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228KiB, 778x400, pokemon_hoenn_starters_by_pace_eterna-d37a6xa.png
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>Gorebyss and Huntail look like retarded squiggles. No clear design.
>Luvdisc is just a heart, clear filler pokemon
Rehashes everywhere
Second worst starters: A boring reptile, a chicken that turns into a humanoid DIGIMON, and an actual good pokemon.
Easily worst story: Something to do with being friends with a sick autist and two teams going HERP MORE LAND DERP MORE WATER.
Please do remind me how gen III is the best.
Inb4mod gets anus crumpled and beleetes my thread
You guys only nostalgia over it because forever alones keep pounding your dick to Gardevoir.
>Luvdisc is just a heart, clear filler pokemon
Rehashes everywhere
Second worst starters: A boring reptile, a chicken that turns into a humanoid DIGIMON, and an actual good pokemon.
Easily worst story: Something to do with being friends with a sick autist and two teams going HERP MORE LAND DERP MORE WATER.
Please do remind me how gen III is the best.
Inb4mod gets anus crumpled and beleetes my thread
You guys only nostalgia over it because forever alones keep pounding your dick to Gardevoir.