[26 / 1 / ?]
So /vp/, looking for this cheeky bastard right here. Some breeding leftovers of some sort, Bold natured prefferably. Not SUPER concerned with IVs, as long as they're not trash. I've got this for trade -Impish Hidden Ability Gliscor -Modest Aura Sphere Squirtle -Adamant Contrary Inkay -Jolly D.D. Bagon (Both Hidden and non hidden ability) -Jolly Bullet Punch+Crunch Riolu -Careful Stealth Rock Larvitar -Brave Honedge I ALSO happen to be looking for Tyranitarite, which I'd be willing to trade Heracronite, a Shiny Wingull or a couple of the above for. Figured I'd throw that in there too. All have at least decent IVs to quads. Anyone willing to trade?
>>16528055 How many ivs do you pokes have?
Zero 2964-8588-1752 [Krokorok+?+?]
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>>16528123 None are hexaperfect. Typically they have around 3, some have 4. The lowest I can think of off the top of my head is the Inkay which is only Atk and Spd.
Jack 3754-7678-6648
>>16528055 how many IVs does the inkay and squirtle have?
Zero 2964-8588-1752 [Krokorok+?+?]
>>16528252 Inkay's kind of shit. Just Atk and Spd.
I've got 2 Squirtles. One has Hp Def and Spatk with Aura Sphere. I've also got the parent one which has Hp, Def, SpAtk and SpDef, but I need to reteach Aura Sphere to it.
Jack 3754-7678-6648
>>16528282 Would you accept a 3 IV adamant huge power bunnelby for the 2 IV Inkay? also what genders are the squirtles?
Zero 2964-8588-1752 [Krokorok+?+?]
>>16528304 Yeah, sure, why the hell not? Would you mind naming it something in that case? Don't care what, anything you'd like. Not a huge Diggersby guy but if I use it I mind as well have it be memorable.
Also, all of the Squirtle's are male.
Jack 3754-7678-6648
>>16528342 ok that's cool add me then. would you accept a 4 IV mawile for the 4 IV squirtle also?
Zero 2964-8588-1752 [Krokorok+?+?]
>>16528381 Adding now. Gonna have to pass on the Mawile though, have a 5 one sitting in the box right now waiting to be trained. Sorry, but thanks for the offer though.
Jack 3754-7678-6648
>>16528409 4IV larvesta or 4IV smeargle for the squirtle?
Zero 2964-8588-1752 [Krokorok+?+?]
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>>16528423 Yeah, sure, let's do the Larvesta. I still have to grab a heart scale to reteach it Aura Sphere real quick, jsyk.
Im really interested on the Heracronite. If I can breed you a 4IV Rotom, would you trade it to me?
Zero 2964-8588-1752 [Krokorok+?+?]
>>16528486 Yeah sure, sounds like a deal to me. I'm never going to use it anyway.
>>16528423 Top tier name, my friend. Top tier name.
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>>16528514 Okay, I'll get started.
>>16528514 Oh BTW, my Rotom is modest, is that fine with you?
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>>16528514 I have a 4 IV bold rotom. I'll trade for the heracronite
Zero 2964-8588-1752 [Krokorok+?+?]
>>16528581 Lemme check to see if I have any Bold Dittos. It being Bold is pretty important to the team structure is all.
If not, is there any way you could get a Bold one even at the expense of an IV or so?
>>16528609 I have a bold ditto, I'll breed with that instead if you like. I just wanted to guarantee 4 IV's for you.
Zero 2964-8588-1752 [Krokorok+?+?]
>>16528636 Yeah, couldn't find a Bold Ditto myself. If you can get 3 IVs and Bold, we'll call it a deal.
>>16528655 Thanks man, already getting eggs. (Thank the based 4I Japanese Rotom).
Btw my friend code is 3437 4395 1611
Zero 2964-8588-1752 [Krokorok+?+?]
>>16528743 Sounds good! I'll add you now, my friend.
I don't care what gender it is, but could you name it "Tycho-Nova" for me? I get a little aspie-ish when it comes to the names...
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>>16528789 Totally cool man, I'll Send a trade request when ready.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208 [Electrode, Helioptile, Manectric]
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208 [Electrode, Helioptile, Manectric] Sat 07 Dec 2013 18:03:48 No. 16528927 Report Quoted By:
I've got 4 spare 4IV Calm Rotoms. If anyone wants one make me an offer and we can make a deal. Also, I'm looking for Houndoominite and will give Rotoms for it.
>>16528789 Okay, I'm done bro. Gonna trade request.
Zero 2964-8588-1752 [Krokorok+?+?]
>>16528965 Awesome, awesome. Thanks bro, I appreciate all the help. Threw in that Bagon just in case. Hopefully it helps with future breeding.
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>>16528998 Thank the based RNG for giving a 4IV 31/x/x/31/31/31 Rotom. Enjoy man.