>>16467102Im a main trick-room user here.
my main attakers:
choice band adaptablity crawdawunt, using knock off. it even can kill weakened things with choice aqua jet when trick room is down.
second attacker is mega-mawile, hits like a super truck, still works outside of trick room with its bulk and sucker punch.
and the last is adaptability specs dragalge, once the enemy teams steels are down, you are free to obliterate on trick room with specs adaptability powered dragon pulses and sludge waves, not even faeries can stop you save for mega mawile, dragalges sp def is also amazing, it has enough bulk to take most non-effective special attacks.
the idea is WHEN to trick room, you are not supposed to use it at the beginning of the match, save it when they think you are setup fodder and start to speed boost, then you completely switch the match in your favor.