[6 / 1 / ?]
Quoted By: >>16474827
Hey guys, I've recently bred a Lickitung with outstanding potential, with perfect 31 IVs in HP, Attak, Defense, Spec. Defense, and Speed, as a counter-wall for Tyranitar and/or Azumarill hopefully. Going off of a Smogon set, the set-up is as follows:
Careful Cloud Nine holding Leftovers
Swords Dance, Substitute, Return/Body Slam, Power Whip
EVs: 172 HP 84 ATK 128 SpD 124 SPE
I am confident with the ability, nature, and moveset, but I'm wondering if I could split the EVs better to make it more defensive, as to survive Earthquake and Play Rough safely. According to my calculations, with the EV spread above my Lickilicky will have:
260 HP
158 Atk
147 Def
---- SpA
193 SpD (Careful nature boost)
133 Spe
All by level 50.
Is there a better way for me to spread the EVs better to make it last a bit longer? If I split the SpD EVs in half among Def and SpD, it'll have 163 Def and 177 SpD. I'm pretty confident with this. What I'm mainly going for is defense. Thoughts?
Careful Cloud Nine holding Leftovers
Swords Dance, Substitute, Return/Body Slam, Power Whip
EVs: 172 HP 84 ATK 128 SpD 124 SPE
I am confident with the ability, nature, and moveset, but I'm wondering if I could split the EVs better to make it more defensive, as to survive Earthquake and Play Rough safely. According to my calculations, with the EV spread above my Lickilicky will have:
260 HP
158 Atk
147 Def
---- SpA
193 SpD (Careful nature boost)
133 Spe
All by level 50.
Is there a better way for me to spread the EVs better to make it last a bit longer? If I split the SpD EVs in half among Def and SpD, it'll have 163 Def and 177 SpD. I'm pretty confident with this. What I'm mainly going for is defense. Thoughts?