Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\22\0 [212] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\3\17\31\0 [3455] Cubone (F) - Brave, Rock Head, 31\31\31\17\14\0 [2136] Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\14\0 [1509] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\0\31\17\31\0 [478] Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\2\0 [333] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\5\31\0 [524] Cubone (F) - Brave, Rock Head, 23\31\31\17\31\0 [xxxx] Taken Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\6\31\17\31\0 [2738] Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\29\31\0 [2041] Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\19\17\31\0 [695] Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\19\0 [2482] Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\31\19 [1973] Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\31\31 [3330] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\28\0 [2414] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\31\0 [1514] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\18\0 [2341] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\10\17\31\0 [3407] Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\31\11 [420] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\31\16 [2695] Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\7\31\0 [3536] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\14\0 [454] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\8\31\17\31\0 [2280] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 25\31\31\17\31\0 [2848] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\30\31\0 [433] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\7\31\0 [3290] Cubone (F) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\31\17\23\0 [1290] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\18\31\17\31\0 [xxxx] Taken Cubone (M) - Brave, Rock Head, 31\31\31\17\31\10 [2201] Cubone (M) - Brave, Lightningrod, 31\31\27\17\31\0 [200]
NC 2251-4613-9475
Thor I matched Charmander (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\31\31\1\31\16 [2660] if you see this are you gonna want it back or would a 5iv larvitar be good enough in return?
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:27:26 No. 16497180 Report repostin' muh 'lectric lizards! Twinkle 3110-4777-5340 {555} {3949} Last day for the Mareep
Gonna hatch them all later tonight
Adrian 1306-5914-2169 {660}
Quoted By:
Ralts and Starly up for grabs! benja 4983-5953-1311 [581] Charmander with Dragon Pulse. I'd like one of the marked ones, rest are free.
Also looking for someone to check another box please.
Thor 0662-3786-3833 - SV-2707
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:28:43 No. 16497211 Report Last day. I'm going to release all.
Take whatever you want, except of the marked ones.
TSV 2640 come at me! :(
> Sami - 2363-5618-6771 [1255]
Quoted By:
>>16497163 Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 25\31\31\18\31\31 [1467]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\18\31\17 [3718]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\2\31\18\31\31 [3537]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\15\31\31 [2057]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 30\31\31\18\31\31 [26]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\18\31\11 [1350]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\27\31\3 [2644]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\28\31 [3817]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 13\31\31\18\31\31 [4012]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 30\31\31\27\31\31 [3235]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 28\31\31\27\31\31 [551]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\3\31\27\31\31 [1845]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\18\31\21 [3425]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\16\31\31 [2579]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\4\31\31 [592]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 6\31\31\18\31\31 [54]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 2\31\31\18\31\31 [675]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 14\31\31\18\31\31 [568]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\22\31\31 [3036]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\12\31\18\31\31 [4006]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\8\27\31\31 [2776]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\9\31\31 [1807]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\27\19\31 [1457]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\31\10 [200]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\17\31 [639]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\18\7\31 [344]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\27\31\27 [1744]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 11\31\31\27\31\31 [759]
Sneasel (F) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 9\31\31\27\31\31 [2608]
Sneasel (M) - Jolly, Pickpocket, 31\31\31\27\31\11 [1834]
>>16497181 >3 Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 31\31\31\31\31\21 [3791] if nobody is claming this can i get it?
Anyone could help me out checking some Mawile eggs, please? I'll reward you after the 9th egg has been showed.
Eevee Thanks Rena, anyways I'ma just leave my eevees here
NC 2251-4613-9475
>>16497179 >>16497199 im here if you want me to hatch 2660 I have a 5 iv larvitar with dragon pulse and one with outrage plus a shiny smoochm if those are good enough. Ill give it back if nessessary though
Andy FC: 4682- 8763-5227 IGN:Scott
Quoted By:
>>16497213 sorry forgot fc
MGE 0619-4373-8558 {1163}
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
Quoted By:
>>16497216 Eevee Thanks Rena, anyways I'ma just leave my eevees here. Fuck forgot name.
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:30:25 No. 16497242 Report >>16497180 Helioptile (M) - Timid, Dry Skin, 31\4\31\31\31\31 [1928] *
I got a match! Looks like this one is for you.
Twinkle 3110-4777-5340 {555} {3949}
>>16497213 Sure! Any female pokemon with good IVs and/or HA are always nice in return
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:31:32 No. 16497261 Report Adamant Ralts, most of them are 4-5IV.
Various natures Scyther, most of them are 4IV
Adamant Shuppets (with Phan. Force, Disable, Dest.Bond and Conf.Ray) 4-5IV
***** = Want them in return or looking for a GOOD trade.
Rest are yours, even if you dont match the same SV or for your friends (I want to get rid of them)
Have fun matching! :) Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:31:53 No. 16497268 Report >>16497247 Accidentally posted this in the dead thread.
Anyway: A question I have, in terms of breeding for moves.
If I breed Curse onto an Aron, female, and breed it with a Male Tyrantrum, knowing Stealth Rock, would BOTH be passed down to the Aron offspring? I know that Aron isn't listed as a Parent that can pass it down, but I've heard that Females can pass down egg moves now.
Has any specific info on Females passing down moves been discovered in the past month or two since Gen VI released?
>>16497214 Anyone? ;-; It's just 9 eggs and you'll get a 4IV freebie in return.
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:32:23 No. 16497277 Report >>16497242 Awesome! i'll add you in a minute. Would you like a different egg, 5 iv honedge, or crap shiny as your reward?
Andy FC: 4682- 8763-5227 IGN:Scott
Quoted By:
>>16497254 ok gimme 10 min i'm in middle of maison.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:32:43 No. 16497288 Report Quoted By:
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:33:02 No. 16497295 Report >>16497277 whats the crap shiny?
Rorix 5026-4456-8938 (Bug)
Can somebody help me figure out my SV? I'm too much of a potato to be able to get it working myself
Jeremiah 4356-0448-7908 {4070} {919}
>>16497193 > Charmander (M) - Timid, Blaze, 31\18\31\12\31\31 [4070]
I match! May I keep or do you want it back?
Joey (1564-2569-1144){1620}{2895}{972}
>>16497268 i passed down egg moves from a female squirtal, i was breeding with ditto but i guess it technically answers the question
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:35:10 No. 16497332 Report Quoted By: Here's my list for the new thread. Ice Fang Mawile, all up for grabs.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
>>16497274 Get a whole box of eggs and i'll just do it for free. Seems better to be worth more time if you have a whole box and it'll be easier to organize
Thor 0662-3786-3833 - SV-2707
>>16497233 Its yours, either the Larvitar or Smoochum works
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:35:27 No. 16497338 Report Anonymous
>>16497261 > Match!
Ralts (M) - Adamant, Synchronize, 21\31\31\9\31\31 [2741]
CHRIS: 2766-8979-5704
>>16497180 i match
>>Helioptile (M) - Timid, Dry Skin, 31\31\21\28\31\31 [3452] giveaway?
NC 2251-4613-9475
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712}
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:36:09 No. 16497358 Report >>16497307 Sure, I need to check eggs though. Make sure you show me a Pokemon that you caught your self.
Leon 3969 - 4803 - 6478 (Garvodor - Drapion - Gloom) {895} and {2741}
Leon 3969 - 4803 - 6478 (Garvodor - Drapion - Gloom) {895} and {2741} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:36:39 No. 16497368 Report Quoted By:
>>16497344 kek forgot my info.l
>>16497333 Eh, not really worth it. I'm using a 6IV father and a 5IV mother, so I'm pretty sure at least 2-3 of them will be good.
Quoted By:
>>16497334 >inb4 serbian jew double bluff Rorix 5026-4456-8938 (Bug)
>>16497358 does one i bred work too?
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:37:05 No. 16497384 Report >>16497344 You can keep it. Add me.
Adrian 1306-5914-2169 {660}
>>16497338 Electrike (F) - Timid, Lightningrod, 31\19\30\31\31\31 [660]
Match. Yours or mine? Nicknames?
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:37:29 No. 16497398 Report >>16497295 Lets see, I have... a red skorupi, a blue yanmega, and a yellow ninjask available.
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:37:47 No. 16497402 Report >>16497277 Added you. I'll take whatever (shiny would be appreciated tho)
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712}
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:37:51 No. 16497405 Report >>16497378 As long as you are the OT then it is fine.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293 X{2287} Y{3993}
>>16497211 possible to take
Venipede (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\11\31\31\31 [3567]
even if i dont match ?
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:37:58 No. 16497408 Report Quoted By:
>>16497328 Well, breeding with Ditto can be problematic when dealing with certain breeding mechanics (IE: Ditto never pass down the pokeball, even if bred with a male).
My main concern is whether egg moves can be passed from a female when breeding with 2 non-ditto parents.
Rorix 5026-4456-8938 (Bug)
benja 4983-5953-1311 [581]
>>16497313 You can keep it man.
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:38:53 No. 16497427 Report >>16497351 Sure, but you'll have to wait a bit. I have 2 anons to trade with first.
Jaymeson 4828 4911 5045 {173}
Marills, Klefkis, Kangaskhans Jaymeson 4828 4911 5045 {173} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:39:40 No. 16497440 Report Quoted By: If you match, they're yours besides the two 31/31/31 Klefkis
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:39:57 No. 16497450 Report >>16497386 want to help me hatch it?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744}
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:40:08 No. 16497455 Report >>16497254 Mareep (F) - Modest, Static, 14\31\31\31\31\31 [3528]
Could I get this one? I can give a 4 or 5iv dratini or hawlucha. Dratinis got HA
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
>>16497374 I ment you'd have higher chance of hitting a SV or someone will have a chance of hitting you. Well post your SV I can check right after I get some food
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
Fuck, who wanted that Druddigon again...
Leon 3969 - 4803 - 6478 (Garvodor - Drapion - Gloom) {895} and {2741}
Leon 3969 - 4803 - 6478 (Garvodor - Drapion - Gloom) {895} and {2741} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:40:56 No. 16497476 Report Quoted By:
Jeremiah 4356-0448-7908 {4070} {919}
Quoted By:
>>16497421 sweet, added you.
CHRIS: 2766-8979-5704
Quoted By:
>>16497427 no problem..i'll be on just start the trade when ready :D
Adrian 1306-5914-2169 {660}
>>16497450 Sure. No nicknames I am guessing?
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:41:43 No. 16497497 Report >>16497407 Yes you can take it
>>16497462 Welp. Thank you a bunch. Anyway, if there's not a single shiny match around, I don't mind keeping a flawless non-shiny Mawile for me, so it's not a huge concern.
Friend Code: 4828 - 4137 - 9567. In-game name: Candeloro
GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
Twinkle 3110-4777-5340 {555} {3949}
>>16497455 I would like the hawlucha but I gotta go walk my dog so if you're around when I'm back I'll hit you up
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:42:18 No. 16497514 Report Quoted By:
>>16497492 no nickname. adding you now
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744}
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:42:54 No. 16497524 Report Quoted By:
>>16497513 Sick, no problem. I'll be waitin'
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:42:54 No. 16497525 Report >>16497398 >>16497402 actually, I'll take one of the 5iv honedges, they're your shones.
Anonymous Assorted things! I don't want most of them so go nuts.
Candeloro 4828 - 4137 - 9567 SV:2776
>>16497501 Oh, and SV: 2776
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:43:57 No. 16497551 Report >>16497427 I just saw you were done catching things in the old thread. I'm ready to trade whenever.
Do you need/want anything in particular?
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494}
Ivan 4141-3174-3977 (Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Inkay) SV {3494} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:44:26 No. 16497566 Report Quoted By:
4 threads and no match ;_;
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:45:22 No. 16497589 Report >>16497525 Sure thing man, i'll make sure you get a good one!
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712}
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:45:30 No. 16497593 Report Archimand 0404-6893-4293 X{2287} Y{3993}
Quoted By:
>>16497497 adding you in a sec
Alan 2766-9130-4340
Quoted By:
Please help me. :) Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\20\31\31\31\31 [1445] Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\29\31\31\31\31 [1062]
{28}{2129} Shaman - 3110-4512-2923 - Riolu/Meditite/Pancham
{28}{2129} Shaman - 3110-4512-2923 - Riolu/Meditite/Pancham Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:45:37 No. 16497597 Report >>16497338 > Nidoran⑭ (M) - Timid, Poison Point, 31\31\28\31\31\31 [2129] added you yesterday to hatch that one, good to know it's still available. add me so we can trade whenever
Rorix 5026-4456-8938 (Bug)
benja 4983-5953-1311 [581]
Anyone mind checking a box please?
eric 2723-9792-6784 ariados/gloom/muk{3826}{176}{2076}
eric 2723-9792-6784 ariados/gloom/muk{3826}{176}{2076} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:46:21 No. 16497613 Report Quoted By:
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:46:27 No. 16497617 Report >>16497551 Nah man, anything is good. Just glad to help!
GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
Quoted By:
>>16497607 I'm free right now.
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:47:21 No. 16497629 Report >>16497597 you can have it. just give me like 5 minutes
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:48:11 No. 16497643 Report Quoted By:
>>16497617 Gotcha. Random WT derps it is.
I'll be on the lookout for a good aron as I'm breeding for you. I hope to have a box of worthwhile ones ready to check tonight.
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163}
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:48:26 No. 16497647 Report >>16497538 >Squirtle (M) - Modest, Torrent, 22\19\31\31\22\31 [2050] Can I get this for a friend?
Rorix 5026-4456-8938 (Bug) {SV:3057}
>>16497180 Helioptile (M) - Timid, Dry Skin, 31\26\21\31\21\31 [3057]
We have a match!
Do you want it back or can i keep the sunburn lizard?
Mark (2895-7779-8431) SV:{1145}
Quoted By:
>>16492755 Could I get
Zubat (M) - Jolly, Infiltrator, 31\31\26\19\31\31 [1145]
For my bro for xmas? I'd love you forever.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712}
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713 {SV 189}{SV 712} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:50:02 No. 16497680 Report Quoted By:
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744}
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:50:23 No. 16497690 Report Quoted By:
>>16497513 Sorry, when you get back, could I get this one instead?
17 Mareep (M) - Modest, Static, 31\28\31\31\31\31 [2628]
The hawlucha is female, adamant, and unburden with 31/31/31/xx/31/xx
It has a lame nickname, but you can breed well with it
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:50:26 No. 16497691 Report Quoted By:
>>16497589 Enjoy! I attached a sun stone as an added bonus.
>>16496209 Match!
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 13\31\31\31\25\24 [1145]***
I'd love to get this for my gf for christmas!
>>16497673 Thanks
Jade 3024-5698-0318 {1390}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:51:06 No. 16497716 Report >>16497648 I have 1 trade I need to do first, but you can get it!
>>16497525 Thanks! Would you like your other derp back?
Enrique 5284-1512-7876 {456}
>>16497538 Nidoran⑭ (M) - Modest, Hustle, 31\31\31\31\31\24 [456]
Got a match! Can I keep?
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) SV:{1928}{1710} friend {644} Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:52:00 No. 16497738 Report Quoted By:
>>16497716 Nah, consider it a present(should have 3ivs;a breeding leftover)
>>16497211 > 11.Venipede (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\27\31\31\31\31 [3337]
can i have this one eve if i am no match
GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
Jeremiah 4356-0448-7908 {4070} {919}
Rafael 1977-0172-8981 [SV:309]
REPOST 33.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\30\1\0\31\9 [1704] 34.Froakie (M) - Timid, Torrent, 16\30\1\17\31\9 [1399] 35.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\7\22\17\15\26 [436] 36.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 18\7\1\17\31\9 [2141] 37.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\7\20\17\31\26 [3007] 38.Froakie (M) - Timid, Torrent, 13\30\22\29\18\9 [713] 39.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 13\30\22\23\31\8 [3368] 40.Froakie (M) - Timid, Torrent, 30\30\16\23\18\31 [872] 41.Froakie (F) - Timid, Torrent, 13\30\22\31\31\31 [2225] 42.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 30\25\22\23\31\9 [2350] 43.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 10\30\1\31\31\9 [3316] 44.Froakie (M) - Timid, Torrent, 30\30\1\12\31\26 [3166] 45.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 30\7\1\31\31\5 [1817] 46.Froakie (F) - Timid, Torrent, 21\4\1\14\31\9 [3059] 47.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\26\4\23\4\8 [2897] 48.Froakie (F) - Timid, Torrent, 18\4\3\15\29\27 [2212] 49.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\7\12\17\31\9 [3593] 50.Froakie (F) - Timid, Torrent, 1\4\28\26\27\19 [3547]TAKEN 51.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\4\24\31\24\31 [3188] 52.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\31\22\31\31\31 [1189]WANT TO KEEP 53.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\2\24\26\27\19 [426] 54.Froakie (F) - Timid, Protean, 1\7\22\26\27\31 [1614] 55.Froakie (M) - Timid, Torrent, 1\4\24\26\26\31 [2774] 56.Froakie (M) - Timid, Torrent, 1\2\24\23\27\19 [1355] 57.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\2\24\26\31\19 [176]TAKEN 58.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 1\2\22\26\31\20 [2835] 59.Froakie (M) - Timid, Torrent, 31\2\7\31\31\19 [1640] 60.Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 1\10\24\31\31\31 [756] 61.Froakie (M) - Timid, Torrent, 1\2\13\26\27\31 [3272
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:55:19 No. 16497804 Report Quoted By:
>>16497760 Yes, you can! Add me
CHRIS: 2766-8979-5704
{28}{2129} Shaman - 3110-4512-2923 - Riolu/Meditite/Pancham
{28}{2129} Shaman - 3110-4512-2923 - Riolu/Meditite/Pancham Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:55:30 No. 16497808 Report >>16497629 thanks, but I really have to go now. add me and save it for me, and hopefully we can meet again tomorrow
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Fri 06 Dec 2013 01:56:02 No. 16497819 Report Quoted By:
Rafael 1977-0172-8981 [SV:309]
>>16497797 REPOST
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\12\31\29\29\31 [3588]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 12\31\31\29\9\15 [161]
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 20\31\31\1\29\15 [2180]TAKEN
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 11\31\1\25\31\31 [2666]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\8\31\0\31\31 [754]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\31\31\0\31\31 [1113]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\31\31\0\2\0 [27]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 11\14\31\25\2\31 [2788]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\3\31\23\31\15 [2470]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 11\3\6\0\2\15 [2309]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 18\3\31\0\31\31 [2260]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\27\31\25\31\31 [1139]
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 12\31\31\25\31\15 [153]
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 11\31\31\25\2\27 [404]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 28\3\31\25\31\15 [2876]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 11\27\31\0\2\15 [2531]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\31\31\17\31\15 [2649]
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\27\31\25\2\31 [3392]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 11\31\29\25\2\31 [2527]
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\3\30\0\31\15 [3460]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\3\18\0\2\31 [2843]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 11\3\31\19\31\31 [1098]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\3\31\8\2\31 [1792]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\3\31\29\31\15 [3731]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\29\31\0\2\31 [2813]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 3\3\31\25\31\31 [3042]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 11\3\31\0\31\31 [1454]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\31\31\0\5\15 [2234]
Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 11\3\13\25\2\31 [2727]
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Blaze, 11\7\31\0\31\31 [970]
benja 4983-5953-1311 [581]
Jade 3024-5698-0318 {1390}
>>16497726 Okay, you'll have to bear with me, there's a alight chance the egg order isn't 100% right
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
Enrique 5284-1512-7876 {456}
>>16497854 Kk, shall we trade and one of us check?
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163}
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:00:18 No. 16497932 Report >>16497854 Trade me when you're ready.
Candeloro 4828 - 4137 - 9567 SV:2776
>>16497883 Thanks! Going in now.
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:01:06 No. 16497953 Report Quoted By:
>>16497806 Enjoy!
>>16497648 You enjoy too!
>Soo many trades. I hope im not forgetting anyone. @.@ lex (3711-7874-5800)whirlepede gloom venemoth {1215}{2997}
lex (3711-7874-5800)whirlepede gloom venemoth {1215}{2997} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:02:02 No. 16497981 Report Quoted By:
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [828]***
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [1633]***
Smeargle (M) - Jolly, Technician, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [3128]***
rest are up for trade or giveaway Joey (1564-2569-1144){1620}{2895}{972}
Quoted By:
>>16492297 i matched the {2895} beldum, are you here connor?
Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
>>16497538 > I don't match but can I get these two?
Squirtle (F) - Modest, Rain Dish, 31\19\31\31\31\22 [1389]
Squirtle (M) - Modest, Torrent, 31\31\31\31\27\31 [3860]
I'll give you something well bred, gotta look at my boxes.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
Ben 0860-3503-5724 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)[3376]
Ben 0860-3503-5724 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)[3376] Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:05:00 No. 16498040 Report Quoted By:
>>16497181 > 17 Mareep (M) - Modest, Static, 31\28\31\31\31\31 [2628]
Is there any chance I could get this one? I'll give you a charmander with egg moves
IGN:Catcher - 3110- 5095 - 4099 SV: {1628
IGN:Catcher - 3110- 5095 - 4099 SV: {1628 Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:05:32 No. 16498054 Report Quoted By:
Hello all! I am back again with an updated Pastebin, just looking to keep one of each.
I usually give them away though so just come and check.
I will be out on a smoke break so if I don't respond instantly don't fret I'll be with you! Jade 3024-5698-0318 {1390}
>>16497921 Alrighty, I don't have Instacheck though
>>16497932 Okay!
Candeloro 4828 - 4137 - 9567 SV:2776
Quoted By:
>>16498032 I tried. Thank you so much, though.
benja 4983-5953-1311 [581]
Quoted By: Updated list with my Charmanders with Dragon Pulse. Would like at least one of the marked ones, rest are free.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:06:37 No. 16498080 Report Quoted By:
>>16497181 Would you be willing to trade away some of those?
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette}
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:08:22 No. 16498118 Report Got a bunch of Riolus with shitty IVs. Still want to hatch a shiny anyways.
I'll need one, but the rest are giveaways.
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:08:36 No. 16498122 Report I can't into Instacheck on my own connection so is there anyone out there willing to help me check two boxes? I've got 5 IV Gibles and Bagons I can give you for your time.
Enrique 5284-1512-7876 {456}
>>16498055 Let me get my instacheck ready and then Ill trade ya
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\1\31\31\31\31 [170] Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\12\31\31\31\16 [3770] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\12\31\15\31\31 [805] Ralts (M) - Modest, Synchronize, 31\7\31\29\31\31 [2734] Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\7\31\31\31\10 [3306] Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\7\31\31\31\5 [1668] Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 12\12\31\31\31\31 [2166] Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\7\31\27\31\31 [1436] Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 5\7\31\31\31\31 [1374] Ralts (F) - Modest, Trace, 31\12\31\31\31\14 [398] Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\30\31\31\31\31 [1191] Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\12\31\31\31\24 [1695] Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\12\28\31\31\31 [3215] Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\7\31\13\31\31 [1524] Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Quick Feet, 31\31\31\13\31\31 [69] Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Quick Feet, 31\31\31\3\31\31 [3292] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Poison Heal, 31\31\12\14\31\31 [3060] Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\31\31\20\31\31 [2886] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Quick Feet, 31\31\7\14\31\31 [1134] Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\6\31\14\31\31 [3006] Shroomish (M) - Adamant, Quick Feet, 31\31\31\27\31\26 [1015] Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Poison Heal, 31\21\31\14\31\31 [311] Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Effect Spore, 31\31\31\27\31\13 [56] Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Quick Feet, 31\31\31\14\8\31 [2750]
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:10:35 No. 16498160 Report >>16497268 Yes, that is how you get 4 egg moves on to a mon from different parents.
Eggs Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
still in search of the following:
[3386] [2239] [3768] [1852] [272] [849] [1904] [3801] [1131] [2334] [3630]
the rest are here but i've given some away and i'm starting to hatch them to make room for fresh eggs. Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
>>16498122 If you want to wait 5 minutes im breeding a box now and I need a partner to check. If not im sure someone here would be willing to help.
Jade 3024-5698-0318 {1390}
>>16498026 Yeah, just give me whatever. Let me just get finish these other trades first.
>>16498132 Okay ummm, maybe show a Pokemon when the right egg comes up?
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:12:29 No. 16498197 Report >>16498160 So it's a 100% chance for females to pass down learned egg moves? Or is it like passing down a Hidden Ability when dealing with female egg moves?
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:13:19 No. 16498221 Report >>16498170 Yeah I can wait no prob. Appreciate it. I'll add you and you can just start the trade whenever you're ready.
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:13:37 No. 16498229 Report >>16497268 Oh and if you want specific examples, my slurpuffs and furfrou I had to breed 2/+ egg moves on, you use a female of the desired end species (of course), a male of the species you want an egg move from, then pick one of the female offspring and breed it with a male of the species whose new egg moves you want. Both will pass down.
>>16498197 100 percent for egg moves.
Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
>>16498188 awesome, thanks. you'd prefer something you can just toss? adding you
Andrew 1118-0277-2106 (X3204)(Y3621)
Quoted By: Scyther (M) - Adamant, Technician, 31\31\31\8\22\31 [2325]***
Scyther (M) - Adamant, Technician, 31\31\31\7\31\31 [3741]***
Scyther (M) - Adamant, Technician, 12\31\31\31\22\31 [1635]***
Scyther (M) - Adamant, Technician, 31\31\31\8\31\31 [554]***
Scyther (M) - Adamant, Technician, 31\30\31\23\31\31 [GONE]
Scyther (F) - Adamant, Technician, 31\31\31\8\28\31 [3253]***
Scyther (F) - Adamant, Technician, 31\30\31\1\31\31 [2131]***
Machop (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\6\31\31 [3384]***
Machop (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\23\31\28\31\31 [1347]***
Machop (F) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\21\8\31\31 [2162]***
Machop (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\28\24\31 [2134]***
Machop (M) - Adamant, Guts, 21\31\31\28\31\31 [3811]***
Machop (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\29\31\31 [2657]***
Machop (M) - Adamant, Guts, 31\31\31\8\31\28 [241]***
Just looking for whats marked, everything else is free.
{2061} | IGN: Nancho | 1177-7184-6334
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:14:53 No. 16498262 Report Quoted By:
>>16498229 Nice. Thanks for explaining things. Serebii and Bulbapedia aren't clear/up to date on this stuff yet.
Joey (1564-2569-1144){1620}{2895}{972}
>>16498168 >Chatot (F) - Timid, Keen Eye, 31\31\31\31\2\31 [1620] i match, can i keep?
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713}
Aryeh, TaytayMcfly 3110-4308-6710 SV: {3511} {3713} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:15:49 No. 16498284 Report Quoted By:
Wow, after all those trades I need a break! I'll be back on later, but if I dont, and anyone matches any of the lizards I have, send me an e-mail! (Im on the instacheck list). See you around, Insta-mates!
Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
Quoted By:
>>16498270 yep, adding you now
Enrique 5284-1512-7876 {456}
Quoted By:
>>16498188 Sounds good, Im getting online right now
Aaron 4167-5332-5548 (Water: Wartortle, Octilery, Polliwhirl) SV: 2292
Aaron 4167-5332-5548 (Water: Wartortle, Octilery, Polliwhirl) SV: 2292 Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:20:06 No. 16498362 Report >>16498168 Hey i match this one
28. Chatot (M) - Timid, Tangled Feet, 31\19\20\31\31\31 [2292]
Could I get it?
{2061} | IGN: Nancho | 1177-7184-6334
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
>>16498221 these are taking awhile sorry for the hold up.
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163}
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:21:28 No. 16498394 Report ...Having some trouble, Jade?
Nicolas 4012-4048-0485 [Snover | Beartic | Piloswine] {2809}
Nicolas 4012-4048-0485 [Snover | Beartic | Piloswine] {2809} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:21:34 No. 16498399 Report Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\31\3\5\1 [107] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\16\31\5\9 [3164] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\16\31\31\17 [4016] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\0\31\5\1 [1534] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\31\31\8\0 [182] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\1\31\31\5\1 [3157] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\31\31\31\21 [3923] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 8\31\31\31\31\1 [1990] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 26\25\16\31\31\1 [3140] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\31\31\5\27 [3596] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\31\31\5\27 [3596] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 21\25\31\31\31\0 [3123] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\31\31\16\1 [2659] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\3\31\31\0 [3153] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\7\31\5\1 [32] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\31\31\30\0 [2182] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\7\16\31\5\1 [511] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\31\31\0\0 [1765] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\0\31\31\5\1 [2670] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\29\31\5\0 [2045] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\7\31\31\1 [726] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\31\31\5\6 [3418] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\15\16\31\5\1 [75] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\31\8\5\0 [1500] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\16\5\5\1 [3011] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\20\31\5\0 [1796] Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\23\31\31\1 [1833] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\31\31\5\16 [683] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\16\31\19\0 [2729] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\16\31\31\4 [3281] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\16\31\31\4 [3281] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\16\31\31\4 [3281] Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\31\16\31\31\4 [3281]
Nicolas 4012-4048-0485 [Snover | Beartic | Piloswine] {2809}
Nicolas 4012-4048-0485 [Snover | Beartic | Piloswine] {2809} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:22:40 No. 16498434 Report Quoted By:
>>16498399 The last four are the same.
Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
>>16498362 sorry, i gave that one away earlier today to someone else who matched :(
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:23:05 No. 16498448 Report >>16498168 >Tyrunt (M) - Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31\31\27\31\16\6 [37] I'm a match for this one. Would you like it to be returned to you?
Also can I trade you something for one of your mantine? I love them.
Aaron 4167-5332-5548 (Water: Wartortle, Octilery, Polliwhirl) SV: 2292
Aaron 4167-5332-5548 (Water: Wartortle, Octilery, Polliwhirl) SV: 2292 Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:24:01 No. 16498472 Report >>16498445 Ah. Thats alright. Could you take it out of the pastebin so it doesnt keep showing up for me?
Jeremiah 4356-0448-7908 {4070} {919}
>>16498250 Eevee (M) - Calm, Run Away, 31\31\23\31\31\29 [919]
My friend matches this, can I get it?
Do you want it back or can he keep it?
Rei 0361-7583-9196
Would someone mind checking my SV and maybe a few eggs for me?
Bob 4484-8675-2439 SV: 652
>>16498399 Your welcome again man, haha.
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette}
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:25:45 No. 16498515 Report Quoted By:
>>16498480 I'll help out. Need to recheck some of my eggs too.
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:25:57 No. 16498521 Report >>16498381 No rush. I'm checking a fresh batch of stuff I got off Wonder Trade.
Enrique 5284-1512-7876 {456}
Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
Quoted By:
>>16498472 i can't edit the paste but i'm tossing these eggs tonite anyway
Anonymous Posting my pastebin. Looking to keep all pokemon, especially looking for those marked with >
Will be leaving in 20 minutes, but i'll back in a bit afterwards.
>>16498399 >Ferroseed (M) - Relaxed, Iron Barbs, 31\25\31\31\30\0 [2182] Did you need that one hatched for you? Or are you giving it away?
{2061} | IGN: Nancho | 1177-7184-6334
>>16498367 >>16497706 >>16498250 >tfw when a person with a matching SV for one of my marked Woopers that I'm waiting ages to get hatched for me apparently left >>16498477 this egg's been already traded, I'm incredibly sorry. updating that list now
Jade 3024-5698-0318 {1390}
Quoted By:
>>16498247 Oh something nice would be appreciated, but really it's up to you
>>16498394 I don't know, I keep sending trade requests, are they not coming up?
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:27:44 No. 16498561 Report Quoted By:
Again. Last day of them
> Thanks 2640. Thanks. You never answer :'(
Akaie (4098-2879-5091; Beartic, Dewgong, Spheal) {3151; 1893}
Akaie (4098-2879-5091; Beartic, Dewgong, Spheal) {3151; 1893} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:27:55 No. 16498565 Report Gligars! >>16497211 >Venipede (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 20\31\31\31\31\31 [2188] Could I have this one? Feel free to grab a Gligar if you want.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595 SV: {174}
UR2L8 3222-5729-2515 {684} !!tAmzjPeYS2h
Jade 3024-5698-0318 {1390}
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 Reposting cause i'm an idiot and forgot FC.
>>16498539 Kate 2191-8219-2297
Heres my paste bin. Slowly but surely filling my boxes up. Jeremiah 4356-0448-7908 {4070} {919}
>>16498555 Oh, wait. I think my friend actually got that one on the list yesterday. He told me today he got shiny Eevee.
Nicolas 4012-4048-0485 [Snover | Beartic | Piloswine] {2809}
Nicolas 4012-4048-0485 [Snover | Beartic | Piloswine] {2809} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:31:03 No. 16498629 Report Quoted By:
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette}
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:31:26 No. 16498636 Report >>16498480 Ok. Your SV is 3699
and your charmander eggs are as listed:
Charmander (M) - Timid, Blaze, 7\26\14\18\23\29 [2564]
Charmander (M) - Timid, Blaze, 28\1\22\18\31\29 [2028]
Charmander (M) - Timid, Blaze, 14\8\31\31\31\15 [3409]
{2061} | IGN: Nancho | 1177-7184-6334
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:31:54 No. 16498645 Report >>16498565 Yeah, you can have it.
> Gligar (F) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\31\27\5\31 [499]
I like this Gligar
Nicolas 4012-4048-0485 [Snover | Beartic | Piloswine] {2809}
Nicolas 4012-4048-0485 [Snover | Beartic | Piloswine] {2809} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:32:41 No. 16498661 Report >>16498574 I can give it to you
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744}
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:32:44 No. 16498662 Report >>16498118 Riolu (M) - Adamant, Inner Focus, 6\25\31\25\10\31 [744]
Got a match. Want me to hatch it for you?
Rei 0361-7583-9196
>>16498636 Thanks! .. i fucked up and pressed offer on accident on the third egg, so im stuck, heh
Chaos 5412-9976-5324 SV: {1508}
Quoted By:
I need help hatching yo. 1. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\4\10\25\31\16 [1982] 2. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 29\4\24\25\31\8 [3537] 3. Aron (M) - Adamant, Sturdy, 31\10\10\25\31\2 [987] 4. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 14\4\10\18\31\25 [400] 5. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\10\30\25\31\25 [2481] 6. Aron (M) - Adamant, Sturdy, 10\18\10\25\31\25 [3661] 7. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 10\31\24\25\31\25 [1702] 8. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\10\10\25\31\19 [284] 9. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\10\24\30\31\8 [3358] 10. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 10\4\14\18\31\8 [1579] 11. Aron (F) - Adamant, Sturdy, 10\4\21\25\31\25 [4011] 12. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\4\24\13\31\8 [1345] 13. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 10\4\10\18\17\25 [3517] 14. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\10\24\18\31\31 [1863] 15. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\10\10\28\31\8 [3409] 16. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 10\10\10\21\31\8 [1355] 17. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 10\4\24\25\31\21 [1760] 18. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\4\21\25\31\25 [1179] 19. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 15\10\24\18\31\25 [2899] 20. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 10\2\10\25\31\25 [2928] 21. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 10\10\4\25\31\8 [3488] 22. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 10\4\24\12\31\25 [2393] 23. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 10\21\24\18\31\25 [3642] 24. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\4\10\25\17\8 [453] 25. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\4\10\23\31\25 [1154] 26. Aron (M) - Adamant, Rock Head, 10\30\24\18\31\25 [3104] 27. Aron (M) - Adamant, Sturdy, 22\4\10\25\31\25 [2853] 28. Aron (F) - Adamant, Sturdy, 10\4\31\25\31\8 [3002] 29. Aron (F) - Adamant, Rock Head, 31\10\31\25\31\8 [1068] 30. Aron (M) - Adamant, Sturdy, 10\4\10\18\31\24 [1190]
UR2L8 3222-5729-2515 {684} !!tAmzjPeYS2h
>>16498661 thank you, I've added you
paste bin here Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette}
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:34:00 No. 16498687 Report >>16498662 Yes please. I want to keep it for my friend on his birthday.
>>16498555 its all good, you should message people with the ones you want to keep
Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
>>16498448 you can keep the tyrunt. and sure, you can have a mantine. i really like them too but i don't have a clear picture of what to do with them, breeding-wise. any suggestions for nature and egg moves? i'd like to perfect some.
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163}
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:34:30 No. 16498698 Report >>16498565 >Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\28\31\30\31 [2050] Can I take this Gligar please?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744}
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:34:44 No. 16498706 Report Quoted By:
>>16498687 No problem at all. I'll add you now
Alan 2766-9130-4340
Quoted By:
Can someone please help me? :) 6. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 30\29\31\21\31\31 [2971] 13. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 25\29\31\31\31\31 [3749] 17. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\20\31\31\31\31 [1445] 18. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\29\31\31\31\31 [1062] 27. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\29\31\31\27\31 [898] 36. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\1\31\21\31\31 [863] 59. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 24\29\31\26\31\31 [2199] 60. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 24\29\31\26\31\31 [2199] 62. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\29\31\31\24\31 [1934] 63. Froakie (F) - Timid, Protean, 31\2\31\31\31\31 [680] 69. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 24\25\31\31\31\31 [2697] 70. Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 25\29\31\31\31\31 [2528]
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
>>16498521 finally ready. Added
Os (munna, sigilyph, xatu) 4484-8984-3280
Os (munna, sigilyph, xatu) 4484-8984-3280 Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:35:19 No. 16498720 Report >>16498565 Gligar (M) - Impish, Immunity, 31\31\15\27\31\31 [2240]
Can i have that one, please?
Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
>>16498188 thanks for the eggs :)
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette}
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:35:57 No. 16498732 Report >>16498663 I can retrade you after a trade if you'd like. Won't take me too long
Mina 1032-2641-9516 {2819}
>>16498601 can i have fletching [2819]? or do you want me to hatch it for you?
UR2L8 3222-5729-2515 {684} !!tAmzjPeYS2h
Rei {Asuna} 0361-7583-9196 SV:{3699}
>>16498732 Alright, that'd be cool.. send when you're ready
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163}
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:37:40 No. 16498762 Report Quoted By:
Jade, you seem to be stuck, have you tried disconnecting and re-connecting to the internet?
How often do you guys match? I've been in like 5 threads, checking every pastebin, no match, ever. This one is the same. 2086 for ctrlfan reasons.
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) SV:109
Edgar 4553-99702436 (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) SV:109 Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:37:49 No. 16498766 Report Quoted By:
Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [3858]*** Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\31\19\31 [2004] Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\30\31\31\9\31 [GONE] Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 5\30\31\31\31\31 [3930] Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\30\12\31\31\31 [2621] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\31\31\13 [1790] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\12\31\31\31\31 [885]* Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 31\31\5\31\31\31 [3281] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\31\9\31 [2713] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\30\1\31\31\31 [1478] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [1694]*** Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\21\31\31\31\31 [1903]* Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\31\31\31\31\3 [GONE] Petilil (F) - Timid, Chlorophyll, 31\30\31\10\31\31 [3271]
Hibiki: 5026-5538-8024 {475}
{2061} | IGN: Nancho | 1177-7184-6334
Quoted By:
>>16498688 >implying I am not doing it already they never answer me ;__; going to sleep.
Jade 3024-5698-0318 {1390}
Quoted By:
>>16498722 You're welcome, thanks for the Bagon and Mantyke!
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:39:11 No. 16498794 Report Quoted By:
>>16498691 they're good and fun in doubles with water absorb, just pair them with something with surf. Hydro Pump is a must have move too IMHO, maybe mirror coat to mess around with as well. Adding you now!
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163}
Kez 2964-8571-1127 (Sandshrew, Nincada, Gastrodon) SV:{1940 & 1163} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:39:15 No. 16498795 Report Quoted By:
>>16498764 I've only ever matched one ever, but my fucking friend with a sv of 2050 has had 9 so far
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:39:59 No. 16498805 Report >>16498764 It's really just random. I often go days without finding matches, but two days ago, I got two in the same thread.
It doesn't make sense thinking that any SV is unluckier than another, but it can sure feel like it sometimes.
Jen 2363-5698-3761 {2933}
>>16498448 i have a 5 iv mantine i can give you, it's female. it has a stupid nickname "BABBY" do you want me to change it?
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:41:42 No. 16498832 Report Quoted By:
>>16498806 Aww that's cute. Keep it on, I'll breed her for good use!
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette}
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:43:21 No. 16498866 Report Quoted By:
>>16498760 My instacheck was under a different connection. Sorry. Gonna send another invite.
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:43:27 No. 16498873 Report >>16498717 Were you wanting one of the Gibles or Bagons? If so do you want a nickname?
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
>>16498873 Nah haha I was waiting for you to finish xD dw about it I'm good.
Joey (1564-2569-1144){1620}{2895}{972}
Quoted By:
>>16498764 luckily im working with 3 SV, my personal has only matched one, my gf has 2 and my other firend has 0. everybody really has the same chance but it all depends on who has what on what day.
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette}
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:45:08 No. 16498914 Report >>16498760 Charmander (M) - Timid, Blaze, 7\26\14\18\23\29 [2564]
Charmander (M) - Timid, Blaze, 28\1\22\18\31\29 [2028]
Charmander (M) - Timid, Blaze, 14\8\31\31\31\15 [3409]
Charmander (M) - Timid, Blaze, 1\12\11\8\2\15 [3076]
Charmander (M) - Timid, Blaze, 14\1\2\20\31\1 [671]
There we go.
Jade 3024-5698-0318 {1390}
>>16498770 Sure, can I have one of the female Ralts? Any will do. I'll give you Nidoran⑮ (F) - Modest, Hustle, 31\21\31\31\31\27 [1734] if that's okay.
Bruno [3453] 4570-7896-9964
Quoted By:
Squirtle (M) - Relaxed, Torrent, 13\3\8\6\5\17 [3717] Squirtle (F) - Serious, Torrent, 20\30\31\31\11\1 [3339] Squirtle (M) - Lonely, Torrent, 31\30\15\6\31\1 [3820] Squirtle (M) - Serious, Torrent, 9\3\8\31\31\31 [662] Squirtle (F) - Mild, Torrent, 31\13\8\31\11\1 [4036] Squirtle (M) - Modest, Torrent, 31\3\31\6\31\9 [3479] Squirtle (F) - Docile, Torrent, 15\3\29\31\31\1 [1779] Squirtle (F) - Hardy, Torrent, 20\30\31\6\11\31 [389] Squirtle (M) - Careful, Torrent, 2\3\8\31\31\1 [3790] Squirtle (M) - Impish, Torrent, 31\30\5\31\11\1 [2533] Squirtle (F) - Mild, Torrent, 31\30\24\31\11\31 [1661] Squirtle (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 31\9\8\31\11\1 [3667] Squirtle (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 31\9\8\31\11\1 [3667] Squirtle (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 15\30\31\6\10\1 [1715] Squirtle (M) - Modest, Torrent, 31\30\8\6\11\1 [1609] Squirtle (M) - Bold, Torrent, 3\30\31\6\11\31 [1900] Squirtle (M) - Naive, Torrent, 15\30\24\31\31\31 [122] Squirtle (F) - Serious, Torrent, 15\30\31\6\31\6 [2662] Squirtle (M) - Serious, Torrent, 31\30\8\6\11\25 [3612]
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette}
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:46:25 No. 16498940 Report >>16498805 Thanks a ton bud!
Joey (1564-2569-1144){1620}{2895}{972}
Quoted By:
>>16498686 >Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31\0\31\30\25\31 [972] i match, i can keep this right?
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:46:55 No. 16498948 Report Quoted By:
>>16498885 Thanks!! Once again I really appreciate it. Been wanting shinies of Weavile and Bisharp for so long.
Hibiki: 5026-5538-8024 {475}
Quoted By:
>>16498923 Awesome. Sure I'll give you one good female. Thanks a lot.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
Fresh Mawiles Just really want one of them back. If could hatch one i'll reward with shinies/5IV or you could probably have it. *Indicates the ones I really want
Eevee bump, the ones no one ever seems to match Rei {Asuna} 0361-7583-9196 SV:{3699}
>>16498914 Thanks.. I don't know why, but theres a kind of lag with those buttons..
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:49:03 No. 16499000 Report Quoted By:
>>16498764 I get two requests for me to hatch and return a day off the shiny databases. 4 from /vp/ threads have actually matched me, and I've kept 3.
>>16498806 thank you so much!
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744}
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) {744} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:49:35 No. 16499013 Report >>16498940 Lel wrong Ryan, but no problem man, happy to help
Kate 2191-8219-2297
>>16498736 I'd really like to keep it. I have some 5Ivs I could possibly give you for your time.
benja 4983-5953-1311 [581]
>>16498976 > 14. Mawile (M) - Adamant, Hyper Cutter, 31\31\31\8\31\27 [581]
Can I get this one please?
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette}
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:50:26 No. 16499033 Report Quoted By:
>>16498997 >>16498997 I know what you mean, wish there was a highlight option like in the PC Box, but that'd probably take longer to load or something. Good luck hunting though!
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:50:36 No. 16499041 Report Quoted By:
>>16499013 I swear there's been at least 3 Ryans in threads tonight.
Casey 4210-5276-6788 {1146}
One of these days I'll find a 1146 Froakie. I swear I will. And possible stupid question: Anyone know if there is a way to search the pastebin website for that criteria?
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
Quoted By:
Still searching for [3917] refiling my boxes in the meantime
Mina 1032-2641-9516 {2819}
>>16499015 OK, i'll hatch it for you. Added! Do you want a nickname?
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
>>16499025 All yours. added
YOTS 2036-7381-8533 [Boldore Magcargo Barbaracle] SV {3556}
YOTS 2036-7381-8533 [Boldore Magcargo Barbaracle] SV {3556} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:52:25 No. 16499086 Report >>16498250 I got a match, but it looks like you really want it back
>>16499054 There's a search box in the top right corner. I usually look for the number between [] and a /31/
YOTS 2036-7381-8533 [Boldore Magcargo Barbaracle] SV {3556}
YOTS 2036-7381-8533 [Boldore Magcargo Barbaracle] SV {3556} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:53:28 No. 16499106 Report Quoted By:
>>16499086 forgot to include the match
Lillipup (F) - Adamant, Pickup, 31\31\31\4\31\31 [3556]*****
Doctor 5172-0936-3972 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus) [2813]
Doctor 5172-0936-3972 (Pansage, Ivysaur, Maractus) [2813] Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:54:24 No. 16499122 Report >>16497839 if you're still here, I match 2813
Izix 3797-7218-3175 {2086} {896}
Casey 4210-5276-6788 {1146}
Quoted By:
>>16499103 I tried going that route, but no dice so far.
Guess I'll just go through each Froakie pastebin till I find something.
Thank god for Cmd + F
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:56:39 No. 16499164 Report anyone need to get their eggs checked?
eric 2723-9792-6784 ariados/gloom/muk{3826}{176}{2076}
eric 2723-9792-6784 ariados/gloom/muk{3826}{176}{2076} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:57:07 No. 16499178 Report Quoted By:
>>16498770 > I match this
Ralts (M) - Modest, Trace, 31\7\27\31\31\31 [2076]
do you want this, if you do what nickname?
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:57:22 No. 16499184 Report Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:57:41 No. 16499189 Report Quoted By:
>>16499184 alright adding.
benja 4983-5953-1311 [581]
Kate 2191-8219-2297
>>16499081 Thank you! No nickname please. Do you want a 5Iv sycther bulbasaur mawhile or larvitar?
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Fri 06 Dec 2013 02:58:24 No. 16499203 Report Just lookin to get back one male defiant Pawniard and one pickpocket Sneasel. After that you match, you keep.
Optimus FC: 3711 - 7729 - 2755
>>16498587 i can hatch number 10. if youd like?
Mina 1032-2641-9516 {2819}
>>16499200 I'll take the bulbasaur, and ok!
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
Kate 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>16499081 I added you but it says you havn't added me
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 {1188}
I tried to go through all the paste bins and my eyes crossed. To be clear, I don't want any eggs, but I do want to help hatch for people. Sp of my SV matches an egg that you've been looking to hatch, let me know, I'll be shadowing the thread for most of the night
Kate 2191-8219-2297
>>16499252 Bulbasaur is only 5IV. Need to breed for eggmoves and ability.
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
1. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\12\27\31 [3036]
2. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\5\2\31 [811]
3. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\20\31\31 [3309]
4. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\29\31\31 [297]
5. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\5\15\31 [29]
6. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\29\12\31\31 [2739]
7. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\13\31\31 [3536]
8. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\12\31\12 [3375]
9. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 2\31\31\12\31\31 [638]
10. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\5\7\31 [1978]
11. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\12\31\31 [1108]
12. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\24\31\12\31\31 [2180]
13. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\12\24\31 [2623]
14. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\5\31\16 [1363]
15. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\20\12\31\31 [1405]
16. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\5\31\14 [3479]
17. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\12\31\22 [3893]
18. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\12\31\19 [3694]
19. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 25\31\31\12\31\31 [2338]
20. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\18\31\12\31\31 [2650]
21. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\17\5\31\31 [479]
22. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 30\31\31\12\31\31 [316]
23. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\31\31\23\31\31 [2063]
24. gone
25. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\12\31\8 [3581]
26. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\12\31\17 [572]
27. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Regenerator, 3\31\31\12\31\31 [856]
28. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\31\0\31\31 [2199]
29. Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\24\31\12\31\31 [3258]
30. Mienfoo (M) - Jolly, Inner Focus, 31\16\31\5\31\31 [3959] Mina 1032-2641-9516 {2819}
>>16499280 that's OK, and oops i entered your FC wrong but i added you!
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:03:44 No. 16499313 Report >>16499278 Using ctrl+f helps save your eyes.
Ryan: 0748-2368-1963 {2044}
Beginning to think my number doesn't exist >:(
eric 2723-9792-6784 ariados/gloom/muk{3826}{176}{2076}
eric 2723-9792-6784 ariados/gloom/muk{3826}{176}{2076} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:04:49 No. 16499338 Report Quoted By:
Rick 2509-1387-3702 (Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb) SV: {784}
Rick 2509-1387-3702 (Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb) SV: {784} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:04:50 No. 16499339 Report Looking to keep one of the marked Absol. The rest are up for grabs if you match. All of these are up for grabs if you match.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 {1188}
>>16499313 my laptop is currently disassembled to clean the fan, so I'm on my phone, I should be back on my laptop soon so I appreciate the info
Quoted By:
>>16499330 Of course it does, Ryan.
It's 2044
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi {383}{1249}{1980} - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:06:14 No. 16499367 Report >>16499184 here are your eggs:
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 16\31\31\31\31\17 [3739]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\10\31\31\5 [1892]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\14\31\5 [3717]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\31\22 [2780]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\31\19 [2783]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 23\31\31\31\31\5 [206]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\12\31\31\5 [2096]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\24\31\31\17 [1706]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\13\31\31\5 [884]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Damp, 2\31\31\31\31\5 [2807]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\26\31\17 [3493]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\31\31\31\6 [3961]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\31\5 [2202]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\11\17 [3332]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\26\17 [1263]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\22\31\17 [2738]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\29\31\31\17 [1239]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Damp, 31\31\29\31\31\5 [1828]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\31\14\5 [2312]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\26\31\5 [2196]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 13\31\31\31\31\17 [1217]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\22\31\31\31\5 [938]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 27\31\31\31\31\5 [2084]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\31\31\31\5 [676]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31\31\31\26\31\17 [2170]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\19\31\5 [2149]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Damp, 31\31\31\31\20\17 [764]
Wooper (F) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\31\31\3\31\5 [3010]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 31\27\31\31\31\17 [2577]
Wooper (M) - Relaxed, Unaware, 23\31\31\31\31\17 [2220]
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:06:17 No. 16499368 Report Quoted By:
>>16499356 Ah, okay.
I can see how that'd get tedious then.
Joey (1564-2569-1144){1620}{2895}{972}
Quoted By:
thats 2 times today ive found a match and they never answer me back
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 {1188}
Quoted By:
I figured people would at the least know the values of the pokes they want to keep.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
Anyone know how mming works with instachecker? Does give my egg's more chances to hit my SV 809? or something gimmicky like anything around it?
Kate 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>16499305 Hold on, might take a bit. boyfriend restarted ds internet and I have to look for the egg manually.
>>16497538 I match TWO OF YOURS! I'd love to hatch one and keep the other if that's cool with you.
>Snorlax (M) - Adamant, Thick Fat, 17\31\31\31\22\31 [2679] >Snorlax (M) - Adamant, Thick Fat, 31\31\31\13\31\31 [2383]** Thanks!
>>16498154 >Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Quick Feet, 31\31\31\3\31\31 [3292] I can hatch this for ya
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:08:58 No. 16499431 Report Quoted By:
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
>>16499417 sure thing Mr.Anonymous
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:09:21 No. 16499442 Report >>16499395 If I had to wager a guess, I think using the MM takes your trainer's SV, and makes it the MAXIMUM an egg can have for its SV.
My reasoning behind this is because some people with low Trainer IDs/or SVs (can't remember) report easier/better results when using the MM.
Omari 3110-5107-3147 SV{344}
Quoted By:
The marked ones i would like back, but the rest are free to anyone who matches them or wants them 1.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\20\5\31\31 [3557] 2.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Sniper, 31\31\31\26\31\31 [3573] 3.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\23\8\31\31 [1958] 4.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\16\31\5\31\31 [125] 5.GONE 6.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\31\8\31\31 [3326]** 7.GONE 8.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Sniper, 31\31\28\8\31\31 [1156] 9.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Battle Armor, 25\31\31\5\31\31 [1386] 10.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\31\15\31\31 [2349]** 11.GONE 12.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\31\5\24\31 [1358] 13.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\31\7\31\31 [509]** 14.GONE 15.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\28\5\31\31 [29] 16.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\8\31\5\31\31 [2620] 17.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Sniper, 31\31\31\5\25\31 [254] 18.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\31\5\31\16 [3553] 19.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\31\8\18\31 [737] 20.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Sniper, 31\31\31\8\3\31 [196] 21.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Sniper, 31\17\31\5\31\31 [2594] 22.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\31\30\31\31 [872]** 23.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Battle Armor, 26\31\31\5\31\31 [2633] 24.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\31\5\20\31 [3565] 25.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\31\5\31\25 [349] 26.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Sniper, 13\31\31\8\31\31 [3498] 27.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\31\8\31\11 [3157] 28.Skorupi (F) - Impish, Battle Armor, 28\31\31\8\31\31 [0]** 29.GONE 30.Skorupi (M) - Impish, Battle Armor, 31\31\15\8\31\31 [83]
Apok (1848-1678-9974) {2955}
I'm working on a bunch of Honedge and some Goomy: If they're not marked, they're yours. Otherwise, I'd really appreciate if you could hatch it for me!
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 {1188}
Quoted By:
>>16499442 that makes sense, my first MM attempt only took 38 eggs
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
Quoted By:
Whoops. Sorry dunno why this disappeared
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
Rorix 5026-4456-8938 (Bug) {SV:3057}
>>16499466 Goomy (M) - Modest, Gooey, 31\29\31\31\31\5 [3057]
Anything in particular you want for it?
Kate 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>16499305 Thank you so MUCH :)
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37}
Sicily 2337-4365-3706 (Floatzel, Bidoof, Frogadier) SV: {37} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:14:58 No. 16499556 Report >>16499442 I don't know, I have a very low value and have used foreign parents fairly often. Never had my own shiny after 30 boxes of eggs.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
>>16499442 So there would only be a maximum of 809 possibilities?
Apok (1848-1678-9974) {2955}
>>16499535 I don't need anything for it, but something that'd be good for breeding purposes is always appreciated.
I'll add you and be on shortly (although connecting with instacheck can be annoying).
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
>>16499529 You quote the 3XXX one, but Im sure you meant the 69 one. Do you want to keep it or will I get it back? If you want to keep it, shoot an offer, if I can get it back, I can't offer much aside form ice punch adamant sneasels for a reward.
Kate 2191-8219-2297
>>16499442 There are people with Id's like 1. That means they would have a shiny every egg.
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:16:44 No. 16499605 Report >>16499556 It's just a theory. Plus, it could be tied to Trainer IDs or Secred IDs, and not SVs (in terms of MM increasing chances).
>>16499558 If it went by your SV, then yes, but like I said above, it could be any 3 of the IDs your trainer gets.
Rick 2509-1387-3702 (Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb) SV: {784}
Rick 2509-1387-3702 (Lampent, Phantump, Spiritomb) SV: {784} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:16:45 No. 16499606 Report >>16499442 I doubt it. It took 1100+ eggs for my shiny Ralts and at about 700+ eevee eggs I gave up MM and just Instacheck'd it.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:16:56 No. 16499613 Report Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
>>16499577 Bleh sorry lack of sleep hahaha. Nah dude it's yours I'm just glad to help.
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
>>16499619 Allrighty, could you rename it "Darling" then?
Thor 0662-3786-3833 - SV-2707
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:18:21 No. 16499651 Report >>16499442 Nope, look at my Wooper pastebin, there are numbers way above mine, and I'm using an ENG and non-ENG Wooper.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966 SV(809)
>>16499605 wow this is news my trainer gets 3 ID's?
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:18:38 No. 16499659 Report >>16499605 Secret*
>>16499585 >>16499606 Right. It's probably something far more complicated, but that's my idea behind it.
Hajime 3282-2458-1328 (Fire: slugma, ponyta, braixen) {2202}
Hajime 3282-2458-1328 (Fire: slugma, ponyta, braixen) {2202} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:19:09 No. 16499670 Report >>16499613 > can i have wooper [2202]? or do you want me to hatch it for you?
Duids {993} [ICE]: 3754-7736-1204 (Bergmite, Snover, Dewgong)
Duids {993} [ICE]: 3754-7736-1204 (Bergmite, Snover, Dewgong) Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:19:39 No. 16499675 Report Quoted By:
Modest Rotom (two boxes and a half) and a couple of Gibbles: More Larvitars and Gibbles probably coming this weekend.
Alice 508620982860
Quoted By:
As far as I know, MM just increases the chance your breeded egg will have your SV.
Apok (1848-1678-9974) {2955}
>>16499565 Are you Tofflesby?
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:20:10 No. 16499690 Report Quoted By:
>>16499651 Well, I guess that's that.
>>16499655 Yeah, your trainer's ID, which is visible on the status screen of the pokemon, the Secret ID, which I can't quite remember the purpose of, and the Shiny Value, which you should know about by now.
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
>>16499659 MM, to my understanding works like this
When your egg gets handed over, or created, it is assigned a shiny value, if it matches your value than it pops out shiny
If youre MMing, the game will check the eggs SV, if it is not yours, it will reasign a number once, giving you two chances per egg
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:21:13 No. 16499712 Report >>16499670 You can have it. Adding.
Apok (1848-1678-9974) {2955}
Rorix 5026-4456-8938 (Bug) {SV:3057}
>>16499689 yeah.i should add that to my name field
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:21:59 No. 16499726 Report Quoted By:
>>16499203 Updated pastebin: The ones I would like to have hatched and returned are marked but after I get one of each back their all free to go if you match. Good luck and happy shiny hunting.
Nic 4527-8133-6836 {1437}
I'm sorting out boxes of stuff but postin' the bin anyways >>16498770 >Smeargle (F) - Timid, Technician, 16\31\31\31\18\31 [1437] If you need someone to hatch her for you, I can do so!
Apok (1848-1678-9974) {2955}
Quoted By:
>>16499718 Thanks! Enjoy your shining slime dragon!
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488}
Ryan 2664-2593-9161 Kakuna/Drapion/Garbodor {488} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:24:21 No. 16499771 Report Quoted By:
>>16499695 Going by Bulbapedia "While the standard encounter rate for a Shiny Pokémon (either in the wild or by breeding) is 1/8192, the Masuda method multiplies this rate by 5 (to 5/8192 or about 1/1638) in Generation IV and by 6 (to 3/4096 or about 1/1365) in Generation V. It occurs whenever Pokémon of differing real-world geographical origin are bred."
So, before GenVI, it actually does this 5-6 times.
And with GenVI lowering the max number of SVs to somewhere over 4000, MM increases your odds even more now.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311 SV {3388}
Jade 3024-5698-0318 {1390}
Quoted By:
>>16499415 Okay sure! I'll add you now
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:25:51 No. 16499799 Report >>16499730 Oddish (F) - Calm, Chlorophyll, 31\14\21\31\14\8 [3686]
I match this one. Can I give it a good home?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 SV: {991} !RRV2iP4a6U
Chris 5129 1441 8074 SV: {991} !RRV2iP4a6U Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:26:10 No. 16499806 Report Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\25\31\0\31\31 [3054] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\13\31\14\31\31 [3959] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\31\24\31\31 [49] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\31\7\0\31\31 [2126] Charmander (F) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\28\12\31\31 [421] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\31\31\12\31\31 [2725] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\25\31\0\31\31 [2476] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\31\31\12\29\31 [1276] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 11\13\31\12\31\31 [2369] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\13\13\0\31\31 [0] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\13\21\12\31\31 [2762] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\31\0\25\31 [1133] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\13\31\0\3\31 [3033] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\31\12\31\31 [3094] Charmander (F) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [2775] Charmander (F) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\5\31\0\31\31 [1421] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\31\31\0\31\10 [1147] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\16\31\12\31\31 [2938] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 4\31\31\12\31\31 [2626] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\31\12\31\16 [3022] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\13\31\0\9\31 [836] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\24\12\31\31 [3862] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 16\13\31\12\31\31 [2475] Charmander (F) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\31\12\7\31 [2166] Charmander (F) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\31\12\7\31 [2166] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\4\31\0\31\31 [196] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\31\31\31\31 [283] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\13\31\12\31\31 [422] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\20\31\0\31\31 [1139] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Solar Power, 31\31\31\0\31\9 [4007] Charmander (M) - Jolly, Blaze, 31\31\2\12\31\31 [2495]
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
>>16499648 Forgot the nick sec
Joey (1564-2569-1144){1620}{2895}{972}
Quoted By:
>>16498686 still here man?
jay-t -1650-2102-0965 SV{464}
Quoted By:
>>16497180 19.Helioptile (M) - Timid, Solar Power, 31\26\31\31\31\11 [464]
I match this little guy! Adding now.
Nic 4527-8133-6836 {1437}
>>16499799 Yep, give me a few minutes to fully sort through the boxes I have but she's all yours :)
Awesome 3609-2065-4674 fire: charmeleon braixen growleth
Awesome 3609-2065-4674 fire: charmeleon braixen growleth Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:27:52 No. 16499835 Report can someone help me to find out what my TSV is? i cant seem to get the program working.
>>16499285 >>16499285 >>16499285 >Mienfoo (F) - Jolly, Regenerator, 31\31\17\5\31\31 [479] I match this and can hatch it for you. You want it?
Mario 0946-2519-9954 SV 2121
GT (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898 SV: {2701}
Quoted By:
>>16499835 I can help you on that.
Xavier 4098-3482-7158
Quoted By:
Can someone help me find my SV??? can't seem to get everything working on my own...
Hajime 3282-2458-1328 (Fire: slugma, ponyta, braixen) {2202}
Hajime 3282-2458-1328 (Fire: slugma, ponyta, braixen) {2202} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:28:47 No. 16499852 Report >>16499712 thank you so much!
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:28:57 No. 16499856 Report Take whatever you want, feel free. Unless it's marked, of course.
This is the last time I post this pastebin.
Rescue the non-marked!
> Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16499226 Are you still here? Please.
Gabe 0104-0307-8175 {69}
Quoted By:
>>16499847 No worries sorry about that again. Enjoy!
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:29:48 No. 16499875 Report Quoted By:
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:30:31 No. 16499891 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>16499339 Can hatch a marked one for you. I would appreciate if you tossed me something decent for going through the trouble though. But it's not necessary.`
>Absol (F) - Naive, Super Luck, 31/31/31/31/30/31 [354]*** Nic 4527-8133-6836 {1437}
>>16499856 >Venipede (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\21\31\31\31\31 [1420] If its really alright, I'd like to claim her please!
CHRIS: 2766-8979-5704 {3452}
>>16499785 >>Sableye (M) - Calm, Stall, 31\23\31\3\31\31 [3452] >> Trapinch (M) - Jolly, Sheer Force, 31\31\31\2\5\31 [3452] I match 2 :D, give away?
>>16499285 >>16499839 ..or I can have it maybe..?
Butthead 3625-9106-4346 {2165}
Quoted By: only looking for a few of these back - matches are free to a good home, although breeding rejects and the like are always appreciated
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
So i've got a box full of pure 100% america Who's a bad enough dude to check em
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By: Reposting in hopes someone can match me!
Optimus FC: 3711 - 7729 - 2755
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311 SV {3388}
>>16499898 >:D No.
Yes. >>16499917 I'll do it.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:33:23 No. 16499968 Report Quoted By:
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
>>16499963 Thanks freddy, always there for me
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16499950 Thank goodness! I had to catch a bus to head home.
Adding you~
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16499901 sorry went afk for a bit there. could i keep this one. i can offer you a 4 IV one from my leftovers. or a 5IV tentacool.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311 SV {3388}
Optimus FC: 3711 - 7729 - 2755
>>16499996 No prob<3 Trade when ready.
>>16500061 yeah sure no problem. Do you by any chance have a good dusknoir or a gastly with punches instead of the 4IVs? im not one to demand something for hatching but if you have one of those Id take em
Coon 0189-9366-9439 {1328}
Quoted By:
>>16499730 Hey, I match the
>Oddish (M) - Hasty, Chlorophyll, 31\31\17\31\31\24 [1328] you think I could take it off your hands?
V - 3582-8993-8261 {3065}
Quoted By:
>>16500085 Thanks a ton,
Reposted it here and labeled ones I need
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\9\31\13\31\21 [1664]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\31\31\13\31\0 [3031]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\31\22\14\31\31 [1343]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Keen Eye, 31\9\31\17\31\31 [177]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\31\1\13\31\31 [687]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 29\31\31\14\31\31 [1159]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Sheer Force, 11\31\31\13\31\31 [2677]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Keen Eye, 11\9\31\13\31\31 [2746]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Keen Eye, 31\10\31\14\31\31 [3449]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\18\31\13\31\31 [2878]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\31\31\14\31\31 [895]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Keen Eye, 31\9\31\14\31\3 [1230]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\9\31\14\9\31 [2169]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\18\31\13\31\31 [1381]
Petilil (F) - Timid, Own Tempo, 11\3\31\31\31\24 [1688]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Sheer Force, 31\9\31\14\31\29 [3676]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Keen Eye, 31\9\31\13\31\25 [151]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\31\3\14\31\31 [2684]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\22\31\14\31\31 [1031]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\9\16\14\31\31 [2371]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\9\31\13\31\20 [3186]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\31\31\13\31\22 [1925]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\9\31\12\31\31 [2729]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\31\31\14\28\31 [206]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 29\31\31\14\31\31 [3559]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\31\31\13\23\31 [854]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Sheer Force, 31\9\31\13\6\31 [312]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Sheer Force, 31\9\31\1\31\31 [1521]
Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Keen Eye, 31\9\31\13\24\31 [724] Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16500089 Shit, campus wifi isn't doing the best. Is there any way I could add you on skype or something else to stay in contact for when it gets better? Really really want a shiny noivern.
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16500091 i do have a 4IV duskull missing HP and Sp. att or if your willing to wait a bit i can get you a 5IV one from my friend but you will have to hatch that also.
Optimus FC: 3711 - 7729 - 2755
Quoted By:
>>16500156 sure! add me on skype. itaxeldamnit
>>16500168 no problem I can wait if its not too much of a hassle
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16500180 alright got the egg. what's your friend code?
>>16500262 right here.
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16500289 you still there i have you added but it's not registering you as a friend?
Quoted By:
>>16500328 Its taking a very very unusual time to add you. I got disconnected twice already. It says theres a communication error but i've been adding other people all night
>>16500451 Ok i got you now
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16500495 alright invite to trade whenever you're ready.
>>16500527 ill trade you again once I hatch it
5456-0803-2254 [SV 1142] (Meditite, Riolu, Pancham)
5456-0803-2254 [SV 1142] (Meditite, Riolu, Pancham) Fri 06 Dec 2013 04:09:15 No. 16500631 Report Quoted By:
>>16497338 it's you! I have a thing for you if you want it.
Clauncher (M) - Quiet, Mega Launcher, 31\27\31\31\4\9 [383]
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
>>16497466 Hey, are you still here?
>Noibat (F) - Timid, Infiltrator, 31\30\31\31\31\31 [3559] You match her!
Leon 3969 - 4803 - 6478 (Garvodor - Drapion - Gloom) {895} and {2741}
Leon 3969 - 4803 - 6478 (Garvodor - Drapion - Gloom) {895} and {2741} Fri 06 Dec 2013 04:11:06 No. 16500667 Report Quoted By:
>>16500085 Rufflet (M) - Adamant, Hustle, 31\31\31\14\31\31 [895]
Can I keeps?
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette}
Aoi 1762-3190-4007 {2495} {Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette} Fri 06 Dec 2013 04:14:12 No. 16500726 Report Quoted By:
>>16499806 Just wondering if you're still on. I'd be happy to hatch that 2495 charmander for you. I already have a couple of charmanders, so I'm in no need for one.
Vanessa - 0146 9840 9810 {3559} {3002}
Uhh... Has bulbasaur been done yet?
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16500593 did i just get scammed?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
>>16500835 I did calm bulbasaurs. Though, it wasn't for shinies. And I forgot giga drain isn't a TM anymore, so...
>>16500854 yeah big time. accept the trade so I can give you your poke back
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16500949 sorry i accused you i got a bit worried there
>>16500963 I was doing my first run-through of victory road. I thought I was reaching the end but so many fucking trainers kept engaging me I flew away to hatch your thing- ironically so, because I didn't want you to think I was scamming. Thanks for the egg.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} {1015} {1936}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} {1015} {1936} Fri 06 Dec 2013 04:29:43 No. 16501004 Report Quoted By:
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
Quoted By:
>>16500983 that's alright, i shouldn't doubt /vp/ thanks for hatching, good luck in the elite four
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} {1015} {1936}
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 (Electabuzz, Electrode, Zebstrika) {105} {1015} {1936} Fri 06 Dec 2013 04:31:42 No. 16501038 Report Quoted By:
is mario still here? also can someone check some eggs?
Lynx 0061-0790-5638 (Pancham, Meditite, Tyrogue) TSV 1816
Lynx 0061-0790-5638 (Pancham, Meditite, Tyrogue) TSV 1816 Fri 06 Dec 2013 04:33:01 No. 16501059 Report Quoted By:
>NEW THREAD: >>>16499868 → >NEW THREAD: >>>16499868 → >NEW THREAD: >>>16499868 → >NEW THREAD: >>>16499868 → Rafael 1977-0172-8981 [SV:309]
Quoted By:
>>16499122 OK then. Adding now
Akaie (4098-2879-5091; Beartic, Dewgong, Spheal) {3151; 1893}
Akaie (4098-2879-5091; Beartic, Dewgong, Spheal) {3151; 1893} Fri 06 Dec 2013 05:57:44 No. 16502378 Report Quoted By:
>>16498565 >>16498645 >>16498698 >>16498720 Sorry about not replying quickly. I was at work and dealing with various things. Are you all available? All 3 Gligars are available.
Also reposting the Gligars.