[20 / 1 / ?]
I have 4 IV Adamant Intimidate Growlithe (none in sp.A) with egg moves -close combat -morning sun -flare blitz any offers. I can nickname them for you if you want.
I have some 4IV Jolly Kangaskhans and Calm Goomys
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
modest ralts,gastlys jolly teddiursas W/play rough modest squritles W/dragon pulse and aura sphere
>>16474287 ill take a kanga
>>16474375 ill take a squirtle
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16474551 Can i get a male?
>>16474578 yes can the ivs be in hp,spa,d,spd? and if possible with DA
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16474607 all with torrent
31/31/31/x/x/31 (this was some guys breeding leftovers,no idea why he put attack on there)
>>16474718 ill take >31/x/31/31/x/31, can you name him Blue?
added ign javier
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16474776 I've only got egg moves from other peoples leftover,how do you get multiple egg moves on a pokemon?
>>16474919 just breed a female and male pokemon with egg moves you can pass up to 4
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16474937 It passes through females now?
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>>16474375 I have 4-5 IV jolly gibles w outrage, larvitar with egg moves, adamant magikarps, 4 IV modest wish eevee
Would like the squirtle
eric 3995 6597 4599
>>16470095 I'd like one. I have to trade with 4 ivs Adamant Tyrunt with Fire Fang and DD
>Adamant Scrappy Kanga >Timid Ghastly >Adamant Speed Boost Torchic >Relaxed Ferroseed with SR, Leech seed, spikes >Adamant Technician Scyther >Sturdy Skarmory with BB and Whirlwind >Impish Immunity Gligar >Adamant Axew >Jolly quickfeet/technician Shroomish with bullet seed and worry seed >Brave Honedges with Atk and Quiet Honedges with Sp. Atk >Adamant Speedboost Venipedes with toxic spikes >Jolly Pinsir with CC and QA >Adamant Aron with SR >Adamant Defiant Paniard with pyschocut, revenge, sucker punch >Adamant Galewing Fletchlings >Careful Harvest Phantumps >Adamant and Modest Riolu with atk and or sp. atk, almost a full box >Adamant Aron with Stealth Rock Javi-1736-1212-6969
>>16475318 >technician Shroomish with bullet seed and worry seed can I get that, and maybe and aron to? I can give you 2 growliths with diffrent ivs or a 3 iv beldum?
eric 3995 6597 4599
>>16475374 Ya ill give you those for a good breeding pair
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>>16475492 okay added ign javier. I olny have one female so ill give you that one.
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>>16475318 Can I get a pinsir for 4 IV magikarp, gible outrage, eevee wish?
Jesse 3652-1667-4020 (Ground - Wooper - Palpitoad - Camerupt)
Jesse 3652-1667-4020 (Ground - Wooper - Palpitoad - Camerupt) Thu 05 Dec 2013 05:34:51 No. 16481904 Report Quoted By:
>>16470095 I have 4 IV Dratini with Aqua Jet and Dragon pulse, all adamant and Pawniard with sucker Punch.