>>16497273>>a special wall could survive a hit>survive a hitYou have no idea why M-gengar was banned, do you? Perish Song as the foe switches to a counter, Sub, Protect, switch out. Nowhere does the target's ability to take a take a hit come into play. Sure, there's a number of ways to not lose to such a set, some of which can even beat a successful double-Protect or a well-timed Disable, but most Pokemon are "OHKOed" with no chance to respond. And then it can switch in as Mega Gengar for the rest of the match and take out something else.
Other sets, like Taunt + Destiny Bond, let it kill the one thing on the opposing team standing between the Gengar user's Garchomp or something and a total sweep, while also having the moveslots to deal damage should the need arise.
Chicken I'm not as sure about. I think the premise was that it wipes out most defensive Pokemon with ease, and letting it force a switch means giving it the chance to set up and become nigh unstoppable. Baton Pass could've been the deciding factor this gen, letting it work as a flawless wallbreaking pivot like Mega Gengar was.