>>16529893>what is ffaalso if he just refused them to have one half less star to hit under 300, he'd still need to die 4 times for the angel to come out, just like every weapon over 200 (99% of all players online anyway) so it's a moot point.
the reason i posted it anyway was to show the potential of streetpass, not how good his weapons actually were. Iirc he has a history of using od-4 and mixed stars so he isn't too great at fusion imo.
but people like someonewhodied and god forbid Dunnobro really know how to make weapons. he used something like this in the tuyitas tournament which immediately got brawler's banned from KI:U competitive play
Brawler claws v.288
6 melee
Melee Combo +4
Shot Cancellation +1
Dash Shot -2
>>16529896but don't you find it irksome that you weren't even looking for it? wouldn't you want to feasibly get those mods on a weapon you DO want?
>>16530114upperdash is an exception to the complex weapon rule, it only needs like 1-2 mods to be good, but i think you're being naive thinking it'll be able to take out a od-4 user who's obviously using bumblebee. meaning you'll need to nail him 3 times per life.
the artillery should work though. but it's otherwise crap without a good few mods.