorry for the late reply, I just got in from smoking a bowl. Can you please nickname it for me? 2638 - 0154 - 5027
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
>>16456832 but they do have protean?
Eric (OP) 3995-6597-4599
Quoted By:
Thanks guys but Im abandoning thread!
Quoted By:
>>16456503 The name is Landon btw
Dp 1289-9595-2260
Looking for 5 IV Modest Serene Grace Togepi, preferebly not on a pokeball. Offering a shiny in exchange
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16456869 Of course. I release anything without it.
Except for my 26 boxes worth of MMing that turned out to be torrent. I kept that one.
Quoted By:
>>16453483 OP, I have 5 IV Zubats (w/ Brave Bird, Hypnosis and Defog) and 5 IV Karrablasts (Brave, 0 Speed and w/ Megahorn). I'm interested in the 5 IV Pinsir and whatever nice Shellder you have. Interested?
Also, got any Baton Pass Speed Boost Torchic?
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
>>16456930 ha. okay i can go for that. I will give you one of the attack spread larvitars for one of your froakies. If you have a female of what you were breeding for as far as IVs and moves then that would be great.
Dp 1289-9595-2260
Quoted By:
>>16456913 pangoro, drilbur,simisear, bibarel or maybe an eevee if its exactly what im looking for
0962-9915-4629 Jason
Quoted By:
Got any more Arons? I'm looking for a pair I have a bunch of 3-4IV (Have 5IV's for 5IV's) Jolly Marvel Scale Dratini with Aqua jet + Dragon Dance Adamant Intimidate Growlithe with Close Combat and Flare Blitz Hasty Protean Froakies Flame Body Larvestas
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16456974 So which did you want? Missing att or SpAtt?
The spread of the larvitar is 31/31/31/x/31/31, correct?
I'll add you now.
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
Quoted By:
>>16457049 Ill go with missing attack. thanks mate.
yep thats the one.
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
Quoted By:
That's not the correct one. That's missing SpDef, you said missing SpAtt.
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
Quoted By:
>>16457049 looking at these two again, they need to relearn the egg moves. is that okay with you?
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
That's fine. I just want the one's missing spatt
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
>>16457341 by the way do you have instacheck?
Ace 0619 4400 4739 {1201}
>>16457381 Yea, but I can't get it working most of the time. Thanks for the Larvitar! I'll be using it very soon. Probably should have asked for a nickname. Oh well.
Good luck!
Sean [5429-8063-7289]
Quoted By:
>>16457497 No problem. Did it say what my shiny ID was?
Jake 0662-3152-0397 Ghost: Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk
Jake 0662-3152-0397 Ghost: Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk Wed 04 Dec 2013 04:05:56 No. 16457532 Report Quoted By:
>>16456817 I have a jolly x/31/31/31/x/31 sb torchic to offer for the wooper
Quoted By:
>>16456503 Hey man you there?